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The thermal fluctuations of a regular double helix belonging to the B-family were studied by means of atom-atomic potentials method. The winding angle fluctuation was found to be 2.4 degrees for poly(dA):poly(dT) and 3.0 degrees for poly(dG):poly(dC). The reasonable agreement of these estimations with those obtained experimentally reveals the essential role of the small-amplitude torsional vibrations of atoms in the mechanism of the double helix flexibility. The calculated equilibrium winding angle, tau 0, essentially depends on the degree of neutralization of phosphate groups, being about 35.5 degrees for the full neutralization. The deoxyribose pucker is closely related to the tau angle: while tau proceeds from 30 degrees to 45 degrees the pseudorotation phase angle, P, increases from 126 degrees to 164 degrees. Fluctuations of the angles TL and TW, which specify inclination of the bases to the helix axis, were evaluated to be 5 degrees-10 degrees. Possible correlation between conformational changes in the adjacent nucleotides is discussed.  相似文献   

HMGB proteins are abundant, non-histone proteins in eukaryotic chromatin. HMGB proteins contain one or two conserved “HMG boxes” and can be sequence-specific or nonspecific in their DNA binding. HMGB proteins cause strong DNA bending and bind preferentially to deformed DNAs. We wish to understand how HMGB proteins increase the apparent flexibility of non-distorted B-form DNA. We test the hypothesis that HMGB proteins bind transiently, creating an ensemble of distorted DNAs with rapidly interconverting conformations. We show that binding of B-form DNA by HMGB proteins is both weak and transient under conditions where DNA cyclization is strongly enhanced. We also detect novel complexes in which HMGB proteins simultaneously bind more than one DNA duplex.  相似文献   

Normal vibrational analysis was carried out for DNA molecules in both A and B conformations as well as for A-RNA. A simplified backbone model was examined and expanded to include the backbone phosphate-group and the ribose ring. We applied the new force-constant refinement procedure discussed in the preceeding paper [Van Zandt, L. L., Lu, K.-C. & Prohofsky, E. W. (1977) Biopolymers, 16 , 2481–90] to fit some observed frequencies in the Raman spectra for all three nucleic acids with the same set of force constants. The results indicate that the observed frequency shift can be attributed to the conformational change solely. We ignored the second-order differences in force constants for the different geometries. The agreement between the observed and calculated frequencies derived from the final refined set of force constants is good and apparently justifies this assumption. Two modes previously assigned to the symmetric diester O-P-O stretch and the symmetric dioxy O‥P‥O stretch are actually fitted. They are mainly backbone phosphate-group modes. The refined ribose-ring force-constants were transferred to the calculation of the vibrational spectrum of tetrahydrofuran. The overall agreement is again good. We discuss these calculations and the resulting normal modes. We also discuss the application of the Green-function refinement scheme and several strategies adopted to bias the convergence of the procedure.  相似文献   

Left handed duplexes are shown to be in agreement with the X-ray intensity data of A-, B- and D-forms of DNA. The structures are stereochemically satisfactory because they were obtained following a stereochemical guideline derived from theory and single crystal structure data of nucleic acid components. The same stereochemical guideline also led to right handed duplexes for B- and D-forms of DNA which have stereochemically preferred conformation and hence are superior to those given by Arnott and coworkers10,11.  相似文献   

The synthetic DNA oligomer C-G-C-G-C-G-T-T-T-T-C-G-C-G-C-G crystallizes as a Z-DNA hexamer, capped at one end by a T4 loop. The crystals are monoclinic, space group C2, with a = 57.18 A, b = 21.63 A, c = 36.40 A, beta = 95.22 degrees, and one hairpin molecule per asymmetric unit. The structure of the z-hexamer stem was determined by molecular replacement, and the T4 loop was positioned by difference map methods. The final R factor at 2.1 A resolution for hairpin plus 70 water molecules is 20% for 2 sigma data, with a root-mean-square error of 0.26 A. The (C-G)3 stem resembles the free Z-DNA hexamer with minor crystal packing effects. The T4 loop differs from that observed on a B-DNA stem in solution, or in longer loops in tRNA, in that it shows intraloop and intermolecular interactions rather than base stacking on the final base-pair of the stem. Bases T7, T8 and T9 stack with one another and with the sugar of T7. Two T10 bases from different molecules stack between the C1-G12 terminal base-pairs of a third and fourth molecule, to simulate a T.T "base-pair". Distances between thymine N and O atoms suggest that the two thymine bases are hydrogen bonded, and a keto-enol tautomer pair is favored over disordered keto-keto wobble pairs. The hairpin molecules pack in the crystal in herringbone columns in a manner that accounts well for the observed relative crystal growth rates in a, b and c directions. Hydration seems to be most extensive around the phosphate groups, with lesser hydration within the grooves.  相似文献   

