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The establishment of predatory mites on protected crops is affected by the availability of shelter and alternative food. We suggest that a pollen covered twine, coined here “pollen on-twine”, may provide these necessities when attached to the plant. We evaluated the effect of twine types and two pollen species on the establishment of Euseius scutalis (Athias-Henriot) and Amblyseius swirskii Athias-Henriot on pre-flowering pepper plants in a growth chamber. For both phytoseiids, rayon jute twine was found more beneficial while corn and oak pollen did not differ in their effect. Though populations of both predators were best promoted when twine and pollen were applied separately, E. scutalis population increased by more than tenfold and A. swirskii doubled when plants were applied with pollen on-twine. We propose that after further refining, pollen on-twine can serve as a feasible solution for predatory mite establishment on protected crops.  相似文献   

Summary Field observations suggested that benthivorous fish, causing bioturbation, are able to effect the food availability for predacious water mites feeding on bottom dwelling chironomid larvae. This hypothesis was tested in the laboratory. In an undisturbed situation the predation rate exercised by the water mites on the tube dwelling chironomid Cladotanytarsus mancus was very low. However, when the sediment was disturbed, the predation rate increased substantially. The relevance of this for the field situation is discussed.  相似文献   

Gnanvossou D  Hanna R  Dicke M 《Oecologia》2003,135(1):84-90
Carnivorous arthropods exhibit complex intraspecific and interspecific behaviour among themselves when they share the same niche or habitat and food resources. They should simultaneously search for adequate food for themselves and their offspring and in the meantime avoid becoming food for other organisms. This behaviour is of great ecological interest in conditions of low prey availability. We examined by means of an olfactometer, how volatile chemicals from prey patches with conspecific or heterospecific predators might contribute to shaping the structure of predator guilds. To test this, we used the exotic predatory mites Typhlodromalus manihoti and T. aripo, and the native predatory mite Euseius fustis, with Mononychellus tanajoa as the common prey species for the three predatory mite species. We used as odour sources M. tanajoa-infested cassava leaves or apices with or without predators. T. manihoti avoided patches inhabited by the heterospecifics T. aripo and E. fustis or by conspecifics when tested against a patch without predators. Similarly, both T. aripo and E. fustis females avoided patches with con- or heterospecifics when tested against a patch without predators. When one patch contained T. aripo and the other T. manihoti, females of the latter preferred the patch with T. aripo. Thus, T. manihoti is able to discriminate between odours from patches with con- and heterospecifics. Our results show that the three predatory mite species are able to assess prey patch profitability using volatiles. Under natural conditions, particularly when their food sources are scarce, the three predatory mite species might be involved in interspecific and/or intraspecific interactions that can substantially affect population dynamics of the predators and their prey.  相似文献   

Many plant species possess structures on their leaves that often harbour predatory or fungivorous mites. These so‐called domatia are thought to mediate a mutualistic interaction; the plant gains protection because mites decimate plant pathogenic fungi or herbivores, whereas the mites find shelter in the domatia. We tested this hypothesis using two species of coffee (Coffea spp.) plants that posses domatia consisting of small cavities at the underside of the leaves, and which often harbour mites. We assessed densities of domatia, of the predatory mite Iphiseiodes zuluagai Denmark and Muma (Acari: Phytoseiidae) and of herbivorous mites Oligonychus ilicis (McGregor) (Acari: Tetranychidae) and Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes) (Acari: Tenuipalpidae) on Coffea arabica L. (Rubiaceae) and Coffea canephora Pierre in the field. Over a period of 50 days, C. arabica harboured on average 7.5 times more predatory mites and 0.4–0.66 fewer prey mites than C. canephora. Hence, the higher density of predatory mites on C. arabica could not be explained by higher densities of prey. However, the density of domatia on C. arabica was on average 1.65 times higher than on C. canephora, and within each species, leaves with higher densities of domatia also harboured more predators. This suggests a positive effect of domatia on predatory mites. In the laboratory, survival of adult female predatory mites on leaves of C. arabica with open domatia was indeed significantly higher than on leaves with closed domatia. Hence, predatory mites benefited from the domatia. However, plants with higher densities of domatia did not harbour fewer herbivores. Taken together, our study only provides partial evidence for a mutualistic interaction between coffee plants and predatory mites, mediated by domatia.  相似文献   

