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Presenilin (PS)-dependent gamma-secretase cleavage is the final proteolytic step in generating amyloid beta protein (A beta), a key peptide involved in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. PS undergoes endoproteolysis by an unidentified 'presenilinase' to generate the functional N-terminal and C-terminal fragment heterodimers (NTF/CTF) that may harbor the gamma-secretase active site. To better understand the relationship between presenilinase and gamma-secretase, we characterized the biochemical properties of presenilinase and compared them with those of gamma-secretase. Similar to gamma-secretase, presenilinase was most active at acidic pH 6.3. Aspartyl protease inhibitor pepstatin A blocked presenilinase activity with an IC50 of approximately 1 microM. Difluoroketone aspartyl protease transition state analogue MW167 was relatively selective for presenilinase (IC50 < 1 microM) over gamma-secretase (IC50-16 microM). Importantly, removing the transition state mimicking moiety simultaneously abolished both presenilinase and gamma-secretase inhibition, suggesting that presenilinase, like gamma-secretase, is an aspartyl protease. Interestingly, several of the most potent gamma-secretase inhibitors (IC50 = 0.3 or 20 nM) failed to block presenilinase activity. Although de novo generation of PS1 fragments coincided with production of A beta in vitro, blocking presenilinase activity without reducing pre-existing fragment levels permitted normal de novo generation of A beta and amyloid intracellular domain. Therefore, presenilinase has characteristics of an aspartyl protease, but this activity is distinct from gamma-secretase.  相似文献   

Progressive cerebral amyloid beta-protein (A beta) deposition is believed to play a central role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Elevated levels of A beta(42) peptide formation have been linked to early-onset familial AD-causing gene mutations in the amyloid beta-protein precursor (A beta PP) and the presenilins. Sequential cleavage of A beta PP by the beta- and gamma-secretases generates the N- and C-termini of the A beta peptide, making both the beta- and gamma-secretase enzymes potential therapeutic targets for AD. The identity of the A beta PP gamma-secretase and the mechanism by which the C-termini of A beta are formed remain uncertain, although it has been suggested that the presenilins themselves are novel intramembrane-cleaving gamma-secretases of the aspartyl protease class [Wolfe, M. S., Xia, W., Ostaszewski, B. L., Diehl, T. S., Kimberly, W. T., and Selkoe, D. J. (1999) Nature 398, 513-517]. In this study we report the identification of L-685,458 as a structurally novel inhibitor of A beta PP gamma-secretase activity, with a similar potency for inhibition of A beta(42) and A beta(40) peptides. This compound contains an hydroxyethylene dipeptide isostere which suggests that it could function as a transition state analogue mimic of an aspartyl protease. The preferred stereochemistry of the hydroxyethylene dipeptide isostere was found to be the opposite to that required for inhibition of the HIV-1 aspartyl protease, a factor which may contribute to the observed specificity of this compound. Specific and potent inhibitors of A beta PP gamma-secretase activity such as L-685,458 will enable important advances toward the identification and elucidation of the mechanism of action of this enigmatic protease.  相似文献   

γ-Secretase is an unconventional aspartyl protease that processes many type 1 membrane proteins within the lipid bilayer. Because its cleavage of amyloid-β precursor protein generates the amyloid-β protein (Aβ) of Alzheimer's disease, partially inhibiting γ-secretase is an attractive therapeutic strategy, but the structure of the protease remains poorly understood. We recently used electron microscopy and single particle image analysis on the purified enzyme to generate the first 3D reconstruction of γ-secretase, but at low resolution (15 Å). The limited amount of purified γ-secretase that can be produced using currently available cell lines and procedures has prevented the achievement of a high resolution crystal structure by X-ray crystallography or 2D crystallization. We report here the generation and characterization of a new mammalian cell line (S-20) that overexpresses strikingly high levels of all four γ-secretase components (presenilin, nicastrin, Aph-1 and Pen-2). We then used these cells to develop a rapid protocol for the high-grade purification of proteolytically active γ-secretase. The cells and purification methods detailed here provide a key step towards crystallographic studies of this ubiquitous enzyme.  相似文献   

