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Rat liver microsomal fraction synthesized Ret-P-Man (retinyl phosphate mannose) and Dol-P-Man (dolichyl phosphate mannose) from endogenous Ret-P (retinyl phosphate) and Dol-P (dolichyl phosphate). Ret-P-Man synthesis displayed an absolute requirement for a bivalent cation, and also Dol-P-Man synthesis was stimulated by bivalent metal ions. Mn2+ and Co2+ were the most active, with maximum synthesis of Ret-P-Man occurring at 5-10 mM: Mg2+ was also active, but at higher concentrations. At 5mM-Mn2+ the amount of endogenous Ret-P mannosylated in incubation mixtures containing 5 microM-GDP-mannose in 15 min at 37 degrees C was approx. 3 pmol/mg of protein. In the same assays about 7-10 pmol of endogenous Dol-P was mannosylated. Bivalentcation requirement for Ret-P-Man synthesis from exogenous Ret-P showed maximum synthesis at 2.5 mM-Mn2+ or -Co2+. In addition to Ret-P-Man and Dol-P-Man, a mannolipid co-chromatographing with undecaprenyl phosphate mannose was detected. Triton X-100 (0.5%) abolished Ret-P-Man synthesis from endogenous Ret-P and caused a 99% inhibition of Ret-P-Man synthesis from exogenous Ret-P. The presence of detergent (0.5%) also inhibited Dol-P-Man synthesis from endogenous Dol-P and altered the requirement for Mn2+. Microsomal fraction from Syrian golden hamsters was also active in Ret-P-Man and Dol-P-Man synthesis from endogenous Ret-P and Dol-P. At 5 mM-Mn2+ about 2.5 pmol of endogenous Ret-P and 3.7 pmol of endogenous Dol-P were mannosylated from GDP-mannose per mg of protein in 15 min at 37 degrees C. On the other hand, microsomal fraction from vitamin A-deficient hamsters contained 1.2 pmol of Ret-P and 14.1 pmol of Dol-P available for mannosylation. Since GDP-mannose: Ret-P and GDP-mannose: Dol-P mannosyltransferase activities were not affected, depletion of vitamin A must affect Ret-P and Dol-P pools in opposite ways.  相似文献   

Incubating white matter membranes with UDP-N-acetyl-[14C]glucosamine in the presence of Mg2+ and AMP resulted in the labeling of two major glycolipids, a minor glycolipid and several membrane-associated glycoproteins. The addition of AMP protected the labeled sugar nucleotide from degradation by a membrane-bound sugar nucleotide pyrophosphatase activity. While no labeled oligosaccharide lipid was recovered in a CHCl3CH3OHH2O (10:10:3) extract after incubating with only UDP-N-acetyl-[14C] glucosamine, Mg2+, and AMP, the inclusion of unlabeled GDP-mannose led to the formation of an N-acetyl-[14C]glucosamine-labeled oligosaccharide lipid that was soluble in CHCl3CH3OHH2O (10:10:3). The [GlcNAc-14C]oligosaccharide unit was released by treatment with 0.1 N HCl in 80% tetrahydrofuran at 50 °C for 30 min and appears to have the same molecular size as the lipid-linked [mannose-14C] oligosaccharide, formed enzymatically by white matter membranes as judged by their elution behavior on Bio-Gel P-6. The incorporation of N-acetyl-[14C]glucosamine into glycolipid was stimulated by exogenous dolichol monophosphate, but inhibited by UMP or tunicamycin, a glucosamine-containing antibiotic. Although UMP and tunicamycin drastically inhibited the labeling of glycolipid, these compounds had very little effect on the labeling of glycoproteins. The major glycolipids have the chemical and Chromatographic characteristics of N-acetylglucosaminylpyrophosphoryldolichol and N,N′-diacetylchitobiosylpyrophosphoryldolichol. When the labeled glycoproteins were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, four labeled polypeptides were observed, having apparent molecular weights of 145,000, 105,000, 54,000, and 35,000. Virtually all of the N-acetyl-[14C]glucosamine was released when the labeled glycopeptides, produced by pronase digestion, were incubated with an exo-β-N-acetylglucosaminidase, indicating that all of the N-acetyl-[14C]glucosamine incorporated under these conditions is attached to white matter membrane glycoproteins at nonreducing termini.  相似文献   

