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Remote measurements of body temperature (Tb) in animals require implantation of relatively large temperature-sensitive radio-transmitters or data loggers, whereas rectal temperature (Trec) measurements require handling and therefore may bias the results. We investigated whether ∼0.1 g temperature-sensitive subcutaneously implanted transponders can be reliably used to quantify thermal biology and torpor use in small mammals. We examined (i) the precision of transponder readings as a function of temperature and (ii) whether subcutaneous transponders can be used to remotely record subcutaneous temperature (Tsub). Five adult male dunnarts (Sminthopsis macroura, body mass 24 g) were implanted with subcutaneous transponders to determine Tsub as a function of time and ambient temperature (Ta), and in comparison to thermocouple readings of Trec. Transponder temperature was highly correlated with water bath temperature (r2=0.96–0.99) over a range of approximately 10.0–40.0 °C. Transponders provided reliable data (±0.6 °C) over the Tsub of 21.4–36.9 °C and could be read from a distance of up to 5 cm. Below 21.4 °C, accuracy was reduced to ±2.8 °C, but individual transponder accuracy varied. Consequently, small subcutaneous transponders are useful to remotely quantify thermal physiology and torpor patterns without having to disturb the animal and disrupt torpor. Even at Tsub<21.4 °C where the accuracy of the temperature readings was reduced, transponders do provide reliable data on whether and when torpor is used.  相似文献   

A photosynthetic reaction center (RC) complex was isolated from a purple bacterium, Acidiphilium rubrum. The RC contains bacteriochlorophyll a containing Zn as a central metal (Zn-BChl a) and bacteriopheophytin a (BPhe a) but no Mg-BChl a. The absorption peaks of the Zn-BChl a dimer (PZn), the accessory Zn-BChl a (BZn), and BPhe a (H) at 4 K in the RC showed peaks at 875, 792, and 753 nm, respectively. These peaks were shorter than the corresponding peaks in Rhodobacter sphaeroides RC that has Mg-BChl a. The kinetics of fluorescence from PZn*, measured by fluorescence up-conversion, showed the rise and the major decay with time constants of 0.16 and 3.3 ps, respectively. The former represents the energy transfer from BZn* to PZn, and the latter, the electron transfer from PZn to H. The angle between the transition dipoles of BZn and PZn was estimated to be 36° based on the fluorescence anisotropy. The time constants and the angle are almost equal to those in the Rb. sphaeroides RC. The high efficiency of A. rubrum RC seems to be enabled by the chemical property of Zn-BChl a and by the L168HE modification of the RC protein that modifies PZn.  相似文献   

Cannabinoid CB1 receptor antagonists exhibit pharmacologic properties favorable for the treatment of metabolic disease. CP-945,598 (1-[9-(4-chlorophenyl)-8-(2-chlorophenyl)-9H-purin-6-yl]-4-ethylamino piperidine-4-carboxylic acid amide hydrochloride) is a recently discovered selective, high affinity, competitive CB1 receptor antagonist that inhibits both basal and cannabinoid agonist-mediated CB1 receptor signaling in vitro and in vivo. CP-945,598 exhibits sub-nanomolar potency at human CB1 receptors in both binding (Ki = 0.7 nM) and functional assays (Ki = 0.2 nM). The compound has low affinity (Ki = 7600 nM) for human CB2 receptors. In vivo, CP-945,598 reverses four cannabinoid agonist-mediated CNS-driven responses (hypo-locomotion, hypothermia, analgesia, and catalepsy) to a synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonist. CP-945,598 exhibits dose and concentration-dependent anorectic activity in two models of acute food intake in rodents, fast-induced re-feeding and spontaneous, nocturnal feeding. CP-945,598 also acutely stimulates energy expenditure in rats and decreases the respiratory quotient indicating a metabolic switch to increased fat oxidation. CP-945,598 at 10 mg/kg promoted a 9%, vehicle adjusted weight loss in a 10 day weight loss study in diet-induced obese mice. Concentration/effect relationships combined with ex vivo brain CB1 receptor occupancy data were used to evaluate efficacy in behavioral, food intake, and energy expenditure studies. Together, these in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo data indicate that CP-945,598 is a novel CB1 receptor competitive antagonist that may further our understanding of the endocannabinoid system.  相似文献   

