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Based on new Rhodopseudomonas (Rp.) viridis reaction center (RC) coordinates with a reliable structure of the secondary acceptor quinone (QB) site, a continuum dielectric model and finite difference technique have been used to identify clusters of electrostatically interacting ionizable residues. Twenty-three residues within a distance of 25 A from QB (QB cluster) have been shown to be strongly electrostatically coupled to QB, either directly or indirectly. An analogous cluster of 24 residues is found to interact with QA (QA cluster). Both clusters extend to the cytoplasmic surface in at least two directions. However, the QB cluster differs from the QA cluster in that it has a surplus of acidic residues, more strong electrostatic interactions, is less solvated, and experiences a strong positive electrostatic field arising from the polypeptide backbone. Consequently, upon reduction of QA or QB, it is the QB cluster, and not the QA cluster, which is responsible for substoichiometric proton uptake at neutral pH. The bulk of the changes in the QB cluster are calculated to be due to the protonation of a tightly coupled cluster of the three Glu residues (L212, H177, and M234) within the QB cluster. If the lifetime of the doubly reduced state QB2- is long enough, Asp M43 and Ser L223 are predicted to also become protonated. The calculated complex titration behavior of the strongly interacting residues of the QB cluster and the resulting electrostatic response to electron transfer may be a common feature in proton-transferring membrane protein complexes.  相似文献   

Chen IP  Mathis P  Koepke J  Michel H 《Biochemistry》2000,39(13):3592-3602
The cytochrome (cyt) subunit of the photosynthetic reaction center from Rhodopseudomonas viridis contains four heme groups in a linear arrangement in the spatial order heme1, heme2, heme4, and heme3. Heme3 is the direct electron donor to the photooxidized primary electron donor (special pair, P(+)). This heme has the highest redox potential (E(m)) among the hemes in the cyt subunit. The E(m) of heme3 has been specifically lowered by site-directed mutagenesis in which the Arg residue at the position of 264 of the cyt was replaced by Lys. The mutation decreases the E(m) of heme3 from +380 to +270 mV, i.e., below that of heme2 (+320 mV). In addition, a blue shift of the alpha-band was found to accompany the mutation. The assignment of the lowered E(m) and the shifted alpha-band to heme3 was confirmed by spectroscopic measurements on RC crystals. The structure of the mutant RC has been determined by X-ray crystallography. No remarkable differences were found in the structure apart from the mutated residue itself. The velocity of the electron transfer (ET) from the tetraheme cyt to P(+) was measured under several redox conditions by following the rereduction of P(+) at 1283 nm after a laser flash. Heme3 donates an electron to P(+) with t(1/2) = 105 ns, i.e., faster than in the wild-type reaction center (t(1/2) = 190 ns), as expected from the larger driving force. The main feature is that a phase with t(1/2) approximately 2 micros dominates when heme3 is oxidized but heme2 is reduced. We conclude that the ET from heme2 to heme3 has a t(1/2) of approximately 2 micros, i.e., the same as in the WT, despite the fact that the reaction is endergonic by 50 meV instead of exergonic by 60 meV. We propose that the reaction kinetics is limited by the very uphill ET from heme2 to heme4, the DeltaG degrees of which is about the same (+230 meV) in both cases. The interpretation is further supported by measurements of the activation energy (216 meV in the wild-type, 236 meV in the mutant) and by approximate calculations of ET rates. Altogether these results demonstrate that the ET from heme2 to heme3 is stepwise, starting with a first very endergonic step from heme2 to heme4.  相似文献   

We have studied the electron transfer reactions from the tetraheme cytochrome of Rhodopseudomonas viridis to the oxidized primary donor in whole cells with a new high sensitivity spectrophotometer. In this apparatus the monochromatic detecting flashes are provided by a YAG pumped Optical Parametric Oscillator, allowing a 10 ns time resolution. When four hemes are reduced the observed electron transfer reaction sequence is the following: first the low-potential c552 heme (the number refers to the maximum absorption wavelength in the alpha-band region) is oxidized with a half time of 130 ns, in agreement with previous reports of measurements performed with purified reaction centers. Then, the electron hole is transferred to the low potential c554 heme with a half time of 2.6 µs. When only the two high potential hemes are reduced the observed electron transfer sequence is the following: oxidation of the high potential c559 heme in the hundreds of ns time range (410 ns), reduction of this heme by the high potential c556 heme in the µs time range (2.7 µs). This confirms the first steps of electron transfer observed in isolated reaction centers. However, in the microsecond time domain, the overall amount of oxidized hemes increases suggesting that, in vivo, the equilibrium constant between the P+/P and the c559ox/c559red couples is significantly lower than expected from the difference in their midpoint potentials.  相似文献   