The gene aspS encoding an aspartyl protease has been cloned from Sclerotinia sclerotiorum by screening a genomic library with a PCR-amplified fragment of the gene. The open reading frame of 1368 bp interrupted by one intron would encode a preproprotein of 435 amino acids. The catalytic aspartyl residues characteristic of aspartyl proteases are conserved; however, the active-site motif (DSG) in the N-terminal lobe is unusual in that Ser replaced Thr used in the active-site motif (DTG) of the C-terminal lobe and in all other fungal aspartyl proteases. RT-PCR revealed that aspS expression in axenic culture is not subjected to catabolite repression and demonstrated that aspS is expressed from the beginning of infection of sunflower cotyledons.  相似文献   

We analysed the publicly available expressed sequence tag (EST) collections for the genus Populus to examine whether evidence can be found for large-scale gene-duplication events in the evolutionary past of this genus. The ESTs were clustered into unigenes for each poplar species examined. Gene families were constructed for all proteins deduced from these unigenes, and K(S) dating was performed on all paralogs within a gene family. The fraction of paralogs was then plotted against the K(S) values, which resulted in a distribution reflecting the age of duplicated genes in poplar. Sufficient EST data were available for seven different poplar species spanning four of the six sections of the genus Populus. For all these species, there was evidence that a large-scale gene-duplication event had occurred. From our analysis it is clear that all poplar species have shared the same large-scale gene-duplication event, suggesting that this event must have occurred in the ancestor of poplar, or at least very early in the evolution of the Populus genus.  相似文献   

Germination protease (GPR) initiates the degradation of small, acid-soluble spore proteins (SASP) during germination of spores of Bacillus and Clostridium species. The GPR amino acid sequence is not homologous to members of the major protease families, and previous work has not identified residues involved in GPR catalysis. The current work has focused on identifying catalytically essential amino acids by mutagenesis of Bacillus megaterium gpr. A residue was selected for alteration if it (i) was conserved among spore-forming bacteria, (ii) was a potential nucleophile, and (iii) had not been ruled out as inessential for catalysis. GPR variants were overexpressed in Escherichia coli, and the active form (P41) was assayed for activity against SASP and the zymogen form (P46) was assayed for the ability to autoprocess to P41. Variants inactive against SASP and unable to autoprocess were analyzed by circular dichroism spectroscopy and multi-angle laser light scattering to determine whether the variant's inactivity was due to loss of secondary or quaternary structure, respectively. Variation of D127 and D193, but no other residues, resulted in inactive P46 and P41, while variants of each form were well structured and tetrameric, suggesting that D127 and D193 are essential for activity and autoprocessing. Mapping these two aspartate residues and a highly conserved lysine onto the B. megaterium P46 crystal structure revealed a striking similarity to the catalytic residues and propeptide lysine of aspartic acid proteases. These data indicate that GPR is an atypical aspartic acid protease.  相似文献   

Presenilin (PS) is the presumptive catalytic component of the intramembrane aspartyl protease gamma-secretase complex. Recently a family of presenilin homologs was identified. One member of this family, signal peptide peptidase (SPP), has been shown to be a protease, which supports the hypothesis that PS and presenilin homologs are related intramembrane-cleaving aspartyl proteases. SPP has been reported as a glycoprotein of approximately 45 kDa. Our initial characterization of SPP isolated from human brain and cell lines demonstrated that SPP is primarily present as an SDS-stable approximately 95-kDa protein on Western blots. Upon heating or treatment of this approximately 95-kDa SPP band with acid, a approximately 45-kDa band could be resolved. Co-purification of two different epitope-tagged forms of SPP from a stably transfected cell line expressing both tagged versions demonstrated that the approximately 95-kDa band is a homodimer of SPP. Pulse-chase metabolic labeling studies demonstrated that the SPP homodimer assembles rapidly and is metabolically stable. In a glycerol velocity gradient, SPP sedimented from approximately 100-200 kDa. Significantly the SPP homodimer was specifically labeled by an active site-directed photoaffinity probe (III-63) for PS, indicating that the active sites of SPP and PS/gamma-secretase are similar and providing strong evidence that the homodimer is functionally active. Collectively these data suggest that SPP exists in vivo as a functional dimer.  相似文献   

