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Purified human T cell leukemia virus type I (HTLV-I) was biotinylated and used to study its attachment to human PBMC. The use of biotinylated HTLV-I (biot-HTLV-I) in conjunction with mouse mAb specific for selected cell-surface molecules and flow cytometric analysis allowed us to positively identify virus-binding cells among a heterogeneous blood mononuclear cell population. Biot-HTLV-I efficiently bound not only to T cells, but also to B cells and monocytes. Preincubation of monocytes with excess of unlabeled HTLV-I significantly reduced the attachment of biot-HTLV-I. HTLV-I not only bound to, but also infected, B cells, as suggested by: i) in situ hybridization of a 35S-labeled full length HTLV-I DNA probe with EBV-transformed B cells, previously cocultured with HTLV-I-producing (G11MJ) T cells, and ii) hybridization of the same nick-translated 32P-labeled DNA probe with blotted DNA from similar HTLV-I-infected EBV-transformed B cells. HTLV-I infection did not affect the ability of B cells to secrete IgG. These findings suggest that HTLV-I cannot only infect cells of the T lineage, but can also infect B cells.  相似文献   

We established rat T cell lines expressing human T cell leukemia virus type I (HTLV-I) Ag from inbred strains of rats, WKA/H, DA, and F344, to study CTL response against the HTLV-I-infected cells. HTLV-I-specific Ag expressed in these rat cells were HTLV-I gag Ag, p19, p24, and p15, and pX Ag, p40tax and p27rex, but not env Ag, as determined by immunofluorescence and immunoblot assays. By immunization of rats with syngeneic HTLV-I-infected cells, CTL against syngeneic HTLV-I-infected cells and antibodies to HTLV-I Ag were generated in WKA/H and DA rats. The bulk CTL cultures from WKA/H and DA rats lysed specifically syngeneic SV40-transformed kidney cells infected with recombinant vaccinia viruses (RVV) expressing HTLV-I gag and pX Ag, but not those infected with RVV expressing HTLV-I env Ag or a control vaccinia virus. From WKA/H rat CTL cultures, four CTL clones reactive with syngeneic HTLV-I-infected cells were isolated, three of which were specific for p27rex/p21x, but the Ag recognized by the other CTL clone was not defined with any RVV used. These results indicate that HTLV-I gag and pX gene products are recognized by MHC-restricted rat CTL specific for syngeneic HTLV-I-infected cells.  相似文献   

Potent costimulation of effector T lymphocytes by human collagen type I   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Purified, resting peripheral blood T lymphocytes were previously reported to undergo beta(1) integrin-dependent activation when cultured with anti-CD3 mAb coimmobilized with fibronectin, but not type I collagen. However, the extravascular T cells that encounter immobilized extracellular matrix proteins and are involved in disease pathogenesis have different properties from resting peripheral blood cells. In this study, we confirm that resting CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells from peripheral blood are costimulated by immobilized fibronectin, but not type I collagen. In contrast, Ag- or mitogen-stimulated CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cell lines, used as models of the effector cells involved in disease, are more potently costimulated by type I collagen than fibronectin. The collagen-induced effects are similar in assays with serum-free medium and in more physiological assays in which anti-CD3 mAb is replaced by a threshold concentration of Ag and irradiated autologous PBMC as APC. The responses are beta(1) integrin dependent and mediated largely by very late Ag (VLA) 1 and 2, as shown by their up-regulation on the T cell lines as compared with freshly purified resting PBL, and by the effects of blocking mAb. Reversed phase HPLC located the major costimulatory sequence(s) in the alpha1 chain of type I collagen, the structure of which was confirmed by amino acid sequencing. The results demonstrate the potential importance of type I collagen, an abundant extracellular matrix protein, in enhancing the activation of extravascular effector T cells in inflammatory disease, and point to a new immunotherapeutic target.  相似文献   

