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生物表面活性剂在提高原油采收率方面的应用   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
生物表面活性剂和一般的化学表面活性剂一样,都拥有亲水和疏水基因,是微生物生长在水不溶的有机物中并以营养物而产生的代谢产物。在油田应用中,生物表面活性剂的作用是微生物提高采收率的重要机理之一,具有水溶性好、反应产物均一、安全无毒、驱油效果好等特点。本文从产生生物表面活性剂的菌种及生物表面活性剂的类型、生物表面活性剂的特性、实验研究、矿场实验及展望等五个方面综述了生物表面活性剂在提高原油采收率方面的应  相似文献   

微生物产生的生物表面活性剂   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
微生物产生的生物表面活性剂孙炳寅,徐志伟(南京大学生物科学与技术系,南京)表面活性剂是一类在很低浓度时能显著降低液体表面张力的化合物。它的分子一般都是由非极性的疏水(亲油)基因(主要是碳氢链或其取代物)和极性的亲水基团组成。在液体中,趋向集中于该液体...  相似文献   

微生物产生的生物表面活性剂及其应用研究   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
对生物表面活性剂的类型及其产生微生物,生物表面活性剂的生产和生物表面活性剂在石油开采、食品工业、农业、药品和化妆品以及环境保护等领域的潜在应用价值作了介绍,展现出了生物表面活性剂的广阔应用前景。  相似文献   

BS01菌株降解石蜡产生物表面活性剂的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
从辽河油田排气池水样中分离出一株能降解石蜡产生物表面活性剂的杆菌BS01菌株。根据传统分类和系列鉴定,该菌为铜绿假单胞菌。用通过正交试验得到的最佳培养基进行摇瓶培养,6d后,培养液的表面张力降低了12mN/m,pH降低了2~3个单位。经氨基酸自动分析仪和气象色谱测定,培养液中含有多种氨基酸和少量脂肪酸。培养液用正已烷多次萃取后,有机相经紫外分光光度计测定,石蜡降解率为69%。  相似文献   

目的:筛选适合油田的生物表面活性剂生产菌。方法:通过发酵培养,研究生物表面活性剂生产菌生长代谢规律;采用正交试验法,优选出其最佳培养条件;通过室内驱油实验评价生物表面活性剂驱油效果。结果:2#菌株最佳培养时间为96小时,最优发酵培养条件为:葡萄糖4.0 g、玉米浆1.6 g、Na2HPO40.1 g、KH2PO40.05 g、MgSO40.05 g、CaCl20.005 g、水100 mL、pH 7.2,培养温度35℃,摇床转速120 r/min,生物表面活性剂驱油提高采收率6.16%。结论:筛选出最优生物表面活性剂产生菌2#,菌株具备产表面活性剂的能力且产物量较高,其生物表面活性剂驱油效果良好。  相似文献   

张嵩元  汪卫东 《微生物学报》2021,61(10):3059-3075
鼠李糖脂是一类重要的生物表面活性剂。相比于化学合成的表面活性剂,其具有更优秀的理化性质及环境友好等特点,被广泛应用于微生物采油、环境污染修复等工程中。目前,鼠李糖脂的工业生产主要采用铜绿假单胞菌这一具有致病性的天然合成菌株,与此同时,受菌株遗传背景的限制,优化发酵过程等方法在产量提升方面遇到了一些瓶颈问题。利用基因工程方法对菌株进行改良有望进一步提高鼠李糖脂生产的安全性、产量、产物性能等多项指标,因此受到了越来越广泛的关注。本文综述了近年来利用基因工程方法优化鼠李糖脂生物合成的最新进展,讨论了异源合成、代谢通路改造、基因表达优化、蛋白质工程、底盘工程等多种策略的应用,并展望了一系列可行的研究方向。  相似文献   

生物表面活性剂及其应用   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
生物表面活性剂主要是由微生物产生的一种生物在分子物质,具有或优于化学合成表面活性剂的理化特性,作为一种绿色天然产物。极有可能取代化学合成表面活性剂,其应用前景十分广阔。本文阔述了生物表面活性剂的特点,种类,着重介绍它的潜在应用。  相似文献   