Mutations in the disconnected (disco) gene act to disrupt neural cell patterning in the Drosophila visual system. These mutations also affect adult locomotor activity rhythms, as disco flies are arrhythmic under conditions of constant darkness (DD). To determine the state of the circadian pacemaker in disco mutants, we constructed with pers double mutants (a short period allele of the period gene) and assayed their behavioral rhythms in light-dark cycles (LD), and their biochemical rhythms of period gene expression under both LD and DD conditions. The results demonstrate that disco flies are rhythmic, indicating that they have an active circadian pacemaker that can be entrained by light. They also suggest that disco mutants block or interfere with elements of the circadian system located between the central pacemaker and its outputs that mediate overt rhythms.  相似文献   

Modeling the local absorption and retention patterns of membrane-permeant small molecules in a cellular context could facilitate development of site-directed chemical agents for bioimaging or therapeutic applications. Here, we present an integrative approach to this problem, combining in silico computational models, in vitro cell based assays and in vivo biodistribution studies. To target small molecule probes to the epithelial cells of the upper airways, a multiscale computational model of the lung was first used as a screening tool, in silico. Following virtual screening, cell monolayers differentiated on microfabricated pore arrays and multilayer cultures of primary human bronchial epithelial cells differentiated in an air-liquid interface were used to test the local absorption and intracellular retention patterns of selected probes, in vitro. Lastly, experiments involving visualization of bioimaging probe distribution in the lungs after local and systemic administration were used to test the relevance of computational models and cell-based assays, in vivo. The results of in vivo experiments were consistent with the results of in silico simulations, indicating that mitochondrial accumulation of membrane permeant, hydrophilic cations can be used to maximize local exposure and retention, specifically in the upper airways after intratracheal administration.  相似文献   

Allergens were identified from the gastrointestinal nematode of sheep, Trichostrongylus colubriformis, by probing Western blots of infective larvae (third stage) somatic antigen with IgE purified from the serum of sheep grazed on worm contaminated pasture. A 31 kDa allergen was frequently recognised by sera from immune sheep, particularly those deriving from a line that has been genetically selected over 23 years for parasite resistance. Using a proteomic approach, the 31 kDa allergen was identified as an aspartyl protease inhibitor homologue. The entire coding sequence of T. colubriformis aspartyl protease inhibitor (Tco-api-1) was obtained and the mature protein expressed in Escherichia coli. Anti-Tco-API-1 antibodies revealed that a commonly observed 21 kDa T. colubriformis allergen species is a truncated form of Tco-API-1. Specific IgE responses to T. colubriformis aspartyl protease inhibitor were significantly correlated with the degree of resistance to nematode infection as measured by faecal egg count in sheep. Surprisingly, IgE responses to Tco-API-1 were not correlated with breech soiling (dag score), which is thought to be caused, in part, by allergic hypersensitivity to worms. Therefore, a specific IgE response to this allergen may be a suitable marker for identifying lambs at an early age that will develop strong immunity to gastrointestinal nematodes.  相似文献   

Upon delivery to the plant cell during infection, the Pseudomonas syringae effector protein AvrRpt2 undergoes proteolytic processing, enhances pathogen virulence and causes the elimination of the Arabidopsis RIN4 protein. A structure-prediction method was employed in order to investigate possible biochemical functions of AvrRpt2. Results of a secondary structure prediction algorithm suggest that the functional C-terminal portion of AvrRpt2 is a cysteine protease. Mutation of predicted catalytic residues within this portion of AvrRpt2 abolished in planta processing, elimination of Arabidopsis RIN4, and the ability to trigger an RPS2-specific resistance response. These data indicate that AvrRpt2 is most likely a sequence divergent cysteine protease whose activity is required for elimination of RIN4 during infection.  相似文献   

