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By direct somatic embryogenesis in vitro a clone of asepticplantlets can be raised from a single immature embryo of Trifoliumrepens (white clover) within about 6 weeks of pollination. Embryoidsare induced directly from intact zygotic embryonic tissue ona culture medium containing 0·025 or 0·05 mg 1–1BAP and 1·0 g 1–1 yeast extract. Similar directsomatic embryogenesis has also been achieved for Trifolium pratense(red clover) and Medicago sativa (lucerne). Applications ofembryo propagation by direct somatic embryogenesis are discussed,particularly in relation to multiple screening of host genotypesfor analysis of host/pathogen and legume/Rhizobium interactions. Trifolium repens L., Trifolium pratense L., Medicago sativa L., clover, lucerne, tissue culture, embryoid, somatic embryogenesis, legumes  相似文献   

A total of 55 regenerants from direct somatic embryogenesison three zygotic embryos of Trifolium repens have been examinedfor uniformity with respect to morphological markers, chromosomenumber, breeding behaviour and banding patterns produced bySDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of total leaf proteinsand isoelectric focussing of leaf peroxidase, esterase and leucineaminopeptidase isozymes. Differences were observed between clones,but no differences were detected among primary and secondaryregenerants from the same zygotic embryo. The data support theconcept that direct somatic embryogenesis on immature zygoticembryos is a conservative, clonal regeneration process. Trifolium repens, clover, somatic embryogenesis, somaclonal variation, embryo culture, isozymes  相似文献   

Microswards of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) were grownin controlled environments at 10/7, 18/13 and 26/21 °C day/nighttemperatures. The vertical distribution of leaves of differentages and their rates of 14CO2-uptake in situ were studied. Extending petioles carried the laminae of young leaves throughthe existing foliage. A final position was reached within 1/4to 1/3 of the time between unfolding and death. Newly unfoldedleaves had higher rates of 14CO2-uptake per leaf area than olderones at the same height in the canopy. At higher temperatures,the decrease with age was faster. However, the light-photosynthesisresponse of leaves which were removed from different heightsin the canopy varied much less with leaf age than did the ratesof 14CO2-uptake in situ. The comparison of the rates of 14CO2-uptake in situ with thelight-photosynthesis response curves suggests that young leavesreceive more light than older ones at the same height in thecanopy. This would imply that young white clover leaves havethe ability to reach canopy positions having a favourable lightenvironment. This ability may improve the chances of survivalof white clover in competition with other species. Trifolium repens L., white clover, photosynthesis, canopy, leaf age, 14CO2-uptake, ecotypes, temperature  相似文献   

Single plants of white clover (Trifolium repens) were establishedfrom stolon cuttings rooted in acid-washed silver sand. Allplants were inoculated with Rhizobium trifolii, and receivednutrient solution containing 0·5 mg 15N as either ammoniumor nitrate weekly for 12 weeks (i.e. 6 mg 15N in total). Plantswere then leniently defoliated or left intact, and the labelledN supply was replaced with unlabelled N. Lenient defoliationremoved fully expanded leaves only, leaving immature leaveswhich accounted for 50–55% of the total; growing pointnumbers were not reduced. Nodules, leaves and growing pointswere counted over the following 21 d period, and d. wts, N contents,and 15N enrichments of individual plant organs were determined. Defoliated plants had fewer nodules, but numbers of growingpoints were unaffected by defoliation. The rates of both leafemergence and expansion were accelerated in defoliated plants;in consequence the number of young leaves remained less thanin intact plants until day 21. Total dry matter (DM) and N accumulationwere less in defoliated plants, and a greater proportion oftotal plant DM was invested in roots. About 97 % of plant totalN was derived from fixed atmospheric N, but there was incompletemixing of fixed and mineral N within the plant. Relatively moremineral N was incorporated into roots, whereas there was relativelymore fixed N in nodules. There was isotopic evidence that Nwas remobilized from root and stolon tissue for leaf regrowthafter defoliation; approximately 2 % of plant N turned overdaily in the 7-d period after defoliation, and this contributedabout 50% of the N increment in leaf tissue. White clover, Trifolium repens L. cv. SI84, lenient defoliation, N economy, regrowth, N remobilization  相似文献   

