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For spherical particles randomly dispersed in the space of a specimen the estimators of the parameters of the space structure from the measurements obtained from extraction replicas are given. First an arbitrary form of the probability density function f(x) of the diameter X and then the generalized RAYLEIGH and lognormal distributions of X are considered. Unbiased estimators of the space parameters and of parameters of these distributions are found. The variances of these estimators are given and unbiased estimators of these variances are determined.  相似文献   

We consider parametric distributions intended to model heterogeneity in population size estimation, especially parametric stochastic abundance models for species richness estimation. We briefly review (conditional) maximum likelihood estimation of the number of species, and summarize the results of fitting 7 candidate models to frequency‐count data, from a database of >40000 such instances, mostly arising from microbial ecology. We consider error estimation, goodness‐of‐fit assessment, data subsetting, and other practical matters. We find that, although the array of candidate models can be improved, finite mixtures of a small number of components (point masses or simple diffuse distributions) represent a promising direction. Finally we consider the connections between parametric models for abundance and incidence data, again noting the usefulness of finite mixture models. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to compare three different methods for the aerodynamic assessment of (1) chloroflurocarbon (CFC)-fluticasone propionate (Flovent), (2) CFC-sodium cromoglycate (Intal), and (3) hydrofluoroalkane (HFA)-beclomethasone dipropionate (Qvar) delivered by pressurized metered dose inhaler. Particle size distributions were compared determining mass median aerodynamic diameter (MMAD), geometric standard deviation (GSD), and fine particle fraction <4.7 μm aerodynamic diameter (FPF<4.7 μm). Next Generation Pharmaceutical Impactor (NGI)-size distributions for Flovent comprised finer particles than determined by Andersen 8-stage impactor (ACI) (MMAD=2.0±0.05 μm [NGI]; 2.8±0.07 μm [ACI]); however FPF<4.7 μm by both impactors was in the narrow range 88% to 93%. Size distribution agreement for Intal was better (MMAD=4.3±0.19 μm (NGI), 4.2±0.13 μm (ACI), with FPF<4.7 μm ranging from 52% to 60%. The Aerodynamic Particle Sizer (APS) undersized aerosols produced with either formulation (MMAD=1.8±0.07 μm and 3.2±0.02 μm for Flovent and Intal, respectively), but values of FPF<4.7 μm from the single-stage impactor (SSI) located at the inlet to the APS (82.9%±2.1% [Flovent], 46.4%±2.4% [Intal]) were fairly close to corresponding data from the multi-stage impactors. APS-measured size distributions for Qvar (MMAD=1.0±0.03 μm; FPF<4.7 μm=96.4% ±2.5%), were in fair agreement with both NGI (MMAD=0.9±0.03 μm; FPF<4.7 μm=96.7%±0.7%), and ACI (MMAD=1.2±0.02 μm, FPF<4.7 μm=98%±0.5%), but FPF<4.7 μm from the SSI (67.1%±4.1%) was lower than expected, based on equivalent data obtained by the other techniques. Particle bounce, incomplete evaporation of volatile constituents and the presence of surfactant particles are factors that may be responsible for discrepancies between the techniques.  相似文献   

通常所使用的由传统方法得到的物种总数的一类Bayes置信区间不是最短的,就此意义而言也不是最优的。本文得到改进后的Bayes区间估计,并在各种有代表性的自由度情形下通过对比指出它相对于传统的Bayes区间估计的优越性所在,由分析可见,改进后的区间估计更能满足生产实践的需要,得到的物种总数的区间估计更为精确。  相似文献   

The problem of estimating the numbers of motor units N in a muscle is embedded in a general stochastic model using the notion of thinning from point process theory. In the paper a new moment type estimator for the numbers of motor units in a muscle is denned, which is derived using random sums with independently thinned terms. Asymptotic normality of the estimator is shown and its practical value is demonstrated with bootstrap and approximative confidence intervals for a data set from a 31-year-old healthy right-handed, female volunteer. Moreover simulation results are presented and Monte-Carlo based quantiles, means, and variances are calculated for N in{300,600,1000}.  相似文献   

