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According to the rule of academican E. N. Pavlovskiy, any organism of host is an environment of inhabit for a parasite (Pavlovskiy, 1934). It was analysed, which "ecological niche" or microbiotop (= microhabitat) is occupied by this or that species of symbiotic (parasitic) copepods in organisms of different groups invertebrate-hosts. The assumption lying in a basis of the given analysis means that each group of hosts may give to cohabitants only certain variants of microbiotopes independently on the general morphological structure and life mode of hosts. Five types of microbiotops offered by various groups of hosts for symbiotic copepods are designated (Ta[symbol: see text] 2). 1. The body surface of benthic invertebrates as a microbiotope is characterized by conditions being little different (concerning any kind of physical and chemical influences on copepods) from those in external environment on any other substrate. Apparently a trophical dependence plays a determining role in this case. There are certain directions in a development of adaptations, which are characteristic in some extent for all water ectoparasitic crustaceans and have one functional task--to help to an ectoparasite to keep itself on a surface of host body. In the first, the maxillules and maxillipeds significantly are developed, they get a form of large claws, with which the dopepods are strongly attached on a surface of host body and have an opportunity to move on it without a danger to be washed off. In the second, the form of the body undergoes a dorso-ventral expression and expansion of prosome, forms a cephalic shield allowing to the symbiont to press itself tightly to the host body surface and to avoid the loss of host (tab. 2). In occasions, some ectoparasites stimulate the formation of galls in skin tissues of the host, that also provides the parasite with constant conditions, without any threat to lose the host. However, this phenomenon has not a wide distribution and is observed in some groups of crustacean and echinoderm hosts. 2. The narrow tubular cavities in the organism of host either they are a part of external environment (as in channel system of spongia) or a part of internal environment of organism (as channels of blood system or thin parts of a digestive system) have always rigidly limited sizes and form. Characteristics of all parasites occupying this microbiotopes are the strong transformations. They are expressed by the reduction of legs or any other appendages (frequently in a significant degree), loss of segmentation to some extent and in eruciform (or vermiform) form of a body (tab. 2). This microbiotope is occupied by an ectoparasite in one case only (Spongicola uncifer from channel system of spongia) and by endoparasites in all other cases. 3. Large cavities connected with external environment. The formations of various genesis, such as mantle cavity of molluscs, gill cavity and marsupium of crustaceans, bursal cavity of ophiuroids and branchial cavity of ascidians, concern this type of microbiotopes. All of them are characterized by the relative difference from the external environment and rather large volume (in comparison to sizes of copepods), that provides the parasites with a sufficient protection from factors of the external environment and constant source of food such as elements of host body or food's particles brought by the water flow. Morphological changes in inhabitants of the microbiotope have two directions. They practically are absent in the overwhelming majority copepods, living in the mantle of cavity of the lamellibranches. On the other hand, the inhabitants of gill cavity and marsupium of crustaceans, bursal cavities of ophiuroids and branchial cavity of ascidians are characterized by the presence of strong transformations. Usually there are expressed in a loss of segmentation to some extent, reduction of appendages and swelling of body, as in species of the genus Sphaeronella (tab. 2). Changes are also observed in the life cycle: the tendency to reduce stages of development (development of nauplii stage, which takes place under the ovarial cover). In this case the copepodid stages hatch from the ova. 4. The internal cavity of organism of host. This type of microbiotopes in different groups of the hosts is represented in a various degree. We recognise it in a coelome of polychaetes, lacunar system of molluscs, mixocoel of crustaceans, coelome of echinoderms and cavity of body in ascidians. Two basic evolutionary directions are observed in copepods occupying this microbiotope. In the first case, the parasite is not exposed to transformations and keeps the initial plan of structure as in ancestral free-living forms. In the second case the parasites are exposed to strong transformations, they either live directly in cavity's liquid, or are surrounded by a cyst (as in Cucumaricolidae). 5. Microbiotope of the last type is most specific. The simultaneous existence in two environments--external environment (environment of the second order) and internal environment (environment of the first order) leads to the complete loss of ancestral type in a structure and level of organisation. At the same time both morphological and functional division of the parasite body into two parts produces a new formation--the ectosome and endosome. In this case we deals with the phenomenon of mesoparasitism.  相似文献   


