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Enhanced function of the respiratory burst, measured as stimulated release of superoxide anion (O2-) or hydrogen peroxide, characterizes activated macrophages. Activated macrophages undergo a decline in their capacity to release O2- (a deactivation) when placed in culture for 3 days. To better understand the molecular basis for the enhanced respiratory burst of activated macrophages, we explored the mechanisms underlying deactivation of activated mouse peritoneal macrophages. Deactivation was observed when the assay was performed in a physiologic Na+ buffer, and by day 3 of culture, release of O2- from activated macrophages stimulated with phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) was almost identical to that in resident (nonactivated) macrophages. In contrast, when the assay was performed in a buffer in which Na+ was replaced by K+, release of O2- from activated macrophages on day 3 was equal to or greater than that on day 0, suggesting that the enzyme responsible for the respiratory burst was not altered during culture. The number and affinity of PMA receptors were not changed during culture and were not affected by high external K+. Continuous assay of O2- release by coverslip-adherent macrophages in a cuvette indicated that the lag time between addition of stimulus and release of O2- was reduced, and the initial rate of O2- release was enhanced in K+ buffer. The potency of monovalent cations to support O2- release was K+ greater than Rb+ greater than choline+ greater than Cs+ = Na+ greater than Li+, suggesting that characteristics such as ionic radius or molecular size influence this effect, and the effect is not due simply to absence of Na+. Extracellular Ca2+ or Mg2+ was required for the maximal effect of high external K+, and enhancement by high K+ and divalent cations increased progressively during culture. These findings suggest that deactivation is caused primarily by changes in signal transduction from PMA receptors to the respiratory burst enzyme, rather than by changes in these receptors or the enzyme itself, and that signal transduction can differ in different macrophage populations.  相似文献   

Activated macrophages are thought to kill Trypanosoma cruzi, which lack catalase, by the generation of hydrogen peroxide. We investigated triggering of the respiratory burst of activated macrophages induced by phagocytosis of virulent T. cruzi, bloodform trypomastigotes, amastigotes obtained from spleens, and tissue culture organisms; and of relatively nonvirulent epimastigotes. All stages of T. cruzi prompted the release of less than 10% of hydrogen peroxide released by activated macrophages when stimulated with PMA or Candida. Superoxide anion production was not stimulated by PMA or Candida in activated macrophages nor was there a significant qualitative reduction of nitroblue tetrazolium induced by ingestion of virulent T. cruzi. Opsonization of T. cruzi with specific antibody did not promote the release of hydrogen peroxide or the reduction of nitroblue tetrazolium. Similar results were observed with activated spleen macrophages. Incubation of activated macrophages with catalase, catalase and superoxide dismutase, sodium benzoate with or without catalase, and respiratory burst-exhausting PMA failed to inhibit the killing of T. cruzi in vitro. These results indicate that 1) virulent opsonized or unopsonized T. cruzi do not trigger a respiratory burst by activated macrophages and 2) oxygen-independent killing of T. cruzi is of prime importance.  相似文献   

Phagocytic cells can be primed for enhanced stimulated release of superoxide anion (O2-) by exposure to a variety of biologic agents, including gamma-interferon and lipopolysaccharide. We examined the role of calcium ion in this priming, using the calcium ionophore ionomycin. Preincubation with ionomycin, 1 to 10 nM, primed human neutrophils to release up to 7-fold more O2- during stimulation with 1 microM formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (f-Met-Leu-Phe). With 160 nM phorbol myristate acetate as stimulus, ionomycin caused a doubling of O2- production in mouse peritoneal macrophages. Incubation of phagocytes with ionomycin at priming concentrations did not directly stimulate O2- release. Priming of neutrophils occurred in 1-2 min and was associated with a marked reduction in the lag time for O2- release after f-Met-Leu-Phe stimulation and with an increase in the rate of O2- production. Kinetic analysis of NADPH-dependent O2(-)-producing activity in sonicates of resting human neutrophils incubated with sodium dodecyl sulfate suggested that modification of the enzyme responsible for the respiratory burst was not responsible for priming. Priming of neutrophils with ionomycin had no apparent effect on either the activity or subcellular distribution of protein kinase C. The effect of ionomycin on the cytosolic free calcium concentration ([Ca2+]c) was assessed in neutrophils using the calcium-sensitive fluorescent dye fura-2. Ionomycin at priming concentrations caused an approximate doubling of the base-line [Ca2+]c. When neutrophils were exposed to various concentrations of ionomycin, a parallel rise in [Ca2+]c and priming was observed. A rise in [Ca2+]c of approximately 0.8 microM caused half-maximal priming. These results suggest that an increase in [Ca2+]c is not sufficient to initiate release of O2-, but they support the concept that Ca2+ can serve as a second messenger in this event.  相似文献   

