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Components of tomato taste can be modeled from a set of instrumentally measured parameters. The inheritance was studied of two texture parameters with an effect of mealiness and pleasantness of taste: BFp and EBp. A recombinant inbred line population (F6) of the cross tomato cv Moneymaker x L. pimpinellifolium was analyzed for these parameters, and a molecular linkage map was developed for this population. A single QTL region on chromosome 9 was found with an effect on both BFp and EBp. The QTL explained 18.2 and 18.8% of the population variances, and 19.5 and 39.0% of the parental differences respectively for BFp and EBp.  相似文献   

After a recall of the importance of early basic developments of in vitro established cell lines for investigations on malignant transformation, a survey of essential steps in the study of malignancy by means of somatic cell hybridization is presented. Since the early sixties, in vitro crosses of malignant versus nonmalignant parental cells have provided many experimental models in which mechanisms of expression of malignancy have been approached. Allogenic as well as xenogenic cell matings resulted in tumor-producing or nontumorigenic hybrids which have been analyzed, particularly in terms of karyology in order to determine possible chromosomal patterns linked with inheritance of malignancy and its suppression. The authors discuss the successive concepts devised for interpretation of experimental data, implicating specific genetic "normalizing" information, genetic dosage as well as, more recently, epigenetic and cytoplasmic mechanisms.  相似文献   

Summary A greenhouse lysimeter experiment was conducted to evaluate the response of tomato hybrids to varying levels of salinity. Four tomato hybrids F-172, F-150, Bornia and Diego were grown at four salinity levels. The soil was salinized prior to transplanting by irrigating with waters that were prepared by adding NaCl to the tap water. The electrical conductivities of the irrigation waters were 1.8, 4.5, 7.0, and 9.5 dS/m at 25°C. Yield, fruit quality, and leaf mineral composition were measured. Fifty percent fruint yield reduction for all hybrids was associated with a soil salinity of 5.1 dS/m. Each unit increase in salinity above 2 dS/m reduced yield by 14%. This indicates that these tomato hybrids are more salt sensitive than the older varieties. Fruit quality and leaf mineral composition were also affected by salinity and hybrid.  相似文献   

Summary Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were analyzed in materials from a partial diallel, including 16 corn F1 hybrids (with five reciprocals) and their five parental inbreds. Using 21 primers, we scored a total of 140 different fragments for their presence/absence and intensity variation, where appropriate. When all 21 genotypes were taken into consideration, 20.7% of these fragments were nonpolymorphic, 37.1% were unambiguously polymorphic, and 42.1% were quantitatively polymorphic. Unambiguous polymorphisms were distinguished by the simple presence or absence of a specific fragment in the inbred genotypes, whereas quantitative polymorphisms exhibited a variation in the intensity of a fragment. Of the F1 patterns, 95.2% of the unambiguously polymorphic situations could be interpreted genetically by assuming complete dominance of the presence of the parental fragment, while 3.2% of the F1 patterns exhibited a fragment intensity that was intermediate between the two parental patterns (partial dominance). For quantitative polymorphisms, values of 88.1% for complete dominance and 5.0% for partial dominance were obtained. The results suggest that specific types of errors can be detected in RAPD analysis, that uniparental inheritance is not common, and that RAPD analysis might be more prudently used for some applications than for others.  相似文献   

A two-year estimation of Botrytis cinerea stem damage of 299 experimental F1hybrids grown in 2 rotations: winter-autumn and summer-autumn was carried out. The estimation was made in a period of mass fruitage. As a result it was shown, that the hybrids with determinate type of growth (sp) are damaged more strongly than indeterminate ones (sp +). An average disease severity in the first group was 2.8 against 2.3 in the second one using a scale 0–4. Number of strongly injured (2.5–4) plants in each group were 44.1 % and 30.7 % and number of moderate resistant (0–1.5 numbers) plants were 10 % and 8.5 % accordingly. The analysis of resistance of F1 hybrids determined significant influence of parental lines on a degree of a damage of plant stems by B. cinerea.  相似文献   

