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We study the invasion of a top predator into a food chain in a chemostat. For each trophic level, a bioenergetic model is used in which maintenance and energy reserves are taken into account. Bifurcation analysis is performed on the set of nonlinear ordinary differential equations which describe the dynamic behaviour of the food chain. In this paper, we analyse how the ability of a top predator to invade the food chain depends on the values of two control parameters: the dilution rate and the concentration of the substrate in the input. We investigate invasion by studying the long-term behaviour after introduction of a small amount of top predator. To that end we look at the stability of the boundary attractors; equilibria, limit cycles as well as chaotic attractors using bifurcation analysis. It will be shown that the invasibility criterion is the positiveness of the Lyapunov exponent associated with the change of the biomass of the top predator. It appears that the region in the control parameter space where a predator can invade increases with its growth rate. The resulting system becomes more resistant to further invasion when the top predator grows faster. This implies that short food chains with moderate growth rate of the top predator are liable to be invaded by fast growing invaders which consume the top predator. There may be, however, biological constraints on the top predator's growth rate. Predators are generally larger than prey while larger organisms commonly grow slower. As a result, the growth rate generally decreases with the trophic level. This may enable short food chains to be resistant to invaders. We will relate these results to ecological community assembly and the debate on the length of food chains in nature.  相似文献   

Basic Lotka-Volterra type models in which mutualism (a type of symbiosis where the two populations benefit both) is taken into account, may give unbounded solutions. We exclude such behaviour using explicit mass balances and study the consequences of symbiosis for the long-term dynamic behaviour of a three species system, two prey and one predator species in the chemostat. We compose a theoretical food web where a predator feeds on two prey species that have a symbiotic relationships. In addition to a species-specific resource, the two prey populations consume the products of the partner population as well. In turn, a common predator forages on these prey populations. The temporal change in the biomass and the nutrient densities in the reactor is described by ordinary differential equations (ODE). Since products are recycled, the dynamics of these abiotic materials must be taken into account as well, and they are described by odes in a similar way as the abiotic nutrients. We use numerical bifurcation analysis to assess the long-term dynamic behaviour for varying degrees of symbiosis. Attractors can be equilibria, limit cycles and chaotic attractors depending on the control parameters of the chemostat reactor. These control parameters that can be experimentally manipulated are the nutrient density of the inflow medium and the dilution rate. Bifurcation diagrams for the three species web with a facultative symbiotic association between the two prey populations, are similar to that of a bi-trophic food chain; nutrient enrichment leads to oscillatory behaviour. Predation combined with obligatory symbiotic prey-interactions has a stabilizing effect, that is, there is stable coexistence in a larger part of the parameter space than for a bi-trophic food chain. However, combined with a large growth rate of the predator, the food web can persist only in a relatively small region of the parameter space. Then, two zero-pair bifurcation points are the organizing centers. In each of these points, in addition to a tangent, transcritical and Hopf bifurcation a global heteroclinic bifurcation is emanating. This heteroclinic cycle connects two saddle equilibria where the predator is absent. Under parameter variation the period of the stable limit cycle goes to infinity and the cycle tends to the heteroclinic cycle. At this global bifurcation point this cycle breaks and the boundary of the basin of attraction disappears abruptly because the separatrix disappears together with the cycle. As a result, it becomes possible that a stable two-nutrient–two-prey population system becomes unstable by invasion of a predator and eventually the predator goes extinct together with the two prey populations, that is, the complete food web is destroyed. This is a form of over-exploitation by the predator population of the two symbiotic prey populations. When obligatory symbiotic prey-interactions are modelled with Liebigs minimum law, where growth is limited by the most limiting resource, more complicated types of bifurcations are found. This results from the fact that the Jacobian matrix changes discontinuously with respect to a varying parameter when another resource becomes most limiting.Revised version: 21 July 2003  相似文献   

We present a complete parametric analysis of a predator–prey system influenced by a top predator. We study ecosystems with abundant nutrient supply for the prey where the prey multiplication can be considered as proportional to its density. The main questions we examine are the following: (1) Can the top predator stabilize such a system at low densities of prey? (2) What possible dynamic behaviors can occur? (3) Under which conditions can the top predation result in the system stabilization? We use a system of two nonlinear ordinary differential equations with the density of the top predator as a parameter. The model is investigated with methods of qualitative theory of ODEs and the theory of bifurcations. The existence of 12 qualitatively different types of dynamics and complex structure of the parametric space are demonstrated. Our studies of phase portraits and parametric diagrams show that a top predator can be an important factor leading to stabilization of the predator-prey system with abundant nutrient supply. Although the model here is applied to the plankton communities with fish (or carnivorous zooplankton) as the top trophic level, the general form of the equations allows applications of our results to other ecological systems.  相似文献   