The net efflux of H+ from lucerne (Medicago saliva L.), redclover (Trifolium pratense L.) and white clover (Trifolium repensL.) growing in flowing solution culture and dependent upon symbioticfixation of atmospheric N, was measured over a 75 d experimentalperiod. Considerable and rapid increases in acidity of the nutrientsolution of up to 1.45 pH units were recorded when the pH wasriot held constant over a 30 h period. There was little differencein H+ efflux when solution pH was held constant at 4.75, 5.75or 6.75, but there was an immediate cessation when it was adjustedto 3.75. Differences in the daily net efflux of H+ closely followedthe pattern of daily differences in incoming radiation, andthere was also evidence of a diurnal pattern of H+ efflux. Althoughthere were initially distinct differences between the speciesin the calculated rate of net H+ efflux (µg H+ g–1dry shoot d), by day 75 these had diminished. In allspecies, however, the maximum rate of efflux per unit of shootsoccurred during the earlier rapid phases of growth. The measuredefflux of H+ was well equated with the plant content of excesscations (as measured by ash alkalinity) and, on average, theratio of acidity produced to N assimilated (expressed as anequivalent) was 0-24. Medicago sativa L., Trifolium pratense L., Trifolium repens L., lucerne, red clover, white clover, acidification, cation/anion balance, flowing solution culture, H+ efflux, nitrogen fixation  相似文献   

The presence of an attached organ to somatic embryos of angiosperms connecting the embryo to the supporting tissue has been a subject of controversy. This study shows that 67% of the morphologically normal somatic embryos of Feijoa sellowiana possess this type of organ and that its formation was not affected by culture media composition. Histological and ultrastructural analysis indicated that the attached structures of somatic embryos displayed a great morphological diversity ranging from a few cells to massive and columnar structures. This contrast with the simple suspensors observed in zygotic embryos which were only formed by five cells. As well as the suspensor of zygotic embryos, somatic embryo attached structures undergo a process of degeneration in later stages of embryo development. Other characteristic shared by zygotic suspensors and somatic embryo attached structures was the presence of thick cell walls surrounding the cells. Elongated thin filaments were often associated with the structures attached to somatic embryos, whereas in other cases, tubular cells containing starch grains connected the embryo to the supporting tissue. These characteristics associated with the presence of plasmodesmata in the cells of the attached structures seem to indicate a role on embryo nutrition. However, cell proliferation in the attached structures resulting into new somatic embryos may also suggest a more complex relationship between the embryo and the structures connecting it to the supporting tissue.  相似文献   

Single plants of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) were grownfrom stolon cuttings rooted in sand. All plants were inoculatedwith Rhizobium trifolii, and for 14 weeks received nutrientsolution containing 0.5 mg N each week, as either ammonium ornitrate. Plants were then leniently defoliated or were leftintact and a 15N-labelled N source was applied at intervalsof 4 d to replace the unlabelled N. Lement defoliation removedfully expanded leaves only; the remaining immature leaves accountedfor 39–44% of the total. At harvests over the following21 d, leaf numbers were counted and dry matter (DM), N contentsand 15N enrichments of individual plant organs were determined. Rates of leaf emergence and expansion were accelerated in defoliatedplants; numbers of young leaves were similar in defoliated andintact plants. Total DM and N content were less in defoliatedthan intact plants and were not affected by form of N supplied.DM of young leaves, growing points and stolons and N contentof young leaves were, however, greater when ammonium ratherthan nitrate N was supplied. Rates of increase in the contentof plant total N were 8.2 ± 1.36 mg N d-1 and 10.2±1.82 mg N d-1 in defoliated and intact plants respectively.The increases were predominantly due to N2 fixation, since recoveryof 15N showed that less than 1% of the increment in plant totalN was assimilated mineral N. Nevertheless, the contributionof mineral N to plant total N was 50% more in defoliated thanin intact plants; higher amounts of mineral N were found particularlyin young leaves and growing points. Partitioning of mineralN to nodulated roots increased over time and was greater whenammonium rather than nitrate N was present. White clover, Trifolium repens L. cv. S184, lenient defoliation, N accumulation, N2 fixation  相似文献   