We present a systematic study of B-DNA flexibility in aqueous solution using long-scale molecular dynamics simulations with the two more recent versions of nucleic acids force fields (CHARMM27 and parmbsc0) using four long duplexes designed to contain several copies of each individual base pair step. Our study highlights some differences between pambsc0 and CHARMM27 families of simulations, but also extensive agreement in the representation of DNA flexibility. We also performed additional simulations with the older AMBER force fields parm94 and parm99, corrected for non-canonical backbone flips. Taken together, the results allow us to draw for the first time a consensus molecular dynamics picture of B-DNA flexibility.  相似文献   

Sequence-dependent anisotropic flexibility of B-DNA. A conformational study   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Bending flexibility of the six tetrameric duplexes was investigated d(AAAA):d(TTTT), d(AATT)2, d(TTAA)2, d(GGGG):d(CCCC), d(GGCC)2 and d(CCGG)2,. The tetramers were extended in the both directions by regular double helices. The stiffness of the B-DNA double helix when bent into the both grooves proved to be less than that in the perpendicular direction by an order of magnitude. Such an anisotropy is a property of the sugar-phosphate backbone structure. The calculated fluctuations of the DNA bending along the dyad axis, 5-7 degree, are in agreement with experimental value of the DNA persistence length. Anisotropy of the double helix is sequence-dependent: most easily bent into the minor groove are the tetramers with purine-pyrimidine dimer (RY) in the middle. In contrast, YR dinucleotides prefer bending into the major groove. Moreover, they have an equilibrium bend of 6-12 degree into this groove. The above inequality is caused by stacking interaction of the bases. The bend in the central dimer is distributed to some extent between the adjacent links, though the main fraction of the bend remains within the central link. Variation of the sugar-phosphate geometry in the bent helix is inessential, so that DNA remains within the B-family of forms: namely, when the helical axis is bent by 20 degree. the backbone dihedral angles vary by no more than 15 degree. The obtained results are in accord with x-ray structure of the B-DNA dodecamer; they further substantiate our early model of DNA wrapping in the nucleosome by means of "mini-kinks" separated by a half-pitch of the double helix, i.e. by 5-6 b.p. Sequence-dependent anisotropy of DNA presumably dictates the three-dimensional structure of DNA in solution as well. We have found that nonrandom allocation of YR dimers leads to the systematic bends in equilibrium structure of certain DNA fragments.  相似文献   

A statistical mechanical model taking into account the symmetric twisting, tilting, sliding fluctuations and asymmetric rolling fluctuations has been proposed to predict the macroscopic curvature and flexibility of B-DNA. Based on the statistical data of structural parameters of double helix in nucleic acid database and the related theoretical analysis, the equilibrium angular parameters (Omega, rho and tau) describing the orientation of successive base-pair planes, the translation parameters (D(y)) along the long axis of neighboring base-pair step and the corresponding force constants are arranged for ten dimers appropriately. Under the assumption of independent angular parameters, independent base-pair steps and a simple energy function, we can calculate the macroscopic curvature and the flexibility of DNA sequences through the transformation matrix and the Boltzmann ensemble average. The predictions on curvature and flexibility of DNA have been compared with the corresponding experimental data. The agreement is remarkably good. It is demonstrated that the lowering of the temperature does increase the DNA curvature.  相似文献   