The cyclopoid copepod family Bradophilidae includes a few species of mesoparasitic copepods infecting flabelligerid polychaetes. It contains two species of Bradophila Levinsen, 1878, the type genus: B. pygmaea Levinsen, 1878 and B. minuta Boxshall, O’Reilly, Sikorski & Summerfield, 2019, both known from North Europe. Two other genera (i.e., Trophoniphila M’Intosh, 1885 and Flabellicola Gravier, 1918) have some affinities with this family including their host preference. Mesoparasitic copepods are highly specialized, morphologically reduced forms. Part of their body (endosoma) is partially lodged in the host body and the other part is external (ectosoma); both parts are connected by an intersomital stalk. Infection by these copepods can be readily detected by the presence of the egg-carrying ectosoma on the host external surface. From the analysis of flabelligerid polychaetes collected in 2012 from the Chukchi Sea, two ovigerous female individuals of a bradophilid copepod were recorded. These specimens were recognized as representative of an undescribed species of Bradophila. The new species, B. susanae n. sp., shows the generic diagnostic characters and differs from its two other known congeners in several respects, including the cuticular ectosomal ornamentation, body proportions, size of the intersomital stalk, position of the genital pore, and shape and arrangement of egg sacs. Also, the new species ectosomal size range (0.440 – 0.450 μm) falls between the size range of its two known congeners. Our finding expands the known host range of bradophilid copepods to include a new flabelligerid host, Bradabyssa nuda (Annenkova-Chlopina) from the Russsian Arctic region.


Infections with protozoan and helminthic parasites affect multiple organs in the mammalian host. Imaging pathogens in their natural environment takes a more holistic view on biomedical aspects of parasitic infections. Here, we focus on selected organs of the thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities most commonly affected by parasites. Parasitic infections of these organs are often associated with severe medical complications or have health implications beyond the infected individual. Intravital imaging has provided a more dynamic picture of the host–parasite interplay and contributed not only to our understanding of the various disease pathologies, but has also provided fundamental insight into the biology of the parasites.  相似文献   

The idea of parasitic systems, formulated by V.N. Beklemishev 70 years ago, represents a conceptual tool for the analysis of populational and biocoenotic roles of parasites. The questions concerning longterm stable persistence of host–parasite systems in communities can be discussed meaningfully only within this concept. Importantly, the set of terms elaborated within the parasitic system concept is applicable not only to parasitology, but also contributes to the general knowledge of life cycles of organisms and differences in the environment. This concept provides an opportunity for comprehensive analysis of systems, based on any type of stable biocoenotic interactions in the community (predation, commensalism, competition, etc.). Trematode-based parasitic systems, involving populations of intertidal mollusks of the genus Littorina, allow demonstrating how the strong “negative” effect of parasites on hosts at the individual level (complete parasitic castration) can be compensated at the population level. Such compensation functions as a prerequisite for maintaining long-term stable interactions between populations of parasites and their hosts within parasitic system (the ecosystem, biocoenotic level).  相似文献   

A total of 2494 Menidia beryllina and 717 M. peninsulae (Atherinidae) were examined from the Pensacola Bay area for parasitic copepods. M. peninsulae was infested with Bomolochus concinnus (Bomolochidae) and Ergasilus marticatus (Ergasilidae) and had incidences (and intensities) of 12.3% (1.6) and 4.2% (1.3), respectively. Only seven M. peninsulae were infested with both species of parasites. M. beryllina was infested only with E. manicatus and showed different incidences (and intensities) in two areas: Mulatto Bayou, 13.2% (1.9); Catfish Basin, 53.0% (2.3). Fishes with parasites were significantly longer than fishes without parasites and the case of increasing number of parasites with increasing fish length was reinforced. B. concinnus is a warm water parasite on M. peninsulae while E. manicatus acts as a cold water parasite on M. peninsulae and a warm water parasite on M. beryllina . The parasites tended to be overdispersed on their hosts but at the same time showed evidence of negative intraspecific associations within a host. These data suggest intraspecific avoidance by the parasite but active acquisition by the host.  相似文献   