Robinson H  Ang MC  Gao YG  Hay MT  Lu Y  Wang AH 《Biochemistry》1999,38(18):5677-5683
The X-ray structure of an engineered purple CuA center in azurin from Pseudomonas aeruginosa has been determined and refined at 1.65 A resolution. Two independent purple CuA azurin molecules are in the asymmetric unit of a new P21 crystal, and they have nearly identical conformations (rmsd of 0.27 A for backbone atoms). The purple CuA azurin was produced by the loop-engineering strategy, and the resulting overall structure is unperturbed. The insertion of a slightly larger Cu-binding loop into azurin causes the two structural domains of azurin to move away from each other. The high-resolution structure reveals the detailed environment of the delocalized mixed-valence [Cu(1.5).Cu(1.5)] binuclear purple CuA center, which serves as a useful reference model for other native proteins, and provides a firm basis for understanding results from spectroscopic and functional studies of this class of copper center in biology. The two independent Cu-Cu distances of 2.42 and 2.35 A (with respective concomitant adjustments of ligand-Cu distances) are consistent with that (2.39 A) obtained from X-ray absorption spectroscopy with the same molecule, and are among the shortest Cu-Cu bonds observed to date in proteins or inorganic complexes. A comparison of the purple CuA azurin structure with those of other CuA centers reveals an important relationship between the angular position of the two His imidazole rings with respect to the Cu2S2(Cys) core plane and the distance between the Cu and the axial ligand. This relationship strongly suggests that the fine structural variation of different CuA centers can be correlated with the angular positions of the two histidine rings because, from these positions, one can predict the relative axial ligand interactions, which are responsible for modulating the Cu-Cu distance and the electron transfer properties of the CuA centers.  相似文献   

The thermodynamic properties of redox components associated with the reaction center of Rhodopseudomonas viridis have been characterized with respect to their midpoint potentials and relationship with protons. In particular a midpoint potential for the intermediary electron carrier acting between the reaction center bacteriochlorophyll and the primary acceptor has been determined. The rationale for this measurement was that the light-induced triplet/biradical EPR signal would not be observed if this intermediate was chemically reduced before activation. The midpoint potential of the intermediary at pH 10.8 is about --400 mV (n=1).  相似文献   

Rhodopseudomonas viridis was grown in liquid culture at 30 degrees C anaerobically in light (generation time, 13 h) and under microaerophilic growth conditions in the dark (generation time, 24 h). The bacterium could be cloned at the same temperature anaerobically in light (1 week) and aerobically in the dark (3 to 4 weeks) if oxygen was limited to 0.1%. Oxygen could not be replaced by dimethyl sulfoxide, potassium nitrate, or sodium nitrite as a terminal electron acceptor. No growth was observed anaerobically in darkness or in the light when air was present. A variety of additional carbon sources were used to supplement the standard succinate medium, but enhanced stationary-phase cell density was observed only with glucose. Conditions for induction of the photosynthetic reaction center upon the change from microaerophilic to phototrophic growth conditions were investigated and optimized for a mutant functionally defective in phototrophic growth. R. viridis consumed about 20-fold its cell volume of oxygen per hour during respiration. The MICs of ampicillin, kanamycin, streptomycin, tetracycline, 1-methyl-3-nitro-1-nitrosoguanidine, and terbutryn were determined.  相似文献   

We have measured the extent of flash-induced electron transfer from the bacteriochlorophyll dimer, P, to the bacteriopheophytin in the M-subunit, HM, in reaction centers of Rhodopseudomonas viridis. This has been done by measuring the transient states produced by excitation of reaction centers trapped in the PHL HM state at 90 K. Under these conditions the normal forward electron transfer to the bacteriopheophytin in the L-subunit, HL, is blocked and the yield of transient P+HM can be estimated with respect to the lifetime of P*. Under these conditions flash induced absorbance decreases of the bacteriochlorophyll dimer 990 nm band suggest that a transient P+ state is formed with a quantum yield of 0.09±0.06 compared to that formed during normal photochemistry. These transient measurements provide an upper limited on the yield of a transient P+ HM state. An estimate of 0.09 as the yield of the P+ HM state is consistent with all current observations. This estimate and the lifetime of P* suggest that the electron transfer rate from P* to HM, kM, is about 5 × 109 sec–1 (M = 200ps). These measurements suggest that the a branching ratio kL/kM is on the order of 200. The large value of the branching ratio is remarkable in view of the structural symmetry of the reaction center. This measurement should be useful for electron transfer calculations based upon the reaction center structure.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic reaction centers of Blastochloris viridis require two quanta of light to catalyse a two-step reduction of their secondary ubiquinone Q(B) to ubiquinol. We employed capacitive potentiometry to follow the voltage changes that were caused by the accompanying transmembrane proton displacements. At pH 7.5 and 20 degrees C, the Q(B)-related voltage generation after the first flash was contributed by a fast, temperature-independent component with a time constant of approximately 30 micros and a slower component of approximately 200 micros with activation energy (E(a)) of 50 kJ/mol. The kinetics after the second flash featured temperature-independent components of 5 micros and 200 micros followed by a component of 600 micros with E(a) approximately 60 kJ/mol.  相似文献   

