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Calcium transport into tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill, cv Castlemart) fruit tonoplast vesicles was studied. Calcium uptake was stimulated approximately 10-fold by MgATP. Two ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport activities could be resolved on the basis of sensitivity to nitrate and affinity for Ca2+. A low affinity Ca2+ uptake system (Km > 200 micromolar) was inhibited by nitrate and ionophores and is thought to represent a tonoplast localized H+/Ca2+ antiport. A high affinity Ca2+ uptake system (Km = 6 micromolar) was not inhibited by nitrate, had reduced sensitivity to ionophores, and appeared to be associated with a population of low density endoplasmic reticulum vesicles that contaminated the tonoplast-enriched membrane fraction. Arrhenius plots of the temperature dependence of Ca2+ transport in tomato membrane vesicles showed a sharp increase in activation energy at temperatures below 10 to 12°C that was not observed in red beet membrane vesicles. This low temperature effect on tonoplast Ca2+/H+ antiport activity could only by partially ascribed to an effect of low temperature on H+-ATPase activity, ATP-dependent H+ transport, passive H+ fluxes, or passive Ca2+ fluxes. These results suggest that low temperature directly affects Ca2+/H+ exchange across the tomato fruit tonoplast, resulting in an apparent change in activation energy for the transport reaction. This could result from a direct effect of temperature on the Ca2+/H+ exchange protein or by an indirect effect of temperature on lipid interactions with the Ca2+/H+ exchange protein.  相似文献   

An anion-sensitive H+-translocating ATPase was identified in membrane vesicles isolated from mature green tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) fruit. The H+-ATPase was associated with a low density membrane population having a peak density of 1.11 grams per cubic centimeter, and its activity was inhibited by NO3, N,N′-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide and diethylstilbestrol but not by vanadate, azide, molybdate, or oligomycin. This H+-ATPase has an unusual pH dependence indicating both a slightly acidic and a near neutral peak of activity. Chloride was found to be a potent stimulator of ATPase activity. The Km for the H+-ATPase was approximately 0.8 millimolar ATP. The characteristics of this H+-ATPase are very similar to those described for a number of plant cell tonoplast H+-ATPases suggesting that the activity identified in tomato fruit membranes is tonoplast-associated. This report demonstrates the feasibility of isolating tonoplast vesicles from acidic fruit tissues for studies of transport activities associated with fruit development and maturation.  相似文献   

Protoplasts and vacuoles were isolated from immature apple fruit(Malus pumila Mill. cv. Golden Delicious). ATP-stimulated Ca2+uptake was identified in both protoplast vesicles and tonoplastvesicles. The apparent Km for Ca2+ of the tonoplast transportsystem was 43.4 µM. The pH optima were 7.2 and 6.7 forCa2+ transport by protoplast and tonoplast vesicles, respectively.Ca2+ transport in tonoplast vesicles was strongly inhibitedby the calmodulin antagonists fluphenazine and N-(6-aminohexyl)-5-chloro-l-naphthalensulfonamidehydrochloride (W-7), while N-aminohexyl)-l-naphthalensulfonamidehydrochloride (W-5) was relatively ineffective. Addition ofexogenous calmodulin stimulated transport by 35%. Ca2+ uptakewas inhibited by vanadate, but not by the ionophores carbonylcyanidem-chlorophenyl hydrazone (CCCP) or valinomycin. The resultsindicate that apple tonoplasts have a Ca2+ transport systemthat is driven by the direct hydrolysis of ATP, and may be calmodulindependent. 1Present address: Morioka Branch, Fruit Tree Research Station,Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Shimokuriyagawa,Morioka 020-01, Japan. To whom reprint requests should be addressed. (Received October 18, 1985; Accepted January 29, 1986)  相似文献   

番茄果实ACC合成酶的性质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
测定了经4步纯化、比活性达20000U/mg蛋白质以上的番茄果实伤诱导ACC合成酶的一些酶学性质。酶反应最适PH值为9.5;酶在pH8.0下最稳定,pH7.5-10短时间处理不会使酶发生不可逆变性;酶在pH8.0和9.5的Km值分别为23和4Dμmol/L;根据酶反应不同时间的产物累积量,得出反应速度随时间的变化符合函数关系式Vt=V0e-kt,并根据此式求出酶的半寿期为107min。光照对酶活性有抑制作用。酶的DTNB化学修饰结果表明,在酶活性中心的PLP结合部位很可能有半胱氨酸残基存在。  相似文献   

