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Invasive species are a major threat to global biodiversity. Rose-ringed parakeets Psittacula krameri are widely established outside their native range and are successful invaders in many countries, including South Africa. Physiological and behavioral responses to environmental conditions are considered to be major factors that influence the abundance and distribution of birds. As rose-ringed parakeets are able to tolerate wide varieties of climatic conditions as invaders, it is important to understand their physiological responses to these. This study examined the effects of seasonal changes in ambient temperatures (Ta) on metabolic rate and body temperature (Tb) of captive-bred rose-ringed parakeets. Resting metabolic rate at various Ta and basal metabolic rate were significantly lower in winter compared to summer, and the thermo-neutral zone was broader in winter than in summer. There was no significant difference in body mass (Mb) between seasons. These parakeets showed seasonal thermoregulatory responses that represented energy conservation as expected, rather than cold tolerance. They were relatively tolerant of low Ta and showed no hypothermia at 5 °C. Our results suggest that this species is physiologically and behaviorally equipped to cope with a range of climatic situations and this partly explains their global success as an invader species.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in ambient temperature (Ta) require changes in thermoregulatory responses of endotherms. These responses vary according to several factors including taxon and energy constraints. Despite a plethora of studies on chiropteran variations in thermoregulation, few have examined African species. In this study, we used the Wahlberg's epauletted fruit bat (Epomophorus wahlbergi, body mass≈115 g) to determine how the thermoregulatory abilities of an Afrotropical chiropteran respond to seasonal changes in Ta. Mass specific Resting Metabolic Rates (RMRTa) and basal metabolic rate (BMR) were significantly higher in winter than in summer. Furthermore, winter body mass was significantly higher than summer body mass. A broad thermoneutral zone (TNZ) was observed in winter (15–35 °C) compared with summer (25–30 °C). This species exhibited heterothermy (rectal and core body temperature) during the photophase (bats' rest-phase) particularly at lower Tas and had a low tolerance of high Tas. Overall, there was a significant seasonal variation in the thermoregulatory abilities of E. wahlbergi. The relative paucity of data relating to the seasonal thermoregulatory abilities of Afrotropical bats suggest further work is needed for comparison and possible effects of climate change, particularly extreme hot days.  相似文献   

We isolated seven novel polymorphic microsatellite DNA loci from the burrowing parrot (Cyanoliseus patagonus) and optimised them for future studies of population differentiation and genetic variation. The loci were screened for polymorphism using 38 samples from wild individuals from three neighbouring colonies in Argentina. The primers amplified highly variable loci characterised by 3–10 alleles per locus and their observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.15 to 0.78 and 0.15 to 0.81, respectively. When we analysed 52 samples across Argentina and Chile, we found strong genetic differentiation between the Chilean and the Argentinean subspecies as well as significant differentiation between two geographically separated subspecies within Argentina. Our results indicate the suitability of these microsatellites for investigating further questions regarding the population genetics in this species.  相似文献   

Metabolic rate (MR), thermal neutral zone (TNZ), body temperature (Tb), and thermal conductance were measured in striped hamsters (Cricetulus barabensis) that were live-trapped in winter and summer.  相似文献   

Pouched mice (Saccostomus campestris) were born in captivity during January and March and subsequently maintained under long photoperiod (14 h light: 10 h dark) at 25°C. During their first winter (July) and the following summer (January) the pouched mice were exposed to natural photoperiod in an unheated laboratory for 3 weeks prior to measurement. The pouched mice continued to grow during the study, and were significantly heavier after summer exposure than after winter exposure 6 months earlier. Although this increase in body mass would result in a decline in their surface area to volume ratio there was no significant decline in minimal thermal conductance (C m) and winter-exposed pouched mice had a relatively lowerC m than expected. Meanwhile the smaller, winter-exposed animals displayed a significantly higher capacity for non-shivering thermogenesis, together with higher levels of basal metabolism than summer individuals. These differences were not solely attributable to the contrasting body mass of each group and it is therefore clear thatS. campestris can increase thermoregulatory heat production, and modify heat loss following exposure to short photoperiod and cold during their first winter. Despite the significant increase in metabolism, the overall energy requirements of small, winter-exposed animals were significantly lower than those for heavier pouched mice following exposure to summer conditions. These results suggest that growing pouched mice can effectively adapt to lower temperature conditions during their first winter, yet accrue considerable overall savings in total energy requirements as a result of their smaller body mass.  相似文献   

