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报道了前胡族(Peucedaneae Drude)当归亚族(Angelicinae Drude)、阿魏亚族(Ferulinae Drude)和环翅芹亚族(TordyliinaeDrude)等3亚族18属18种植物的花粉外壁表面和内部的超微结构.根据花粉外壁超微结构资料,论述了18种及其所在属的系统位置.对现时尚存疑的问题,诸如当归亚族中的山芹属(Ostericum Hoffm.)等7属(种),经分析认为统归于当归属(Angelica L.)不恰当;阿魏亚族中的球根阿魏(Schumannia turcomanica Kuntze)、伊犁芹(Talassiatransiliensis(Herd.)Korov.)、胀果芹(Phlojodicarpus villosus(Turcz.ex Fisch.et Mey.)Turcz.ex Ledeb.)等属的代表种显示其外壁演化程度相差甚大,应以与阿魏属(Ferula L.)分别独立为宜;环翅芹亚族(Tordyliinae Drude)中大瓣芹属(Semenovia Regel et Herd.)与独活属(Heracleum L.)的代表种其外壁演化程度相距甚远,也以分立为宜.  相似文献   

采用PCR直接测序法对伞形科(Apiaceae)前胡族(Trib.Peucedaneae)种类川明参(Chuanminshen violaceum Sheh et Shan)、泰山前胡〔Peucedanum wawrae(H.Wolff)Su〕和华中前胡(P.medicum Dunn)以及美味芹族(Trib.Smyrnieae)种类明党参(Changium smyrnioides H.Wolff)、宝兴棱子芹(Pleurospermum davidii Franch.)、丽江棱子芹(P.foetens Franch.)和鸡冠棱子芹(P.cristatum de Boiss.)的叶绿体基因组psbA-trnH片段进行了扩增测序,获得的序列已提交至GenBank,登录号为KF557756—KF557762。结合引自GenBank的前胡族阿魏属(Ferula Linn.)1种、大瓣芹属(Semenovia Regel et Herder)1种、当归属(Angelica Linn.)2种和美味芹族的舟瓣芹属(Sinolimprichtia H.Wolff)1种、羌活属(Notopterygium de Boiss.)1种、瘤果芹属(Trachydium Lindl.)1种以及针果芹族(Trib.Scandicineae)刺果芹〔Turgenia latifolia(Linn.)Hoffm.〕的psbA-trnH片段序列,对各种类的psbA-trnH片段信息进行分析;并以刺果芹为外类群构建了MP、ML和BI系统发育树。结果表明:川明参和明党参的psbA-trnH片段长度均为258 bp、GC含量均为23%,而其他种类的psbA-trnH片段长度为228~405 bp、GC含量为26%~35%;排序后psbA-trnH序列总长度为553 bp(包括空位),其中变异位点237个、信息位点178个。川明参与明党参间的相对遗传距离最小(仅为0.02),而川明参与其他种类间的相对遗传距离为0.10~1.34,且总体上川明参与美味芹族种类的相对遗传距离较小,表明川明参与明党参及美味芹族种类的亲缘关系较近。在3类系统树上,川明参与明党参均聚在一起,并与美味芹族的属种聚为一大支,而远离由前胡族属种构成的另一大支。结合外部形态和果实解剖结构特征,建议将川明参属(Chuanminshen Sheh et Shan)从前胡族中分出并置于美味芹族中,与明党参属(Changium H.Wolff)为姐妹类群。  相似文献   

藁本属Ligusticum L.属伞形科Umbelliferae芹亚科Apioideae Drude阿米芹族Ammineae Koch。它在阿米芹族中,是一个较进化的类群,是介于阿米芹族与前胡族Peucedaneae DC.之间的一个过渡类型。藁本属全世界60余种。我国现知有34种,占该属种数的二分之一,其中28种及2个栽培变种为我国所特有。本文比较分析藁本属的形态学性状和孢粉学性状,以小总苞片及其相关特征作为该属次级划分的主要依据,将藁本属分为两个类群,并对该属的种类作了增补,对一些种的名称、分布作了补充修订。文中还记载了4个新种。喜马拉雅藁本L.elatum(Edgew.)C.B.Clarke和开展藁本L. thomsonii C. B. Clarke var.evolutior C. B.Clarke,系我国首次记录。  相似文献   

