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A Bacillus subtilis mutant which formed dark-brown 'medusa' (M) colonies was obtained. It sporulated at a high frequency, overproduced extracellular protease during sporulation and possessed a high genetic instability with a complex segregation pattern. Segregation was maintained after repeated re-isolation of single M colonies. The major wild-type-like class of segregants (B) was stable, sporulated normally and produced normal amounts of protease. Occasionally segregants were obtained which produced extremely high amounts of protease, sporulated poorly, formed transparent colonies and were either highly unstable (TD) or stable (TDst). Rarely B(D) (stable, normal sporulation and protease overproduction) and W and T (both stable and asporogenous) segregants were produced. The M phenotype was transmitted as a single factor by transformation but not by transduction. The results of transduction experiments suggest the presence of two mutations, ScoC and ScoD. It is proposed that this new segregating system in B. subtilis may result from tandem duplication of part of the bacterial chromosome.  相似文献   

M Young 《Journal of bacteriology》1975,122(3):1109-1116
A thermosensitive sporulation mutant was used to determine the order of sporulation operonsin the urs region of the Bacillus subtilis chromosome. Data from three-factor transformation crosses and three- and four-factor transduction crosses established the order metC-SPO-96(SpoII)-spo-85(SpoV)-spo-279(SpoII)-furA-ura-cysC-spo-NG1.67(SpoIII). Previously, furA was thought to lie to the right of ura and cysC to the left (Dubnau, 1970; Young and Wilson, 1972).  相似文献   

The composition and application of a single, chemically defined medium or growth and sporulation of Bacillus subtilis is described. At 37 degrees C cells grew with a doubling time of about 40 min; cultures attained near-maximal spore formation (70 to 80% by 12 h after the end of exponential growth and produced 1 X 10(9) to 2 X 10(9) heat-resistant free spores at 24 h. Dipicolinic acid production was completed between 7 and 11 h. Cells grown in the single, chemically defined medium excreted levels of serine and neutral proteases comparable to those excreted in nutrient broth medium.  相似文献   

Sporulation in Bacillus subtilis provides a valuable model system for studying differential gene expression. The anti-sigma factor SpoIIAB is a bifunctional protein, responsible for regulating the activity of the first sporulation-specific sigma factor, sigma(F). SpoIIAB can either bind to (and thus inhibit) sigma(F) or phosphorylate the anti-anti-sigma factor SpoIIAA. The phosphorylation reaction follows an unusual time course in which a pre-steady-state phase is succeeded by a slower steady-state phase. Previous experiments have shown that in the steady-state phase SpoIIAB is unable to inhibit sigma(F). A fluorescent derivative of SpoIIAB (AB-F97W) was made that was indistinguishable from the wild type in its interactions with SpoIIAA and sigma(F). AB-F97W exhibited distinctive changes in its fluorescence intensity when bound to ATP, ADP, or SpoIIAA. By following changes in the fluorescence properties of AB-F97W during the phosphorylation reaction, we confirmed a previous hypothesis that during the steady-state phase the predominant species are SpoIIAA.SpoIIAB.ADP complexes. The formation of these complexes is responsible for the slowing of the reaction, an important feature during sporulation since it reduces the loss of ATP in the nutrient-deprived cell. We also show that, to form a complex with SpoIIAA and ADP during the reaction, SpoIIAB must undergo a change in state which increases its affinity for ADP, and that this change in state is stimulated by its interaction with SpoIIAA. We derive a model of the reaction using previously determined kinetic and binding constants, and relate these findings to the known structure of SpoIIAB.  相似文献   