The Mn-2+ dependent mannosyl transfer reaction between GDP-[14-C]mannose and dolichol phosphate, which is catalyzed by liver membranes, could not be followed accurately with the existing assay systems. Thus, GDP-[14-C]mannose is hydrolyzed rapidly by a pyrophosphatase present in microsomal and Golgi fractions from liver cells. The rate of the hydrolysis is rapid enough to limit the extent of incorporation of [14-c]mannose into endogenous acceptors. AMP was an effective inhibitor of the pyrophosphatase in Golgi membranes, and protected GDP-mannose from metabolism in alternative pathways. In the presence of AMP it was possible accurately to follow the time course of synthesis of dolichol phosphate [14-c]mannose over short time periods. Even though the time course of the reaction was measured over 2 s intervals, no linear portion could be detected in plots of product formed versus time. The kinetics of synthesis did, however, fit an equation for a first-order kinetic process. The basis for the first-order kinetics seems related to the very small amounts of dolichol phosphate in membranes. The values of the first-order rate constant is dependent on the concentrations of GDP-mannose and Mn-2+ added to the assays.  相似文献   

Rat liver microsomes were isolated and fractionated into Golgi, smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER), and rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), and the purity of these preparations was determined. The dolichyl phosphate (Dol-P) content of whole microsomes and of each of the submicrosomal fractions was estimated using high pressure liquid chromatography. Dol-P accounts for 4 and 40% of the sum of the alcohol, the fatty acyl esters of dolichol, and monophosphate forms present in whole liver and in purified microsomes, respectively. Concentrations equal to 58, 77, and 108 ng of Dol-P/mg of protein were found in Golgi, SER, and RER, respectively. These values represent 3, 36, and 54% of the sum of the alcohol, the fatty acyl esters of dolichol, and monophosphate forms present in each of these same fractions, respectively. Increases in the Dol-P content of rat liver were observed as early as 12 h after turpentine-induced inflammation and increased 2-fold over 36 h. In this system, Dol-P accounts for no more than 50% of the sum of all phosphorylated and pyrophosphorylated dolichol intermediates present. The specific activity for dolichyl phosphate phosphatase was highest by more than a factor of 2 in Golgi membrane. Specific activities obtained for SER and RER were 42 and 11% of those present in Golgi. The major requirement for Dol-P is thought to be for the saccharide and oligosaccharide transferase reactions which are presumed to take place in RER. The discovery of significant quantities of Dol-P in Golgi and SER is consistent with a possible role of Dol-P in the transport of sugars required for glycoprotein synthesis and processing from a cytosolic to luminal orientation.  相似文献   

When pig liver microsomal preparations were incubated with GDP-[14C]mannose, 10–40% of the 14C was transferred to mannolipid and 1–3% to mannoprotein. The transfer to mannolipid was readily reversible and GDP was one of the products of the reaction. It was possible to reverse the reaction by adding excess of GDP and to show the incorporation of [14C]GDP into GDP-mannose. When excess of unlabelled GDP-mannose was added to a partially completed incubation there was a rapid transfer back of [14C]mannose from the mannolipid to GDP-mannose. The other product of the reaction, the mannolipid, had the properties of a prenol phosphate mannose. This was illustrated by its lability to dilute acid but stability to dilute alkali, and by its chromatographic properties. Dolichol phosphate stimulated the incorporation of [14C]mannose into both mannolipid and into protein, although the former effect was larger and more consistent than the latter. The incorporation of exogenous [3H]dolichol phosphate into the mannolipid, and its release, accompanied by mannose, on treatment of the mannolipid with dilute acid, confirmed that exogenous dolichol phosphate can act as an acceptor of mannose in this system. It was shown that other exogenous polyprenol phosphates (but not farnesol phosphate or cetyl phosphate) can substitute for dolichol phosphate in this respect but that they are much less efficient than dolichol phosphate in stimulating the transfer of mannose to protein. Since pig liver contained substances with the chromatographic properties of both dolichol phosphate and dolichol phosphate mannose, which caused an increase in transfer of [14C]mannose from GDP-[14C]mannose to mannolipid, it was concluded that endogenous dolichol phosphate acts as an acceptor of mannose in the microsomal preparation. The results indicate that the mannolipid is an intermediate in the transfer of mannose from GDP-mannose to protein. Some 4% of the mannose of a sample of mannolipid added to an incubation was transferred to protein. A scheme is proposed to explain the variations with time in the production of radioactive mannolipid, mannoprotein, mannose 1-phosphate and mannose from GDP-[14C]mannose that takes account of the above observations. ATP, ADP, UTP, GDP, ADP-glucose and UDP-glucose markedly inhibited the transfer of mannose to the mannolipid.  相似文献   

