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作物对太阳紫外线辐射增加的生物效应及其评估   总被引:43,自引:3,他引:43  
作物对太阳紫外线辐射增加的生物效应及其评估郑有飞,杨志敏,颜景义,万长建(南京气象学院,南京210044)Biologicalresponseofcropsonenhancedsolarultravioletradiationanditsestima...  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate physiological interactions between fabric and the human body via skin and the resultant disturbance to blood flow, which in turn influences the skin temperature and the sensation of warmth and chilliness, thus the feeling of comfort. We focussed on the effects on the forearm skin blood flow by different local physical stimuli from fabrics. The blood flows were examined under three protocols: (1) using fabrics of different fiber types and fiber blending, (2) different surface characteristics of the same fabric and fiber type, and (3) different moisture levels of the same fabric type. A total of five different fabrics were wrapped over the forearm of a female subject at a good health state for test. The fabric samples were preconditioned for 24 h, and the subject sat for 30 min, in both cold and dry ambient conditions (20.5±0.5 °C, 45±5 p.100 RH) to reach equilibrium before testing. The forearm skin blood flow and temperature were recorded by a laser-Doppler flowmeter (DP1T/7-V2) with two probes mounted on both forearms to eliminate any systematic common mode fluctuations. Several conclusions were drawn from our test data. First, the fabric impact on both skin temperature and blood flow can be significant. Also fabric surface characteristics play important role, especially during the transient heat exchange at the beginning of contact. Finally, moisture level in the samples exhibits considerable influences on skin temperature and blood flow, and the higher the moisture level, the longer the duration of the impact.  相似文献   

The minute-range up and down rhythms of the lateral leaflets of Desmodium gyrans has been studied when exposed to electromagnetic radiation in the radio-frequency (RF) range. The RF radiation was applied as homogeneous 27.12 MHz fields in specially-designed exposure cells(and in some cases as non-homogeneous radiation of 27 MHz. amplitude modulated by 50 Hz, in front of commercial diathermy equipment). All fields were applied as pulses. We report effects in the leaflet rhythms such as temporary changes in the amplitude, period, and phase. The radiation could also cause temporary or complete cessations of the rhythms. The lowest dose (8 W/cm2) used was still effective. © 1993 Wiley-Liss. Inc.  相似文献   

Eight healthy subjects exercised at 90 watts on a cycle ergometer on four occasions, at times close to the minimum, maximum rate of rise, maximum, and maximum rate of fall of their resting core temperature. The duration of exercise was determined by the time taken for the core (rectal) temperature to reach an equilibrium value. Forearm skin blood flow and temperature were measured regularly during the exercise, as were heart rate and ratings of perceived exertion. Sweat loss was calculated by weighing the subjects nude before and after the exercise. The rise of heart rate was not significantly different at the four times of exercise, though the rating of perceived exertion was greatest at 05:00 h. Resting core temperatures showed a significant circadian rhythm at rest (the timing of which confirmed that exercise was being performed at the required times), but the amplitude of this rhythm was decreased significantly by the exercise. The initial rate of rise of core temperature, and the total rise from the resting to the equilibrium value, were both inversely proportional to resting temperature. The time-course of the rise was accurately described by a negative-exponential model, but this model gave no evidence that the kinetics of the equilibration process depended upon the time of day. The thermoregulatory responses to the rise in core temperature—the amount of total sweat loss and rises in forearm skin blood flow and temperature—differed according to the time of exercise. In general, the responses were significantly greater at 17:00 h compared with 05:00 h, and at 23:00 h compared with 11:00 h. The results accord with predictions made on the basis of previous work by us in which core temperature rhythms have been separated into components due to the endogenous body clock and due to the direct effects of spontaneous activity. The results are discussed in terms of the ecological implications of the differing capabilities of humans to deal with heat loads produced by spontaneous activity or mild exercise at different phases of the circadian rhythm of resting core temperature.  相似文献   

