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Recent investigations have identified homologs of eukaryotic box C/D small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs) in Archaea termed sRNAs. Archaeal homologs of the box C/D snoRNP core proteins fibrillarin and Nop56/58 have also been identified but a homolog for the eukaryotic 15.5kD snoRNP protein has not been described. Our sequence analysis of archaeal genomes reveals that the highly conserved ribosomal protein L7 exhibits extensive homology with the eukaryotic 15.5kD protein. Protein binding studies demonstrate that recombinant Methanoccocus jannaschii L7 protein binds the box C/D snoRNA core motif with the same specificity and affinity as the eukaryotic 15.5kD protein. Identical to the eukaryotic 15.5kD core protein, archaeal L7 requires a correctly folded box C/D core motif and intact boxes C and D. Mutational analysis demonstrates that critical features of the box C/D core motif essential for 15.5kD binding are also required for L7 interaction. These include stem I which juxtaposes boxes C and D, as well as the sheared G:A pairs and protruded pyrimidine nucleotide of the asymmetric bulge region. The demonstrated presence of L7Ae in the Haloarcula marismortui 50S ribosomal subunit, taken with our demonstration of the ability of L7 to bind to the box C/D snoRNA core motif, indicates that this protein serves a dual role in Archaea. L7 functioning as both an sRNP core protein and a ribosomal protein could potentially regulate and coordinate sRNP assembly with ribosome biogenesis.  相似文献   

Li Y  Luo J  Zhou H  Liao JY  Ma LM  Chen YQ  Qu LH 《Nucleic acids research》2008,36(19):6048-6055
Giardia lamblia is an early diverging and evolutionarily successful protozoan as it can enter into a dormant cyst stage from a vegetative trophozoite. During dormant stage, its metabolic rate decreases dramatically. However, to date, the regulatory molecules participating in the initiation and maintenance of this process have not been fully investigated. In this study, we have identified a class of abundant small RNAs named sitRNAs, which are approximately 46 nucleotides in length and accumulate in G. lamblia encysting cultures. Remarkably, they are derived from the 3' portion of fully matured tRNAs by cleavage of the anticodon left arm, with the 3' terminal CCA triplex still connected. During differentiation, only a limited portion of mature tRNAs is cleaved, but this cleavage occurs almost in the entire tRNA family. sitRNAs begin to accumulate as early as 3 h after initiation of encystation and are maintained at a relatively stable level during the whole process, exhibiting an expression peak at around 24 hr. Our studies further show that sitRNAs can be induced by several other stress factors, and in the case of serum deprivation, both tRNAs and sitRNAs degrade rapidly, with the accumulation of tRNA being halved. Our results may provide new insight into a novel mechanism for stressed G. lamblia to regulate gene expression globally.  相似文献   

The 5' stem-loop of the U4 snRNA and the box C/D motif of the box C/D snoRNAs can both be folded into a similar stem-internal loop-stem structure that binds the 15.5K protein. The homologous proteins NOP56 and NOP58 and 61K (hPrp31) associate with the box C/D snoRNPs and the U4/U6 snRNP, respectively. This raises the intriguing question of how the two homologous RNP complexes specifically assemble onto similar RNAs. Here we investigate the requirements for the specific binding of the individual snoRNP proteins to the U14 box C/D snoRNPs in vitro. This revealed that the binding of 15.5K to the box C/D motif is essential for the association of the remaining snoRNP-associated proteins, namely, NOP56, NOP58, fibrillarin, and the nucleoplasmic proteins TIP48 and TIP49. Stem II of the box C/D motif, in contrast to the U4 5' stem-loop, is highly conserved, and we show that this sequence is responsible for the binding of NOP56, NOP58, fibrillarin, TIP48, and TIP49, but not of 15.5K, to the snoRNA. Indeed, the sequence of stem II was essential for nucleolar localization of U14 snoRNA microinjected into HeLa cells. Thus, the conserved sequence of stem II determines the specific assembly of the box C/D snoRNP.  相似文献   

