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We surveyed body temperature (Tb) fluctuations of 23 species of thermoregulating lizards (9 families, 305 individuals) for pattern similarities. Here we report that the Tb time-series patterns of all species and almost all individuals met both qualitative criteria and quantitative criteria (positive Lyapunov exponent and capacity and/or correlation dimensions less than 5, and Hurst exponent not equal to 0.5) for deterministic chaos. Chaotic thermoregulation appears controlled, but at unpredictable times becomes disturbed and exhibits nonlinear behaviors before returning to control. This chaotic pattern of regulation is common to sufficiently diverse species to suggest that it is likely a primitive lacertilian, and perhaps reptilian, physiological characteristic.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Measuring terrestrial movements of small animals poses a substantial technological challenge. We developed very long (up to 130 m) passive integrated transponder (PIT) detectors with which we tracked salamanders (Caudata) migrating from breeding ponds to their upland habitat >200 m away. In all 60 trials, salamanders were detected when released near the antennae. In a second test, we tracked 7 of 14 tagged marbled salamanders (Ambystoma opacum) migrating >65 m, well beyond the area protected by existing wetland buffer regulations in Massachusetts, USA. The mean rate of movement for these salamanders ( = 0.9 m/min; SE = 0.1 m/min) was substantially higher than rates of movement reported for related salamanders with radio-implants. These PIT antennae offer researchers a means to study small animal movements with less disruption of the animals’ natural movement patterns than is caused by other available techniques.  相似文献   

The preference for in-phase association of coupled cyclic limbs movements is well described (mirror-symmetrical patterns) and this is demonstrated by the ease of performing in-phase movements compared to anti-phase ones. The hypothesis of this study is that the easiest movement patterns are those with minor postural activity. The aim of this study was to describe postural activity in standing subjects in the sagittal and frontal planes during the execution of three upper limbs tasks (single arm, in-phase, anti-phase) at four different frequencies (from 0.6 to 1.2 Hz).We employed six infrared cameras for recording kinematics information, a force platform for measuring forces exerted on the ground, and a system for surface electromyography (SEMG). Outcome measures were: upper limb range of movement and relative-phase, centre of pressure displacement (COP), screw torque (Tz) exerted on the ground, and SEMG recordings of postural muscles (adductor longus, gluteus medius, rectus femoris, and biceps femoris).Our results show that in both the planes the in-phase task resulted in less COP displacement, torque production, and postural muscles involvement than the anti-phase and single arm tasks. This reduced need of postural control could explain the ease of performing in-phase coupled limb movements compared with anti-phase movements.  相似文献   

A change in the spontaneous release of neurotransmitter is a useful indicator of processes occurring within presynaptic terminals. Linear techniques (e.g. Fourier transform) have been used to analyse spontaneous synaptic events in previous studies, but such methods are inappropriate if the timing pattern is complex. We have investigated spontaneous glycinergic miniature synaptic currents (mIPSCs) in principal cells of the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body. The random versus deterministic (or periodic) nature of mIPSCs was assessed using recurrence quantification analysis. Nonlinear methods were then used to quantify any detected determinism in spontaneous release, and to test for chaotic or fractal patterns. Modelling demonstrated that this procedure is much more sensitive in detecting periodicities than conventional techniques. mIPSCs were found to exhibit periodicities that were abolished by blockade of internal calcium stores with ryanodine, suggesting calcium oscillations in the presynaptic inhibitory terminals. Analysis indicated that mIPSC occurrences were chaotic in nature. Furthermore, periodicities were less evident in congenitally deaf mice than in normal mice, indicating that appropriate neural activity during development is necessary for the expression of deterministic chaos in mIPSC patterns. We suggest that chaotic oscillations of mIPSC occurrences play a physiological role in signal processing in the auditory brainstem.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional mathematical model is used to determine the effects of adhesion and cell signalling on cell movements during the aggregation and slug stages of Dictyostelium discoideum (Dd) and to visualize cell sorting. The building blocks of the model are individual deformable ellipsoidal cells, where movement depends on internal parameter state (cell size and stiffness) and on external cues from the neighboring cells, extracellular matrix, and chemical signals. Cell movement and deformation are calculated from equations of motion using the total force acting on each cell, ensuring that forces are balanced. The simulations show that the sorting patterns of prestalk and prespore cells, emerging during the slug stage, depend critically on the type of cell adhesion and not just on chemotactic differences between cells. This occurs because cell size and stiffness can prevent the otherwise faster cells from passing the slower cells. The patterns are distinctively different when the prestalk cells are more or less adhesive than the prespore cells. These simulations suggest that sorting is not solely due to differential chemotaxis, and that differences in both adhesion strength and type between different cell types play a very significant role, both in Dictyostelium and other systems.  相似文献   