Molecular markers are frequently used to study genetic variation among individuals within or between populations. Differences in marker banding patterns can be used to verify if individuals do, or do not, represent distinct groups or populations. Only in 2005, more than 500 studies used molecular markers to group individuals in clusters. Such studies make use of an arbitrary number of molecular markers from each of an arbitrary number of individuals presumed to represent distinct genotypes. However, the greater the genetic variation, the more likely a larger number of individuals and markers will be needed to capture a population's genetic signature. The numbers of both, markers and individuals included thus affect the way in which individuals are organized through cluster analyses, thereby affecting the conclusions drawn. Here we present a method that provides statistical criteria to verify that individual and marker sample sizes are sufficient to accurately depict genetic differentiation among different populations. Our method uses a resampling technique to assess the reproducibility of obtaining a particular grouping pattern for specific data sets. It thus, allows to estimate the robustness of the results obtained without including additional individuals, or markers.  相似文献   

Four pseudo random number generators were tested for equivalence. Using two different seed values for each generator, the robustness of a one-sample t-statistic was assessed under a stationary auto-regressive process. The degree of autocorrelation, sample size and significance level were varied for the eight sets of random numbers generated. Results showed an interaction effect between random number generator and alpha level of the t-distribution, suggesting that simulation results could depend on the random number generator selected.  相似文献   

Studies of multiple paternity in mammals and other animal species generally report proportion of multiple paternity among litters, mean litter sizes, and mean number of sires per litter. It is shown how these variables can be used to produce an estimate of the probability of reproductive success for a male that has mated with a female. This estimate of male success is more informative about the mating system that alternative measures, like the proportion of litters with multiple paternity or the mean number of sires per litter. The probability of success for a mated male can be measured both theoretically and empirically, and gives an estimate of the intensity of sperm competition and of a male's “confidence of paternity” upon mating. The probability of success for mated males for ten “exemplar” species of mammals is estimated and they are compared for insights into the functioning of their mating systems.  相似文献   

转红色荧光蛋白基因唐鱼外源基因拷贝数的测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:测定转红色荧光蛋白基因唐鱼的外源基因拷贝数。方法:以杂合F5代和杂合F6代转红色荧光蛋白基因唐鱼为材料,以其外源插入片段(pDsRed-mylz2)与基因组插入位点5′侧翼区之间的边界序列作为特异性内参片段,同时以外源整合的红色荧光表达载体序列(pDsRed-mylz2)作为目的基因,采用实时荧光定量PCR技术测定外源基因整合的拷贝数。结果:运用外源基因与特异内参在同批次实时荧光定量PCR中的初始拷贝数比值,得到杂合F5代和杂合F6代转红色荧光蛋白基因唐鱼中插入的外源红色荧光表达载体序列pDsRed-mylz2的拷贝数均值均为3。结论:转红色荧光蛋白基因唐鱼的外源基因拷贝数为3。  相似文献   

为探讨中国鲤形目鱼类中轴骨骼数及其与系统发育和生态习性的相关性,采用X光透视照相法对157种鲤科(Cyprinidae)、鳅科(Cobitidae)、平鳍鳅科(Balitoridae)鱼类的脊椎骨数、肋骨数、尾椎数进行了比较分析。结果显示,中国鲤形目鱼类的脊椎骨数在30-52枚之间,均值39.45?4.44;肋骨数在8-28对之间,均值15.27?3.08;尾椎数在14-34枚之间,均值21.08?2.89。依据脊椎骨数、肋骨数、尾椎数对鲤科各亚科进行聚类,显示鲤科12个亚科分为2大类:雅罗鱼类,包括雅罗鱼亚科、鲌亚科、鲴亚科、裂腹鱼亚科等4亚科;鲃类,包括鲢亚科、鮈亚科、鱼丹亚科、鲃亚科、野鲮亚科、鳅鮀亚科、鲤亚科、鱊亚科等8亚科。单因素方差分析显示,鲤科肉食性鱼类的肋骨数与脊椎骨数的比值显著少于植食性鱼类(P<0.05),而脊椎骨数、尾椎数则显著多于植食性鱼类(P<0.05)。中上层鱼类的脊椎骨数、尾椎数显著多于下层鱼类(P<0.05)。极小型鱼类的脊椎骨数、肋骨数,以及肋骨数与脊椎骨数之比显著少于大型鱼类(P<0.05)。表明鲤科鱼类的中轴骨骼数与其系统发育和生态习性及体型具有明显的相关性。  相似文献   

The problem of estimating M, the number of classes in a population, is formulated as an occupancy problem in which N items are drawn from M urns. Under the assumption of a uniform distribution for the number of classes in the population, the sufficient statistic for M, which is the number of distinct classes observed, does not depend upon the number of repetitions in the sample. Point and interval estimates of M are developed using maximum likelihood and the method of moments. Both techniques give rise to the same basic equation which requires a simple iterative solution. These same techniques are used in the more general situation in which the classes can be further subdivided according to type.  相似文献   