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Inheritance of endosperm texture in sweet X waxy hybrids of maize

The diverse relationships of the main differential leaf and nodal anatomical characters of a number ot artificial Ilex hybrids and their parents are compared. The marginal sclerenchyma strands character is not transferred to hybrids when differential. The lignification of the unspecialized abaxial epidermal cells is dominantly inherited, except in one hybrid. The development of a distinctive adaxial hypodermis is usually suppressed in hybrids when one of its parents is lacking in this character. New characters are reported for hybrids of Ilex aquifolium × opaca , where the vasculation of petiole and midrib and the presence of periclinal subdivisions in the adaxial epidermis constitute features not known from either parent species.
The possible significance of the four different ways of expression of parental characters in the hybrid offspring is discussed with reference to: genetic control of anatomical characters; the identification of hybrid material; the evolution of leaf anatomical diversity in Ilex , and the systematic value of leaf anatomical characters.  相似文献   

Summary The inheritance of freezing resistance in interspecific F1 hybrid families of Eucalyptus encompassing 27 different species combinations and a range of levels of hardiness was examined. Freezing resistance was assessed by determining the temperatures required to cause either 30% (T30), 40% (T40), or 50% (T50) leakage of electrolytes from excised leaf discs subjected to artificial freezing. Highly significant variation in freezing resistance occurred between species; the maximum difference between parents in any specific combination was over 9°C (E. gunnii x E. globulus). Freezing resistance was inherited in a predominantly additive manner in interspecific hybrids, although there was a tendency towards partial dominance toward the more sensitive species in some combinations (e.g., E. nitens x E. Globulus, E. nitens x E. camaldulensis, E. gunnii x E. globulus). The full expression of this genetic variation appeared to increase with hardiness and in some cases appeared to vary with ontogeny. Estimates of individual narrow-sense heritability of freezing resistance for pure E. nitens families were h 2 = 0.66±0.44 and 0.46±0.44. Across all species combinations examined, the heritability of F1 family means estimated from midparent regression was h 2 = 0.76±0.06 and h 2 = 0.89±0.06 for T40 and T50 values, respectively. The advantage of using selected parents for interspecific hybridization is demonstrated and the implications of these results for breeding for freezing resistance in Eucalyptus are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of our research is the elaboration of a simple method of tomato hybrid seed production at the development of hybrids F1 (common and parthenocarpic) on the basis of functional male sterility for ecological conditions of Belarus. The results of study of tomato flowering biology are discussed. The optimal term for pollination without emasculation of functional male sterile forms Z-313 and B-3-1-8 is the 3-6-th days and parthenocarpic functional male sterile forms B-2-2, B-2-5, B-2-6, ą-3, ą-4, Z-1-3 — the 2-4-th days after the phase of yellow-green bud. Forms with short pistil (C-9464, C-3-1, ą-2) may be used in hybrid seed production after the removal of filaments directly before pollination. The existence of a marker gene (potato leaf) gives a good possibility to reject non-hybrid seedlings.  相似文献   

Summary Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) was purified from blue spruce (Picea pungens Engelm.) and white spruce [P. glauca (Moench) Voss], and was digested with several different restriction endonucleases. Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) were identified that differentiated the cpDNA of both species. Intraspecific conservation of the RFLPs that differentiated each species was confirmed by examining trees from across the natural range of each species. Ten F1 hybrids were examined, and the cpDNA from each showed the banding pattern of the paternal species. Cloned Petunia cpDNA containing part of the rbcL gene hybridized to polymorphic bands, while a cloned maize mtDNA probe of the coxII gene failed to hybridize to any band.  相似文献   

