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Molecular cloning of the human DNA excision repair gene ERCC-6.   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
The UV-sensitive, nucleotide excision repair-deficient Chinese hamster mutant cell line UV61 was used to identify and clone a correcting human gene, ERCC-6. UV61, belonging to rodent complementation group 6, is only moderately UV sensitive in comparison with mutant lines in groups 1 to 5. It harbors a deficiency in the repair of UV-induced cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers but permits apparently normal repair of (6-4) photoproducts. Genomic (HeLa) DNA transfections of UV61 resulted, with a very low efficiency, in six primary and four secondary UV-resistant transformants having regained wild-type UV survival. Southern blot analysis revealed that five primary and only one secondary transformant retained human sequences. The latter line was used to clone the entire 115-kb human insert. Coinheritance analysis demonstrated that five of the other transformants harbored a 100-kb segment of the cloned human insert. Since it is extremely unlikely that six transformants all retain the same stretch of human DNA by coincidence, we conclude that the ERCC-6 gene resides within this region and probably covers most of it. The large size of the gene explains the extremely low transfection frequency and makes the gene one of the largest cloned by genomic DNA transfection. Four transformants did not retain the correcting ERCC-6 gene and presumably have reverted to the UV-resistant phenotype. One of these appeared to have amplified an endogenous, mutated CHO ERCC-6 allele, indicating that the UV61 mutation is leaky and can be overcome by gene amplification.  相似文献   

In this report we present the cloning, partial characterization, and preliminary studies of the biological activity of a human gene, designated ERCC-3, involved in early steps of the nucleotide excision repair pathway. The gene was cloned after genomic DNA transfection of human (HeLa) chromosomal DNA together with dominant marker pSV3gptH to the UV-sensitive, incision-defective Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) mutant 27-1. This mutant belongs to complementation group 3 of repair-deficient rodent mutants. After selection of UV-resistant primary and secondary 27-1 transformants, human sequences associated with the induced UV resistance were rescued in cosmids from the DNA of a secondary transformant by using a linked dominant marker copy and human repetitive DNA as probes. From coinheritance analysis of the ERCC-3 region in independent transformants, we deduce that the gene has a size of 35 to 45 kilobases, of which one essential segment has so far been refractory to cloning. Conserved unique human sequences hybridizing to a 3.0-kilobase mRNA were used to isolate apparently full-length cDNA clones. Upon transfection to 27-1 cells, the ERCC-3 cDNA, inserted in a mammalian expression vector, induced specific and (virtually) complete correction of the UV sensitivity and unscheduled DNA synthesis of mutants of complementation group 3 with very high efficiency. Mutant 27-1 is, unlike other mutants of complementation group 3, also very sensitive toward small alkylating agents. This unique property of the mutant is not corrected by introduction of the ERCC-3 cDNA, indicating that it may be caused by an independent second mutation in another repair function. By hybridization to DNA of a human x rodent hybrid cell panel, the ERCC-3 gene was assigned to chromosome 2, in agreement with data based on cell fusion (L. H. Thompson, A. V. Carrano, K. Sato, E. P. Salazar, B. F. White, S. A. Stewart, J. L. Minkler, and M. J. Siciliano, Somat. Cell. Mol. Genet. 13:539-551, 1987).  相似文献   

The human DNA excision repair protein ERCC-1 exhibits homology to the yeast RAD10 repair protein and its longer C-terminus displays similarity to parts of the E. coli repair proteins uvrA and uvrC. To study the evolution of this 'mosaic' ERCC-1 gene we have isolated the mouse homologue. Mouse ERCC-1 harbors the same pattern of homology with RAD10 and has a comparable C-terminal extension as its human equivalent. Mutation studies show that the strongly conserved C-terminus is essential in contrast to the less conserved N-terminus which is even dispensible. The mouse ERCC-1 amino acid sequence is compatible with a previously postulated nuclear location signal and DNA-binding domain. The ERCC-1 promoter harbors a region which is highly conserved in mouse and man. Since the ERCC-1 promoter is devoid of all classical promoter elements this region may be responsible for the low constitutive level of expression in all mouse tissues and stages of embryogenesis examined.  相似文献   