Seasonal movements of grey‐headed (brown‐necked) parrots were recorded in parts of its range and are likely a response to breeding and availability of specific food sources. Breeding occurred in the northern Kruger National Park and lowveld near the Mutale–Luvhuvhu river confluence from April to August. Aggregations and movements of birds occurred during the post‐breeding season (August–December) in response to seasonally abundant food sources. In north‐eastern South Africa, grey‐headed parrots occurred at Levubu, following the breeding season and their arrival in the area was correlated with the availability of unripe Mabola Plum, Parinari curatellifolia fruit. Similar regional movements occurred in Zimbabwe, the Caprivi of northern Namibia and Zambia. During these movements, flocks of up to 50 individuals were observed, whilst during breeding months singletons and pairs were more frequently seen. This increased abundance in time and space suggests that seasonal migratory movements occur.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation in thermal preference of Arctic charr from a North Norwegian population (70°N) was studied in an electronic shuttlebox, which allowed the fish to control the water temperature by moving between two chambers. The fish were acclimated to 12 °C and a natural photoperiod before measurements. Fish were tested in autumn (September–October), winter (January–February), spring (April–May) and summer (June–August).  相似文献   

Salt marshes are among the most productive systems of the world, with plant primary production limited by soil oxygen deficiency and nutrient availability. Nevertheless, root adaptations to anoxia and nutrient acquisition are different and often incompatible. The SW Atlantic salt marshes are characterized by high densities of the deep (up to 1 m) burrowing crab Neohelice granulata (Dana, 1851) that may change soil physical and chemical characteristics by burrow construction. In this work, we experimentally evaluated the hypothesis that crab burrowing can enhance soil oxygenation, causing changes in Spartina densiflora Brongniart below ground tissues from structures adapted to anoxia to systems adapted for nutrient acquisition. This response, in turn, would enhance plant productivity. Results from field observations show that oxygen availability is higher in zones with high burrow densities. As burrow densities increased, the plant root distribution changed from shallow (associated to low oxygen availability) to deeper and vertically homogeneous, with a positive correlation between burrow density and plant aboveground biomass. Experimental exclusion of crabs shows that they induce changes of root strategies from anoxia toleration to nutrient efficient acquisition, with increasing plant productivity. The invasive success that this plant shows in other parts of the world is likely to be due to their ability to tolerate harsh environmental conditions. Our results suggest that the morphological plasticity of S. densiflora is also important in their native zone given the characteristics of their specific habitat.  相似文献   

Basal metabolic rate (BMR) of birds is beginning to be viewed as a highly flexible physiological trait influenced by environmental fluctuations, and in particular changes in ambient temperatures (Ta). Southern Africa is characterized by an unpredictable environment with daily and seasonal variation. This study sought to evaluate the effects of seasonal changes in Ta on mass-specific resting metabolic rate (RMR), BMR and body temperature (Tb) of Red-winged Starlings (Onychognathus morio). They have a broad distribution, from Ethiopia to the Cape in South Africa and are medium-sized frugivorous birds. Metabolic rate (VO2) and Tb were measured in wild caught Red-winged Starlings after a period of summer and winter acclimatization in outdoor aviaries. RMR and BMR were significantly higher in winter than summer. Body mass of Starlings was significantly higher in winter compared with summer. The increased RMR and BMR in winter indicate improved ability to cope with cold and maintenance of a high Tb. These results show that the metabolism of Red-winged Starlings are not constant, but exhibit a pronounced seasonal phenotypic flexibility with maintenance of a high Tb.  相似文献   

Reillo PR  Durand S  Burton M 《Zoo biology》2011,30(3):328-341
We describe the rearing and development of the first imperial parrot (Amazona imperialis) hatched and raised in captivity. A single egg was hen-incubated for 28 days, and the chick was parent-fed for ~14 days, after which it was removed for hand-rearing. Similar to wild, parent-reared imperial nestlings, the chick developed fully within 12 weeks, weaning at 540 g body weight. Endangered and endemic to Dominica, the imperial is a vital flagship for oceanic rainforest conservation. Chronicling the neonatal development of A. imperialis helps illuminate the natural history of this enigmatic species, whose secretive nesting habits and low population density have frustrated a detailed understanding of its ecology and reproduction.  相似文献   