生物表面活性剂产生菌的筛选   总被引:61,自引:0,他引:61  
从1000份土壤和水等样品中,经富集培养、血平板分离、摇瓶培养和排油活性测定等方法筛选出10株能产生各种生物表面活性剂的菌株(包括细菌,酵母和霉菌)。其中一株细菌产海藻糖脂,一株细菌产鼠李糖脂,两株细菌分别产长碳链不饱和脂肪酸和壬二酸,两株酵母产生的脂多糖具有良好的乳化性能  相似文献   

发酵法生产生物表面活性剂   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
发酵法生产表面活性剂相对于化工法而言有着无可比拟的优势。综述了发酵法生产生物表面活性剂的微生物源、发酵机理、发酵条件和产物分离技术等方面的研究进展 ,并简要介绍了其工业应用前景。  相似文献   

厌氧产氢微生物研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
微生物是生物制氢的核心。本文论述了通过厌氧代谢途径产氢的微生物种类及高效产氢微生物选育和应用的研究趋势, 其中重点论述了中温和嗜热厌氧产氢微生物的产氢能力、底物利用范围及代谢特性, 简述了嗜热一氧化碳营养型产氢菌的种类及代谢特点。  相似文献   

厌氧产脂肽工程菌的构建及其代谢活性评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用微生物产生生物表面活性剂驱油,是微生物采油的重要技术之一.但油藏的缺氧环境使得大多数生物表面活性剂产生菌的代谢活性受到限制.本研究以筛选自油田采出水中的好氧产脂肽类表面活性剂的解淀粉芽孢杆菌BQ-2和兼性厌氧的施氏假单胞菌DQ-1为亲本菌,通过原生质体融合的方法构建了一株能在厌氧条件下迅速生长并能产脂肽类表面活性剂的融合子JD-3.融合子JD-3的菌落形态与亲本菌株BQ-2相似,其16S rDNA序列与BQ-2的相似度达99%;在厌氧条件下培养36 h,融合子JD-3发酵液的表面张力由初始的63.0 mN·m-1降至32.5 mN·m-1;薄层层析及红外光谱分析结果显示,JD-3在厌氧条件下的产物为脂肽类表面活性剂;该表面活性剂的临界胶束浓度(CMC)为90 mg·L-1,且对原油、液体石蜡、煤油等有较好的乳化活性.JD 3在厌氧条件下可以蔗糖、葡萄糖或甘油为碳源,以蛋白胨等为氮源合成脂肽类表面活性剂,且经多次厌氧传代培养仍保持稳定的产生物表面活性剂功能,显示该菌株在油藏厌氧条件下对提高原油采收率具有较好的应用潜力.  相似文献   

Rhamnolipids (RMLs) have more effectiveness for specific uses according to their homologue proportions. Thus, the novelty of this work was to compare mono-RMLs and di-RMLs physicochemical properties on microbial enhanced oil recovery (MEOR) applications. For this, RML produced by three strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa containing different homologues proportion were used: a mainly mono-RMLs producer (mono-RMLs); a mainly di-RMLs producer (di-RMLs), and the other one that produces relatively balanced amounts of mono-RML and di-RML homologues (mono/di-RML). For mono-RML, the most abundant molecules were Rha-C10C10 (m/z 503.3), for di-RML were RhaRha-C10C10 (m/z 649.4) and for Mono/di-RML were Rha-C10C10 (m/z 503.3) and RhaRha-C10C10 (m/z 649.4). All RMLs types presented robustness under high temperature and variation of salinity and pH, and high ability for oil displacement, foam stability, wettability reversal and were classified as safe for environment according to the European Union Directive No. 67/548/EEC. For all these properties, it was observed a highlight for mono-RML. Mono-RML presented the lowest surface tension (26.40 mN/m), interfacial tension (1.14 mN/m), and critical micellar concentration (CMC 27.04 mg/L), the highest emulsification index (EI24 100%) and the best wettability reversal (100% with 25 ppm). In addition, mono-RML showed the best acute toxicity value (454 mg/L), making its application potential even more attractive. Based on the results, it was concluded that all RMLs homologues studied have potential for MEOR applications. However, results showed that mono-RML stood out and have the best mechanism of oil incorporation in micelles due their most effective surface-active physicochemical features.  相似文献   

