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In the face of global pollinator decline, extensively managed grasslands play an important role in supporting stable pollinator communities. However, different types of extensive management may promote particular plant species and thus particular functional traits. As the functional traits of flowering plant species (e.g., flower size and shape) in a habitat help determine the identity and frequency of pollinator visitors, they can also influence the structures of plant−pollinator interaction networks (i.e., pollination networks). The aim of this study was to examine how the type of low‐intensity traditional management influences plant and pollinator composition, the structure of plant−pollinator interactions, and their mediation by floral and insect functional traits. Specifically, we compared mown wooded meadows to grazed alvar pastures in western Estonia. We found that both management types fostered equal diversity of plants and pollinators, and overlapping, though still distinct, plant and pollinator compositions. Wooded meadow pollination networks had significantly higher connectance and specialization, while alvar pasture networks achieved higher interaction diversity at a standardized sampling of interactions. Pollinators with small body sizes and short proboscis lengths were more specialized in their preference for particular plant species and the specialization of individual pollinators was higher in alvar pastures than in wooded meadows. All in all, the two management types promoted diverse plant and pollinator communities, which enabled the development of equally even and nested pollination networks. The same generalist plant and pollinator species were important for the pollination networks of both wooded meadows and alvar pastures; however, they were complemented by management‐specific species, which accounted for differences in network structure. Therefore, the implementation of both management types in the same landscape helps to maintain high species and interaction diversity.  相似文献   

Pollination network studies are based on pollinator surveys conducted on focal plants. This plant-centred approach provides insufficient information on flower visitation habits of rare pollinator species, which are the majority in pollinator communities. As a result, pollination networks contain very high proportions of pollinator species linked to a single plant species (extreme specialists), a pattern that contrasts with the widely accepted view that plant–pollinator interactions are mostly generalized. In this study of a Mediterranean scrubland community in NE Spain we supplement data from an intensive field survey with the analysis of pollen loads carried by pollinators. We observed 4265 contacts corresponding to 19 plant and 122 pollinator species. The addition of pollen data unveiled a very significant number of interactions, resulting in important network structural changes. Connectance increased 1.43-fold, mean plant connectivity went from 18.5 to 26.4, and mean pollinator connectivity from 2.9 to 4.1. Extreme specialist pollinator species decreased 0.6-fold, suggesting that ecological specialization is often overestimated in plant–pollinator networks. We expected a greater connectivity increase in rare species, and consequently a decrease in the level of asymmetric specialization. However, new links preferentially attached to already highly connected nodes and, as a result, both nestedness and centralization increased. The addition of pollen data revealed the existence of four clearly defined modules that were not apparent when only field survey data were used. Three of these modules had a strong phenological component. In comparison to other pollination webs, our network had a high proportion of connector links and species. That is, although significant, the four modules were far from isolated.  相似文献   

Plant species and their pollinators are linked by their mutualistic interactions, which form the basis of pollination networks. The use of a network approach allows one to take into account all interactions between a group of plants and its animal pollinators, and to reveal the structure of these connections. We analysed pollination interactions for urban habitat fragments located within the Warsaw city environment. We compared two similar, ruderal communities (phytosociological order Onopordetalia acanthii) located in distant parts of the city of Warsaw (Poland) that differed with the surrounding ecosystems. The aim of this study was to define the structures and properties of flower-visitor (visitation) and pollen transport networks (based on analysis of pollen loads carried by insects) and to assess the differences between the studied sites. Although the sites differed in insect relative abundance (Diptera dominated one study site, whereas Hymenoptera dominated the other), network size and structure were similar for both communities. In both cases, networks contained moderately specialized species (based on H 2′ index); however, networks were dominated by apparently ecologically generalized insect taxa as well as those represented by a single specimen. Networks based on pollen transport indicated greater generality of insect species (more links) than those based on our samples of visitation. The most highly linked plant species represented were either the most abundant (Fabaceae) or phenotypically generalized taxa (Daucus carota). We conclude that plant–pollinator interactions in such highly disturbed and isolated habitats are composed mostly of ecologically generalised species. Moreover, we stress the usefulness of pollen load analysis in the development and verification of visitation data.  相似文献   