We propose a variant of the discrete Lotka–Volterra model for predator–prey interactions. A detailed stability and numerical analysis of the model are presented to explore the long time behaviour as each of the control parameter is varied independently. We show how the condition for survival of the predator depends on the natural death rate of predator and the efficiency of predation. The model is found to support different dynamical regimes asymptotically including predator extinction, stable fixed point and limit cycle attractors for co-existence of predator and prey and more complex dynamics involving chaotic attractors. We are able to locate exactly the domain of chaos in the parameter plane using a dimensional analysis.  相似文献   

Intraguild predation (IGP) is a combination of competition and predation which is the most basic system in food webs that contains three species where two species that are involved in a predator/prey relationship are also competing for a shared resource or prey. We formulate two intraguild predation (IGP: resource, IG prey and IG predator) models: one has generalist predator while the other one has specialist predator. Both models have Holling-Type I functional response between resource-IG prey and resource-IG predator; Holling-Type III functional response between IG prey and IG predator. We provide sufficient conditions of the persistence and extinction of all possible scenarios for these two models, which give us a complete picture on their global dynamics. In addition, we show that both IGP models can have multiple interior equilibria under certain parameters range. These analytical results indicate that IGP model with generalist predator has “top down” regulation by comparing to IGP model with specialist predator. Our analysis and numerical simulations suggest that: (1) Both IGP models can have multiple attractors with complicated dynamical patterns; (2) Only IGP model with specialist predator can have both boundary attractor and interior attractor, i.e., whether the system has the extinction of one species or the coexistence of three species depending on initial conditions; (3) IGP model with generalist predator is prone to have coexistence of three species.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a three-level (food–prey–predator) trophic food chain which includes consumer mutual interference (MIF). In contrast with other analyses, we consider the effect of both prey and predator MIF on the dynamics of a three-level trophic system. MIF is generally considered to exert a stabilizing effect on population dynamics based on the predator–prey model. However, results from analytical and numerical simulations utilizing a simple three-species food chain model suggest that while the addition of prey MIF to the model provides a stabilizing influence, as the chaotic dynamics collapse to a stable steady state, adding only predator MIF to the model can only stabilize the system at intermediate MIF values. The three-species trophic food chain is also stabilized when combination of both prey and predator MIF is added to the model. Our work serves to provide insight into the effects of MIF in the real world.  相似文献   

Extinction of top-predator in a three-level food-chain model   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
 In this paper we extend the Lyapunov functions, constructed by A. Ardito and P. Ricciardi for predator–prey system [1], to the three level food chain models. We first consider a general three-level food-chain model. A criterion for the extinction of top predator will be given. Then we restrict our attentions to the case in which the prey is of logistic growth and predators have Holling’s type II functional responses. Received: 10 October 1997  相似文献   

We studied the joint evolution of predator body size and prey-size preference based on dynamic energy budget theory. The predators’ demography and their functional response are based on general eco-physiological principles involving the size of both predator and prey. While our model can account for qualitatively different predator types by adjusting parameter values, we mainly focused on ‘true’ predators that kill their prey. The resulting model explains various empirical observations, such as the triangular distribution of predator–prey size combinations, the island rule, and the difference in predator–prey size ratios between filter feeders and raptorial feeders. The model also reveals key factors for the evolution of predator–prey size ratios. Capture mechanisms turned out to have a large effect on this ratio, while prey-size availability and competition for resources only help explain variation in predator size, not variation in predator–prey size ratio. Predation among predators is identified as an important factor for deviations from the optimal predator–prey size ratio.  相似文献   

A study was made of the food web formed from a protozoon, two bacteria, and a glucose minimal medium in chemostat culture. The system was also divided into simpler parts, first by omitting the protozoon to obtain a competition system, and then by omitting one or the other of the bacteria to obtain two food chains. In the competition studies, one bacterium was displaced by the other at all holding times used. In the food chain studies, sustained oscillations of the population densities of predator and prey developed at short holding times, and then changed to damped oscillations at longer holding times. In addition, the level of residual glucose remained high at long holding times. A new model of microbial growth is necessary to explain these results. In the food web studies, predation of the protozoon on the two bacteria stabilized the competition between the latter and allowed their coexistence in the same habitat. Thus, Gause's principle was circumvented.  相似文献   

Facultative mutualism with populations interacting in a food chain is modeled by a system of four autonomous ordinary differential equations. Two cases are considered: mutualism with the prey and mutualism with the first predator. In both cases persistence and extinction criteria are developed in terms of the invariant flows on the boundaries.  相似文献   

