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We compared the thermal tolerances of a high-altitude skink, Sphenomorphus taiwanensis with that of the lowland S. incognitus to test whether their thermal tolerances correspond to their altitudinal distributions.  相似文献   

Range expansion and population establishment of individual species can have significant impacts on previously established food webs and predator-prey dynamics. The stone crab (Menippe spp.) is found throughout southwestern North Atlantic waters, from North Carolina through the Gulf of Mexico and the Central American Caribbean, including the Greater Antilles. Recent observations suggest that stone crabs have become better established on certain oyster reefs in North Carolina than in the early 1900s when they we first observed in NC. To assess the predatory impact of stone crabs on oysters, we (1) quantified stone crab densities on subtidal oyster reefs in Pamlico Sound, NC using scuba surveys, and (2) conducted laboratory predation experiments to assess the functional response of stone crabs to varying densities of oysters. We then (3) analyzed previously unpublished functional response data on another important oyster predator, the mud crab Panopeus herbstii. Finally, we (4) compared and contrasted potential predatory impacts of stone, mud and blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus). The functional response data and analyses for both stone crabs and mud crabs were consistent with a type II functional response. Mud crabs, on a m2 basis, inflicted the highest proportional mortality on oysters over a 24 hour period, followed by stone and then blue crabs. Proportional mortality did not vary significantly with oyster size; however, relatively small and large oysters were consumed disproportionately less than medium-sized oysters, likely due to the mechanical inability of stone crabs to handle small oysters, and the inability to crush large oysters. Although stone crabs appear to be established in Pamlico Sound at densities equivalent to densities in other systems such as the U.S. Florida Panhandle, their predatory activities on oysters are not expected to have as significant a negative impact on oyster populations compared to other resident predators such as mud crabs.  相似文献   

The Abildgaardieae tribe within the family Cyperaceae comprises six or seven genera, among which Abildgaardia, Bulbostylis and Fimbristylis pose a challenge regarding their morphological delimitation. Molecular phylogenetic analyses including species of Abildgaardieae are rare, but in most of those studies, Abildgaardia and Fimbristylis appear as more closely related to each other than to the Bulbostylis genus. Duration of the style base has been one of the most widely used characters for delimiting these three genera. The style base is a persistent structure in most species of Bulbostylis and deciduous in Abildgaardia and Fimbristylis. The reasons why the style base may persist or fall off have been scarcely discussed. The assumption that abscission layers are present in the style base of all three genera and the fact that tracheids have been observed in the style base of Bulbostylis suggest that this structure might have histological complexity. In view of this, a complete ontogenetic and anatomical study of the gynoecium has been carried out for all these three genera. It turned out that the style base is histologically simple in Abildgaardia, Bulbostylis and Fimbristylis and shows similar structure and development in all three genera. The fact that the style base has a shorter duration in Abildgaardia and Fimbristylis than in Bulbostylis might be related to the lower number of sclerotised cells that make up such structures in the mature fruit of the former two genera. Abscission of the style and style base may be the result of much simpler reasons than the differentiation of an abscission layer, resulting merely from mechanical shear force effects. Differences among genera have been observed in the shape of the style base and the development of the style. The histological simplicity of the style base is consistent with the homoplastic appearance of this structure in genera that are not closely related (e.g. Rhynchospora). Because of this, while the presence of the thickened style base seems to be a synapomorphy in species of Abildgaardieae, its persistence on or detachment from the fruit might have emerged repeatedly during this clade evolution and might not be a suitable character for genera delimitation.  相似文献   