The strength of interactions between plants for pollination depends on the abundance of plants and pollinators in the community. The abundance of pollinators may influence plant associations and densities at which individual fitness is maximized. Reduced pollinator visitation may therefore affect the way plant species interact for pollination. We experimentally reduced pollinator visitation to six pollinator‐dependent species (three from an alpine and three from a lowland community in Norway) to study how interactions for pollination were modified by reduced pollinator availability. We related flower visitation, pollen limitation and seed set to density of conspecifics and pollinator‐sharing heterospecifics inside 30 dome‐shaped cages partially covered with fishnet (experimental plots) and in 30 control plots. We expected to find stronger interactions between plants in experimental compared to controls plots. The experiment modified plant–plant interactions for pollination in all the six species; although for two of them neighbourhood interactions did not affect seed set. The pollen limitation and seed set data showed that reduction of pollinator visits most frequently resulted in novel and/or stronger interactions between plants in the experimental plots that did not occur in the controls. Although the responses were species‐specific, there was a tendency for increasing facilitative interactions with conspecific neighbours in experimental plots where pollinator availability was reduced. Heterospecifics only influenced pollination and fecundity in species from the alpine community and in the experimental plots, where they competed with the focal species for pollination. The patterns observed for visitation rates differed from those for fecundity, with more significant interactions between plants in the controls in both communities. This study warns against the exclusive use of visitation data to interpret plant–plant interactions for pollination, and helps to understand how plant aggregations may buffer or intensify the effects of a pollinator loss on plant fitness.  相似文献   

Studies on pollination networks have provided valuable information on the number, frequency, distribution and identity of interactions between plants and pollinators. However, little is still known on the functional effect of these interactions on plant reproductive success. Information on the extent to which plants depend on such interactions will help to make more realistic predictions of the potential impacts of disturbances on plant-pollinator networks. Plant functional dependence on pollinators (all interactions pooled) can be estimated by comparing seed set with and without pollinators (i.e. bagging flowers to exclude them). Our main goal in this study was thus to determine whether plant dependence on current insect interactions is related to plant specialization in a pollination network. We studied two networks from different communities, one in a coastal dune and one in a mountain. For ca. 30% of plant species in each community, we obtained the following specialization measures: (i) linkage level (number of interactions), (ii) diversity of interactions, and (iii) closeness centrality (a measure of how much a species is connected to other plants via shared pollinators). Phylogenetically controlled regression analyses revealed that, for the largest and most diverse coastal community, plants highly dependent on pollinators were the most generalists showing the highest number and diversity of interactions as well as occupying central positions in the network. The mountain community, by contrast, did not show such functional relationship, what might be attributable to their lower flower-resource heterogeneity and diversity of interactions. We conclude that plants with a wide array of pollinator interactions tend to be those that are more strongly dependent upon them for seed production and thus might be those more functionally vulnerable to the loss of network interaction, although these outcomes might be context-dependent.  相似文献   

传粉网络的研究进展:网络的结构和动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方强  黄双全 《生物多样性》2012,20(3):300-307
植物与传粉者之间相互作用,构成了复杂的传粉网络。近年来,社会网络分析技术的发展使得复杂生态网络的研究成为可能。从群落水平上研究植物与传粉者之间的互惠关系,为理解群落的结构和动态以及花部特征的演化提供了全新的视角。传粉网络的嵌套结构说明自然界的传粉服务存在冗余,而且是相对泛化的物种主导了传粉。在多年或者多季度的传粉网络中,虽然有很高的物种替换率,但是其网络结构仍然保持相对稳定,说明传粉网络对干扰有很强的抗性。尽管有关网络结构和动态的研究逐渐增多,但传粉网络维持的机制仍不清楚。网络结构可以部分由花部特征与传粉者的匹配来解释,也受到系统发生的制约,影响因素还包括群落构建的时间和物种多样性,以及物种在群落中的位置。开展大尺度群落动态的研究,为探索不同时间尺度、不同物种多样性水平上的传粉网络的生态学意义提供了条件。但已有的研究仍存在不足,比如基于访问观察的网络无法准确衡量传粉者的访问效率和植物间的花粉流动,以及结果受到调查精度区域研究不平衡的制约等。目前的研究只深入到传粉者携带花粉构成成分的水平,传粉者访问植物的网络不能代表植物的整个传粉过程。因此,研究应当更多地深入到物种之间关系对有性生殖的切实影响上。  相似文献   

