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产油真菌在甘薯淀粉废水中发酵的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:利用甘薯淀粉废水发酵低成本获取微生物油脂。方法:以甘薯淀粉废水为发酵基质,进行菌株筛选、发酵工艺优化及油脂成分的气相色谱分析。结果:筛选出一株刺孢小克银汉霉F7,生物量为19.375g/L,含油量为45.1%。菌株F7发酵第11天生物量达到18.140g/L,含油量达到51.2%,COD去除率87%。研究发现与对照相比,NaAc和KH2PO4对生长、产油以及出水COD去除有显著促进作用,NaAc2g/L时生物量提高了25.4%,含油量提高了4.4%,COD下降了52.0%,KH2PO4的作用稍次之。结论:资源化利用甘薯淀粉废水发酵生产微生物油脂同时降低废水COD是一条可行的途径,可以为生物柴油提供廉价油源。  相似文献   

目的用斯达油脂酵母(Lipomyces starkeyi)作为发酵菌株,以纯木糖溶液为油脂发酵原料,对L.starkeyi利用木糖积累油脂进行系统研究。方法 L.starkeyi于斜面培养基中活化后,接种于YPD液体培养基,于30℃、200 r/min摇床培养。在摇瓶中培养一段时间后,测定发酵液细胞浓度,离心发酵液收集细胞。将离心后得到的菌体加入木糖溶液重悬,并转接于含50 mL木糖溶液的250 mL摇瓶中进行发酵生产。结果相比一阶段法,两阶段发酵方法可以在更短的时间内达到较高的油脂含量,油脂含量能够达到细胞自身干重的60%以上。实验发现高菌龄酵母产油速度更快;并且初始木糖浓度高达120 g/L时,酵母细胞仍然能够高效合成油脂。结论 L.starkeyi能够有效利用木糖进行发酵产生油脂,是以木质纤维素为原料生产微生物油脂的优良菌种。  相似文献   

皮状丝孢酵母B3利用木薯淀粉发酵生产微生物油脂   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
对皮状丝孢酵母B3以木薯淀粉水解液为碳源发酵生产微生物油脂培养条件进行了优化,并在2 L发酵罐中对菌体生长和油脂积累进行了考察。摇瓶实验表明,木薯淀粉水解液的浓度高于90 g/L时不利于菌体的生长和油脂积累,皮状丝孢酵母B3发酵生产微生物油脂的最适氮源及其浓度、最适C/N比和pH分别为酵母提取物3.0 g/L、116、6.0,在此条件下培养144 h菌体生物量、油脂产量和油脂含量分别达到15.2 g/L、6.22 g/L和40.9%;在2 L发酵罐中分批发酵44 h后菌体生物量、油脂产量和油脂含量分别达28.7 g/L、12.27 g/L和42.8%。以皮状丝孢酵母B3所产油脂制备生物柴油,其主要组成包括棕榈酸甲酯、硬脂酸甲酯、油酸甲酯、亚油酸甲酯等,且理化特性符合相关国家标准,可作为一种有潜力的化石燃料替代品。  相似文献   

采用响应面分析法对发酵性丝孢酵母菌株以木薯淀粉水解液为原料合成微生物油脂的培养条件进行优化。首先利用Plackett-Burman试验设计确定影响油脂产量的主要因素,在此基础上再利用Box-Behnken试验设计及响应面分析法对其进行条件优化。结果表明,发酵温度、C/N、pH对油脂产量具有显著影响,产油脂的最佳发酵条件为:发酵温度28.78°C、C/N 126.18、pH 6.69,油脂产量达到14.88g/L,比优化前提高了28.6%。同时,气相色谱分析表明,微生物油脂脂肪酸组成成分主要包括棕榈酸、硬脂酸、油酸、亚油酸酯等,是优良的生物柴油制备原料。  相似文献   

粘红酵母在味精废水中发酵生产油脂   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对粘红酵母菌株进行驯化得到一株优良菌株Rh8,利用其在味精废水中发酵以去除废水中的化学需氧量(COD)并生产油脂;考察废水pH以及添加葡萄糖母液、营养因子等对菌株Rh8在味精废水中生长、产油和COD去除效果的影响,发现将废水稀释4倍、调节pH至5.5时,菌株可以较好地生长;而添加废葡萄糖母液、酵母粉、KH2PO4、MgSO4、MnSO4均能够促进菌体的生长、产油和废水中的COD去除,在250 mL摇瓶中,生物量最高可达15.6 g/L,干菌体中油脂质量分数达到29.61%,COD去除率达到45.1%。  相似文献   