极端的环境造就了南极独特的生物群体, 其中鱼类是南大洋生态系统中最具多样性的脊椎动物, 也是许多寄生虫的中间或终末宿主。南极鱼类寄生虫种类丰富, 是南大洋海洋生物多样性的重要组成部分。探究南极鱼类及其寄生虫的营养关系可为阐释南极海洋生态系统功能及其变动提供重要的生态数据。虽然关于南极鱼类寄生虫的研究已有一百多年的历史, 但这些研究主要集中在寄生虫的种类鉴定、区系调查和组织病理等方面。由于南极鱼类寄生虫研究跨度时间长、地域范围广, 相关研究较为零散。文章综述了南极鱼类寄生线虫、绦虫以及桡足类的种类组成、宿主范围和地理分布等方面的研究, 并对今后开展南极鱼类寄生虫研究工作提出了展望。  相似文献   

Abstract— A cladistic analysis of the eighteen species of Spanish mackerels (Scomberomorus) was conducted using the double-lined mackerel (Grammatorcynus) as the outgroup. Based on fifty-eight osteological and morphological characters, six species groups are recognized. Comparisons of the cladogram for the regalis species group were made with a cladogram of the nine species of parasitic copepods that infest the six members of the regalis group. Incongruences were analyzed. The parasite tree was then "forced" onto the host cladogram to determine which evolutionary events of the parasites could be explained by evolutionary events of the hosts. Hypotheses of coevolution are supported in some cases, hypotheses of dispersal are proposed in others.  相似文献   

Over the last 10 years - in Microbes and Infection - the publications dealing with protozoan parasites were mainly providing insights on the pathogenic processes leading to the local or systemic damages in the mammals, these parasitic organisms exploit/subvert as hosts. As a result, many investigators introduced the objectives of their analysis by referring to "host-pathogen" interactions. Though we, as investigators, are all determined to decipher the pathogenic processes which can indeed be coupled to the parasite uncontrolled development, I think that the parasites - alike the living organisms they subvert as hosts - need to be considered as living organisms per se, instead of being considered as "pathogens". Such a conceptual frame will promote research on the processes on which relies their perpetuation whatever the level under investigations - individual and/or population level. Only the unicellular protozoan parasites of the genus Leishmania known to be hosted by blood-feeding insects and mammals will be further considered in this brief contribution.  相似文献   

Trophically-transmitted parasites can affect intermediate host behaviors, resulting in spatial differences in parasite prevalence and distribution that shape the dynamics of hosts and their ecosystems. This variability may arise through differences in physical habitats or biological interactions between parasites and their hosts, and may occur on very fine spatial scales. Using a pseudophyllidean cestode (Schistocephalus solidus) and the threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) as a model parasite–host complex, we investigated the association of infection with host diet composition and stomach fullness in different habitats of two large lakes in southwest Alaska. To become infected, the fish must consume pelagic copepods infected with the parasite’s procercoid stage, so we predicted higher infection rates of fish in offshore habitats (where zooplankton are the primary prey) compared to fish from the littoral zone. Sticklebacks collected from the littoral and limnetic zones were assayed for parasites and their stomach contents were classified, counted, and weighed. Contrary to our prediction, permutational multivariate analysis of variance and principal components analysis revealed that threespine sticklebacks in the littoral zone, which consumed a generalist diet (pelagic zooplankton and benthic invertebrates), had higher parasite prevalence and biomass intensity than conspecifics in the limnetic zone, which consumed zooplankton. These results, consistent in two different lakes, suggest that differences in parasite prevalence between habitats may have been determined by a shift in host habitat due to infection, differential host mortality across habitats, differential procercoid prevalence in copepods across habitats, or a combination of the three factors. This paradoxical result highlights the potential for fine spatial variability in parasite abundance in natural systems.  相似文献   