Dolichyl mannosyl phosphate and GDPmannose were active substrates for the transfer of mannose to methyl-alpha-D-mannose, p-nitrophenyl-alpha-D-mannose, and free mannose with rat liver microsomal membranes. The products formed during dolichyl mannosyl phosphate incubation with methyl-alpha-D-mannose or with mannose were alpha-linked. The disaccharides formed by incubation of dolichyl mannosyl phosphate or GDPmannose with mannose were identified by paper chromatography and electrophoresis as mannose-alpha-1,2-mannose and mannose-alpha-1,3-mannose. synthesis of each product was dependent on the assay conditions used and was most markedly affected by the presence of detergent. Transfer of mannose from either substrate to form mannose-alpha-1,3-mannose was severely inhibited by Triton X-100.  相似文献   

Rats were injected via the portal vein with (RS)-[5-3H]-mevalonolactone and the lipids were extracted. From fractions of liver homogenate, all labeled dolichol, cholesterol and ubiquinone could be extracted, but about 40% of microsomal and lysosomal dolichyl phosphate was only released after alkaline hydrolysis. Only a small amount of the non-extractable radioactivity was found to be associated with alpha-unsaturated polyprenyl phosphate. There was no difference in the polyisoprenoid pattern when the two pools of dolichyl phosphate were compared. On the other hand, the specific activity of the bound lipid was only half that of the extractable form. After phenyl-Sepharose chromatography, a peak of protein was isolated exhibiting a 25-fold enrichment in bound radioactive dolichyl phosphate. Treatment with a non-specific protease, followed by chromatography, gave polypeptide fragments associated with bound lipids. On SDS/PAGE a major protein band at 23 kDa and some minor bands with higher molecular masses were found to be associated with this lipid. The results indicate the presence of covalently bound dolichyl phosphate in rat liver.  相似文献   

A rat liver mannan-binding protein was isolated by affinity chromatography on invertase--Sepharose by a modification of the method of Kawasaki, Etoh & Yamashina [(1978) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 81, 1018-1024] and by a new method involving chromatography on mannose-Sepharose. The binding protein appears as a single band on sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis with an apparent mol.wt. of approx. 30000. Binding of 125I-labelled mannan is saturable and inhibited by mannose, N-acetylglucosamine, or L-fucose but not by galactose or mannose 6-phosphate. Neoglycoproteins containing mannose, N-acetylglucosamine, or L-fucose, but not galactose, are inhibitory. The neoglycoproteins are 10000-fold more effective (based on moles of sugar) than are free monosaccharides as inhibitors. 125I-labelled mannan binding to the binding protein is calcium-dependent.  相似文献   

《Plant Science Letters》1978,11(1):27-34
Cellular membranes were isolated from hypocotyls of Phaseolus aureus by continuous sucrose gradient centrifugation. Membrane fractions were used to study the subcellular localization of mannosyl transfer reactions that involved GDP-mannose as the mannosyl donor. The highest specific activity of the enzyme responsible for transfer of the mannosyl moiety to dolichyl monophosphate was found in the fraction enriched in membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum. In contrast, the highest specific activity of enzymes capable of incorporating mannose into ethanol-insoluble polymer, or possibly the highest concentration of endogenous mannosyl acceptors, was located in the fraction enriched in membranes of the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

Two N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) transferases which catalyze the incorporation of GlcNAc into GlcNAc-P-P-dolichol (dolichol enzyme) and into bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A (RNAseA enzyme) were solubilized from the rat liver microsomes in a non-ionic detergent, Triton X-100. Both enzyme activities were adsorbed on activated CH-Sepharose 4B, and could be eluted with a linear KCl gradient. Two enzyme activities were separated by this column with the dolichol enzyme eluting before the RNAseA enzyme. A 49-fold and 136-fold purification was achieved for the dolichol and the RNAseA enzyme, respectively. The addition of exogeneous dolichyl phosphate resulted in a 3-5-fold stimulation of the purified dolichol enzyme, but did not affect the purified RNAseA enzyme. The addition of RNAseA stimulated only the RNAseA enzyme. Whereas, tunicamycin could inhibit only the dolichol enzyme. The purified dolichol enzyme had a Km of 14 X 10(-6) M for UDP-GlcNAc and the reaction was saturated with about 0.25 M dolichyl phosphate. The purified RNAseA enzyme had a Km of 4.55 X 10(-6) M for UDP-GlcNAc and was saturated with about 0.36 mM RNAseA. The pH optima and the metal ion requirement for the two enzymes were different. These results suggest that because of the different properties of these two enzymes they may have distinct functions regarding the core glycosylation of N-linked glycoproteins. It is well established that the dolichol enzyme catalyzes the formation of the first dolichol-linked intermediate GlcNAc-P-P-dolichol, whereas according to the present finding, the RNAseA enzyme may catalyze the transfer of GlcNAc directly from UDP-GlcNAc into acceptor protein.  相似文献   