Numerous rodent cell lines exist that have defects in nucleotide excision repair of DNA caused by alterations in genes that fall into 10 different complementation groups. The precise roles in the repair of these genes are unknown. We report here that extracts from Chinese hamster ovary cells of excision repair-defective complementation groups 1 and 3 are defective in DNA excision repair in a cell-free system. In vitro complementation can be achieved by mixing extracts from the two groups with one another. In addition, extracts from a human cell line representing xeroderma pigmentosum complementation group B could complement rodent complementation group 1 extracts, but not group 3 extracts. This is consistent with an identity of the ERCC-3 and xeroderma pigmentosum group B genes. Cellular evidence points toward a defect in the incision of damaged DNA in group 1 and 3 mutants. Since the ERCC-1 and ERCC-3 proteins are required for the in vitro reaction, it appears that both gene products are directly involved in the enzymatic incision of damaged DNA, or in preincision reactions. The experiments reported here provide the biochemical basis of an approach to analyze the function of these nucleotide excision repair proteins.  相似文献   

The human excision repair gene ERCC-1 gene restores normal resistance to UV and mitomycin C in excision repair deficient chinese hamster ovary cells of complementation group 1. To investigate the involvement of the ERCC-1 gene in gene-specific repair of bulky lesions, we have studied the removal of damage induced by the antitumor agent cisplatin in CHO mutant 43-3B cells of group 1, with or without transfection with the ERCC-1 gene. Firstly, we determined the contribution of the ERCC-1 gene to the repair of interstrand crosslinks (ICL) induced by cisplatin and found efficient removal of ICLs from the dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) gene in the ERCC-1 transfected 43-3B cells. We then assessed the contribution of ERCC-1 to the repair of intrastrand adducts (IA) induced by cisplatin. Compared to the wild-type parental cell line, the ERCC-1 transfected 43-3B cells repaired the IAs in the DHFR gene inefficiently. Thus, our data suggest that the ERCC-1 gene is more involved in the repair of interstrand crosslinks than in the removal of intrastrand adducts.  相似文献   

The human DNA-excision repair gene ERCC-1 is cloned by its ability to correct the excision-repair defect of the ultraviolet light- and mitomycin-C-sensitive CHO mutant cell line 43-3B. This mutant is assigned to complementation group 2 of the excision-repair-deficient CHO mutants. In order to establish whether the correction by ERCC-1 is confined to CHO mutants of one complementation group, the cloned repair gene, present on cosmid 43-34, was transfected to representative cell lines of the 6 complementation groups that have been identified to date. Following transfection, mycophenolic acid was used to select for transferants expressing the dominant marker gene Ecogpt, also present on cosmid 43-34. Cotransfer of the ERCC-1 gene was shown by Southern blot analysis of DNA from pooled (500-2000 independent colonies) transformants of each mutant. UV survival and UV-induced UDS showed that only mutants belonging to complementation group 2 and no mutants of other groups were corrected by the ERCC-1 gene. This demonstrates that ERCC-1 does not provide an aspecific bypass of excision-repair defects in CHO mutants and supports the assumption that the complementation analysis is based on mutations in different repair genes.  相似文献   

The human DNA repair protein ERCC1 resides in a complex together with the ERCC4, ERCC11 and XP-F correcting activities, thought to perform the 5' strand incision during nucleotide excision repair (NER). Its yeast counterpart, RAD1-RAD10, has an additional engagement in a mitotic recombination pathway, probably required for repair of DNA cross-links. Mutational analysis revealed that the poorly conserved N-terminal 91 amino acids of ERCC1 are dispensable for both repair functions, in contrast to a deletion of only four residues from the C-terminus. A database search revealed a strongly conserved motif in this C-terminus sharing sequence homology with many DNA break processing proteins, indicating that this part is primarily required for the presumed structure-specific endonuclease activity of ERCC1. Most missense mutations in the central region give rise to an unstable protein (complex). Accordingly, we found that free ERCC1 is very rapidly degraded, suggesting that protein-protein interactions provide stability. Survival experiments show that the removal of cross-links requires less ERCC1 than UV repair. This suggests that the ERCC1-dependent step in cross-link repair occurs outside the context of NER and provides an explanation for the phenotype of the human repair syndrome xeroderma pigmentosum group F.  相似文献   