The porcelain crab Petrolisthes elongatus is a particulate suspension feeding species common to coastal areas of New Zealand (NZ). Consistent with the responses of other suspension feeding species, it is likely to be negatively influenced by elevated suspended sediment concentrations. Laboratory experiments were conducted to quantify the effect of temperature (12 °C, 15 °C and 18 °C) and suspended sediment concentration (total particulate matter (TPM): low < 100 mg L− 1; medium 100-1000 mg L− 1; high > 1000 mg L− 1) on the clearance rate (CR in L h− 1), oxygen uptake rate (VO2 in mL h−1), net absorption efficiency (AE), and net energy budget (NEB in J h− 1) of P. elongatus across a range of sizes. Variation in CR and AE was independent of temperature and of body size, but were significantly different (P < 0.05) at low and medium suspended sediment concentrations compared with high suspended sediment concentrations. CR responded in a non-linear manner to changes in TPM, increasing with TPM up to a maximum value at medium-low concentrations (approximately 250 mg L− 1) and then decreasing thereafter. CR had almost completely shut down at TPM concentrations of > 1000 mg L− 1 and at particulate organic matter (POM) concentrations of > 250 mg L− 1. AE was zero at approximate TPM and POM values of 1200 mg L− 1 and 300 mg L− 1, respectively. VO2 was positively correlated with body size and with temperature, but was independent of TPM. NEB values for P. elongatus were low (approx 110 J g− 1 h− 1) at low sediment concentrations, were high (approx 320 J g− 1 h− 1) at medium sediment concentrations, and were negative (approx − 114 J g− 1 h− 1) at high sediment concentrations. These findings indicate that P. elongatus is likely to be food-limited at sediment concentrations of < 100 mg L− 1, and severely negatively affected at sediment concentrations of > 1000 mg L− 1, at least for the duration of such events which may persist for 2-3 days in coastal environments where this crab occurs.  相似文献   

After molting to maturity, female blue crabs must rebuild muscles atrophied to permit molting and grow larger ones commensurate with the larger exoskeleton. They also must acquire energy for oogenesis and for migration to high-salinity spawning habitat, a distance of >150 km for females mating in the Upper Chesapeake Bay. Using telemetry and mark-recapture techniques, post-copulatory females in the upper bay were shown to forage at high rates, alternating between meandering and directed movement in the area of mating for weeks to months, and to begin migrating in October. Consequently, females from the Upper Chesapeake Bay probably do not spawn until the season after mating. Their priority seems to be to acquire energy before migrating. After molting, energy was allocated first into somatic tissue and eventually into hepatopancreas and gonads. Telemetry of feeding and movement showed that habitat utilization, traveling velocities, foraging patterns, and movements were similar to those already determined for males. However, females appeared to invest proportionally more energy (calories per gram dry weight) into their somatic and reproductive tissues than did males. A newly designed transmitter that telemetered depth showed that females moved during both ebbs and floods and remained at or near the bottom of the water column.  相似文献   

Torrubiella is a genus of arthropod-pathogenic fungi that primarily attacks spiders and scale insects. Based on the morphology of the perithecia, asci, and ascospores, it is classified in Clavicipitaceae s. lat. (Hypocreales), and is considered a close relative of Cordyceps s. 1., which was recently reclassified into three families (Clavicipitaceae s. str., Cordycipitaceae, Ophiocordycipitaceae) and four genera (Cordyceps s. str, Elaphocordyceps, Metacordyceps, and Ophiocordyceps). Torrubiella is distinguished morphologically from Cordyceps s. lat. mainly by the production of superficial perithecia and the absence of a well-developed stipitate stroma. To test and refine evolutionary hypotheses regarding the placement of Torrubiella and its relationship to Cordyceps s. lat., a multi-gene phylogeny was constructed by conducting ML and Bayesian analyses. The monophyly of Torrubiella was rejected by these analyses with species of the genus present in Clavicipitaceae, Cordycipitaceae, and Ophiocordycipitaceae, and often intermixed among species of Cordyceps s. lat. The morphological characters traditionally used to define the genus are, therefore, not phylogenetically informative, with the stipitate stromata being gained and/or lost several times among clavicipitaceous fungi. Two new genera (Conoideocrella, Orbiocrella) are proposed to accommodate two separate lineages of torrubielloid fungi in the Clavicipitaceae s. str. In addition, one species is reclassified in Cordyceps s. str. and three are reclassified in Ophiocordyceps. The phylogenetic importance of anamorphic genera, host affiliation, and stipitate stromata is discussed.  相似文献   

