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This paper compares the behavior of bowhead whales of the Davis Strait/Baffin Bay stock, as observed along the east coast of Baffin Island in 1979–1986, with behavior of the Bering/Chukchi/Beaufort Sea stock observed in the Beaufort Sea in 1980–1986. All data used here were collected during late summer and early autumn in the absence of acute human disturbance. The behavioral repertoires of the two populations were similar. However, quantitative differences were found for whales engaged in all three activities studied: (1) Bowheads feeding in deep water off Isabella Bay, Baffin Island, had longer dives and surfacings, on average, than noted for bowheads feeding in the Beaufort Sea. (2) Among whales socializing in shallow water, we saw sexual interactions more often at Isabella Bay than in the Beaufort Sea. Calls emitted by socializing whales off Baffin Island were similar to those heard in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas. However, pulsed tonal calls were longer off Baffin Island, and previously undescribed mechanical "crunch" sounds were recorded there near socializing bowheads. (3) During autumn migration, "fluke-out" dives were less common, and dive durations were longer, in the Beaufort Sea than off Baffin Island (P<0.001). Multivariate and other analyses indicated that some but not all differences can be ascribed to regional differences in the natural environment or in whale activities, However, during 1974–1986, Bering/Chukchi/Beaufort bowheads were exposed to more industrial, hunting and other human activity than Davis Strait/Baffin Bay bowheads. The "inconspicuous" behavior during autumn migration in the Beaufort may have been attributable to human activities, but causative links cannot be isolated.  相似文献   

Three 12-m sperm whales (Physeter catodon) were tagged and tracked west of Dominica in the southeast Caribbean to follow the surfacing patterns and movements of these presumed subadult males. Whale N was tagged in April 1993 with a 30-MHz radio tag and tracked for two days. Whale H was tagged in April 1995 with a 30-MHz radio tag and tracked for 4.6 d. Whale A was tagged in April 1995 with a satellite-monitored tag tracked by ARGOS for 21.5 d, the first four of which were concurrent with the tracking of Whale H, an associate. The tagged whales remained west of Dominica for at least 2, 5, and 13 d, respectively. Whales N and A then moved southward to waters off Martinique. There were no apparent effects on the whales by tagging or the presence of the tags. The whales averaged speeds of 2.6-3.5 km/h. Surfacings, indicated by tag signals, were of two types: short surfacings apparently primarily for respiration, averaging 7-10.5 min between repeated longer dives, occurring day and night; and extended surfacings seemingly for rest and social interactions with conspecifics, occurring mostly in daylight. Whales were near the surface for 20.4%–22.6% of the total time (26.6%–27.1% during the day and 14.9%–17.1% at night). Delayed blowing was observed as Whale N surfaced for 8.3 min between 47- and 45-min dives but delayed the first of its 31 blows for 1.5 min after surfacing.  相似文献   

Animal behavioral patterns can help us understand physiological and ecological constraints on animals and its influence on fitness. The surfacing patterns of aquatic air-breathing mammals constitute a behavioral pattern that has evolved as a trade-off between the need to replenish oxygen stores at the surface and the need to conduct other activities underwater. This study aims to better understand the surfacing pattern of a marine top predator, the minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata), by investigating how their dive duration and surfacing pattern changes across their activity range. Activities were classified into resting, traveling, surface feeding and foraging at depth. For each activity, we classified dives into short and long dives and then estimated the temporal dependence between dive types. We found that minke whales modified their surfacing pattern in an activity-specific manner, both by changing the expression of their dives (i.e. density distribution) and the temporal dependence (transition probability) between dive types. As the depth of the prey layer increased between activities, the surfacing pattern of foraging whales became increasingly structured, going from a pattern dominated by long dives, when feeding at the surface, to a pattern where isolated long dives were followed by an increasing number of breaths (i.e. short dives), when the whale was foraging at depth. A similar shift in surfacing pattern occurred when prey handling time (inferred from surface corralling maneuvers) increased for surface feeding whales. The surfacing pattern also differed between feeding and non-feeding whales. Resting whales did not structure their surfacing pattern, while traveling whales did, possibly as a way to minimize cost of transport. Our results also suggest that minke whales might balance their oxygen level over multiple, rather than single, dive cycles.  相似文献   