Exergames provide a challenging opportunity for home-based training and evaluation of postural control in the elderly population, but affordable sensor technology and algorithms for assessment of whole body movement patterns in the home environment are yet to be developed. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the use of Kinect, a commonly available video game sensor, for capturing and analyzing whole body movement patterns. Healthy adults (n=20) played a weight shifting exergame under five different conditions with varying amplitudes and speed of sway movement, while 3D positions of ten body segments were recorded in the frontal plane using Kinect and a Vicon 3D camera system. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used to extract and compare movement patterns and the variance in individual body segment positions explained by these patterns. Using the identified patterns, balance outcome measures based on spatiotemporal sway characteristics were computed. The results showed that both Vicon and Kinect capture >90% variance of all body segment movements within three PCs. Kinect-derived movement patterns were found to explain variance in trunk movements accurately, yet explained variance in hand and foot segments was underestimated and overestimated respectively by as much as 30%. Differences between both systems with respect to balance outcome measures range 0.3–64.3%. The results imply that Kinect provides the unique possibility of quantifying balance ability while performing complex tasks in an exergame environment.  相似文献   

Optimal control simulations have shown that both musculoskeletal dynamics and physiological noise are important determinants of movement. However, due to the limited efficiency of available computational tools, deterministic simulations of movement focus on accurately modelling the musculoskeletal system while neglecting physiological noise, and stochastic simulations account for noise while simplifying the dynamics. We took advantage of recent approaches where stochastic optimal control problems are approximated using deterministic optimal control problems, which can be solved efficiently using direct collocation. We were thus able to extend predictions of stochastic optimal control as a theory of motor coordination to include muscle coordination and movement patterns emerging from non-linear musculoskeletal dynamics. In stochastic optimal control simulations of human standing balance, we demonstrated that the inclusion of muscle dynamics can predict muscle co-contraction as minimal effort strategy that complements sensorimotor feedback control in the presence of sensory noise. In simulations of reaching, we demonstrated that nonlinear multi-segment musculoskeletal dynamics enables complex perturbed and unperturbed reach trajectories under a variety of task conditions to be predicted. In both behaviors, we demonstrated how interactions between task constraint, sensory noise, and the intrinsic properties of muscle influence optimal muscle coordination patterns, including muscle co-contraction, and the resulting movement trajectories. Our approach enables a true minimum effort solution to be identified as task constraints, such as movement accuracy, can be explicitly imposed, rather than being approximated using penalty terms in the cost function. Our approximate stochastic optimal control framework predicts complex features, not captured by previous simulation approaches, providing a generalizable and valuable tool to study how musculoskeletal dynamics and physiological noise may alter neural control of movement in both healthy and pathological movements.  相似文献   

Non-consumptive effects (NCEs) of predators are part of the complex interactions among insect natural enemies and prey. NCEs have been shown to significantly affect prey foraging and feeding. Leafhopper''s (Auchenorrhyncha) lengthy phloem feeding bouts may play a role in pathogen transmission in vector species and also exposes them to predation risk. However, NCEs on leafhoppers have been scarcely studied, and we lack basic information about how anti-predator behaviour influences foraging and feeding in these species. Here we report a study on non-consumptive and consumptive predator-prey interactions in a naturally co-occurring spider–leafhopper system. In mesocosm arenas we studied movement patterns during foraging and feeding of the leafhopper Psammotettix alienus in the presence of the spider predator Tibellus oblongus. Leafhoppers delayed feeding and fed much less often when the spider was present. Foraging movement pattern changed under predation risk: movements became more frequent and brief. There was considerable individual variation in foraging movement activity. Those individuals that increased movement activity in the presence of predators exposed themselves to higher predation risk. However, surviving individuals exhibited a ‘cool headed’ reaction to spider presence by moving less than leafhoppers in control trials. No leafhoppers were preyed upon while feeding. We consider delayed feeding as a “paradoxical” antipredator tactic, since it is not necessarily an optimal strategy against a sit-and-wait generalist predator.  相似文献   

