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Chemical modification of macromolecular affinity chromatography ligands with polyethylene glycol chains or “PEGylation” can potentially improve selectivity by sterically suppressing non‐specific binding interactions without sacrificing binding capacity. For a commercial protein A affinity media and with yeast extract (YE) and fetal bovine serum (FBS) serving as mock contaminants, we found that the ligand accounted for more than 90% of the media‐associated non‐specific binding, demonstrating an opportunity for improvement. The IgG static binding affinity of protein A mono‐PEGylated with 5.0 and 20.7 kDa poly(ethylene glycol) chains was found to be preserved using a biomolecular interaction screening platform. Similar in situ PEGylations of the commercial protein A media were conducted and the modified media was functionally characterized with IgG solutions spiked with YE and FBS. Ligand PEGylation reduced the mass of media‐associated contaminants by a factor of two to three or more. Curiously, we also found an increase of up to 15% in the average recovery of IgG on elution after PEGylation. Combined, these effects produced an order of magnitude increase in the IgG selectivity on average when spiked with YE and a two‐ to three‐fold increase when spiked with FBS relative to the commercial media. Dynamic binding capacity and mass‐transfer resistance measurements revealed a reduction in dynamic capacity attributed to a decrease in IgG effective pore diffusivity and possibly slower IgG association kinetics for the PEGylated protein A ligands. Ligand PEGylation is a viable approach to improving selectivity in affinity chromatography with macromolecular ligands. © 2014 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 30:1364–1379, 2014  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated that continuous countercurrent tangential chromatography (CCTC) can effectively purify monoclonal antibodies from clarified cell culture fluid. CCTC has the potential to overcome many of the limitations of conventional packed bed protein A chromatography. This paper explores the optimization of CCTC in terms of product yield, impurity removal, overall productivity, and buffer usage. Modeling was based on data from bench‐scale process development and CCTC experiments for protein A capture of two clarified Chinese Hamster Ovary cell culture feedstocks containing monoclonal antibodies provided by industrial partners. The impact of resin binding capacity and kinetics, as well as staging strategy and buffer recycling, was assessed. It was found that optimal staging in the binding step provides better yield and increases overall system productivity by 8–16%. Utilization of higher number of stages in the wash and elution steps can lead to significant decreases in buffer usage (~40% reduction) as well as increased removal of impurities (~2 log greater removal). Further reductions in buffer usage can be obtained by recycling of buffer in the wash and regeneration steps (~35%). Preliminary results with smaller particle size resins show that the productivity of the CCTC system can be increased by 2.5‐fold up to 190 g of mAb/L of resin/hr due to the reduction in mass transfer limitations in the binding step. These results provide a solid framework for designing and optimizing CCTC technology for capture applications. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 32:430–439, 2016  相似文献   

Continuous countercurrent tangential chromatography (CCTC) enables steady-state continuous bioprocessing with low-pressure operation and high productivity. CCTC has been applied to initial capture of monoclonal antibodies (mAb) from clarified cell culture harvest and postcapture polishing of mAb; however, these studies were performed with commercial chromatography resins designed for conventional column chromatography. In this study, a small particle size prototype agarose resin (20–25 µm) with lower cross-linking was co-developed with industrial partner Purolite and tested with CCTC. Due to increased binding capacity and faster kinetics, the resulting CCTC process showed more than a 2X increase in productivity, and a 2X reduction in buffer consumption over commercial protein A resins used in previous CCTC studies, as well as more than a 10X productivity increase versus conventional column operation. Single-pass tangential flow filtration was integrated with the CCTC system, enabling simple control of eluate concentration. A scale-up exercise was conducted to provide a quantitative comparison of CCTC and batch column chromatography. These results clearly demonstrate opportunities for using otherwise unpackable soft small particle size resins with CCTC as the core of a continuous bioprocessing platform.  相似文献   