Extremely brilliant infrared (IR) beams provided by synchrotron radiation sources are now routinely used in many facilities with available commercial spectrometers coupled to IR microscopes. Using these intense non-thermal sources, a brilliance two or three order of magnitude higher than a conventional source is achievable through small pinholes (< 10 μm) with a high signal to-noise ratio. IR spectroscopy is a powerful technique to investigate biological systems and offers many new imaging opportunities. The field of infrared biological imaging covers a wide range of fundamental issues and applied researches such as cell imaging or tissue imaging. Molecular maps with a spatial resolution down to the diffraction limit may be now obtained with a synchrotron radiation IR source also on thick samples. Moreover, changes of the protein structure are detectable in an IR spectrum and cellular molecular markers can be identified and used to recognize a pathological status of a tissue. Molecular structure and functions are strongly correlated and this aspect is particularly relevant for imaging. We will show that the brilliance of synchrotron radiation IR sources may enhance the sensitivity of a molecular signal obtained from small biosamples, e.g., a single cell, containing extremely small amounts of organic matter. We will also show that SR IR sources allow to study chemical composition and to identify the distribution of organic molecules in cells at submicron resolution is possible with a high signal-to-noise ratio. Moreover, the recent availability of two-dimensional IR detectors promises to push forward imaging capabilities in the time domain. Indeed, with a high current synchrotron radiation facility and a Focal Plane Array the chemical imaging of individual cells can be obtained in a few minutes. Within this framework important results are expected in the next years using synchrotron radiation and Free Electron Laser (FEL) sources for spectro-microscopy and spectral-imaging, alone or in combination with Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy methods to study the molecular composition and dynamic changes in samples of biomedical interest at micrometric and submicrometric scales, respectively.  相似文献   

The ability of ionizing radiation to initiate genomic instability has been harnessed in the clinic where the localized delivery of controlled doses of radiation is used to induce cell death in tumor cells. Though very effective as a therapy, tumor relapse can occur in vivo and its appearance has been attributed to the radio-resistance of cells with stem cell-like features. The molecular mechanisms underlying these phenomena are unclear but there is evidence suggesting an inverse correlation between radiation-induced genomic instability and global hypomethylation. To further investigate the relationship between DNA hypomethylation, radiosensitivity and genomic stability in stem-like cells we have studied mouse embryonic stem cells containing differing levels of DNA methylation due to the presence or absence of DNA methyltransferases. Unexpectedly, we found that global levels of methylation do not determine radiosensitivity. In particular, radiation-induced delayed genomic instability was observed at the Hprt gene locus only in wild-type cells. Furthermore, absence of Dnmt1 resulted in a 10-fold increase in de novo Hprt mutation rate, which was unaltered by radiation. Our data indicate that functional DNMTs are required for radiation-induced genomic instability, and that individual DNMTs play distinct roles in genome stability. We propose that DNMTS may contribute to the acquirement of radio-resistance in stem-like cells.  相似文献   

The ability of ionizing radiation to initiate genomic instability has been harnessed in the clinic where the localized delivery of controlled doses of radiation is used to induce cell death in tumor cells. Though very effective as a therapy, tumor relapse can occur in vivo and its appearance has been attributed to the radio-resistance of cells with stem cell-like features. The molecular mechanisms underlying these phenomena are unclear but there is evidence suggesting an inverse correlation between radiation-induced genomic instability and global hypomethylation. To further investigate the relationship between DNA hypomethylation, radiosensitivity and genomic stability in stem-like cells we have studied mouse embryonic stem cells containing differing levels of DNA methylation due to the presence or absence of DNA methyltransferases. Unexpectedly, we found that global levels of methylation do not determine radiosensitivity. In particular, radiation-induced delayed genomic instability was observed at the Hprt gene locus only in wild-type cells. Furthermore, absence of Dnmt1 resulted in a 10-fold increase in de novo Hprt mutation rate, which was unaltered by radiation. Our data indicate that functional DNMTs are required for radiation-induced genomic instability, and that individual DNMTs play distinct roles in genome stability. We propose that DNMTS may contribute to the acquirement of radio-resistance in stem-like cells.  相似文献   

We review the general amount and patterns of exposure to solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation that children and teenagers experience and the spectrum of UV-related skin damage that can occur as a result. Data about the amount of solar UV received by children and teenagers are relatively few but suggest that around 40–50% of total UV to age 60 occurs before age 20. Among white children, those with the palest complexions suffer the most damage. Comparisons of prevalence and incidence of outcomes in children and teenagers sharing common ancestry, but living at different latitudes, show that prevalence rates of photoaging and melanocytic naevi are higher in Australian compared with British children, and similarly for melanoma. Genetic risk for the majority of the melanomas in teens is a function of genes controlling naevus propensity and pigmentation in the skin. High numbers of naevi and freckles, red hair, blue eyes, inability to tan, as well as a family history are the primary determinants of melanoma among adolescents. Beyond the signs of skin damage seen in children are the latent effects observed later in adulthood. Childhood is believed to be a susceptible window for long-term harmful effects of UV, as evidenced by clear differences in skin cancer risk between child and adult migrants from high to low latitudes. Effective UV radiation protection from childhood is necessary to control both immediate and long-term harmful effects on children’s skin.  相似文献   

