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Summary The AB0 blood groups were determined in 125 patients suffering from venous thrombosis in a Brazilian population. There is a clear effect of the sex on the disease incidence, women being more frequently affected, but the mean age was not different regarding the sex. No differences were found in the disease incidence when Caucasians and Negroids were compared. An excess of blood group A and a decrease of blood group 0 was observed among the patients. The analysis of the combined data from ten different published series shows a A/0 relative incidence significantly higher than unity, but the heterogeneity was also significant in the series.  相似文献   

Blood samples from 621 individuals of a Caste Hindu Population from West Bengal (India) were investigated in an attempt to find out an association between the AB0 blood groups and Haptoglobin (HP) subtypes. AB0 blood grouping was done on the basis of the agglutination test with standard anti-sera. Haptoglobin subtyping only for the HP*1 allele was done by Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (PAGE). A significant association was found with a significantly lower HP*1S allele frequency in blood group 0 versus other AB0 blood groups. A comparatively higher allele frequency of HP*1S was found in this population sample. An inverse relationship between HP*1S and HP*2 has been revealed in each blood group. It appears that the major portion of HP*1 alleles in the A, B, and AB blood groups belongs to the HP*1S allele compared to that of the 0 blood group.  相似文献   

In 931 leprosy patients from Bankura, West Bengal, India, the relationship between the AB0 blood group and the immunological type of leprosy (lepromatous vs. nonlepromatous) was examined. Among the 472 lepromatous patients, there was a slight excess of blood group A (and also AB and B) as compared with the nonlepromatous group. This excess was not significant statistically in our material. However, combination of the data with those published by Beiguelman (1964) from Brazil and Yankah (1965) from Ghana renders a significantly higher incidence of group A (and probably B and AB) in lepromatous patients.The examinations were supported by WHO (Grant No. G 3/181/15), by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and by the Indian Statistical Institute.  相似文献   

The distribution of AB0 and LH blood groups among five Punjabi populations from North India (Jat Sikh, Bania, Brahmin, Sikh Khatri and Hindu Khatri) is reported. Significant differences have been found in many cases regarding the distribution of AB0 and LH systems, especially between Sikh Khatris and Hindu Khatris, who are usually pooled for population genetic studies.  相似文献   

An association of AB0 blood groups and month of birth was examined in two groups, students and newborns in Tokyo. Among 4919 students born mainly in the 1960s, an apparent seasonal variation was shown in births of blood group B students. Among 3592 newborns at an obstetric clinic in the 1980s seasonal variation was also observed in all four blood groups. The ratio of 0 group to A group newborns (0/A ratio) from 0 mothers was lower than that from A mothers among the 0 and A pairs contrary to the expected effects of 0-A incompatibility. The 0/A ratio was apparently different by season and the 0/A ratio from 0 mothers was significantly lower than that from A mothers among those born during August-January. It is assumed that an association of birth season with AB0 blood group may be caused by some seasonally and secularly changing environmental "infertility factors" such as infectious microorganism which may have some common components with a particular blood group substance respectively and induce a loss of embryos selectively at a particular season.  相似文献   

Summary The associations between ABO blood groups and prevalence as well as type and severity of the leprosy infection were examined in 1034 Indians from West Bengal (leprosy patients and normal controls). There are no associations in the present series; combined analysis of 41 series from the literature (ours included) gives a slightly, but significantly higher frequency of groups A and AB as compared to B and 0 in leprosy patients. Groups A, B, and AB are also somewhat more frequent in lepromatous as compared with nonlepromatous leprosy.A lower level of 2-globulins in the serum of leprosy patients of groups A and AB as compared with patients of groups B and 0, which had been described earlier in 683 leprosy patients from Thailand, was confirmed in the present series.In the Thai series of patients, a significant association between the AB0 blood groups and the Inv serum groups was observed: Persons having blood group A and AB as well as the Inv (1) type were significantly more frequent than expected. This association, however, was not confirmed in the Indian material.
Zusammenfassung Die Beziehungen zwischen AB0-Blutgruppen sowie Häufigkeit, Typ und Verlauf der Lepraerkrankung wurden an 1034 Indern aus West-Bengalen (Lepra-Patienten und normalen Kontrollen) untersucht. In dieser Serie fanden sich keine Beziehungen. Eine kombinierte Analyse von 41 Serien aus der Literatur (unsere eingeschlossen) gibt eine gering, aber signifikant erhöhte Häufigkeit der Gruppen A und AB im Vergleich zu B und 0 bei Lepra-Patienten. Die Gruppen A, B und AB sind im Gesamtmaterial ebenfalls etwas häufiger bei lepromatöser im Vergleich zu nichtlepromatöser Lepra.Bei 683 Lepra-Patienten aus Thailand hatten wir zuvor eine Verminderung der 2-globuline bei Gruppen A und AB im Vergleich zu B und 0 beschrieben. Dieser Befund wurde an dem indischen Material bestätigt.Bei den thailändischen Patienten fanden sich auch Hinweise für eine Beziehung zwischen AB0- und Serum Inv-Gruppen: Personen, die sowohl A oder AB als auch den Typ Inv (1) aufwiesen, waren signifikant häufiger als erwartet. Dieser Befund konnte jedoch in dem indischen Material nicht bestätigt werden.