中国伞形科前胡族阿魏亚族血清分类及亲缘关系的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
运用双向免疫扩散方法分析了中国伞形科Umbelliferae阿魏亚族Ferulinae 8属33种2变种的种子贮藏蛋白免疫沉淀反应的特征,并根据沉淀线的相似性,结合其他学科资料,讨论了该亚族属间的亲缘关系。认为球根阿魏属Schumannia、簇花芹属Sorartthus和伊犁芹属Talassia 3属的关系最为密切,并且均与阿魏属Fenda近缘,其中球根阿魏属应并入簇花芹属中。弓翅芹属Arcuatopterus在所分析的8个属中,与阿魏属有一定的近缘关系。胀果芹属Phlojodicarpus与前胡属Peucedanum关系较近。而川明参属Chuanminshen却与上述各属的关系均较远。此外,对阿魏属和前胡属2个大属的种间关系也进行了血清分类分析,其中所研究的9种阿魏被分成2类,16种前胡被分成3类,并结合其他学科证据分别讨论了种间的亲缘关系。  相似文献   

香豆素的^1H—NMR检测及其在阿魏亚族化学分类中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用1HNMR法检测中国阿魏亚族(FerulineaeDrude)8属27种3变种根部乙醚提取物的香豆素成分类型,其中主要为线型二氢呋喃型香豆素(Ⅰ)和角型二氢吡喃型香豆素(Ⅳ),线型二氢吡喃型香豆素(Ⅲ)和角型二氢呋喃型香豆素(Ⅱ)较少。据此,将8属分成4类:(1)阿魏属(FerulaL.)、球根阿魏属(SchumanniaKuntze)、簇花芹属(SoranthusLedeb.)和伊犁芹属(TalasiaKorov.)未测出(不含)香豆素;(2)弓翅芹属(ArcuatopterusShehetShan)和川明参属(ChuanminshenShehetShan)含Ⅰ类;(3)胀果芹属(PhlojodicarpusTurcz.exBes.)含Ⅳ类;(4)前胡属(PeucedanumL.)含Ⅰ类和Ⅳ类。上述结果支持将球根阿魏、簇花芹和伊犁芹3个属并入阿魏属,另3个寡种属与前胡属关系最密切。所分析的前胡属17种2变种可分成5组,其中不含香豆素的剌尖前胡和含Ⅲ类香豆素的紫花前胡及其变种最特殊,支持将它们分出前胡属的处理。  相似文献   

首次报道了染色体高多倍性种天目当归(Angelica tianmuensis Z.H.Pan et T.D.Zhuang)的染色体数(n=55)及花粉形态。通过与近缘种拐芹(A.polymorpha Maxim.)、曲柄当归(A.genuflexa Nutt.)和重齿当归[A.biserrata(shan et Yuan)Yuan et Shan]花粉形态的比较,在赤道区外壁纹类型相似性程度的基础上,结合外部形态,明显看出赤道区纹饰为脑纹-网状的天止当归与具有近脑纹-网状纹饰的曲柄当归似有较密切的亲缘关系,与具有拟脑纹-网状纹饰的拐芹和重齿当归关系稍远。  相似文献   

山东莴苣亚族植物的修订   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对山东现有的莴苣亚族的植物标本进行了研究,确定山东莴苣亚族植物有24种,分属于12个属,即:苦苣菜属(Sonchus L.)、乳苣属(mulgedium Cass.)、山柳菊属(Hieracium L.)、黄鹌菜属(Youngia Cass.)、福王草属(Prenanthes L.)、翅果菊属(Pterocypsela Shih)、莴苣属(Lactuca L.)、苦荬菜属(Ixeris Cass.)、小苦荬属(Ixeridium (A.Gray) Tzvel.)、沙苦荬属(Chorisis DC.)、黄瓜菜属(Paraixeris Nakai)和蒲公英属(Taraxacum L.)。发现1个新记录种:华蒲公英(Taraxacum borealisinense Kitam.)。  相似文献   