Groups of female and immature sperm whales live at low latitudes and show a stereotypical diving and foraging behavior with dives lasting about 45 min to depths of between 400 and 1200 m. In comparison, physically mature male sperm whales migrate to high latitudes where little is known about their foraging behavior and ecology. Here we use acoustic recording tags to study the diving and acoustic behavior of male sperm whales foraging off northern Norway. Sixty-five hours of tag data provide detailed information about the movements and sound repertoire of four male sperm whales performing 83 dives lasting between 6 and 60 min. Dives ranged in depth between 14 and 1860 m, with a median depth of 175 m, and 92% of the surfacings lasted less than 15 min. The four whales clicked for an average 91% (SD = 10) of the dive duration, where the first usual click was produced at depths ranging between 4 and 218 m and the last usual click at depths ranging between 1 and 1114 m. Echolocation buzzes, which are used as an indication of prey capture attempts, were emitted at depths between 17 and 1860 m, during both the descent and ascent phase of deep dives. The foraging behavior varied markedly with depth, with the timing and duration of prey capture attempts during shallow dives suggesting that the whales target more sparsely distributed prey. In contrast, deep dives involve frequent prey capture attempts and seem to target more dense food layers. The evidence of exploitation of different food layers, including epipelagic prey, is consistent with the hypothesis that male sperm whales may migrate to high latitudes to access a productive, multi-layered foraging habitat.  相似文献   

Dive habits of four Northeast Pacific blue whales ( Balaenoptera musculus ) were studied using satellite-monitored radio tags. Tags summarized dive-duration data into eight 3-h periods daily. One tag additionally summarized dive depth and time-at-depth information for these same periods. Tracking periods ranged from 0.6 to 12.7 d and provided data for 17 three-hour summary periods, representing 2,007 dives (788 of which provided depth information). Total number of dives during a 3-h summary period ranged from 83 to 128. Seventy-two percent of dives were ≤ 1 min long. All whales spent >94% of their time submerged. Average duration of true dives (dives >1 min) ranged from 4.2 to 7.2 min. Seventy-five percent of depth-monitored dives were to ≤16 m, accounting for 78% of that animal's time. Average depth of dives to >16 m was 105 ± 13 m.  相似文献   

Humpback whales wintering in the Revillagigedo Archipelago, Mexico, have been considered a different subpopulation from those found off mainland Mexico and Baja California. The primary feeding grounds for Revillagigedo humpbacks remain unknown. In February 2003, we deployed 11 Argos satellite‐monitored radio tags to track movements and surfacings of humpback whales (five adults without calves, five mothers with calves, one calf) off Socorro Island in the Revillagigedo Archipelago. Tracking ranged from 222 to 10,481 km over 4.9–149.1 d. Eight whales left Socorro Island: five visited other Mexican wintering destinations, seven moved north of these areas. Migration routes were primarily offshore (average 444 km). Two whales were tracked to feeding grounds: one to British Columbia (46 d migration), and one to Alaska (49 d migration). Mean travel speeds were 1.2 km/h in wintering areas, 4.0 km/h during migration, and 2.2 km/h in feeding areas. Overall surfacing rates ranged from 21 to 88 surfacings/h. Surfacing rates differed between the calf and all other whales, and between feeding areas and migratory/wintering areas for the calf and an adult without a calf. The calf also showed diel variation in surfacing rates. The offshore habits of tagged whales may explain scarce resightings of Revillagigedo humpbacks outside the Revillagigedo Archipelago.  相似文献   