The ubiquitous Hsp90 is critical for protein homeostasis in the cells, stabilizing “client” proteins in a functional state. Hsp90 activity depends on its ability to bind and hydrolyze ATP, involving various conformational changes that are regulated by co-chaperones, posttranslational modifications and small molecules. Compounds like geldanamycin (GA) and radicicol inhibit the Hsp90 ATPase activity by occupying the ATP binding site, which can lead client protein to degradation and also inhibit cell growth and differentiation in protozoan parasites. Our goal was to produce the recombinant Hsp90 of Leishmania braziliensis (LbHsp90) and construct of its N-terminal (LbHsp90N) and N-domain and middle-domain (LbHsp90NM), which lacks the C-terminal dimerization domain, in order to understand how Hsp90 works in protozoa. The recombinant proteins were produced folded as attested by spectroscopy experiments. Hydrodynamic experiments revealed that LbHsp90N and LbHsp90NM behaved as elongated monomers while LbHsp90 is an elongated dimer. All proteins prevented the in vitro citrate synthase and malate dehydrogenase aggregation, attesting that they have chaperone activity, and interacted with adenosine ligands with similar dissociation constants. The LbHsp90 has low ATPase activity (kcat = 0.320 min− 1) in agreement with Hsp90 orthologs, whereas the LbHsp90NM has negligible activity, suggesting the importance of the dimeric protein for this activity. The GA interacts with LbHsp90 and with its domain constructions with different affinities and also inhibits the LbHsp90 ATPase activity with an IC50 of 0.7 μM. All these results shed light on the LbHsp90 activity and are the first step to understanding the Hsp90 molecular chaperone system in L. braziliensis.  相似文献   

Mackerels of the genus Scomber are commercially important species, but their taxonomic status is still controversial. Although previous phylogenetic data support the recognition of Atlantic Scomber colias and Pacific Scomber japonicus as separate species, it is only based on the analysis of partial mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences. In an attempt to shed light on this relevant issue, we have determined the complete mitochondrial DNA sequence of S. colias, S. japonicus, and Scomber australasicus. The total length of the mitogenomes was 16,568 bp for S. colias and 16,570 bp for both S. japonicus and S. australasicus. All mitogenomes had a gene content (13 protein-coding, 2 rRNAs, and 22 tRNAs) and organization similar to that observed in Scomber scombrus and most other vertebrates. The major noncoding region (control region) ranged between 865 and 866 bp in length and showed the typical conserved blocks. Phylogenetic analyses revealed a monophyletic origin of Scomber species with regard to other scombrid fish. The major finding of this study is that S. colias and S. japonicus were significantly grouped in distinct lineages within Scomber cluster, which phylogenetically constitutes evidence that they may be considered as separate species. Additionally, molecular data here presented provide a useful tool for evolutionary as well as population genetic studies.  相似文献   

The insertion of inner membrane proteins in Escherichia coli occurs almost exclusively via the SecYEG pathway, while some membrane proteins require the membrane protein insertase YidC. In vitro analysis demonstrates that subunit a of the F1F0 ATP synthase (F0a) is strictly dependent on Ffh, SecYEG and YidC for its membrane insertion but independent of the proton motive force. The insertion of the first transmembrane segment of F0a also depends on Ffh and SecYEG but not on YidC, whereas the insertion is strongly dependent on the proton motive force, unlike the full-length F0a protein. These data demonstrate an extensive role of YidC in the assembly of the F0 sector of the F1F0 ATP synthase.  相似文献   

