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We analyzed the expressed sequence tags (ESTs) obtained from a cDNA library of the eyestalk of the kuruma prawn, Marsupenaeus japonicus, to examine gene expression profile with special focus on female reproduction. The assembly of 1988 ESTs created 136 contigs from 738 ESTs; however 1250 ESTs remained singletons. Significant similarities (blast score > or = 50 bits) to the DNA sequences in the databank were found for only 16.7% of the 1386 sequences (136 contigs plus 1250 singletons), suggesting that the eyestalk library contains many unknown genes. Ribosomal RNA and mitochondrial respiration enzymes with significant similarities were found abundantly in the ESTs, whereas genes related to maturation or endocrine systems were scarce. Three ESTs were assumed to encode novel eyestalk hormones with marked similarities to pigment-dispersing hormone, molt-inhibiting hormone and crustacean hyperglycemic hormone. Sequences encoding a product highly homologous to farnesoic acid O-methyltransferase, an enzyme that produces methyl farnesoate, were also found.  相似文献   

In penaeid shrimps, vitellogenin (VTG), the precursor of vitellin, is synthesized in the ovary and hepatopancreas and accumulated in oocytes during ovarian development. In the present study, VTG gene expression levels and hemolymph VTG levels were determined throughout ovarian development in female kuruma prawn, Marsupenaeus japonicus. Hemolymph VTG levels and VTG mRNA levels in the ovary and hepatopancreas were high during vitellogenesis, remained high until final maturation, and then decreased after oviposition. This profile suggests that VTG synthesis activity increases during vitellogenesis and decreases after oviposition. Absence of a significant increase in ovary size in final maturation suggests cessation of yolk accumulation and low activity of VTG synthesis in spite of high VTG mRNA levels. VTG mRNA levels in ovary and hepatopancreas were both highly correlated during vitellogenesis. Thus, their contribution to yolk accumulation seems to be similar. In contrast, VTG mRNA levels in the hepatopancreas increased more slowly at the start of vitellogenesis and declined more sharply after oviposition than in the ovary. This suggests a difference in the regulation of VTG synthesis between the ovary and the hepatopancreas.  相似文献   

The effects of 17 beta-estradiol on induction of vitellogenin synthesis and oocyte development were investigated in previtellogenic ovary of immature kuruma prawn (Marsupenaeus japonicus) incubated with Medium 199. After three days incubation of previtellogenic ovary, Vg concentrations in media containing 3.6 nM, 36.7 nM, 367 nm and 3671 nM 17 beta-estradiol were significantly (p<0.01) greater than that of Ringer solution or the pure ethanol vehicle. Furthermore, a more advanced stage of oocyte development at oil globule stage (primary vitellogenic stage), which is surrounded by round and greatly expanded follicle cells, was observed in previtellogenic ovarian pieces incubated in media containing 3.6, 36.7, 367 and 3671 nM 17 beta-estradiol. The results of these studies show that 17 beta-estradiol induces Vg synthesis and appearance of primary vitellogenic oocyte in the ovary of immature prawns.  相似文献   

To assess the reference dietary amino acid profiles for juvenile kuruma prawn Marsupenaeus japonicus a feeding trial was conducted using six semi-purified diets containing casein-gelatin and pre-coated supplemental crystalline amino acids (CAA) and a control diet containing intact protein (casein-gelatin). Pre-coated CAA were supplemented to the diets to simulate dietary amino acid profiles to those of the prawn egg protein (PEP), prawn larvae whole body protein (PLP), prawn juvenile whole body protein (PJP), squid meal protein (SMP), short-necked clam protein (SNP) and brown fish meal protein (BFP). The result showed that kuruma prawn juveniles are capable of utilizing the pre-coated CAA and higher growth performances were observed in the groups fed the PJP, SMP and the control diets than those fed the PLP, SNP, BFP and PEP diets. The essential amino acid proportions (A/E ratios) of the whole body of kuruma prawn differ slightly when compared with the other penaeids or freshwater prawn. The results suggest that PJP and SMP would be suitable as a reference dietary amino acid profile for juvenile prawn.  相似文献   