Dolichyl mannosyl phosphate and GDPmannose were active substrates for the transfer of mannose to methyl-α-d-mannose, p-nitrophenyl-α-d-mannose, and free mannose with rat liver microsomal membranes. The products formed during dolichyl mannosyl phosphate incubation with methyl-α-d-mannose or with mannose were α-linked. The dissaccharides formed by incubation of dolichyl mannosyl phosphate or GDPmannose with mannose were identified by paper chromatography and electrophoresis as mannose-α-1,2-mannose and mannose-α-1,3-mannose. Synthesis of each product was dependent on the assay conditions used and was most markedly affected by the presence of detergent. Transfer of mannose from either substrate to form mannose-α-1,3-mannose was severely inhibited by Triton X-100.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. A maximum rate of dolichyl phosphate [14C]glucose synthesis from 55-day embryos was achieved at 16nM concentration of exogenous dolichyl phosphate and exceeded about 3 times that without addition of dolichyl phosphate.
  • 2.2. The highest values of [14C]glucose incorporation from UDP-[14C]glucose into dolichyl phosphate [14C]glucose, dolichyl diphosphate [14C]Glc-oligosaccharides and proteins were reached at 5 min time point of incubation of liver microsomes both from embryos and sows.
  • 3.3. The radioactive incorporation into proteins was about 7-fold higher in liver microsomes from sows compared to that from embryos, probably due to the greater content of acceptor proteins in microsomes from sows.
  • 4.4. The enzymatic transfer of Glc3-oligosaccharide from a lipid carrier to endogenous protein acceptor in microsomes from pig embryonic and adult livers was considerably faster than the removal of glucose residues during the initial stages of processing of protein-bound oligosaccharides.
  • 5.5. One labelled compound was discovered in the Chcl3-Ch3Oh-H2O (1:1:0.3, by vol) extract after incubation of liver microsomes from embryos and sows with UDP-[14C]glucose. On the basis of its mobility on the chromatogram it appears to be GlcNAc2Man9Glc3.

Rat liver dolichol and dolichyl-P were labeled by injection of [3H]mevalonate into the portal vein and their rates of synthesis and breakdown determined. In the initial phase the radioactivity appeared in -unsaturated polyprenols. Subsequent saturation required 90 min. The half-lives of dolichols in microsomes were between 80 and 118 h, and shorter dolichols had shorter values of T1/2. The half-lives of dolichols in lysosomes were between 115 and 137 h, while microsomal dolichyl-P exhibited a T1/2 of 32 h. Injected dolichol was recovered in the lysomes of hepatocytes and exhibited a rate of breakdown which was slower than that of the endogenous compound. These results indicate differences in the catabolism of dolichol at different subcellular locations, as well as differences between the catabolism of dolichol and dolichyl-P.  相似文献   

We examined changes in the levels of the dolichol forms in Chinese hamster ovary cells containing alterations in the levels of activity of two enzymes in the oligosaccharyl-P-P-dolichol biosynthetic pathway, namely UDP-GlcNAc:dolichyl phosphate:GlcNAc-phosphotransferase (GlcNAc-1-phosphotransferase) and mannosylphosphoryldolichol (Man-P-Dol) synthase. Under normal conditions in wild type cells, Glc3Man9GlcNAc2-pyrophosphoryldolichol was the most abundant form. Of the other anionic forms of dolichols, dolichyl phosphate, Man-P-Dol, glucosylphosphoryldolichol, and Man5GlcNAc2-pyrophosphoryl dolichol were approximately equally abundant. When 3E11 cells (a tunicamycin-resistant Chinese hamster ovary line containing 15 times more GlcNAc-1-phosphotransferase activity than wild type), B4-2-1 cells (a mutant lacking Man-P-Dol synthase activity), and wild type cells incubated with or without tunicamycin were utilized, significant changes in the levels of most of the anionic dolichol derivatives, with the exception of dolichyl phosphate, were found. Since changes in dolichyl phosphate levels were not detected under a variety of conditions where the levels of enzyme activity utilizing this substrate were varied, all three enzymes appear to have access to the same pool of dolichyl phosphate, and further, to have similar Km values for dolichyl phosphate.  相似文献   