单克隆抗体亲和层析法纯化重组溶葡萄球菌酶   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
溶葡萄球菌酶能够特异性杀灭金黄色葡萄球菌且不易产生耐药性, 有望成为治疗葡萄球菌属细菌引发感染的特效药物。为获得高纯度的重组溶葡萄球菌酶以达到药用标准, 本研究构建了一种以重组溶葡萄球菌酶单克隆抗体为配体的亲和层析纯化方法。纯化后的重组溶葡萄球菌酶纯度大于95%, 得率大于90%, 即使重复使用30多次, 纯化效率不变。且经比色法鉴定纯化后的重组溶葡萄球菌酶仍具有良好的活性。该方法步骤简单, 纯化效果好, 为生产高纯度重组溶葡萄球菌酶奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The peptide, Ala-Pro-Ala-Arg (APAR), was selected from the screening of a tetrapeptide combinatorial synthetic library as the ligand for affinity purification of an anti-Granulocyte Macrophage-Colony Stimulating Factor (GM-CSF) monoclonal antibody (Mab) developed in mouse ascitis. The affinity chromatographic matrix obtained by attachment of APAR to agarose, having a peptide density of 0.5 mol ml–1, showed a maximum capacity of 9.1 mg Mab ml–1 and a dynamic capacity of 3.9 mg Mab ml–1. A 95% yield of electrophoretically pure anti-GM-CSF was obtained in a single step.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) produced from mammalian cell culture may contain significant amounts of dimers and higher order aggregates. Quantitation of soluble aggregates in the cell culture is time-consuming and labor-intensive, usually involving a purification step to remove the impurities that interfere with the subsequent size exclusion chromatography (SEC) analysis. We have developed a novel pH-gradient protein A chromatography for rapid, non-size based separation of the aggregates in mAb cell culture samples. Our results demonstrate that this method has excellent correlation with SEC and can be applied to both human immunoglobulin gamma 1 (IgG1) and IgG2 antibodies. This approach can be useful in the quantitation of soluble aggregates in crude cell culture samples.  相似文献   

流感病毒属于正黏病毒科,为有包膜包裹的单股负链RNA病毒。它的8个基因片段编码至少16种病毒蛋白,其中3个蛋白组成流感病毒的聚合酶复合体。流感病毒聚合酶碱性蛋白1(PB1)是该复合体的组分之一,在病毒的转录、复制及重配中发挥重要的作用。为研究其功能,构建His-PB1(aa 550–755)融合蛋白原核表达质粒,IPTG诱导融合蛋白表达,通过镍柱亲和将其纯化,然后作为抗原免疫家兔。对抗血清进行间接ELISA检测,表明抗体效价可达1∶100 000。兔源PB1蛋白抗血清经亲和纯化后,用于免疫印迹检测流感病毒WSN毒株PB1蛋白以及外源转染的FLAG-PB1蛋白,结果表明该PB1抗体具有良好的特异性,同时也能特异性识别其他亚型的A型流感病毒的PB1蛋白,为进一步研究流感病毒PB1蛋白的功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Staphylococcal protein A chromatography is an established core technology for monoclonal antibody purification and capture in the downstream processing. MabSelect SuRe involves a tetrameric chain of a recombinant form of the B domain of staphylococcal protein A, called the Z-domain. Little is known about the stoichiometry, binding orientation, or preferred binding. We analyzed small-angle X-ray scattering data of the antibody–protein A complex immobilized in an industrial highly relevant chromatographic resin at different antibody concentrations. From scattering data, we computed the normalized radial density distributions. We designed three-dimensional (3D) models with protein data bank crystallographic structures of an IgG1 (the isoform of trastuzumab, used here; Protein Data Bank: 1HZH) and the staphylococcal protein A B domain (the native form of the recombinant structure contained in MabSelect SuRe resin; Protein Data Bank: 1BDD). We computed different binding conformations for different antibody to protein A stoichiometries (1:1, 2:1, and 3:1) and compared the normalized radial density distributions computed from 3D models with those obtained from the experimental data. In the linear range of the isotherm we favor a 1:1 ratio, with the antibody binding to the outer domains in the protein A chain at very low and high concentrations. In the saturation region, a 2:1 ratio is more likely to occur. A 3:1 stoichiometry is excluded because of steric effects.  相似文献   