Nucleotide excision repair (NER), a highly versatile DNA repair mechanism, is capable of removing various types of DNA damage including those induced by UV radiation and chemical mutagens. NER has been well characterized in yeast and mammalian systems but its presence in plants has not been reported. Here it is reported that a plant gene isolated from male germline cells of lily (Lilium longiflorum) shows a striking amino acid sequence similarity to the DNA excision repair proteins human ERCC1 and yeast RAD10. Homologous genes are also shown to be present in a number of taxonomically diverse plant genera tested, suggesting that this gene may have a conserved function in plants. The protein encoded by this gene is able to correct significantly the sensitivity to the cross-linking agent mitomycin C in ERCC1-deficient Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. These findings suggest that the NER mechanism is conserved in yeast, animals and higher plants.  相似文献   

A comparative study on the biological responses to different mutagens (UV, 4NQO, MMC, MMS and EMS) was made on CHO wild-type cells (CHO-9), its UV-hypersensitive mutant 43-3B, and 2 types of its transferants, i.e., one containing a few copies of the human repair gene ERCC-1 and the other having more than 100 copies of ERCC-1 (due to gene amplification). Cell survival, chromosomal aberrations and SCEs were used as biological end-points. The spontaneous frequency of chromosomal aberrations in the transferants was less than found in 43-3B mutant cells, but still 2-3 times higher than in wild-type CHO cells. The spontaneous frequency of SCEs in the transferants was less than in 43-3B and similar to that of wild-type cells. The induction of SCEs by all tested agents in transferants was similar to that found in CHO-9 cells, while the mutant is known to respond with higher frequencies. ERCC-1 also bestowed resistance to MMS and EMS on the mutant to induction of chromosomal aberrations and cell killing to levels comparable with those of the wild-type strain. On the other hand ERCC-1 could not completely regain the repair proficiency against cell killing and induction of chromosomal aberrations by UV or MMC to the wild-type level. These results suggest that the ERCC-1 corrects the repair defect in CHO mutant cells, but it is unable to rectify fully the defect; probable reasons for this are discussed. However, amplified transferants (having more than 100 copies of the ERCC-1 gene) restored the impaired repair function in 43-3B to UV-, MMC- or 4NQO-induced DNA damage better than non-amplified transferants with a few copies of the ERCC-1. This difference may be due to the high amount of gene product involved in the excision repair process in the amplified cells.  相似文献   

Order of assembly of human DNA repair excision nuclease.   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Human excision nuclease removes DNA damage by concerted dual incisions bracketing the lesion. The dual incisions are accomplished by sequential and partly overlapping actions of six repair factors, RPA, XPA, XPC, TFIIH, XPG, and XPF.ERCC1. Of these, RPA, XPA, and XPC have specific binding affinity for damaged DNA. To learn about the role of these three proteins in damage recognition and the order of assembly of the excision nuclease, we measured the binding affinities of XPA, RPA, and XPC to a DNA fragment containing a single (6-4) photoproduct and determined the rate of damage excision under a variety of reaction conditions. We found that XPC has the highest affinity to DNA and that RPA has the highest selectivity for damaged DNA. Under experimental conditions conducive to binding of either XPA + RPA or XPC to damaged DNA, the rate of damage removal was about 5-fold faster for reactions in which XPA + RPA was the first damage recognition factor presented to DNA compared with reactions in which XPC was the first protein that had the opportunity to bind to DNA. We conclude that RPA and XPA are the initial damage sensing factors of human excision nuclease.  相似文献   

