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湖南蕨类植物区系新资料   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
报道了湖南蕨类植物区系新记录17种(隶属7科,11属),它们是桫椤(Alsophila spinulosa)、长尾铁线蕨(Adiantunm diaphanum)半月形铁线蕨(A. philippense)、新月蕨(Pronephrium gymnopteridifrons)、密毛紫柄蕨(Pseudophegopteris hirtirachis)、禾秆紫柄蕨(P. microstegia)、金佛山溪边蕨(Stegnogramma jinfoshanensis)、假大羽铁角蕨(Asplenium pseudolaserpitiifolium)、都匀铁角蕨(A. toramanum)、长镰羽耳蕨(Polystichum falcatilobum)、瓦鳞耳蕨(P. fimbriatum)、棕鳞耳蕨(P. polyblepharum)、倒鳞耳蕨(P. retroso-paleaceum)、膜边肋毛蕨(Ctenitis clarkei)、三叉蕨(Tecaria subtriphylla)、指叶假瘤蕨(Phymatopteris dactylina)、掌叶线蕨(Colysis digitata)。  相似文献   

陕西蕨类植物新记录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了陕西分布新记录的11种蕨类植物,即峨眉盾蕨(Neolepisorus emeiensis)、边缘鳞盖蕨(Microlepia marginata)、肾羽铁角蕨(Asplenium humistratum)、城口铁角蕨(A. chengkouense)、蚀盖耳蕨(Polystichum erosum)、伴藓耳蕨(P. muscicola)、尾叶耳蕨(P. thomsonii)、尖齿耳蕨(P. acutidens)、康定耳蕨(P. kangdingense)、石韦(Pyrrosia lingua)和绒紫萁(Osmunda claytoniana),凭证标本均保存于西北农林科技大学植物标本馆(原西北植物研究所标本馆)(WUK)。至此,陕西现有蕨类植物已有258种(不包括变种和变型)。  相似文献   

湖南蕨类植物区系新资料(Ⅱ)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道了湖南蕨类植物区系新记录20种(隶属5科7属);它们是毛足铁线蕨 (Adiantum bonatianum)、多芒复叶耳蕨(Arachniodes aristatissima)、狭长复叶耳蕨(A. attenuata)、粗裂复叶耳蕨(A. grossa)、南川复叶耳蕨(A. nanchuanensis)、黑鳞复叶耳蕨(A. ningrospinosa)、缩羽复叶耳蕨(A. reducta)、长刺复叶耳蕨(A. setifera)、节肢蕨(Arthromeris lehmannii)、多羽节肢蕨(A. mairei)、上斜刀羽耳蕨(Polystichum assurgentipinnum)、深裂耳蕨(P. incisopinnulum)、前原耳蕨(P. mayebarae)、假线鳞耳蕨(P. pseudosetosum)、边果耳蕨(P. shimurae)、钻鳞耳蕨(P. subulatum)、等基贯众(Cyrtomium aequibasis)、尖齿肋毛蕨(Ctenitis dentisora)、梵净肋毛蕨(C. wantsingshanica)、琼崖舌蕨(Elaphoglossum mcclurei)。  相似文献   

报道贵州分布新记录植物25种4变种,即七裂槭 (Acer heptalobum Diels.)、长柄槭(A. longipes Franch ex Rehd.)、富源杜鹃(Rhododendron fuyuanense Z. H. Yang.)、毛柱马缨花(R. delavayi Franch. var. pilostylum K. M. Feng.)、西藏白珠树(Gaultheria wardii Marq. &; Airy Shaw.)、滇豹子花(Nomocharis forrestii Balf.)、黄精(Polygonatum sibircum Delar.ex Redouté.)、 轮叶黄精[P. verticillatum (Linn.) All.]、细根黄精(P. gracile P. Y. Li.)、 距花万寿竹(Disporum calcaratum D. Don.)、 黄花油点草(Tricyrtis latifolia Maxin.)、铺散毛茛(Ranuculus diffuses DC.)、棱喙毛茛(R. trigonus Hand.—Mazz.)、昆明毛茛(R. kunmingensis W.T.Wang.)、展毛昆明毛茛(R. kunningensis W. T. Wang var. hispidus W. T. Wang.)、桔红悬钩子(Rubus aurantiacus Focke.)、西畴悬钩子(R. xichouensis Yü &; Lu.)、黑腺美饰悬钩子(R. subornatus Fooke var. melanadenus Focke.)、多脉悬钩子(R. phoenicolasius Maxim.)、掌叶悬钩子(R. pentagonus Wall. ex Focke.)、 裂叶西康绣线梅[Neillia thibetica Bur. &; Franch. var. lobata (Rehd.) Yü.]、 川康绣线梅(N. affinis Hemsl.)、毛山楂(Crataegus maximowiczii Schneid.)、维西小檗(Berberis weixiensis C. Y. Wu ex S. Y. Bao.)、 南川小檗(B. fallaciosa Schneid.)、万源小檗(B. metopolyantha Ahrendt.)、尼泊尔十大功劳(Mahonia napaulensis DC.)、 长苞十大功劳(M. longibracteata Takeda.)、丁座草[Boschniakia himalaica (Hook. f. &; Thoms.) G. Beck.]。  相似文献   

