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We studied long-term (50 years) and short-term (4 years) effects of summer grazing of reindeer on subarctic tundra wetland vegetation. The long-term effects of summer grazing were studied by comparing vegetation on Finnish and Norwegian sides of the fence line separating reindeer grazing regimes. The Finnish side was intensively grazed and trampled throughout the year, whereas the Norwegian side was grazed in winter. Experimental fences were erected to examine short-term effects of grazing exclusion. Both in the long- and short-term, summer grazing decreased the height of Salix lapponum whereas the short-term effects on willow cover were less clear than the long-term effects. In contrast, Carex spp. benefited from grazing. Long-term grazing had little effect on total bryophyte cover. Grazing had negligible effects on the nutrient content of leaves of S. lapponum and Eriophorum angustifolium. We conclude that tundra wetlands can withstand moderately high grazing pressure sustained over several decades.  相似文献   

划区轮牧中不同放牧利用时间对草地植被的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
对比研究了划区轮牧中不同时间的放牧利用对各小区的植被状况的影响。结果表明 ,在固定放牧时间长度的情况下 ,早放牧小区的草群结构比晚放牧的小区受到的影响大。家畜对早放牧小区的牧草利用率高于晚放牧的小区 ,草地生产力则表现出相反的趋势。对于可利用牧草营养 ,早放牧的小区可提供较多的粗蛋白。在生产实践中 ,要灵活应用划区轮牧制度 ,对不同时间放牧利用的各小区要根据草地的实际情况来确定其具体的放牧时间长度 ,在不同的年度也要按不同的顺序来轮换放牧 ,兼顾到草地的可持续利用与家畜生产。  相似文献   

An extensive study of vegetation changes as a consequence of fire and grazing pressure and their effect on small mammal populations inside the Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya, was carried out during May–June 1997. Comparison of vegetation maps from 1979 and 1998 suggested that vegetation in 46% of the Reserve area converted from shrubland to grassland, possibly as a result of fire and grazing pressure. We tested the hypothesis that in areas with high fire and grazing impact the population of small mammals was negatively affected. A low density of rodents was recorded in all habitats except in areas of human activity, where artificial resources are constantly present. Capture efforts were unsuccessful in grasslands. Our results confirm those of Norton‐Griffiths (1979) and Dublin (1995) , i.e. that fire and grazing pressure impact the vegetation of the Serengeti–Mara ecosystem and limit the natural regeneration of woodlands. This indirectly affects the small mammal community, which is limited in its long‐term establishment.  相似文献   

Herbivory is one of the key drivers shaping plant community dynamics. Herbivores can strongly influence plant productivity directly through defoliation and the return of nutrients in the form of dung and urine, but also indirectly by reducing the abundance of neighbouring plants and inducing changes in soil processes. However, the relative importance of these processes is poorly understood. We, therefore, established a common garden experiment to study plant responses to defoliation, dung addition, moss cover, and the soil legacy of reindeer grazing. We used an arctic tundra grazed by reindeer as our study system, and Festuca ovina, a common grazing‐tolerant grass species as the model species. The soil legacy of reindeer grazing had the strongest effect on plants, and resulted in higher growth in soils originating from previously heavily‐grazed sites. Defoliation also had a strong effect and reduced shoot and root growth and nutrient uptake. Plants did not fully compensate for the tissue lost due to defoliation, even when nutrient availability was high. In contrast, defoliation enhanced plant nitrogen concentrations. Dung addition increased plant production, nitrogen concentrations and nutrient uptake, although the effect was fairly small. Mosses also had a positive effect on aboveground plant production as long as the plants were not defoliated. The presence of a thick moss layer reduced plant growth following defoliation. This study demonstrates that grasses, even though they suffer from defoliation, can tolerate high densities of herbivores when all aspects of herbivores on ecosystems are taken into account. Our results further show that the positive effect of herbivores on plant growth via changes in soil properties is essential for plants to cope with a high grazing pressure. The strong effect of the soil legacy of reindeer grazing reveals that herbivores can have long‐lasting effects on plant productivity and ecosystem functioning after grazing has ceased.  相似文献   