A nonsoftening tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) variety, dg, was examined to assess the physiological basis for its inability to soften during ripening. Total uronic acid levels, 18 milligrams uronic acid/100 milligrams wall, and the extent of pectin esterification, 60 mole%, remained constant throughout fruit development in this mutant. The proportion of uronic acid susceptible to polygalacturonase in vitro also remained constant. Pretreatment of heat-inactivated dg fruit cell walls with tomato pectinmethylesterase enhances polygalacturonase susceptibility at all ripening stages. Pectinesterase activity of cell wall protein extracts from red ripe dg fruit was half that in extracts from analogous tissue of VF145B. Polygalacturonase activities of cell wall extracts, however, were similar in both varieties. Diffusion of uronic acid from tissue discs of both varieties increased beginning at the turning stage to a maximum of 2.0 milligrams uronic acid released/gram fresh weight at the ripe stage. The increased quantity of hydrolytic products released during ripening suggests the presence of in situ polygalacturonase activity. Low speed centrifugation was employed to induce efflux of uronide components from the cell wall tree space. In normal fruit, at the turning stage, 2.1 micrograms uronic acid/gram fresh weight was present in the eluant after 1 hour, and this value increased to a maximum of 8.2 micrograms uronic acid/gram fresh weight at the red ripe stage. However, centrifuge-aided extraction of hydrolytic products failed to provide evidence for in situ polygalacturonase activity in dg fruit. We conclude that pectinesterase and polygalacturonase enzymes are not active in situ during the ripening of dg fruit. This could account for the maintenance of firmness in ripe fruit tissue.  相似文献   

The mediated transport of citrate in Aerobacter aerogenes was studied. According to data obtained by examining the distribution of radioactive citrate at room temperature and at 0 C, a carrier system appears to be located on the membrane. The carrier system is inducible and very specific, not acting on the related compounds isocitrate and cis-aconitate. Induction required synthesis of both ribonucleic acid and protein as determined by starving auxotrophic mutants and by using specific inhibitors of protein synthesis. Citrate transport was inhibited by N-ethyl maleimide, dinitrofluorobenzene, and uranyl nitrate. A kinetic study of uranyl nitrate inhibition revealed that the inhibition of citrate transport was different from that of glucose penetration. Cyanide also discriminated citrate from glucose penetration inhibiting only the former. These last results suggested that energy is required for citrate penetration.  相似文献   

It was demonstrated recently that isolated tonoplast vesicles derived from plants of a Zn-tolerant ecotype of Silene vulgaris accumulate more Zn than vesicles derived from a Zn-sensitive ecotype. We have now characterized the tonoplast-transport system that causes this uptake difference and demonstrated its genetic correlation to Zn tolerance using plant crosses. We conclude that the tonoplast Zn uptake system of the tolerant ecotype differs greatly in its characteristics from that of the sensitive one, with the most prominent differences being its insensitivity to protonophores and ortho-vanadate and its stimulation by Mg-GTP. These differences in characteristics are most likely due to the fact that Zn can be taken up by two or more parallel pathways, which are not present in the same proportions in both ecotypes. In both ecotypes, Zn is actively transported across the tonoplast (temperature coefficient > 1.6), most likely as a free ion, since citrate does not accumulate in vesicles. Most importantly, the uptake difference found using the ecotypes was also found between homozygous Zn-tolerant and Zn-sensitive F3 plants, proving the genetic correlation between increased tonoplast Zn transport and naturally selected Zn tolerance in S. vulgaris.  相似文献   

Analysis of [3H]-(fructosyl)-sucrose translocation in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) indicates that phloem unloading in the fruit occurs, at least in part, to the apoplast followed by extracellular hydrolysis. Apoplastic sucrose, glucose, and fructose concentrations were estimated as 1 to 7, 12 to 49, and 8 to 63 millimolar, respectively in the tomato fruit pericarp tissue. Hexose concentrations were at least four-fold greater than sucrose at all developmental stages. Short-term uptake of [14C]sucrose, -glucose, and -fructose in tomato pericarp disks showed first order kinetics over the physiologically relevant concentration range. The uptake rate of [14C]-(glucosyl)-1′-fluorosucrose was identical to the rate of [14C]sucrose uptake, suggesting sucrose may be taken up directly without prior extracellular hydrolysis. Short-term uptake of all three sugars was insensitive to 10 micromolar carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone and to 10 micromolar p-chloromercuribenzene sulfonic acid. However, long-term accumulation of glucose was sensitive to carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone. Together these results suggest that although sucrose is at least partially hydrolyzed in the apoplast, sucrose may enter the metabolic carbohydrate pool directly. In addition, sugar uptake across the plasma membrane does not appear to be energy dependent, suggesting that sugar accumulation in the tomato fruit is driven by subsequent intracellular metabolism and/or active uptake at the tonoplast.  相似文献   