T D Edlind  C Sharetzsky  M E Cha 《Gene》1990,96(2):289-293
The cytoplasmic ribosomal RNA (rRNA) from the intestinal protozoan, Giardia lamblia, is unusually short; the large subunit (LS) and small subunit RNA and the 5.8S RNA are only 70-80% of the length found in typical protozoa, and are even smaller than most of their prokaryotic counterparts. Flanking regulatory DNA and processed rRNA sequences are similarly compact in size. To shed light on the origins and implications of this 'minimal' rRNA, the nucleotide sequence encoding the 5.8S RNA and domain I of LS RNA was determined. Secondary structure analysis revealed that an evolutionarily variable internal hairpin is partially 'deleted' in G. lamblia 5.8S RNA; the 3'-terminal pairing with LS RNA is conserved. Previously characterized eukaryotic 'expansion' regions are extensively shortened within the LS RNA; in one case, a hairpin is precisely 'deleted'. The short sequences flanking the mature 5.8S RNA that are removed by RNA processing (ITS1 and ITS2) are C-rich; our analysis suggests that the sequence GCGCCCC, in a hairpin configuration, may function as the processing signal.  相似文献   

Giardia lamblia is an early branching protist that possesses peripheral vacuoles (PVs) with characteristics of lysosome-like organelles, located underneath the plasma membrane. In more evolved cells, lysosomal protein trafficking is achieved by cargo recognition involving adaptor protein (AP) complexes that recognize specific amino acid sequences (tyrosine and/or dileucine motifs) within the cytoplasmic tail of membrane proteins. Previously, we reported that Giardia has a tyrosine-based sorting system, which mediates the targeting of a membrane-associated cysteine protease (encystation-specific cysteine protease, ESCP) to the PVs. Here, we show that Giardia AP1 mediates the transport of ESCP and the soluble acid phosphatase (AcPh) to the PVs. By using the yeast two-hybrid assay we found that the ESCP tyrosine-based motif interacts specifically with the medium subunit of AP1 (Gimicroa). Hemagglutinin-tagged Gimicroa colocalizes with ESCP and AcPh and coimmunoprecipitates with clathrin, suggesting that protein trafficking toward the PVs is clathrin-adaptin dependent. Targeted disruption of Gimicroa results in mislocalization of ESCP and AcPh but not of variant-specific surface proteins. Our results suggest that, unlike mammalian cells, only AP1 is involved in anterograde protein trafficking to the PVs in Giardia. Moreover, even though Giardia trophozoites lack a morphologically discernible Golgi apparatus, the presence of a clathrin-adaptor system suggests that this parasite possess a primitive secretory organelle capable of sorting proteins similar to that of more evolved cells.  相似文献   

Reversible protein phosphorylation by protein kinases and phosphatases is a common event in various cellular processes. The eukaryotic protein kinase superfamily, which is one of the largest superfamilies of eukaryotic proteins, plays several roles in cell signaling and diseases. We identified 482 eukaryotic protein kinases and 39 atypical protein kinases in the bovine genome, by searching publicly accessible genetic-sequence databases. Bovines have 512 putative protein kinases, each orthologous to a human kinase. Whereas orthologous kinase pairs are, on an average, 90.6% identical, orthologous kinase catalytic domain pairs are, on an average, 95.9% identical at the amino acid level. This bioinformatic study of bovine protein kinases provides a suitable framework for further characterization of their functional and structural properties.  相似文献   