In studies of Trifolium repens nitrogen nutrition, the controlof nutrient solution pH using dipolar buffers, was evaluatedin tube culture under sterile conditions. Five buffers; MES,ADA, ACES, BES and MOPS with pK2s (20 °C) of 6.15, 6.60,6.90, 7.15 and 7.20 respectively, at a concentration of 2.0mol m–3, were provided to inoculated Trifolium repensgrowing in nutrient solution containing 7.13 mol m–3 nitrogenas (NH4)2SO4. Initial pH of each solution was adjusted to theappropriate buffer pK2 Two buffers, ADA and ACES completelyinhibited plant growth. The remaining buffers had little effectin limiting pH change, although plant dry matter was higherand nodule numbers lower in the presence of these buffers. MESand MOPS were supplied to nutrient solutions with and without7.13 mol m–3 (NH4)2SO4, at concentrations ranging from0–12 mol m–3. MES at 9 mol m–3 and 12 molm–3 reduced growth of plants reliant on the symbiosisfor providing nitrogen. The provision of MES to plants providedwith NH4+ significantly increased plant yield and reduced nodulenumber at all concentrations. MOPS did not affect plant yieldor nodule number. The use of dipolar buffers in legume nitrogennutrition studies is considered in terms of buffering capacity,and the side effects on plant growth and symbiotic development. Key words: Ammonium, Dipolar buffer, Nitrogen nutrition, pH control, Symbiosis, Trifolium repens  相似文献   

White clover (Trifolium repens L.) stolons become buried inthe field. It was observed that this also occurred in the greenhousewhere the accepted mechanisms of burial, treading by livestockand earthworm casting, did not occur. It was also observed thatthe crown of seedling T. repens plants become closely appressedto the soil. Experiments showed that, regardless of varietyof T. repens or depth of planting, all seedling hypocotyls firstlift the cotyledons clear of the soil, then ‘ contract’towards the soil until the cotyledons are in contact with orbelow the soil surface. Auxanometers were used to measure therate and extent of this contraction and were also attached tostolon nodes in experiments which showed that stolons move downwardsrelative to the soil surface and that the speed and extent ofthis duration varied with soil type. A further experiment showedthat only rooted nodes show this behaviour. The force exertedby the contraction of nodal roots was estimated experimentallyas 0.21 N g-1fresh root. A mechanism for the root contraction,based on examination of root anatomy of seedling tap-roots andnodal roots, is suggested. These experiments provide evidencefor root contraction in T. repens which may lead to stolon burial.The importance of this to T. repens as a pasture species andas a means of further improving T. repens varieties is discussed.Copyright 1999 Annals of Botany Company White clover, Trifolium repens, L., stolon, seedling, burial, root, nodes, nodal, force, contractile, soil resistance, pasture, phloem, fibres.  相似文献   

Histological steps of callogenesis and proembryogenesis in anthercultures ofVitis vinifera L. ‘Grenache noir’ aredescribed. Embryogenic calli were obtained on Nitsch and Nitschmedium supplemented with 1mgl-12,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid(2,4-D) and 0.25mgl-1benzylaminopurine (BAP). Calli were initiatedfrom anther connective cells only and no division of microsporesoccurred. The embryos were hence of somatic origin. Proembryosdeveloped either directly (i.e. without intervening callus)from the endothecium, or indirectly from the connective-derivedcallus. In both cases, proembryos originated from single cells.They developed from starchy differentiated cells of a predeterminedtype. The polarity of the somatic proembryo was establishedfrom the first divisions and it was marked by precocious developmentof an easily recognizable suspensor. Other analogies with thedevelopment of the zygote are also emphasised. Vitis vinifera L.; grapevine; somatic embryogenesis; proembryogenesis; histology  相似文献   

