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海洋和沿海生物多样性保护和可持续利用等问题是《生物多样性公约》谈判的重要领域。本文梳理了历次缔约方大会的谈判进程, 认为主要焦点议题包括: (1)应对人类活动和全球气候变化对海洋和沿海生物多样性的影响; (2)海洋和沿海生物多样性保护和可持续利用的工具; (3)海洋保护区及具有重要生态或生物学意义的海域。这些议题的讨论将影响包括全球海洋保护区建设在内的海洋生物多样性保护进程, 也将影响全球海洋生物多样性保护国际制度的建设, 以及沿海国家的社会经济。我国应加强履约谈判的技术支持, 加快涉海相关问题研究, 积极参与相关国际谈判, 并大力宣传我国经验。  相似文献   

微生物资源是国家战略性生物资源,是支撑微生物学科发展与技术创新的重要基础。可直接开发为食品原料或用以酿造生产,也可作为服务农牧业生产菌剂产品或用于生产医疗药品和清洁能源,已经在工业、农业、食品、酿造、医药、能源及环境等领域得到广泛应用。近年来,随着生物技术及分子生物学等研究的发展,在微生物资源的分离、评价、保藏等方面都取得了较大进展。《微生物学通报》组织了本期“微生物资源:发掘、利用、展望与挑战”专栏,旨在展示微生物资源学领域的最新进展,加强微生物种质资源的发掘、利用,助力微生物资源学科和科技创新战略发展。  相似文献   

我国海洋细菌新物种鉴定与资源研发进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
近年来国际上对海洋微生物资源的发掘方兴未艾。本文综述了2000年以来我国在海洋细菌新物种鉴定与资源研发方面的进展,统计分析了国内相关单位海洋细菌新物种鉴定发表的数量及多样性,介绍了国内相关科研机构在海洋细菌系统学方面的工作进展,以及国内海洋微生物资源保藏与开发现状。比较了世界范围内海洋细菌系统学研究进展,并探讨了海洋细菌分离培养的主要方法,最后小结了我国海洋细菌资源研究领域存在的问题及未来发展的前景,为其进一步研发利用提供参考。  相似文献   

遗传资源获取与惠益分享: 背景、进展与挑战   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
薛达元 《生物多样性》2007,15(5):563-568
本文回顾了《生物多样性公约》(CBD)有关遗传资源获取与惠益分享(access and benefit sharing, ABS)问题的谈判背景, 介绍了ABS问题特设工作组的工作历程。对《公约》第8次缔约方大会以来有关ABS问题的谈判进展进行了详细的分析, 特别是有关遗传资源来源证书制度的讨论与成果, 进而对当前ABS问题面临的挑战进行了分析研究, 包括国际层面上WTO体系和世界知识产权组织(WIPO)体系与CBD之间在遗传资源及相关传统知识在知识产权问题上的冲突, 国家层面上ABS问题的立法需求与焦点问题, 以及在确定遗传资源来源和实施惠益分享方面的技术限制等。  相似文献   

海洋微生物多样性丰富。我国近年来在海洋微生物多样性调查、资源获取与开发利用等多方面取得重要进展。为促进资源的可持续高效利用,建立了专业的海洋微生物菌种保藏中心,目前库藏海洋微生物菌种2. 2万株。本文介绍了目前中国海洋微生物菌种保藏管理中心库藏资源概况与共享利用情况,以共享记录为基础,从已共享菌株的多样性、库藏资源共享利用以及共享用户等方面开展了统计分析。统计结果显示,共享菌株中超过80%为细菌,其次依次为丝状真菌、酵母、古菌及噬菌体。在菌株水平,已共享细菌覆盖了库藏细菌的28%;在种的水平,已共享细菌覆盖了库藏细菌的47%,包括变形菌纲3 178株,芽胞杆菌纲951株,放线菌纲817株。目前,库藏资源总共享比例约为30%,覆盖了库藏57%的属和49%的种。共享用户目前达266家,其中国内用户244家,国外用户22家。为大洋课题、国家973课题、863课题、自然基金、行业公益性项目、科技支撑及企业项目等各种科技计划,提供了重要的菌种资源保障。据不完全统计,共支撑发表SCI论文达500余篇。中国海洋微生物菌种保藏管理中心在菌株资源的收集、整理和共享等方面,为我国的科研事业提供了大量的资源支撑,取得了较好的社会效益。  相似文献   