Human T cell leukemia virus type I (HTLV-I) and HIV-1, causative agents of adult T cell leukemia/lymphoma and AIDS, respectively, are transmitted vertically via breast milk. Here we demonstrate that lactoferrin, a milk protein that has a variety of antimicrobial and immunomodulatory activities, facilitates replication of HTLV-I in lymphocytes derived from asymptomatic HTLV-I carriers and transmission to cord blood lymphocytes in vitro. Transient expression assays revealed that lactoferrin can transactivate HTLV-I long terminal repeat promoter. In contrast, lactoferrin inhibits HIV-1 replication, at least in part, at the level of viral fusion/entry. These results suggest that lactoferrin may have different effects on vertical transmission of the two milk-borne retroviruses.  相似文献   

Viral particles obtained from HTLV-I (human T cell leukemia virus, type I)-transformed T cell lines induced immunoglobulin production by normal peripheral blood lymphocytes. Conversely, no immunoglobulin could be detected in the supernatant medium in purified B cells cultivated with HTLV-I, suggesting that the presence of T cells is mandatory for HTLV-I to induce B cell polyclonal activation. The T cell help was mediated by soluble factors, as indicated in experiments showing that cell-free conditioned medium from T lymphocytes activated by HTLV-I was able to induce B cell proliferation and differentiation. Furthermore, a direct effect of HTLV-I on B cell proliferation was demonstrated when viral particles were added to purified B cells together with suboptimal doses of Staphylococcus aureus Cowan strain I (SAC). These observations show that an immediate early effect of HTLV-I infection was exerted on B cells, mainly in a T cell-dependent manner. Such an effect may account for the hypergammaglobulinemia observed in HTLV-I seropositive individuals, and in patients with HTLV-I-associated neurological disorders.  相似文献   

The results demonstrate that the HMG I protein is expressed in human quiescent T lymphocytes and hence is not dependent upon proliferation or neoplastic transformation. Furthermore it has been found that the HMG I/histone H1 ratio increase about two-fold after activation with phytohemagglutinin and was about the same as in a number of proliferating human leukemia lymphoma T-cell lines.  相似文献   

To identify the cellular receptors and other cell surface molecules playing essential roles in the transmission of human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1), we have been isolating monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that are capable of inhibiting HTLV-1-induced syncytium formation. In the present study, we isolated two mAbs, H11 (IgM) and H14 (IgG1), inhibitory to syncytium formation in the coculture of TOM-1 or C91/PL (both HTLV-1-positive human T-cell lines) and MOLT-4/8 (HTLV-1-negative human T-cell line) by immunizing the membrane fraction of human osteosarcoma line HOS. By immunoprecipitation and immunoblotting, H11 and H14 were found to be specific for MHC class I heavy chain and beta 2-microglobulin (beta 2 M), respectively. Among the four commercially obtained mAbs, two mAbs for MHC class I antigen and two mAbs to beta 2 M, one mAb to MHC class I antigen and one mAb to beta 2 M were also found to be inhibitory to the syncytium formation. The functional comparison of these mAbs revealed that the syncytium-inhibitory mAbs induced strong homotypic cell adhesion particularly in the HTLV-1-positive T-cell lines. This cell adhesion was dependent on temperature, energy metabolism, and microfilament function but not on the activity of protein kinase C or divalent cations. These results suggest a novel type of LFA-1-independent cell adhesion induced by signal transduction via MHC class I antigen.  相似文献   

Regulation of human T cell leukemia virus expression   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
P L Green  I S Chen 《FASEB journal》1990,4(2):169-175
Retroviruses of the type C morphology have been implicated in a wide variety of diseases in animals and humans. The human T cell leukemia viruses types I (HTLV-I) and II (HTLV-II), the prototypic human-type C retroviruses, have been identified as the causative agents of some forms of human leukemia and neurological disorders. The genetic structure and regulation of the HTLVs are more complex than their avian and murine leukemia virus counterparts. In addition to the gag, pol, and env genes that encode the characteristic virion proteins of all replication competent retroviruses, the genomes of HTLV encode the non-structural proteins, Tax and Rex, which are required for regulating viral gene expression. To understand what appears to be a complex mechanism of disease induction by HTLV, elucidating the regulation and function of the viral gene products and the interaction of these products with each other, as well as with cellular factors, will be critical. This review focuses primarily on regulation of HTLV gene expression in the infected human T lymphocyte, but also discusses analogous gene regulation by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). It concentrates specifically on the role these gene products play in virus replication and, ultimately, pathogenesis.  相似文献   