Presenilin 1 (PS1) plays an essential role in intramembranous "gamma-secretase" processing of several type I membrane proteins, including the beta-amyloid precursor proteins (APP) and Notch1. In this report, we examine the activity of two familial Alzheimer's disease-linked PS1 variants on the production of secreted Abeta peptides and the effects of L-685,458, a potent gamma-secretase inhibitor, on inhibition of Abeta peptides from cells expressing these PS1 variants. We now report that PS1 variants enhance the production and secretion of both Abeta1-42 and Abeta1-40 peptides. More surprisingly, whereas the IC(50) for inhibition of Abeta1-40 peptide production from cells expressing wild-type PS1 is approximately 1.5 microm, cells expressing the PS1deltaE9 mutant PS1 exhibit an IC(50) of approximately 4 microm. Immunoprecipitation and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry reveal that the levels of Abeta1-43 peptides are elevated in medium of PS1deltaE9 cells treated with higher concentrations of inhibitor. The differential effects of wild-type and mutant PS1 on gamma-secretase production of Abeta peptides and the disparity in sensitivity of these peptides to a potent gamma-secretase suggest that PS may be necessary, but not sufficient, to catalyze hydrolysis at the scissile bonds that generate the termini of Abeta1-40 and Abeta1-42 peptides.  相似文献   

The aspartyl protease BACE1 cleaves the amyloid precursor protein and the sialyltransferase ST6Gal I and is important in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. The normal function of BACE1 and additional physiological substrates have not been identified. Here we show that BACE1 acts on the P-selectin glycoprotein ligand 1 (PSGL-1), which mediates leukocyte adhesion in inflammatory reactions. In human monocytic U937 and human embryonic kidney 293 cells expressing endogenous or transfected BACE1, PSGL-1 was cleaved by BACE1 to generate a soluble ectodomain and a C-terminal transmembrane fragment. No evidence of the cleavage fragment was seen in primary cells derived from mice deficient in BACE1. By using deletion constructs and enzymatic deglycosylation of the C-terminal PSGL-1 fragments, the cleavage site in PSGL-1 was mapped to the juxtamembrane region within the ectodomain. In an in vitro assay BACE1 catalyzed the formation of the PSGL-1 products seen in vivo. The cleavage occurred at a Leu-Ser peptide bond as identified by mass spectrometry using a synthetic peptide. We conclude that PSGL-1 is an additional substrate for BACE1.  相似文献   