The mutations in the genes determining the levels of extracellular enzymes production were transferred into Bacillus subtilis 168 strain by genetic transformation technique. The method used has permitted registering the transfer of pleiotropic genes. Seven amylase producers were detected among 126 his+ transformants screened, as well as five metalprotease producers among 246 gly+ transformants. Cotransfer of pap and hpr mutant genes linked with his+ or gly+ genes might result in finding the producers among the mentioned prototrophic transformants. Selection of linked markers in transformation, presented in the paper, is discussed to be a useful technique for obtaining producer strains for industrial production.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis CMK33 is a mutant that is more osmotically fragile than the wild type when it is converted to the protoplast form. The protoplasts of this mutant contain a membrane-bound lipase, which is not found in protoplasts of the wild type. Hydrolysis of the membrane lipid of mutant protoplasts by the lipase is the cause of their fragility. A protein found in the wild type organism specifically inhibits the lipase (Kent, C., and Lennarz, W. J. (1972) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 69, 2793-2797). This paper reports that cultures of both mutant and wild type cells contain an extracellular lipase which accumulates during the logarithmic phase of growth. The extracellular activity appears to be induced by a component of the growth medium. The membrane-bound lipase of the mutant has been partially purified and its properties have been compared to those of the extracellular lipase of the wild type. Their properties and sensitivity to the wild type inhibitor are similar, which suggests that the two molecules are closely related. The subcellular location of the lipase in the mutant has been investigated and compared to the location of the membrane-bound portion of the lipase inhibitor in the wild type. The lipase is located almost exclusively in the cytoplasmic membrane and not in mesosomal vesicles. In contrast, the lipase inhibitor is located in both types of membranes and is more concentrated in mesosomal vesicles. Under appropriate conditions, the appearance of new extracellular lipase activity in mutant cultures is paralleled by the loss of an equivalent amount of lipase activity from protoplasts prepared from the cells. This suggests that the membrane-bound lipase may be an intermediate in the secretion of the extracellular lipase. Because of the mutation in B. subtilis CMK33, which results in the absence of the lipase inhibitor, this intermediate can be found in protoplasts of the mutant, although it is not detectable in the wild type. Consequently, the mutant may be useful in studies of the mechanism of secretion of exoenzymes by Bacilli.  相似文献   

A mutant strain of Bacillus subtilis carrying lesions in the structural genes for extracellular neutral (nprE) and serine (aprA) proteases was constructed by the gene conversion technique. This mutant had less than 4% of the extracellular protease activity of the wild type and sporulated normally, indicating that neither of these sporulation-associated proteases is essential for development.  相似文献   

Identification of a new sporulation locus, spoIIIF, in Bacillus subtilis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We have isolated a mutant of Bacillus subtilis, strain 590, which is blocked at stage III of sporulation. The spo mutation which is carried by this strain is linked to pheA by transformation and defines a previously unidentified locus, spoIIIF. The spoIIIF locus is contiguous with the spoVB locus, in which a mutation causes a block at stage V of sporulation. We also give a detailed genetic map of the pheA region of the chromosome.  相似文献   

A mutation near cysB on the Bacillus subtilis chromosome marks a new sporulation locus, spoVIC. It causes spores to germinate more slowly than those of the wild-type under all conditions and, from indirect evidence, it does not appear to alter the affinity for the germinant L-alanine. The mutant spores have some deficiency of coat proteins (particularly the alkalisoluble coat protein, Mr = 12 000) and the spore coat layers are disorganized. The mutant strain grows normally and sporulates normally until stage II, after which its sporulation is delayed by about 2 h compared to that of the wild-type. This delay results in the prolonged synthesis of some coat proteins and the late synthesis of others. The abnormal coat may be the cause of the germination deficiency. A double mutant strain carrying the spoVIC610 mutation together with gerE36 sporulates slowly. Its spores have very little coat protein, are sensitive to heat, lysozyme and organic solvents, but germinate as well as the strain carrying the spoVIC mutation alone. The role of the spore coat in germination is discussed in the light of these findings.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis of a d-alanine requiring mutant (dal) of Bacillus subtilis reveals that the gene that codes for d,l-alanine racemase is linked to purB. The order of genes in this region of the chromosome is purB, pig, tsi, dal. Thus there are at least two clusters of genes that regulate cell wall biosynthesis in B. subtilis.  相似文献   

A new mutation, mpo, which affects the synthesis of some membrane proteins and sporulation in Bacillus subtilis was identified. The mpo mutation was tightly linked to the overproduction of membrane proteins MP32 and MP18 (molecular weights of 32,000 and 18,000, respectively) and the temperature-sensitive sporulation phenotype. Genetic analysis showed that the mpo mutation maps between the spoIIIB and lys loci.  相似文献   

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