The giant sporangiophores of Phycomyces blakesleeanus turn towards blue and away from ultraviolet C sources (wavelength under 310 nm). We have isolated fifteen mutants with normal blue tropism but defective ultraviolet tropism. Wild-type sporangiophores described a double turn when exposed successively to blue and ultraviolet beams coming from the same side; under certain conditions, the mutants turned only to the blue. The new uvi mutations modified the behaviour in heterokaryosis and were lethal in homokaryosis, i.e., they affected essential cellular components. The responses of the wild type and one of the mutants were registered and evaluated with a computer-aided device. The mutant behaved normally under blue light, but took longer than the wild type to turn away from the ultraviolet source. With very weak ultraviolet stimuli (10(-8) and l0(-9) W m-2), the wild type turned towards the source, but the mutant did not respond. Calculations of absorbed-energy distributions in the sporangiophore showed that Phycomyces responds differently to similar spatial distributions of blue and ultraviolet radiations. Wild-type and mutant sporangiophores had the same high ultraviolet absorption due to gallic acid. We conclude that ultraviolet tropism is not just a modification of blue phototropism due to the high ultraviolet absorption of the sporangiophores. Phycomyces has a separate sensory system responsive to ultraviolet radiation, but not to blue light.  相似文献   

Low intensity resistance training with slow movement and tonic force generation has been shown to create blood flow restriction within muscles that may affect thermoregulation through the skin. We aimed to investigate the influence of two speeds of exercise execution on skin temperature dynamics using infrared thermography. Thirteen active males performed randomly two sessions of squat exercise (normal speed, 1 s eccentric/1 s concentric phase, 1 s; slow speed, 5 s eccentric/5 s concentric phase, 5 s), using ~50% of 1 maximal repetition. Thermal images of ST above muscles quadriceps were recorded at a rate of 0.05 Hz before the exercise (to determine basal ST) and for 480 s following the initiation of the exercise (to determine the nonsteady-state time course of ST). Results showed that ST changed more slowly during the 5 s exercise (p=0.002), whereas the delta (with respect to basal) excursions were similar for the two exercises (p>0.05). In summary, our data provided a detailed nonsteady-state portrait of ST changes following squat exercises executed at two different speeds. These results lay the basis for further investigations entailing the joint use of infrared thermography and Doppler flowmetry to study the events taking place both at the skin and the muscle level during exercises executed at slow speed.  相似文献   

In this experiment, hand and forearm vasomotor activity was investigated during localised, but stable heating and cooling of the face, hand and thigh, under open-loop (clamped) conditions. It was hypothesised that facial stimulation would provoke the most potent vascular changes. Nine individuals participated in two normothermic trials (mean body temperature clamp: 36.6 °C; water-perfused suit and climate chamber) and two mildly hyperthermic trials (37.9 °C). Localised heating (+5 °C) and cooling (−5 °C) stimuli were applied to equal surface areas of the face, hand and thigh (perfusion patches: 15 min), while contralateral forearm or hand blood flows (venous-occlusion plethysmography) were measured (separate trials). Thermal sensation and discomfort votes were recorded before and during each thermal stimulation. When hyperthermic, local heating induced more sensitive vascular responses, with the combined thermosensitivity of both limb segments averaging 0.011 mL·100 mL−1·min−1·mmHg−1·°C−1, and 0.005 mL·100 mL−1·min−1·mmHg−1·°C−1 during localised cooling (P<0.05). Inter-site comparisons among the stimulated sites yielded minimal evidence of variations in local thermal sensation, and no differences were observed for vascular conductance (P>0.05). Therefore, regional differences in vasomotor and sensory sensitivity appeared not to exist. When combined with previous observations of sudomotor sensitivity, it seems that, during mild heating and cooling, regional representations within the somatosensory cortex may not translate into meaningful differences in thermal sensation or the central integration of thermoafferent signals. It was concluded that inter-site variations in the cutaneous thermosensitivity of these thermolytic effectors have minimal physiological significance over the ranges investigated thus far.  相似文献   

The feasibility of performing X-ray fluorescence trace-element determinations at concentrations substantially below the ppm level for biological materials is demonstrated. Conditions for achieving optimum sensitivity were ascertained. Results achieved for five standard reference materials were, in most cases, in excellent agreement with listed values. Minimum detectable limits of 20 ppb were measured for most elements.  相似文献   

