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In Saccharomyces cerevisiae the CDC25 protein is a positive regulator of RAS/cAMP pathway [1-4], enhancing the GDP-releasing rate of RAS2 protein [5]. In this work we have tried to detect a direct interaction between CDC25 and RAS2 gene products. The results indicate that both the whole RAS2 protein and a truncated version that lacks approximately 25 C-terminal residues interact specifically with the CDC25 protein. On the contrary, a derivative of RAS2 that lacks the 112 C-terminal residues as well as the p21TI-ras is not able to bind the CDC25 protein in our assay conditions. The 310 C-terminal aminoacids of CDC25 bind RAS2 while a C-terminus deletion within this aminoacid stretch abolishes the binding. The possible physiological significance of these findings is discussed.  相似文献   

In order to characterize the interaction between the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cdc25 protein and Harvey-ras (p21H-ras), we have constructed a yeast strain disrupted at the RAS1 and RAS2 loci, expressing both p21H-ras and the catalytic domain of the bovine GTPase activating protein (GAP) and containing the cdc25-2 mutation. Such a strain exhibits a temperature-sensitive phenotype. The shift to the nonpermissive temperature is accompanied by the loss of guanyl nucleotide-dependent activity of adenylylcyclase in vitro. The temperature-sensitive phenotype can be rescued by CDC25 itself, as well as by a plasmid containing a truncated SDC25 gene. In addition, wild type CDC25 significantly improves the guanyl nucleotide response observed in the background of the cdc25ts allele at the permissive temperature in a dosage-dependent manner and restores the guanyl nucleotide response at the restrictive temperature. Both CDC25 and a truncated SDC25 also restored p21H-ras-dependent guanyl nucleotide response in a strain isogenic to the one described above but containing a disrupted CDC25 locus instead of the temperature-sensitive allele. These results suggest that the S. cerevisiae Cdc25 protein interacts with p21H-ras expressed in yeast by promoting GDP-GTP exchange. It follows that the yeast system can be used for characterizing the interaction between guanyl nucleotide exchangers of Ras proteins and mammalian p21H-ras.  相似文献   

A detailed kinetic analysis of the cell cycle of cdc25-1, RAS2Val-19, or cdc25-1/RAS2Val-19 mutants during exponential growth is presented. At the permissive temperature (24 degrees C), cdc25-1 cells show a longer G1/unbudded phase of the cell cycle and have a smaller critical cell size required for budding without changing the growth rate in comparison to an isogenic wild type. The RAS2Val-19 mutation efficiently suppresses the ts growth defect of the cdc25-1 mutant at 36 degrees C and the increase of G1 phase at 24 degrees C. Moreover, it causes a marked increase of the critical cell mass required to enter into a new cell division cycle compared with that of the wild type. Since the critical cell mass is physiologically modulated by nutritional conditions, we have also studied the behavior of these mutants in different media. The increase in cell size caused by the RAS2Val-19 mutation is evident in all tested growth conditions, while the effect of cdc25-1 is apparently more pronounced in rich culture media. CDC25 and RAS2 gene products have been showed to control cell growth by regulating the cyclic AMP metabolic pathway. Experimental evidence reported herein suggests that the modulation of the critical cell size by CDC25 and RAS2 may involve adenylate cyclase.  相似文献   

A family of normal vertebrate genes and oncogenes has been called the ras gene family. The name ras was assigned to this gene family based on the species of origin of the viral oncogenes of the rat-derived Harvey and Kirsten murine sarcoma viruses. There are now three known functional members of the ras gene family, and genes homologous to ras genes have been detected in the DNA of a wide variety of mammals and in Drosophila melanogaster. Prior experiments have detected proteins coded for by ras genes in a large number of normal cells, cell lines, and tumors. We report here the detection of ras-related proteins in D. melanogaster, a result predicted by the earlier detection of ras-related genes in the Drosophila genome. We also report for the first time the detection of ras-related proteins in a single-cell eucaryocyte, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. These proteins, approximately 30K in size, are recognized by both a monoclonal antibody which binds to the p21 coded for by mammalian ras genes and a polyclonal rat serum made by transplanting a v-Ha-ras-induced tumor in Osborne-Mendel rats. The p21 of v-Ha-ras and the 30K proteins from S. cerevisiae share methionine-labeled peptides as detected by two-dimensional tryptic peptide maps. The results indicate that S. cerevisiae synthesizes ras-related proteins. A genetic analysis of the function of these proteins for yeast cells may now be possible.  相似文献   