Arising from annual variation in parasitic plant population densities, substantial yearly changes may occur in the parasitic load of an individual perennial host. We conducted two two-year greenhouse pot experiments to examine the effects of varying intensities and duration of infection by an annual root hemiparasitic plant. Rhinanthus serotinus, on the growth and reproduction of its perennial host grass. Agrostis capillaris. In the first experiment, one host plant was growing either alone or under a load of 1 or 3 root hemiparasitic plants for one growing season, and during the next season all hosts continued their life free of hemiparasites. In the second experiment, the host plants either grew alone or were parasitised by 1 or 2 root hemiparasitic plants either during the first growing season only or during two successive seasons (the parasitic load being the same in the two seasons). In both experiments, the root hemiparasites markedly reduced the growth and reproduction of their perennial hosts. In the first experiment, the negative effects of parasites on host performance increased with the increase in intensity of parasitic infection from one to three parasites. The harmful effects of hemiparasitim were carried over to the following season; hosts parasitised during the previous season with one or three parasites produced significantly less biomass than those without parasites. In addition, hosts parasitised by three parasites during the first season produced significantly less panicles in the second season than those parasitised by one parasite and those without parasites. The second experiment showed that the production of biomass of A. capillaris during the second season was, but the production of panicles was not affected by the duration of parasitic infection. In addition, in this experiment, the second season biomass of A. capillaris depended on the intensity of infection (1 vs 2 parasites), but the production of panicles was unaffected by the number of parasites.  相似文献   

Parasite environments are heterogeneous at different levels. The first level of variability is the host itself. The second level represents the external environment for the hosts, to which parasites may be exposed during part of their life cycle. Both levels are expected to affect parasite fitness traits. We disentangle the main and interaction effects of variation in the immediate host environment, here the diatom Asterionella formosa (variables host cell volume and host condition through herbicide pre-exposure) and variation in the external environment (variables host density and acute herbicide exposure) on three fitness traits (infection success, development time and reproductive output) of a chytrid parasite. Herbicide exposure only decreased infection success in a low host density environment. This result reinforces the hypothesis that chytrid zoospores use photosynthesis-dependent chemical cues to locate its host. At high host densities, chemotaxis becomes less relevant due to increasing chance contact rates between host and parasite, thereby following the mass-action principle in epidemiology. Theoretical support for this finding is provided by an agent-based simulation model. The immediate host environment (cell volume) substantially affected parasite reproductive output and also interacted with the external herbicide exposed environment. On the contrary, changes in the immediate host environment through herbicide pre-exposure did not increase infection success, though it had subtle effects on zoospore development time and reproductive output. This study shows that both immediate host and external environment as well as their interaction have significant effects on parasite fitness. Disentangling these effects improves our understanding of the processes underlying parasite spread and disease dynamics.  相似文献   

The analysis of population systems is carried out on the basis of the spatial and functional classification of populations developed by V.N. Beklemishev. The population system is a functional part of a particular community. Steady interrelationships between population systems of different species within the community (referred to as ”community links”) appear to be a prerequisite for the formation of a complex of population systems. A prominent example of this is the parasitic system. The parasitic system is the population system of a parasite with all the connected populations of its hosts. The complexity of a parasitic system depends on: (1) peculiarities of the life cycle of the parasite, since its population system is the organizing component of the parasitic system and (2) subdivision of the environment for the parasites. The first trait is discussed from the standpoint of the phase structure of populations, which is clearly seen in parasites. The second one comprises the organization of the parasites’ environment according to the scale of variability (interspecies, interpopulation or intrapopulation) of hosts. These make it possible to recognize spatial and functional parts in the framework of the parasitic system. A critical review of the terminology is presented together with a list of the pertaining vocabulary. Received: 15 January 1998 / Accepted: 15 October 1998  相似文献   