The metabolic events occurring during the respiratory burst of macrophages previously primed in vivo with lipopolysaccharide were studied by 31P nuclear magnetic resonance, using the P388D1 cell line as a model of the mature macrophages. Using perchloric acid extracts, the presence of phosphocreatine was shown in the primed cells, indicating that in control P388 D1 macrophages, in which no phosphocreatine was seen, in vivo maturation was incomplete. The cells primed in vivo exhibited greater maturation than the control cells, as well as greater creatine kinase activity. Perfusion of gel-embedded macrophages allowed the monitoring of phosphorylated metabolite peak intensities and of the intracellular pH. After the respiratory burst of the primed macrophages had been triggered by concanavalin A, these intensities did not alter significantly, but the intracellular pH decreased. 31P NMR spectra reflected transient acidification in the primed cells, possibly due to the formation of endocytic vesicles and their fusion with lysosomes.  相似文献   

No profound alteration in the resting O2 consumption of mouse pulmonary alveolar macrophages, polymorphonuclear neutrophils or peritoneal macrophages incubated in media containing either cadmium chloride or cadmium acetate was observed. However, when heat-killed P. aeruginosa, opsonized in autologous serum, were added to the cell suspension a significant depression in the respiratory burst accompanying the phagocytic event was manifested. The suppression of the respiratory burst appeared to be related to the concentration of cadmium. The possible alteration in the relationship between macrophage microtubule assembly and endocytosis is discussed.  相似文献   

《Cellular immunology》1986,103(1):216-223
Brief exposure of macrophages to the proteolytic enzymes papain, elastase, or trypsin primed them for enhanced production of superoxide anion (O2) in response to stimulation by phorbol myristate acetate (PMA). Priming by trypsin was achieved at 0 °C, at which temperature trypsin functions as a protease but is not internalized, supporting the concept that protease priming depends on modification of the plasma membrane. Analysis of external membrane proteins after radioiodination of intact cells and separation by gel electrophoresis indicated that papain treatment of macrophages resulted in the cleavage of a membrane protein with a molecular weight of approximately 305K. Membranes from macrophages primed by elicitation with Corynebacterium parvum also demonstrated a reduced amount of the membrane protein at approximately 305 kDa, as well as a reduction of a protein at about 270 kDa. Lipopolysaccharideelicited macrophages showed a reduced amount of a protein at about 175 kDa. Continuous spectrophotometric assays of O2 release from adherent macrophages indicated that after exposure to a stimulus, protease-treated cells produced O2 more quickly than did control cells (reduced lag time). Inhibitors of protein synthesis augmented the priming effect of papain when added with the protease. These results suggest that protease-induced priming results from inactivation of a membrane protein (or proteins) that exerts a down-regulating effect on the respiratory burst.  相似文献   