Previous investigations have demonstrated that photosystem II (PSII) thermostability acclimates to prior exposure to heat and drought, but contrasting results have been reported for cotton (Gossypium hirsutum). We hypothesized that PSII thermotolerance in G. hirsutum would acclimate to environmental conditions during the growing season and that there would be differences in PSII thermotolerance between commercially-available U.S. cultivars. To this end, three cotton cultivars were grown under dryland conditions in Tifton Georgia, and two under irrigated conditions in Marianna Arkansas. At Tifton, measurements included PSII thermotolerance (T15, the temperature causing a 15% decline in maximum quantum yield), leaf temperatures, air temperatures, midday (1200 to 1400 h) leaf water potentials (ΨMD), leaf-air vapor pressure deficit (VPD), actual quantum yield (ΦPSII) and electron transport rate through PSII (ETR) on three sample dates. At Marianna, T15 was measured on two sample dates. Optimal air and leaf temperatures were observed on all sample dates in Tifton, but PSII thermotolerance increased with water deficit conditions (ΨMD = −3.1 MPa), and ETR was either unaffected or increased under water-stress. Additionally, T15 for PHY 499 was ∼5 °C higher than for the other cultivars examined (DP 0912 and DP 1050). The Marianna site experienced more extreme high temperature conditions (20–30 days Tmax ≥ 35 °C), and showed an increase in T15 with higher average Tmax. When average T15 values for each location and sample date were plotted versus average daily Tmax, strong, positive relationships (r2 from .954 to .714) were observed between Tmax and T15. For all locations T15 was substantially higher than actual field temperature conditions. We conclude that PSII thermostability in G. hirsutum acclimates to pre-existing environmental conditions; PSII is extremely tolerant to high temperature and water-deficit stress; and differences in PSII thermotolerance exist between commercially-available cultivars.  相似文献   

In situ Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was used in order to obtain more insights in the underlying protective mechanisms upon freezing and drying of ABA-treated tissues of the moss Physcomitrella patens. The effects of different treatments on the membrane phase behaviour, glassy state, and overall protein secondary structure were studied. We found that growth on ABA resulted in the accumulation of sucrose: up to 22% of the tissue on a dry weight basis, compared to only 3.7% in non-ABA-treated tissues. Sucrose functions as a protectant during freezing and drying, but accumulation of sucrose alone is not sufficient for survival. ABA-treated tissue survives a freeze–thaw cycle down to −80 °C only after addition of an additional cryoprotectant (DMSO). Survival correlates with preservation of membrane phase behaviour. We found that ABA-treated P. patens can survive slow but not rapid drying down to water contents as low as 0.02 g H2O per g DW. Rapidly and slowly dried ABA-treated tissues were found to have similar sugar compositions and glass transition temperatures. The average strength of hydrogen bonding in the cytoplasmic glassy matrix, however, was found to be increased upon slow drying. In addition, slowly dried tissues were found to have a higher relative proportion of α-helical structures compared to rapidly dried tissues.  相似文献   

A dispersion of melting temperatures at pH 5.3 for individual residues of the BBL protein domain has been adduced as evidence for barrier-free downhill folding. Other members of the peripheral subunit domain family fold cooperatively at pH 7. To search for possible causes of anomalies in BBL's denaturation behavior, we measured the pH titration of individual residues by heteronuclear NMR. At 298 K, the pKa of His142 was close to that of free histidine at 6.47 ± 0.04, while that of the more buried His166 was highly perturbed at 5.39 ± 0.02. Protonation of His166 is thus energetically unfavorable and destabilizes the protein by ∼ 1.5 kcal/mol. Changes in Cα secondary shifts at pH 5.3 showed a decrease in helicity of the C-terminus of helix 2, where His166 is located, which was accompanied by a measured decrease of 1.1 ± 0.2 kcal/mol in stability from pH 7 to 5.3. Protonation of His166 perturbs, therefore, the structure of BBL. Only ∼ 1% of the structurally perturbed state will be present at the biologically relevant pH 7.6. Experiments at pH 5.3 report on a near-equal mixture of the two different native states. Further, at this pH, small changes of pH and pKa induced by changes in temperature will have near-maximal effects on pH-dependent conformational equilibria and on propagation of experimental error. Accordingly, conventional barrier-limited folding predicts some dispersion of measured thermal unfolding curves of individual residues at pH 5.3.  相似文献   