The insulin superfamily comprises a group of peptides with diverse physiological functions and is conserved across the animal kingdom. Insulin-like peptides (ILPs) of crustaceans are classified into four major types: insulin, relaxin, gonadulin, and androgenic gland hormone (AGH)/insulin-like androgenic gland factor (IAG). Of these, the physiological functions of AGH/IAG have been clarified to be the regulation of male sex differentiation, but those of the other types have not been uncovered. In this study, we chemically synthesized Maj-ILP1, an ILP identified in the ovary of the kuruma prawn Marsupenaeus japonicus, using a combination of solid-phase peptide synthesis and regioselective disulfide bond formation reactions. As the circular dichroism spectral pattern of synthetic Maj-ILP1 is typical of other ILPs reported thus far, the synthetic peptide likely possessed the proper conformation. Functional analysis using ex vivo tissue incubation revealed that Maj-ILP1 significantly increased the expression of the yolk protein genes Maj-Vg1 and Maj-Vg2 in the hepatopancreas and Maj-Vg1 in the ovary of adolescent prawns. This is the first report on the synthesis of a crustacean ILP other than IAGs and also shows the positive relationship between the reproductive process and female-dominant ILP.  相似文献   

The cDNA encoding the kuruma shrimp, Marsupenaeus japonicus alpha(2)-macroglobulin (alpha(2)M) was obtained by screening a haemocyte cDNA library and 5' RACE PCR amplification. The full length cDNA of 4748 bp contains an open reading frame of 4518 nucleotides that translates into a 1505-amino acid putative peptide, with a 5'untranslated region (UTR) of 59 bp and a 3'UTR of 171 bp. The open reading frame encodes an N-terminal signal sequence of 17 residues and a mature protein of 1488 residues. The entire amino acid sequence is similar to the alpha(2)M sequences of arthropods (30-31% identity), mammals (26-27% identity) and fish (25-28% identity). The M. japonicus alpha(2)M sequence contains putative functional domains including a bait region, an internal thiol ester site, and a receptor-binding domain, which are present in mammalian alpha(2)Ms. In a healthy shrimp, the mRNA of alpha(2)M was mainly expressed in haemocytes. In addition, the expression level of alpha(2)M mRNA was dramatically increased by through time upon oral administration of peptidoglycan (PG), which is an immune stimulant. The highest expression of alpha(2)M mRNA was observed 7 days after feeding with PG. These results suggest that the shrimp alpha(2)M is an important molecule in immune system.  相似文献   

Toll receptors are cell-surface receptors acting as pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) that are involved in the signaling pathway for innate immunity activation and are genetically conserved from insects to mammals. Tolls from penaeid shrimp are found in white leg shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei (lToll) and black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon (PmToll). However, the molecular ligand-recognition patterns and identification of these penaeid Toll classes remain unknown. Here, we report cDNA cloning of a new type of Toll receptor gene (MjToll) from kuruma shrimp, Marsupenaeus japonicus, and the modulation of expression by immunostimulation. The full length cDNA of MjToll gene has 3095 nucleotides coding for a putative protein of 1009 amino acids. The MjToll gene is constitutively expressed in the gill, gut, lymphoid organ, heart, hematopoietic organ, hemocyte, ventral abdominal nerve cord, eyestalk neural ganglia and brain tissues. The MjToll gene expression was significantly increased (76-fold) as compared to a control in lymphoid organ stimulated with peptidoglycan at 12h, in vitro. lToll gene showed high similarity to PmToll gene with 96.9% identity; however, MjToll gene exhibited a percentage identity of 59% with that of penaeid Toll homologues. Therefore, this suggests that the identified MjToll gene belongs to the other class of Toll receptors in shrimp.  相似文献   