Rheological properties were determined for cuticular membranes (CMs) enzymatically isolated from mature tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv Pik Red) fruit. The cuticle responded as a viscoelastic polymer in stress-strain studies. Both CM and dewaxed CM expanded and became more elastic and susceptible to fracture when hydrated, suggesting that water plasticized the cuticle. Dewaxing of the CM caused similar changes in elasticity and fracturing, indicating that wax may serve as a supporting filler in the cutin matrix. Exposure of the cuticle to the surfactant Triton X-100 did not significantly affect its rheological properties.  相似文献   

Guan HP  Janes HW 《Plant physiology》1991,96(3):922-927
Effects of light on carbohydrate levels and certain carbon metabolizing enzyme activities were studied during the early development of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) fruit. Sucrose levels were low and continued to decline during development and were unaffected by light. Starch was significantly greater in light. Invertase activity was similar in both light- and dark-grown fruit. Sucrose synthase activity was much lower than invertase and showed a slight decrease in light-grown fruit between days 21 and 28. Light-grown fruit also had higher ADP glucose pyrophosphorylase activity than dark-grown fruit, which was correlated with higher starch levels. The rapidly decreasing activity of ADP glucose pyrophosphorylase during early fruit development in the dark in conjunction with reduced starch levels and rates of accumulation indicates that ADP glucose pyrophosphorylase is crucial for carbon import and storage in tomato. The differential stimulation of ADP glucose pyrophosphorylase activity from light- and dark-grown tissue by 3-phosphoglycerate suggests that this enzyme may be allosterically altered by light.  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding tomato fruit lectin was cloned from an unripe cherry-tomato fruit cDNA library. The isolated lectin cDNA contained an open reading frame encoding 365 amino acids, including peptides that were sequenced. The deduced sequence consisted of three distinct domains: (i) an N-terminal short extensin-like domain; (ii) a Cys-rich carbohydrate binding domain composed of four almost identical chitin-binding domains; (iii) an internal extensin-like domain of 101 residues containing 15 SerPro4 motifs inserted between the first and second chitin-binding domains. The molecular weight of the lectin was 65,633 and that of the deglycosylated lectin was 32,948, as determined by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). This correlated with the estimated molecular weight of the deduced sequence. Recombinant tomato lectin expressed in Pichia pastoris possessed chitin-binding but not hemagglutinating activity. These findings confirmed that the cDNA encoded tomato lectin.  相似文献   

Salt DE  Rauser WE 《Plant physiology》1995,107(4):1293-1301
In Cd-exposed oat (Avena sativa) roots Cd was found to be associated primarily with the phytochelatin ([gamma]-glutamylcysteinyl)3-glutamic acid [([gamma]EC)3G], with a peptide to Cd ratio of 1:3 (cysteine to Cd ratio of 1:1), even though both ([gamma]EC)2G and ([gamma]EC)3G were present in the roots. Phytochelatins are known to accumulate in the vacuoles of plant cells on exposure to Cd, but the mechanism is not clear. Here we present evidence for the transport of the phytochelatins ([gamma]EC)3G and ([gamma]EC)2G as well as the Cd complex Cd-([gamma]EC)3G across the tonoplast of oat roots. Transport of ([gamma]EC)3G had a Km, for MgATP of 0.18 mM and a Vmax of 0.7 to 1 nmol mg-1 protein min-1. Transport of ([gamma]EC)3G was also energized by MgGTP and to a lesser extent MgUTP and was highly sensitive to orthovanadate, with a 50%-inhibitory concentration of 0.9 [mu]M. The Cd complex Cd-([gamma]EC)3G and ([gamma]EC)2G were also transported in a MgATP-dependent, vanadate-sensitive manner. Therefore, this process is a candidate for the transport of both phytochelatins, and Cd as its peptide complex, from the cytoplasm into the vacuole.  相似文献   

