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Injection of Na2 75SeO3 into untreated, phlebotomized, and phenylhydrazine treated sheet has shown that the rate of75SeO3-incorporation into erythrocytes is dependent on the degree of stimulation. Analysis of labeled erythrocytes by gel filtration and twodimensional electrophoresis has indicated that the transient labeling of a hemoglobin-like peptide is the only protein labeled in addition to glutathione peroxidase.  相似文献   

Following an intravenous injection of 75Se, sodium selenite plasma samples were analyzed by two-dimensional electrophoresis. 75Se was detected by indirect autoradiography. From 0.5 to 53 hr postinjection of 75Se, 21 75Se peptides were detected. Both the isoelectric points and molecular weights of these peptides are reported. The molecular weights of the peptides ranged from 20,000 to 70,000 daltons.  相似文献   

Male hooded lister rats of the Rowett Institute strain, treated with silver in the drinking water, were used to study the effects of L-ascorbic acid on the utilization of Na75SeO3. Silver treatment dramatically decreased the absorption of 75Se from the rat GI tract. An attempt was made to utilize the reducing ability of L-ascorbic acid upon the absorption of 75Se from the rat GI tract. Increasing concentrations of L-ascorbic acid slightly increased the amount of 75Se absorbed from the rat gut.  相似文献   

Na2SeO3对蚕豆根尖细胞遗传损伤作用的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
司良燕  仪慧兰 《西北植物学报》2005,25(10):2107-2111
采用蚕豆根尖微核实验和姊妹染色单体交换实验,研究亚硒酸钠(0.01~10.0 mg·L-1)对蚕豆根尖细胞的遗传损伤效应.结果表明一定浓度的亚硒酸钠(Na2SeO3)可导致蚕豆根尖细胞有丝分裂指数下降,间期细胞微核频率明显增高,且Na2SeO3的上述效应具有一定的剂量效应关系;同时Na2SeO3可诱导细胞姊妹染色单体交换(SCE)频率显著增高.研究表明,亚硒酸钠对蚕豆根尖细胞具有遗传毒害作用,并有可能对人体产生遗传损伤.  相似文献   

A comparative study of the metabolism of Na2 75SeO4 in Astragalusbisulcatus, luma bean, and wheat has been carried out. The resultsindicate that all three plants metabolize selenium extensively.Important differences were observed in the distribution of radioactivitybetween the various fractions isolated from the plants. Comparedto the protein fraction, the free amino acid fraction from A.bisulcatus contained a higher percentage of radioactivity. Theconverse was true for wheat and lima bean. As A. bisulcatusproteins contained a significant percentage of radioactivity,it is suggested, that the differences in the toxicity of seleniumtowards wheat, lime bean, and A. bisulcatus are difficult toexplain in terms of the differences in its incorporation intothe protein of the three species.  相似文献   

The effect of Na2SeO3 on the growth of Halobacterium halobium R1 was investigated by means of microcalorimetry at 37°C. The biological response to toxicants is observed as the inhibition of the rate constant of growth of living cells. A low concentration of Na2SeO3 stimulated the growth of H. halobium R1, and a high concentration of Na2SeO3 inhibited the growth of H. halobium R1. Toxicity may be expressed as the half-inhibition concentration (IC50). The rate constants of growth (k) and the concentrations of Na2SeO3 (c) shows a linear relationship: k=1.790 × 10−6 − 2.27 × 10−3 c. The value of IC50 obtained from the accompanying figure of I-c is 679 μg/mL.  相似文献   