In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the activation of adenylate cyclase requires the products of the RAS genes and of CDC25. We isolated several dominant extragenic suppressors of the yeast cdc25 mutation. They did not suppress a thermosensitive allele of the adenylate cyclase gene (CDC35). One of these suppressors was a mutated RAS2 gene in which the transition C/G----T/A at position 455 resulted in replacement of threonine 152 by isoleucine in the protein. The same mutation in a v-Ha-ras gene reduces the affinity of p21 for guanine nucleotides (L.A. Feig, B. Pan, T.M. Roberts, and G.M. Cooper, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 83:4607-4611, 1986). These results support a model in which the CDC25 gene product is the GDP-GTP exchange factor regulating the activity of the RAS gene product.  相似文献   

The gene corresponding to the S. cerevisiae cell division cycle mutant cdc25 has been cloned and sequenced, revealing an open reading frame encoding a protein of 1589 amino acids that contains no significant homologies with other known proteins. Cells lacking CDC25 have low levels of cyclic AMP and decreased levels of Mg2+-dependent adenylate cyclase activity. The lethality resulting from disruption of the CDC25 gene can be suppressed by the presence of the activated RAS2val19 gene, but not by high copy plasmids expressing a normal RAS2 or RAS1 gene. These results suggest that normal RAS is dependent on CDC25 function. Furthermore, mutationally activated alleles of CDC25 are capable of inducing a set of phenotypes similar to those observed in strains containing a genetically activated RAS/adenylate cyclase pathway, suggesting that CDC25 encodes a regulatory protein. We propose that CDC25 regulates adenylate cyclase by regulating the guanine nucleotide bound to RAS proteins.  相似文献   

Two mutant alleles of RAS2 were discovered that dominantly interfere with wild-type RAS function in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. An amino acid substitution which caused the dominant interference was an alanine for glycine at position 22 or a proline for alanine at position 25. Analogous mutations in human H-ras also dominantly inhibited RAS function when expressed in yeast cells. The inhibitory effects of the mutant RAS2 or H-ras genes could be overcome by overexpression of CDC25, but only in the presence of wild-type RAS. These results suggest that these mutant RAS genes interfere with the normal interaction of RAS and CDC25 proteins and suggest that this interaction is direct and has evolutionarily conserved features.  相似文献   

Ras p21 proteins cycle between inactive, GDP-bound forms and active GTP-bound forms. Hydrolysis of bound GTP to GDP is mediated by proteins referred to as GAPs, two forms of which have been described. The first, p120-GAP, contains regions of homologies with tyrosine kinase oncogenes, and interacts with tyrosine phosphoproteins as well as with ras proteins; p120-GAP may therefore connect signalling pathways that involve tyrosine kinase and ras p21 proteins. The second type of GAP is the product of the neurofibromatosis type 1 gene (NF1-GAP). This is a protein of 325,000 Da that is defective in patients with NF1; NF1-GAP is regulated by signalling lipids, and may serve to connect ras p21 with phospholipid second messenger systems. The significance of ras p21 interaction with distinct GAPs is discussed.  相似文献   

The product of the CDC25 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, in its capacity as an activator of the RAS/cyclic AMP pathway, is required for initiation of the cell cycle. In this report, we provide an identification of Cdc25p, the product of the CDC25 gene, and evidence that it promotes exchange of guanine nucleotides bound to Ras in vitro. Extracts of strains containing high levels of Cdc25p catalyze both removal of GDP from and the concurrent binding of GTP to Ras. This same activity is also obtained with an immunopurified Cdc25p-beta-galactosidase fusion protein, suggesting that Cdc25p participates directly in the exchange reaction. This biochemical activity is consistent with previous genetic analysis of CDC25 function.  相似文献   