Mites occurring on a number ofnatural and secondary (i.e., planted) hedgerowslocated in north-eastern Italy were monitoredwith particular attention being paid tophytoseiids (Acari: Phytoseiidae). Pollendiversity and abundance were analysed tohighlight potential relationships betweenpollen availability and phytoseiids. Secondaryhedgerows were structured in modules containinga single species (field maple, hornbeam,dogwood, hazel, and elderberry) andmodules containing a mixture of theabove-mentioned species. These hedgerows werelocated in an experimental farm where they werecontiguous to a vineyard. Natural hedgerowswere located in the same area. The pollen ofPoaceae was the most important component ofnon-arboreal pollen (NAP), and that ofelderberry of arboreal pollen (AP). Pollendiversity was higher on natural than onsecondary hedgerows. Generally, pollendensities reached relatively high levels fromlate April to late June and decreased insummer. Pollen was more abundant on naturalthan on secondary hedgerows and phytoseiidabundance showed a similar trend. On elderberryand hornbeam in natural hedgerows a potentialrelationship between pollen availability andthe abundance of phytoseiids, in particular ofEuseius finlandicus (Oudemans) was found.Experimental pollen applications increased thefecundity and the abundance of this species.  相似文献   

The nonlinear behavior of the Holling-Tanner predatory-prey differential equation system, employed by R.M. May to illustrate the apparent robustness of Kolmogorov’s Theorem when applied to such exploitation systems, is re-examined by means of the numerical bifurcation code AUTO 86 with model parameters chosen appropriately for a temperature-dependent mite interaction on fruit trees. The most significant result of this analysis is that there exists a temperature range wherein multiple stable states can occur, in direct violation of May’s interpretation of this system’s satisfaction of Kolmogorov’s Theorem: namely, that linear stability predictions have global consequences. In particular these stable states consist of a focus (spiral point) and a limit cycle separated from each other in the phase plane by an unstable limit cycle, all of which are associated with the single community equilibrium point of the system. The ecological implications of such metastability, hysteresis, and threshold behavior for the occurrence of outbreaks, the persistence of oscillations, the resiliency of the system, and the biological control of mite populations are discussed.  相似文献   

Knowledge of inter and intra-specific variation in the susceptibility of natural enemies to pesticides could help to better design integrated pest management strategies. The objective of this research was to evaluate the susceptibility to deltamethrin in populations of the predatory mites Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor) and Phytoseiulus macropilis (Banks) populations collected from protected ornamental crops in Brazil. The susceptibility to deltamethrin was characterized against immature and adult stages of both species. The impact of this insecticide was also measured by estimating the intrinsic rate of increase (r i). The immature and adult stages of N. californicus were approximately 3,600 and 3,000-fold more tolerant to deltamethrin than those of P. macropilis. However, high variability in the susceptibility to this insecticide was detected among P. macropilis populations, with resistance ratios of up to 3,500-fold. The selection of deltamethrin-resistant strains of P. macropilis could be exploited in applied biological control programs.  相似文献   

In choice test experiments on strawberry leaf disc arenas the phytoseiid mites Neoseiulus californicus and N. cucumeris were more effective than Typhlodromus pyri as predators of the phytophagous mites Tetranychus urticae and Phytonemus pallidus. There were no preferences shown for either prey by any of these predators. In multiple predator leaf disc experiments both Phytoseiulus persimilis and N. cucumeris significantly reduced numbers of T. urticae eggs and active stages; this effect was seen when the two species were present alone or in combination with other predator species. Neoseiulus californicus was less effective at reducing T. urticae numbers, and T. pyri was not effective; no interaction between predator species was detected in these experiments. When T. urticae alone was present as prey on potted plants, P. persimilis and N. californicus were the only phytoseiids to significantly reduce T. urticae numbers. These two predator species provided effective control of T. urticae when P. pallidus was also present; however, none of the predators reduced numbers of P. pallidus. There were no significant negative interactions when different species of predators were present together on these potted plants. In field experiments, releases of both P. persimilis and N. cucumeris significantly reduced T. urticae numbers. However, there was a significant interaction between these predator species, leading to poorer control of T. urticae when both species were released together. These results show the importance of conducting predator/prey feeding tests at different spatial scales.  相似文献   