陈伟  胡锦矗 《兽类学报》2012,32(3):188-192
了解野生动物栖息地选择对于制定合理的物种保护和栖息地管理计划是十分必要的。2005 年12 月至2006年3 月及2006 年7 ~ 9 月,在唐家河自然保护区,我们使用样带法和粪便法调查了毛冠鹿的冬夏两季栖息地选择情况,结果表明,毛冠鹿具有季节性的在高、低坡位进行迁移的现象,冬季毛冠鹿多出现在下坡位,而夏季多出现在中坡位和上坡位。同时,我们也发现冬季毛冠鹿多在距离道路较近的地方活动,而夏季毛冠鹿多在距离道路较远的地方活动。  相似文献   

The responses of the burrowing bivalves Macoma balthica and Cerastoderma edule to chemical cues emitted by feeding shore crabs Carcinus maenas were investigated. M. balthica held in the laboratory and exposed to chemical signals in effluent water discharging from tanks containing C. maenas fed 20 M. balthica day− 1 reacted by increasing their burial depths from approximately 30 mm to depths of > 60 mm, over a period of several days. When the signal was removed the bivalves gradually returned to their original depth over 5 days. C. edule similarly exposed to effluent from crabs feeding on conspecifics showed no response. In an attempt to identify the signal inducing this burrowing response, M. balthica were exposed to a variety of chemical signals. Crabs fed M. balthica elicited the strongest response, followed by crabs fed C. edule. There were also small responses to effluent from crabs fed on fish, crabs previously fed on M. balthica and to crab faeces, but no responses to starved crabs, crushed M. balthica, or controls. We conclude that increased burrowing depth of M. balthica is induced by some as yet unidentified chemical cue produced by feeding crabs and is strongest when the crabs were fed on M. balthica. Unexpectedly, neither the presence of crabs themselves, nor of damaged conspecifics, was effective in eliciting a burrowing response. The mortality rates of M. balthica and C. edule selected by crabs when burrowed at normal depths and after exposure to effluent from feeding crabs were different. Crabs selected 1.5 times more C. edule than M. balthica when both species were burrowed at their normal depths, but 15 times more after the tanks had been exposed to effluent from feeding crabs for 5 days. The burrowing response of M. balthica thus appears to reduce mortality significantly by displacing predation pressure on to the more accessible C. edule.  相似文献   

We examined the thermoregulatory behaviour (TRB) of roosting Humboldt penguins (Spheniscus humboldti) in north central Chile during summer and winter, when ambient temperatures (Ta) are most extreme. Each body posture was considered to represent a particular TRB, which was ranked in a sequence that reflected different degrees of thermal load and was assigned an arbitrary thermoregulatory score. During summer, birds exhibited eight different TRBs, mainly oriented to heat dissipation, and experienced a wide range of Ta (from 14 to 31°C), occasionally above their thermoneutral zone (TNZ, from 2 to 30°C), this being evident by observations of extreme thermoregulatory responses such as panting. In winter, birds exhibited only three TRBs, mainly oriented to heat retention, and experienced a smaller range of Ta (from 11 to 18°C), always within the TNZ, even at night. The components of behavioural responses increased directly with the heat load which explains the broader behavioural repertoire observed in summer. Since penguins are primarily adapted in morphology and physiology to cope with low water temperatures, our results suggest that behavioural thermoregulation may be important in the maintenance of the thermal balance in Humboldt penguins while on land.  相似文献   