Nielsen R  Tarpy DR  Reeve HK 《Molecular ecology》2003,12(11):3157-3164
Estimating paternity and genetic relatedness is central to many empirical and theoretical studies of social insects. The two important measures of a queen's mating number are her actual number of mates and her effective number of mates. Estimating the effective number of mates is mathematically identical to the problem of estimating the effective number of alleles in population genetics, a common measure of genetic variability introduced by Kimura & Crow (1964). We derive a new bias-corrected estimator of effective number of types (mates or alleles) and compare this new method to previous methods for estimating true and effective numbers of types using Monte Carlo simulations. Our simulation results suggest that the examined estimators of the true number of types have very similar statistical properties, whereas the estimators of effective number of types have quite different statistical properties. Moreover, our new proposed estimator of effective number of types is approximately unbiased, and has considerably lower variance than the original estimator. Our new method will help researchers more accurately estimate intracolony genetic relatedness of social insects, which is an important measure in understanding their ecology and social behaviour. It should also be of use in population genetic studies in which the effective number of alleles is of interest.  相似文献   

1999年1月在黑龙江省通河县小东林场猎杀14只狍,应用解剖学方法和湿筛法分别对狍冬季消化道形态特征及消化道内食物颗粒分布进行了研究。结果表明,狍复胃中瘤胃比例最大,占71.3±2.6%,其次为皱胃(11.5士2.2%),瓣胃(9.7士2.3%),网胃(7.6士0.9%0);瘤胃粘膜中,瘤胃前庭区(ACF)是最重要的消化和吸收部位之一,具有最大的乳突密度、乳突长度和粘膜赓面扩张系数,显著高于其它区域(P< 0.05 ),后背盲囊区(DBF)次之;网瓣口在狍食物颗粒流通中起到了重要的调节作用,消化道食物颗粒分布中,大颗粒食物(>1.00mm)在瘤网胃中的比例为35.06±10.76%,显著高于其在瓣胃、皱胃及其它消化道内的比例(P<0.05),而小于1.00 mm的食物颗粒在瓣胃以下消化道中有明显的增加(P<0.05), 1.00mm为冬季通过狍网瓣口的临界食物颗粒大小。狍为适应冬季食物营养质量下降,通过增加瘤网胃容量、缩小网瓣口来改变消化道形态而增加食物颗粒在瘤网胃内的滞留时间,使富含纤维素的食物充分发酵和分解以获得更多的能量,从而产生营养适应性的季节变化。  相似文献   

不定胚再生植株的染色体数目变异   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
何欢乐  蔡润  潘俊松 《遗传》2002,24(2):166-170
本实验以甜瓜“小麦瓜”和“青皮绿肉”品种为试材,经不定胚诱导再生植株。分别调查了不同继代培养时间后形成再生植株的染色体数目,并将之与对照染色体数目相比较,发现通过诱导不定胚所得到的再生植株中存在着一定的变异,而且经过不同继代培养时间后,所得到的不定胚再生植株的变异程度不同,随着时间的增加,染色体数目的变异率从3.3%增加到30%,变异幅度也从2n=23~24增加到2n=13~48。从而得出结论:不定胚再生植株染色体数目变异程度随着培养时间的增加而增加;培养时间在1~2个月内所得到的不定胚再生植株的变异较少。此外,不定胚再生植株的染色体数目变异程度也因品种而异。 Abstract:Chromosomal number of different of somatic embryos regenerated plants were investigated in melon variety “xiaomaigua” and “Qingpilurou”.Certain variations of chromosomal number were found among the regenerated plants compared with normal sample,and range of variation covered from 2n=23~24 to 2n=13~48 with the increase of generation,the rate from 3.3% to 30%.The results indicated that degree of variation in chromosomal number of somatic embryos regenerated melon plants increased with the time of culture,and those cultured in one to two months had the least variation.It was also found that degree of chromosomal number variations varied with melon varieties.  相似文献   

Estimating functionals of particle size distributions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
WATSON  G. S. 《Biometrika》1971,58(3):483-490

By counting the chromosome number of root tip cells in 18 regenerated plants derived from protoplasts of Actinidia eriantha Benth., the authors found 12 euploid plants and 6 mixoploid plants. Of the 12 euploid plants, 6 were diploid (2n = 2x = 58) and the other 6 were tetraploid (2n =4x = 116). The chromosome numbers of the mixoploid plants varied from 59 to 203. Mttltinueleate phenomenon was also observed in the interphase cells of 10 protoplast-derived plants. Cells with binuclei or trinuelei were common and cells having heptanuclei were also seen occassionally. Muhinucleate phenomenon did not occur in the control, i. e., the donor plant, where the chromosome number was 2n = 2x = 58.  相似文献   