治疗性单克隆抗体药物已成为生物医药领域市场最主要的产品类别。蛋白A亲和层析作为第一步捕获抗体蛋白最为有效的手段仍然在现有单克隆抗体纯化平台中占据主导地位。在本研究中,首先开发了一种基于低p H处理抗体细胞回收液的新型细胞液回收技术,该技术能有效去除宿主相关污染物(非组蛋白宿主杂质蛋白、组蛋白、DNA、蛋白聚合物等),同时保证较高的抗体回收率。通过该技术有效预处理后,蛋白A纯化效率可提高10倍左右,并且有效避免了抗体洗脱液中和后浊度的上升,大大减轻了后续蛋白纯化的压力。同时我们也对酸性处理中各种宿主杂质去除机制进行了研究。然后,预处理的洗脱液再经一步Capto adhere色谱纯化,非组蛋白宿主杂质蛋白降低至5 ppm、DNA小于1 ppb、组蛋白降低至检测限以下、蛋白聚合物小于0.01%。总过程抗体蛋白收率87%。该两步法抗体纯化技术可有效集成至当前主流抗体纯化平台,具有良好的大规模应用价值。  相似文献   

Recombinant protein products such as monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) for use in the clinic must be clear of host cell impurities such as host cell protein (HCP), DNA/RNA, and high molecular weight immunogenic aggregates. Despite the need to remove and monitor HCPs, the nature, and fate of these during downstream processing (DSP) remains poorly characterized. We have applied a proteomic approach to investigate the dynamics and fate of HCPs in the supernatant of a mAb producing cell line during early DSP including centrifugation, depth filtration, and protein A capture chromatography. The primary clarification technique selected was shown to influence the HCP profile that entered subsequent downstream steps. MabSelect protein A chromatography removed the majority of contaminating proteins, however using 2D‐PAGE we could visualize not only the antibody species in the eluate (heavy and light chain) but also contaminant HCPs. These data showed that the choice of secondary clarification impacts upon the HCP profile post‐protein A chromatography as differences arose in both the presence and abundance of specific HCPs when depth filters were compared. A number of intracellularly located HCPs were identified in protein A elution fractions from a Null cell line culture supernatant including the chaperone Bip/GRP78, heat shock proteins, and the enzyme enolase. We demonstrate that the selection of early DSP steps influences the resulting HCP profile and that 2D‐PAGE can be used for monitoring and identification of HCPs post‐protein A chromatography. This approach could be used to screen cell lines or hosts to select those with reduced HCP profiles, or to identify HCPs that are problematic and difficult to remove so that cell‐engineering approaches can be applied to reduced, or eliminate, such HCPs. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 240–251. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

为克服血源免疫球蛋白制品的不足,开发了抗甲肝病毒基因工程单克隆抗体anti-HAV IgG。用无血清培养基培养rCHO工程细胞株,上清液经过rProtein A SFF亲和层析→脱盐→离子交换层析→超滤换液纯化后,所得anti-HAV IgG纯度达99%以上,比活性约100IU/mg,anti-HAV IgG活性回收率40%。所纯化的anti-HAV IgG分子量150kD,等电点8.4~9.3。免疫印迹实验证实anti-HAV IgG为人源全抗体分子。亲和层析介质rProtein A SFF确实存在亲和配基脱落问题,但通过后续纯化步骤可有效除去。在亲和层析过程中加入高盐清洗步骤,可有效降低宿主DNA残留量水平。对样品中自由巯基含量进行了测定,认为非还原电泳图谱中低分子量条带是由于抗体分子内存在自由巯基引起。用该工艺制备的anti-HAV IgG各项纯度检测指标均达到我国对基因工程产品的质量要求。  相似文献   

G蛋白亲和色谱法纯化动物血清、抗体效果比较   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
比较 Hitrap G蛋白 Sepharose亲和色谱系统对不同动物血清或腹水的纯化效果 ,为抗体纯化提供依据。结果显示 ,G蛋白对不同动物血清 Ig G吸附能力不同 ,体现在单位体积抗体回收量明显不同 ,这一特点与 A蛋白亲和色谱系统相似。该方法简便快速 ,纯化抗体纯度高 ,免疫活性好 ,色谱柱可反复使用多次  相似文献   

大肠杆菌(E.coli)重组表达获得的重组人瘦素蛋白(rh-leptin),复性、纯化后进行SDS-PAGE电泳和Western-blot印迹杂交鉴定其免疫学活性,免疫小鼠后制备单克隆抗体,结果表明通过对rh-leptin进行复性和纯化,获得了高纯度的具有免疫学活性的rh-leptin蛋白,并获得一株稳定分泌抗rh-leptin单抗的杂交瘤细胞株。瘦素蛋白的纯化及其单克隆抗体的制备,可供瘦素进一步研究应用。  相似文献   