A preliminary experiment was carried out to study the effect of dietary pyridoxine (PN) on thermal tolerance of Labeo rohita fingerlings exposed to endosulfan (1/10th 96 h LC50=0.2 ppb) stress, reared at 26.0±0.5 °C to assess its culture potential in different agro-climatic zones. Two hundred seventy fingerlings were randomly distributed into six treatment groups in triplicate. Five iso-caloric and iso-nitrogenous purified diets were prepared with graded levels of pyridoxine. Six treatment groups were T0 (10 mg PN+without endosulfan), T1 (0 mg PN+endosulfan), T2 (10 mg PN+endosulfan), T3 (50 mg PN+endosulfan), T4 (100 mg PN+endosulfan) and T5 (200 mg PN+endosulfan). After feeding for 60 days, critical temperature maxima (CTmax), lethal temperature maxima (LTmax), critical temperature minima (CTmin) and lethal temperature minima (LTmin) were determined in each group. There was significant (P<0.05) effect of dietary pyridoxine on temperature tolerance (CTmax, LTmax, CTmin and LTmin) of the groups fed diets supplemented with 100 and 200 mg PN/kg diet compared to other experimental groups. Positive correlations were observed between CTmax and LTmax (R2=0.85) as well as between CTmin and LTmin (R2=0.97). The effect was more prominent on lower thermal tolerance limit (CTmin and LTmin). The overall results obtained in this preliminary study indicated that pyridoxine supplementation at 100 mg PN/kg diet enhances the thermal tolerance of endosulfan exposed L. rohita fingerlings.  相似文献   

The role of both host and dinoflagellate symbionts was investigated in the response of reef-building corals to thermal stress in the light. Replicate coral nubbins of Stylophora pistillata and Porites cylindrica from the GBR were exposed to either 28 °C (control) or 32 °C for 5 days before being returned to an ambient reef temperature (28 °C). S. pistillata was found to contain either Symbiodinium genotype C1 or C8a, while P. cylindrica had type C15 based on ITS genotyping. Analysis of the quantum yield of photosystem (PS) II fluorescence of the symbionts in P. cylindrica showed that light-induced excitation pressure on the C15 Symbiodinium was significantly less, and the steady state quantum yield of PSII fluorescence at noon (ΔF/Fm′) greater, than that measured in C1/C8a Symbiodinium sp. from S. pistillata. Immunoblots of the PS II D1 protein were significantly lower in Symbiodinium from S. pistillata compared to those in P. cylindrica after exposure to thermal stress. The biochemical markers, heat-stress protein (HSP) 70 and superoxide dismutase (SOD), were significantly greater in P. cylindrica before the experiment, and both species of coral increased their biosynthesis of HSP 70 and SOD when exposed to thermal stress. Concentrations of MAAs, glycerol, and lipids were not significantly affected by thermal stress in these experiments, but DNA damage was greater in heat-stressed S. pistillata compared to P. cylindrica. There was minimal coral mucus, which accounts for up to half of the total energy budget of a coral and provides the first layer of defense for invading microbes, produced by S. pistillata after heat stress compared to P. cylindrica. It is concluded that P. cylindrica contains a heat resistant C15 Symbiodinium and critical host proteins are present at higher concentrations than observed for S. pistillata, the combination of which provides greater protection from bleaching conditions of high temperature in the light.  相似文献   

