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Pairwise analysis of Hin fI/33·6 DNA fingerprints from a total of one hundred and fifty-three Irish greyhounds of known pedigree were used to determine band-share estimates of unrelated, first-degree and second-degree relationships. Forty-eight unrelated Irish greyhounds were used to determine allele frequencies for three single-locus minisatellites, and following a preliminary screen, eight of the most polymorphic tetra-nucleotide microsatellites from a panel of 15. The results indicated that both band-share estimates by DNA fingerprinting and microsatellite allele frequencies are highly effective in resolving parentage in this greyhound population, while single-locus minisatellites showed limited polymorphism and could not be used alone for routine parentage testing in this breed. The present study also demonstrated that, to obtain optimal resolution of parentage, sample sets of known pedigree status are required to determine the band-share distribution and/or microsatellite allele frequencies.  相似文献   

We investigated the genetic mating system of a socially monogamous passerine bird, the Capricorn silvereye Zosterops lateralis chlorocephalus, on an island of the Great Barrier Reef. Therewere no cases of extrapair paternity (EPP) among 122 offspringfrom 53 broods detectable by minisatellite or microsatelliteDNA fingerprinting. Behavioral observations of paired birdsshowed that this was not a consequence of efficacious paternityguards and that females did not engage in extrapair copulation(EPC). Frequency of intrapair copulations was also low, withonly 14 cases observed during 199 hours of observations ofthe 11 focal pairs in the fertile periods of females, and thiswas consistent with anatomical features of the cloacal protuberancein males. In this population, young birds form life-time pairbonds soon after gaining independence but females are obviouslynot attempting EPC possibly to redress this early mate choice.This is despite the fact that they breed in high density witha synchronous start and asynchronous spread of laying in aprotracted season and males do not positively exhibit mateguarding behavior when females are fertile. Our results supporthigh fidelity of socially monogamous birds on islands and are consistent with the hypothesis that sexual selection is reducedwhere genetic variation in fitness is limited.  相似文献   

Genomic DNA, prepared from 12 animals from four sheep flocks, was digested with either HaeIII or Hin fI and probed with three DNA fingerprinting probes. Mean DNA fingerprint band sharing and band frequency calculated for each flock were used to estimate genetic diversity. Each of the DNA fingerprinting systems showed the same trend in diversity within the sampled flocks, and greater diversity between the flocks than within the flocks. DNA fingerprinting therefore provides a useful measure of genetic diversity in sheep.  相似文献   

Use of DNA fingerprinting for human population genetic studies   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
DNA fingerprinting techniques have been used in population genetic studies on many different kinds of organisms. Here, we present new applications for multilocus DNA fingerprint probes in population studies and demonstrate the applicability of DNA fingerprinting to human population genetics, using M13 phage DNA as a probe. The new approach, which is based on a factor method of numerical coding of non-quantitative data (factor correspondence analysis-FCA), shows good agreement between population position, as indicated by the three principal factors, and ethnogenetic proximity.  相似文献   

DNA fingerprinting evidence of nonfilial nursing in grey seals   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We tested the hypothesis that kin selection may play a role in fostering behaviour in grey seals. Fostering frequency varied among three colonies, ranging from 3% to 28%. Band-sharing coefficients (S) of DNA fingerprints, from two multilocus probes, were used to predict relatedness ( r ). Mean r did not differ between foster mother-pup pairs and the expected r = 0 for presumed unrelated female-pup pairs. Likewise, mean r between fostered and filial pups compared to r between presumed unrelated pups within the same beaches did not differ. Mean S values of presumed unrelated pups on different beaches within the two smallest colonies were indistinguishable, indicating that there is not increased variation in relatedness in small colonies. These results suggest that kin selection does not play a significant role in the maintenance of grey seal fostering behaviour.  相似文献   