Vigorous discussion of the degree of specialization in pollination interactions, combined with advances in the analysis of complex networks, has revitalized the study of entire plant–pollinator communities. Noticeably rare, however, are attempts to quantify temporal variation in the structure of plant–pollinator networks, and to determine whether the status of species as specialists or generalists is stable. Here we show that network structure varied through time in a montane meadow community from southern California, USA, in that pollinator species did not form the same links with plant species across years. Furthermore, composition of the generalized core group of species in the network varied among summers, as did the identity of those species involved in relationships that appeared to be reciprocally specialized within any one summer. These differences appear to be related to severe drought conditions experienced in the second summer of the 3 year study. In contrast to this variation, the pollinator community remained similarly highly nested in all three summers, even though species were packed into the nested matrix differently from year to year. These results suggest that plant–pollinator networks vary in detail through time, while retaining some basic topological properties. This dynamic aspect of community‐scale interactions has implications for both ecological and evolutionary inferences about pollination mutualisms.  相似文献   

Ecological interaction networks, such as those describing the mutualistic interactions between plants and their pollinators or between plants and their frugivores, exhibit non‐random structural properties that cannot be explained by simple models of network formation. One factor affecting the formation and eventual structure of such a network is its evolutionary history. We argue that this, in many cases, is closely linked to the evolutionary histories of the species involved in the interactions. Indeed, empirical studies of interaction networks along with the phylogenies of the interacting species have demonstrated significant associations between phylogeny and network structure. To date, however, no generative model explaining the way in which the evolution of individual species affects the evolution of interaction networks has been proposed. We present a model describing the evolution of pairwise interactions as a branching Markov process, drawing on phylogenetic models of molecular evolution. Using knowledge of the phylogenies of the interacting species, our model yielded a significantly better fit to 21% of a set of plant–pollinator and plant–frugivore mutualistic networks. This highlights the importance, in a substantial minority of cases, of inheritance of interaction patterns without excluding the potential role of ecological novelties in forming the current network architecture. We suggest that our model can be used as a null model for controlling evolutionary signals when evaluating the role of other factors in shaping the emergence of ecological networks.  相似文献   

We analysed the dynamics of a plant-pollinator interaction network of a scrub community surveyed over four consecutive years. Species composition within the annual networks showed high temporal variation. Temporal dynamics were also evident in the topology of the network, as interactions among plants and pollinators did not remain constant through time. This change involved both the number and the identity of interacting partners. Strikingly, few species and interactions were consistently present in all four annual plant-pollinator networks (53% of the plant species, 21% of the pollinator species and 4.9% of the interactions). The high turnover in species-to-species interactions was mainly the effect of species turnover (c. 70% in pairwise comparisons among years), and less the effect of species flexibility to interact with new partners (c. 30%). We conclude that specialization in plant-pollinator interactions might be highly overestimated when measured over short periods of time. This is because many plant or pollinator species appear as specialists in 1 year, but tend to be generalists or to interact with different partner species when observed in other years. The high temporal plasticity in species composition and interaction identity coupled with the low variation in network structure properties (e.g. degree centralization, connectance, nestedness, average distance and network diameter) imply (i) that tight and specialized coevolution might not be as important as previously suggested and (ii) that plant-pollinator interaction networks might be less prone to detrimental effects of disturbance than previously thought. We suggest that this may be due to the opportunistic nature of plant and animal species regarding the available partner resources they depend upon at any particular time.  相似文献   