Some structural insights into the conformations of the isonucleosides containing duplexes have been provided. Unrestrained molecular-dynamics simulations on 18-mer duplexes with isonucleosides incorporated at the 3'-end or in the center of one strand have been carried out with explicit solvent under periodic boundary conditions using the AMBER force field and the particle mesh Ewald method. The Watson–Crick hydrogen-bonding patterns of the duplexes studied remained intact throughout the simulation. For the modified duplexes, the changes observed in the inter-base pair parameters and backbone torsional angles were primarily localized at the isonucleoside-inserted area. All five structures studied remained in the B-form family. The decreased stacking abilities indicated by the large changes in inter-base pair parameters and the large changes in backbones made the modified duplexes show a minor thermal destabilization in comparison with native DNA. The MM_PBSA method for estimating binding free energies on two complementary strands was used. The results showed that the binding free energies of isonucleoside-incorporated DNA duplexes were lower than the native DNA duplex, which is in good agreement with experimental observations.   相似文献   

The sequence-dependent structure of DNA double helices was studied extensively during the past 10 years. How the backbone structure correlates with the base structure in a duplex conformation is still an important yet open question. Using a set of reduced coordinates and a least-squares fitting procedure, we have developed a method to predict structures for B-DNA duplexes based on coordinates of the phosphorus atoms. This method can be used to predict all-atom structures for both bent and straight molecules. We estimated the accuracies of the predictions by studying a set of 10 oligonucleotides with their structures available from the Protein Data Bank. We used this method to construct a modeled structure for the bacteriophage lambda cro operator for which the phosphorus coordinates were known from 3.5-angstrum resolution crystal data (4CRO).  相似文献   

The affinity and specificity of a ligand for its DNA site is a function of the conformational changes between the isolated and complexed states. Although the structures of a hydroxypyrrole-imidazole-pyrrole polyamide dimer with 5'-CCAGTACTGG-3' and the trp repressor recognizing the sequence 5'-GTACT-3' are known, the baseline conformation of the DNA site would contribute to our understanding of DNA recognition by these ligands. The 0.74 A resolution structure of a B-DNA double helix, 5'-CCAGTACTGG-3', has been determined by X-ray crystallography. Six of the nine phosphates, two of four bound calcium ions and networks of water molecules hydrating the oligonucleotide have alternate conformations. By contrast, nine of the ten bases have a single, unique conformation with hydrogen atoms visible in most cases. The polyamide molecules alter the geometry of the phosphodiester backbone, and the water molecules mediating contacts in the trp repressor/operator complex are conserved in the unliganded DNA. Furthermore, the multiple conformational states, ions and hydration revealed by this ultrahigh resolution structure of a B-form oligonucleotide are potentially general considerations for understanding DNA-binding affinity and specificity by ligands.  相似文献   

The dynamics and stability of four DNA duplexes are studied by means of molecular dynamics simulations. The four molecules studied are combinations of 4, 15 bases long, single-stranded oligomers, F1, F2, F3, and F4. The sequence of these single strand oligomers are chosen such that F1-F2 and F3-F4 form parallel (ps) DNA double helices, whereas F1-F4 and F2-F3 form antiparallel-stranded (aps) DNA double helices. Simulations were done at low (100 K) and room (300 K) temperatures. At low temperatures the dynamics are quasi-harmonic and the analysis of the trajectories gives good estimates of the low frequency vibrational modes and density of states. These are used to estimate the linear (harmonic) contribution of local fluctuations to the configurational entropy of the systems. Estimates of the differences in enthalpy between ps and aps duplexes show that aps double helices are more stable than the corresponding ps duplexes, in agreement with experiments. At higher temperatures, the distribution of the fluctuations around the average structures are multimodal and estimates of the configurational entropy cannot be obtained. The multi-basin, nonlinear character of the dynamics at 300 K is established using a novel method which extracts large amplitude nonlinear motions from the molecular dynamics trajectories. Our analysis shows that both ps DNA exhibit much larger fluctuations than the two aps DNA. The large fluctuations of ps DNA are explained in terms of correlated transitions in the beta, epsilon, and zeta backbone dihedral angles.  相似文献   