Anatomic variability in the deposition of radiofrequency electromagnetic energy in mammals has been well documented. A recent study [D'Andrea et al., 1985] reported specific absorption rate (SAR) hotspots in the brain, rectum and tail of rat carcasses exposed to 360- and to 2,450-MHz microwave radiation. Regions of intense energy absorption are generally thought to be of little consequence when predicting thermal effects of microwave irradiation because it is presumed that heat transfer via the circulatory system promptly redistributes localized heat to equilibrate tissue temperature within the body. Experiments on anesthetized, male Long-Evans rats (200-260 g) irradiated for 10 or 16 min with 2,450, 700, or 360 MHz radiation at SARs of 2 W/kg, 6 W/kg, or 10 W/kg indicated that postirradiation localized temperatures in regions previously shown to exhibit high SARs were appreciably above temperatures at body sites with lower SARs. The postirradiation temperatures in the rectum and tail were significantly higher in rats irradiated at 360 MHz and higher in the tail at 2,450 MHz than temperatures resulting from exposure to 700 MHz. This effect was found for whole-body-averaged SARs as low as 6 W/kg at 360 MHz and 10 W/kg at 2,450 MHz. In contrast, brain temperatures in the anesthetized rats were not different from those measured in the rest of the body following microwave exposure.  相似文献   

Furocoumarins (psoralens) are potent skin photosensitizing agents that are used in combination with long-wavelength ultraviolet radiation (320–400 nm) in the treatment of psoriasis and other skin diseases. Twelve linear and angular psoralens, capable of forming monofunctional and bifunctional adducts with DNA, were examined with a view to elucidate the role of 1O2 and O2? in evoking skin photosensitization reactions and skin carcinogenesis. The results showed that both linear psoralens (capable of forming interstrand cross-links) and isopsoralens (angular, monofunctional type) and 3-carbethoxypsoralen (a linear and monofunctional type) produced 1O2 and O2?, although at varying degrees. Psoralen and 3-carbethoxypsoralen produced 1O2 greater than isopsoralens (angelicins). However, nonphotosensitizing angelicin, 5-methyl-angelicin, and 4,8-dimethyl-5′-carboxypsoralen produced 1O2 greater than 8-methoxypsoralen and 5-methoxypsoralen. The three monofunctional angelicin derivatives (isopsoralens) produced more O2? than 8-methoxypsoralen, 5-methoxypsoralen, and 3,4′-dimethyl-8-methoxypsoralen. 3-Carbethoxypsoralen, a potent generator of 1O2 and a moderate producer of O2?, was highly photolabile. Until recently, skin photosensitization reactions (erythema, edema, damage to DNA or the membrane of cutaneous cells, the inhibition of scheduled DNA synthesis and skin carcinogenesis, etc.) were believed to involve photocyclo-addition of psoralens to DNA mediated by a type-I or anoxic reaction (a sensitizer-substrate interaction through the transfer of hydrogen atoms or electrons, but no direct involvement of molecular oxygen). Oxygen-dependent sensitized photodynamic reactions of type-II, involving the production of reactive oxygen (1O2 and O2?), were believed not to mediate psoralen photosensitization reactions. We suggest that 1O2 and O2? may also participate in skin photosensitization and cell membrane-damaging reactions. The fact that certain monofunctional isopsoralens produce 1O2 and O2? at rates comparable to or better than bifunctional psoralens suggests that these reactive moieties of oxygen could play a major role in explaining their recently observed carcinogenic property and cell membrane-damaging reactions (e.g., edema or inflammation, etc.).  相似文献   

Adverse effects of ultraviolet radiation: a brief review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) has always been part of the environment of man. UVB is required for the conversion of 7-deoxycholesterol to vitamin D, which is critically important in the maintenance of healthy bones and research is making clear that it has other potential roles in maintenance of human health. Exposure to UVR, whether of solar or artificial origin, also carries potential risks to human health. UVR is a known carcinogen and excessive exposure-at least to solar radiation in sunlight-increases risk of cancer of the lip, basal cell, and squamous cell carcinoma of the skin and cutaneous melanoma, particularly in fair skin populations. There is also evidence that solar UVR increases risk of several diseases of the eye, including cortical cataract, some conjunctival neoplasms, and perhaps ocular melanoma. Solar UVR may also be involved in autoimmune and viral diseases although more research is needed in these areas. Artificial UVR from tanning beds, welding torches, and other sources, may contribute to the burden of disease from UVR. This brief review will assess the human evidence for adverse health effects from solar and artificial UVR and will attempt to assign a degree of certainty to the major disease-exposure relationships based on the weight of available scientific evidence.  相似文献   

