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The effects of food quality on maturation rate were followed in progeny from wild Arctic charr, caught in Lake Fattjaure, northern Sweden. The fish were reared at five different food quality levels. In the first summer, the fry were given feed of three qualities: diluted with cellulose in three proportions (0, 15 and 25%). During the second winter the impact of changed food quality level was studied by transferring half the fish from the high (control) to the low food quality level and vice versa.
Maturation rate was lower in males reared at the high and improved food quality levels than in males reared at the medium, low and reduced food quality levels. The maturation rate in females was similar at all levels, though the rate tended to increase at the reduced food quality level.
Fish reared at the high and medium levels had similar growth rates, whereas fish at the low food quality level experienced slower growth. Reduced food quality did not arrest the growth offish, whereas improved food quality enhanced their growth.  相似文献   

Growth and digestive enzymes were studied in alevins of Arctic charr raised on six commercial diets that differed in protein source and level. There were links between diet composition (protein quality), fish performance and proteolytic and amylase enzyme activities. Trypsin and amylase activities were up to 10-fold higher in charr fed high protein (65–70%) diets than in fish fed live feed. A depression of pancreaticenzyme activities was noticeable when charr were fed starter diets in which fish meal was partially replaced by soybean meal. Specific growth rates (SGR) showed a cyclic pattern during early ontogeny of charr and SGR was highly correlated with food conversion efficiency. Activities of pancreatic enzymes also demonstrated a cyclic pattern but the periodicities of the growth cycle (50.6 days) and those of the enzymes differed. We hypothesize that both photostimulation and feedback responses might be involved in pancreatic responses in fish, which result in cyclic growth patterns.  相似文献   

Sibling recognition in juvenile Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Juvenile Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), from two full sibling groups were studied concerning the possible existence of chemical cues with information about kinship. Each full sibling group was divided into two groups with the same number of specimens and placed in two separate aquaria. The division coincided with the start of exogenous feeding. Preference tests were performed about 7 and 10–13 months after the division. Due to the increasing size of experimental fish, two different sizes of apparatus were used. The first series of experiments was performed in a small Y-maze fluviarium and the second series in the large standard fluviarium. The momentary positions of one fish at a time in the test area were recorded by time-lapse photography with a 16-mm film camera and filtered flashlight (no transmittance <670 nm). The fish were given a choice between two water qualities; thus the following comparisons were made: (i) unconditioned water ν. water scented by siblings from the same aquarium; (ii) unconditioned water ν. unfamiliar non-siblings; (iii) siblings from the same aquarium ν. unfamiliar non-siblings; (iv) siblings from a separate aquarium ν. unfamiliar non-siblings; (v) siblings from the same aquarium ν. siblings from a separate aquarium. The test fishes preferred water scented by siblings over non-siblings, even though the siblings were taken from a separate aquarium. Nevertheless, they were attracted to water scented by unfamiliar non-siblings in preference to unconditioned water. No preference was shown between chemical cues from siblings taken from the same and a separate aquarium.  相似文献   

Morphological differences, haematocrit value and chloride cells were examined in downstream migrating Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.) from the Hals River, North Norway, and resident charr from Lake Storvann. Fish were classified as visual parr, silvery parr or smolt based on the degree of silvering and the Occurrence of lateral parr marks. On average, 47% of downstream migrating Arctic charr were classified as visual molts, but only 14% of the resident charr. Charr longer than 20 cm fork length were mainly classified as visual molts. Morphometrical analyses of body size and shape revealed that most of the variations could be explained in terms of variations in fork length. Length adjusted ratios of post-anal distances were significantly higher in migrating charr than in resident charr. The number of developed chloride cells, the cell nucleus diameter in the basin of secondary gill lamellae and blood haematocrit values were significantly higher among downstream migrating charr than in resident charr. However, morphological differences between anadromous and resident Arctic charr were not necessarily synchronized with the development of chloride cells.  相似文献   

One year old pan Item Windermere (north west England) tolerated lower incipient lethal levels of oxygen [18 20 mg 1 1: 15 17% air saturation value (ASV)] at lower (5, 10°C) than at higher (15, 20°C) an elimation temperatures (2·2 2·4 mg 1 1 22 25% ASV). Values were not significantly different for two races of charr in the lake and are amongst the lowest recorded for salmenid species.  相似文献   

The growth in captivity of a wild Welsh strain (Llyn Cowlyd) of Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus was compared to that of a commercial Scottish strain over the course of a 12 month experiment. At the conclusion of the study, the Welsh strain had a lower mass and condition factor than the commercial fish, but a similar length. Aspects of the growth and population structure of the Welsh strain imply that it could be a subject for aquaculture development, but such practises will be dependant on further work on selection and broodstock development.  相似文献   

