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Drought tolerance is a comprehensive quantitative trait that is being understood further at the molecular genetic level. Abscisic acid (ABA) is the main drought-induced hormone that regulates the expression of many genes related to drought responses. 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase (NCED3) is thought to be a key enzyme in ABA biosynthesis. In this paper, we measured the ABA content increase under drought stress, and sequenced and compared the sequence of AtNCED3 among 22 Arabidopsis thaliana accessions. The results showed that the fold of ABA content increase under drought stress was highly variable among these accessions. High density single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and insertion/deletion (indel) were found in the AtNCED3 region, on average one SNP per 87.4 bp and one indel per 502 bp. Nucleotide diversity was significantly lower in the coding region than that in non-coding regions. The results of an association study with ANOVA analysis suggested that the 274th site (P←→S) and the 327th site (P←→R) amino acid variations might be the cause of ABA content increase of 163av accession under drought stress.  相似文献   

以野生型拟南芥(WT)、硫化氢(H_2S)合成酶缺失型突变体lcd、脱落酸(ABA)合成缺失型突变体aba1实生苗为材料,以0.3 mol·L-1甘露醇模拟干旱胁迫,研究干旱胁迫对ABA含量、H_2S含量的影响,及其在拟南芥抵抗干旱胁迫中的作用及信号关系。结果显示:干旱胁迫显著提高LCD和ABA1基因相对表达以及H_2S含量,ABA含量;干旱胁迫显著抑制突变体lcd、aba1的种子萌发;干旱胁迫下,外施NaHS促进干旱胁迫下WT、lcd和aba1中內源H_2S的产生及上调LCD、ABA1基因相对表达,而外施ABA提高干旱胁迫下WT、aba1中H_2S含量及LCD、ABA1基因相对表达,但是对lcd中H_2S含量及LCD基因相对表达没有显著影响。研究结果表明,信号分子H_2S和ABA在拟南芥的干旱胁迫响应中发挥一定的作用,且H_2S位于ABA的下游参与调控拟南芥的信号过程。  相似文献   

抑制ABA的生物合成可以缓解葡萄糖抑制拟南芥种子萌发作用,说明ABA的生物合成参与葡萄糖诱导种子萌发的延迟。ABA生物合成基因9-顺式环氧类胡萝卜素双加氧酶6(NCED6)可以被不同浓度的葡萄糖上调表达,而nced6突变体的种子对葡萄糖不敏感。  相似文献   

We studied the perception of plant cells to osmotic stress that leads to the accumulation of abscisic acid (ABA) in stressed Arabidopsis thaliana L. cells. A significant difference was found between protoplasts and cells in terms of their responses to osmotic stress and ABA biosynthesis, implying that cell wall and/or cell wall-plasma membrane interaction are essential in identifying osmotic stress. Western blotting and immunofluorescence localization experiments, using polyclonal antibody against human integrin β1, revealed the existence of a protein similar to the integrin protein of animals in the suspension-cultured cells located in the plasma membrane fraction. Treatment with a synthetic pentapeptide, Gly-Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser (GRGDS), which contains an RGD domain and interacts specifically with integrin protein and thus blocks the cell wall-plasma membrane interaction, significantly inhibited osmotic stress-induced ABA biosynthesis in cells, but not in protoplasts. These results demonstrate that cell wall and/or cell wall-plasma membrane interaction mediated by integrin-Iike proteins played important roles in osmotic stress-induced ABA biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana.  相似文献   

为了揭示乙烯在植物与环境相互作用过程中的生物学功能,以拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)的ein2-5、ein3-1、EIN3ox、EIL1ox 4种乙烯突变体与Col-0野生型为材料,对比研究它们在干旱胁迫条件下的生长和形态学变化。研究发现,干旱胁迫导致莲座叶直径、叶片面积、花序、水势等指标发生显著变化,同时不同突变体的形态适应特点呈现显著差异。这些结果表明,乙烯积极参与了植物形态塑造过程,与植物的抗旱性具有紧密相关性。  相似文献   