We analyze a mathematical model of a simple food web consisting of one predator and two prey populations in a chemostat. Monod's model is employed for the dependence of the specific growth rates of the two prey populations on the concentration of the rate-limiting substrate and a generalization of Monod's model for the dependence of the specific growth rate of the predator on the concentrations of the prey populations. We use numerical bifurcation techniques to determine the effect of the operating conditions of the chemostat on the dynamics of the system and construct its operating diagram. Chaotic behavior resulting from successive period doublings is observed. Multistability phenomena of coexistence of steady and periodic states at the same operating conditions are also found.  相似文献   

Behavioural trophic cascades highlight the importance of indirect/risk effects in the maintenance of healthy trophic‐level links in complex ecosystems. However, there is limited understanding on how the loss of indirect top–down control can cascade through the food‐web to modify lower level predator–prey interactions. Using a reef fish food‐web, our study examines behavioural interactions among predators to assess how fear elicited by top‐predator cues (visual and chemical stimuli) can alter mesopredator behaviour and modify their interaction with resource prey. Under experimental conditions, the presence of any cue (visual, chemical, or both) from the top‐predator (coral trout Plectropomus leopardus) strongly restricted the distance swum, area explored and foraging activity of the mesopredator (dottyback Pseudochromis fuscus), while indirectly triggering a behavioural release of the resource prey (recruits of the damselfish Pomacentrus chrysurus). Interestingly, the presence of a large non‐predator species (thicklip wrasse Hemigymnus melapterus) also mediated the impact of the mesopredator on prey, as it provoked mesopredators to engage in an ‘inspection’ behaviour, while significantly reducing their feeding activity. Our study describes for the first time a three‐level behavioural cascade of coral reef fish and stresses the importance of indirect interactions in marine food‐webs.  相似文献   

Ecological consequences of global bifurcations in some food chain models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Food chain models of ordinary differential equations (ode’s) are often used in ecology to gain insight in the dynamics of populations of species, and the interactions of these species with each other and their environment. One powerful analysis technique is bifurcation analysis, focusing on the changes in long-term (asymptotic) behaviour under parameter variation. For the detection of local bifurcations there exists standardised software, but until quite recently most software did not include any capabilities for the detection and continuation of global bifurcations. We focus here on the occurrence of global bifurcations in four food chain models, and discuss the implications of their occurrence. In two stoichiometric models (one piecewise continuous, one smooth) there exists a homoclinic bifurcation, that results in the disappearance of a limit cycle attractor. Instead, a stable positive equilibrium becomes the global attractor. The models are also capable of bistability. In two three-dimensional models a Shil’nikov homoclinic bifurcation functions as the organising centre of chaos, while tangencies of homoclinic cycle-to-cycle connections ‘cut’ the chaotic attractors, which is associated with boundary crises. In one model this leads to extinction of the top predator, while in the other model hysteresis occurs. The types of ecological events occurring because of a global bifurcation will be categorized. Global bifurcations are always catastrophic, leading to the disappearance or merging of attractors. However, there is no 1-on-1 coupling between global bifurcation type and the possible ecological consequences. This only emphasizes the importance of including global bifurcations in the analysis of food chain models.  相似文献   

In food chain models the lowest trophic level is often assumed to grow logistically. Anomalous behaviour of the solution of the logistic equation and problems with the introduction of mortality have recently been reported. As predation on the lowest trophic level is a kind of mortality, one expects problems with these food chain models. In this paper we compare two formulations for the lowest trophic level: the logistic growth formulation and the mass balance formulation with resources modelled explicitly. We examine the effects of both models on the dynamic behaviour of a tri-trophic microbial food chain in a chemostat. For this purpose bifurcation diagrams, which give the existence and stability of the equilibria of the nonlinear dynamic system, are used. It turns out that the dynamic behaviours differ in a rather large region of the control parameter space spanned by the dilution rate and the concentration of the resources in the reservoir. We urge that mass balance equations should be used in modelling food chains in chemostats as well as in ecosystems.  相似文献   

The relationship between food web complexity and stability has been the subject of a long-standing debate in ecology. Although rapid changes in the food web structure through adaptive foraging behavior can confer stability to complex food webs, as reported by Kondoh (Science 299:1388–1391, 2003), the exact mechanisms behind this adaptation have not been specified in previous studies; thus, the applicability of such predictions to real ecosystems remains unclear. One mechanism of adaptive foraging is evolutionary change in genetically determined prey use. We constructed individual-based models of evolution of prey use by predators assuming explicit population genetics processes, and examined how this evolution affects the stability (i.e., the proportion of species that persist) of the food web and whether the complexity of the food web increased the stability of the prey–predator system. The analysis showed that the stability of food webs decreased with increasing complexity regardless of evolution of prey use by predators. The effects of evolution on stability differed depending on the assumptions made regarding genetic control of prey use. The probabilities of species extinctions were associated with the establishment or loss of trophic interactions via evolution of the predator, indicating a clear link between structural changes in the food web and community stability.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the dynamics of biomass in a marine ecosystem. A stochastic process is defined in which organisms undergo jumps in body size as they catch and eat smaller organisms. Using a systematic expansion of the master equation, we derive a deterministic equation for the macroscopic dynamics, which we call the deterministic jump-growth equation, and a linear Fokker–Planck equation for the stochastic fluctuations. The McKendrick–von Foerster equation, used in previous studies, is shown to be a first-order approximation, appropriate in equilibrium systems where predators are much larger than their prey. The model has a power-law steady state consistent with the approximate constancy of mass density in logarithmic intervals of body mass often observed in marine ecosystems. The behaviours of the stochastic process, the deterministic jump-growth equation, and the McKendrick–von Foerster equation are compared using numerical methods. The numerical analysis shows two classes of attractors: steady states and travelling waves.  相似文献   

