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Kong DH  Wang G  Wang HM  Ke DP  Hu JL  Zhu Y  Huang ZX 《生理学报》2003,55(4):388-394
应用细胞内记录技术,对铃蟾肽(bombesin,BOM)在豚鼠离体肠系膜下神经节(inferior mesenteric ganglion,IMG)非胆碱能兴奋性突触传递中的作用进行了研究。重复电刺激突触前结肠神经,有74.3%(52/70)IMG细胞可诱发迟慢兴奋性突触后电位(ls-EPSP)。在可引出ls-EPSP的细胞中,22%(4/18)细胞同时对BOM和SP敏感。用BOM持续灌流IMG,可明显抑制对BOM敏感细胞的ls-EPSP,对BOM不敏感细胞的ls-EPSP则无影响,且BOM受体与SP受体间无交叉脱敏。BOM受体阻断剂tyr^4[D-phe^12]bombesin能明显可逆性地抑制BOM敏感细胞的ls-EPSP和去极化,但对BOM不敏感细胞则无影响。研究结果提示,BOM可能是介导豚鼠IMG细胞ls-EPSP的一种递质。  相似文献   

本文结合作者的工作介绍5-羟色胺(5-HT)对交感节前与节后神经元的作用。作者应用离体脊髓切片细胞内生物电记录的新技术,证明了5-HT 对节前神经元的直接作用是兴奋而不是抑制;并从电生理、药理、生化与组化等不同角度,证明了5-HT 是豚鼠腹腔神经节大部分节后神经元非胆碱能迟缓兴奋性突触后电位(ls-EPSP)的递质。  相似文献   

周小萍  蒋志根 《生理学报》1992,44(4):347-354
在豚鼠肠系膜下神经节(IMG)及其支配的结肠段联合标本上,对IMG细胞内电位与肠段纵肌或环肌舒缩活动进行了同步记录。实验结果表明:(1)肠段预置张力为零时,约50%IMG细胞有自发的快兴奋性突触后电位(EPSP)活动,切断结肠神经或以筒箭毒(50μmol/L)灌流IMG后消失;(2)筒箭毒或低钙高镁溶液阻断神经节传递时,环肌节律性收缩幅度增大,节律变慢,但对纵肌节律性收缩无明显影响,(3)串刺激节前神经,在IMG细胞引起一串快EPSP或动作电位并常跟随迟慢的EPSP,同时,纵肌在0.1-0.2s潜伏期后出现迅速的、时程基本与动作电位串一致的舒张波,后者在筒箭毒灌流IMG后消失,而环肌运动可见舒张、舒张波延长或收缩波增大。结果提示:IMG不仅中继经典的胆碱能传出功能,还参与以胆碱能传递为中介的肠-肠反射,该反射活动的传出效应主要在于抑制环肌收缩。  相似文献   

β-蝮蛇毒素(β-agkistrodotoxin简写β-AgTX)对骨胳肌神经肌肉接头的作用已有实验分析,本文则观察了β-AgTX对蟾蜍交感神经节胆碱能性和非胆碱能性突触电位的作用。结果表明,β-AgTX对胆碱能性快兴奋性突触后电位(f-EPSP)和由压力微量注射ACh产生的ACh电位快成分有可逆性抑制作用,且对f-EPSP的幅值抑制率明显大于对ACh电位的抑制率,方差分析显示β-AgTX对f-EPSP和对ACh电位的抑制之间的差异显著(P<0.01)。β-AgTX对非胆碱能性迟慢兴奋性突触后电位(1s-EPSP)无明显作用。本结果提示β-AgTX可能是通过抑制节前神经末梢释放AGh的突触前机制和占据突触后N型胆碱能受体影响ACh的作用之突触后机制,抑制蟾蜍交感神经节的胆碱能性传递过程。  相似文献   