A detailed theoretical study has been made for five antibiotics which all bind selectively to AT sequences in the minor groove of B-DNA: SN-18071, NSC-101327, distamycin-2, distamycin-3 and netropsin. The optimal complexes were found for systems in which the flexibility of DNA, as well as that of the antibiotics, was taken into account. Explicit, mobile counterions and a dielectric function modelling aqueous solution were also included. The binding geometries of the most strongly interacting antibiotics, distamycin-3 and netropsin, are compared in considerable detail and it is shown that notable differences exist between them. The results for netropsin are also discussed in the light of recent disagreements concerning its exact binding location within DNA.  相似文献   

The configurational behaviour of flexible helices of right handed B- and left handed Z-types have been analysed using statistical mechanical procedures. The configuration-dependent parameter, most importantly, the persistence length has been computed, using the heminucleotide scheme of treating polynucleotide chains under the approximation that perturbations in the backbone torsions produce sufficient flexibility in these helices. The values of persistence lengths obtained for Z-helices are very much higher than that of B-helices indicating that former is less flexible compared to the latter. These are in accordance with the results obtained recently on B- and Z-forms of poly(dG-dC). (dG-dC) using light scattering studies. Also the persistence lengths of BII-DNA helices characterised by a skew 3'-hemiucleotide (ε-270°), and also when they coexist with B-DNA have been computed and the values lie within the range of experimentally reported values on B-helices. It is argued that the decrease in the persistence length values of B-DNA at higher salt concentration is due to additional small fluctuations in sugar residue torsions induced due to neutralisation of electrostatic repulsions between adjacent phosphates of the nucleotide. Noteworthy is that these are correlated to winding angle variations and the consequent bending of the helix. Contribution No. 659.  相似文献   

The distributions of different cations around A-RNA are computed by Poisson-Boltzmann (PB) equation and replica exchange molecular dynamics (MD). Both the nonlinear PB and size-modified PB theories are considered. The number of ions bound to A-RNA, which can be measured experimentally, is well reproduced in all methods. On the other hand, the radial ion distribution profiles show differences between MD and PB. We showed that PB results are sensitive to ion size and functional form of the solvent dielectric region but not the solvent dielectric boundary definition. Size-modified PB agrees with replica exchange molecular dynamics much better than nonlinear PB when the ion sizes are chosen from atomistic simulations. The distribution of ions 14 Å away from the RNA central axis are reasonably well reproduced by size-modified PB for all ion types with a uniform solvent dielectric model and a sharp dielectric boundary between solvent and RNA. However, this model does not agree with MD for shorter distances from the A-RNA. A distance-dependent solvent dielectric function proposed by another research group improves the agreement for sodium and strontium ions, even for shorter distances from the A-RNA. However, Mg2+ distributions are still at significant variances for shorter distances.  相似文献   

A theoretical modelling of the interaction of putrescine (H3+N-(CH2)4-(+NH3) with DNA is carried out, introducing two new features which make the simulation of this interaction considerably more realistic. Firstly, the DNA to which putrescine is bound is fully flexible and thus able to respond to the distorting influence of the ligand. Secondly, the effect of changing the ratio of DNA base pairs per bound ligand is explicitly modelled. In this way, we have been able to confirm the experimentally known preference of putrescine binding with AT base pairs in B-DNA, but we also show, through the new features introduced, that the nature of the binding site of the ligand and the resulting impact on DNA conformation is strongly modified by the ligand binding density.  相似文献   

The electrostatic potential of B-DNA   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
B Jayaram  K A Sharp  B Honig 《Biopolymers》1989,28(5):975-993
Electrostatic potentials around DNA are obtained by solving the nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann (PB) equation. The detailed charge distribution of the DNA and the different polarizabilities of the macromolecule and solvent are included explicitly in the calculations. The PB equation is solved using extensions of a finite difference approach applied previously to proteins. Electrical potentials and ion concentrations are compared to those obtained with simpler models. It is found that the shape of the dielectric boundary between the macromolecule and solvent has significant effects on the calculated potentials near the surface, particularly in the grooves. Sequence-specific patterns are found, the most surprising result being the existence of positive regions of potential near the bases in both the major and minor grooves. The effect of solvent and ionic atmosphere screening of phosphate-phosphate repulsions is studied, and an effective dielectric function, appropriate for molecular mechanics simulations, is derived.  相似文献   

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