Lake enrichment and the status of Windermere charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
All English populations of Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), are found in the Lake District (northwest England). There are at least four races of charr in Windermere, the largest lake in England; the North and South basins of the lake each contain two distinct races that spawn in autumn and spring respectively. The spring spawners in both basins probably represent less than 15% of the total population in the lake.
Changes in the population density of charr in the lake are described briefly and examined in relation to the trophic status of the lake. Other factors that could possibly affect the charr population are reviewed, especially the influence of climate change.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA analysis of a total of 82 individuals from seven Scottish populations of Arctic charr ( Salvelinus alpinus L.) using restriction fragment length polymorphism and direct nucleotide sequencing of the cytochrome b gene revealed little variation within or between populations. One of 19 restriction enzymes showed a polymorphism that was present in three of the seven populations. Only one nucleotide substitution was detected in a 288 base pair segment of the cytochrome b gene examined in 26 fish. Approximately 4% of the mitochondrial genome was surveyed with these complementary procedures.  相似文献   

The mortality of Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus , previously grown-on in salt water during the summer months, was studied during the winter 1980–81. Mortality did not appear to be related to a' critical size' but rather to rates of growth shown by the fish during the summer months. Mortality was high amongst the slow-growing fish.
The results are discussed in relation to published data on the osmoregulatory capabilities of Salvelinus spp.  相似文献   

Summary The experiment was performed in two phases. During the first phase (phase 1) the dominance hierarchy was determined in 4 groups of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus L.), each group consisting of 4 fish. Phase 2 was started by rearranging phase 1 fish into 4 new groups. Group 1 consisted of previously dominant fish and groups 2, 3 and 4 of fish that previously held rank 2, 3 and 4, respectively. After phase 2 telencephalon and brain stem were analyzed with regard to their contents of serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA), the principle metabolite of 5-HT. No correlation was found between the social rank (measured as dominance index) during phase 1 and the brain serotonergic activity (measured as the ratio 5-HIAA/5-HT) determined after phase 2. However, most important, the 5-HIAA/5-HT ratio was significantly correlated with the last experienced social rank, i.e. that acquired during phase 2. These results shows that the difference in brain serotonergic activity between dominant and subordinate fish develops through social interactions. Further, we found that previous subordinate experience inhibited aggressive behavior, an effect which, in the light of available information on stress and 5-HT, could be related to the increase in brain serotonergic activity. We hypothesize that stress induces an increased serotonergic activity which in turn inhibits the neuronal circuitry which mediates aggressive behavior.Abbreviations 5-HT serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) - 5-HIAA 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid  相似文献   

We studied the salmonid fish Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus , in a small and shallow landlocked lake in NW Iceland. The lake is productive but die only fish present is Arctic charr. Despite the apparent absence of discrete benthic and limnetic habitats for fish, two forms of Arctic charr are found in the lake. They show subde differences in morphology related to swimming performance and manoeuvrability, but differences in life history such as growth, and age and size at sexual maturation are more pronounced. Both forms have benthic feeding habits with one form consuming greater number of species than the other. We suggest that the segregation of these forms is based on the evolution of a specialist from a local generalist and that this has been made possible by the absence of a common fish competitor in similar lakes, the threespined stickleback Gasterosteous aculeatus.  相似文献   

We evaluated hypotheses of intralacustrine diversification and plastic responses to two diet environments in Icelandic Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus). Full‐sib families of progeny of wild polymorphic charr from two lakes where morphs vary in their degree of phenotypic and ecological divergence were split, with half of the offspring reared on a benthic and half on a limnetic type of diet to estimate family norms of reaction. We focused on variation in craniofacial traits because they are probably functionally related to diet and complement a previous study of body shape in these charr. A hierarchical analysis of phenotypic variation between lakes, pairs of morphs within each lake, and two families within each morph found that phenotypic variation partitioned between families relative to morphs was reduced in the more ecologically diversified population, which is consistent with adaptive diversification. The effect size of plastic responses between lake populations was similar, suggesting little difference in the degree of canalization in contrast to a previous analysis of body form plasticity. Thus, the role that plastic morphological responses play in the adaptive diversification of morphs and different lake populations of Arctic charr may depend on the trait. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   


Lake Abaya and Lake Chamo are the two largest Ethiopian Rift Valley lakes; they are located close to each other, but have a strikingly different water transparency. We explain key differences in the structure and the functioning of the food web with variation in limnological variables and major pelagic food web compartments within and across both lakes. Data from a detailed comparative investigation of physical and chemical variables and zooplankton community characteristics during the wet and dry season from two consecutive years revealed major differences in key limnological variables between Lake Abaya and Lake Chamo. The most pronounced differences were related to water transparency and the amount of suspended solids in the water column. Lake Abaya is much more turbid, has lower phyto- and zooplankton biomass, and has considerably lower primary production than Lake Chamo. Based on our results, we infer that the profound differences in food web structure between both lakes probably result from differences in sediment load. Finally, our results indicate that conservation programs should focus on reducing sediment inflow from the catchments into the lakes.