1. Moths are globally relevant as pollinators but nocturnal pollination remains poorly understood. Plant–pollinator interaction networks are traditionally constructed using either flower‐visitor observations or pollen‐transport detection using microscopy. Recent studies have shown the potential of DNA metabarcoding for detecting and identifying pollen‐transport interactions. However, no study has directly compared the realised observations of pollen‐transport networks between DNA metabarcoding and conventional light microscopy. 2. Using matched samples of nocturnal moths, we constructed pollen‐transport networks using two methods: light microscopy and DNA metabarcoding. Focussing on the feeding mouthparts of moths, we developed and provide reproducible methods for merging DNA metabarcoding and ecological network analysis to better understand species interactions. 3. DNA metabarcoding detected pollen on more individual moths, and detected multiple pollen types on more individuals than microscopy, although the average number of pollen types per individual was unchanged. However, after aggregating individuals of each species, metabarcoding detected more interactions per moth species. Pollen‐transport network metrics differed between methods because of variation in the ability of each to detect multiple pollen types per moth and to separate morphologically similar or related pollen. We detected unexpected but plausible moth–plant interactions with metabarcoding, revealing new detail about nocturnal pollination systems. 4. The nocturnal pollination networks observed using metabarcoding and microscopy were similar yet distinct, with implications for network ecologists. Comparisons between networks constructed using metabarcoding and traditional methods should therefore be treated with caution. Nevertheless, the potential applications of metabarcoding for studying plant–pollinator interaction networks are encouraging, especially when investigating understudied pollinators such as moths.  相似文献   

Generalization of pollination systems is widely accepted by ecologists in the studies of plant–pollinator interaction networks at the community level, but the degree of generalization of pollination networks remains largely unknown at the individual pollinator level. Using potential legitimate pollinators that were constantly visiting flowers in two alpine meadow communities, we analyzed the differences in the pollination network structure between the pollinator individual level and species level. The results showed that compared to the pollinator species‐based networks, the linkage density, interaction diversity, interaction evenness, the average plant linkage level, and interaction diversity increased, but connectance, degree of nestedness, the average of pollinator linkage level, and interaction diversity decreased in the pollinator individual‐based networks, indicating that pollinator individuals had a narrower food niche than their counterpart species. Pollination networks at the pollinator individual level were more specialized at the network level (H2) and the plant species node level (d′) than at the pollinator species‐level networks, reducing the chance of underestimating levels of specialization in pollination systems. The results emphasize that research into pollinator individual‐based pollination networks will improve our understanding of the pollination networks at the pollinator species level and the coevolution of flowering plants and pollinators.  相似文献   

Colin Olito  Jeremy W. Fox 《Oikos》2015,124(4):428-436
Plant–pollinator mutualistic networks represent the ecological context of foraging (for pollinators) and reproduction (for plants and some pollinators). Plant–pollinator visitation networks exhibit highly conserved structural properties across diverse habitats and species assemblages. The most successful hypotheses to explain these network properties are the neutrality and biological constraints hypotheses, which posit that species interaction frequencies can be explained by species relative abundances, and trait mismatches between potential mutualists respectively. However, previous network analyses emphasize the prediction of metrics of qualitative network structure, which may not represent stringent tests of these hypotheses. Using a newly documented temporally explicit alpine plant–pollinator visitation network, we show that metrics of both qualitative and quantitative network structure are easy to predict, even by models that predict the identity or frequency of species interactions poorly. A variety of phenological and morphological constraints as well as neutral interactions successfully predicted all network metrics tested, without accurately predicting species observed interactions. Species phenology alone was the best predictor of observed interaction frequencies. However, all models were poor predictors of species pairwise interaction frequencies, suggesting that other aspects of species biology not generally considered in network studies, such as reproduction for dipterans, play an important role in shaping plant–pollinator visitation network structure at this site. Future progress in explaining the structure and dynamics of mutualistic networks will require new approaches that emphasize accurate prediction of species pairwise interactions rather than network metrics, and better reflect the biology underlying species interactions.  相似文献   