遗传资源是21世纪的战略资源之一, 是当代国际谈判中的热点问题。本文首先分析了《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》(Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, CITES)的运作机制、该公约涉及的遗传资源管理的条款及其对我国遗传资源管理的影响, 简要回顾了我国在CITES履约与遗传资源方面的立法和管理现状, 指出我国遗传资源管理领域亟待解决管理部门过多、立法不足、缺少明确的对外政策和国家战略、资源本底情况不详、产权划分不清、没有建立有利于野生动植物遗传资源保护与利用的经济调控机制等问题。最后, 我们提出了制定国家战略、建立遗传资源的协调管理机制、将遗传资源保护问题纳入相关法规、开展野生动植物遗传资源状况调查、建立有利于遗传资源保护的经济机制等解决对策。  相似文献   

目前我国生物多样性保护标准体系还不完善, 尚不能满足生物多样性保护工作的现实需求。为了提升我国生物多样性保护标准化水平, 本文根据《生物多样性公约》确立的“保护生物多样性、可持续利用其组成部分以及公平合理分享由利用遗传资源而产生的惠益” 3大目标, 围绕生态系统、物种、基因3个层次, 以现行有效的国家标准和行业标准为研究基础, 采用相关关键词检索现有生物多样性保护标准形成标准清单(共包含1,032项标准), 并以此标准清单为研究对象, 深入分析我国生物多样性保护标准体系。本研究发现我国生物多样性保护标准体系的现状主要是分行业管理、基本覆盖各主要任务、涵盖多类别, 但仍存在标准间缺乏系统性和完整性、标准规范质量不高且使用率低, 与国际标准衔接不够的问题。以现行生物多样性保护标准体系存在的问题为切入点, 围绕生物多样性保护的主要任务和职责定位, 提出了我国生物多样性标准体系三维结构框架(包含行业、任务和类别3个维度)的构建设想。最后, 本文从筹建全国生物多样性保护标准化技术委员会、及时开展标准制修订工作、加强科学技术支撑、推动我国标准与国际标准接轨4个面提出了相关建议, 以期为建设更加先进适用的生物多样性保护标准体系提供参考。  相似文献   

深海微生物由于生存环境的特殊性而具有各种与陆地和浅海微生物不同的功能,这些特殊功能具有重要的应用价值,是争夺激烈的深海热点资源之一。近年来,不断有新的研究技术和方法得到应用,推动了深海微生物资源的获取、研究和开发。对深海微生物菌株和基因资源研究开发方面的技术发展以及工作策略进行了综述与讨论。  相似文献   

Creer S  Sinniger F 《Molecular ecology》2012,21(5):1033-1035
Deep sea environments cover more than 65% of the earth’s surface and fulfil a range of ecosystem functions, yet they are also amongst the least known habitats on earth. Whilst the discovery of key geological processes, combined with technological developments, has focused interest onto geologically active areas such as hydrothermal vents, most abyssal biodiversity remains to be discovered ( Danovaro et al. 2010 ). However, as for terrestrial reservoirs of biodiversity, the world’s largest biome is under threat from anthropogenic activities ranging from environmental change to the exploitation of minerals and rare‐earth elements ( Kato et al. 2011 ). It is therefore important to understand the magnitude, nature and composition of deep sea biological communities to inform us of levels of local adaptation, functionality and resilience with respect to future environmental perturbation. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Bik et al. utilize 454 Roche metagenetic environmental sequencing to assess microbial metazoan community composition and phylogenetic identity across deep sea depth gradients and between ocean basins. The analyses suggest that although the majority of microbial eukaryotic taxa are regionally restricted, a small percentage might maintain cosmopolitan deep sea distributions, and an even smaller fraction appear to be eurybathic (live across depth gradients).  相似文献   


Access to marine genetic resources (MGRs) in areas beyond national jurisdiction (ABNJ) and the sharing of benefits arising out of the utilization of these resources are among the most contentious at the UN Intergovernmental Conference on Marine Biodiversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction. This article examines the applicability of the marine scientific research (MSR) regime of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) to the access and benefit-sharing issues. It concludes that the MSR regime of UNCLOS provides the legal basis for setting up nonmonetary-benefit sharing obligations, including the dissemination of information, data, and research results concerning MGRs at the UN negotiations on marine biodiversity in the ABNJ.  相似文献   

About 95 species of stalked crinoids are now described from 60m to hadal depths, but our knowledge remains far from complete. Depending on which species concept is used, estimates of species richness can be dramatically different. It is necessary to have a homogeneous concept for taxonomic units. The abundance of the crinoid fossil record allows a discussion of the ancestry of deep sea crinoid fauna. Stalked crinoids have a horizontal diversity pattern with three regional centres of high diversity (i.e. western tropical Pacific, western tropical Atlantic and north-eastern Atlantic). Vertical patterns show two faunal strata which vary in importance among provinces. The epibathyal stratum has apparently remained relatively similar in intertropical areas since the Mesozoic. Despite environmental changes related to glaciation since the Middle Miocene, the deepest crinoid fauna (i.e. the deep sea fauna sensu stricto at depths more than 1000 ± 200 m) have a very ancient origin with a dispersion closely related to plate tectonics. The bathyal fauna on hard substrates includes a few living fossils and has a high historical interest.  相似文献   