人多形核白细胞呼吸暴发过程中活性氧的产生及检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Phagocytosis is associated with respiratory burst producing reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. Several studies imply that erythrocytes can inhibit the respiratory burst during erythrophagocytosis. In this work we studied the mechanisms of this effect using control and in vitro peroxidized erythrocyte membranes. We demonstrated that autofluorescence of peroxidation products can be used for visualization of phagocytozed membranes by fluorescence microscopy. We also found that respiratory burst induced by a phorbol ester was inhibited by control membranes (5 mg/ml) to 63 % (P < 0.001), and to 40 % by peroxidized membranes (P < 0.001). We proved that this effect is not caused by the direct interaction of membranes with free radicals or by the interference with luminol chemiluminescence used for the detection of respiratory burst. There are indications of the inhibitory effects of iron ions and free radical products. Macrophages containing ingested erythrocyte membranes do not contain protein-bound nitrotyrosine. These observations imply a specific mechanism of erythrocyte phagocytosis.  相似文献   

Inflammatory macrophages elicited from the peritoneal cavity of mice injected with endotoxin can avidly ingest E opsonized with IgG antibody (EIgG) or with IgM antibody and C (EIgMC). However, only ingestion of EIgG is associated with activation of the respiratory burst and release of superoxide anion. We compared the endogenous phosphorylation of proteins from macrophages stimulated by interaction with EIgG or EIgMC on the premise that proteins phosphorylated after stimulation by EIgG but not EIgMC could play a role in activating the enzyme (oxidase) responsible for the respiratory burst. Proteins were separated by one-dimensional and two-dimensional electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gels. We found that proteins with approximate Mr of 20 kDa, 23 kDa, 46 kDa, 48 kDa (three proteins), 67 kDa, and 130 kDa were more heavily phosphorylated after EIgG stimulation than after EIgMC stimulation. Exposure to PMA, which activates the respiratory burst oxidase, induced phosphorylation of the 23-kDa, 48-kDa group, and 130-kDa proteins that were phosphorylated after stimulation by EIgG. Activity of protein kinase C was found to be significantly increased in the particulate fraction of macrophages stimulated by EIgG but not in the particulate fraction of EIgMC-stimulated cells. These data are compatible with the hypotheses that phosphorylation of specific cellular proteins, especially with a Mr of approximately 48 kDa, is involved in activation of the respiratory burst oxidase, and that function of protein kinase C also plays a part in this activation process.  相似文献   

Alveolar macrophages (AM) are the first line of defense against infection in the lungs. We previously showed that the production of superoxide and hydrogen peroxide, i.e., the respiratory burst, is stimulated by adenine nucleotides (ADP > ATP) in rat AM through signaling pathways involving calcium and protein kinase C. Here, we further show that ADP induces a rapid increase in the tyrosine phosphorylation of several proteins that was reduced by the tyrosine kinase inhibitor genistein, which also inhibited the respiratory burst. Interestingly, ADP did not trigger the activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinases ERK1 and ERK2, or that of protein kinase B/AKT, a downstream target of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) pathway. This is in contrast to another stimulus of the respiratory burst, zymosan-activated serum (ZAS), which activates both the ERK and PI3K pathways. Thus, this study demonstrates that the receptor for ADP in rat AM is not coupled to the ERK and AKT pathways and, that neither the ERK pathway nor AKT is essential to induce the activation of the NAPDH oxidase by ADP in rat AM while tyrosine kinases appeared to be required. The rate and amount of hydrogen peroxide released by the ADP-stimulated respiratory burst was similar to that produced by ZAS stimulation. The absence of ERK activation after ADP stimulation therefore suggests that hydrogen peroxide is not sufficient to activate the ERK pathway in rat AM. Nonetheless, as hydrogen peroxide was necessary for ERK activation by ZAS, this indicates that, in contrast to ADP, ZAS stimulates a pathway that is targeted by hydrogen peroxide and leads to ERK activation.  相似文献   