The structural organization of mutualism networks, typified by interspecific positive interactions, is important to maintain community diversity. However, there is little information available about the effect of introduced species on the structure of such networks. We compared uninvaded and invaded ecological communities, to examine how two species of invasive plants with large and showy flowers (Carpobrotus affine acinaciformis and Opuntia stricta) affect the structure of Mediterranean plant–pollinator networks. To attribute differences in pollination to the direct presence of the invasive species, areas were surveyed that contained similar native plant species cover, diversity and floral composition, with or without the invaders. Both invasive plant species received significantly more pollinator visits than any native species and invaders interacted strongly with pollinators. Overall, the pollinator community richness was similar in invaded and uninvaded plots, and only a few generalist pollinators visited invasive species exclusively. Invasive plants acted as pollination super generalists. The two species studied were visited by 43% and 31% of the total insect taxa in the community, respectively, suggesting they play a central role in the plant–pollinator networks. Carpobrotus and Opuntia had contrasting effects on pollinator visitation rates to native plants: Carpobrotus facilitated the visit of pollinators to native species, whereas Opuntia competed for pollinators with native species, increasing the nestedness of the plant–pollinator network. These results indicate that the introduction of a new species to a community can have important consequences for the structure of the plant–pollinator network.  相似文献   

Morphology and phenology influence plant–pollinator network structure, but whether they generate more stable pairwise interactions with higher pollination success remains unknown. Here we evaluate the importance of morphological trait matching, phenological overlap and specialisation for the spatio‐temporal stability (measured as variability) of plant–pollinator interactions and for pollination success, while controlling for species' abundance. To this end, we combined a 6‐year plant–pollinator interaction dataset, with information on species traits, phenologies, specialisation, abundance and pollination success, into structural equation models. Interactions among abundant plants and pollinators with well‐matched traits and phenologies formed the stable and functional backbone of the pollination network, whereas poorly matched interactions were variable in time and had lower pollination success. We conclude that phenological overlap could be more useful for predicting changes in species interactions than species abundances, and that non‐random extinction of species with well‐matched traits could decrease the stability of interactions within communities and reduce their functioning.  相似文献   

Pollination webs have recently deepened our understanding of complex ecosystem functions and the susceptibility of biotic networks to anthropogenic disturbances. Extensive mutualistic networks from tropical species-rich communities, however, are extremely scarce. We present fully quantitative pollination webs of two plant–pollinator communities of natural heathland sites, one of which was in the process of being restored, on the oceanic island of Mauritius. The web interaction data cover a full flowering season from September 2003 to March 2004 and include all flowering plant and their pollinator species. Pollination webs at both sites were dominated by a few super-abundant, disproportionately well-connected species, and many rare and specialised species. The webs differed greatly in size, reflecting higher plant and pollinator species richness and abundance at the restored site. About one fifth of plant species at the smaller community received <3 visits. The main pollinators were insects from diverse taxonomic groups, while the few vertebrate pollinator species were abundant and highly linked. The difference in plant community composition between sites appeared to strongly affect the associated pollinator community and interactions with native plant species. Low visitation rate to introduced plant species suggested little indirect competition for pollinators with native plant species. Overall, our results indicated that the community structure was highly complex in comparison to temperate heathland communities. We discuss the observed differences in plant linkage and pollinator diversity and abundance between the sites with respect to habitat restoration management and its influence on pollination web structure and complexity. For habitat restoration to be successful in the long term, practitioners should aim to maintain structural diversity to support a species-rich and abundant pollinator assemblage which ensures native plant reproduction.  相似文献   

It has been observed that mutualistic bipartite networks have a nested structure of interactions. In addition, the degree distributions associated with the two guilds involved in such networks (e.g., plants and pollinators or plants and seed dispersers) approximately follow a truncated power law (TPL). We show that nestedness and TPL distributions are intimately linked, and that any biological reasons for such truncation are superimposed to finite size effects. We further explore the internal organization of bipartite networks by developing a self-organizing network model (SNM) that reproduces empirical observations of pollination systems of widely different sizes. Since the only inputs to the SNM are numbers of plant and animal species, and their interactions (i.e., no data on local abundance of the interacting species are needed), we suggest that the well-known association between species frequency of interaction and species degree is a consequence rather than a cause, of the observed network structure.  相似文献   