Several mixed cultures able to grow on different aromatic hydrocarbons were obtained from different depths (between 3500 and 3660 m under the sea surface) of water/brine interfaces (1 to 5 m over the estimated brine surface) of three deep hypersaline anoxic basins (Urania, Discovery and Atalante) in the eastern Mediterranean sea. Eight strains which completely removed toluene from the medium in six to 10 days were isolated from one of the mixed cultures obtained from the Urania basin. The strains grew on toluene and yeast extract in the presence of NaCl concentrations of up to 50 and 100 g l(-1), respectively, indicating that they are halotolerant rather than halophilic. Even though DNA fingerprinting methods showed that the strains were strictly related, two groups could be found on the basis of the plasmid profile. Metabolic profiling and partial sequencing (350 bp) of the 16S rDNA showed that the strains were related to Pseudomonas mendocina. A 320 bp fragment of the catechol 2,3-dioxygenase gene from all the strains was aimplified by PCR. The sequence of the fragment showed 100% identity with xylE from pWW53 of Pseudomonas putida MT53 isolated from soil. Southern hybridisation experiments showed that catechol 2,3-dioxygenase is plasmid encoded.  相似文献   

Thirty-two pedunculate barnacles, O. a. geryonophila, were maintained in culture for a period of 2 yr in the laboratory. These barnacles were obtained from the pleopods and mouth parts of the giant marine isopod, Bathynomus giganteus, which had been collected, at a depth of 200 fathoms, in the Gulf of Mexico.

The carina, scutum, mandible and maxilla of adult barnacles were typical of deep water species. However, the tergum and labrum were intermediate between those of shallow and deep water species.

Adults 3.1–4.1 mm in length were cultured in sea water (15–19°C), and fed on benthic copepods such as Tisbe furcata and Laophonte sp. Three broods of nauplii from 8 barnacles were obtained in 2 yr. Larvae were reared on plankton collected from Coney Island waters in which nauplii reached Stage IV in 10–14 days at 16°C. Isochrysis galbana and Thalassiosira pseudonana individually or in combination maintained nauplii to Stage IV, but with very high mortality. The lack of spines on the carapace edge of the nauplii distinguishes this deep water species from the shallow water form, O. mulleri.  相似文献   

随着人类对海洋资源开发利用强度的增加, 海洋生物多样性的养护面临更大挑战。联合国大会决定在《联合国海洋法公约》框架下拟定一份新的法律文书, 以解决国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多样性(marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction, BBNJ)的养护与可持续利用问题。包括海洋保护区在内的划区管理工具(area-based management tools (ABMTs), including marine protected areas (MPAs))是BBNJ国际文书谈判的一个重要议题。目前谈判尚处于早期阶段, 各国对ABMTs/MPAs缺乏共同的观点。本文通过分析ABMTs/MPAs的定义和内涵以及两者的异同点、目标、与现有相关法律文书、框架和机构的关系、一般原则和方法、现有框架以及面临的缺乏调查数据、缺失全球性法律框架以及缺少利益相关者参与等挑战, 提出需提高设立海洋保护区的科学性、建立有效的监测与执法机制以及加强国际合作等建议。  相似文献   

微生物作为全世界分布最广且拥有量最多的生物资源,其应用已涉及到诸多领域并展现出了巨大的经济价值和社会价值。因此研究微生物及其知识产权(intellectual property rights,IPR)全产业链的现状和发展,对于我们如何全新地认知微生物,如何挖掘微生物资源以及发挥微生物作为产业最重要部分的作用具有重要的意义。我国已形成了较为完备的微生物相关专利保护体系,已形成了基于微生物的全产业链生态发展闭环格局。本文通过以微生物专利构成实质技术转移、许可和质押相关大数据分析,通过挖掘利用各种微生物资源,从战略高度探索国家开放遗传资源的大数据,围绕微生物功能性活性成分、菌株(群)基因大数据,基于微生物功能代谢产物、基因组进行数据分析、预警和专利布局,做好微生物资源IPR现状研究及发展对策。最终形成以产业为依托,战略性资源作为引导,IPR助推微生物全产业链中核心技术引擎的格局,进而实现微生物战略资源产业集群发展。  相似文献   

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