Tissues of kuruma shrimp Marsupenaeus japonicus Bate (5.7+/-1.1 g) reared in salinities of 18, 26, 34 and 42 were examined for levels of nucleotide-related compounds, ammonia, urea and uric acid, and activities of xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH), xanthine oxidase (XOD) and uricase. Levels of total nucleotide-related compounds, including xanthine and hypoxanthine, in gill increased directly with salinity, whereas these same levels in hepatopancreas were inversely related with salinity. Hemolymph ammonia, urea and uric acid levels, and epidermal ammonia, urea and uric acid levels increased directly with salinity, whereas hepatopancreas ammonia and uric acid and gill uric acid levels were inversely related to salinity. Activities of XDH and XOD in hepatopancreas increased directly with salinity level, whereas no significant difference of uricase activity in hepatopancreas was observed among the four salinities. It is concluded M. japonicus exhibited uricogenesis and uricolysis, and an increase of uricogenesis occurred for the shrimp under hyper-osmotic conditions (salinity of 42). Uric acid produced in the hepatopancreas was transported and accumulated in the epidermis, and removed along with the spongy connective tissue at the time of molting.  相似文献   

A tumor necrosis factor (TNF) gene has been isolated and characterized in kuruma shrimp, Marsupenaeus japonicus, providing the first conclusive evidence for the existence of the TNF ligand in shrimp. The kuruma shrimp TNF (MjTNF) cDNA was composed of 1868 bp with a 262 bp 5′-untranslated region (UTR) and a 220 bp 3′-UTR, which was translated into a protein of 462 amino acid residues that included a predicted transmembrane domain of 23 amino acid residues (Trp20–Val42) and the TNF family signature (Pro321–Leu448). Homology analysis of MjTNF showed 30.7% and 26.7% identities with fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) Eiger and human (Homo sapiens) ectodysplasin A, respectively. The MjTNF gene was constitutively expressed in unstimulated organs of shrimp such as the muscle, stomach, brain and gill. In lymphoid organ cells, an enhanced expression of the MjTNF gene was observed following stimulation with peptidoglycan and polycytidylic acid. A high expression level of MjTNF was observed in vivo 2 h and 4 h after stimulation with lipopolysaccharide and Vibrio penaeicida, respectively. These observations suggest that MjTNF plays a role in the innate immune defense in kuruma shrimp. The discovery of shrimp TNF will allow a more complete and concrete understanding of shrimp inflammatory responses.  相似文献   

The kuruma prawn, Marsupenaeus japonicus, is a commercially important benthic marine crustacean in East Asia. Understanding the species’ population structures will be very important for its proper stock assessment and management strategy. Herein, 13 polymorphic microsatellite loci originating from expressed sequence tag libraries of M. japonicus were isolated and characterized. Number of alleles per locus ranged from two to 15, observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.250 to 0.906 and from 0.310 to 0.932, respectively. The adequate level of variability within the population renders these microsatellite loci ideal markers for population genetic analysis of M. japonicus.  相似文献   

In response to hypoxia at PO(2) 1.3-1.7 mg/L for 6 h, the kuruma prawn Marsupenaeus (Penaeus) japonicus showed a dramatic decrease in phosphoarginine storage in muscle, with normal levels restored during 4-h post-hypoxic recovery. Large stores of muscle glycogen only decreased between 4 and 6 h during hypoxia, but greatly diminished during recovery. Muscle ATP levels and energy charge decreased only slightly under hypoxia. Lactate levels increased slightly during hypoxia and promptly returned to control levels during recovery. These data indicate that phosphoarginine works in muscle as an ATP buffer during hypoxia and glycogen is utilized as an energy source during recovery. Under hypoxia, up- and down-regulated proteins were identified after 2D electrophoresis and partial sequences were obtained after protease digestion. Fructose bisphosphate aldolase was down-regulated during hypoxia, suggesting the suppression of glycolysis under hypoxia. Several partial sequences from three protein spots up-regulated under hypoxia were all assigned to arginine kinase, suggesting the existence of several isoforms of arginine kinase in the muscle of M. japonicus. This arginine kinase up-regulation under hypoxia may indicate a provision for oxygen re-supply after anaerobiosis. This is consistent with the prompt replenishment of phosphoarginine stores during recovery from hypoxia.  相似文献   