Larval release patterns in brachyuran crabs are often synchronized with environmental cycles. While previous studies have focused extensively on supratidal and intertidal taxa, there have been relatively few investigations of subtidal species. This study examined patterns of larval release by the Florida stone crab, Menippe mercenaria, from three different tidal regimes. Ovigerous stone crabs were collected from Sebastian Inlet on the east coast of Florida, Tampa Bay on the west coast of Florida, and the Florida Keys. Patterns of larval release were monitored in the laboratory in relation to local tidal and diel cycles. Results showed a significant diel pattern in initiation of hatching by crabs from each of three study areas. Larval release consistently occurred during the diurnal phase despite the maintenance of females in constant laboratory conditions for up to 96 h prior to hatching. This implies that release may be controlled by a circadian clock. Patterns of release by stone crabs in relation to tidal cycle were more variable. Larval release by females from populations near Tampa Bay and Sebastian Inlet were not synchronized with the tides, whereas females collected from the Florida Keys exhibited a pattern that was strongly related to tidal cycle. These results may be explained by differences in tidal amplitude at the three sampling locations.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of substrate (glass bottom, sand, granule, pebble) on predation of juvenile sea scallops (Placopecten magellanicus) by sea stars (Asterias vulgaris) and rock crabs (Cancer irroratus) at two prey sizes (11-15 mm and 24-28 mm shell height), and two prey densities (10 and 30 scallops per aquarium) in laboratory experiments. Specifically, we quantified predation rate and underlying behaviours (proportion of time a predator spent searching for and handling prey, encounter rate between predators and prey, and various outcomes of encounters). We detected a significant gradual effect of particle size of natural substrates on sea star predation: specifically, predation rate on and encounter rate with small scallops tended to decrease with increasing particle size (being highest for sand, intermediate for granule, and lowest for pebble). Substrate type did not significantly affect predation rates or behaviours of sea stars preying on large scallops or of rock crabs preying on either scallop size classes. Other factors, such as prey size and density, were important in the scallop-sea star and scallop-rock crab systems. For example, predation rate by sea stars and crabs and certain sea star behaviours (e.g. probability of consuming scallops upon capture) were significantly higher with small scallops than with large scallops. As well, in interactions between small scallops and sea stars, predation rate and encounter rate increased with prey density, and the proportion of time sea stars spent searching was higher at low prey density than high prey density. Thus, substrate type may be a minor factor determining predation risk of seeded scallops during enhancement operations; prey size and prey density may play a more important role. However, substrate type still needs to be considered when choosing a site for scallop enhancement, as it may affect other scallop behaviours (such as movement).  相似文献   

In a previous report (Luyo-Acero et al., 2004), we demonstrated that cytochrome b (Cyt b) gene analysis is an effective method for classifying several isolates of the genus Leishmania; hence, we have further applied this method to other Leishmania species in an effort to enhance the accuracy of the procedure and to construct a new phylogenic tree. In this study, a total of 30 Leishmania and Endotrypanum WHO reference strains, clinical isolates from our patients assigned to 28 strains (human and non-human pathogenic species) and two species of the genus Endotrypanum were analyzed. The Cyt b gene in each sample was amplified by PCR, and was then sequenced by several primers, as reported previously. The phylogenic tree was constructed based on the results obtained by the computer software MEGA v3.1 and PAUP* v4.0 Beta. The present phylogenic tree was almost identical to the traditional method of classification proposed by Lainson and Shaw (1987). However, it produces the following suggestions: (1) exclusion of L. (Leishmania) major from the L. (L.) tropica complex; (2) placement of L.tarentolae in the genus Sauroleishmania; (3) L. (L.) hertigi complex and L. (V.) equatorensis close to the genus Endotrypanum; (4) L. (L.) enrietti, defined as L. (L.) mexicana complex, placed in another position; and (5) L. (L.) turanica and L. (L.) arabica are located in an area far from human pathogenic Leishmania strains. Cyt b gene analysis is thus applicable to the analyzing phylogeny of the genus Leishmania and may be useful for separating non-human pathogenic species from human pathogenic species.  相似文献   

A halophilic, aerobic Gram-negative bacterium, designated strain CVS-6T, was isolated from a sea salt evaporation pond on the Island of Sal in the Cape Verde Archipelago. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequence revealed a clear affiliation of the organism with members of the family Idiomarinaceae. Sequence similarities between CVS-6T and the type strains of the species of the genera Pseudidiomarina and Idiomarina ranged from 93.7% to 96.9%. The major isoprenoid quinone was ubiquinone 8 (Q-8). The major cellular fatty acids were 15:0 iso (21.8%), 17:0 iso (12.5%), 17:1 iso ω9c (10.7%), and 16:1 ω7c (10.6%). The DNA G+C content was 51.6 mol%. The species represented by strain CVS-6T could be distinguished from the species of the genera Pseudidiomarina and Idiomarina; however, it was not possible to distinguish both genera from each other using the phenotypic or chemotaxonomic characteristics examined. Consequently, we propose that the species classified in the genus Pseudidiomarina should be transferred to the genus Idiomarina. We also propose that, on the basis of physiological and biochemical characteristics, strain CVS-6T (=LMG 23123=CIP 108836) represents a new species which we name Idiomarina insulisalsae.  相似文献   