Floral sexual organ (stamen and pistil) movements are selective adaptations that have different functions in male-female reproduction and the evolution of flowering plants. However, the significance of stamen movements in the spatial–temporal function and separation of male and female organs has not been experimentally determined in species exhibiting floral temporal closure. The current study investigated the role of slow stamen (group-by-group) movement in male-female sexual function, and the effect of stamen movement on pollen removal, male-male and male-female interference, and mating patterns of Geranium pratense, a plant with temporal floral closure. This species uses stamen group-by-group movement and therefore anther-stigma spatial–temporal separation. Spatial separation (two whorls of stamen and pistil length) was shown to be stronger than temporal separation. We found that stamen movements to the center of the flower increase pollen removal, and the most common pollinators visited more frequently and for longer durations during the male floral stage than during the female floral stage. Petal movements increased both self-pollen deposition rate and sexual interference in G. pratense. The fruit and seed set of naturally and outcrossed pollinated flowers were more prolific than those of self-pollinated flowers. Group-by-group stamen movement, dehiscence of stamens, pistil movement, and male-female spatial–temporal functional separation of G. pratense before floral temporal closure may prevent male-female and stamen-stamen interference and pollen discounting, and may increase pollen removal and cross-pollination.  相似文献   

We compared movement patterns and rhythms of activity of a top predator, the Iberian lynx Lynx pardinus, a mesopredator, the red fox Vulpes vulpes, and their shared principal prey, the rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus, in relation to moon phases. Because the three species are mostly nocturnal and crepuscular, we hypothesized that the shared prey would reduce its activity at most risky moon phases (i.e. during the brightest nights), but that fox, an intraguild prey of lynx, would avoid lynx activity peaks at the same time. Rabbits generally moved further from their core areas on darkest nights (i.e. new moon), using direct movements which minimize predation risk. Though rabbits responded to the increased predation risk by reducing their activity during the full moon, this response may require several days, and the moon effect we observed on the rabbits had, therefore, a temporal gap. Lynx activity patterns may be at least partially mirroring rabbit activity: around new moons, when rabbits moved furthest and were more active, lynxes reduced their travelling distances and their movements were concentrated in the core areas of their home ranges, which generally correspond to areas of high density of rabbits. Red foxes were more active during the darkest nights, when both the conditions for rabbit hunting were the best and lynxes moved less. On the one hand, foxes increased their activity when rabbits were further from their core areas and moved with more discrete displacements; on the other hand, fox activity in relation to the moon seemed to reduce dangerous encounters with its intraguild predator.  相似文献   

This study uses survey and tagging data and cluster analysis to interpret dynamics of ontogenetic movements and seasonal migrations in snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) along the Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) continental shelves. Most historic literature from Atlantic Canada suggests snow crab undertake small-scale ontogenetic movements while observations of seasonal migrations had been near-exclusive to the inshore. Information on both types of movement in the most spatially expansive offshore region of Atlantic Canada, in NL, was lacking. We find that that both ontogenetic movements and seasonal migrations occur in most areas of the NL offshore, with ontogenetic movements generally down-slope and seasonal migrations generally up-slope. Conservative estimates of average ontogenetic movements range from 54 to 72 km for both males and females in the largest offshore regions while seasonal migrations are slightly smaller, with two independent studies on the Grand Bank producing average estimates of 43–46 km and an adjacent tagging study in a smaller inshore bay producing an average estimate of 25 km. Ontogenetic movements appear associated with a search for warm water while seasonal migrations appear associated with both mating and molting in shallow water. On average, morphometrically mature crab of both sexes move less vertical distance than morphometrically immature crab during seasonal migrations. We investigate plausible explanations for ontogenetic movements and spring migrations and detail how bottom temperature affects crab distribution and life history dynamics. We further document movement patterns from tagging studies on the burgeoning snow crab stock in the Eastern Barents Sea toward establishing consistencies in species behaviour on the global scale. Finally, we discuss explanations for historical disparities in the literature between scales of movement for snow crab in the Eastern Bering Sea of Alaska versus Atlantic Canada and advance perspectives on life history theory for the species.  相似文献   