植物叶片解剖结构随放牧强度的变化而发生变化。以短花针茅荒漠草原长期(19年)固定监测放牧样地为研究区,以建群种短花针茅叶片作为实验材料,测量不同放牧强度(对照(CK)、轻度放牧(LG)、中度放牧(MG)、重度放牧(HG))下短花针茅叶片保护组织、输导组织、机械组织、同化组织有关的14个解剖结构指标,分析短花针茅叶片解剖结构随长期不同放牧强度的变化,从生理角度探讨荒漠草原植物对长期放牧的适应及响应。研究结果表明:(1)叶片层次上,短花针茅通过增加其叶片横切面面积和叶厚度去适应放牧干扰;(2)保护组织方面,与对照区相比,重度放牧区角质层厚度增加,但未达到差异显著性(P>0.05),角质层厚度占叶厚度比例随放牧强度的增加整体呈增加趋势;(3)输导组织方面,木质部面积随放牧强度的增加呈下降趋势,而韧皮部面积、主导管面积、维管束面积等指标均随放牧强度的增加呈增加趋势,但没有达到显著性(P>0.05);(4)机械组织方面,厚壁组织面积和厚壁组织占叶面积比例均随放牧强度的增加呈增加趋势;(5)同化组织方面,随着放牧强度的增加,短花针茅叶片叶肉组织面积显著增加(P<0.05)。可见,...  相似文献   

This study explores the relationship between the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and aboveground plant biomass for tussock tundra vegetation and compares it to a previously established NDVI–biomass relationship for wet sedge tundra vegetation. In addition, we explore inter-annual variation in NDVI in both these contrasting vegetation communities. All measurements were taken across long-term experimental treatments in wet sedge and tussock tundra communities at the Toolik Lake Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) site, in northern Alaska. Over 15 years (for wet sedge tundra) and 14 years (for tussock tundra), N and P were applied in factorial experiments (N, P and N+P), air temperature was increased using greenhouses with and without N+P fertilizer, and light intensity was reduced by 50% using shade cloth. during the peak growing seasons of 2001, 2002, and 2003, NDVI measurements were made in both the wet sedge and tussock tundra experimental treatment plots, creating a 3-year time series of inter-annual variation in NDVI. We found that: (1) across all tussock experimental tundra treatments, NDVI is correlated with aboveground plant biomass (r 2=0.59); (2) NDVI–biomass relationships for tussock and wet sedge tundra communities are community specific, and; (3) NDVI values for tussock tundra communities are typically, but not always, greater than for wet sedge tundra communities across all experimental treatments. We suggest that differences between the response of wet sedge and tussock tundra communities in the same experimental treatments result from the contrasting degree of heterogeneity in species and functional types that characterize each of these Arctic tundra vegetation communities.  相似文献   

放牧胁迫下沙质草地植被的受损过程   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
通过在科尔沁沙地为期5a的放牧试验,分析探讨了过牧条件下沙质草地植被的受损过程。试验结果表明,持续过牧下,植被严重受损。其基本过程是,随着植物茎叶被大量啃食,草地群落盖度、高度和地上现存生物量急剧下降,连续过牧5a已分别较禁牧区低82.1%、94.0%和97.9%。但草地的净初级生产力(现存生物量 家畜采食量)下降幅度较小,第5年仍为禁牧的49.5%,而其被家畜啃食的净牧草量与现存生物量的比值高达23:1,远远高于中牧和轻牧的1:1和0.3:1水平。过牧下,物种丰富度、植物多样性和均匀度也急剧下降。第5年分别为禁牧区的35.0%、29.8%和45.9%,家畜喜食的多年生和1年生植物被不喜食的1年生植物所取代,劣质牧草比例达到86%,草地生活型趋于简单。随着地上净初级生产力的下降,地下生物量也趋于下降.根层分布浅层化。在这一退化过程的后期,由于地面裸露,风沙活动强烈,植被退化进程加速,这和草甸草原植被放牧所引起的退化存在明显区别。轻牧和中牧对草地群落盖度、高度和现存生物量也有很大影响.但试验期内对草地物种丰富度和植物多样性尚未产生明显影响。  相似文献   