南极长城站地区土壤微生物生态作用的初步探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从南极长城站附近联合采样13个,并进行了土壤微生物的数量统计与种类鉴定。氨化细菌的菌量为104~106cells/g,共7个属:微球菌属(Micrococcus),葡萄球菌属(Staphylococcus),假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas),芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus),产碱菌属(Alcaligenes),黄杆菌属(Flavobacterium),节杆菌属(Arthrobacter);固氮细菌菌量为105~107cells/g,仅一个固氮菌属(Azotobacter);硝化细菌一般为104cells/g,分属两个属:硝化杆菌属(Nitrobacter),硝化球菌属(Nitrococcus);真菌为103cells/g,分属5个属:青霉菌属(Penicillium),金孢霉菌属(Chrysosporium),枝孢霉菌属(Cladosporium),曲霉菌属(As-pergillus),散囊菌属(Eurotium),反硝化菌为 102~104cells/g,分属 3个属:假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas),微球菌属(Micrococcus),芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus);放线菌分属3个属:链霉菌属(Streptomyces),小单孢菌属(Micromonospora),和诺卡氏菌属(Nocardia)。联采样品12℃培养的出现率主要类群是:假单胞菌属(42%),芽孢杆菌属(35%),微球菌属(31%),节杆菌属(27%),青霉菌属(58%),枝孢霉菌属(54%),硝化杆菌属(81%),固氮菌属(88%),反硝化细菌中主要是假单胞菌属(58%),芽孢杆菌属(38%)。文中还讨论了微生物菌量与土壤总碳、总氮的相关性及其在该地区氮循环中的生态学作用。  相似文献   

根据对保存于湖南师范大学生命科学学院植物标本馆(HNNU)、中国科学院华南植物园植物标本馆(IBSC)、中国科学院昆明植物研究所植物标本馆(KUN)和中国科学院植物研究所植物标本馆(PE)的茜草科(Rubiaceae)蛇根草属(Ophiorrhiza Linn.)标本的研究,将金黄蛇根草(Ophiorrhiza aureolina Lo f. aureolina)和绿春蛇根草(O. luchunensis Lo)处理为变红蛇根草(O. subrubescens Drake)的新异名。  相似文献   

广东蕨类植物新资料   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了2个新异名,1个新等级和35种蕨类植物在广东的分布新记录。正安肋毛蕨(Ctenitis changanensis Ching)和信宜铁角蕨(Asplenium xinyiense Ching et S.H.Wu)分别作直鳞肋毛蕨(Ctenitis eatoni (Bak.) Ching)和厚叶铁角蕨(Asplenium griffithianum Hook)的异名处理;齿翅井栏凤尾蕨(Pteris serralata(Miau)Y. H. Yan)被提升到种的等级;假芒萁属(Sticherus Presl)、柄盖蕨属(Peranema D. Don)、蛾眉蕨属(Lunathyrium Koidz.)和革舌蕨属(Scleroglossum Alderw)等4个属为广东分布新记录,小笠原卷柏(Selaginella boninensis Baker)为中国大陆分布新记录。广东现有蕨类已达到56科144属502种。  相似文献   

盐碱地马蔺光合生理特性的研究   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:13  
研究了盐碱地生长的马蔺叶片净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、气孔导度(Gs)和水分利用效率(WUE)以及环境因素的日变化。结果表明,马蔺叶片PnTr均呈现双峰曲线,具有光合午休现象。这种现象出现的原因是由于较高的太阳辐射引起叶片温度的升高,叶片的羧化效率(CE)和表观量子产额(AQY)的下降造成的。  相似文献   