About half of the world's oil production is from carbonate formations. However, most of the research in microbially enhanced oil recovery (MEOR), a potentially important tertiary recovery technology, has focused on sandstone reservoirs because, in general, they are geologically simpler than carbonate reservoirs and easier to model in the laboratory. Carbonate formations have a wide range of pore geometries and distributions, resulting in complex flow dynamics. The low matrix permeabilities and the dual porosity characteristics of most carbonate formations, coupled with the chemistry of carbonates, have slowed implementation of enhanced oil recovery methods. A review of the data on carbonate reservoirs in Dwight's Energydata TOTL System indicated that 40% of the oil‐producing carbonate reservoirs surveyed in the United States have environmental, geological, and petrophysical conditions that would make them candidates for MEOR. A review of a number of MEOR field trials showed that rates of oil production could be increased by as much as 200%. Microbial activity in these trials was probably due to that of indigenous populations rather than the microorganisms injected for the trials. Detrimental effects such as loss of injectivity and increased souring were not reported. Based on analysis of the geology and petrophysical characteristics of carbonates, two common mechanisms of MEOR, microbial acid production and microbial gas production, are especially suited for application in carbonate reservoirs.  相似文献   

Rhamnolipid as a potent natural biosurfactant has a wide range of potential applications, including enhanced oil recovery (EOR), biodegradation, and bioremediation. Rhamnolipid is composed of rhamnose sugar molecule and beta-hydroxyalkanoic acid. The rhamnosyltransferase 1 complex (RhlAB) is the key enzyme responsible for transferring the rhamnose moiety to the beta-hydroxyalkanoic acid moiety to biosynthesize rhamnolipid. Through transposome-mediated chromosome integration, the RhlAB gene was inserted into the chromosome of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1-rhlA(-) and Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3), neither of which could produce rhamnolipid. After chromosome integration of the RhlAB gene, the constitute strains P. aeruginosa PEER02 and E. coli TnERAB did produce rhamnolipid. The HPLC/MS spectrum showed that the structure of purified rhamnolipid from P. aeruginosa PEER02 was similar to that from other P. aeruginosa strains, but with different percentage for each of the several congeners. The main congener (near 60%) of purified rhamnolipid from E. coli TnERAB was 3-(3-hydroxydecanoyloxy) decanoate (C(10)-C(10)) with mono-rhamnose. The surfactant performance of rhamnolipid was evaluated by measurement of interfacial tension (IFT) and oil recovery via sand-pack flooding tests. As expected, pH and salt concentration of the rhamnolipid solution significantly affected the IFT properties. With just 250 mg/L rhamnolipid (from P. aeruginosa PEER02 with soybean oil as substrate) in citrate-Na(2)HPO(4), pH 5, 2% NaCl, 42% of oil otherwise trapped was recovered from a sand pack. This result suggests rhamnolipid might be considered for EOR applications.  相似文献   

Summary The ability of indigenous populations of microorganisms in Berea sandstone to improve the volumetric sweep efficiency and increase oil recovery by in situ growth and metabolism following the injection of nutrients was studied. Cores of differing permeabilities connected in parallel without crossflow and slabs of sandstone with differing permeabilities in capillary contact to allow crossflow were used. The addition of a sucrosenitrate mineral salts medium stimulated the growth and metabolism of microorganisms in the sandstone systems. This resulted in a preferential decrease in permeability in the core or slab with the higher initial permeability, diverted flow into the lower-permeability core or slab and improved the volumetric sweep efficiency. Injectivity into the slab with the lower initial permeability in the crossflow system increased during subsequent nutrient injections. Thus, microbial selective plugging does occur in laboratory systems that have the complex flow patterns observed in petroleum reservoirs without losing the ability to inject fluids into the formation. In situ microbial growth and metabolism increased oil recovery 10 to 38% of the original oil in place. Biogenic gas production accompanied oil production, and much of the gas was entrained within the produced oil suggesting that gas production was an important factor leading to increased oil recovery. Quantitation of the amount of phospholipid in the core confirmed that microbial growth preferentially occurred throughout the core with the higher initial permeability. These data showed that in situ microbial growth in the high-permeability regions improved not only the volumetric sweep efficiency but also the microscopic oil displacement efficiency.  相似文献   

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