That HTLV-I infects CD4(+) T cells and enhances their cell growth has been shown as successful long-term in vitro proliferation in the presence of IL-2. It is known that T cells isolated from HAM patients possess strong ability for cell proliferation in vitro and mRNA of various cytokines are abundantly expressed in CNS tissues of HAM patients. Hence, the cytokine-induced proliferation could have an important role in pathogenesis and immune responses of HAM. In this study, we examined the relationship between cell proliferation and ability of in vitro cytokine production of CD4(+) T cell clones isolated from HAM patients. We started a culture from a single cell to isolate cell clones immediately after drawing blood from the patients using limiting dilution method, which could allow the cell to avoid in vitro HTLV-I infection after initiation of culture. Many cell clones were obtained and the rate of proliferation efficiency from a single cell was as high as 80%, especially in the 4 weeks' culture cells from HAM patients. These cells were classified as mainly Th0 phenotype that produce both IFN-gamma and IL-4 after CD3-stimulation. However, the frequency of proviral DNA in these cloned cells was significantly low. Our results indicate that the ability of cell proliferation in HAM patients is not restricted in HTLV-I-infected T cells. HTLV-Iuninfected CD4(+) T cells, mainly Th0 cells, also have a strong ability to respond to IL-2-stimulation, showing that unusual immune activation on T cells has been observed in HAM patients.  相似文献   

The human T cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) Tax is a phosphoprotein, however, the contribution of phosphorylation to Tax activity is unknown. Previous studies have shown that phosphorylation of Tax occurs on serine residue(s), within one tryptic fragment, in response to 4-phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate, in both mouse and human cells. Studies were conducted in multiple cell lines to identify the specific phosphorylated serines as a prelude to functional analysis. The phosphorylation pattern of Tax was found to be different in 293T and COS-7 cells in comparison with MT-4 and Px-1 cells. However, one tryptic fragment remained consistent in comigration analyses among all cell lines. Using selected Tax serine mutants a tryptic fragment containing a serine at residue 113 believed to be the site of phosphorylation of Tax did not comigrate with the common phosphorylated tryptic fragment. Analysis of selected Tax mutants for ability totrans-activate the cytomegalovirus promoter demonstrated mutation of serine 77 to alanine reducedtrans-activation by 90% compared to wild-type Tax. However, examination of the phosphorylation pattern of the serine 77 mutant demonstrated that it is not the site of phosphorylation. These studies demonstrate the importance of using relevant cell lines to characterize the role of phosphorylation in protein function.  相似文献   

Allograft bone is a widely used as a convenient tool for reconstructing massive bone defects in orthopedic surgery. However, allografts are associated with the risk of viral disease transmission. One of the viruses transmitted in this manner is human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1), which is found worldwide but is unevenly distributed. The southwestern parts of Japan are a highly endemic for HTLV-1. We investigated the HTLV-1 seroprevalence in candidate allograft donors at the regional bone bank in Kagoshima, Japan during its first 5 years of service. Between 2008 and 2012, we collected 282 femoral heads at the Kagoshima regional bone bank from living donors with osteoarthritis of the hip joint. Among the 282 candidate donors, 32 donors (11.3 %) were seropositive for anti-HTLV-1 antibody; notably, this prevalence is higher than that reported for blood donors in this area. Additionally, to determine if HTLV-1 genes are detectable after processing, we examined the bone marrow of the femoral heads from seropositive donors by conducting PCR assays. Our results confirm the existence of viral genes following the heat treatment processing of the femoral heads. Therefore, it is important to inactivate a virus completely by heat-treatment. Together, our findings highlight the importance of HTLV-1 screening at bone banks, particularly in HTLV-1-endemic areas such as southwest Japan.  相似文献   

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