尤庆敏  刘妍  王全喜 《植物研究》2011,31(2):129-133
报道采自新疆及内蒙古地区的菱板藻属(硅藻门)中国新纪录植物7种,分别为丰富菱板藻(Hantzschia abundans Lange-Bertalot)、喜碱菱板藻(H.alkaliphila Lange-Bertalot)、巴克豪森菱板藻(H.barckhausenii Lange-Bertalot &; Metzeltin)、较长菱板藻(H.longa Lange-Bertalot)、仿密集菱板藻(H.paracompacta Lange-Bertalot)、美丽菱板藻(H.spectabilis(Ehrenberg) Hustedt)和近活跃菱板藻(H.subvivacior Lange-Bertalot)。对其分类学特征进行了详细的描述,并给出了光镜或扫描电镜照片以及生境特征等,为该属种类的世界地理分布提供新资料。  相似文献   

贵州蕨类植物新记录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
代朝霞  苟光前 《植物研究》2006,26(4):387-388
报道了贵州省新记录的4种蕨类植物,分属3科,4属,它们是上毛凤丫蕨(Coniogramme suprapilosa)、具腺凸轴蕨(Metathelypteris glangdulosa)、光滑方秆蕨(Glaphyropteridopsis glabrata)和混淆鳞毛蕨(Dryopteris commixta)。  相似文献   

苔纲(Hepaticae)植物雌性生殖苞的形态学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高谦  吴玉环  李微 《植物研究》2009,29(1):6-11
以比较形态解剖学方法,对苔纲 (Hepaticae) 植物雌性生殖苞的结构及其不同成分起源进行了研究。首次把苔纲雌性生殖苞(Perichaetium)分为蒴帽型(Calyptra type)、蒴萼型(Perianth type)、鞘萼型(Coelocaule-perianth type)、茎鞘型(Coelocaule type)、蒴囊型(Perigynium type)、总苞型(Involucre type)和托生总苞型(Carpocephalum involucre type)等雌苞类型,并指明其中蒴帽型雌苞(Perichaetium of calyptra type of Hepaticae)最简单,为演化原始类群,托生总苞型雌苞(Perichaetium of carpocephalum involucre type of Hepaticae)演化最高级。还首次提出了雌苞演化示意图和“苞图式”表示苔类的雌苞结构。  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):411-431

The genus Pellia, with three currently recognised species, includes a relatively primitive taxon, P. endiviifolia, in which the perichaetium is high and incised, with an enclosed calyptra. It is dioecious, produces anthocyanin wall pigments in exposed sites, reproduces asexually by repeatedly furcate, narrow fragmenting ‘autumnal innovations’, is freely branched and has relatively small spores. A species previously confused with this taxon, and here described as P. megaspora, is an endemic boreal American species, found from New York, Connecticut and Massachusetts north to Newfoundland and west to Minnesota. The plant has a tall perichaetium that is strikingly incised-ciliate to lacerate. It is dioecious but does not produce wall pigments and autumnal innovations, is simple or oncefurcate and has extremely large spores. Cytological and biochemical data support the specific recognition of P. megaspora. Biochemical data also suggest that Japanese populations currently assigned to P. endiviifolia are distinct and field observation suggests that these plants may represent an autonomous subspecies.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):567-570

Some species of Fontinalis produce a calyptra which splits below the point of insertion of adjacent archegonia. Therefore accessory archegonia are incorporated into the aerial calyptra. This is especially evident in F. squamosa and less so in species with few archegonia per perichaetium such as F. dalecarlica.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):291-294

The seasonality of maturation of gametangia and development of sporophytes of the autoicous moss Octoblepharum albidum Hedw. was investigated in a remnant of the Atlantic Forest in Pernambuco State, Brazil. Two populations of this species were sampled monthly for a period of 2 years. The results obtained were similar in both populations and are presented together. The average number of antheridia produced per perigonium was 13.4 and of archegonia per perichaetium was 6.7. The frequency of juvenile, immature and mature gametangia was considerably greater during the rainy season, when there was also an increase in fertilized archegonia. Sporophytes began their development during the rainy season and continued into the dry season, when the spores were dispersed. The reproductive pattern of this species presented a marked seasonality,apparently greatly influenced by rainfall.  相似文献   