Many diving seabirds and marine mammals have been found to regularly exceed their theoretical aerobic dive limit (TADL). No animals have been found to dive for durations that are consistently shorter than their TADL. We attached time-depth recorders to 7 blue whales and 15 fin whales (family Balaenopteridae). The diving behavior of both species was similar, and we distinguished between foraging and traveling dives. Foraging dives in both species were deeper, longer in duration and distinguished by a series of vertical excursions where lunge feeding presumably occurred. Foraging blue whales lunged 2.4 (+/-1.13) times per dive, with a maximum of six times and average vertical excursion of 30.2 (+/-10.04) m. Foraging fin whales lunged 1.7 (+/-0.88) times per dive, with a maximum of eight times and average vertical excursion of 21.2 (+/-4.35) m. The maximum rate of ascent of lunges was higher than the maximum rate of descent in both species, indicating that feeding lunges occurred on ascent. Foraging dives were deeper and longer than non-feeding dives in both species. On average, blue whales dived to 140.0 (+/-46.01) m and 7.8 (+/-1.89) min when foraging, and 67.6 (+/-51.46) m and 4.9 (+/-2.53) min when not foraging. Fin whales dived to 97.9 (+/-32.59) m and 6.3 (+/-1.53) min when foraging and to 59.3 (+/-29.67) m and 4.2 (+/-1.67) min when not foraging. The longest dives recorded for both species, 14.7 min for blue whales and 16.9 min for fin whales, were considerably shorter than the TADL of 31.2 and 28.6 min, respectively. An allometric comparison of seven families diving to an average depth of 80-150 m showed a significant relationship between body mass and dive duration once Balaenopteridae whales, with a mean dive duration of 6.8 min, were excluded from the analysis. Thus, the short dive durations of blue whales and fin whales cannot be explained by the shallow distribution of their prey. We propose instead that short duration diving in large whales results from either: (1) dispersal behavior of prey; or (2) a high energetic cost of foraging.  相似文献   

Diel variation in beaked whale diving behavior   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We investigate diel variation in beaked whale diving behavior using data from time–depth recorders deployed on six Blainville's ( Mesoplodon densirostris) (255 h) and two Cuvier's ( Ziphius cavirostris ) (34 h) beaked whales. Deep foraging dives (>800 m) occurred at similar rates during the day and night for Blainville's beaked whales, and there were no significant diel differences in ascent rates, descent rates, or mean or maximum depths or durations for deep dives. Dive to mid-water depths (100–600 m) occurred significantly more often during the day (mean = 1.59 h−1) than at night (mean = 0.26 h−1). Series of progressively shallower "bounce" dives were only documented to follow the deep, long dives made during the day; at night whales spent more time in shallow (<100 m) depths. Significantly slower ascent rates than descent rates were found following deep foraging dives both during the day and night. Similar patterns were found for the Cuvier's beaked whales. Our results suggest that so-called "bounce" dives do not serve a physiological function, although the slow ascents may. This diel variation in behavior suggests that beaked whales may spend less time in surface waters during the day to avoid near-surface, visually oriented predators such as large sharks or killer whales ( Orcinus orca ).  相似文献   

Behavior and diving patterns of summer resident gray whales ( Eschrichtius robustus ) foraging on mysids were studied in coastal bays along the north shore of Queen Charlotte Strait, British Columbia. In this region, gray whales were found to feed primarily on planktonic prey rather than on the benthos as in their primary feeding areas further north. During the summers of 1999 and 2000, whales spent most of their time actively feeding or searching for prey (77%), whereas only 15% of their time was spent traveling and 8% socializing. The majority of the dives were short; the mean dive duration was 2.24 min with approximately three respirations per surfacing and 15 s between blows. Whales dove frequently (26.7 h−1), spending only 17% of their time at the surface with an overall blow rate of 1.14 respirations per minute. Activity states were characterized by significantly different diving and respiratory parameters; feeding whales dove more frequently, with shorter intervals between respirations, thus spending less time at the surface compared to when traveling or searching. This diving pattern differs from benthic-feeding whales and likely optimizes capture of the mobile mysid swarms in shallow waters.  相似文献   

Humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) belong to the class of marine mammals known as rorquals that feed through extraordinarily energetic lunges during which they engulf large volumes of water equal to as much as 70% of their body mass. To understand the kinematics of humpback lunge feeding, we attached high‐resolution digital recording tags incorporating accelerometers, magnetometers, pressure and sound recording to whales feeding on euphausiids in fjords of the West Antarctic Peninsula. Instances of near vertical lunges gave us the unique opportunity to use the signal from the accelerometer to obtain a fine scale record of the body accelerations involved in lunging. We found that lunges contain extreme accelerations reaching 2.5 m/s2 in certain instances, which are then followed by decelerations. When animals are intensively feeding the inter‐lunge interval is similar for both deep and shallow lunges suggesting a biomechanical constraint on lunges. However, the number of lunges per dive varies from one for shallow feeding (<25 m) to a median of six for deeper dives. Different feeding patterns were evident in the kinematic record, for deep and shallow feeding bouts with the much greater mean turn rates occurring in shallow feeding.  相似文献   