赤瓟亚族包括藏瓜属(Indofevillea)、赤瓟属(Thladiantha)、罗汉果属(Siraitia s. l)和苦瓜属(Momordica)。最近的研究结果表明,广义的罗汉果属包含3个属,即白兼果属(BaijianiaA.M.Lu et J.Q.Li)、小球瓜属(Microlagenaria (C.Jeffrey) A.M.Lu et J.Q.Li)和罗汉果属(Siraitia Merr.)。 除苦瓜属外,赤瓟亚族植物的染色体数目报道极少。本文报道该亚族4属9种植物的染色体数目。并根据新的染色体数目的资料,讨论了赤瓟亚族中的某些分类学问题。  相似文献   

采用常规制片方法观察了云南产杏叶茴芹(Pimpinella candolleana)、细软茴芹(Pimpinella flaccida)、圆锥丝瓣芹(Acronema paniculatum)和中国特有属植物云南细裂芹(Harrysmithia dissecta)根尖细胞的染色体组成。发现这4种植物的染色体数目都是18,除了杏叶茴芹核型公式为2n=2sm+16st,其他3种都为2n=18st。由此认为茴芹属、丝瓣芹属和细裂芹属不仅具有相同的染色体基数9,且染色体形态极其相似,是亲缘关系较近的类群,支持将其置于葛缕子亚族的分类处理,但怀疑细裂芹属之属的分类地位。  相似文献   

综述了中国木兰科10属的次生木质部解剖学特征,包括导管分子,纤维管胞和木射线。同时,进一步讨论了其系统演化。这10属分为两亚科,即:木兰亚科(Magnoliodeae),包括木兰族(Magnolieae)和含笑族(Michelieae Law),木兰族有木莲属(Maglietia Bl.)、华盖木属(Manglietiastrum Law)、木兰属(Magnolia L.)、拟单性木兰属(Parakmeria Hu et Cheng)、单性木兰属[Kmeria(Pierre) Dandy]、长蕊木兰属(Alcimandra Dandy)共六属;含笑族有含笑属(Michelia L.)、合果木属(Paramichelia Hu)、观光木属(Tsoongiodendron Chun)共三属。鹅掌楸亚科[Liriodendroideae(Bark) Law],仅鹅掌楸属(Liriodendron L.)一属。大量的木材解剖学研究表明,木兰科的原始性很明显,但也有一些进化特征。可以通过属间的差别来分析本科的系统演化。木兰科的系统演化可简单总结为:木兰亚科[木兰族(木莲属,华盖木属,拟单性木兰属,单性木兰属→木兰属,长蕊木兰属)→含笑族]→鹅掌楸亚科。  相似文献   

Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observation of pollen grains of 18 species belongingto 18 respective genera of the tribe Peucedaneae Drude revealed distinct ultrastructural difference in thepollen exine, including the thickness and features of rectum, columnar layer, foot layer and endexine. Thesystematic position of those 18 species are re-evaluated based on their ultrastructural characteristics ofpollen exine observed in this study. Seven genera related to Angelica L. in Angelicinae Drude have beendeduced to genus Angelica L. For example, Osterfcum grosseserratum (Maxim.) Kitagawa was changed toAngelica L. by some authors, but it differs from Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels in having well developedtectum which is thicker than the columnar layer and foot layer. Its columnar layer is quite well-developedwith long and branched columellae. Besides its surface is tuberculated. Evidently, its development exceedsthat of Angelica sinensis. However, it is only a moderate evolutional species in its genus, and the Angelicasinensis accounts as the most advanced species in Angelica Diels, thus, placing genus Ostencum Hoffm.in Angelica L is not suitable, it may be more appropriate to keep its original position. In addition, Ferulaakitschkensis B. Fedtsch. ex K.-Pol. differs greatly from those of Talassia transiliensis (Herd.) Korov. andSchumannia turcomnnia Kuntze, because of its very well-developed columnar layer, being about four tofive times thicker than the total of tectum and foot layer, tuberculated tectum surface and complicatedstructure of columnellae. As another species Heracleum forrestJ‘iWolff also differs from Semenovia rubtzovii(Schischk.) Monden. in having an even thickness of exine and well-developed columnar layer, it seemssuitable that they should also be treated as two independent genera.  相似文献   