The effects of edaphic moisture in anatomical characters were evaluated in two different populations of Carex hirta L. with three watering treatment for 6 months to evaluate stability, and determined taxonomic value. Water availability increased (p < 0.001) leaf thickness from 239 to 289 μm, metaxylem vessel diameter from 17 to 23 μm, air cavity size from 10 to 24% and adaxial epidermal cell height from 18 to 34 μm, and abaxial from 11 to 16 μm, adaxial epidermal cell length from 54 to 105 μm, and abaxial from 35 to 86 μm, and adaxial epidermal cell width from 20 to 33 μm, and abaxial from 15 to 23 μm. Stomatal index and the number of cells in the girder of sclerenchyma did not vary with water availability, hence these traits have taxonomic value. Other characters (the length and amplitude of wall undulations in the epidermal cells, the number of bulliform cells) have a doubtful relation with water availability, because they are variable even in constant homogeneous conditions.  相似文献   

In spring and summer, two groups of natural enemies are successfully used for biological control of western flower thrips,Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) in greenhouses: phytoseiid mites (Amblyseius cucumeris (Oudemans) and, to a lesser extent,A. barkeri (Hughes)) and anthocorid bugs (Orius spp.). During winter, however, these predators often fail to control the pest. One likely cause for failure is the predators' tendency to enter diapause under short day conditions. In addition, eggs of predatory mites are generally susceptible to low humidity conditions, which often arise in greenhouses when outside temperatures drop below zero, or at bright, hot days in summer. In search for a thrips predator that is not hampered by these conditions, five subtropical phytoseiid species were selected which were known to feed on thrips:A. hibisci (Chant),A. degenerans Berlese,A. limonicus s.s. Garman and McGregor,A. scutalis (Athias-Henriot) andA. tularensis (Congdon). These species were compared toA. cucumeris andA. barkeri, with respect to the following features: (1) predation and oviposition rate with youngF. occidentalis larvae as prey, (2) oviposition rate on a diet of sweet pepper pollen, (3) drought tolerance spectrum of eggs, and (4) incidence of reproductive diapause under short day conditions. The results showed thatA. limonicus exhibited the highest predation and oviposition rates on a diet of thrips larvae. Moreover,A. limonicus females showed total absence of diapause under the conditions tested. A major disadvantage of this species was, however, that its eggs were most sensitive to low air humidity conditions. Least sensitive to low air humidity were eggs ofA. degenerans andA. hibisci. Females ofA. degenerans andA. hibisci also showed total absence of diapause, and intermediate rates of predation and oviposition, on both thrips larvae and pollen. In conclusion, we argue thatA. degenerans andA. hibisci are the most promising candidates for biological control ofF. occidentalis under conditions of low humidity and short day length. The success of these candidates remains to be shown in greenhouse experiments.  相似文献   

捕食螨在我国农林害螨生物防治中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
捕食螨是农林生产中极具价值的生防作用物。文章对捕食螨在我国农林害螨生物防治中的应用作一综述,内容包括:与释放应用相关的研究(引进与风险评估,饲养、贮存与运输,食性与释放,捕食与繁殖,定殖与扩散,外界影响因子)、几种主要捕食螨(智利小植绥螨Phytoseiulus persimilis、西方盲走螨Typhlodromus occidentalis、伪钝绥螨Amblyseius fallacis、胡瓜钝绥螨A.cucumeris)的应用、释放应用前景与展望等,旨在提高我国的捕食螨研究与应用水平。  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to determine two types of photosynthetic water-use efficiency in order to examine their utility as selection criteria for tolerance of energy crops to soil water deficit. Furthermore, effects of crop cultivation on soil water content and storage were investigated. Seven energy crops were examined: miscanthus, prairie cordgrass, willow, thorn-free rose, Virginia mallow, Bohemian knotweed, and topinambour. The highest values of instantaneous (WUE) and intrinsic (WUEi) water-use efficiencies were found for miscanthus and prairie cordgrass. The reduction of WUE and/or WUEi was caused mainly by a rapid rise in the transpiration rate and a greater stomatal conductance, respectively. Principal component analysis showed that neither WUE nor WUEi could be recommended as universal selection criteria for the drought tolerance in different energy crops. The proper localization of soil with a good supply of water is most the important condition for energy crop plantations.  相似文献   

The gravimetric soil water content of four different successional stages of inland dune vegetation revealed pronounced seasonal changes and particularly a major drought period in the late summer. In order to analyze the effect of these seasonal water changes on the competitive interactions of two dominant species (Carex arenaria andDeschampsia flexuosa) in one of these stages root development was compared under experimentally manipulated water conditions in a minirhizotron experiment. Under well-watered conditions, the root growth ofC. arenaria andD. flexuosa was not influenced by competition, but was significantly reduced forC. arenaria at low water availability. Accordingly, the relative yield based on total biomass was significantly lower under water shortage than under well-watered conditions forC. arenaria, indicating higher interspecific competition compared to intraspecific competitive interactions. These results indicate (i) that soil water status is an important factor for belowground competitive interactions and (ii) that seasonal changes in soil water content may have a pronounced effect on the outcome of competition and, in consequence, on the structure of the respective plant communities.  相似文献   