X-ray analysis of three-dimensional crystals of the photosynthetic reaction center from the purple bacterium Rhodopseudomonas viridis led to an electron density distribution at 3 A resolution calculated with phases from multiple isomorphous replacement. The protein subunits of the complex were identified. An atomic model of the prosthetic groups of the reaction center complex (4 bacteriochlorophyll b, 2 bacteriopheophytin b. 1 non-heme iron, 1 menaquinone, 4 heme groups) was built. The arrangement of the ring systems of the bacteriochlorophyll b and bacteriopheophytin b molecules shows a local 2-fold rotation symmetry; two bacteriochlorophyll b form a closely associated, non-covalently linked dimer ("special pair"). A different local 2-fold symmetry axis is observed for the heme groups of the cytochrome part.  相似文献   

An X-ray structure analysis of the photosynthetic reaction centre from the purple bacterium Rhodopseudomonas viridis provides structural details of the pigment-binding sites. The photosynthetic pigments are found in rather hydrophobic environments provided by the subunits L and M. In addition to apolar interactions, the bacteriochlorophylls of the primary electron donor (`special pair') and the bacteriopheophytins, but not the accessory bacteriochlorophylls, form hydrogen bonds with amino acid side chains of these protein subunits. The two branches of pigments which originate at the primary electron donor, and which mark possible electron pathways across the photosynthetic membrane, are in different environments and show different hydrogen bonding with the protein: this may help to understand why only one branch of pigments is active in the light-driven electron transfer. The primary electron acceptor, a menaquinone (QA), is in a pocket formed by the M subunit and interacts with it by hydrophobic contacts and hydrogen bonds. Competitive inhibitors of the secondary quinone QB (o-phenanthroline, the herbicide terbutryn) are bound into a pocket provided by the L subunit. Apart from numerous van der Waals interactions they also form hydrogen bonds to the protein.  相似文献   

The purple non-sulfur bacterium Rhodopseudomonas viridis contains a photosynthetic reaction center which has been structurally resolved to 2.3 A providing a unique basis for the study of biological electron transfer processes by the method of site-specific mutagenesis. Here we report the construction of a puf operon deleted mutant strain incapable of photosynthetic growth. The deletion was introduced with the help of a newly constructed suicide vector by electroporation which is with conjugation another gene transfer system for R. viridis. The deletion strain was complemented by conjugational gene transfer with wild-type (WT) and mutated LM genes of the puf operon. The complemented WT and mutations YL162F and HL153F grew photosynthetically, expressed and assembled the four subunits L, M, H and Cyt c of the reaction center correctly. These first mutations already demonstrate the value of the R. viridis system for a detailed structure-function analysis of photosynthetic electron transfer.  相似文献   

Two different procedures are described to isolate and purify the reaction center complex from Rhodopseudomonas viridis NHTC 133 by means of the non-ionic detergent dodecyldimethylamine oxide. Both reaction center particles thus obtained were active, as shown by a photobleaching centered at 975 nm.The reaction center also contained, in addition to bacteriochlorophyll, bacteriopheophytin. Other components were also found in this particle: cytochromes C553 and C558 and a menaquinone-like substance.The SDS gel electrophoresis of reaction centers is shown. The molecular weights of the subunits forming the reaction center in 0.5% sodium dodecyl sulfate and 1% mercaptoethanol were calculated as being: 45±1.5 and 37±1.5 kdalton, 29±1.5 and 23±1.5 kdalton.The molecular weight of the complex determined by means of gel filtration (Sepharose 6-B and Bio-Gel P-300) gives a value of approximately 240 kdalton.The minimum molecular weight of the complex calculated by disc gel electrophoresis was 231 kdalton.  相似文献   