Giardia lamblia is a flagellate protozoan that infects humans and other mammals and the most frequently isolated intestinal parasite worldwide. Giardia trophozoites undergo essential biological changes to survive outside the intestine of their host by differentiating into infective cysts. Cyst formation, or encystation, is considered one of the most primitive adaptive responses developed by eukaryotes early in evolution and crucial for the transmission of the parasite among susceptible hosts. During this process, proteins that will assemble into the extracellular cyst wall (CWP1 and CWP2) are transported to the cell surface within encystation-specific secretory vesicles (ESVs) by a developmentally regulated secretory pathway. Cyst wall proteins (CWPs) are maintained as a dense material inside the ESVs, but after exocytosis, they form the fibrillar matrix of the cyst wall. Little is known about the molecular mechanisms involved in granule biogenesis and discharge in Giardia, as well as the assembly of the extracellular wall. In this work, we provide evidences that a novel 54-kDa protein that exclusively localizes to the ESVs is induced during encystation similar to CWPs, proteolytically processed during granule maturation, and able to bind calcium in vitro. The gene encoding this molecule predicts a novel protein (called gGSP for G. lamblia Granule-specific Protein) without homology to any other protein reported in public databases. Nevertheless, it possesses characteristics of calcium-sequestering molecules of higher eukaryotes. Inhibition of gGSP expression abolishes cyst wall formation, suggesting that this secretory granule protein regulates Ca(2+)-dependent degranulation of ESVs during cyst wall formation.  相似文献   

Giardia is an intestinal parasite that belongs to the earliest diverging branch of the eukaryotic lineage of descent. Giardia undergoes adaptation for survival outside the host's intestine by differentiating into infective cysts. Encystation involves the synthesis and transport of cyst wall constituents to the plasma membrane for release and extracellular organization. Nevertheless, little is known about the molecular events related to cyst wall biogenesis in Giardia. Among the components of the cyst wall there are two proteins that we have previously identified and characterized: CWP1 (26 kDa) and CWP2 (39 kDa). Expression of these proteins is coordinately induced, and both concentrated within encystation-specific secretory vesicles before their extracellular polymerization. Although highly similar to each other at the amino terminus, CWP2 includes a COOH-terminal 121-amino acid extension. Here, we show that this extension, rich in basic residues, is cleaved from CWP2 before cyst wall formation by an intracellular cysteine proteinase activity, which is induced during encystation like CWPs. Specific inhibitors prevent release of cyst wall materials, abolishing cyst wall formation. We also report the purification, cloning, and characterization of the encystation-specific cysteine proteinase responsible for the proteolytic processing of CWP2, which is homologue to lysosomal cathepsin C. Encystation-specific cysteine proteinase ESCP possesses unique characteristics compared with cathepsins from higher eukaryotes, such as a transmembrane domain and a short cytoplasmic tail. These features make this enzyme the most divergent cathepsin C identified to date and provide new insights regarding cyst wall formation in Giardia.  相似文献   

Box C/D snoRNPs, factors essential for ribosome biogenesis, are proposed to be assembled in the nucleoplasm before localizing to the nucleolus. However, recent work demonstrated the involvement of nuclear export factors in this process, suggesting that export may take place. Here we show that there are distinct distributions of U8 pre-snoRNAs and pre-snoRNP complexes in HeLa cell nuclear and cytoplasmic extracts. We observed differential association of nuclear export (PHAX, CRM1, and Ran) factors with complexes in the two extracts, consistent with nucleocytoplasmic transport. Furthermore, we show that the U8 pre-snoRNA in one of the cytoplasmic complexes contains an m3G cap and is associated with the nuclear import factor Snurportin1. Using RNA interference, we show that loss of either PHAX or Snurportin1 results in the incorrect localization of the U8 snoRNA. Our data therefore show that nuclear export and import factors are directly involved in U8 box C/D snoRNP biogenesis. The distinct distribution of U8 pre-snoRNP complexes between the two cellular compartments together with the association of both nuclear import and export factors with the precursor complex suggests that the mammalian U8 snoRNP is exported during biogenesis.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic nucleolus contains a diverse population of small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs) that have been categorized into two major families based on evolutionarily conserved sequence elements. U14 snoRNA is a member of the larger, box C/D snoRNA family and possesses nucleotide box C and D consensus sequences. In previous studies, we have defined a U14 box C/D core motif that is essential for intronic U14 snoRNA processing. These studies also revealed that nuclear proteins that recognize boxes C/D are required. We have now established an in vitro U14 snoRNP assembly system to characterize protein binding. Electrophoretic mobility-shift analysis demonstrated that all the sequences and structures of the box C/D core motif required for U14 processing are also necessary for protein binding and snoRNP assembly. These required elements include a base paired 5',3' terminal stem and the phylogenetically conserved nucleotides of boxes C and D. The ability of other box C/D snoRNAs to compete for protein binding demonstrated that the box C/D core motif-binding proteins are common to this family of snoRNAs. UV crosslinking of nuclear proteins bound to the U14 core motif identified a 65-kDa mouse snoRNP protein that requires boxes C and D for binding. Two additional core motif proteins of 55 and 50 kDa were also identified by biochemical fractionation of the in vitro-assembled U14 snoRNP complex. Thus, the U14 snoRNP core complex is a multiprotein particle whose assembly requires nucleotide boxes C and D.  相似文献   