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the leading causes of death around the world. Its genetic mechanism was intensively investigated in the past decades with findings of a number of canonical oncogenes and tumor-suppressor genes such as APC, KRAS, and TP53. Recent genome-wide association and sequencing studies have identified a series of promising oncogenes including IDH1, IDH2, DNMT3A, and MYD88 in hematologic malignancies. However, whether these genes are involved in CRC remains unknown. In this study, we screened the hotspot mutations of these four genes in 305 CRC samples from Han Chinese by direct sequencing. mRNA expression levels of these genes were quantified by quantitative real-time PCR (RT-qPCR) in paired cancerous and paracancerous tissues. Association analyses between mRNA expression levels and different cancerous stages were performed. Except for one patient harboring IDH1 mutation p.I99M, we identified no previously reported hotspot mutations in colorectal cancer tissues. mRNA expression levels of IDH1, DNMT3A, and MYD88, but not IDH2, were significantly decreased in the cancerous tissues comparing with the paired paracancerous normal tissues. Taken together, the hotspot mutations of IDH1, IDH2, DNMT3A, and MYD88 gene were absent in CRC. Aberrant mRNA expression of IDH1, DNMT3A, and MYD88 gene might be actively involved in the development of CRC.  相似文献   

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neurodegenerative disease that causes progressive muscular weakness. Fused in Sarcoma (FUS) that has been identified in familial ALS is an RNA binding protein that is normally localized in the nucleus. However, its function in vivo is not fully understood. Drosophila has Cabeza (Caz) as a FUS homologue and specific knockdown of Caz in the eye imaginal disc and pupal retina using a GMR-GAL4 driver was here found to induce an abnormal morphology of the adult compound eyes, a rough eye phenotype. This was partially suppressed by expression of the apoptosis inhibitor P35. Knockdown of Caz exerted no apparent effect on differentiation of photoreceptor cells. However, immunostaining with an antibody to Cut that marks cone cells revealed fusion of these and ommatidia of pupal retinae. These results indicate that Caz knockdown induces apoptosis and also inhibits differentiation of cone cells, resulting in abnormal eye morphology in adults. Mutation in EGFR pathway-related genes, such as rhomboid-1, rhomboid-3 and mirror suppressed the rough eye phenotype induced by Caz knockdown. Moreover, the rhomboid-1 mutation rescued the fusion of cone cells and ommatidia observed in Caz knockdown flies. The results suggest that Caz negatively regulates the EGFR signaling pathway required for determination of cone cell fate in Drosophila.  相似文献   

Global warming and associated increases in the frequency and amplitude of extreme weather events, such as heat waves, may adversely affect tropical rainforest plants via significantly increased tissue temperatures. In this study, the response to two temperature regimes was assessed in seedlings of the neotropical pioneer tree species, Ficus insipida. Plants were cultivated in growth chambers at strongly elevated daytime temperature (39 °C), combined with either close to natural (22 °C) or elevated (32 °C) nighttime temperatures. Under both growth regimes, the critical temperature for irreversible leaf damage, determined by changes in chlorophyll a fluorescence, was approximately 51 °C. This is comparable to values found in F. insipida growing under natural ambient conditions and indicates a limited potential for heat tolerance acclimation of this tropical forest tree species. Yet, under high nighttime temperature, growth was strongly enhanced, accompanied by increased rates of net photosynthetic CO2 uptake and diminished temperature dependence of leaf-level dark respiration, consistent with thermal acclimation of these key physiological parameters.  相似文献   

The development of functional photosynthetic units in Rhodobacter sphaeroides was followed by near infra-red fast repetition rate (IRFRR) fluorescence measurements that were correlated to absorption spectroscopy, electron microscopy and pigment analyses. To induce the formation of intracytoplasmic membranes (ICM) (greening), cells grown aerobically both in batch culture and in a carbon-limited chemostat were transferred to semiaerobic conditions. In both aerobic cultures, a low level of photosynthetic complexes was observed, which were composed of the reaction center and the LH1 core antenna. Interestingly, in the batch cultures the reaction centers were essentially inactive in forward electron transfer and exhibited low photochemical yields FV/FM, whereas the chemostat culture displayed functional reaction centers with a rather rapid (1-2 ms) electron transfer turnover, as well as a high FV/FM of ∼0.8. In both cases, the transfer to semiaerobiosis resulted in rapid induction of bacteriochlorophyll a synthesis that was reflected by both an increase in the number of LH1-reaction center and peripheral LH2 antenna complexes. These studies establish that photosynthetic units are assembled in a sequential manner, where the appearance of the LH1-reaction center cores is followed by the activation of functional electron transfer, and finally by the accumulation of the LH2 complexes.  相似文献   