郝岗平  吴忠义  曹鸣庆  黄丛林  杨清 《遗传学报》2004,31(12):1415-1425
以生长于不同气候条件下的17个拟南芥核心生态型为材料,分析了它们的抗旱转录因子CBF4基因区域的序列多态性。结果表明:拟南芥CBF4基因区域具有高密度的单核苷酸多态性(SNP)和插入缺失(Indel),多态性频率为每35.8bp一个SNP,每143bp一个Indel,基因非编码区的多态性是编码区的4倍;在编码区,SNP的频率为每96.4bp一个SNP,其中发现25av、203av和244av 3个生态型CBF4基因区域1034位(以Gen—Bank登录号AB015478序列第19696位的核苷酸为1)碱基变化:G←→T,引起第205位氨基酸变化:gly←→val。核苷酸多样性统计分析显示,该基因内部大范围内存在连锁不平衡(linkage disequilibrium,LD),5’端非编码区有一个重组。与拟南芥等的研究结果类似,选择压力对不同的区域作用不同。3’端非编码区核苷酸多样性程度最高,是平衡性选择的结果,编码区核苷酸变化符合中性突变假说,而5’端非编码区是自然选择作用的靶位点。  相似文献   

Abscisic aldehyde oxidase in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abscisic acid (ABA) is a plant hormone involved in seed development and responses to various environmental stresses. Oxidation of abscisic aldehyde is the last step of ABA biosynthesis and is catalysed by aldehyde oxidase (EC We have reported the occurrence of three isoforms of aldehyde oxidase, AOalpha, AObeta and AOgamma, in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings, but none oxidized abscisic aldehyde. Here we report a new isoform, AOdelta, found in rosette leaf extracts, which efficiently oxidizes abscisic aldehyde. AO delta was specifically recognized by antibodies raised against a recombinant peptide encoded by AAO3, one of four Arabidopsis aldehyde oxidase genes (AAO1, AAO2, AAO3 and AAO4). Functionally expressed AAO3 protein in the yeast Pichia pastoris showed a substrate preference very similar to that of rosette AOdelta. These results indicate that AOdelta is encoded by AAO3. AOdelta produced in P. pastoris exhibited a very low Km value for abscisic aldehyde (0.51 microM), and the oxidation product was determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry to be ABA. Northern analysis showed that AAO3 mRNA is highly expressed in rosette leaves. When the rosette leaves were detached and exposed to dehydration, AAO3 mRNA expression increased rapidly within 3 h of the treatment. These results suggest that AOdelta, the AAO3 gene product, acts as an abscisic aldehyde oxidase in Arabidopsis rosette leaves.  相似文献   

转录因子MYB77与信号分子一氧化碳(NO)是侧根发育的重要调节因子,但MYB77和NO在干旱胁迫下侧根发生中的作用及机制尚不明确。该文以拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)野生型、AtMYB77缺失突变体Atmyb77-1及过表达株系AtOE77-1和AtOE77-3为材料,研究了MYB77和NO在干旱...  相似文献   

An Immunogold labeling procedure and experimental data are presented, which demonstrate that antibodies produced against a bovine serum albumin-abscisic acid conjugate can be used both to characterize the cellular and subcellular localization of abscislc acid (ABA), and to permit quantitative comparisons of this hormone in the subcellular compartments prior to and at times of drought stress. At the control leaf water potential (approximately -0.45 MPa), a quantitatively similar positive labeling pattern was observed in the chloroplasts and apoplast. A twofold drought stress-induced increase in the apoplastic ABA concentration was observed in the drought stressed leaf tissue (i.e., at a leaf water potential of approximately -1.55 MPa), while the ABA concentration in the chloroplasts did not differ from that of the controls. Three histochemical controls and the physiological observations validated the specificity of the procedure. Based on the labeling patterns we observed and literature cited, the validity of the hypothesis that drought stress induces a release of chloroplastic ABA is questioned. We interpreted our results as providing indirect evidence for a drought stress-induced root source origin for the increased apoplastic ABA concentrations.  相似文献   