The effect of relative humidity on egg hatch success for Iphiseius degenerans, Neoseiulus californicus and N. cucumeris was described by a binomial model with a parallel slope. The shape of the response differed for Phytoseiulus persimilis and a model with separate parameters gave a significantly better fit. Fitted response curves showed that I. degenerans, N. cucumeris, N. californicus and P. persimilis were ranked by decreasing tolerance to low humidity, with egg mortalities of < 0.5, 3, 12 and 16% respectively at 75-80% RH at 20 degrees C. Egg stage duration for I. degenerans and N. cucumeris was unaffected over the range 60-82% RH. For N. californicus and P. persimilis egg duration was significantly longer at 60 and 70% than for either 82 or 90% RH. No effect of relative humidity was found on the mean life span of adult females when food was available continuously to the mites. N. californicus lived significantly longer (58 days after the first egg was laid) than the other species. No significant difference was observed in mean life span between adult females of I. degenerans and N. cucumeris (25 and 28 days respectively). The mean life span of adult female P. persimilis (19 days) was significantly shorter than the other species. In the absence of both food and water, the survival of adult female mites was reduced to 2-4 days. Survival time was at least doubled when free water was available in the absence of food. Mean survival of adult female mites with water but without food was 10 days for N. cucumeris, 18 days for N. californicus, 6 days for P. persimilis and 4 days for I. degenerans. Survival of adult female N. cucumeris and N. californicus was increased significantly, to 20 and 22 days respectively, when fungal hyphae were present along with water but in the absence of other food.  相似文献   

Slow-release sachets of predatory mites are widely employed for controlling small pest arthropods in protected crops. However, environmental stresses can adversely affect the performance of such sachets. To solve this problem, we developed plant-attached shelters that hold sachets of Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor) or Amblyseius swirskii (Athias-Henriot). We conducted laboratory experiments to reveal whether sheltered sachets can protect predators against pesticides and drenching. The numbers of each predator in unsheltered sachets were drastically decreased after spraying with a non-selective pesticide (methidathion), and after continuous spraying (four days) with water, whereas the numbers in the sheltered sachets were not seriously affected by these factors. We also found that more predators (at least for N. californicus) were released from sheltered sachets at different temperatures (25 and 17 °C) than from unsheltered sachets. These results indicate sheltered sachets to be potentially useful for protecting predatory mites against environmental stresses and enhancing their release to crops.  相似文献   

Recent reviews on trait-mediated interactions in food webs suggest that trait-mediated effects are as important in triggering top–down trophic cascades as are density-mediated effects. Trait-mediated interactions between predator and prey result from non-consumptive predator effects changing behavioural and/or life history traits of prey. However, in biological control the occurrence of trait-mediated interactions between predators, prey and plants has been largely ignored. Here, we show that non-consumptive predator effects on prey cascade down to the plant in an agro-ecological food chain. The study system consisted of the predatory mites P. persimilis and N. californicus , the herbivorous non-target prey western flower thrips F. occidentalis and the host plant bean. Irrespective of predator species and risk posed to prey, the presence of predator eggs led to increased ambulation, increased mortality and decreased oviposition of thrips. Furthermore, the presence of predator eggs reduced leaf damage caused by thrips. To our knowledge this is the first experimental evidence suggesting a positive trophic cascade triggered by non-consumptive predator effects on non-target prey in an augmentative biological control system.  相似文献   

Censuses of white-fronted chats were conducted three times per day, four times per month for more than 2 years in a salt-marsh/grassland near Melbourne. Most birds Were in flocks of less than 10, although flocks of up to 50 were recorded. Diet was determined by stomach flushing 226 birds over a 12 month period and the abundance of their arthropod prey was sampled in pitfall and sticky traps located in areas where flocks aggregated and in areas where few birds were found. Diptera and Coleoptera were the major components of the diet, although the actual species varied throughout the year. On 8 of 9 occasions when differences in prey density were detected, birds aggregated in the more profitable patches. These observations suggest a relationship between food-finding and flock formation but cannot eliminate the possibility of flocking functioning as an anti-predator strategy.  相似文献   

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