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Photolyases are ubiquitously occurring flavoproteins for catalyzing photo repair of UV-induced DNA damages. All photolyases described so far have a bilobal architecture with a C-terminal domain comprising flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) as catalytic cofactor and an N-terminal domain capable of harboring an additional antenna chromophore. Using sequence-similarity network analysis we discovered a novel subgroup of the photolyase/cryptochrome superfamily (PCSf), the NewPHLs. NewPHL occur in bacteria and have an inverted topology with an N-terminal catalytic domain and a C-terminal domain for sealing the FAD binding site from solvent access. By characterizing two NewPHL we show a photochemistry characteristic of other PCSf members as well as light-dependent repair of CPD lesions. Given their common specificity towards single-stranded DNA many bacterial species use NewPHL as a substitute for DASH-type photolyases. Given their simplified architecture and function we suggest that NewPHL are close to the evolutionary origin of the PCSf.  相似文献   

The only naturally occurring modified base in vertebrate DNA is 5-methylcytosine. Using a precise high-performance liquid chromatographic analysis of DNA enzymatically digested to deoxynucleosides, we have shown that rats, mice and four types of monkey display tissue-specific as well as species-specific differences in the extent of methylation of their cytosine residues. Several similarities in the patterns of tissue-specific DNA methylation in these mammals and in the previously studied human samples were observed. Compared to most other types of DNA examined, brain and thymus DNAs were hypermethylated, which suggests that this hypermethylation is a determinant or a necessary byproduct of mammalian differentiation. In all of the studied rodents and primates, the highly repeated DNA sequence fraction was more methylated than the moderately repetitive or single copy fractions. The tissue-specific differences in overall DNA methylation showed no correlation with what is known about average cell turnover rates nor with the percentage of the genome that is transcribed. Liver regeneration in the rat following partial hepatectomy did not detectably alter 5-methylcytosine levels in liver DNA. A considerable increase in the extent of methylation of total liver DNA was observed during normal development of the rat. The latter phenomenon may be due to a major change in the cellular composition of the liver.  相似文献   

Summary The occurrence and origin of substance P (SP)-immunoreactive (IR) nerves in the lower respiratory tract was studied by means of immunohistochemistry in the guinea-pig, rat, cat and man. In addition, biopsies from human material were also analysed by radioimmunoassay. SP-IR nerves were seen in four principal locations: 1) under or within the lining epithelium, 2) around blood vessels, 3) within the bronchial smooth muscle layer, and 4) around local tracheobronchial ganglion cells. Ligation experiments combined with capsaicin pretreatments indicated that all SP-IR nerves in the respiratory tract are sensory. The trachea seems to be mainly supplied by the vagal nerves, while intrapulmonary bronchi and blood vessels receive SP-IR nerves of both vagal and non-vagal (spinal) origin. SP-IR nerves were also found in the human bronchi with principally similar location as in the guinea-pig. The levels of SP-IR in the trachea and peripheral bronchi of man were about 3–4 pmol/g, which is in the same range as the content of corresponding tissues from the guinea-pig.In conclusion, the present experimental findings of SP-IR nerves in the lower respiratory tract in both experimental animals and man support the functional evidence for the importance of SP in the vagal and non-vagal (spinal) control of bronchial smooth muscle tone and vascular permeability.  相似文献   

1. Enzymes that catalyse the oxidation of aliphatic alcohols to aldehydes are reviewed. 2. Special attention is given to phenazine methosulphate-linked alcohol dehydrogenases from bacteria and to flavin-containing alcohol oxidases from yeasts, moulds and higher plants. 3. Some properties of the microsomal ethanol-oxidative system of rat liver are discussed.  相似文献   

DNA photolyase catalyzes the repair of pyrimidine dimers in UV-damaged DNA in a reaction which requires visible light. Class I photolyases (Escherichia coli, yeast) contain 1,5-dihydroFAD (FADH2) plus a pterin derivative (5,10-methenyltetrahydropteroylpolyglutamate). In class II photolyases (Streptomyces griseus, Scenedesmus acutus, Anacystis nidulans, Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum) the pterin chromophore is replaced by an 8-hydroxy-5-deazaflavin derivative. The two classes of enzymes exhibit a high degree of amino acid sequence homology, suggesting similarities in protein structure. Action spectra studies show that both chromophores in each enzyme tested act as sensitizers in catalysis. Studies with E. coli photolyase show that the pterin chromophore is not required when FADH2 acts as the sensitizer but that FADH2 is required when the pterin chromophore acts as sensitizer. FADH2 is probably the chromophore that directly interacts with substrate in a reaction which may be initiated by electron transfer from the excited singlet state (1FADH2*) to form a flavin radical plus an unstable pyrimidine dimer radical. Pterin, the major chromophore in E. coli photolyase, may act as an antenna to harvest light energy which is then transferred to FADH2.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNAs from yeast, Neurospora, rat and calf do not contain internally methylated cytosine in -CCGG- sequences.  相似文献   