翟进  马如钝 《生理学报》1991,43(1):73-77
应用细胞内记录技术观察了钙通道阻滞剂硝苯吡啶(nifedlpine)对离体豚鼠腹腔神经节细胞三种钙依赖性电位的可逆性作用。硝苯吡啶(0.1—1mmol/L)可剂量依赖式地抑制动作电位后超极化、强直后膜电位的变化,在无钠高钙加 TEA 溶液中,硝苯吡啶(0.1μmol/L)能抑制钙锋电位。结果表明,大剂量的硝苯吡啶可继发性抑制钙依赖性钾电导,临床治疗剂量的硝苯吡啶还直接减少钙电导。以上作用是硝苯吡啶调节交感节后神经元的兴奋性,阻滞突触前膜 ACh 的量子性释放的基础。  相似文献   

离体运动神经元对腹外侧索刺激的突触反应特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
汪萌芽  沈锷 《生理学报》1997,49(6):625-631
应用新片大鼠脊髓薄片运动神经元细胞内记录技术,对电刺激腹外侧索诱发的突触反应进行了电生理特性分析。结果在28个测试的MN中,22人有兴奋性突触后电位反应,其中2个跟随在抑制性突触反应这后,6个还对单或串刺激产生慢EPSP反应;VLF-EPSP的潜伏期频数分布呈峰坡性偏态;同-MN的VLF-EPSP与腹根EPSP间有典型的空间总和。  相似文献   

大鼠下丘脑离体脑薄片视上核神经元的全细胞记录   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
在大鼠下丘脑薄片标本上对52例视上核神经元进行了全细胞膜片箝记录。膜被动及主动电生理参数测量如下:静息电位,59±8mV;输入阻抗,535±129MΩ;时间常数,32±9ms;动作电位幅度,99±11mV;超射值,37±13mV(n=39)。大多数神经元在接受去极化刺激时出现明显的慢后超极化电位或电流。我们发现,在电压箱状态下几乎所有的视上核神经元均接受兴奋性和/或抑制性突触传λ(n=13)。药理学实验表明,兴奋性突触后电流是由non-NMDA亚型谷氨酸受体介导,而抑制性突触后电流由GABAA受体介导。  相似文献   

节前神经刺激可在交感神经节细胞内引起一个迟慢兴奋性突触后电位(Is-EPSP),它不被N或M型胆碱能阻断剂所阻断,故属于非胆碱能性突触传递。Is-EPSP的有关神经递质可能是肽类物质,如P物质、促性腺激素释放激素(LHRH);这种肽能性传递有可能参与交感神经节的生理整合机能。  相似文献   

电刺激节前纤维,在细胞内可依次记录到四种突触后电位: f-EPSP、s-IPSP、s-EPSP 和 L-s-EPSP. 其中 f-EPSP 代表神经节传递的经典通路.节前神经末梢释放的节 ACh 直接作用于突触后膜的 N 和 M 胆碱受体,分别产生 f-EPSP 和 s-EPSP.s-IPSP 的产生和调节机制,说法不一,本文对此作了重点介绍.L-s-EPSP 表示非胆碱能突触传递,其递质可能为促黄体释放激素或 P 物质.本文还简要介绍了与神经节突触传递有关的其它神经递质或调制物.  相似文献   

电刺激节前纤维,在细胞内可依次记录到四种突触后电位:f-EPSP、s-IPSP、s-EPSP和L-s-EPSP。其中f-EPSP代表神经节传递的经典通路。节前神经末梢释放的ACh直接作用于突触后膜的N和M胆碱受体,分别产生f-EPSP和s-EPSP。s-IPSP的产生和调节机制,说法不一,本文对此作了重点介绍。L-s-EPSP表示非胆碱能突触传递,其递质可能为促黄体释放激素或P物质。本文还简要介绍了与神经节突触传递有关的其它神经递质或调制物。  相似文献   

本实验通过豚鼠离体肠系膜下神经节(IMG)的细胞内生物电记录方法观察到:(1)5-羟色胺(5-HT 1-100μmol/L)灌流可在部分 IMG 细胞引起与非胆碱能迟慢兴奋性突触后电位(Is-EPSP)相似的缓慢去极化;(2)持续灌流5-HT 可使对5-HT 敏感的 IMG 细胞的Is-EPSP 明显阻抑;(3)5-HT 去极化及5-HT 敏感细胞的 Is-EPSP 均可为5-HT 再摄取抑制剂氟苯氧丙胺(50μmol/L)所增大,而对5-HT 不敏感细胞的 Is-EPSP 则不受这种药物的影响,(4)5-HT 合成抑制剂对氯苯丙氨酸(PCPA)预处理可使 IMG 细胞的 Is-EPSP 的出现率和去极幅度均明显减低。上述结果表明:5-HT 可能参与介导豚鼠部分 IMG 细胞的Is-EPSP。  相似文献   