目的:探索以黄曲霉和皮状丝孢酵母为菌种二步发酵大曲丢糟生产微生物油脂的最佳工艺条件.方法:利用黄曲霉对丢糟进行一步发酵,再以一步丢糟发酵物为基质,设定皮状丝孢酵母的接种量、培养温度、培养时间为三个因素,进行L9(33)正交试验.结果:黄曲霉一步发酵丢糟的最佳条件为接种量12%,在28℃下发酵5d,获得的一步丢糟发酵物还原糖含量为2.4051%;皮状丝孢酵母二步发酵丢糟生产微生物油脂的最佳条件为皮状丝孢酵母接种量12%,在30℃下培养4d,每1 000g发酵物中可得油脂19.32g.结论:利用黄曲霉的产纤维素酶的性能和皮状丝孢酵母积累油脂的性能进行二步发酵丢糟生产微生物油脂,具有一定的可行性.  相似文献   

淀粉料直接发酵生产柠檬酸   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

固态发酵玉米淀粉渣生产蛋白饲料的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对同化淀粉能力强的糖化酵母菌Y9601株在固态发酵玉米淀粉渣生产蛋白饲料中的应用进行了研究,在合适的发酵条件下,30℃发酵36h,发酵产物(干基)酵母达到7.45×10^9个/g,粗蛋白从25.5%提高到38.2%,增加12.7%,粗蛋白增幅为49.8%。  相似文献   

金针菇在淀粉废水中发酵的营养条件研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用摇瓶试验对金针菇菌丝体在淀粉废水中培养的营养条件进行了研究。结果表明,利用淀粉废水进行金针菇液体发酵的最适营养条件为:经液化处理的淀粉废水,加KH2PO40.25 g/100 mL,MgSO4·7H2O0.05g/100mL,VB1150μg/L,VB250μg/L,pH5.40。测定了该营养条件下菌体的生长曲线及发酵过程中培养基残糖的变化。发酵周期为7d,发酵终点生物量达2.08 g/100 mL,COD去除率为70.8%。  相似文献   

Increased costs and limited availability of traditional lipid sources for biodiesel production encourage researchers to find more sustainable feedstock at low prices. Microbial lipid stands out as feedstock replacement for vegetable oil to convert fatty acid esters. In this study, the potential of three isolates of filamentous fungi (Mucor circinelloides URM 4140, M. hiemalis URM 4144, and Penicillium citrinum URM 4126) has been assessed as single-cell oil (SCO) producers. M. circinelloides 4140 had the highest biomass concentration with lipid accumulation of up to 28?wt% at 120?hr of cultivation. The profile of fatty acids revealed a high content of saturated (SFA) and monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), including palmitic (C16:0, 33.2–44.1?wt%) and oleic (C18:1, 20.7–31.2?wt%) acids, with the absence of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) having more than four double bonds. Furthermore, the predicted properties of biodiesel generated from synthesized SCOs have been estimated by using empirical models which were in accordance with the limits imposed by the USA (ASTM D6715), European Union (EN 14214), and Brazilian (ANP 45/2014) standards. These results suggest that the assessed filamentous fungus strains can be considered as alternative feedstock sources for high-quality biofuel production.  相似文献   

Laccase production at reactor scale by filamentous fungi   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Laccases have received much attention from researchers during the past decades due to their broad substrate specificity and to the fact that they use molecular oxygen as the final electron acceptor instead of hydrogen peroxide as used by peroxidases. This makes laccases highly interesting for a wide variety of processes, such as textile dye decolouration, pulp bleaching, effluent detoxification, biosensors and bioremediation.