White clover (Trifolium repens L.) was grown in controlled environmentsto determine the distinct effects of root and shoot temperatureon the accumulation of total and fixed (15 N dilution) nitrogenat two levels of nitrate (10 and 75 mM). Nitrogen fixation(BNF) showed a positive response to higher shoot temperature(23 vs. 13 C day temperature), irrespective of whether or notroot temperature was increased in parallel. Low root temperature(5 C) caused a marked reduction in the accumulation of totalnitrogen at both nitrate levels, and led to a lower proportionof N derived from BNF. The temperature response of BNF was attributedfor the major part to an adaptation to the demand for fixedN. It is therefore concluded that BNF is not primarily responsiblefor the reduced clover growth at low temperatures. White clover, Trifolium repens L., temperature, nitrogen fixation, nitrate, root, shoot  相似文献   

Calluses able to produce somatic embryos were formed duringin vitro culture of shoot fragments of cork oak (Quercus suberL.).Histological monitoring of these fragments during cultureshowed that it was the cortical parenchyma cells which underwentdedifferentiation before calluses were formed by repeated divisions.The calluses consisted of parenchyma cells surrounded by a fewlayers of meristematic cells. Proembryos formed in groups aroundthe edge of some calluses. Histological examination showed thatthey were produced by the evolution of two different categoriesof cell: one category had the appearance of ‘embryogenic’cells with very thick walls, a small vacuole rich in starchand a well-developed nucleus with a prominent nucleolus. Theother cells were very bulky with large vacuoles; their morphologywas similar to that of suspensor cells encountered in embryogenesisin gymnosperms. The ontogenic stages were similar to those describedin zygotic embryos of the genus Quercus. Nevertheless, mostof the embryonic structures deviated from normal developmentand at all stages produced secondary proembryos. Cork-oak, Quercus suber L, histology, callogenesis, somatic embryogenesis, embryogenic cells, starch, secondary embryogenesis  相似文献   

The growth of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) in conditionstypical of April in Southern England (8 °C day/4 °Cnight, 12 h photoperiod of 90 J m–2 s–1 visibleradiation) was extremely slow, whether the plants were dependentfor nitrogen on fixation by their root nodules or were suppliedwith abundant nitrate; although growth was slower in the nodulatedplants. The reasons for slow growth were a large root: shootratio and a small leaf area, particularly in the nodulated plants,and a low photosynthetic rate in all plants. The probable effectsof these characteristics on the growth of white clover withgrasses in mixed pastures are discussed. Trifolium repens L, white clover, low temperature, leaf area, photosynthetic rate, nitrogen supply, growth  相似文献   

Simulated mixed swards of Perennial Ryegrass (Lolium perenneL.) cv. S23 and White clover (Trifolium repens L.) cv. S100were grown from seed under a constant 20 °C day/15 °Cnight temperature regime and their growth and carbon economyexamined. The swards received a nutrient solution daily, whichcontained either High (220 mg l1) or Low (10 mg l–1)nitrate N. Rates of canopy photosynthesis and respiration, and final drymatter yields were similar in the two treatments although theproportions of grass and clover differed greatly. The Low-Nswards were made up largely of clover. The grass plants in theseswards had high root: shoot ratios and low relative photosyntheticrates – both signs of N deficiency – and were clearlyunable to compete with the vigorously growing Low-N clover plants.These had higher relative growth rates and dry matter yieldsthan their High-N counterparts. In the High-N swards clovercontributed around 50 per cent to the sward dry weight throughoutthe measurement period despite having a smaller proportion ofits dry weight in photosynthetic tissue (laminae) than grassover much of it. The latter was compensated for, initially bya higher specific leaf area than grass, and later by a higherphotosynthetic rate per unit leaf weight. The results are discussedin relation to observed declines in the clover content of swardsafter the addition of nitrogen fertilizer in the field. Trifolium repens, white clover, Lolium perenne, perennial ryegrass, nitrogen, photosynthesis, carbon balance  相似文献   