Of the subcellular fractions of rat liver the endoplasmic reticulum was the most active in GDP-mannose: retinyl phosphate mannosyl-transfer activity. The synthesis of retinyl phosphate mannose reached a maximum at 20-30 min of incubation and declined at later times. Retinyl phosphate mannose and dolichyl phosphate mannose from endogenous retinyl phosphate and dolichyl phosphate could also be assayed in the endoplasmic reticulum. About 1.8 ng (5 pmol) of endogenous retinyl phosphate was mannosylated per mg of endoplasmic reticulum protein (15 min at 37 degrees C, in the presence of 5 mM-MnCl2), and about 0.15 ng (0.41 pmol) of endogenous retinyl phosphate was mannosylated with Golgi-apparatus membranes. About 20 ng (13.4 pmol) of endogenous dolichyl phosphate was mannosylated in endoplasmic reticulum and 4.5 ng (3 pmol) in Golgi apparatus under these conditions. Endoplasmic reticulum, but not Golgi-apparatus membranes, catalysed significant transfer of [14C]mannose to endogenous acceptor proteins in the presence of exogenous retinyl phosphate. Mannosylation of endogenous acceptors in the presence of exogenous dolichyl phosphate required the presence of Triton X-100 and could not be detected when dolichyl phosphate was solubilized in liposomes. Dolichyl phosphate mainly stimulated the incorporation of mannose into the lipid-oligosaccharide-containing fraction, whereas retinyl phosphate transferred mannose directly to protein.  相似文献   

Rat liver slices were pulse labeled for 6 min with [3H]mevalonolactone and then chased for 90 min with unlabeled mevalonolactone in order to study the mechanism of dolichyl phosphate biosynthesis. The cholesterol pathway was also monitored and served to verify the pulse-chase. Under conditions in which radioactivity in the methyl sterol fraction chased to cholesterol, radioactivity in alpha-unsaturated polyprenyl (pyro)-phosphate chased almost exclusively into dolichyl (pyro)phosphate. Lesser amounts of radioactivity appeared in alpha-unsaturated polyprenol and dolichol, and neither exhibited significant decline after 90 min of incubation. The relative rates of cholesterol versus dolichyl phosphate biosynthesis were studied in rat liver under four different nutritional conditions using labeled acetate, while the absolute rates of cholesterol synthesis were determined using 3H2O. From these determinations, the absolute rates of dolichyl phosphate synthesis were calculated. The absolute rates of cholesterol synthesis were found to vary 42-fold while the absolute rates of dolichyl phosphate synthesis were unchanged. To determine the basis for this effect, the rates of synthesis of cholesterol and dolichyl phosphate were quantitated as a function of [3H]mevalonolactone concentration. Plots of nanomoles incorporated into the two lipids were nearly parallel, yielding Km values on the order of 1 mM. In addition, increasing concentrations of mevinolin yielded parallel inhibition of incorporation of [3H]acetate into cholesterol and dolichyl phosphate. The specific activity of squalene synthase in liver microsomes from rats having the highest rate of cholesterol synthesis was only 2-fold greater than in microsomes from rats having the lowest rate. Taken together, the results suggest that the maintenance of constant dolichyl phosphate synthesis under conditions of enhanced cholesterogenesis is not due to saturation of the dolichyl phosphate pathway by either farnesyl pyrophosphate or isopentenyl pyrophosphate but coordinate regulation of hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA reductase and a reaction on the pathway from farnesyl pyrophosphate to cholesterol.  相似文献   

A series of polyprenols, ranging in length from 15 to 22 isoprene units, has been isolated from soya beans (Glycine max) and purified by high-pressure liquid chromatography. N.m.r., i.r. and mass spectra of the compounds indicated that they are alpha-saturated polyprenols of the dolichol type. The amount present in dry seeds was about 9 mg/100 g, whereas dolichyl phosphate (Dol-P) was present only in trace amounts. Dol-P phosphatase activity was detected in the microsomal fraction of 5-day-old germinating soya-bean cotyledons. The Dol-P phosphatase activity was linear with respect to time and protein concentration and exhibited a broad pH optimum (pH 7-9). Triton X-100 was necessary for significant enzyme activity. Enzyme activity was slightly enhanced by EDTA, whereas dithiothreitol was without effect. An apparent Km of 5 microM was determined for Dol-P. Bivalent metal ions were not required for enzyme activity. A number of phosphorylated compounds tested as enzyme substrates (including a number of nucleoside phosphates, glucose 6-phosphate, sodium beta-glycerophosphate and Na4P2O7) did not compete with [1-3H]Dol-P as substrate. A number of phospholipids were also tested for their ability to act as Dol-P phosphatase substrates. At 1 mM concentration, phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidic acid and lysophosphatidic acid each inhibited enzymic activity. However, at 0.1 mM concentration, phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine were slightly stimulatory, whereas phosphatidic acid and lysophosphatidic acid were still inhibitory. Phosphatidic acid showed competitive inhibition.  相似文献   

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