  • Reproductive performance is known to differ between co‐sexual and non‐co‐sexual species. Thus, our aim was to determine whether: (i) the distance between sex structures is negatively associated with sex expression; (ii) male gametangia take longer to mature in rhizautoicous species than in gonioautoicous species; and (iii) the gonioautoicous sexual system has greater reproductive success (i.e. percentage of ramets with sporophyte) than the rhizautoicous sexual system.
  • One population each of the mosses Fissidens scariosus and F. submarginatus, rhizautoicous and gonioautoicous, respectively, in a remnant of Atlantic Forest in Brazil were sampled monthly from September 2016 until August 2017. The number and phenophases of antheridia, archegonia and sporophytes were analysed for each species. Sexual expression and reproductive success were calculated, and reproductive phenology compared across environmental variables.
  • As expected, sexual expression was significantly higher for the gonioautoicous species, which produced antheridia throughout the year and archegonia over many months, while gametangia production by the rhizautoicous species occurred only during the rainy season. Mean number of gametangia per perigonium and perichaetium were slightly higher for the rhizautoicous species (6.84 antheridia; 11.38 archegonia) than for the gonioautoicous species (4.39; 7.62). Gametangia and sporophyte production in the rhizautoicous species were markedly seasonal compared to that of the gonioautoicous species, although reproductive success did not differ.
  • Therefore, we infer that the rhizautoicy (i.e. a functional dioicy) promotes lower expression of gametangia compared to gonioautoicy but is more efficient and so obtains the same reproductive success.

Radioiodination of highly purified human follicle-stimulating hormone (hFSH) (4000 IU/mg) was performed every other week for 23 weeks using 2 mCi carrier free Na 125I (Amersham Corp., 15 mCi/μg I2) in the presence of lactoperoxidase. Incorporation of 125I into hFSH was determined by the method of [7.]Biochem. J. 89, 114). Hormone binding was studied in vitro under steady-state conditions (16 h, 20°C) using different calf testis membrane preparations having similar receptor characteristics. Each 125I-hFSH preparation was characterized for maximum bindability, specific activity of bindable radioligand as determined by self-displacement analysis, and by determination of Ka and Rt. Incorporation of 125I into FSH was relatively constant over the large number of experiments (62.4 ± 6.4 μCi/μg; n = 23). By comparison, however, specific radioactivity of the receptor bindable fraction of 125I-hFSH was related to the lot of 125I utilized, and was significantly (P ≤ 0.01) lower and more variable (28.7 ± 10.5 μCi/μg). Maximum bindability of 125I-hFSH was not correlated to specific activity (r = 0.06) but was negatively correlated to hFSH 125I incorporation (r = −0.47; P ≤ 0.05). These observations demonstrate the need to assess the quality of each batch of radioligand before undertaking radioligand-receptor assays and suggest that differences in Na125I lots affect specific radioactivity of the radioligand and its receptor binding characteristics.  相似文献   

A comparison of vanadium-rich activity of three species fungi of Basidiomycetes, Ganoderma lucidum, Coprinus comatus, and Grifola frondosa, was studied. By fermentation and atomic absorption spectroscopy analysis, the biomass of G. lucidum and G. frondosa declined rapidly when the concentration of vanadium exceeded 0.3% but the biomass of C. comatus did not decline rapidly until the concentration of vanadium exceeded 0.4% and the content of vanadium accumulated in the mycelia was 3529.3 μg/g. After the mice were administered (intragastrically) with vanadium-rich C. comatus, the blood glucose of alloxan-induced hyperglycemic mice was decreased (p < 0.05) and the body weight of the alloxan-induced hyperglycemic mice was increased gradually. Thus, we selected C. comatus to absorb vanadium and chose 0.4% as the optimal concentration of vanadium for the pharmacological works.  相似文献   