S. E. Hartley 《Genetica》1989,79(3):161-166
The chromosomes, together with their C and Q banding patterns, of Arctic charr from Loch Rannoch, Scotland are described. Q banding revealed fewer bands than C banding and variation between individuals for the number of C bands was found. These results suggest that subsets of heterochromatin exist and that there may be an individual variation in DNA content.  相似文献   

A specific sex steroid-binding protein (SBP) is believed to be involved in regulation of circulating sex steroids, steroid delivery to target cells and intracellular signalling in sex steroid-sensitive tissues. In the present work, interactions between xenoestrogens and the plasma SBP in Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus L.) were determined using ligand-protein binding studies. The test compounds were all able to displace tritiated 17 beta-estradiol (E2) from the Arctic charr SBP (acSBP) in a competitive and dose-dependent manner. The acSBP affinities for the xenoestrogens ranged over several orders of magnitude (17 beta-estradiol>ethynylestradiol (EE2)>zearalenone (ZEA)>diethylstilbestrol (DES)>genistein (GEN)>bisphenol A (BPA), 4-t-octylphenol (OP)>o,p'-DDT, and dieldrin (DIN)), but were consistently lower than that of 17 beta-estradiol (about 4 x 10(2) -10(6)-fold less potent). The relative binding affinity (RBA) for selected chemicals were independent of both gender, age and maturation status, as well as variations of acSBP binding affinity. The affinity of endogenous steroids and estrogen mimics for the acSBP shows a high correlation to the affinity for the rainbow trout SBP, thus suggesting a phylogenetically conserved ligand-binding site between closely related species. Furthermore, it is argued that interaction with the acSBP- and SBP-mediated processes may introduce novel pathways for endocrine disruption, which may work in concert with the classical receptor-mediated effects.  相似文献   

Summary Dominance hierarchy was determined in 5 groups of juvenile Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus), each group consisting of 4 fish. Telencephalon and brain stem (remaining parts of the brain) were analyzed with regard to their content of monoamines and monoamine metabolites. No significant differences were observed in the concentrations of norepinephrine (NE), dopamine (DA), or serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) between fish with different social rank. However, the concentration of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA), the principle metabolite of 5-HT, was significantly higher in subordinate fish, and a significant inverse linear correlation was found between 5-HIAA concentration and social rank (as measured by dominance index) in the brain stem. In the telencephalon the dominant fish had a significantly higher level of homovanillic acid (HVA), a major DA metabolite. These findings indicate a greater serotonergic activity, possibly associated with increased stress, as well as a lower dopaminergic activity, possibly associated with reduced aggression, in subordinate charr. The differences between dominant and subordinate fish could either be caused by social interactions or reflect innate individual differences in monoamine utilization, predisposing individuals for dominant or subordinate positions in the dominance hierarchy.Abbreviations DA dopamine - DI dominance index - NE norepinephrine - 5-HT serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) - 5-HIAA 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid - 5-HTOH 5-hydroxytryptophol - HVA homovanillic acid  相似文献   

1. Hydroacoustics (2002–04) and long‐term oxygen data (1969–2004) have been used in conjunction to examine the habitat of Arctic charr in the north and south basins of Windermere, U.K., a temperate lake subjected to cultural eutrophication and subsequent nutrient management. 2. Since 1969 there has been a gradual decline in the oxygen concentration in the bottom waters of both basins of 0.03–0.04 mg L?1year?1, resulting in up to 43% of the volume of the south basin having an oxygen concentration <5 mg L?1 in the early autumn. 3. Hydroacoustic data indicate that most Arctic charr routinely avoid the upper 10 m of the water column irrespective of temperature, with the implication that an observed gradual warming of the lake has not yet directly impacted upon their habitat. 4. In recent years there has been a behavioural response of the Arctic charr population to migrate vertically to avoid oxygen concentrations <2.3–3.1 mg L?1. Further, the depth of the lower bound of the Arctic charr population is shown to be highly correlated with the deep water oxygen concentration throughout the year prior to autumnal overturn.  相似文献   

When reared for a period of 6 months at a temperature of 10°C Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus , increased in weight from 18 g to approximately 135 g. Specific growth rates decreased as the fish increased in size and the relationship between size and growth rate could be described by the equation:
where G w is specific growth rate and W is fish weight in grams. Temperature effects upon growth were examined using previously published data. Below the optimum growth temperature, the growth rate of a fish of given size could be predicted using the equation:
where T is the rearing temperature.
Rates of growth of Arctic charr were as high as those reported for other salmonid species reared under similar conditions. Preliminary results suggested that growth rates of charr may be lower in salt water than in fresh water.  相似文献   

Size and frequency of occurrence of prey of brown trout Salmo trutta L. and Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus (L.) were recorded in 13 Norwegian lakes during 1973–1990. Piscivores usually comprised less than 5% of the total population. Arctic charr were less piscivorous than brown trout. Trout and charr became piscivorous at 13 and 16 cm length, respectively. These size thresholds were similar to those of other facultative piscivorous freshwater fish species. When present, three-spined sticklebacks, Gasterosteus aculeatus (L.), were preferred by all length groups of piscivorous brown trout and Arctic charr. Length of prey increased with increasing predator length, and the mean body length of prey was about 33 and 25% of predator length for trout and charr, respectively. Yearlings of charr were not recorded as prey.  相似文献   

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