Proper adjustment of thermoregulatory mechanisms ensures the survival of mammals when they are subjected to seasonal changes in their natural environment. To understand the physiological and ecological adaptations of Eothenomys olitor, we measured their metabolic rate, thermal conductance, body temperature (Tb) and evaporative water loss at a temperature range of 5–30 °C in summer. The thermal neutral zone (TNZ) of E. olitor was 20–27.5 °C, and the mean body temperature was 35.81±0.15 °C. Basal metabolic rate (BMR) was 2.81±0.11 ml O2/g h and mean minimum thermal conductance (Cm) was 0.18±0.01 ml O2/g h °C. Evaporative water loss (EWL) in E. olitor increased when the ambient temperature increased. The maximal evaporative water loss was 6.74±0.19 mg H2O/g h at 30 °C. These results indicated that E. olitor have relatively high BMR, low body temperature, low lower critical temperature, and normal thermal conductance. EWL plays an inportant role in temperature regulation. These characteristics are closely related to the living habitat of the species, and represent its adaptive strategy to the climate of the Yunnan-Kweichow Plateau, a low-latitude, high-altitude region where annual temperature fluctuations are small, but daily temperature fluctuations are greater.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of short photoperiod and cold on metabolism and thermoregulation was investigated in pouched mice (Saccostomus campestris: Cricetidae) from three localities in southern Africa which experience contrasting climatic conditions. Mice were initially acclimated to long photoperiod (14L: 10D) at 25°C, followed first by a decline in photoperiod (to 10L: 14D) and then by a fall in temperature (to 10°C). Minimum observed metabolic rate (basal metabolic rate) was unaffected by the decline in photoperiod but increased significantly following cold acclimation. Because minimal thermal conductance remained constant throughout the study the increase in minimum observed metabolic rate caused a decline in lower critical temperature to around 26°C. In contrast to minimum observed metabolic rate, regulatory non-shivering thermogenesis improved significantly following the decline in both photoperiod and temperature. However, pouched mice from the warmest locality were significantly less responsive to photoperiod than those from the other two localities whose survival might depend upon their ability to accurately predict seasonal changes in temperature. Neither photoperiod nor temperature had any effect on body mass, yet pouched mice from the most arid locality, where food supply might be unpredictable, were significantly smaller and had lower total energy requirements than those from areas experiencing higher annual rainfall. These results indicate that S. campestris displays considerable geographical variation in energy requirements together with differences in the use of photoperiod as an anticipatory cue for predicting the onset of winter. These differences appear to be related to the availability of energy and the relative severity of climatic conditions in each locality.Abbreviations ANOVA analysis of variance - BMR basal metabolic rate - C m minimal thermal conductance - M b body mass - MOMR minimum observed metabolic rate - MWU Mann-Whitney U-test - NA noradrenaline - NST non-shivering thermogenesis - RMR resting metabolic rate - RQ respiratory quotient - T a ambient temperature - T b body temperature - T 1c lower critical temperature - oxygen consumption - maximum - following NA injection  相似文献   

The pituitary pars intermedia of Camelus dromedarius is well developed and completely surrounds the pars nervosa. Two major groups of cells are present: endocrine (ec) and glial-like cells (glc). The ec group is composed of three morphologically distinct cell types. Type I, or polyhedral light cells (LC-I) and type II, or polyhedral dark cells (DC-II), have secretory granules of heterogeneous electron density whose size ranges from 170 to 300 nm. Type III cells are elongated with homogeneous electron-dense secretory granules of 80–200 nm. The glc make up an organized network, form follicles in the centrolobular zones and are positive for vimentin and S-100β immunolabelling. The nerve fibres penetrating the lobe are numerous, and can be classified into two types according to the membrane bound vesicles found in their endings (ne). Ultrastructural quantitative analysis revealed significant variations in PI elements between winter and summer seasons (F = 8.014, p = 0.006). DC-II cells characterized by developed biosynthetic machinery and a large pool of secretory granules storage are increased with the ne in winter. However, LC-I cells showing frequent cytoplasmic degranulation are predominant with glc in summer. Thus, important cellular remodelling occurs in the dromedary PI that may depend upon, or perhaps anticipate, external living conditions.  相似文献   

We studied physiological thermal adaptation in the lizard Microlophus atacamensis along a latitudinal range.  相似文献   

1. 1. The preferred temperature of Bulla gouldiana is 26.7–28.7°C.
2. 2. In constant scotophase, photophase, and light and dark photoperiod the organisms do not have a diel cycle of thermoregulation.
3. 3. It takes the animal 6–16 h to reach the preferred temperature.
4. 4. The lowest and highest temperatures visited were 11 and 33°C.
5. 5. Spawning of the species occurred in the thermal gradient between 27 and 28.5°C.

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