The major well-proven long-term health risks of excessive exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation relate to the skin. Premalignant skin lesions are seen very much earlier in white skinned populations exposed to excessive sunlight, and over time these same individuals develop larger numbers of all of the three major skin cancers than individuals who do not experience excessive UV exposure. These three skin cancers are squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), basal cell carcinoma (BCC), and malignant melanoma. In the case of SCC the major aetiological pattern is chronic long-term exposure, but for BCCs the pattern appears to be slightly different with short-term burning episodes being more important. In the case of melanomas, there is evidence that for the 4 main types of melanomas, the pattern of excess UV exposure which is most injurious varies.  相似文献   

Stephanou  M.  Manetas  Y. 《Plant Ecology》1997,128(1-2):109-112
Young seedlings of Dittrichia viscosa L. (syn. Inula viscosa (L.) Aiton) (Asteraceae) were extensively treated with artificial rain in order to remove the water soluble component of their epicuticular UV-B absorbing compounds. As a result, 75% of the epicuticular absorbing capacity at 300 nm was lost. The seedlings were subsequently grown in a naturaly lit glasshouse for 80 days under 0.06, 6.41 and 10.14 kJ m-2 day -1 biologicaly effective UV-B radiation doses. The initial, pre-rain values of the water soluble, epicuticular UV-B absorbing potential was restored in about three weeks. During this transient period the plants were exposed to the enhanced UV-B radiation doses with part of their UV-B radiation screen removed. Although a trend for increased accumulation of epicuticular UV-B absorbing capacity was observed with increasing UV-B radiation doses, the allelopathic potential of the epicuticular material remained unchanged. Internal (cellular) UV-B absorbing compounds and chlorophylls were unaffected, but total carotenoids were increased, indicating a possible protective role against UV-B radiation damage. Leaf, stem and root dry mass were the same under all treatments but UV-B radiation caused a reduction in the dry mass invested per unit leaf area with a concomitant increase in leaf area. The importance of this UV-B radiation induced selective allocation of photosynthate to the production of assimilative surfaces is discussed.  相似文献   

We examined levels of malondialdehyde (MDA) (an end-product of lipid peroxidation) and paraoxonase (PON1) (an antioxidant enzyme) activity and PON1 phenotypes in people who were exposed to ionizing radiation for different time periods and doses. A total of 78 individuals (mean age 34 +/- 7 years) were included in the study. Fifty-one of them were radiology workers whereas the control group was composed of 27 healthy volunteers who had never worked in a radiology-related job. Paraoxon was used as substrate for measurement of PON1 activity levels (basal and NaCl-stimulated). Phenylacetate was used as substrate for measurement of arylesterase activity levels. Cumulative levels of serum NaCl-stimulated PON1/arylesterase activities were utilized for phenotypic differentiation. In radiology workers, three different phenotypes were determined based on paraoxonase/arylesterase ratio. The ratios were 1.09 +/- 0.30 for AA (homozygote low activity); 2.91 +/- 1.07 for AB (heterozygote activity) and 4.97 +/- 1.21 for BB (homozygote high activity). There was a statistically meaningful negative correlation between serum MDA levels and PON1 activity levels in all phenotypes (p < 0.05). PON1 activity levels were found to be 25-35% lower in people who were exposed to long-term ( > 5 years) radiation compared to controls. There was no statistically significant correlation between serum arylesterase activity and MDA levels in these subjects (r = -0.185, p > 0.05). PON1 activity levels were decreased whereas serum MDA levels were increased in individuals exposed to radiation for a long period. PON phenotypes of people employed in jobs which expose them to radiation should be determined and based on these findings they should be advised to avoid risk factors inducing oxidative stress, such as smoking, and to consume foods rich in vitamins and trace elements to increase their antioxidant capacity.  相似文献   

目的:探讨中频电刺激股沟血管丛对下肢血液循环的影响.方法:32名健康男性随机分为2组,将LDF探头、热敏探头以双面胶固定在受试者右膝关节内侧上方5cm处,电流强度为感觉阈上.一组接受调制中频电刺激,另一组是对照组.刺激时间为20分钟,休息15分钟后,连续监测时间为30分钟,每5分钟为一个时间段,生理信号记录的是第一个5分钟、第三个5分钟、第五个5分钟、第六个5分钟共四次.记录指标为皮肤表面血流量、表面温度和心率变异性(HRV).结果:研究表明,皮肤表面温度、血流量、HRV的LF值随时间间隔出现明显变化,HF与LF/HF并没有显著变化;调制中频电组的部分指标与对照组有显著性差异.结论:调制中频电组效果优于空白对照组,阈上强度的中频电刺激腹股沟血管丛能够明显改善下肢血液循环,防止下肢出现水肿或麻木的情况.  相似文献   

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