Two observations suggest that DNA, upon binding to E. coli catabolite gene activator protein (CAP), is sharply bent by a total angle of at least 100-150 degrees: (1) The electrostatic potential field of CAP shows regions of positive potential that form a ramp on 3 sides of the protein. (2) The DNA binding site size as determined by DNA ethylation interference with binding, (Majors: "Control of the E. coli Lac Operon at the Molecular Level." Ph.D. Thesis, Harvard University, Cambridge, 1977) and by relative affinities of DNA fragments of various lengths (Liu-Johnson et al.: Cell 47:995-1005, 1986) requires severe bending of the DNA to maintain its favorable electrostatic contact with the protein.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic cells respond to DNA damage by activating damage checkpoint pathways, which arrest cell cycle progression and induce gene expression. We isolated a full-length cDNA encoding a 49-kDa protein from Leishmania major, which exhibited significant deduced amino acid sequence homology with the annotated Leishmania sp. DNA damage-inducible (Ddi1-like) protein, as well as with the Ddi1 protein from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In contrast to the previously described Ddi1 protein, the protein from L. major displays three domains: (1) an NH2-terminal ubiquitin like; (2) a COOH terminal ubiquitin-associated; (3) a retroviral aspartyl proteinase, containing the typical D[S/T]G signature. The function of the L. major Ddi1-like recombinant protein was investigated after expression in baculovirus/insect cells and biochemical analysis, revealing preferential substrate selectivity for aspartyl proteinase A2 family substrates, with optimal activity in acidic conditions. The proteolytic activity was inhibited by aspartyl proteinase inhibitors. Molecular modeling of the retroviral domain of the Ddi1-like Leishmania protein revealed a dimer structure that contained a double Asp-Ser-Gly-Ala amino acid sequence motif, in an almost identical geometry to the exhibited by the homologous retroviral aspartyl protease domain of yeast Ddi1 protein. Our results indicate that the isolated Ddi1-like protein is a functional aspartyl proteinase in L. major, opening possibility to be considered as a potential target for novel antiparasitic drugs.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma rangeli is a hemoflagellate parasite which is able to infect humans. Distinct from Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas disease, T. rangeli is non-pathogenic to the vertebrate host. The manner by which the T. rangeli interacts with the host is still unknown, but it certainly depends on the surface molecules. Major surface proteins (MSP) are GPI-anchored, zinc-dependent metalloproteases present in the surface of all trypanosomatids studied so far, which are implicated as virulence factors in pathogenic trypanosomatids, such as Leishmania spp and T. cruzi. The aims of this work were to generate the complete sequence of a T. rangeli MSP (TrMSP) gene and to determine the 3D-structure of the predicted protein by homology modeling. The plasmid bearing a complete copy of a TrMSP gene was completely sequenced and the predicted protein was modeled using Modeller software. Results indicate that TrMSP open reading frame (ORF) codes for a predicted 588 amino acid protein and shows all elements required for its posttranslational processing. Multiple sequence alignment of TrMSP with other trypanosomatids’ MSPs showed an extensive conservation of the N-terminal and central regions and a more divergent C-terminal region. Leishmania major MSP (LmMSP), which had its crystal structure previously determined, has an overall 35 % identity with TrMSP. This identity allowed the comparative molecular modeling of TrMSP, which demonstrated a high degree of structural conservation between MSPs from other trypanosomatids (TrypMSPs). All modeled MSPs have a conserved folding pattern, apart from structural divergences in the C-domain and discrete differences of charge and topology in the catalytic cleft, and present the same geometry of the canonical HEXXH zinc-binding motif. The determination of surface charges of the molecules revealed that TrMSP is a predominantly positive protein, whereas LmMSP and Trypanosoma cruzi MSP (TcMSP) are negative proteins, suggesting that substrates recognized by TcMSP and LmMSP could not interact with TrMSP. Moreover, the comparison between TrMSP and TcMSP protein sequences has revealed 45 non-neutral amino acid substitutions, which can be further assessed through protein engineering. The characteristics of TrMSP could explain, at least in part, the lack of pathogenicity of T. rangeli to humans and point to the necessity of identifying the biological targets of this enzyme.
In this study, we performed a comparative analysis of surface charges of Major Surface Proteases from Leishmania major (1LML), Chritidia fasciculata, Trypanosoma brucei, Trypanosoma cruzi and Trypanosoma rangeli. According to our results, TrMSP presents the distribution of surface charges predominantly positive, while the TrypMSPs have a profile electronegative. Solvent-accessible residues are colored according to their charge as described in the scale below each structure (varying from more negative, in red to more positive, in blue). The histogram indicates the amount of charged residues in each protein: H, K and R are basic (positive) residues, while D and E are acid (negative) residues.  相似文献   

Site-2 proteases (S2Ps) form a large family of membrane-embedded metalloproteases that participate in cellular signaling pathways through sequential cleavage of membrane-tethered substrates. Using sequence similarity searches, we extend the S2P family to include remote homologs that help define a conserved structural core consisting of three predicted transmembrane helices with traditional metalloprotease functional motifs and a previously unrecognized motif (GxxxN/S/G). S2P relatives were identified in genomes from Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryota including protists, plants, fungi, and animals. The diverse S2P homologs divide into several groups that differ in various inserted domains and transmembrane helices. Mammalian S2P proteases belong to the major ubiquitous group and contain a PDZ domain. Sequence and structural analysis of the PDZ domain support its mediating the sequential cleavage of membrane-tethered substrates. Finally, conserved genomic neighborhoods of S2P homologs allow functional predictions for PDZ-containing transmembrane proteases in extra-cytoplasmic stress response and lipid metabolism.  相似文献   

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