From 1974 to 1976, a breeding program was used to produce hybrids of black ducks and mallards for the evaluation of inheritance patterns of serum proteins and serum, liver and muscle enzymes. In addition to the crosses designed to produce hybrids, a series of matings in 1975 and 1976 were designed to evaluate inheritance patterns of a hybrid with either a black duck or mallard. At the F1 level, hybrids were easily distinguished using serum proteins. However, once a hybrid was crossed back to either a mallard or black duck, only 12–23% of the progeny were distinguishable from black ducks or mallards using serum proteins and 23–39% using esterases. Muscle, serum and liver enzymes were similar between the two species.  相似文献   

R. Heino  J. Lumme 《Genetica》1989,79(1):17-25
The genetic basis of the difference in cold shock tolerance between the southern temperate Drosophila virilis and its boreal relative D. lummei is studied. After adult eclosion, the parental stocks, reciprocal F1 and backcross hybrids were pretreated for eight days at 18°C or at 6°C. The cold shock used consisted of fast cooling to-10°C and exposure to this temperature for varying lengths of time. D. lummei tolerated such exposure for 40–50% longer than did D. virilis (100–135% after acclimation). Reciprocal F1 females, differing only in their maternal cytoplasm deviated significantly from each other, and the reciprocal F1 males even more so, the contribution of the X chromosome being three to four times that of the cytoplasm. The cold resistance scores of the hybrid males were more extreme than those of the parental stocks. Autosomally heterozygous males with the X chromosome and cytoplasm of virilis were the weakest flies studied. The reciprocal males (X chromosome and cytoplasm of lummei) survived better than the parental lummei stock. The reciprocal differences decreased after cold temperature acclimation. The roles of the four major autosomes were analyzed by backcrossing the reciprocal F1 males with females of the virilis marker stock. The third chromosome of lummei as heterozygous contributed most to cold tolerance, while the other autosomes had a rather weak effect in the opposite direction (virilis homozygotes survived better), which disappeared after acclimation at 6°C. Some of the cold susceptibility of F1 hybrids disappeared in chromosomally identical backcross flies, indicating complex cytoplasmchromosomal interactions.  相似文献   

Summary Analyses of leaves and ‘tubers’ from somatic hybrids of potato and tomato (‘pomato’ with plastids of potato, ‘topato’ with plastids of tomato) produced by fusion of protoplasts from liquid cultures of dihaploid potato and mesophyll of tomato revealed the presence of the two major potato glycoalkaloids (α-solanine and α-chaconine) as well as the tomato glycoalkaloid (αtomatine). The total alkaloid content of leaves was greater than that of ‘tubers’ and similar to levels in the foliage of parent plants. However, glycoalkaloids were more abundant in hybrid ‘tubers’ than in normal potato tubers by a factor of 5–15. In hybrid foliage, approximately 98% of the alkaloid present was of potato origin whereas in ‘tubers’ the reverse was the case, with tomatine comprising 60–70% of the total alkaloid. The similarities in alkaloid content and ratios between the pomato and the topato lines indicate that plastomes do not influence the biosynthesis and distribution of these alkaloids. The results indicate that major secondary metabolites may prove useful for assessing the hybrid nature of such plants.  相似文献   

RFLP-defined chromosome segments covering the entire tomato genome were introgressed from the wild green-fruited speciesLycopersicon pennellii into the cultivated tomato (L. esculentum cv M82; Eshed et al. 1992). SixL. pennellii chromosome segments were selected for a detailed evaluation based on previous observations of their effects on the two yield components, fresh tomato yield and total soluble-solids content (Brix). Differences in the quantitative traits measured between M82 and the introgression lines, or their hybrids with different inbred parents, can be attributed to the alien chromosome segments. Replicated field trials, grown at wide and dense spacing, identified three quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for solublesolids content on chromosomes 1, 5 and 7. In plants heterozygous for the chromosome-5 locus there was a 50% increase in soluble-solids yield in wide but not in dense spacing. Plants heterozygous for the chromosome-1 QTL/s were tested over a 2-year period, in three genetic backgrounds, and showed a significant 16% elevation in soluble-solids yield only in dense spacing. These results demonstrate that wild tomato germplasm can be used to improve the yield of the cultivated crop.  相似文献   