The delimitation of the neotropical genera of the Marantaceae has been revised, using evidence mainly from the morphology of inflorescences and flowers. It is concluded that the generic concepts of Schumann in "Das Pflanzenreich", often questioned by 20th century American authors, are essentially sound, but that his grouping of the genera into two tribes is quite artificial. Main deviations from the treatment of Schumann are the rearrangement of the genera, somewhat different stress on diagnostic characters and a much narrower concept of the genus Myrosma. A new genus, Koernickanthe is proposed for the long known species Maranta orbiculata (Koern.) Schum. The genera are arranged into informal groups and the groups and genera recognized are: Maranta group (Maranta L., Monophyllanthe Schum.), Myrosma group (Myrosma L. f., Saranthe (Regel et Koern.) Eichl., Hylaeanthe Jonker et Jonker, Ctenanthe Eichl., Stromanthe Sond.), Calathea group (Calathea G. F. W. Meyer, lschnosiphon Koern., Pleiostachya Schum.), Monotagma group (Monotagma Schum., Koernickanthe gen. nov.) and Thalia "group" (Thalia L.). It is suggested, that each group has its closest affinities with Old World genera and that this indicates that the diversification of the marantaceous stock was far–reaching already before the Old and the New World became effectively isolated. It is further suggested that the early diversification of the family took place in Africa, the flora of which, although poor in species, is morphologically very diverse. Two new combinations are made, viz. Stromanthe stromanthoides (Macbr.) Anderss. and Koernickanthe orbiculata (Koern.) Anderss.  相似文献   

The four related genera: Ainsworthia Boiss., Tordylium L., Synelcosciadium Boiss. and Mandenovia Alava are revised. Data are presented from detailed gross morphology, mericarp surface features and anatomy, and palynology.
The results show: (1) Ainsmorthia and Synelcosciadium are congeneric with the genus Tordylium, and that Mandenovia is a good monotypic genus; (2) Tordylium persicum is synonymous with 7. cappadocicum and 7. aegaeum with 7. pestalozzae; (3) the genus Tordylium is best divided into subgenus Tordylium (including Synelcosciadium) and subgenus Ainsworthia (Boiss.) Drude. The latter is divided into section Condylocarpus (Hoffm.) DC, section Hasselquistia (L.) Boiss. and section Univittata Drude.
A new species of Tordylium is described, and two new combinations made. A taxonomic treatment of the genus 'Tordylium', together with a key to the species, is given.  相似文献   

Ligusticum is a highly specialized genus in the tribe Ammineae Koch of the subfamily Apioideae. It is transitional between the tribe Ammineae Koch and the tribe Peucedaneae DC., and shows a very close affinity to the genus Selinum. In the present paper, the taxonomic history is reviewed; the external morphology, pollen morphology and geographic distribution are analysed, and its evolutionary tendencies are discussed. In addition, a key to the 34 species is provided, and economic uses reported in the literature are summarized. Ligusticum consists of over 60 species widely distributed in Eurasia and North America; the genus is typically temperate. There are two principal distribution centers, one in the Himalayas, including the Hengduan Mountains of western China, and the other in North America. Thirty-four species occur in China, most of which are distributed in the alpine belt of south-western China, with only a few species occurring in northern China. They usually grow in alpine thicket meadows or in alpine meadows. Among them are 28 species endemic to China, 4 of which are described as new in the present paper, i. e. L.yuayuanense, L.litanense, L.filifolium, and L.yunnanense. L.elatum (Edgew.) C. B. Clarke, a species of India, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, and L. thomsonii C.B.Clarke var. evolutior C. B. Clarke, of India, Pakistan and Kashmir, are reported from China for the first time. Some species are important in traditional Chinese medicine, for example, L. sinense Oliv., L. sinense Oliv. cv. Chuanxiong, L. sinense Oliv. cv. Fuxiong, L. delavayi Franch., L. jeholense (Nakai et Kitagawa) Nakai et Kitagawa, L. tachiroei (Franch. et Sav.) Hiroe et Constance, etc. The genus Tilingia was established by Regel in 1858, based on Tilingia ajanensis. The chief characters of the genus are distinct calyx teeth and carpels bearing a solitary vitta in each furrow. However, these characters do not differentiate Tilingia from Ligusticum, so that Tilingia was transferred to Ligusticum by Kozo-Poljansky in 1916. Tilingia tachiroei (Franch. et Sav.) Kitagawa was transferred to Ligusticum by Hiroe et Constance in 1958. Shan et Sheh in “F1. Reip. Pop. Sin.” Tom. 55 supported the treatment by Kozo-Poljansky and Hiroe and Constance The genus Ligusticopsis was separated from Ligusticum by Leute in 1969, based on the prominent calyx teeth of the former. Ligusticopsis included 14 species, all confined to China. But this genus has not been accepted by any other botanists since its establishment. The subdivision of Ligusticum in this paper is based mainly on the characters of involucel bracteoles and mericarps, combined with the shape and aperture types of pollen grains. The genus is divided into the following two sections. Sect.1 Ligusticum, Bracteoles linear or lanceolate, entire; mericarps slightly lateral-compressed to slightly dorsal-compressed; vittae solitary to numerous in each furrow; leaf-segments ovate, lanceolate, or linear; pollen grains mainly rhomboidal or ellipsoidal; apertures gonitreme. Sect. 2 Pinnatibracteola Pu. Bracteoles 1-3-pinnatisect or 2-3-lobed at apex; mericarps dorsal-compressed; vittae usually numerous in each furrow; leaf-segments usually linear, rarely ovate or lanceolate; pollen grains rectangular, elongate-rhomboidal, or equatorially constricted; apertures mainly peritreme, rarely gonitreme or intermediate.  相似文献   