The fruit of the Alcobaca landrace of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) have prolonged keeping qualities (determined by the allele a/c) and contain three times as much putrescine as the standard Rutgers variety (A/c) at the ripe stage (ARG Dibble, PJ Davies, MA Mutschler [1988] Plant Physiol 86: 338-340). Polyamine metabolism and biosynthesis were compared in fruit from Rutgers and Rutgers-a/c—a near isogenic line possessing the allele a/c, at four different stages of ripening. The levels of soluble polyamine conjugates as well as wall bound polyamines in the pericarp tissue and jelly were very low or nondetectable in both genotypes. The increase in putrescine content in a/c pericarp is not related to normal ripening as it occurred with time and whether or not the fruit ripened. Pericarp discs of both normal and a/c fruit showed a decrease in the metabolism of [1,4-14C]putrescine and [terminal labeled-3H]spermidine with ripening, but there were no significant differences between the two genotypes. The activity of ornithine decarboxylase was similar in the fruit pericarp of the two lines. Arginine decarboxylase activity decreased during ripening in Rutgers but decreased and rose again in Rutgers-a/c fruit, and as a result it was significantly higher in a/c fruit than in the normal fruit at the ripe stage. The elevated putrescine levels in a/c fruit appear, therefore, to be due to an increase in the activity of arginine decarboxylase.  相似文献   

Carboxypeptidase activity of tomato fruit reached a maximum at an early period of ripening. During storage of the fruit at 25°C, the enzyme activity decreased, accompanied by a fall of the pH value of the sap.

The enzyme was apparently localized in the soluble fraction, as determined by differential centrifugation.

The enzyme was optimally active at pH 5.0 ~ 5.5, was most stable at pH 4.5 ~ 6.5, and was strongly inhibited by DFP and HgCl2, but not by EDTA and 1,10-phenanthroIine. Z-dipeptides containing arginine, proline and several neutral amino acids were hydrolyzed by the enzyme.

The similarity of the enzymatic properties of the present enzyme to those of other plant carboxypeptidases and pig kidney cathepsin A is also discussed.  相似文献   

Brauer D  Teel MR 《Plant physiology》1982,70(3):723-727
Kinetics of two molecular forms of K-dependent citrate dehydrase in maize (Zea mays L.) are reported. The isozymes, designated CD I and CD II, were found to be compartmented in mitochondria and cytosol, respectively.

CD I exhibited hyperbolic kinetics with respect to both citrate and potassium with Km 2.3 and 12 millimolar, respectively. Maximum velocity was 0.38 micromole of trans-aconitic acid per minute per milligram protein. The pH optimum was 7.2. trans-aconitic synthesis by CD I is regulated by both citrate concentration and pH.

CD II exhibited hyperbolic kinetics with respect to citrate (Km 0.6 millimolar) but sigmoidal kinetics with respect to potassium. trans-aconitic acid synthesis by CD II is regulated by potassium. This may account for the positive correlation between leaf potassium and trans-aconitic acid in certain grasses (Clark 1968 Crop Sci 8: 165).


用快速蛋白液相层析仪(FPLC)Mono Q柱(HR5/5)分离纯化成熟绿番茄果实中PFP的两种分子酶型及其特性。一种酶型为Q_1,是含两个β-亚基(60kD)的二聚体,比活为5μmol min~(-1) mg~(-1);另一种为Q_2,由四个α-亚基(66kD)和四个β-亚基(60kD)组成八聚体,比活为70.5μmol/min~(-1)·mg~(-1)。Q_1的分子量是120kD,Q_2的分子量介于500kD和530kD之间。用纯化的Q_2制备的抗血清专一地与Q_2起沉淀反应。PFP酶液贮存后,其Q_1/Q_2蛋白量比值增加明显,表明部分Q_2转化为Q_1。Q_1具有催化活力表明PFP的活性中心位于β-亚基。α-亚基可能借增强PFP酶对F2,6P_2的亲和力以提高酶的比活而起调节功能,但是Q_1的活力依赖于F2,6P_2的激活,表明β-亚基处也可能存在F_2,_6P_2的调节位点。Q_2含紧密结合的F2,6P_2分子,并表现出对F2,6P2_的不敏感性,基于此种现象,有必要重新认识PFP对F2,6P_2敏感性的内在实质。  相似文献   