Investigations were carried out on smooth muscle cells (SMC) of rat and rabbit anococcygeus by the method of a double "sugar bridge" in the presence of tetraethylammonium (1 mM/1) in the Krebs solution. Stimulation of the muscle strip by the electric current rectangular pulse of the maximal value and of short duration caused the development of excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EP SP) in the rat and rabbit SMC, and of inhibitory postsynaptic potentials in the rabbit SMC. The value of postsynaptic potentials displayed a linear dependence on the level of the membrane potential. Elimination of chlorine ions from the external solution decreased the EP SP of the SMC of rabbit anococcygeus and shifted the reversion potential in the direction of sodium balance potential. Apparently generation of the EP SP of the SMC of rabbit anococcygeus was associated with the increased permeability of the membrane both for sodium and for chlorine ions.  相似文献   

When the glossopharyngeal nerve (GP) in the frog was strongly stimulated electrically, slow potentials were elicited from the tongue surface and taste cells in the fungiform papillae. Injection of atropine completely blocked these slow potentials. The present and previous data indicate that the slow potentials induced in the tongue surface and taste cells are due to a liquid junction potential between saliva secreted from the lingual glands due to parasympathetic fiber activity and an adapting solution on the tongue surface. Intracellularly recorded depolarizing receptor potentials in taste cells induced by 0.5 M NaCl and 3 mM acetic acid were enhanced by depolarizing slow potentials induced by GP nerve stimulation, but were depressed by the hyperpolarizing slow potentials. On average, the receptor potential of taste cells for 0.5 M NaCl was increased by 25% by the GP nerve-induced slow potential, but the receptor potential of taste cells for 3 mM acetic acid was decreased by 1% by the slow potential. These transformations of receptor potentials in frog taste cells were not due to a synaptic event initiated between taste cells and the efferent nerve fiber, but due to a non-synaptic event, a lingual junction potential generated in the dorsal lingual epithelium by GP nerve stimulation.  相似文献   

A hypothesis for the existence of the intrasynaptic ephaptic feedback (EFB) in the invertebrate central nervous sytem was tested. Excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) and currents (EPSCs) evoked by the activation of the recently described monosynaptic connection between the identified snail neurons were recorded intracellularly. In case of the EFB presence, the postsynaptic tetanization with hyperpolarization pulses could activate presynaptic Ca2+ channels and enhance the EPSP amplitude, whereas a steady postsynaptic hyperpolarization should induce a "supralinear" increase in EPSC amplitudes as it has been found in the rat hippocampus. In the first series of the experiments, 10 trains of hyperpolarizing pulses (40-50 mV, 1 Hz, pulse duration 0.5 s, train duration 45 s) were delivered postsynaptically. No significant changes in EPSP amplitudes were found. In the second series of the experiments, the EPSC amplitudes were measured during varying postsynaptic hyperpolarization. At the membrane potential 100 mV, the EPSP amplitude was significantly higher than theoretically predicted from the classical linear dependence. Such a "supralinear" effect of postsynaptic depolarization can be explained by the presence of the EFB. This finding is the first evidence for the EFB existence in the invertebrate central nervous system.  相似文献   

The electrophysiological effects of phencyclidine (PCP) were measured intracellularly in guinea pig hippocampal CA1 neurons in vitro. At all doses tested (0.2 microM - 10 mM), PCP increased the width of action potentials (APs). Doses of 10 microM and higher were associated with decreased action potential amplitude. PCP decreased inhibitory postsynaptic potentials and excitatory postsynaptic potentials but did not alter responses to focally applied GABA. At the lowest dose (0.2 microM), PCP decreased the input resistance (Rin), while at all other doses Rin was increased. PCP decreased post-spike train afterhyperpolarizations at low and medium doses. PCP effects persisted in low calcium medium and also in medium containing 10(-6) M tetrodotoxin. It is concluded that in these central neurons, PCP primarily blocks potassium conductances at all doses and, at anesthetic doses, depresses sodium-dependent spikes.  相似文献   