Novel regulatory proteins for smg p21A and -B, ras p21-like GTP-binding proteins (G proteins) having the same putative effector domain as ras p21s, were purified to near homogeneity from bovine brain cytosol and characterized. These regulatory proteins, designated as GDP dissociation stimulator (GDS) 1 and -2, stimulated the dissociation of both [3H]GDP and [35S] guanosine 5'-(3-O-thio)triphosphate (GTP gamma S) from smg p21s to the same extent. smg p21 GDS1 and -2 also stimulated the binding of [35S]GTP gamma S to the GDP-bound form of smg p21s but not that to the guanine nucleotide-free form. These actions of smg p21 GDS1 and -2 were specific for smg p21s and inactive for other ras p21/ras p21-like G proteins including c-Ha-ras p21, rhoB p20, and smg p25A. Neither smg p21 GDS1 nor -2 stimulated the GTPase activity of smg p21s and by itself showed [35S]GTP gamma S-binding or GTPase activity. smg p21 GDS1 and -2 showed very similar physical and kinetic properties and were indistinguishable by peptide map analysis. The Mr values of smg p21 GDS1 and -2 were estimated to be about 53,000 by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and from the S values, indicating that smg p21 GDS1 and -2 are composed of a single polypeptide without a subunit structure. smg p21 GDS1 and -2 were distinguishable from GTPase activating proteins (GAPs) for the ras and rho proteins, and smg p21B, and GDP dissociation inhibitors for smg p25A and the rho proteins previously identified in bovine brain cytosol. These results indicate that bovine brain contains regulatory proteins for smg p21s that stimulate the dissociation of GDP from and thereby the subsequent binding of GTP to smg p21s in addition to smg p21 GAP. It is likely that the conversion from the GDP-bound inactive form of smg p21s to the GTP-bound active form is regulated by smg p21 GDS and that its reverse reaction is regulated by smg p21 GAP.  相似文献   

We have recently purified to near homogeneity the stimulatory GDP/GTP exchange protein for smg p21s (ras p21-like GTP-binding proteins) from bovine brain cytosol. This regulatory protein, named GDP dissociation stimulator (GDS), stimulates the GDP/GTP exchange reaction of smg p21s by stimulating the dissociation of GDP from and the subsequent binding of GTP to them. In this study, we have isolated and sequenced the cDNA of smg p21 GDS from a bovine brain cDNA library by using an oligonucleotide probe designed from the partial amino acid sequence of the purified smg p21 GDS. The cDNA has an open reading frame encoding a protein of 558 amino acids with a calculated Mr value of 61,066, similar to the Mr of 53,000 estimated for the purified smg p21 GDS by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation. The isolated cDNA is expressed in Escherichia coli, and the encoded protein exhibits smg p21 GDS activity. smg p21 GDS is overall hydrophilic, but there are several short hydrophobic regions. The smg p21 GDS mRNA is present in bovine brain and various rat tissues. smg p21 GDS has low amino acid sequence homology with the yeast CDC25 and SCD25 proteins, which may regulate the GDP/GTP exchange reaction of the yeast RAS2 protein, but not with ras p21 GTPase-activating protein, the inhibitory GDP/GTP exchange proteins (GDP dissociation inhibitor) for smg p25A and rho p21s, and the beta gamma subunits of heterotrimeric GTP-binding proteins such as Gs and Gi.  相似文献   