Natural rodent grooming and other instinctive behavior serves as a natural model of complex movement sequences. Rodent grooming has syntactic (rule-driven) sequences and more random movement patterns. Both incorporate the same movements--only the serial structure differs. Recordings of neural activity in the dorsolateral striatum and the substantia nigra pars reticulata indicate preferential activation during syntactic sequences over more random sequences. Neurons that are responsive during syntactic grooming sequences are often unresponsive or have reverse activation profiles during kinematically similar movements that occur in flexible or random grooming sequences. Few neurons could be categorized as strictly movement related--instead they were activated only in the context of particular sequential patterns of movements. Particular sequential patterns included "syntactic chain" grooming sequences of paw, head, and body movements and also "warm-up" sequences, which consist of head and body/limb movements that precede locomotion after a period of quiet resting (Golani 1992). Activation during warm-up was less intense and less frequent than during grooming sequences, but both sequences activated neurons above baseline levels, and the same neurons sometimes responded to both sequences. The fact that striatal neurons code 2 natural sequences which are made up of different constituent movements suggests that the basal ganglia may have a generalized role in sequence control. The basal ganglia are modulated by the context of the sequence and may play an executive function in the complex natural patterns of sequenced behaviour.  相似文献   

Small, early life stages, such as zebrafish embryos are increasingly used to assess the biological effects of chemical compounds in vivo. However, behavioural screens of such organisms are challenging in terms of both data collection (culture techniques, drug delivery and imaging) and data evaluation (very large data sets), restricting the use of high throughput systems compared to in vitro assays. Here, we combine the use of a microfluidic flow-through culture system, or BioWell plate, with a novel motion analysis technique, (sparse optic flow - SOF) followed by spectral analysis (discrete Fourier transformation - DFT), as a first step towards automating data extraction and analysis for such screenings. Replicate zebrafish embryos housed in a BioWell plate within a custom-built imaging system were subject to a chemical exposure (1.5% ethanol). Embryo movement was videoed before (30 min), during (60 min) and after (60 min) exposure and SOF was then used to extract data on movement (angles of rotation and angular changes to the centre of mass of embryos). DFT was subsequently used to quantify the movement patterns exhibited during these periods and Multidimensional Scaling and ANOSIM were used to test for differences. Motion analysis revealed that zebrafish had significantly altered movements during both the second half of the alcohol exposure period and also the second half of the recovery period compared to their pre-treatment movements. Manual quantification of tail flicking revealed the same differences between exposure-periods as detected using the automated approach. However, the automated approach also incorporates other movements visible in the organism such as blood flow and heart beat, and has greater power to discern environmentally-driven changes in the behaviour and physiology of organisms. We suggest that combining these technologies could provide a highly efficient, high throughput assay, for assessing whole embryo responses to various drugs and chemicals.  相似文献   

The dispersal and other movement patterns in two Badger populations, one in rural Gloucestershire and the other in suburban Bristol, are described and categorized into nine different types of movement. Movements were less common in the high density Badger population in Gloucestershire, but disturbance increased the likelihood of movements occurring. In the lower density Bristol population, where the social structure was more fluid, movements were more common. However, in both populations truly itinerant Badgers appeared to be rare. More male than female Badgers moved, but for each type of movement there was no difference in the distance moved by males and females. Movements were rare in animals less than a year old; most movements occurred in sexually mature animals, i.e. those more than 2 years old.  相似文献   