Successful invasions are largely explained by some combination of enemy release, where the invader escapes its natural enemies from its native range, and low biotic resistance, where native species in the introduced range fail to control the invader. We examined the extent to which parasites may mediate both release and resistance in the introduction of Pacific red lionfish (Pterois volitans) to Atlantic coral reefs. We found that fewer lionfish were parasitized at two regions in their introduced Atlantic range (The Bahamas and the Cayman Islands) than at two regions in their native Pacific range (the Northern Marianas Islands and the Philippines). This pattern was largely driven by relatively high infection rates of lionfish by didymozoan fluke worms and parasitic copepods (which may be host-specific to Pterois lionfishes) in the Marianas and the Philippines, respectively. When compared with sympatric, native fishes in the Atlantic, invasive lionfish were at least 18 times less likely to host a parasite in The Bahamas and at least 40 times less likely to host a parasite in the Cayman Islands. We found no indication that lionfish introduced Pacific parasites into the Atlantic. In conjunction with demographic signs of enemy release such as increased density, fish size, and growth of invasive lionfish, it is possible that escape from parasites may have contributed to the success of lionfish. This is especially true if future studies reveal that such a loss of parasites has led to more energy available for lionfish growth, reproduction, and/or immunity.  相似文献   

Cysteine proteases have been identified as promising targets for the development of antiparasitic chemotherapy. An attractive aspect of these enzymes is their widespread importance in both protozoan and helminth parasites of domestic animals and humans. Concerns about the ability to selectively inhibit parasite proteases without affecting host homologues have been addressed in recent studies of Trypanosoma cruzi and Plasmodium falciparum. Significant data on half-life, metabolism, pharmacokinetics and safety have been accumulated. Differential uptake of proteases by parasitic organisms versus host cells, and relatively less redundancy in parasite protease gene families, may be two factors which contribute to the successful treatment of animal models of infection.  相似文献   

Host manipulation is a common strategy by which parasites alter the behaviour of their host to enhance their own fitness. In nature, hosts are usually infected by multiple parasites. This can result in a conflict over host manipulation. Studies of such a conflict in experimentally infected hosts are rare. The cestode Schistocephalus solidus (S) and the nematode Camallanus lacustris (C) use copepods as their first intermediate host. They need to grow for some time inside this host before they are infective and ready to be trophically transmitted to their subsequent fish host. Accordingly, not yet infective parasites manipulate to suppress predation. Infective ones manipulate to enhance predation. We experimentally infected laboratory-bred copepods in a manner that resulted in copepods harbouring (i) an infective C plus a not yet infective C or S, or (ii) an infective S plus a not yet infective C. An infective C completely sabotaged host manipulation by any not yet infective parasite. An infective S partially reduced host manipulation by a not yet infective C. We hence show experimentally that a parasite can reduce or even sabotage host manipulation exerted by a parasite from a different species.  相似文献   

Phosphorylcholine (PC), a small haptenic molecule, is found in a wide variety of prokaryotic organisms, i. e. bacteria, and in eukaryotic parasites such as nematodes, as well as in fungi. Linked to parasite-specific glycoprotein glycans or glycolipids, it is assumed to be responsible for a variety of immunological effects, including invasion mechanisms and long-term persistence of parasites within the host. Numerous reports have indicated various effects of PC-substituted molecules derived from parasitic nematodes on signal transduction pathways in B and T lymphocytes, displaying a highly adapted and profound modulation of the immune system by these parasites. The Nematoda, comprising parasitic and free-living species, can be regarded as promising prototypic systems for structural analyses, immunological studies and biosynthetic investigations. In this context, Ascaris suum, the pig parasitic nematode, is an ideal organism for immunological studies and an excellent source for obtaining large amounts of PC-substituted (macro)molecules. Caenorhabditis elegans, as a completely genome-sequenced species and expressing parasite analogous PC-substituted structures, together with the possibility for easy in vitro cultivation, represents a conceptual model for biosynthetic studies, whereas filarial parasites represent important model systems for human pathogens, especially in developing countries. This review summarises current knowledge on the tissue-specific expression of PC epitopes, structural data of glycoprotein glycans and glycosphingolipids bearing this substituent and biological implications for the immune systems of the respective hosts.  相似文献   