The successful application of laccases to the above-mentioned processes requires the production of large quantities of enzyme at low cost. Filamentous fungi are able to produce laccases in high amounts, however, an efficient production system at bioreactor scale is still lacking. This is mainly due to the fact that laccase production by wild-type strains of filamentous fungi is linked to secondary metabolism, which implies that the following drawbacks must be overcome: uncontrolled fungal growth, the formation of polysaccharides around mycelia and the secretion of certain compounds (i.e. proteases) that inactivate laccases. This review summarizes the current status of laccase production by wild-type strains of filamentous fungi at the bioreactor scale.  相似文献   

以马铃薯淀粉为原料,采用同步糖化发酵方法制备乳酸。通过Plackett-Burman实验设计对影响乳酸产量的7个因子进行筛选,结果表明淀粉质量浓度、糖化酶用量和发酵温度3个因素对乳酸产量影响显著。利用最陡爬坡试验逼近最大响应区,采用中心复合实验设计及响应面分析法进行回归分析,建立影响乳酸产量的二次模型。模型求解得出最优淀粉质量浓度为271.89g/L,糖化酶用量为265.09U/g,发酵温度为39.05℃,最大理论乳酸产量为196.99g/L。3批验证实验结果平均值与预测值接近,表明该模型与实际情况拟合良好,实际最大乳酸产量为193.6g/L,较优化前提高了13.9%,L-乳酸的平均纯度达到95.2%。  相似文献   

The melt processing of glycerol-plasticized starch in the presence of non-volatile carboxylic acids resulted in a progressive loss of its molar mass, because the residual moisture in the mixture induced an acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of the ether linkages in its polysaccharide chains. The study of this reaction provided a useful means of adjusting its course and thus of preparing starch materials with controlled properties.  相似文献   

Neutral lipids of ambrosial fungi, nutritionally important to development of Xyleborus ferrugineus beetle, were analyzed for fatty acid composition. Predominant components were 16:0, 18:0, 18:1 and 18:2 in all three mutualistic fungi, Fusarium solani, Cephalosporium sp. and Graphium sp. F. solani had nearly twice the total content of the other two species; age of mycelia did not significantly affect the qualitative composition and total yield.  相似文献   

Hydroxy long-chain fatty acids occur widely in animals and plants and have important physiological activities in these eukaryotes. There are indications that these compounds are also common and important in fungi. The occurrence of hydroxy-polyunsaturated fatty acids (hydroxy-PUFAs) is of biotechnological importance, because these compounds are potentially high-value lipid products with medical applications. This review pays particular attention to the production of hydroxy-PUFAs by yeasts and other fungi. Hydroxy-PUFAs derived from lipoxygenase activity appear to be present in most fungi, while hydroxy-PUFAs from cyclooxygenase activity (i.e. prostaglandins) have mainly been implicated in the Oomycota and in yeasts from the genus Dipodascopsis. The occurrence of other hydroxy long-chain fatty acids in fungi is also discussed briefly; these include hydroxy fatty acids that are generally associated with cytochrome P-450 monooxygenase activity (i.e. terminal and sub-terminal hydroxy acids and diols derived from the corresponding epoxides) as well as 2-hydroxy-fatty acids and 3-hydroxy-fatty acids.The authors are with the Department of Microbiology and Biochemistry, University of the Orange Free State, P.O. Box 339, Bloemfontein, 9300, South Africa  相似文献   

Growth inhibition of plant pathogenic fungi by hydroxy fatty acids   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Hydroxy fatty acids are plant self-defense substances (Masui et al, Phytochemistry1989). Three types of hydroxy fatty acids: 10-hydroxystearic acid (HSA), 7S,10S-dihydroxy-8(E)-octadecenoic acid (DOD), and 12,13,17-trihydroxy-9(Z)-octadecenoic acid (THOA) were tested against the following plant pathogenic fungi: Erysiphe graminis f sp tritici (common disease name, wheat powdery mildew); Puccinia recondita (wheat leaf rust); Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides (wheat foot rot); Septoria nodorum (wheat glume blotch); Pyricularia grisea (rice blast); Rhizoctonia solani (rice sheath blight); Phytophthora infestans (potato late blight); and Botrytis cinerea (cucumber botrytis). At a concentration of 200 ppm, both HSA and DOD showed no fungal disease control activity. However, THOA at the same concentration showed weak activity and provided disease control (percent) of the following plant pathogenic fungi: Erysiphe graminis 77%; Puccinia recondita 86%; Phytophthora infestans 56%; and Botrytis cinerea 63%. The position of the hydroxy groups on the fatty acids seems to play an important role in activity against specific fungi. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2000) 24, 275–276. Received 12 August 1999/ Accepted in revised form 06 January 2000  相似文献   

真菌发酵生产γ-亚麻酸的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
综述了国内外微生物发酵生产γ-亚麻酸(GLA)的研究进展,对菌株诱变选育研究和基因工程菌株的构建情况进行了阐述,并展望了其发展前景。  相似文献   

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