We have studied the sensitivity of sulfhydryl groups of a highly purified p21 protein of the v-rasH oncogene to a thiol-specific reagent, N-ethylmaleimide (NEM). Approximately 70% of GTP binding and autokinase activities of p21 were inactivated by NEM, and excessive amounts of GTP or GDP protected p21 activities. Thiol titration revealed the presence of one fast reactive cysteine residue, the susceptibility of which is modulated by GTP binding. A total of 4 and 6 residues, respectively, became titratable upon denaturation and reduction, suggesting the presence of a disulfide bond. This GTP-modulated sulfhydryl group was identified as Cys-80 in the following tryptic peptide sequence: NH2-Thr-Gly-Glu-Gly-Phe-Leu-Cys-Val-Phe-Ala-Ile-Asn-Asn-Thr-Lys-COOH. This is based on the comparative tryptic peptide mapping of [14C]NEM-modified p21 in the presence and absence of GTP. The GTP-modulated peptide co-chromatographed with a synthetic peptide of the predicted sequence. Amino acid analysis of the purified [14C]NEM-modified peptide from tryptic digests of p21 also confirmed its identity. This region of p21 shares an extensive sequence homology with various G-proteins and appears to be in the vicinity of the GTP-binding domain of these proteins.  相似文献   

In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the CDC25 gene product activates adenylate cyclase through RAS1 and RAS2 gene products. We have recently described the cloning of a DNA fragment which suppresses the cdc25 mutation but not ras1, ras2, or cdc35 mutations. This fragment contains a 5'-truncated open reading frame which shares 47% identity with the C-terminal part of the CDC25 gene. We named the entire gene SDC25. In this paper, we report the cloning, sequencing, and characterization of the complete SDC25 gene. The SDC25 gene is located on the chromosome XII close to the centromere. It is transcribed into a 4-kb-long mRNA that contains an open reading frame of 1,251 codons. Homology with the CDC25 gene extends in the N-terminal part, although the degree of similarity is lower than in the C-terminal part. In contrast with the C-terminal part, the complete SDC25 gene was found not to suppress the CDC25 gene defect. A deletion in the N-terminal part restored the suppressing activity, a result which suggests the existence of a regulatory domain. The SDC25 gene was found to be dispensable for cell growth under usual conditions. No noticeable phenotype was found in the deleted strain.  相似文献   

The RHO1 gene encodes a homolog of the mammalian RhoA small GTP binding protein in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Rho1p is localized at the growth site and is required for bud formation. Multicopy suppressors of a temperature-sensitive, dominant negative mutant allele of RHO1, RHO1(G22S, D125N), were isolated and named ROM (RHO1 multicopy suppressor). Rom1p and Rom2p were found to contain a DH (Dbl homologous) domain and a PH (pleckstrin homologous) domain, both of which are conserved among the GDP/GTP exchange proteins (GEPs) for the Rho family small GTP binding proteins. Disruption of ROM2 resulted in a temperature-sensitive growth phenotype, whereas disruption of both ROM1 and ROM2 resulted in lethality. The phenotypes of deltarom1deltarom2 cells were similar to those of deltarho1 cells, including growth arrest with a small bud and cell lysis. Moreover, the temperature-sensitive growth phenotype of deltarom2 was suppressed by overexpression of RHO1 or RHO2, but not of CDC42. The glutathione-S-transferase (GST) fusion protein containing the DH domain of Rom2p showed the lipid-modified Rholp-specific GDP/GTP exchange activity which was sensitive to Rho GDP dissociation inhibitor. These results indicate that Rom1p and Rom2p are GEPs that activate Rho1p in S.cerevisiae.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae CDC25 gene and closely homologous genes in other eukaryotes encode guanine nucleotide exchange factors for Ras proteins. We have determined the minimal region of the budding yeast CDC25 gene capable of activity in vivo. The region required for full biological activity is approximately 450 residues and contains two segments homologous to other proteins: one found in both Ras-specific exchange factors and the more distant Bud5 and Lte1 proteins, and a smaller segment of 48 amino acids found only in the Ras-specific exchange factors. When expressed in Escherichia coli as a fusion protein, this region of CDC25 was found to be a potent catalyst of GDP-GTP exchange on yeast Ras2 as well as human p21H-ras but inactive in promoting exchange on the Ras-related proteins Ypt1 and Rsr1. The CDC25 fusion protein catalyzed replacement of GDP-bound to Ras2 with GTP (activation) more efficiently than that of the reverse reaction of replacement of GTP for GDP (deactivation), consistent with prior genetic analysis of CDC25 which indicated a positive role in the activation of Ras. To more directly study the physical interaction of CDC25 and Ras proteins, we developed a protein-protein binding assay. We determined that CDC25 binds tightly to Ras2 protein only in the absence of guanine nucleotides. This higher affinity of CDC25 for the nucleotide-free form than for either the GDP- or GTP-bound form suggests that CDC25 catalyzes exchange of guanine nucleotides bound to Ras proteins by stabilization of the transitory nucleotide-free state.  相似文献   