Box C/D ribonucleoprotein particles guide the 2'-O-ribose methylation of target nucleotides in both archaeal and eukaryotic RNAs. These complexes contain two functional centers, assembled around the C/D and C'/D' motifs in the box C/D RNA. The C/D and C'/D' RNPs of the archaeal snoRNA-like RNP (sRNP) are spatially and functionally coupled. Here, we show that similar coupling also occurs in eukaryotic box C/D snoRNPs. The C/D RNP guided 2'-O-methylation when the C'/D' motif was either mutated or ablated. In contrast, the C'/D' RNP was inactive as an independent complex. Additional experiments demonstrated that the internal C'/D' RNP is spatially coupled to the terminal box C/D complex. Pulldown experiments also indicated that all four core proteins are independently recruited to the box C/D and C'/D' motifs. Therefore, the spatial-functional coupling of box C/D and C'/D' RNPs is an evolutionarily conserved feature of both archaeal and eukaryotic box C/D RNP complexes.  相似文献   



The chicken avidin gene family consists of avidin and several avidin related genes (AVRs). Of these gene products, avidin is the best characterized and is known for its extremely high affinity for D-biotin, a property that is utilized in numerous modern life science applications. Recently, the AVR genes have been expressed as recombinant proteins, which have shown different biotin-binding properties as compared to avidin.  相似文献   

Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways are major signaling systems by which eukaryotic cells convert environmental cues to intracellular events such as proliferation and differentiation. We have identified Giardia lamblia homologues of two members of the MAPK family ERK1 and ERK2. Functional characterization of giardial ERK1 and ERK2 revealed that both kinases were expressed in trophozoites and encysting cells as 44- and 41-kDa polypeptides, respectively, and were catalytically active. Analysis of the kinetic parameters of the recombinant proteins showed that ERK2 is approximately 5 times more efficient than ERK1 in phosphorylating myelin basic protein as a substrate, although the phosphorylating efficiency of the native ERK1 and ERK2 appeared to be the same. Immunofluorescence analysis of the subcellular localization of ERK1 and ERK2 in trophozoites showed ERK1 staining mostly in the median body and in the outer edges of the adhesive disc and ERK2 staining in the nuclei and in the caudal flagella. Our study also showed a noticeable change in the subcellular distribution of ERK2 during encystation, which became more punctate and mostly cytoplasmic, but no significant change in the ERK1 localization at any time during encystation. Interestingly, both ERK1 and ERK2 enzymes exhibited a significantly reduced kinase activity during encystation reaching a minimum at 24 h, except for an initial approximately 2.5-fold increase in the ERK1 activity at 2 h, which resumed back to the normal levels at 48 h despite no apparent change in the expression level of either one of these kinases in encysting cells. A reduced concentration of the phosphorylated ERK1 and ERK2 was also evident in these cells at 24 h. Our study suggests a functional distinction between ERK1 and ERK2 and that these kinases may play a critical role in trophozoite differentiation into cysts.  相似文献   

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