The growth, morphology and carbon allocation patterns of F1progeny white clover (Trifolium repens L.) plants selected foreither low (‘LBF’) or high (‘HBF’) frequencyof stolon branching were compared in two controlled-environmentexperiments. Selections from within both a small-leaved (‘GrasslandsTahora’) and a large-leaved (‘Grasslands Kopu’)clover cultivar were compared, and plants were grown under arelatively lenient defoliation treatment (expt 1) or under threelevels of defoliation seventy (expt 2). Carbon allocation patternswere measured by 14CO2 pulse-chase labelling using fully unfoldedleaves on the main (parent) stolon. LBF and HBF displayed consistent differences in the selectedcharacter though, within cultivars, the difference between selectionswas most pronounced for Kopu. The selections developed fundamentallydifferent branching structures resulting from differences inbranching frequency, with total branch weight per plant averaging122 mg for LBF and 399 mg for HBF (mean of both experiments).More C moved from parent stolon leaves to branches in HBF thanin LBF (mean 22.6% vs. 15.1% respectively of the 14C exportedfrom source leaves). More C also moved to stolon tissue in HBF,but, counterbalancing this and the difference in allocationto branches, less moved to developing leaves and roots on theparent stolon itself compared to LBF. However, the total weightof developing leaves and roots per parent stolon was generallygreater in HBF than in LBF, probably reflecting greater C importby these sinks from the higher number of branches present perplant in the former selection. HBF plants were consistentlylarger at harvest than LBF plants. There were no defoliationtreatment x selection interactions in C allocation patternsin expt 2. The implications of the results for plant performancein grazed pastures are discussed. Branching, carbon translocation, defoliation, growth, morphology, Trifolium repens, white clover  相似文献   

Direct somatic embryogenesis can be obtained from epidermaland cortical cells in roots from in vitro Cichorium plantlets.The first embryogenic cells are seen after six days of culturein darkness, at 35 °C, in a liquid medium supplemented withNAA (1 x 10–7 M), 6-dimethylallyl-amino-purine (2·5x 10–6 M), sucrose (0.03 M) and glutamine (1·7x 10–3 M). Embryogenic cells undergo first a linear andthen a globular segmentation, with increasing cytoplasmic density.These cells and young embryoids show aniline blue fluorescence.SEM allows the same microglobular pattern to be seen on thesurface of young embryoids and on young microspores of Cichoriumused as controls. In this root system, callose deposition seemsto be an early marker in somatic embryogenesis. Somatic embryogenesis, callose, Cichorium  相似文献   

Metabolite deposition during seed development was examined histochemicallyin Trifolium repens by light- and fluorescence microscopy. Allendosperm haustorium at the chalazal pole of the embryo sacand wall protrusions in cell walls of the suspensor and theembryo sac suggest that transfer of metabolites from maternalto offspring tissue takes place primarily at these sites. Thisis further supported by prominent cutinization of the interpolarregion of the embryo sac wall, accumulation of starch in integumentaltissue at the embryo sac poles, and breakdown of interpolarendothelial cells. Decomposition of osteosclereid starch isfollowed by accumulation in the cellular endosperm and subsequentlyin the embryo parallel to endosperm degradation. The starchaccumulates gradually inward from the subepidermal cells ofthe embryo to the stele. Protein bodies are formed in the vacuolesalong the tonoplast, later to be cut off in vesicles releasedinto the cytoplasm. At maturity the embryo is packed with proteinand starch, but without lipid reserves. Phytin is observed inthe protein bodies. The mature embryo is surrounded by a proteinand starch containing aleurone layer which originates from theendosperm.Copyright 1994, 1999 Academic Press White clover, protein, starch, cuticle, embryo sac wall  相似文献   