大豆等植物体内细胞受热或受其它理化因素(如:重金属离子、乙醇、氨基酸类似物)、以及缺氧、DNA损伤、病毒感染等病理因素刺激后,促发应激反应,启动某些基因表达,能产生各种生理活性物质以及各种酶类,共同调控代谢过程和某些激素的活动,如:吲哚乙酸(IAA)、脱落酸(ABA)等。这些内源IAA和ABA共同作用,调节着大豆的抗逆性,从而影响着大豆的农艺性状。本试验对华北生态型的六个大豆栽培种,进行热激处理;取其第三片展开叶,测其内源IAA和ABA含量。这些品种分别是:早熟17,诱处4号,诱变31,耐阴黑豆、科丰6号和科丰34(Tan.1)。初花期,第一天热激(43~45℃,4h)后,它们的IAA和ABA水平均显著高于对照(30~33℃)(Fig.1)。然而,在连续一天热激后(43~45℃,4h/d),大多数品种的IAA和ABA比第一天减少(Fig.2)。盛花期连续热激处理二天(43~45℃,4h/d),IAA水平一般低于对照(3~33℃),半数品种ABA水平也低于对照(Fig.3)。结荚期连续两天热激后(45℃,4h/d),IAA和ABA含量均显著高于对照(30~33℃)(Fig.4)。  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis thaliana TGG1 gene encodes thioglucoside glucohydrolase (myrosinase), an enzyme catalysing the hydrolysis of glucosinolate compounds. The enzyme is involved in plant defence against some insect herbivores, and is present in species of the order Capparales (Brassicales). Nucleotide variation was surveyed by sequencing c. 2.4 kb of the TGG1 locus in a sample of 28 worldwide A. thaliana accessions, and one Arabidopsis lyrata ssp. lyrata individual. Myrosinase activity was quantified for 27 of these same A. thaliana accessions, plus five additional others. Overall, estimated nucleotide diversity in A. thaliana was low compared to other published A. thaliana surveys, and the frequency distribution was skewed toward an excess of low-frequency variants. Furthermore, comparison to the outgroup species A. lyrata demonstrated that A. thaliana exhibited an excess of high-frequency derived variants relative to a neutral equilibrium model, suggesting a selective sweep. A. thaliana accessions differed significantly in total myrosinase activity, but analysis of variance detected no statistical evidence for an association between quantitative enzyme activity and alleles at the TGG1 myrosinase-encoding locus. We thus conclude that other, unsurveyed factors primarily affect the observed myrosinase activity levels in this species. The pattern of nucleotide variation was consistent with a model of positive selection but might also be compatible with a completely neutral model that takes into account the metapopulation behaviour of this highly inbreeding species which experienced a relatively recent worldwide expansion.  相似文献   

运用MSAP技术分析了拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)幼苗超低温保存后DNA甲基化的遗传变异情况。结果表明,在扩增的662条带中,对照和2个处理及其第2代间完全一致的带型有598条:发生变化的带型有64条,其中能遗传给第2代的有48条,占变异条带的75%。与对照相比,经超低温保存的样品新产生的甲基化位点有14个,而去甲基化的位点有22个。经过处理但未冷冻的与冷冻处理组之间带型一致的有624条,差异条带有38条,占5.7%,而对照与未冷冻处理组的差异率是7.45%,对照与冷冻处理组之间的差异率是6。63%。可见,拟南芥在超低温保存中,无论是经液氮冷冻还是未经冷冻处理,对材料的甲基化状态均有影响,而这种甲基化变化大部分是可以遗传的。  相似文献   

Abstract. The xanthophyll content of wild type and abscisic acid (ABA) - deficient mutants of pea and Arabidopsis thaliana was determined. The wilty mutant of pea was indistinguishable from the non-mutant control. In contrast, plants homozygous for mutant alleles at the aba locus of Arabidopsis were very different from wild type. In these mutants, zeaxanthin accumulated to abnormally high levels. The major carotenoids, violaxanthin and 9'- cis -neoxanthin were virually absent from the mutant chromatograms. It was concluded that the aba genetic lesion impairs the epoxidation of zeaxanthin to violaxanthin and that this results in an inability to accumulate ABA. This provides clear evidence that zeaxanthin is a precursor of ABA.  相似文献   