In micromolar concentrations both antagonists suppressed CA2+ entry and simultaneously elevate the agonist-induced plasma membrane depolarization due to Na+ inward current via these channels. Potentiation by nicardipine of the Na+ current induced by the platelet-activating factor, was revealed. Both antagonists caused plasma membrane depolarization suppressed by Na+ and Ca2+ ions. The depolarization disappeared after substitution of NaCl by an isotonic solution of choline chloride. The antagonists nicardipine and verapamil seem to modulate the platelet receptor-operated channels suppressing Ca2+ entry and elevating Na+ current via these channels.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of selenite toxicity and mutagenicity in S. typhimurium have been characterized. In contrast to previous reports, selenite toxicity was shown not to involve nonspecific incorporation into protein via the sulfur metabolic pathways. Selenite toxicity was, however, shown to involve its ability to act as an oxidizing agent, primarily through reactions with sulfhydryls. Strains which lack glutathione (GSH) are more sensitive to killing by sulfhydryl reagents. The selenite sensitivity of such a mutant was a biphasic phenomenon. The mutant was much more sensitive than a strain which contained GSH at lower selenite concentrations whereas, at higher concentrations, the mutant was much more resistant to selenite. The mechanism of selenite toxicity at lower concentrations in this mutant thus appeared to involve damage to intracellular sulfhydryls. The sensitization to higher doses of selenite by GSH could be explained by the generation of toxic oxygen species. The in vitro reactions of selenite with both cysteine and GSH readily produced H2O2 and O2-. A S. typhimurium strain which overproduces superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase was more resistant to high concentrations of selenite, but not killing by the lower doses. Pretreatment of cells with a nonlethal dose of selenite induced the synthesis of proteins which protected the cells from killing by H2O2 or high doses of selenite. Selenite was also a mutagen in the tester strain TA104, in which a number of other oxidizing agents have also been found to be mutagens. These results were consistent with a model in which the reactions of selenite and intracellular thiols with concomitant production of active oxygen species are the primary causal agents of selenite mutagenicity and toxicity in S. typhimurium.  相似文献   

A number of selenium compounds have been found to inhibit tumorigenesis in a variety of animal and cell models. In order to explore the molecular mechanism involved in the anticarcinogenesis activity of selenium, we examined the effects of sodium selenite on cell viabilty, generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), and mitochondrial transmembrane potential (Δω m ) in human colonic carcinoma cells SW480. The result from MTT test showed that sodium selenite reduced cell viability. Morophologic and flow cytometric results indicated that Na2SeO3 induced the apoptosis of SW480 cells. Na2SeO3 increased the generation of intracellular ROS, whereas BAPTA-AM, rotenone, and NaCN completely inhibited the increase of ROS induced by Na2SeO3. Na2SeO3 also caused the disruption of Δω m . The intracellular ROS increase and apoptosis induced by Na2SeO3 were significantly decreased by superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase. These data suggest that the ROS mediate apoptosis induced by Na2SeO3 and mitochondria may be a major source of Na2SeO3-induced ROS.  相似文献   

The vaccinia virus G3L/WR079 gene encodes a conserved protein with a predicted transmembrane domain. Our proteomic analyses of vaccinia virus revealed that G3L protein is incorporated into intracellular mature virus; however, the function of G3L protein in the vaccinia virus life cycle has not been investigated. In this study, a recombinant vaccinia virus, viG3L, expressing G3L protein under IPTG (isopropyl-beta-d-thiogalactopyranoside) regulation was constructed. Under permissive conditions when G3L protein was expressed, the vaccinia virus life cycle proceeded normally, resulting in plaque formation in BSC40 cells. In contrast, under nonpermissive conditions when G3L protein expression was repressed, no plaques were formed, showing that G3L protein is essential for vaccinia virus growth in cell cultures. In infected cells when G3L protein was not expressed, the formation of intracellular mature virus (IMV) and cell-associated enveloped virus occurred normally, showing that G3L protein is not required for virion morphogenesis. IMV particles containing (G3L(+)) or lacking (G3L(-)) G3L protein were purified and were found to be indistinguishable on microscopic examination. Both G3L(+) and G3L(-) IMV bound to HeLa cells; however, G3L(-) IMV failed to enter the cells, showing that G3L protein is required for IMV penetration into cells. Finally, G3L protein was required for fusion of the infected cells under low-pH treatment. Thus, our results provide direct evidence that G3L is an essential component of the vaccinia virus fusion complex, in addition to the previously reported A28, H2, L5, A21, and A16 proteins.  相似文献   

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