Summary DNA fingerprinting, a technique based on the detection of hypervariable minisatellite regions in DNA restriction fragments, was tested for its applicability to conduct population genetics in poultry. Using MspI digestion and phage M13 DNA as a probe, between 25 and 35 minisatellite-containing DNA fragments were observed per bird. Comparison of the banding pattern of offspring with their parents revealed that the bands were inherited as stable genetic traits. The variability of the DNA fingerprinting pattern was reduced in inbred strains. DNA fingerprints of chickens from five well-defined populations of known genetic relationships were analyzed and indices of genetic distances were computed. They correctly reflected the history of these strains, indicating that DNA fingerprinting may be a powerful tool to characterize genetic relationships between different breeding populations of the same species.  相似文献   

DNA fingerprinting in clonal organisms   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The use of DNA fingerprinting to identify members of the same clone in completely or partially asexual organisms requires that the individuals within a clone share a recent common ancestor. By considering the expected distributions of band–sharing values in asexual and sexual organisms, it is shown that DNA fingerprinting may be effective in distinguishing members of the same clone, provided that the frequency of sexual reproduction is considerably greater than the minisatellite mutation rate.  相似文献   

目的建立应用DNA指纹图谱技术鉴定微生态制剂——整肠生菌株BL63516的方法,提高菌种鉴别水平。方法应用RAPD(随机扩增多态性)方法,采用50条随机引物对7株地衣芽胞杆菌进行基因组DNA指纹图谱分析,选择多态性好、重复性好、稳定性强的随机引物,对BL63516与其他地衣芽胞杆菌进行区分。结果发现选用引物$87或$88分别对7株地衣芽胞杆菌进行基因组DNA指纹图谱分析,BL63516菌株扩增的DNA片段的大小、数量均与其他地衣芽胞杆菌有明显差异。结论此方法具有可重复性,方便、快速和准确的优势,可用于微生态制剂整肠生菌株的鉴别。  相似文献   

Broods of young merlins were compared with the adults in attendance at their nest by DNA fingerprinting. No offspring were found that mismatched genetically suggesting that intraspecific brood parasitism and extrapair fertilization are very rare in this population. The results are discussed in the light of the Paternity Assurance Hypothesis.  相似文献   

DNA fingerprinting allows the simultaneous detection of a large number of hypervariable loci consisting of highly polymorphic tandem repeat units that are extensively dispersed in the genome. With the 33.6 human minisatellite probe, hypervariable fragments were detected, for the first time, in the genome of three different species of wild-caught neotropical primates: Aotus infulatus, Aotus azarae, and Cebus apella. As in the human, these species were highly polymorphic, showing distinctive, individual-specific patterns. Estimates of relatedness within each group were calculated from interspecific comparisons based on the number of shared fragments between individuals. This work shows that the 33.6 human minisatellite probe can be very useful for increasing our understanding of population dynamics and behavior of these species in their natural habitat. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Genetic variability in six host genotype-specific pathotypes of pearl millet downy mildew pathogen S. graminicola was studied at the molecular level using mini- and micro-satellites. Our results indicated that microsatellites (GAA)6, (GACA)4, and especially (GATA)4 were quite informative and showed high levels of polymorphism among the pathotypes. The six pathotypes could be classified into five groups based on the cluster analysis of their genetic similarities, thereby confirming the existence of distinct host genotype-specific virulence in S. graminicola pathotypes. We demonstrate, for the first time, the use of DNA fingerprinting to detect genetic variation in downy mildew fungus of pearl millet.  相似文献   

Karyotyping and hypervariable genetic markers indicate extensive leucochimaerism between pairs of dizygotic twins in cattle, a result of placental vascular anastomosis. The extent of this chimaerism includes both kind and number of cells exchanged. All heterosexual twin pairs harboured two types of leucocytes, having either XX or XY chromosome pairs, and 30 of 31 pairs of twins shared identical DNA fingerprints. Although chromosome results from skin fibroblasts indicate that some chimaerism occurs in the skin, the low level allows for differentiation of genotypes between twins. The results warrant against the common practice of using blood samples for DNA typing if twinning is not properly documented.  相似文献   

 Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis is a rapid and efficient method for producing DNA fingerprints. The AFLP diversity of sunflower has not been described, and much of the public germ plasm of sunflower has not yet been fingerprinted. Our objectives were to: (1) estimate genetic similarities, polymorphism rates, and polymorphic information contents (PICs) for AFLP markers among elite public oilseed inbred lines, and (2) assess the genetic diversity of inbred lines using genetic similarities estimated from AFLP fingerprints. We produced fingerprints for 24 public inbred lines of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) using six AFLP primer combinations. These primers produced a total of 359 AFLP markers or about 60 markers per primer combination. Genetic similarities ranged from 0.70 to 0.91, polymorphism rates ranged from 7 to 24%, and PICs ranged from 0.0 to 0.5. Genetic similarities were lower overall for maintainer (B)×restorer (R) crosses than for B×B or R×R crosses. Principal-coordinate and cluster analyses separated lines into two groups, one for B-lines and another for R-lines. These groupings illustrate the breeding history and basic heterotic pattern (B×R) of sunflower and the widespread practice of using B×B and R×R crosses to develop new lines. There were, nevertheless, distinct subgroups within these groups. These subgroups may represent unique heterotic groups and create a basis for formally describing heterotic patterns in sunflower. Received: 10 June 1996 / Accepted: 4 April 1997  相似文献   

In the absence of pedigree information, the determination of genetic distinctness of populations can only be made by genetic methods. Using DNA fingerprinting on the North American captive herd of Speke's gazelle Gazella spekei , we were able to address two hypotheses. First, two new individuals were found to have come from a genetically distinct population ( P = 0.008, permutation test), and represent potential new founders to be added to the population. Secondly, genetic similarity was not significantly correlated with relatedness under extreme inbreeding and very close relationship (coefficient of relationship range 0.304-0.717).  相似文献   

中国松毛虫属八个种和亚种亲缘关系的DNA指纹证据   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
利用DNA指纹谱方法探讨了中国松毛虫属8个种和亚种〔马尾松毛虫Dendrolimus punctatus punctatus (Walker),德昌松毛虫D. punctatus tehchangensis Tsai et Liu,文山松毛虫D. punctatus wenshanensis Tsai et Liu,思茅松毛虫D. kikuchii Matsumura,赤松毛虫D. spectabilis Butler,油松毛虫D. tabulaeformis Tsai et Liu,落叶松毛虫D. superans (Butler),云南松毛虫D. houi Lajonquiere之间的亲缘关系。13个随机引物在8种松毛虫中共检测到168个多态分子标记。分析表明,这8个种间的遗传距离的变化范围为0.3780~0.7360;马尾松毛虫与其亚种德昌松毛虫的遗传距离最近,为0.3780,与其另一亚种文山松毛虫以及油松毛虫的遗传距离次之,皆为0.5233;赤松毛虫、落叶松毛虫、云南松毛虫与马尾松毛虫的遗传距离则再次之,分别为0.6362,0.6770和0.6944;与马尾松毛虫遗传距离最远的是思茅松毛虫,为0.7360。8种松毛虫间具体的亲缘关系为: (D. superans (D. tabulaeformis (D. p. wenshanensis (D. p. tehchangensis, D. p. punctatus)(D. Kikuchii (D. spectabilis, D. houi))。  相似文献   

DNA amplification fingerprinting: A strategy for genome analysis   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
A novel strategy to detect genetic differences among organisms, DNA amplification fingerprinting (DAF), uses a thermostable DNA polymerase directed by usually one short (≥5 bp) oligonucleotide primer of arbitrary sequence to amplify short segments of genomic DNA and generate a range of DNA extension products. These products can be analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and silver staining. DAF is rapid and sensitive and is independent of cloning and prior genetic characterization. Here we describe this new methodology, its application to plant genotyping, and its perspectives in DNA fingerprinting and genome mapping.  相似文献   