The spatially explicit diel movement patterns of fish using coral reef ecosystems are not well understood, despite the widespread recognition that many common species undergo distinct migrations to utilize different resources during night and day. We used manual acoustic telemetry coupled with global positioning technology to track the detailed spatially explicit daily movements (24 h) of multiple individuals of two common Caribbean fish species, Haemulon sciurus (bluestriped grunt) and Lutjanus apodus (schoolmaster snapper). Movement pathways and day and night activity spaces were mapped and quantified in a Geographic Information System (GIS). Directional sun-synchronous migrations occurred close to astronomical sunset and sunrise. Site fidelity within day and night activity spaces was high. Nine of twelve individuals exhibited overlap of day and night activity spaces and three fish (L. apodus) exhibited complete spatial segregation. Night activity spaces (H. sciurus: 11,309?±?3,548 m2; L. apodus: 9,950?±?3,120 m2) were significantly larger than day activity spaces (H. sciurus: 2,778?±?1,979 m2; L. apodus: 1,291?±?636 m2). The distance between sequential position fixes (step lengths) was significantly greater at night than day, indicative of nocturnal foraging and day resting behavior. Integrating acoustic telemetry, GIS techniques and spatial statistics to study fish movement behavior revealed both individual variability and some broader generality in movement paths and activity spaces suggestive of complex underlying behavioral mechanisms influencing diel movements.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Although North American geese are managed based on their breeding distributions, the dynamics of those breeding populations may be affected by events that occur during the winter. Birth rates of capital breeding geese may be influenced by wintering conditions, mortality may be influenced by timing of migration and wintering distribution, and immigration and emigration among breeding populations may depend on winter movement and timing of pair formation. We examined factors affecting movements of black brant (Branta bernicla nigricans) among their primary wintering sites in Mexico and southern California, USA, (Mar 1998-Mar 2000) using capture-recapture models. Although brant exhibited high probability (>0.85) of monthly and annual fidelity to the wintering sites we sampled, we observed movements among all wintering sites. Movement probabilities both within and among winters were negatively related to distance between sites. We observed a higher probability both of southward movement between winters (Mar to Dec) and northward movement between months within winters. Between-winter movements were probably most strongly affected by spatial and temporal variation in habitat quality as we saw movement patterns consistent with contrasting environmental conditions (e.g., La Niña and El Niño southern oscillation cycles). Month-to-month movements were related to migration patterns and may also have been affected by differences in habitat conditions among sites. Patterns of winter movements indicate that a network of wintering sites may be necessary for effective conservation of brant.  相似文献   

To gain insight into whale shark (Rhincodon typus) movement patterns in the Western Indian Ocean, we deployed eight pop‐up satellite tags at an aggregation site in the Arta Bay region of the Gulf of Tadjoura, Djibouti in the winter months of 2012, 2016, and 2017. Tags revealed movements ranging from local‐scale around the Djibouti aggregation site, regional movements along the coastline of Somaliland, movements north into the Red Sea, and a large‐scale (>1,000 km) movement to the east coast of Somalia, outside of the Gulf of Aden. Vertical movement data revealed high occupation of the top ten meters of the water column, diel vertical movement patterns, and deep diving behavior. Long‐distance movements recorded both here and in previous studies suggest that connectivity between the whale sharks tagged at the Djibouti aggregation and other documented aggregations in the region are likely within annual timeframes. In addition, wide‐ranging movements through multiple nations, as well as the high use of surface waters recorded, likely exposes whale sharks in this region to several anthropogenic threats, including targeted and bycatch fisheries and ship‐strikes. Area‐based management approaches focusing on seasonal hotspots offer a way forward in the conservation of whale sharks in the Western Indian Ocean.  相似文献   

We addressed decision-making processes in the collective movements of two groups of Przewalski horses ( Equus ferus przewalskii ) living in a semi free-ranging population. We investigated whether different patterns of group movement are related to certain ecological contexts (habitat use and group activity) and analysed the possible decision-making processes involved. We found two distinct patterns; 'single-bout' and 'multiple-bout' movements occurred in both study groups. The movements were defined by the occurrence of collective stops between bouts and differed by their duration, distance covered and ecological context. For both movements, we found that a preliminary period involving several horses occurred before departure. In single-bout movements, all group members rapidly joined the first moving horse, independently of the preliminary period. In multiple-bout movements, however, the joining process was longer; in particular when the number of decision-makers and their pre-departure behaviour before departure increased. Multiple-bout movements were more often used by horses to switch habitats and activities. This observation demonstrates that the horses need more time to resolve motivational conflicts before these departures. We conclude that decision-making in Przewalski horses is based on a shared consensus process driven by ecological determinants.  相似文献   

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