Carmel  Yohay  Kadmon  Ronen 《Plant Ecology》1999,145(2):243-254
The dynamics of Mediterranean vegetation over 28 years was studied in the Northern Galilee Mountains, Israel, in order to identify and quantify the major factors affecting it at the landscape scale. Image analysis of historical and current aerial photographs was used to produce high resolution digital vegetation maps (pixel size = 30 cm) for an area of 4 km2 in the Galilee Mountains, northern Israel. GIS tools were used to produce corresponding maps of grazing regime, topographic indices and other relevant environmental factors. The effects of those factors were quantified using a multiple regression analyses. Major changes in the vegetation occurred during the period studied (1964–1992); tree cover increased from 2% in 1964 to 41% in 1992, while herbaceous vegetation cover decreased from 56% in 1964 to 24% in 1992. Grazing, topography and initial vegetation cover were found to significantly affect present vegetation patterns. Both cattle grazing and goat grazing reduced the rate of increase in tree cover, yet even intensive grazing did not halt the process. Grazing affected also the woody-herbaceous vegetation dynamics, reducing the expansion of woody vegetation. Slope, aspect, and the interaction term between these two factors, significantly affected vegetation pattern. Altogether, 56% and 72% of the variability in herbaceous and tree cover, respectively, was explained by the regression models. This study indicates that spatially explicit Mediterranean vegetation dynamics can be predicted with fair accuracy using few biologically important environmental variables.  相似文献   

放牧是草原牧区常见的人类活动,多年放牧对草原植被及土壤的碳过程产生较大的影响.本研究采集不同类型草原多年放牧前后植被及土壤样品,对室内碳同位素进行分析,研究了不同草原生态系统Δ13C(碳同位素分馏值)差异及其影响因素.结果表明: 放牧强度对植被Δ13C值的影响显著,0~5 cm表层土壤Δ13C值在放牧前后变化显著,而对深层土壤(>5 cm)影响不显著.多年放牧后大部分植被Δ13C值显著升高,高海拔地区升高的幅度较大.可见,放牧行为对不同草地生态系统类型、不同土壤深度以及不同海拔生态系统碳过程产生的影响差异显著.针对不同类型的草原,放牧应采取多样化的管理方式.  相似文献   

对围封13年且放牧的冷季高寒矮嵩草草甸,进行了从围栏入口到内部不同距离植被和土壤碳密度状况的调查.结果表明:1)入口到50 m植被现存碳密度平均为1298.0gC·m-2,60~180m有所下降(平均为997.3 g C·m-2),200~300 m反而升高(平均为1285.5 g C·m-2).当年净初级生产碳密度分布趋势与其相同,0~50 m、60 ~180 m和200~300 m平均分别为742.5、571.0和745.7 g C·m-2.这种分布趋势与放牧过程中绵羊觅食频度和强度有关.一般在中央地带放牧强度大,绵羊觅食时间长,边缘地带受围栏效应或围栏外环境因素影响,放牧强度相对较弱,一定程度上对植被生长发育起到了保护作用,使边缘地带植被碳密度得到提高.2)从围栏入口到草场内部土壤碳密度变化趋势表现复杂,入口到100 m增加,100~170 m减小,然后略有升高.土壤碳密度最高值出现在95 m处(15.42 g C·m-2),最低值出现在170 m处(14.12 gC· m-2).目前尚不清楚为何出现这种格局,但至少认为,土壤有机质的动态转化过程受多种因素影响,与植被碳密度相比具有一定的迟滞效应.具体如何影响有机质的动态转化及其迟滞效应,有待进一步研究.  相似文献   

Background: The occurrence of shrub patches, alternating with either bare soil or low herbaceous cover, is a common feature in arid and semi-arid shrublands throughout the world. This patchy pattern of vegetation may result from water limitation, modulated by plant interactions; grazing (offtake and tramping) by livestock may cause further patchiness vegetation structure.

Aims: We hypothesised that vegetation patchiness in the semi-arid shrublands of north-eastern Patagonia would be increased by livestock grazing, but not by positive interactions between adult plants of shrubs and grasses.

Methods: We compared vegetation cover and pattern at three grazing intensities (exclosure, light and heavy grazing) and measured the growth of a representative shrub and grass in the presence and absence of the other to quantify the role of plant-to-plant interactions and its interaction with grazing for vegetation structure.

Results: In the grazing exclosure and in moderately grazed areas, vegetation cover among shrub patches was larger, whereas the top cover of shrubs was lower than in the heavily grazed areas. We did not find any evidence of positive interactions between shrub and grass life forms.