氮素形态对番茄根系液泡膜焦磷酸酶活性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用超速梯度离心提取液泡膜微囊,研究硝态氮和铵态氮供应情况下番茄(Lycopersicon esculentum L.)根系液泡膜焦磷酸酶活性的变化。结果表明:供应铵态氮番茄根系专一性液泡膜焦磷酸酶活性比供应硝态氮的高37.7%;供应铵态氮根系液泡膜焦磷酸酶转运质子活力也明显高于供应硝态氮根系。Western blot结果表明,供应铵态氮根系液泡膜焦磷酸酶蛋白表达量也明显增加。  相似文献   

The charge-pulse relaxation spectrum of nonperfused and perfused (turgescent) cells of the giant marine alga Ventricaria ventricosa showed two main exponential decays with time constants of approximately 0.1 msec and 10 msec, respectively, when the cells were bathed in artificial sea water (pH 8). Variation of the external pH did not change the relaxation pattern (in contrast to other giant marine algae). Addition of nystatin (a membrane-impermeable and pore-forming antibiotic) to the vacuolar perfusion solution resulted in the disappearance of the slow exponential, whereas external nystatin decreased dramatically the time constant of the fast one. This indicated (by analogy to corresponding experiments with Valonia utricularis, J. Wang, I. Spiess, C. Ryser, U. Zimmermann, J. Membrane Biol. 157: 311-321, 1997) that the fast relaxation must be assigned to the RC-properties of the plasmalemma and the slow one to those of the tonoplast. Consistent with this, external variation of [K+]o or of [Cl-]o as well as external addition of K+- or Cl--channel/carrier inhibitors (TEA, Ba2+, DIDS) affected only the fast relaxation, but not the slow one. In contrast, addition of these inhibitors to the vacuolar perfusion solution had no measurable effect on the charge-pulse relaxation spectrum. The analysis of the data in terms of the "two membrane model" showed that K+- and (to a smaller extent) Cl--conducting elements dominated the plasmalemma conductance. The analysis of the charge-pulse relaxation spectra also yielded the following area-specific data for the capacitance and the conductance for the plasmalemma and tonoplast (by assuming that both membranes have a planar surface): (plasmalemma) Cp = 0.82 * 10(-2) F m-2, Rp = 1.69 * 10(-2) Omega m2, Gp = 5.9 * 10(4) mS m-2, (tonoplast) Ct = 7. 1 * 10(-2) F m-2, Rt = 14.9 * 10(-2) Omega m2 and Gt = 0.67 * 10(4) mS m-2. The electrical data for the tonoplast show that (in contrast to the literature) the area-specific membrane resistance of the tonoplast of these marine giant algal cells is apparently very high as reported already for V. utricularis. The exceptionally high value of the area-specific capacitance could be explained - among other interpretations - by assuming a 9-fold enlargement of the tonoplast surface. The hypothesis of a multifolded tonoplast was supported by transmission electronmicroscopy of cells fixed under maintenance of turgor pressure and of the electrical parameters of the membranes. This finding indicates that the tonoplast of this species exhibited a sponge-like appearance. Taking this result into account, it can be easily shown that the tonoplast exhibits a high-resistance (1.1 Omega m2). Vacuolar membrane potential measurements (performed in parallel with charge-pulse relaxation studies) showed that the potential difference across the plasmalemma was mainly controlled by the external K+-concentration which suggested that the resting membrane potential of the plasmalemma is largely a K+-diffusion potential. After permeabilization of the tonoplast with nystatin the potential of the intact membrane barrier dropped from about slightly negative or positive (-5.1 to +18 mV, n = 13) to negative values (-15 up to -68 mV; n = 8). This indicated that the cytoplasm of V. ventricosa was apparently negatively charged relative to the external medium. Permeabilization of the plasmalemma by addition of external nystatin resulted generally in an increase in the potential to slightly more positive values (-0.8 to +4.3 mV; n = 5), indicating that the vacuole is positively charged relative to the cytoplasm. These findings apparently end the long-term debate about the electrical properties of V. ventricosa. The results presented here support the findings of Davis (Plant Physiol. 67: 825-831, 1981), but are contrary to the results of Lainson and Field (J. Membrane Biol. 29: 81-94, 1976).  相似文献   

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