The expression of the novel b-type cytochrome, which is part of the superoxide anion (O2-)-generating system in phagocytes, has been investigated in population of mouse peritoneal macrophages heterogeneous in their capability to produce O2-). Reduced minus oxidized difference spectra of intact cells showed the appearance of a b-type cytochrome with major peaks in the alpha region at 558 to 559 nm and in the gamma region at 426 to 428 nm. Resident peritoneal macrophages, as well as thioglycollate broth-elicited and Corynebacterium Parvum-activated macrophages and neutrophils expressed about 50 pmol cytochrome b/10(7) cells. In intact macrophages and neutrophils, Na-dithionite reduced greater than 75% of the cytochrome b measurable in disrupted cells. No correlation was found between capability to produce O2-) by different population of macrophages and their content of cytochrome b. When stimulated in strictly anaerobic conditions with phorbol myristic acetate, macrophages activated in vivo by i.p. injection of Corynebacterium Parvum reduced approximately 40% of their total cytochrome b. In resident peritoneal macrophages that produced five times lower amounts of O2-, cytochrome b reduction was instead undetectable. Potentiometric properties of cytochrome b was investigated in macrophage subcellular particles. Both resident and Corynebacterium Parvum-activated macrophages revealed the presence of b chromophores with very low potentials of -255 and -244 mV, respectively, whose content was not different in the two populations. These results show that resident and activated macrophages express the same amount of cytochrome b, but upon stimulation with PMA, activated macrophages recruit a higher number of cytochrome b molecules in parallel with an enhanced production of O2-.  相似文献   

The respiratory burst reaction (RBR) of neutrophilic granulocytes of the peripheral blood was estimated by means of the luminol reaction in 10 smokers and in 10 nonsmokers. Compared to the nonsmokers, the RBR of smokers' granulocytes showed a significantly higher rate of RBR. RBR consists of two enzymatic systems, i.e., NADPH-oxidase generating superoxide anions and myeloperoxidase, generating hypochlorous acid. Furthermore the superoxide anion may undergo dismutation to oxygen and peroxide. Thus, since the RBR may cause an oxidative stress, the smokers were supplemented for 10 d with antioxidants, i.e., 200 micrograms L-Se-methionine and 1000 mg vitamin E/d. After 10 d of supplementation with the antioxidants, the RBR of the smokers was significantly decreased by 20-75 percent. Since the oxidative stress associated with RBR may cause autodigestive reactions in the lungs of smokers, it may be beneficial for smokers to use relatively high doses of such antioxidants in order to hamper the pathological processes associated with smoking.  相似文献   

Turning on the respiratory burst   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The respiratory burst is a distinguishing property of phagocytes. It is induced by chemotactic stimulation or phagocytosis and reflects the activation of a membrane-bound enzyme system that transfers electrons from cytosolic NADPH to extracellular oxygen, producing superoxide. The products of the burst are essential for the killing of microorganisms, but are also a cause of tissue damage and inflammation. Studies aimed at a better understanding of the regulation of the respiratory burst should help in the search for new ways to treat infections and inflammation.  相似文献   

Alveolar macrophages can be stimulated by concanavalin A to produce extracellular superoxide. Conflicting opinions exist, however, concerning the relative importance of the oxidation of either NADPH or NADH in the generation of (Formula: see text) by surface membrane-stimulated phagocytic cells. Alveolar macrophages were obtained from adult male rats by lavage with phosphate-buffered saline. Cells (approximately 10(6)/ml) were incubated in Krebs-Ringer phosphate 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid buffer and ferricytochrome c for 15 min at 37 degrees C before addition of concanavalin A. Release of (Formula: see text) was detected as the difference in cytochrome c reduction, followed at 550 nm, in the absence and presence of superoxide dismutase. Superoxide production by concanavalin A-stimulated alveolar macrophages was markedly increased in the presence of glucose but fructose, lactate, and pyruvate were without effect. Paraquat (methylviologen), an oxidation-reduction dye, significantly reduced concanavalin A-stimulated (Formula: see text) production when incubated at 1 mM with alveolar macrophages in the absence of glucose. The effect of paraquat was reversed by glucose, but fructose, lactate, and pyruvate could not reverse paraquat inhibition. Paraquat enhanced oxidation of NADPH (but not NADH) by cell supernatant and increased pentose phosphate shunt activity in resting macrophages, but did not affect mitochondrial respiration or ATP content of alveolar macrophages. These results suggest that paraquat is able to specifically deplete NADPH in alveolar macrophages while not affecting NADH or ATP. Our conclusion is that NADPH is essential for the production of (Formula: see text) by concanavalin A-stimulated alveolar macrophages.  相似文献   