Conclusions: Our results were consistent with the hypothesis that livestock grazing increased the formation of patchy vegetation cover in arid and semi-arid shrublands.  相似文献   

藏北高寒草地植被和土壤对不同放牧强度的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
靳茗茗  徐增让  成升魁 《生态学报》2020,40(23):8753-8762
放牧压力在时间和空间的不均衡分布导致局部土地过度利用和生态退化,然而当前对放牧强度的量化多采用替代性指标或对照试验,缺乏直接监测数据,也缺乏不同草地类型对放牧强度变化的响应差异性研究。以西藏自治区那曲市为研究区,利用佩戴式GPS牛羊定位器构建高精度放牧轨迹数据集模拟放牧强度,构建栅格尺度放牧强度空间分布和划分方法,结合草地群落样方调查,通过Duncan法(Duncan''s multiple comparative analysis)进行多重比较分析,探究自由放牧模式下高寒草甸和高寒草原两类区域植被和土壤对不同放牧强度的响应方式及差异性。本研究可为放牧行为环境效应监测提供新思路,并根据不同草地状况因地制宜提出放牧优化管理策略,助力高寒传统牧区的可持续发展。主要结论有:1)随着放牧强度的增大,高寒草原地上生物量先升高后降低,高强度放牧对高寒草原植被的影响大于高寒草甸。2)高放牧强度下,高寒草原土壤水分显著高于中低强度,高寒草甸土壤容重显著低于低强度。可能原因是放牧压力多集聚于水源附近。高寒草原区土壤的砂粒含量随放牧强度的增大而增加。放牧强度的增大导致草甸上层土壤有机质增加,草甸下层、草原上层、草原下层土壤有机质先增加后减小。草甸上下层土壤全磷含量在低放牧强度下显著低于中高强度。3)植被土壤变化受到自然因子和放牧活动的共同影响。高寒草甸更加耐牧,高强度放牧对高寒草原的负面影响更大,而中度放牧有利于草地尤其是高寒草原的放牧利用。4)放牧生态系统是一个环境-植物-家畜自适应系统。在放牧管理中不能仅通过控制载畜量缓解草地超载,还需要综合考虑生态系统的弹性及各营养级的适应性,合理配置放牧强度,控制季节性超载和局部超载。  相似文献   

A meadow dominated by a mature, flowering stand of Giant Hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum) was grazed by sheep in the years 1987–1993. After two years Giant Hogweed cover was much reduced and a typical meadow vegetation was established. By 1993 Giant Hogweed was completely eliminated though total species diversity was much reduced. Soil sampled from the grazed area developed no Giant Hogweed seedlings in a germination test and contained no viable seeds of the species. In contrast soil from adjacent stands produced numerous seedlings with a peak emergence from samples taken after the winter. Seeds collected in October showed a viability in tetrazolium test of 88%. Germination averaged 22% after storage at room temperature and 25% following three weeks treatment at –18°C. It was concluded that the persistence of Giant Hogweed seeds in Danish meadow soils is less than seven years.  相似文献   

Invasion by woody alien plants, construction, and mining operations are among the major disturbances degrading vegetation in the Cape Floristic Kingdom, South Africa. The aim of this study was to assess whether native fynbos shrubland vegetation could be restored following dense alien invasion and disturbance by mining. An area supporting dense alien trees was cleared and topsoil was stripped and stockpiled to simulate mining disturbance. A field trial investigated the effects of topsoil depth, seed mix application, and fertilizer on native species recruitment and vegetation development over a three‐year period. Soil‐stored seed banks contributed 60% of the species recruited, indicating that areas invaded for three decades have good restoration potential. The addition of a fynbos seed mix, which included serotinous overstory species, improved both the richness and structural composition of the vegetation. Most species sown in untopsoiled plots established, but survival and growth was low compared to topsoil plots. Poor growth in combination with a lack of soil seed bank species, indicate that restoring a diverse and functional cover of indigenous vegetation on subsoil is not possible in the short‐term. Soil amelioration is required to improve rooting conditions and initiate ecosystem processes. Shallow and deep topsoil treatments yielded high plant density, richness, and projected canopy cover, but canopy cover was higher in deep topsoil plots throughout the trial. Fertilizer addition increased canopy cover in untopsoiled and shallow topsoil plots via an increase in alien annual species. Fertilizer addition ultimately may lead to increased native vegetation cover in untopsoiled areas, but as it increased proteoid mortality on deep topsoil plots, it is not recommended for sites where topsoil is available. A species‐rich and structurally representative fynbos community may be restored on topsoiled areas provided that the native disturbance regime is simulated and seeds of major structural guilds not present in the soil seed bank are included in the seed mix.  相似文献   

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