Absorbance difference spectroscopy and redox titrations have been applied to investigate the properties of photosystem I from the chlorophyll d containing cyanobacterium Acaryochloris marina. At room temperature, the (P740+ − P740) and (FA/B − FA/B) absorbance difference spectra were recorded in the range between 300 and 1000 nm while at cryogenic temperatures, (P740+A1 − P740A1) and (3P740 − P740) absorbance difference spectra have been measured. Spectroscopic and kinetic evidence is presented that the cofactors involved in the electron transfer from the reduced secondary electron acceptor, phylloquinone (A1), to the terminal electron acceptor and their structural arrangement are virtually identical to those of chlorophyll a containing photosystem I. The oxidation potential of the primary electron donor P740 of photosystem I has been reinvestigated. We find a midpoint potential of 450 ± 10 mV in photosystem I-enriched membrane fractions as well as in thylakoids which is very similar to that found for P700 in chlorophyll a dominated organisms. In addition, the extinction difference coefficient for the oxidation of the primary donor has been determined and a value of 45,000 ± 4000 M− 1 cm− 1 at 740 nm was obtained. Based on this value the ratio of P740 to chlorophyll is calculated to be 1:~ 200 chlorophyll d in thylakoid membranes. The consequences of our findings for the energetics in photosystem I of A. marina are discussed as well as the pigment stoichiometry and spectral characteristics of P740.  相似文献   

José Ramón Peregrina 《BBA》2010,1797(9):1638-1264
Two transient charge-transfer complexes (CTC) form prior and upon hydride transfer (HT) in the reversible reaction of the FAD-dependent ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase (FNR) with NADP+/H, FNRox-NADPH (CTC-1), and FNRrd-NADP+ (CTC-2). Spectral properties of both CTCs, as well as the corresponding interconversion HT rates, are here reported for several Anabaena FNR site-directed mutants. The need for an adequate initial interaction between the 2′P-AMP portion of NADP+/H and FNR that provides subsequent conformational changes leading to CTC formation is further confirmed. Stronger interactions between the isoalloxazine and nicotinamide rings might relate with faster HT processes, but exceptions are found upon distortion of the active centre. Thus, within the analyzed FNR variants, there is no strict correlation between the stability of the transient CTCs formation and the rate of the subsequent HT. Kinetic isotope effects suggest that, while in the WT, vibrational enhanced modulation of the active site contributes to the tunnel probability of HT; complexes of some of the active site mutants with the coenzyme hardly allow the relative movement of isoalloxazine and nicotinamide rings along the HT reaction. The architecture of the WT FNR active site precisely contributes to reduce the stacking probability between the isoalloxazine and nicotinamide rings in the catalytically competent complex, modulating the angle and distance between the N5 of the FAD isoalloxazine and the C4 of the coenzyme nicotinamide to values that ensure efficient HT processes.  相似文献   

Szilvia Z. Tóth 《BBA》2005,1708(2):275-282
The effects of DCMU (3-(3′,4′-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea) on the fluorescence induction transient (OJIP) in higher plants were re-investigated. We found that the initial (F0) and maximum (FM) fluorescence levels of DCMU-treated leaves do not change relative to controls when the treatment is done in complete darkness and DCMU is allowed to diffuse slowly into the leaves either by submersion or by application via the stem. Simultaneous 820 nm transmission measurements (a measure of electron flow through Photosystem I) showed that in the DCMU-treated samples, the plastoquinone pool remained oxidized during the light pulses whereas in uninhibited leaves, the FM level coincided with a fully reduced electron transport chain. The identical FM values with and without DCMU indicate that in intact leaves, the FM value is independent of the redox state of the plastoquinone pool. We also show that (i) the generally observed F0 increase is probably due to the presence of (even very weak) light during the DCMU treatment, (ii) vacuum infiltration of leaf discs leads to a drastic decrease of the fluorescence yield, and in DCMU-treated samples, the FM decreases to the I-level of their control (leaves vacuum infiltrated with 1% ethanol), (iii) and in thylakoid membranes, the addition of DCMU lowers the FM relative to that of a control sample.  相似文献   