The modern pattern of distribution and feeding habits of the bowhead whale, Balaena mysticetus, in the Sea of Okhotsk are studied. The existence of a feeding aggregation of this whale species in the southwesternmost portion (apex) of Ulban Bay has been confirmed. There, the animals feed in shallow waters with depths of 3–5 m, which are only slightly larger than their body height. The quantitative composition and species structure of zooplankton at the stations that were set near feeding whales have been analyzed. In the samples taken in the immediate proximity to the feeding whales, the abundance of zooplankton reached 31409 ind./m3, with the average value of 17565 ind./m3. The lowest abundance, from 56 to 1879 ind./m3 (mean 927 ind./m3), was in the samples from western Konstantin Bay, where bowhead whales were not observed. In 16 samples collected in the immediate proximity to the feeding whales in the shallow waters of Ulban Bay, the average zooplankton biomass was 547.9 mg/m3, which is 3.9 times higher than that in the samples from waters where the whales were absent. Copepods dominated quantitatively at all the stations in Akademiya Bay. The proportion of euphausiids in the zooplankton biomass was lower than 1%, both near the feeding whales and in the absence of whales.  相似文献   

The development of high‐resolution archival tag technologies has revolutionized our understanding of diving behavior in marine taxa such as sharks, turtles, and seals during their wide‐ranging movements. However, similar applications for large whales have lagged behind due to the difficulty of keeping tags on the animals for extended periods of time. Here, we present a novel configuration of a transdermally attached biologging device called the Advanced Dive Behavior (ADB) tag. The ADB tag contains sensors that record hydrostatic pressure, three‐axis accelerometers, magnetometers, water temperature, and light level, all sampled at 1 Hz. The ADB tag also collects Fastloc GPS locations and can send dive summary data through Service Argos, while staying attached to a whale for typical periods of 3–7 weeks before releasing for recovery and subsequent data download. ADB tags were deployed on sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus; N = 46), blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus; N = 8), and fin whales (B. physalus; N = 5) from 2007 to 2015, resulting in attachment durations from 0 to 49.6 days, and recording 31 to 2,539 GPS locations and 27 to 2,918 dives per deployment. Archived dive profiles matched well with published dive shapes of each species from short‐term records. For blue and fin whales, feeding lunges were detected using peaks in accelerometer data and matched corresponding vertical excursions in the depth record. In sperm whales, rapid orientation changes in the accelerometer data, often during the bottom phase of dives, were likely related to prey pursuit, representing a relative measure of foraging effort. Sperm whales were documented repeatedly diving to, and likely foraging along, the seafloor. Data from the temperature sensor described the vertical structure of the water column in all three species, extending from the surface to depths >1,600 m. In addition to providing information needed to construct multiweek time budgets, the ADB tag is well suited to studying the effects of anthropogenic sound on whales by allowing for pre‐ and post‐exposure monitoring of the whale's dive behavior. This tag begins to bridge the gap between existing long‐duration but low‐data throughput tags, and short‐duration, high‐resolution data loggers.  相似文献   

During foraging dives, sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) produce long series of regular clicks at 0.5-2 s intervals interspersed with rapid-click buzzes called "creaks". Sound, depth and orientation recording Dtags were attached to 23 whales in the Ligurian Sea and Gulf of Mexico to test whether the behaviour of diving sperm whales supports the hypothesis that creaks are produced during prey capture. Sperm whales spent most of their bottom time within one or two depth bands, apparently feeding in vertically stratified prey layers. Creak rates were highest during the bottom phase: 99.8% of creaks were produced in the deepest 50% of dives, 57% in the deepest 15% of dives. Whales swam actively during the bottom phase, producing a mean of 12.5 depth inflections per dive. A mean of 32% of creaks produced during the bottom phase occurred within 10 s of an inflection (13x more than chance). Sperm whales actively altered their body orientation throughout the bottom phase with significantly increased rates of change during creaks, reflecting increased manoeuvring. Sperm whales increased their bottom foraging time when creak rates were higher. These results all strongly support the hypothesis that creaks are an echolocation signal adapted for foraging, analogous to terminal buzzes in taxonomically diverse echolocating species.  相似文献   