L-古洛糖酸-1,4-内酯氧化酶(L-gulono-1,4-lactone oxidase,GLOase)是维生素C合成途径中最后一步关键酶,小鼠(Musmusculus)编码GLOase的gulo基因转化拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)的转基因株系中维生素c含量最高为5.74μmol·g^-1(FW),是野生型的3.46倍、转p2301空载体对照的3.19倍。30%聚乙二醇(PEG-6000)模拟干旱胁迫的不同时间梯度中,幼苗期转基因拟南芥丙二醛含量低于同样处理下野生型和对照组拟南芥。不同NaCl浓度的盐胁迫下,转基因拟南芥在子叶期比野生型、对照组平均根长更长、侧根发育更好;幼苗期莲座叶长势更好、丙二醛含量更低。结果显示过量表达GLOase的转基因拟南芥在维生素c含量提高的同时,抗胁迫能力有所增强。  相似文献   

Many changes in gene expression occur in response to water-deficitstress. A challenge is to determine which changes support plantadaptation to conditions of reduced soil water content and whichoccur in response to lesions in metabolic and cellular functions.Microarray methods are being employed to catalogue all of thechanges in gene expression that occur in response to specificwater-deficit conditions. Although these methods do not measurethe amount or activities of specific proteins that functionin the water-deficit response, they do target specific biochemicaland cellular events that should be detailed in further work.Potential functions of approx. 130 genes of Arabidopsis thalianathat have been shown to be up-regulated are tabulated here.These point to signalling events, detoxification and other functionsinvolved in the cellular response to water-deficit stress. Asmicroarray techniques are refined, plant stress biologists willbe able to characterize changes in gene expression within thewhole genome in specific organs and tissues subjected to differentlevels of water-deficit stress.  相似文献   

CBF/DREB是一类植物中特有的转录因子,在植物抵抗逆境胁迫过程中发挥重要功能。本研究从陆地棉(Gossypium hirsutum L.)Coker 312中克隆获得1个棉花CBF/DREB基因,命名为Gh CBF2,该基因编码一个由216个氨基酸组成的CBF蛋白。序列分析结果显示,Gh CBF2与其他植物的CBF蛋白类似,含有AP2转录因子典型的保守结构域。干旱或高盐胁迫处理明显增加了Gh CBF2基因的表达量。亚细胞定位分析结果发现Gh CBF2定位在细胞核中。将Gh CBF2基因构建到由35S启动子调控的植物表达载体p MD上并转化拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana L.),结果表明,在干旱和盐胁迫条件下,过量表达Gh CBF2基因拟南芥的成活率显著高于野生型,并且游离脯氨酸和可溶性糖含量也高于野生型,说明转Gh CBF2基因提高了拟南芥的耐盐抗旱能力。采用实时荧光定量PCR方法分析胁迫相关标记基因COR15A、RD29A和ERD6的表达情况,结果显示转基因株系中的表达量显著高于野生型,说明Gh CBF2参与调控拟南芥干旱和盐胁迫相关基因的表达。  相似文献   

A glucosyltransferase (GT) of Arabidopsis, UGT71B6, recognizing the naturally occurring enantiomer of abscisic acid (ABA) in vitro, has been used to disturb ABA homeostasis in planta. Transgenic plants constitutively overexpressing UGT71B6 (71B6-OE) have been analysed for changes in ABA and the related ABA metabolites abscisic acid glucose ester (ABA-GE), phaseic acid (PA), dihydrophaseic acid (DPA), 7'-hydroxyABA and neo-phaseic acid. Overexpression of the GT led to massive accumulation of ABA-GE and reduced levels of the oxidative metabolites PA and DPA, but had marginal effect on levels of free ABA. The control of ABA homeostasis, as reflected in levels of the different metabolites, differed in the 71B6-OEs whether the plants were grown under standard conditions or subjected to wilt stress. The impact of increased glucosylation of ABA on ABA-related phenotypes has also been assessed. Increased glucosylation of ABA led to phenotypic changes in post-germinative growth. The use of two structural analogues of ABA, known to have biological activity but to differ in their capacity to act as substrates for 71B6 in vitro, confirmed that the phenotypic changes arose specifically from the increased glucosylation caused by overexpression of 71B6. The phenotype and profile of ABA and related metabolites in a knockout line of 71B6, relative to wild type, has been assessed during Arabidopsis development and following stress treatments. The lack of major changes in these parameters is discussed in the context of functional redundancy of the multigene family of GTs in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

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