Black sigatoka (Mycosphaerella fijiensis Morelet), an airborne fungal leaf-spot disease, is a major constraint to plantain and banana (Musa spp.) production world-wide. Gaining further knowledge of the genetics of host-plant resistance will enhance the development of resistant cultivars, which is considered to be the most appropriate means to achieve stable production. Genetic analysis was conducted on 101 euploid (2x, 3x and 4x) progenies, obtained from crossing two susceptible triploid plantain cultivars with the resistant wild diploid banana Calcutta 4. Segregating progenies, and a susceptible reference plantain cultivar, were evaluated over 2 consecutive years. Three distinct levels of host response to black sigatoka were defined as follows: susceptible (< 8 leaves without spots), less susceptible (8–10) and partially resistant (> 10). Segregation ratios for resistance at the 2x level fitted a genetic model having one major recessive resistance allele (bs 1) and two independent alleles with additive effects (bsr 2 and bsr 3). A similar model explains the results at the 4x level assuming that the favourable resistance alleles have a dosage effect when four copies of them are present in their respective loci (bs i 4 ). The proposed model was further validated by segregation data of S 1 progenies. Mechanisms of black sigatoka resistance are discussed in relation to the genetic model.  相似文献   

Inheritance of resistance to bacterial speck of tomato was determined by analysing F1 F2 and backcross progenies of crosses involving a susceptible (VF-198) and a resistant cultivar (Rehovot-13). The results fit the hypothesis that resistance is controlled by a single dominant gene in interaction with minor genes. Cultivar susceptibility to Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato was tested under greenhouse conditions under high inoculum pressure using infested tomato seeds together with infested soils and spray-inoculated wounded plants. Of 21 species, cultivars and lines, Rehovot-13, Ontario 7710 and Lycopersiconpimpinellifolium P.I. 126927 were found to be resistant to the pathogen. VF-198 and Tropic-VF were the most susceptible. Extra Marmande, Saladette, Acc.339944–3 and the wild type Lycopersicon esculentum var. cerasiforme were moderately resistant.  相似文献   

Summary The potato aphid, Macrosiphum euphorbiae Thomas, is an important pest of tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., because it transmits tomato viruses and directly reduces crop yields by its feeding. This study was conducted to determine whether the wild tomato species, Lycopersicon pennellii (Corr.) D'Arcy, would be useful as a source of potato aphid resistance for tomato. Type IV trichome density and aphid resistance were assessed in six generations (P1, P2, F1, F2, BC1P1, and BC1P2) from crosses between L. pennellii (LA 716) and two tomato cultivars, New Yorker and VF Vendor. Weighted leastsquares were used in joint scaling tests to estimate the relative importance of gene effects on type IV trichome density and potato aphid resistance of the hybrids. A simple additive-dominance model adequately explained the variation in type IV trichome density. Models which included digenic epistatic effects were required to explain the variation in aphid resistance. Standard unit heritability estimates of aphid resistance in the backcross to L. esculentum were obtained by regression of BC1F2 off-spring families on BC1F1 parents. Regression coefficients and heritability estimates varied between years with the level and uniformity of the aphid infestation. In the 1985–1986 growing seasons, when aphid infestations were uniform, aphid resistance exhibited a moderate level of heritability (29.8% ± 14.1% and 47.1% ± 11.5% in New Yorker and VF Vendor backcross populations, respectively). The non-uniform aphid infestation of 1984 resulted in lower heritability estimates in the 1984–1985 growing seasons (16.1% ± 15.7% and 21.9% ± 14.8% in the New Yorker and VF Vendor backcross populations, respectively). Selection for potato aphid resistance would probably be most efficient if it were delayed until gene combinations are fixed in later generations, because of the large epistatic effects and the low heritability of this trait in seasons with variable aphid infestations.  相似文献   

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