A digital acoustic recording tag was used to examine the 3‐D orientation of gray whales feeding along the central British Columbia coast. A total of 96 feeding dives were recorded from six different whales. More than half (53.1%) of the whales' bottom time was spent rolled at an angle greater than 45°. Whales rolled an average of 2.9 times per feeding dive, and rolling behavior was often accompanied by a negative pitch angle. Out of 282 recorded rolls, 274 (97.2%) were to the right. Likewise, 98.5% of the total time spent rolled at an angle greater than 45° was spent rolled to the right. The gray whales in this study showed a significant right‐side bias on both an individual (P≤ 0.009) and group level (P < 0.001). Based on the findings of this study and previous reports of uneven baleen wear ( Kasuya and Rice 1970 ), it is proposed that gray whales exhibit a population‐wide right‐side rolling bias similar in character to the 90/10 split of right handedness in humans.  相似文献   

We present data on diving pattern and performance (dive depth, duration, frequency and organization during the foraging trip) in gentoo penguins Pygoscelis papua , obtained using time-depth recorders ( n = 9 birds, 99 foraging trips). These data are used to estimate various parameters of foraging activity, e.g. foraging range, prey capture rates, and are compared in relation to breeding chronology. Foraging trip duration was 6 h and 10 h, and trip frequency 1.0/day and 0.96/day, during the brooding and creche periods, respectively. Birds spent on average 52%of each foraging trip diving. Dive depth and duration were highly bimodal: shallow dives (< 21 m) averaged 4 m and 0.23 min, and deep dives (> 30 m) 80 m and 2.5 min, respectively. Birds spent on average 71%and 25%of total diving time in deep and shallow dives, respectively. For deep dives, dive duration exceeded the subsequent surface interval, but shallow dives were followed by surface intervals 2–3 times dive duration. We suggest that most shallow dives are searching/exploratory dives and most deep dives are feeding dives. Deep dives showed clear diel patterns averaging 40 m at dawn and dusk and 80–90 m at midday. Estimated foraging ranges were 2.3 km and 4.1 km during the brood and creche period, respectively. Foraging trip duration increased by 4 h between the brood and creche periods but total time spent in deep dives (i.e. time spent feeding) was the same (3 h). Of 99 foraging trips, 56%consisted of only one dive bout and 44%of 2–4 bouts delimited by extended surface intervals > 10 min. We suggest that this pattern of diving activity reflects variation in spatial distribution of prey rather than the effect of physiological constraints on diving ability.  相似文献   

Simultaneous high resolution sampling of predator behavior and habitat characteristics is often difficult to achieve despite its importance in understanding the foraging decisions and habitat use of predators. Here we tap into the biosonar system of Blainville''s beaked whales, Mesoplodon densirostris, using sound and orientation recording tags to uncover prey-finding cues available to echolocating predators in the deep-sea. Echolocation sounds indicate where whales search and encounter prey, as well as the altitude of whales above the sea-floor and the density of organisms around them, providing a link between foraging activity and the bio-physical environment. Tagged whales (n = 9) hunted exclusively at depth, investing most of their search time either in the lower part of the deep scattering layer (DSL) or near the sea-floor with little diel change. At least 43% (420/974) of recorded prey-capture attempts were performed within the benthic boundary layer despite a wide range of dive depths, and many dives included both meso- and bentho-pelagic foraging. Blainville''s beaked whales only initiate searching when already deep in the descent and encounter prey suitable for capture within 2 min of the start of echolocation, suggesting that these whales are accessing prey in reliable vertical strata. Moreover, these prey resources are sufficiently dense to feed the animals in what is effectively four hours of hunting per day enabling a strategy in which long dives to exploit numerous deep-prey with low nutritional value require protracted recovery periods (average 1.5 h) between dives. This apparent searching efficiency maybe aided by inhabiting steep undersea slopes with access to both the DSL and the sea-floor over small spatial scales. Aggregations of prey in these biotopes are located using biosonar-derived landmarks and represent stable and abundant resources for Blainville''s beaked whales in the otherwise food-limited deep-ocean.  相似文献   