Kuruma shrimp Marsupenaeus japonicus held in 34 per thousand seawater were injected with tryptic soy broth (TSB)-grown Vibrio alginolyticus (2.7x10(6)cfu shrimp(-1)), and then placed in water containing concentrations of sulfide at 0 (control), 51, 106, 528 and 1050microgl(-1), respectively. After 12-144h, mortality of V. alginolyticus-injected shrimp exposed to 528 and 1102microgl(-1) sulfide was significantly higher than that of shrimp exposed to 51microgl(-1) sulfide and the control solution. In another experiment, M. japonicus which had been exposed to 0, 56, 112, 525 and 1076microgl(-1) sulfide for 6, 12, 24 and 48h were examined for immune parameters, and phagocytic activity and clearance efficiency of V. alginolyticus. Sulfide concentrations at 525microgl(-1) or greater for 12h resulted in decreased total haemocyte count (THC) and phenoloxidase activity, phagocytic activity and bacterial clearance efficiency, whereas a sulfide concentration at 1076microgl(-1) for 24h caused a significant increase in respiratory burst and superoxide dismutase activity of M. japonicus. It is concluded that concentrations of sulfide at 528microgl(-1) or greater increased the susceptibility of M. japonicus against V. alginolyticus infection by a depression in immune ability. The increased production of superoxide anion by M. japonicus exposed to 525microgl(-1) sulfide or greater was considered to be cytotoxic to the host.  相似文献   

Total lipid, fatty acids and prostaglandins (PGF(2 alpha) and PGE(2)) in the ovary of kuruma prawns (Marsupenaeus japonicus) were measured during ovarian development. The level of ovarian total lipid increased with an increase in the gonad-somatic index (GSI). No significant difference was found in fatty acid composition among different stages of ovarian development. However, the content of arachidonic acid (precursor of PG(2)), but not eicosapentanoic acid (precursor of PG(3)), was significantly lower at stages I and II than at stage V (P<0.01). When ovarian PGF(2 alpha) and PGE(2) levels were plotted against GSI, no correlation was found in either PG. However, in terms of ovarian developmental stages, the level of ovarian PGs was high (approx. 20 pg/mg) at stage I, followed by marked decreases at stages IV and V (PGF(2 alpha), P<0.01) and stage IV (PGE(2), P<0.01). These results suggest that ovarian PGs and arachidonic acid are deeply involved in ovarian maturation in kuruma prawns.  相似文献   

Aims: Lesions of DNA are removed by nucleotide excision repair (NER) process in the living systems. NER process‐related host factors are believed to aid recovery steps during viral integration. Here, we report identification and characterization of a DNA repair molecule Rad23 from kuruma shrimp Marsupenaeus japonicus. Methods and Results: The full‐length cDNA of M. japonicus Rad23 gene (MjRad23) has 1149 bp coding for a putative protein of 382 amino acids with a 5′ untranslated region (UTR) of 92 bp and 3′ UTR region of 1116 bp. Quantitative expression analysis revealed MjRad23 is constitutively expressed in all the organs of healthy shrimp, whereas with high level in muscle tissue. Although MjRad23 expression is observed in every haemolymph samplings to post‐white spot syndrome virus infection, high expression is recorded at 2 h post infection (h.p.i.). MjRad23 consists of putative functional domains including one ubiquitin domain (UBQ), two ubiquitin‐associated domains (UBA) and one heat‐shock chaperonin‐binding motif (STI1). Multiple alignment of MjRad23 with Rad23 of other species showed highly significant identity ranging from 37 to 53%; however, high homology is observed with Rad23 of Bombyx mori (BmRad23). UBQ domain region alignment revealed maximum of 66% homology with Rad23 of Apis melifera (AmRad23). MjRad23 clustered with invertebrate sector along with insect species in evolution analysis. Three‐dimensional structural analyses demonstrated the highest identity between MjRad23 and human Rad23A (hHR23A). Conclusions: The present work revealed the presence of MjRad23 gene, which is essential in DNA repair process. Further studies are required to clarify the involvement of MjRad23 in NER process. Significance and Impact of the Study: This is the first report on identification and characterization of DNA repair protein in crustaceans, which will lead to further investigation to explore the molecular mechanisms behind the NER process.  相似文献   

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