Shiguo Chen 《BBA》2007,1767(4):306-318
Tenuazonic acid (TeA) is a natural phytotoxin produced by Alternaria alternata, the causal agent of brown leaf spot disease of Eupatorium adenophorum. Results from chlorophyll fluorescence revealed TeA can block electron flow from QA to QB at photosystem II acceptor side. Based on studies with D1-mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, the No. 256 amino acid plays a key role in TeA binding to the QB-niche. The results of competitive replacement with [14C]atrazine combined with JIP-test and D1-mutant showed that TeA should be considered as a new type of photosystem II inhibitor because it has a different binding behavior within QB-niche from other known photosystem II inhibitors. Bioassay of TeA and its analogues indicated 3-acyl-5-alkyltetramic and even tetramic acid compounds may represent a new structural framework for photosynthetic inhibitors.  相似文献   

For a tree seedling to successfully establish in dense shrubbery, it must maintain function under heterogeneous resource availability. We evaluated leaf-level acclimation in photosynthetic capacity, seedling-level transpiration, and seedling morphology and growth to gain an understanding of the effects of above- and below-ground competition on Quercus robur seedlings. Experimental seedlings were established in a typical southern Swedish shrub community where they received 1 of 4 competition levels (above-ground, below-ground, above- and below-ground, or no competition), and leaf-level responses were examined between two growth flushes. Two years after establishment, first-flush leaves from seedlings receiving above-ground competition showed a maximum rate of photosynthesis (Amax) 40% lower than those of control seedlings. With the development of a second flush above the shrub canopy, Amax of these seedlings increased to levels equivalent to those of seedlings free of light competition. Shrubby competition reduced oak seedling transpiration such that seedlings exposed to above- and below-ground competition showed rates 43% lower than seedlings that were not exposed to competition. The impaired physiological function of oak seedlings growing amid competition ultimately led to a 60-74% reduction in leaf area, 29-36% reduction in basal diameter, and a 38-78% reduction in total biomass accumulation, but root to shoot ratio was not affected. Our findings also indicate that above-ground competition reduced Amax, transpiration and biomass accumulation more so than below-ground competition. Nevertheless, oak seedlings exhibited the ability to develop subsequent growth flushes with leaves that had an Amax acclimated to utilize increased light availability. Our findings highlight the importance of flush-level acclimation under conditions of heterogeneous resource availability, and the capacity of oak seedlings to initiate a positive response to moderate competition in a shrub community.  相似文献   

Much effort has been expended to improve irrigation efficiency and drought tolerance of agronomic crops; however, a clear understanding of the physiological mechanisms that interact to decrease source strength and drive yield loss has not been attained. To elucidate the underlying mechanisms contributing to inhibition of net carbon assimilation under drought stress, three cultivars of Gossypium hirsutum were grown in the field under contrasting irrigation regimes during the 2012 and 2013 growing season near Camilla, Georgia, USA. Physiological measurements were conducted on three sample dates during each growing season (providing a broad range of plant water status) and included, predawn and midday leaf water potential (ΨPD and ΨMD), gross and net photosynthesis, dark respiration, photorespiration, and chlorophyll a fluorescence. End-of-season lint yield was also determined. ΨPD ranged from −0.31 to −0.95 MPa, and ΨMD ranged from −1.02 to −2.67 MPa, depending upon irrigation regime and sample date. G. hirsutum responded to water deficit by decreasing stomatal conductance, increasing photorespiration, and increasing the ratio of dark respiration to gross photosynthesis, thereby limiting PN and decreasing lint yield (lint yield declines observed during the 2012 growing season only). Conversely, even extreme water deficit, causing a 54% decline in PN, did not negatively affect actual quantum yield, maximum quantum yield, or photosynthetic electron transport. It is concluded that PN is primarily limited in drought-stressed G. hirsutum by decreased stomatal conductance, along with increases in respiratory and photorespiratory carbon losses, not inhibition or down-regulation of electron transport through photosystem II. It is further concluded that ΨPD is a reliable indicator of drought stress and the need for irrigation in field-grown cotton.  相似文献   

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