Base excision repair is one of the major mechanisms by which cells correct damaged DNA. We have developed an in vitro assay for base excision repair which is dependent on a uracil-containing DNA template. In this report, we demonstrate the fractionation of a human cell extract into two required components. One fraction was extensively purified and by several criteria shown to be identical to DNA polymerase beta (Polbeta). Purified, recombinant Polbeta efficiently substituted for this fraction. Escherichia coli PolI, mammalian Poldelta and to a lesser extent Polalpha and epsilon also functioned in this assay. We provide evidence that multiple polymerases function in base excision repair in human cell extracts. A neutralizing antibody to Polbeta, which inhibited repair synthesis catalyzed by pure Polbeta by approximately 90%, only suppressed repair in crude extracts by a maximum of approximately 70%. An inhibitor of Polbeta, ddCTP, decreased base excision repair in crude extracts by approximately 50%, whereas the Polalpha/delta/epsilon inhibitor, aphidicolin, reduced the reaction by approximately 20%. A combination of these chemical inhibitors almost completely abolished repair synthesis. These data suggest that Polbeta is the major base excision repair polymerase in human cells, but that other polymerases also contribute to a significant extent.  相似文献   

The RAD10 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is required for nucleotide excision repair of DNA. Expression of RAD10 mRNA and Rad10 protein was demonstrated in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells containing amplified copies of the gene, and RAD10 mRNA was also detected in stable transfectants without gene amplification. Following transfection with the RAD10 gene, three independently isolated excision repair-defective CHO cell lines from the same genetic complementation group (complementation group 2) showed partial complementation of sensitivity to killing by UV radiation and to the DNA cross-linking agent mitomycin C. These results were not observed when RAD10 was introduced into excision repair-defective CHO cell lines from other genetic complementation groups, nor when the yeast RAD3 gene was expressed in cells from genetic complementation group 2. Enhanced UV resistance in cells carrying the RAD10 gene was accompanied by partial reactivation of the plasmid-borne chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (cat) gene following its inactivation by UV radiation. The phenotype of CHO cells from genetic complementation group 2 is also specifically complemented by the human ERCC1 gene, and the ERCC1 and RAD10 genes have similar amino acid sequences. The present experiments therefore indicate that the structural homology between the yeast Rad10 and human Ercc1 polypeptides is reflected at a functional level, and suggest that nucleotide excision repair proteins are conserved in eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Surveillance and repair of DNA damage are essential for maintaining the integrity of the genetic information that is needed for normal development. Several multienzyme pathways, including the excision repair of damaged or missing bases, carry out DNA repair in mammals. We determined the developmental role of the X-ray cross-complementing (Xrcc)-1 gene, which is central to base excision repair, by generating a targeted mutation in mice. Heterozygous matings produced Xrcc1-/- embryos at early developmental stages, but not Xrcc1-/- late-stage fetuses or pups. Histology showed that mutant (Xrcc1-/-) embryos arrested at embryonic day (E) 6.5 and by E7.5 were morphologically abnormal. The most severe abnormalities observed in mutant embryos were in embryonic tissues, which showed increased cell death in the epiblast and an altered morphology in the visceral embryonic endoderm. Extraembryonic tissues appeared relatively normal at E6.5-7.5. Even without exposure to DNA-damaging agents, mutant embryos showed increased levels of unrepaired DNA strand breaks in the egg cylinder compared with normal embryos. Xrcc1-/- cell lines derived from mutant embryos were hypersensitive to mutagen-induced DNA damage. Xrcc1 mutant embryos that were also made homozygous for a null mutation in Trp53 underwent developmental arrest after only slightly further development, thus revealing a Trp53-independent mechanism of embryo lethality. These results show that an intact base excision repair pathway is essential for normal early postimplantation mouse development and implicate an endogenous source of DNA damage in the lethal phenotype of embryos lacking this repair capacity.  相似文献   

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