许多研究表明,物种与高级分类阶元在数量上密切相关,这种关系在地区物种数量预测中具有很高的应用价值。应用中国不同地理类型(保护区、行政区和动物地理亚区)的鸟类物种名录,研究物种与科属的数量相关关系和频次分布规律,结果表明(1)物种与高级分类阶元在数量上有着极显著相关关系(P<0.01),其中物种—属的相关关系要显著于物种—科,且在对数、乘幂、指数和线数4种模型中,用乘幂模型拟合最好;(2)物种在科属间的频次分布具有规律性(P<0.05),随着物种数/科属的增加,频次迅速减少,在4种模型中,乘幂模型拟合最好,属的规律性较科显著。根据以上结果,物种与科属间的数量强相关关系与物种数量在科属间有规律的频次分布有关。  相似文献   

Objective: This study aimed to investigate the association between number of natural teeth and prevalence of root caries. Design: A cross‐sectional design was adopted. A stratified multi‐stage purposive sampling method was used to select a wide range of elderly people from all social classes, educational levels and sexes. Data was collected through interviews and clinical examinations. Setting: Urban area in Chiang Mai‐Thailand. Participants: 549 elderly dentate aged 60‐74 years. Main Outcome Measures: Teeth with decay and filled roots (DF‐T). Results: The prevalence of root caries was 18.2% with a mean DF‐T of 0.58 (S.D. 2.02). Results of multiple logistic regression showed that number of teeth, DMF‐S scores, sex, and socio economic factors were statistically significantly associated with root caries (P<0.05). Adjusted odds ratios demonstrated a 14% increase in the chance of having root caries when the number of teeth increased one unit. Similarly, a 3% increase was observed for each unit increase in the DMF‐S scores (p<0.001). Being male, having more than four years of education and earning more than 1500 baht/month increased the chances of root caries by 76%, 139% and 85% respectively (p<0.001). Recession and age were not statistically significantly associated with root caries. Conclusions: Having more teeth, higher DMF‐S scores, earning more than 1500 baht/month, having more than 4 years of education and being male increased the likelihood of having root caries.  相似文献   

The selection of a specific statistical distribution as a model for describing the population behavior of a given variable is seldom a simple problem. One strategy consists in testing different distributions (normal, lognormal, Weibull, etc.), and selecting the one providing the best fit to the observed data and being the most parsimonious. Alternatively, one can make a choice based on theoretical arguments and simply fit the corresponding parameters to the observed data. In either case, different distributions can give similar results and provide almost equivalent models for a given data set. Model selection can be more complicated when the goal is to describe a trend in the distribution of a given variable. In those cases, changes in shape and skewness are difficult to represent by a single distributional form. As an alternative to the use of complicated families of distributions as models for data, the S‐distribution [Voit, E. O. (1992) Biom. J. 7 , 855–878] provides a highly flexible mathematical form in which the density is defined as a function of the cumulative. S‐distributions can accurately approximate many known continuous and unimodal distributions, preserving the well known limit relationships between them. Besides representing well‐known distributions, S‐distributions provide an infinity of new possibilities that do not correspond with known classical distributions. Although the utility and performance of this general form has been clearly proved in different applications, its definition as a differential equation is a potential drawback for some problems. In this paper we obtain an analytical solution for the quantile equation that highly simplifies the use of S‐distributions. We show the utility of this solution in different applications. After classifying the different qualitative behaviors of the S‐distribution in parameter space, we show how to obtain different S‐distributions that accomplish specific constraints. One of the most interesting cases is the possibility of obtaining distributions that acomplish P(XXc) = 0. Then, we demonstrate that the quantile solution facilitates the use of S‐distributions in Monte‐Carlo experiments through the generation of random samples. Finally, we show how to fit an S‐distribution to actual data, so that the resulting distribution can be used as a statistical model for them.  相似文献   

茎秆维管束数目是玉米养分运输和抗倒伏的关键影响因素,本研究以遗传丰富的172份玉米自交系为研究材料,对茎秆上部小维管束和大维管束数目进行差异性分析,并通过不同杂种优势群的玉米茎秆上部维管束数目多重比较,分析各杂种优势群维管束数目变化趋势.研究结果表明:在不同玉米自交系中,茎秆上部小维管束和大维管束数目变异系数分别为16...  相似文献   

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