对国产(竹思)(竹劳)竹属(Schizostachyum Nees)进行了系统整理。对属的范围进行了修订,认为本属应包括乔草竹属(Dendrochloa Parkinson),薄竹属(Leptocanna Chia et H.L.Fung),长穗竹属(Teinostachyum Munro)和李海竹属(Neohouzeaua A.Camus),并首次建立了本属的属下分类系统。此外,对二种竹子起了新名:甲竹(Bambusa austro-sinensis Xia)和毛环单竹(B.yunnanensis Xia);作了4个新组合,即Schizostachyum coradatum(Wen et Dai)Xia, S.dumetorum(Hance)Munro var.xinwuense(Wen et J. Y Chin)Xia, Bambusa glaucescens glaucescens(Willd)Sieb. ex Munro var.annulata(W.T.Lin et Z.J.Feng)Xia和B.glaucescens (Willd)Sieb.ex Munro var.pubivagina(W.T.Lin et Z.J.Feng)Xia.  相似文献   

本文描述了栓翅芹属一新亚种--新疆栓翅芹, 并对该亚种和双生隐盘芹叶片作了黄酮体成分分析, 前者含槲皮素-3-鼠李糖甙, 后者含一种芹菜素碳甙。依据营养体形态和果实结构的相似性, 作者同意广义栓翅芹属的观点, 即将绵果芹属的部分种和隐盘芹属并入栓翅芹属。至此我国栓翅芹属计有4种, 而无绵果芹属的分布。  相似文献   

中国独活属花粉形态及分类学和进化意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国独活属约26种3变种。本文通过光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察,较系统地分析了21种2变种的花粉。研究结果表明:该属花粉基本为矩形类型,少数种具赤道收缩型。综合中国独活属形态解剖方面的相关特征,将中国独活属分为两大类群,并讨论了独活属的系统位置及其演化趋势。  相似文献   

The present paper deals with taxonomic studies on the genera Lathraea Linn. and Christisonia Gard. (Orobanchaceae) in China. In the genus Lathraea, only a single species in China, L. japonica Miq., is recongnized in the paper. It occurs in southern Shaanxi, southern Gansu, southeastern Sichuan, northern Guizhou and northern Guangdong, also in Japan. L. miqueliana Franch. et Sav., L. chinfushanica Hu et Tang and L. japonica Miq. var. miqueliana (Franch. et Sav.) Ohwi are treated as new synonyms of L. japonica Miq. in this paper. In the genus Christisonia, the most of collections from China, which were identified as C. sinensis G. Beck before, are treated as a new synonym of C. hookeri C. B. Clarke. A few collections of this genus from China, which were mistakenly described as Gleadovia lepoense Hu snd G. kwangtungense Hu, should be transferred to Christisonia hookeri C. B. Clarke. It is distributed in southeastern and south China, westwards to the Himalayas.  相似文献   

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