The geographical distribution and analysis of the essential oils of species from three sections of Hypericum L. (Guttiferae/Clusiaceae/Hypericaceae) from Portugal are presented. Hypericum perfoliatum (section Drosocarpium) grows wild in the centre and south of Portugal; Hypericum humifusum and Hypericum linarifolium are both from section Oligostema, the former occurring throughout the country, while the second is distributed mainly in the north and centre; Hypericum pulchrum (section Taeniocarpium) is confined to the littoral north of Portugal. The essential oils were obtained by distillation–extraction, hydrodistillation and distillation in a modified Marcusson apparatus from the dried aerial parts of the different populations and were analysed by GC and GC–MS. Monoterpene hydrocarbons constituted the main fraction in all oils (43–69%, 53–85%, 28–45% and 48–65% for H. perfoliatum, H. humifusum, H. linarifolium and H. pulchrum, respectively). Sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (2–13%, 6–18%, 21–27% and 16–18%, respectively) and a third fraction of non-terpenic compounds (20–29%, 3–16%, 2–14% and 5–11%, respectively) from the four species attained relatively high amounts in all oils. Within each species, no major differences were detected in the essential oil composition, despite the fact that different locations, phenological phases and extraction methodologies were used. Notwithstanding the dominance of α-pinene in all four species' oils, cluster and principal components analysis on the identified components showed that the range of α-pinene, β-pinene and n-nonane supported a separation of the four species. The essential oil composition of the four species showed some qualitative resemblances, which correlate well with the taxonomical classification based on morphological characters.  相似文献   

Thirty-four species of the genus Plectranthus (including species of the former genera Coleus and Solenostemon, fam. Lamiaceae) were surveyed for exudate flavonoids to see whether the distribution of these compounds would support a recent classification of the genus based on molecular and morphological characters. In this classification two major groups had been identified, the Coleus and Plectranthus clades. Only about 40% of the species, predominantly from the Plectranthus clade, were found to produce exudate flavonoids, which were mainly flavones. Flavanones were restricted to five species of the Plectranthus clade, whereas flavonols were only found in two species of the Coleus clade, Plectranthus montanus Benth. (synonyms Plectranthus marrubioides Hochst. ex Benth. and Plectranthus cylindraceus Hochst. ex Benth.) and Plectranthus pseudomarrubioides R.H.Willemse. Four of these flavonols were isolated from P. montanus and identified by NMR spectroscopy as the 3,7-dimethyl ether and 3,7,4′-trimethyl ether of quercetin and the 3,6,7-trimethyl ether and 3,6,7,4′-tetramethyl ether of quercetagetin. The remaining flavonols and flavones were identified by HPLC–UV and LC–MS of crude extracts on the basis of their UV and mass spectra, retention times and comparison with standards. Most flavonols were 3-methyl ethers and many of the flavones and flavonols were oxygenated at the 6-position. The most common flavones, occurring in both clades, were cirsimaritin and salvigenin, which are methoxylated at the 6- and 7-positions. 6-Hydroxylated flavones such as scutellarein and ladanein were restricted to species of the Plectranthus clade.  相似文献   

Ovigerous blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus, are observed to undergo nocturnal ebb-tide transport (ETT) during their seaward spawning migration. A previous study found that females undergoing the spawning migration have a circatidal rhythm in vertical swimming, which serves as the biological basis for ETT. The present study asked three questions about this endogenous rhythm. First, does the rhythm occur in females with mature embryos regardless of whether they are undergoing ETT? Second, when exposed to a light/dark cycle in the laboratory, do ovigerous females only swim vertically at the time of ebb tide during the dark phase? Third, do attachments to the backs of ovigerous crabs affect the circatidal rhythm? The circatidal rhythm occurred in all crabs with mid-stage embryos that were prevented from undergoing ETT. The rhythm was unaffected by the light/dark cycle, which implies that migration can occur at lower light levels at depth during the day. Finally, attachments did not affect the rhythm, which suggests that tags and transmitters will not affect the spawning migration.  相似文献   

An organism's thermal tolerance to the environment may indicate a thermal limit to its geographical distribution.  相似文献   

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