Effective functioning of neutrophils relies upon electron translocation through the NADPH oxidase (NOX). The electron current generated (Ie) by the neutrophil NADPH oxidase is electrogenic and rapidly depolarises the membrane potential in activated human neutrophils. Swelling activated chloride channels have been demonstrated in part to counteract the depolarisation generated by the NADPH oxidase Ie. In the present study, the effects of inhibitors of swell activated chloride channels on ROS production and on the swelling activated chloride conductance was investigated in activated human neutrophils. Tamoxifen (10 μM), a specific inhibitor for swell activated chloride channels in neutrophils, completely inhibited both the PMA and FMLP stimulated respiratory burst. This inhibition of the neutrophil respiratory burst was not due to the blocking effect of tamoxifen on the swelling activated chloride conductance in these cells. These results demonstrate that a tamoxifen insensitive swell activated chloride channel has important significance during the neutrophil respiratory burst.  相似文献   

Activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule (ALCAM/CD166), a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily with five extracellular immunoglobulin-like domains, facilitates heterophilic (ALCAM-CD6) and homophilic (ALCAM-ALCAM) cell-cell interactions. While expressed in a wide variety of tissues and cells, ALCAM is restricted to subsets of cells usually involved in dynamic growth and/or migration processes. A structure-function analysis, using two monoclonal anti-ALCAM antibodies and a series of amino-terminally deleted ALCAM constructs, revealed that homophilic cell adhesion depended on ligand binding mediated by the membrane-distal amino-terminal immunoglobulin domain and on avidity controlled by ALCAM clustering at the cell surface involving membrane-proximal immunoglobulin domains. Co-expression of a transmembrane ALCAM deletion mutant, which lacks the ligand binding domain, and endogenous wild-type ALCAM inhibited homophilic cell-cell interactions by interference with ALCAM avidity, while homophilic, soluble ligand binding remained unaltered. The extracellular structures of ALCAM thus provide two structurally and functionally distinguishable modules, one involved in ligand binding and the other in avidity. Functionality of both modules is required for stable homophilic ALCAM-ALCAM cell-cell adhesion.  相似文献   

The effects of t-butyl hydroperoxide on glutathione and NADPH and the respiratory burst (an NADPH-dependent function) in rat alveolar macrophages was investigated. Alveolar macrophages were exposed for 15 min to t-butyl hydroperoxide in the presence or absence of added glucose. Cells were then assayed for concanavalin A-stimulated O2 production or for NADPH, NADP, reduced glutathione, glutathione disulfide, glutathione released into the medium and glutathione mixed disulfides. Exposure of rat alveolar macrophages to 1 X 10(-5) M t-butyl hydroperoxide causes a loss of concanavalin A-stimulated superoxide production (the respiratory burst) that can be prevented or reversed by added glucose. Cells incubated without glucose had a higher oxidation state of the NADPH/NADP couple than cells incubated with glucose. With t-butyl hydroperoxide, NADP rose to almost 100% of the NADP + NADPH pool; however, addition of glucose prevented this alteration of the NADPH oxidation state. Cells exposed to 1 X 10(-5) M t-butyl hydroperoxide in the absence of glucose showed a significant increase in the percentage GSSG in the GSH + GSSG pool and increased glutathione mixed disulfides. These changes in glutathione distribution could also be prevented or reversed by glucose. With 1 X 10(-4) M t-butyl hydroperoxide, changes in glutathione oxidation were not prevented by glucose and cells were irreversibly damaged. We conclude that drastic alteration of the NADPH/NADP ratio does not itself reflect toxicity and that significant alteration of glutathione distribution can also be tolerated; however, when oxidative stress exceeds the ability of glucose to prevent alterations in oxidation state, irreversible damage to cell function and structure may occur.  相似文献   

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