Two molecular techniques which reveal highly variable DNA polymorphisms, RAPD and multilocus DNA fingerprinting, were used to evaluate genetic diversity between six aquacultural strains of Oreochromis niloticus (tilapia) from the Philippines. The results using both techniques were in close agreement Within-strain heterozygosity values were similar and were correlated between the two data sets, but statistical errors associated with the RAPD data set were lower. Although genetic distances between strains were greater using DNA fingerprinting, the distances measured using both methods were significantly correlated. Both methods were useful in estimating variation between strains, but they offered different advantages. RAPD was technically easier to perform and produced results with low statistical error, whereas DNA fingerprinting detected greater genetic differentiation between strains. The theoretical basis for using RAPD and multilocus minisatellite markers for population studies is discussed.  相似文献   

AIMS: DNA fingerprinting of Salmonella enterica serotype Paratyphi B isolated in Malaysia during 1982-83, 1992 and 1996-2002 was carried out by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), antimicrobial susceptibility tests and D-tartrate utilization tests to assess the extent of genetic diversity of these isolates in Malaysia. METHODS AND RESULTS: Eighty-six human isolates and one food isolate of Salm. Paratyphi B were analysed by PFGE, antimicrobial susceptibility tests and D-tartrate utilization tests. Sixty-five strains were D-tartrate-negative (dT-) while 22 strains were D-tartrate-positive (dT+). Thirty-seven per cent of the Salm. Paratyphi B strains were resistant to one or more antimicrobial agents. PFGE analysis clearly distinguished the dT- and dT+ strains into two clusters based on the unweighted pair group average method (UPGMA). Twenty-two XbaI-pulsotypes were observed among the 65 dT- strains while 17 XbaI-pulsotypes were observed among the 22 isolates of Salm. Paratyphi B dT+. CONCLUSIONS: The present study showed that PFGE was very discriminative with 33.7% of the strains yielding distinct fingerprints. Paratyphoid fever in Malaysia is probably caused by one predominant, endemic clone of Salm. Paratyphi B dT- with various subtypes. There was no association between the pulsotypes and the severity of the disease indicating that the severity of the disease is probably multifactorial. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The findings of the present study verify the usefulness of PFGE in characterizing strains of Salm. Paratyphi B. This is the first report on the application of PFGE on a large collection of Salm. Paratyphi B in Malaysia.  相似文献   

The Swedish sand lizard (Lacerta agilis) is a relict species from the period of warmth following the last glacial episode and has a fragmented distribution in central Sweden and a more continuous distribution in the southern part of the country. We used this model system of colonization–extinction for a study of genetic variability within and among Swedish populations from different parts of the distribution range using multilocus DNA fingerprinting. The results from the Swedish populations are then contrasted with those from a large Hungarian population in the centre of the species geographical distribution range, which is likely to closely resemble the ancestral founding population of Sweden. Swedish populations have a low level of genetic variability compared with the Hungarian reference population, which showed a genetic variability within the range described for outbred populations. Within the Swedish populations, the average bandsharing was 0.61, the mean heterozygosity 0.45 and the estimated number of alleles 2.7. The figures for the Hungarian population were a bandsharing of 0.19, a heterozygosity of 0.89 and an estimated number of alleles of 9.8. A population bottleneck, common to all Swedish sand lizards, is indicated by less than 20% of the alleles in the Hungarian population being retained in the Swedish populations, and higher bandsharing similarity between different Swedish populations (0.33) as opposed to the Hungarian population (0.19). The limited variability found in Swedish sand lizards is strongly subdivided between populations, with an average FST of 0.32, indicating a very limited gene flow between the isolated populations, as well as between populations in the region where the sand lizard has a more or less continuous distribution (FST = 0.41).  相似文献   

Establishing the genotypic distribution in natural plant populations is an important part of ecological studies concerning plant growth, reproduction and turn-over. Restriction enzyme-digested DNA samples, isolated from 24 plants of a natural Rubus idaeus population, were analysed with DNA fingerprinting using the M13 repeat sequence as well as a synthetic (AC)/(TG) polydinucleotide as hybridization probes. All the examined samples exhibit unique DNA fingerprint patterns, suggesting that vegetative reproduction may be considerably more restricted in wild R. idaeus populations than previously assumed. By comparison, all samples of the apomictic blackberry species Rubus nessensis, collected on the same location, were completely identical.  相似文献   

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