In this study, the spatial distribution of brood-bearing females of five species of limnetic cladocerans (Daphnia cucullata, D. longispina, Bosmina coregoni, B. longirostris, Diaphanosoma brachyurum) in the deep mesotrophic lake in relation to the predation pressure of planktivorous fish (roach Rutilus rutilus, perch Perca fluviatilis, catfish Ictalurus nebulosus, white fish Coregonus albula, bleak Alburnus alburnus), and planktonic invertebrates (cyclopoids Mesocyclops leuckartii, Thermocyclops oithonoides, T. crassus, and cladoceran Leptodora kindtii) as well as some environmental variables was estimated. Most cladocerans showed apparent differences in horizontal distribution (ANOVA F = 0.2–0.45, P < 0.05) in the littoral zone and lack of such differences in the pelagic zone (F = 0.07–0.13, P > 0.05). Vertical distribution of most species, in turn, showed a clear pattern in the pelagic zone (F = 0.31–0.39, P < 0.05) and less regularities in the littoral zone (F = 0.15–029, P > 0.05). The differences in spatial distribution of non-predated and predated species suggest that predation pressure, but not predatory type, was an important factor structuring their distribution. Other factors that affected their distribution were conductivity, dissolved oxygen, TOC and macrophyte biomass; however, most of those variables better explained the distribution of brood-bearing cladocerans in the vertical than horizontal aspect.  相似文献   

Despite the progress in studies of the properties and functions of low-threshold calcium channels (LTCCs) [1], the mechanisms of their selectivity and permeability remain unstudied in detail. We performed a comparative analysis of the selectivity of three cloned pore-forming LTCC subunits (α1G, α1H, and α1I) functionally expressed in Xenopus oocytes with respect to bivalent alkaline-earth metal cations (Ba2+, Ca2+, and Sr2+. The relative conductivities (G) of these channels were determined according to the amplitudes of macroscopic currents (I) and potentials of zero currents (E). The currents were recorded after preliminary intracellular injection of a fast calcium buffer, BAPTA, in order to suppress the endogenous calcium-dependent chloride conductivity. Channels formed by α1G subunits demonstrated the following ratios of the amplitudes of macroscopic currents and potentials of zero current: I Ca:I Ba:I Sr = 1.00:0.75:1.12 and E CaE BaE Sr. For channels that were formed by α1H and α1I subunits, these ratios were as follows: I Ca:I Ba:I Sr = 1.00:1.20:1.17, E CaE BaE Sr and I Ca:I Ba:I Sr = 1.00:1.48: 1.45, E CaE BaE Sr respectively. The different macroscopic conductivities and similar potentials of zero current typical of α1G and α1I channels indicate that, probably, various bivalent cations can in a differential manner influence the stochastic parameters of functioning of these channels. At the same time, channels formed by α1H subunits are characterized by more positive potentials of zero current for Ca2+. It seems possible that the selectivity of the above channels is determined by mechanisms that mediate the selectivity of most high-threshold calcium channels (more affine binding of Ca2+ inside the pore). Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 319–329, July–August, 2005.  相似文献   

During a one year period, 944 dogs from the Municipal kennel of Barcelona were examined to detect animals with suspected dermatophytosis. Only a few animals (1.8%) presented skin lesions but none of them had dermatophytosis. A representative number of dogs without visible skin lesions (n=172), selected at random, were used to carry out a seasonal study of the mycobiota of their fur. Fifteen isolates belonging to the genera Microsporum and Trichophyton were isolated from 14 of the 172 (8.1%) dogs without lesions. The identity of these fungi was Microsporum gypseum (6/15), Trichophyton terrestre (4/15), M. canis (2/15), M. cookei (2/15) and Trichophyton ajelloi (1/15) (one strain each of M. gypseum and T. ajelloi were isolated from one dog). Species of Penicillium (% prevalence=89.5%), Alternaria (86.6%), Cladosporium (84.9%), Aspergillus (77.3%), Scopulariopsis (65.7%) and Chrysosporium (64.5%) were the most prevalent. No significant differences in the fungal biota were observed with respect to age, gender, hair length or between mixed and pure breed dogs. A large number of isolates, including species belonging to the genera Beauveria, Chrysosporium, Malbranchea and Scopulariopsis, that macroscopically and/or microscopically resemble dermatophytes and may be mistaken for them, produced a red color change in Dermatophyte Test Medium. No significant seasonal difference was detected among the isolates belonging to the the most frequently encountered genera, with the exception of Scopulariopsis (higher in summer and autumn) and Chrysosporium (higher in summer). Species from other genera, with lower occurrence also presented significant differences in their seasonal distribution. Arthrinium, Aureobasidium, Chaetomium and Phoma spp. presented maximum prevalence peaks in spring, Fusarium, Paecilomyces, Phoma and Rhizopus spp. in summer and Geotrichum and Mucor spp. in autumn. The Microsporum and Trichophyton species were more frequently isolated in summer.  相似文献   

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