A central issue in predator–prey interactions is how predator associated chemical cues affect the behaviour and life history of prey. In this study, we investigated how growth and behaviour during ontogeny of a damselfly larva (Coenagrion hastulatum) in high and low food environments was affected by the diet of a predator (Aeshna juncea). We reared larvae in three different predator treatments; no predator, predator feeding on conspecifics and predator feeding on heterospecifics. We found that, independent of food availability, larvae displayed the strongest anti-predator behaviours where predators consumed prey conspecifics. Interestingly, the effect of predator diet on prey activity was only present early in ontogeny, whereas late in ontogeny no difference in prey activity between treatments could be found. In contrast, the significant effect of predator diet on prey spatial distribution was unaffected by time. Larval size was affected by both food availability and predator diet. Larvae reared in the high food treatment grew larger than larvae in the low food treatment. Mean larval size was smallest in the treatment where predators consumed prey conspecifics, intermediate where predators consumed heterospecifics and largest in the treatment without predators. The difference in mean larval size between treatments is probably an effect of reduced larval feeding, due to behavioural responses to chemical cues associated with predator diet. Our study suggests that anti-predator responses can be specific for certain stages in ontogeny. This finding shows the importance of considering where in its ontogeny a study organism is before results are interpreted and generalisations are made. Furthermore, this finding accentuates the importance of long-term studies and may have implications for how results generated by short-term studies can be used.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider an interaction of prey and predator species where prey species have the ability of group defence. Thresholds, equilibria and stabilities are determined for the system of ordinary differential equations. Taking carrying capacity as a bifurcation parameter, it is shown that a Hopf bifurcation can occur implying that if the carrying capacity is made sufficiently large by enrichment of the environment, the model predicts the eventual extinction of the predator providing strong support for the so-called ‘paradox of enrichment’.  相似文献   

Traits affecting ecological interactions can evolve on the same time scale as population and community dynamics, creating the potential for feedbacks between evolutionary and ecological dynamics. Theory and experiments have shown in particular that rapid evolution of traits conferring defense against predation can radically change the qualitative dynamics of a predator–prey food chain. Here, we ask whether such dramatic effects are likely to be seen in more complex food webs having two predators rather than one, or whether the greater complexity of the ecological interactions will mask any potential impacts of rapid evolution. If one prey genotype can be well-defended against both predators, the dynamics are like those of a predator–prey food chain. But if defense traits are predator-specific and incompatible, so that each genotype is vulnerable to attack by at least one predator, then rapid evolution produces distinctive behaviors at the population level: population typically oscillate in ways very different from either the food chain or a two-predator food web without rapid prey evolution. When many prey genotypes coexist, chaotic dynamics become likely. The effects of rapid evolution can still be detected by analyzing relationships between prey abundance and predator population growth rates using methods from functional data analysis.  相似文献   

Arditi and Ginzburg (2012) propose ordinary differential equations (ODEs) with ratio-dependent functional responses as the new null model for predation, based on their earlier work on ratio-dependent food chains and a number of functional response measurements. Here, I discuss some of their claims, arguing for a flexible and problem-driven approach to predator–prey modeling. Models to understand population cycles and models to predict the effect of basal enrichment on food chains need not be the same. While ratio-dependent functional responses in ODE models might sometimes be useful as limit cases for food chains, they are not intrinsically more useful than prey-dependent models to understand the effect of a given predator on prey population dynamics—and sometimes less useful, given the small temporal scales considered in many models. “Instantism” is showed to be an invalid criticism when ODEs are interpreted as describing average trajectories of stochastic birth–death processes. Moreover, other modeling frameworks with strong ties to time series statistics, such as stochastic difference equations, should be promoted to improve the feedback loop between field and theoretical research. The main problems of current trophic ecology do not lie in a wrong null model, as ecologists have already several at their disposal. The loose connection of ODE models with empirical data and spatial/temporal scaling up of empirical measurements constitute more serious challenges to our understanding of trophic interactions and their consequences on ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

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