Histological analysis was carried out during the sequence ofevents which lead to the obtaining of somatic embryos of oilpalm. Calluses from the division of perivascular cells formedat the veins of young leaf explants. Subsequent proliferationof histologically similar nodules was by means of a cambium-likezone. Under certain conditions these calluses consisted almostentirely of meristematic cells. They then differentiated rapidly:the cambium-like zone fragmented, leading to protuberance inwhich the cells divide rapidly; epidermal structures were formed,with a network of procambial strands, and synthesis of storagelipids accompanied the formation of these embryo-like structureswhich developed into clumps of true somatic embryos, each witha shoot apex and a root apex. Other structures frequently observedduring in vitro culture are also described and show that alternatepathways do exist. The structure and evolution of somatic embryosare compared to those of zygotic embryos. Storage lipids emergeas an early tracer of the satisfactory development of tissuetowards somatic embryogenesis. Oil palm, Elaeis guineensis, histology, somatic embryogenesis, callogenesis, storage lipids  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to test the effect of oxygen partialpressure as a possible limiting factor of nitrogen fixationfollowing defoliation. The response of nitrogenase activity(C2H2-reduction) of defoliated and undefoliated white and redclover plants (Trifolium repens L. and Trifolium pratense L.)to either 19 kPa oxygen or 55 kPa oxygen was investigated. Priorto defoliation, white clover plants were grown for five weeksin a growth chamber, and red clover plants for 7 or 11 weeksin a glasshouse. The results included measurements of 16N2-uptake. Increasing oxygen partial pressure from 19 to 55 kPa severelyrestricted nitrogenase activity of undefoliated white cloverplants; however, 2 h after complete defoliation, the same treatmentcaused a significant increase. A fivefold increase in nitrogenaseactivity upon exposure to the elevated oxygen partial pressurewas found at the end of a 24 h period. This beneficial effectdecreased gradually from 1 to 5 d after defoliation. The responseof recently defoliated red clover plants to 55 kPa oxygen partialpressure was similar to that of white clover, independentlyof plant age. The gradual recovery of nitrogenase activity duringthree weeks of regrowth was associated with a simultaneous changein the response to increased oxygen partial pressure, leadingagain to the response of undefoliated plants. These data suggested that lack of oxygen at the site of nitrogenfixation, resulting from a dramatic increase in oxygen-diffusionresistance, is the main factor limiting nitrogenase activityfollowing defoliation. Trifolium repens L., Trifolium pratense L., white clover, red clover, defoliation, regrowth, nodules, nitrogen fixation, nitrogenase activity, oxygen limitation  相似文献   

In three experiments measurements of photosynthesis were madeon single leaves of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) on threecultivars grown in a controlled environment. Plants which had grown under an irradiance of 30 J m–2s–1, or in shade within a simulated mixed sward, producedleaves with photosynthetic capacities some 30 per cent lowerthan did plants grown at 120 J m–2 s–1 without shade.There were no differences between treatments either in photosynthesismeasured at 30 J m–2 s–1, or in respiration ratesper unit leaf dry weight. Respiration per unit leaf area washigher in the plants grown at 120 J m–2 s–1, reflectingthe lower specific leaf area of these leaves. There were nodifferences between the three cultivars examined. Leaves which were removed from the shade of a simulated swardshortly after becoming half expanded achieved photosyntheticcapacities as high as those which were in full light throughouttheir development. It is suggested that it is this characteristicwhich enables clover plants growing in an increasingly densemixed sward to produce a succession of leaves of high photosyntheticcapacity, even though each lamina only reaches the top of thesward at a relatively late stage in its development. Trifolium repens L., white clover, photosynthesis, leaf expansion, shade, specific leaf area, stomatal conductance  相似文献   

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