This study was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Summary An attempt has been made to measure the genetic distances in respect of AB0 blood group genes among four castes, namely, Brahmin, Kalita, Baisya and Kaibarta, in Assam, India. The results reveal that the Kaibarta are distinct from the other three castes, who show no significant differences.
Zusammenfassung Die genetischen Abst?nde bezüglich der AB0-Blutgruppen wurden zwischen vier Kasten (Brahmin; Kalita; Baisya; Kaibarta) in Assam, Indien, berechnet. Die Kaibarta weichen von den üblichen Kasten signifikant ab; diese zeigen ?hnlichkeiten miteinander.

The problem was reexamined whether there is a relationship between the AB0 blood groups and incidence, severity and outcome of smallpox. In persons suffering from smallpox, and living in rural areas of West Bengal and Bihar, India, severity and outcome of the disease were registered, and the AB0 blood groups were determined. Healthy siblings were used as controls for incidence. Four series were available:
  1. 1.
    200 suffering patients and 200 controls examined during summer 1965 in the Burdwan district. West Bengal.  相似文献   

Summary A medical and genetic study on KarKar Island, Papua New Guinea revealed a significant association between AB0 blood group status and susceptibility to goitre with 0 individuals more susceptible than non-0. The association is found in a number of separate villages on the island which indicates that it is not due simply to chance concordance in geographical patterns of genetic and disease variation.  相似文献   

Genetic affinities of 21 tribal populations of Andhra Pradesh are reported in terms of genetic distance analysis with regard to AB0 and Rh loci. These tribal populations show a high degree of differentiation in the distribution of AB0 blood groups. Some tribes exhibit the monomorphism for Rh (D) locus. The genetic distance analysis reveals that the 21 tribes included in this study are genetically distant from one another and the genetic clustering pattern correlates with linguistic/ethnic affiliation and geographical propinquity of these tribal populations to a certain extent. The possible reasons for different cluster formations are discussed.  相似文献   

We determined the AB0 blood group system with a PCR based technique termed APLP (Amplified Product Length Polymorphism) in the Turkish population. The method includes ten different allele specific primers and permits identification of the major AB0 genotypes and its suballeles (A1-A2-B-0A-02-0G-AG). The suballeles were amplified in a single tube reaction. We have determined AB0 phenotypes in 129 Turkish individuals. No significant deviation from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was observed.  相似文献   

Detailed analysis of the population structure of Dagestan ethnic groups based on data on the AB0 and Rhesus blood groups has been carried out. A total of 32101 representatives of the nine largest ethnic groups of Dagestan (from 682 auls in 46 raions) have been examined. This allows a comprehensive genetic landscape of the Dagestan population to be drawn. Comparison of the ethnic groups studied with other Caucasian ethnic groups makes it possible to determine the position of the Dagestan gene pool in the total structure of the Caucasian gene pool.  相似文献   

Summary It is known that consanguinity reduces the chances of maternal-foetal incompatibility but it is not known whether inbreeding influences the expression of the effects of such incompatibility. This paper investigates and finds evidence for an interaction between inbreeding and AB0 blood group incompatibility on the expression of neonatal mortality, sibship precocious mortality, neonatal jaundice, asphyxia, and sex ratio, through screening of 3923 consecutive newborns. Inbreeding and incompatibility individually showed variable effects on the above parameters, but their interaction was such that, in the presence of inbreeding, incompatibility reduced the incidence/relative risk of all the above factors. Such a uniform negative interaction was presumed to be due to homozygosity of some pleiotropic genes caused by inbreeding.  相似文献   

Population structure of A,B,O,AB blood groups in Belgium   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The analysis of a sample of 1632 individuals from patients of the Nishtar Teaching Hospital, Multan, suggests that different ethnic groups (Araeen, Mughals, Syed, Jat, Rajputs, Baloch and Pathan) are not significantly different from another with regard to the distribution of RH blood group alleles (RH*d around 0.30). The distributions of the AB0 blood group alleles suggest that different ethnic groups are not significantly different from the average alele frequencies (AB0*A = 0.23, AB0*B = 0.33, AB0*0 = 0.47) except for the Pathan ethnic group (AB0*A = 0.35, AB0*B = 0.47, AB0*0 = 0.27). The populations of different geographic areas are not significantly different from the average allele frequencies, except for the southern district of Rahim Yar Khan (AB0*A = 0.12) and the northern district of Sahiwal (AB0*A = 0.19). The populations of Sahiwal (RH*d = 0.35) and Muzaffargarh (RH*d = 0.36) yield significantly different allele frequencies at the RH locus. The interpopulation differences can be explained by the geographic distance. There is a significant difference in the frequencies of the AB0 alleles between rural and urban populations, suggesting that rural populations maintain their isolation from urban populations. Rural and urban populations are not significantly different from one another concerning the allele frequencies at the RH locus.  相似文献   

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