Isolated reaction centers of Rhodopseudomonas viridis with the two high-potential hemes reduced were illuminated at 5 K. Difference spectra show a bleaching of the heme c-556 alpha bands and a red shift of the Soret band. These effects are reversed by warming to around 80 K. They are not induced by near infra-red light absorbed by the chlorine pigments of the reaction centers and they are not associated with electron transfer from P to QA. It is concluded that, following direct excitation, heme c-556 becomes five-coordinated. We find no evidence of a significant photooxidation of heme c-559 under the same conditions.  相似文献   

Proteolytic enzyme (trypsin) was used to structurally alter the RCs isolated from plant and bacterium as a way of probing the relation between structure (chromophore-apoprotein interactions) and function (photochemical activity). It was found that neither spectral characteristics (absorption spectrum, the 4th derivative of absorption spectrum) nor photochemical activity (pheophytine photoreduction, P680 photooxidation, etc.) were changed dramatically in D1/D2/cytochrom b 559 PS 2 reaction center complex digested with trypsin. The PS 2 RC treated with trypsin migrates by one green band during electrophoresis with dodecylmaltoside. The peptides with a molecular mass higher than 3–4 kDa were not separated from PS 2 RC. These data indicate that digestion of D1 and D2 proteins does not disturb yet the conformation of peptides or their interactions in so-called core of RC and the native state of pigments. In contrast to that, the RC from Rhodopseudomonas viridis treated with enzyme has changed absorption spectrum and lost photochemical activity. The stability of the bacterial RC increased after exchange of LDAO by dodecylmaltoside.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll a - Cyt cytochrome - DPC diphenylcarbazide - Dodecylmaltoside dodecyl--D-maltoside - LDAO lauryldimethylamino oxide - Pheo pheophytine - PS 2 Photosystem 2 - RC reaction center - SiMo silicomolybdate - SD sodium dodecyl sulfate  相似文献   

A new reaction center (RC) quadruple mutant, called LDHW, of Rhodobacter sphaeroides is described. This mutant was constructed to obtain a high yield of B-branch electron transfer and to study P(+)Q(B)(-) formation via the B-branch. The A-branch of the mutant RC contains two monomer bacteriochlorophylls, B(A) and beta, as a result of the H mutation L(M214)H. The latter bacteriochlorophyll replaces bacteriopheophytin H(A) of wild-type RCs. As a result of the W mutation A(M260)W, the A-branch does not contain the ubiquinone Q(A); this facilitates the study of P(+)Q(B)(-) formation. Furthermore, the D mutation G(M203)D introduces an aspartic acid residue near B(A). Together these mutations impede electron transfer through the A-branch. The B-branch contains two bacteriopheophytins, Phi(B) and H(B), and a ubiquinone, Q(B.) Phi(B) replaces the monomer bacteriochlorophyll B(B) as a result of the L mutation H(M182)L. In the LDHW mutant we find 35-45% B-branch electron transfer, the highest yield reported so far. Transient absorption spectroscopy at 10 K, where the absorption bands due to the Q(X) transitions of Phi(B) and H(B) are well resolved, shows simultaneous bleachings of both absorption bands. Although photoreduction of the bacteriopheophytins occurs with a high yield, no significant (approximately 1%) P(+)Q(B)(-) formation was found.  相似文献   

Primary structure of the reaction center from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
The reaction center is a pigment-protein complex that mediates the initial photochemical steps of photosynthesis. The amino-terminal sequences of the L, M, and H subunits and the nucleotide and derived amino acid sequences of the L and M structural genes from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides have previously been determined. We report here the sequence of the H subunit, completing the primary structure determination of the reaction center from R. sphaeroides. The nucleotide sequence of the gene encoding the H subunit was determined by the dideoxy method after subcloning fragments into single-stranded M13 phage vectors. This information was used to derive the amino acid sequence of the corresponding polypeptide. The termini of the primary structure of the H subunit were established by means of the amino and carboxy terminal sequences of the polypeptide. The data showed that the H subunit is composed of 260 residues, corresponding to a molecular weight of 28,003. A molecular weight of 100,858 for the reaction center was calculated from the primary structures of the subunits and the cofactors. Examination of the genes encoding the reaction center shows that the codon usage is strongly biased towards codons ending in G and C. Hydropathy analysis of the H subunit sequence reveals one stretch of hydrophobic residues near the amino terminus; the L and M subunits contain five such stretches. From a comparison of the sequences of homologous proteins found in bacterial reaction centers and photosystem II of plants, an evolutionary tree was constructed. The analysis of evolutionary relationships showed that the L and M subunits of reaction centers and the D1 and D2 proteins of photosystem II are descended from a common ancestor, and that the rate of change in these proteins was much higher in the first billion years after the divergence of the reaction center and photosystem II than in the subsequent billion years represented by the divergence of the species containing these proteins.  相似文献   

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