Anion exchange membrane adsorbers are used for contaminant removal in flow‐through polishing steps in the manufacture of biopharmaceuticals. This contribution describes the clearance of minute virus of mice, DNA, and host cell proteins by three commercially available anion‐exchange membranes: Sartobind Q, Mustang Q, and ChromaSorb. The Sartobind Q and Mustang Q products contain quaternary amine ligands; whereas, ChromaSorb contains primary amine based ligands. Performance was evaluated over a range of solution conditions: 0–200 mM NaCl, pH 6.0–9.0, and flow rates of 4–20 membrane volumes/min in the presence and absence of up to 50 mM phosphate and acetate. In addition contaminant clearance was determined in the presence and absence of 5 g/L monoclonal antibody. The quaternary amine based ligands depend mainly on Coulombic interactions for removal of negatively charged contaminants. Consequently, performance of Sartobind Q and Mustang Q was compromised at high ionic strength. Primary amine based ligands in ChromaSorb enable high capacities at high ionic strength due to the presence of secondary, hydrogen bonding interactions. However, the presence of hydrogen phosphate ions leads to reduced capacity. Monoclonal antibody recovery using primary amine based anion‐exchange ligands may be lower if significant binding occurs due to secondary interactions. The removal of a specific contaminant is affected by the level of removal of the other contaminants. The results of this study may be used to help guide selection of commercially available membrane absorbers for flow‐through polishing steps. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 500–510. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The most significant factor contributing to the presence of host cell protein (HCP) impurities in Protein A chromatography eluates is their association with the product monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) has been reported previously, and it has been suggested that more efficacious column washes may be developed by targeting the disruption of the mAbs-HCP interaction. However, characterization of this interaction is not straight forward as it is likely to involve multiple proteins and/or types of interaction. This work is an attempt to begin to understand the contribution of HCP subpopulations and/or mAb interaction propensity to the variability in HCP levels in the Protein A eluate. We performed a flowthrough (FT) recycling study with product respiking using two antibody molecules of apparently different HCP interaction propensities. In each case, the ELISA assay showed depletion of select subpopulations of HCP in Protein A eluates in subsequent column runs, while the feedstock HCP in the FTs remained unchanged from its native harvested cell culture fluid (HCCF) levels. In a separate study, the final FT from each molecule's recycling study was cross-spiked with various mAbs. In this case, Protein A eluate levels remained low for all but two molecules which were known as having high apparent HCP interaction propensity. The results of these studies suggest that mAbs may preferentially bind to select subsets of HCPs, and the degree of interaction and/or identity of the associated HCPs may vary depending on the mAb.  相似文献   

Fed‐batch and perfusion cell culture processes used to produce therapeutic proteins can use microfilters for product harvest. In this study, new explicit mathematical models of sieving loss due to internal membrane fouling, external membrane fouling, or a combination of the two were generated. The models accounted for membrane and cake structures and hindered solute transport. Internal membrane fouling was assumed to occur due to the accumulation of foulant on either membrane pore walls (pore‐retention model) or membrane fibers (fiber‐retention model). External cake fouling was assumed to occur either by the growth of a single incompressible cake layer (cake‐growth) or by the accumulation of a number of independent cake layers (cake‐series). The pore‐retention model was combined with either the cake‐series or cake‐growth models to obtain models that describe internal and external fouling occurring either simultaneously or sequentially. The models were tested using well‐documented sieving decline data available in the literature. The sequential pore‐retention followed by cake‐growth model provided a good fit of sieving decline data during beer microfiltration. The cake‐series and cake‐growth models provided good fits of sieving decline data during the microfiltration of a perfusion cell culture. The new models provide insights into the mechanisms of fouling that result in the loss of product sieving. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 33:1323–1333, 2017  相似文献   

比较Hitrap A蛋白琼脂糖凝胶亲和色谱系统,对不同动物血清或抗血清抗体的纯化效率,提供选择抗体纯化方法的依据。该方法简使快速,纯化的抗体纯度高,能较好地保持抗体免疫学活性。色谱柱反复使用40多次,纯化抗体效率不变。但A蛋白对不同动物血清的IgG吸附能力不同,对兔和豚鼠的血清抗体吸附能力强,而对小鼠、山羊和驴的血清抗体吸附能力较弱。说明虽然该方法纯化的抗体纯度高,但它对动物品种有选择。因此,应根据动物品种,选择适合的纯化方法。  相似文献   

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