Using suction-cup attached time–depth recorder/VHF radio tags, we have obtained the first diving data on northern bottlenose whales (Hyperoodon ampullatus), the first such data on any species within the family Ziphiidae. Two deployments in 1997 on northern bottlenose whales in a submarine canyon off Nova Scotia demonstrated their exceptional diving ability, with dives approximately every 80 min to over 800 m (maximum 1453 m), and up to 70 min in duration. Sonar traces of non-tagged, diving bottlenose whales in 1996 and 1997 suggest that such deep dives are not unusual. This combined evidence leads us to hypothesize that these whales may make greater use of deep portions of the water column than any other mammal so far studied. Many of the recorded dives of the tagged animals were to, or close to, the sea floor, consistent with benthic or bathypelagic foraging. A lack of correlation between dive times and surface intervals suggests that the dives were predominately aerobic.  相似文献   

Echolocating animals that forage in social groups can potentially benefit from eavesdropping on other group members, cooperative foraging or social defence, but may also face problems of acoustic interference and intra-group competition for prey. Here, we investigate these potential trade-offs of sociality for extreme deep-diving Blainville′s and Cuvier''s beaked whales. These species perform highly synchronous group dives as a presumed predator-avoidance behaviour, but the benefits and costs of this on foraging have not been investigated. We show that group members could hear their companions for a median of at least 91% of the vocal foraging phase of their dives. This enables whales to coordinate their mean travel direction despite differing individual headings as they pursue prey on a minute-by-minute basis. While beaked whales coordinate their echolocation-based foraging periods tightly, individual click and buzz rates are both independent of the number of whales in the group. Thus, their foraging performance is not affected by intra-group competition or interference from group members, and they do not seem to capitalize directly on eavesdropping on the echoes produced by the echolocation clicks of their companions. We conclude that the close diving and vocal synchronization of beaked whale groups that quantitatively reduces predation risk has little impact on foraging performance.  相似文献   

Availability of preferred salmonid prey and a sufficiently quiet acoustic environment in which to forage are critical to the survival of resident killer whales (Orcinus orca) in the northeastern Pacific. Although piscivorous killer whales rely on echolocation to locate and track prey, the relationship between echolocation, movement, and prey capture during foraging by wild individuals is poorly understood. We used acoustic biologging tags to relate echolocation behavior to prey pursuit and capture during successful feeding dives by fish-eating killer whales in coastal British Columbia, Canada. The significantly higher incidence and rate of echolocation prior to fish captures compared to afterward confirms its importance in prey detection and tracking. Extremely rapid click sequences (buzzes) were produced before or concurrent with captures of salmon at depths typically exceeding 50 m, and were likely used by killer whales for close-range prey targeting, as in other odontocetes. Distinctive crunching and tearing sounds indicative of prey-handling behavior occurred at relatively shallow depths following fish captures, matching concurrent observations that whales surfaced with fish prior to consumption and often shared prey. Buzzes and prey-handling sounds are potentially useful acoustic signals for estimating foraging efficiency and determining if resident killer whales are meeting their energetic requirements.  相似文献   

Humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) migrate long distances each year on a return journey from low‐latitude breeding grounds to high‐latitude feeding grounds. Migration is influenced by subtle and complex social behaviors and the assumption that whales transit directly through the migratory corridor off the east coast of Australia requires further investigation. From 2003 to 2005, we followed the movements of 99 individual whales within one migratory cycle from three locations, off Byron Bay during the whales' northern migration and in Hervey Bay and at Ballina during the southern migration. The median sighting interval of whales between Byron Bay and Hervey Bay (= 26) was 52 d (IQR = 42.5–75.5); between Byron Bay and Ballina (= 21) was 59 d (IQR = 47.0–70.0); and between Hervey Bay and Ballina (= 33) was 9 d (8.0–14.0). The overall pattern observed from these resightings suggests that Group E1 humpback whales spend approximately two months in the northern quarter of their range during the austral winter months. Intraseason resightings of whales at Ballina (= 13, median sighting interval = 7 d) also suggest that some individuals, particularly adult males, may circle back north during their general southward journey along this part of the coast, perhaps in an attempt to increase mating opportunities.  相似文献   

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