Two types of slow excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) with different properties were found in neurons of the rabbit superior cervical sympathetic ganglion. In our group of neurons slow EPSPs increased during artificial hyperpolarization and decreased during depolarization of the membrane. The input resistance of the cells fell or remained unchanged during the development of slow EPSPs. In the second group of cells slow EPSPs increased during depolarization and decreased during hyperpolarization. The reversal potential of these responses, determined by extrapolation, was –78.9±3.6 mV. Depolarization responses to activation of muscarinic cholinergic receptors by acetylcholine or carbachol developed in 53% of neurons with an increase in input resistance and had a reversal potential of –83.2±6.7 mV. It is suggested that in cells of the first group the ionic mechanism of the slow EPSPs is similar to that of the fast EPSPs, whereas in cells of the second group its main component is a decrease in the potassium conductance of the membrane.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 371–379, July–August, 1981.  相似文献   

Excitatory miniature postsynaptic potentials were studied by an intracellular recording method in fast and slow muscle fibers ofLocusta migratorioides. Statistical analysis showed that liberation of mediator in both types of fibers can be predicted by the formula for a negative binomial distribution with a probability of 85%. This correlation is evidence of some degree of interaction between consecutive liberations of quanta of mediator by nerve endings. It is shown that the fraction of miniature potentials depending on the external calcium concentration is greater in fast muscle fibers. An increase in the magnesium ion concentration from 2 to 40 mM led to a decrease in the frequency of miniature potentials, and this decrease was greater in fast fibers; an increase in the magnesium ion concentration from 1 to 10 mM in calcium-free solutions, on the other hand, led to some increase in frequency, and this also was greater in fast muscle fibers. It is concluded that nerve endings in fast and slow muscle fibers differ in their sensitivity to changes in the ionic composition of the medium.I. M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 210–217, March–April, 1981.  相似文献   

运用玻璃微电极细胞内记录技术,观察豚鼠(Cavia porcellus)离体肠系膜下神经节(IMG)细胞非胆碱能迟慢兴奋性突触后电位(Is—EPSP)与蛙皮素(BOM)、P物质(SP)的关系,以探讨肽类神经递质在外周神经系统中的作用。结果显示,SP去极化、BOM去极化与Is—EPSP具有相关性;SP受体脱敏使SP敏感细胞的Is—EPSP减弱或消失,但不影响BOM引起的去极化;BOM受体脱敏使BOM敏感细胞的Is—EPSP减弱或消失,但不影响SP引起的去极化。大部分Is—EPSP阳性细胞对SP、BOM敏感,而对SP、BOM均不敏感的细胞多数不出现Is—EPSP。结果提示,BOM、SP通过IMG细胞膜上相应受体参与了Is-EPSP的形成,受体间无交互脱敏现象。  相似文献   

The roles of potassium and calcium in the slow hyperpolarizations of membranes of activated macrophages are investigated using standard intracellular electrical recording techniques.The amplitude of spontaneous slow hyperpolarizations decreases as a logarithmic function of the external potassium concentration in the culture medium. Similar dependence on the potassium gradient is observed when different levels of membrane potentials are imposed by constant current injection. The reversal potential for electrically evoked slow hyperpolarizations is ?90 mV. A 10-fold increase in external potassium concentration causes a 60 mV shift of the reversal potential towards zero.Divalent cation ionophores (A23187 and X537A) can induce slow hyperpolarization responses in quiescent cells or permanent hyperpolarization in spontaneously active cells. The amplitude of the ionophore-induced hyperpolarizations is reduced by an increase in external potassium concentration in a manner consistent with data on slow hyperpolarization responses in the absence of ionophore.The calcium antagonist, verapamil, depresses the slow hyperpolarization responses at the concentration of 10?5 M.It is suggested that the development of the hyperpolarizing response is due to a calcium-dependent potassium channel. The data support the assumption that spontaneous and artificially elicited slow hyperpolarization responses share a common calcium-dependent mechanism.  相似文献   

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