Most flowering plants depend on pollinators to reproduce. Thus, evaluating the robustness of plant-pollinator assemblages to species loss is a major concern. How species interaction patterns are related to species sensitivity to partner loss may influence the robustness of plant-pollinator assemblages. In plants, both reproductive dependence on pollinators (breeding system) and dispersal ability may modulate plant sensitivity to pollinator loss. For instance, species with strong dependence (e.g. dioecious species) and low dispersal (e.g. seeds dispersed by gravity) may be the most sensitive to pollinator loss. We compared the interaction patterns of plants differing in dependence on pollinators and dispersal ability in a meta-dataset comprising 192 plant species from 13 plant-pollinator networks. In addition, network robustness was compared under different scenarios representing sequences of plant extinctions associated with plant sensitivity to pollinator loss. Species with different dependence on pollinators and dispersal ability showed similar levels of generalization. Although plants with low dispersal ability interacted with more generalized pollinators, low-dispersal plants with strong dependence on pollinators (i.e. the most sensitive to pollinator loss) interacted with more particular sets of pollinators (i.e. shared a low proportion of pollinators with other plants). Only two assemblages showed lower robustness under the scenario considering plant generalization, dependence on pollinators and dispersal ability than under the scenario where extinction sequences only depended on plant generalization (i.e. where higher generalization level was associated with lower probability of extinction). Overall, our results support the idea that species generalization and network topology may be good predictors of assemblage robustness to species loss, independently of plant dispersal ability and breeding system. In contrast, since ecological specialization among partners may increase the probability of disruption of interactions, the fact that the plants most sensitive to pollinator loss interacted with more particular pollinator assemblages suggest that the persistence of these plants and their pollinators might be highly compromised.  相似文献   

Network analysis has in recent years improved our understanding of pollination systems. However, there is very little information about how functionally specialized plants and pollinators interact directly and indirectly in pollination networks. We have developed a parameter, Functional specialization index, to quantify functional specialization in pollination networks. Using this parameter, we examined whether different sized hummingbirds visit a distinct set of flowers in five hummingbird-pollinated plant assemblages from the Lesser Antilles, obtaining a simple relationship between hummingbird body size, network parameter and ecological function. In the Lesser Antilles, functionally specialized hummingbird pollination is distinct for plant species pollinated by the largest hummingbird species, whereas the pollination niche gradually integrates with the insect pollinator community as hummingbird body size decreases. The network approach applied in this study can be used to validate functional specialization and community-level interdependence between plants and pollinators, and it is therefore useful for evaluating and predicting plant resilience to pollinator loss, presently a global concern.  相似文献   

Research on ecological communities, and plant–pollinator mutualistic networks in particular, has increasingly benefited from the theory and tools of complexity science. Nevertheless, up to now there have been few attempts to investigate the interplay between the structure of real pollination networks and their dynamics. This study is one of the first contributions to explore this issue. Biological invasions, of major concern for conservation, are also poorly understood from the perspective of complex ecological networks. In this paper we assess the role that established alien species play within a host community by analyzing the temporal changes in structural network properties driven by the removal of non‐native plants. Three topological measures have been used to represent the most relevant structural properties for the stability of ecological networks: degree distribution, nestedness, and modularity. Therefore, we investigate for a detailed pollination network, 1) how its dynamics, represented as changes in species abundances, affect the evolution of its structure, 2) how topology relates to dynamics focusing on long‐term species persistence; and 3) how both structure and dynamics are affected by the removal of alien plant species. Network dynamics were simulated by means of a stochastic metacommunity model. Our results showed that established alien plants are important for the persistence of the pollination network and for the maintenance of its structure. Removal of alien plants decreased the likelihood of species persistence. On the other hand, both the full network and the subset native network tended to lose their structure through time. Nevertheless, the structure of the full network was better preserved than the structure of the network without alien plants. Temporal topological shifts were evident in terms of degree distribution, nestedness, and modularity. However the effects of removing alien plants were more pronounced for degree distribution and modularity of the network. Therefore, elimination of alien plants affected the evolution of the architecture of the interaction web, which was closely related to the higher species loss found in the network where alien plants were removed.  相似文献   

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