The properties of RAS2Gly19----Val and RAS2Thr152----Ile, two mutants suppressing the CDC25 requirement for the activation of adenylate cyclase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, were compared with the properties of wild-type RAS2. We examined (a) the guanine nucleotide interaction, (b) the intrinsic GTPase (EC 3.6.1-) activity, and (c) the ability to activate adenylate cyclase in vitro. The low GTPase of RAS2Val19 is associated with an increased stability of the GTP complex. By contrast, RAS2Ile152 shows a strong destabilization of the GDP complex (the dissociation rate constants of the RAS2Ile152.GDP complex is enhanced almost 50 times) and an increased GTPase activity. Remarkably, all the parameters of the interaction with GDP and GTP as well as the catalytic activity are modified by the two mutations in an opposite manner. Our kinetic results show that the functional modifications of RAS2 compensating for the CDC25 inactivation can not only be associated with the presence of a long-lived RAS2.GTP complex, but also with a rapid GDP to GTP exchange reaction. As a striking result, the functional modifications induced by Thr152----Ile activate the adenylate cyclase in vitro much more efficiently than those induced by Gly19----Val. This stresses the importance of a rapid regeneration of the RAS2.GTP complex for the activation of the adenylate cyclase pathway.  相似文献   

We have made a monoclonal antibody which specifically recognizes smg p25A among many ras p21/ras p21-like GTP-binding proteins thus far purified from bovine brain membranes. By use of this antibody, we have investigated the localization and subcellular distribution of smg p25A in rat brain by light and electron microscopic immunocytochemistry and by immunoblotting. By light microscopic immunocytochemistry, specific immunoreactivity is widely distributed, most abundant in neuropil, weak in neuronal somata, and absent from white matter. By electron microscopic immunocytochemistry, intense labeling is demonstrated on most of the synapses and concentrated in the presynaptic area where synaptic vesicles are observed. Presynaptic plasma membranes are weakly labeled but mitochondria, postsynaptic plasma membranes, and postsynaptic densities are unlabeled. In subcellular fractionation analysis of cerebrum, about one-fifth of smg p25A is found in the soluble cytosol fraction and the rest is found in the particulate fraction. About half of the particulate-bound smg p25A is recovered in the P2 fraction containing synaptosomes, mitochondria, and myelin, among which a major portion of smg p25A is recovered in the synaptosomal fraction. In the synaptosomal fraction, smg p25A is concentrated about 8-fold in the fraction containing synaptic vesicles and about 3-fold in the fraction containing synaptic plasma membranes compared with the original homogenate. smg p25A is present at a low level in the fraction containing synaptosomal soluble substances but almost absent from the fractions containing intrasynaptosomal mitochondria or post-synaptic densities. These results suggest that smg p25A plays important roles in the regulation of synaptic functions such as exo-endocytotic recycling of synaptic vesicles during neurotransmitter release.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》1987,217(2):253-259
Autophosphorylation of the purified human insulin receptor tyrosyl kinase was found to be inhibited by the ras oncogene product p21 in a concentration- and GDP-dependent manner. GDP-β-S but not Gpp(NH)p could substitute for GDP in eliciting the ras-dependent inhibition. The inhibition was seen with both normal or mutant (Lys-61) p21N-ras and normal or mutant (Val-12) p21Ha-ras. Inhibition occurred at 23°C but not 4°C and was unaffected by the presence or absence of insulin although insulin stimulated the autophosphorylation rate of the receptor β-subunit some 2-fold. The insulin receptor did not phosphorylate native p21Ha-ras in the presence or absence of added guanine nucleotide. After denaturation of p21Ha-ras with urea it became a substrate, but then failed to inhibit receptor autophosphorylation even in the presence of added GDP.  相似文献   

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