The strategy used by the intraspecific brood parasite, the grey starling, Sturnus cineraceus (Temminck) and the degree to which this strategy reflected the sources of mortality for parasite eggs were examined. Approximately 74% of all parasite eggs failed to produce young that survived to fledglings. Most of this mortality was due to two factors: (i) laying in a nest that had been deserted by a host during its nesting cycle (19%); and (ii) mismatched timing of laying in the hosts nesting cycle (38%). It is important for parasites to select a suitable host in order to avoid this mortality and increase their reproductive success. However, grey starlings did not select hosts on the basis of nest location, host characteristics, or laying date. Lack of attention to these factors implies a failure on the part of the grey starlings to recognize cues that could direct them to select host nests that would provide the best environment for their eggs. Although some egg loss and egg replacement occurred before clutch initiation by hosts, no evidence was found that parasitic birds removed host eggs after clutch initiation by hosts. These results suggest that parasites did not adopt a successful strategy for enhancing the survival rate of their own eggs.  相似文献   

Theoretical models predict that parasite relatedness affects the outcome of competition between parasites, and the evolution of parasite virulence. We examined whether parasite relatedness affects competition between parasitic plants (Cuscuta europaea) that share common host plants (Urtica dioica). We infected hosts with two parasitic plants that were either half-siblings or nonrelated. Relative size asymmetry between the competing parasites was significantly higher in the nonrelated infections compared to infections with siblings. This higher asymmetry was caused by the fact that the performance of some parasite genotypes decreased and that of others increased when grown in multiple infections with nonrelated parasites. This result agrees with the predictions of theories on the evolution of parasite virulence: to enhance parasite transmission, selection may favour reduced competition with genetically related parasites in hosts infected by several genotypes. However, in contrast to the most common predictions, nonrelated infections were not more virulent than the sibling infections.  相似文献   

In oxygen‐deficient waters, the difficulties of oxygen uptake in gill parasites and their fish hosts may influence host and parasite densities, site selection by the parasite, and effects of the parasite on host condition. This study quantified the prevalence and intensity of the gill monogenean Neodiplozoon polycotyleus in the African cyprinid fish Barbus neumayeri from an intermittent forest stream in western Uganda. Oxygen levels were low in the stream over the 12‐month study, averaging only 2.5 mg litre?1 (monthly range = 1.2–4.3 mg litre?1). However, parasite prevalence was high (47.2%), suggesting high tolerance to low oxygen in N. polycotyleus. The prevalence of parasites varied with host body size, with the highest frequency of occurrence in the middle size classes. Prevalence also varied over the year; seasonal peaks of rainfall coincided with a lower frequency of N. polycotyleus. The significantly nonrandom frequency distribution of parasites among hosts suggests regulation of parasite numbers. Of the hosts infected, 37.1% harboured one N. polycotyleus parasite, and 62.9% harboured two parasites. No fish were infected with more than two diplozoons. There was evidence for strong site specificity by N. polycotyleus within hosts; 77.7% of the parasites were located on the filaments of the second gill arch, which may relate to increased oxygen availability. In addition, only one of the 178 infected fish had more than one parasite on one side of the branchial basket. Although N. polycotyleus is undoubtedly parasitic, we found no evidence of a negative parasitic effect on the condition or reproductive status of B. neumayeri.  相似文献   

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