Relationship between pyrimidine distribution patterns and radiosensitivity (Z) of DNA molecules of different species was derived by computer analysis of recurrence frequency of pyrimidine clusters. Blocking factors (beta) and Z for coding and non-coding DNA sequences of species from different taxonomic classes have been calculated within a new model. The radiosensitivity of coding DNA sequences practically does not vary whereas Z values were increased during evolution from simplest to higher organisms. The beta and Z values calculated for several groups of individual genes were shown to vary considerably.  相似文献   

Sun light energy is used by plants to trigger their growth and development. However, an increase of UV-B light may lead to DNA damage. DNA photolyases are enzymes that repair the cyclobutane pyridine dimer (CPD) and 6–4 photoproduct lesions formed through UV irradiation of DNA. Many aspects of the repair process are under intense scientific investigation but still poorly understood. Here we have computationally analysed DNA-photolyases using the resonant recognition model (RRM), a physico-mathematical approach based on digital signal processing methods. The RRM proposes that protein interactions represent the transfer of resonant electromagnetic energy between interacting molecules at the particular frequency. Within this study we have determined photolyases characteristic frequency, “hot spots” amino acids corresponding to the functional mutations and functional active/binding sites, and designed photolyase peptide analogous. A mutual relationship between photolyase and p53 tumour suppressor protein has also been investigated. The results obtained provide new insights into the structure–function relationships of photolyase protein family.  相似文献   

Certain environmental contaminants found in marine mammals have been shown to cause DNA damage and cancer. The micronuclei (MN), sister chromatid exchange (SCE) and/or chromosome aberration (CA) assays were used to assess baseline (spontaneous) levels of DNA damage in blood lymphocytes of individuals of the relatively healthy and lightly contaminated Arctic beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas), Sarasota Bay, FL, bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) and Northwestern Atlantic grey (Halichoerus grypus) and harp (Phoca groenlandicus) seal populations. MN cell (MNC) frequencies ranged between 2 and 14/1000 binucleated (BN) cells and were statistically similar between species. In bottlenose dolphins, MNC frequency was correlated with age and was significantly higher in females than in males. No intraspecific variation in MNC frequency was found in beluga whales. Intraspecific variation was not tested in seals due to the small sample size. Frequencies of SCEs and total CAs, excluding gaps, ranged, respectively, between 1 and 15 SCE(s)/per cell and 4-6 CAs/100 cells in beluga whales. SCE and CA frequencies did not vary with age or sex in beluga whales. The MN, SCE and CA assays were found to be practical tools for the detection of DNA damage in marine mammals and could be used in the future to compare DNA damage between relatively lightly and highly contaminated populations.  相似文献   

Arylsulfatases are present in seminal plasma of several domestic mammals.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mammalian spermatozoa and seminal plasma both contain high levels of arylsulfatases (AS), enzymes that remove sulfate from sulfated glycoconjugates. In ejaculated semen of boars, 85% of AS was found in seminal plasma whereas only 13% was found in spermatozoa. A comparable distribution of AS between spermatozoa and seminal plasma was observed in other domestic mammals. The presence of AS in seminal plasma was not due to leakage from spermatozoa because sperm cells had intact acrosomes and plasma membranes after their separation from seminal plasma, and because 84% of the acrosomal marker enzyme hyaluronidase was retained in washed spermatozoa. Spermatozoa in boar semen diluted with Beltsville Thawing Solution (BTS) deteriorated faster during storage at 17 degrees C than spermatozoa stored in BTS without seminal plasma. This suggests that seminal plasma has a deleterious effect on mammalian spermatozoa. We propose that (1) sulfated glycoconjugates stabilize sperm plasma membranes; (2) AS present in seminal plasma contribute to the deterioration of spermatozoa by desulfating these glycoconjugates; and (3) AS present in seminal plasma could well play a role in sperm capacitation.  相似文献   

This report reviews and evaluates the various methods and techniques used for measuring the incidence of spontaneous meiotic non-disjunction in mammals generally and particularly in mouse and man. It also gives the principal results obtained with these methods and techniques and consequently, in a sense, is also a review of the incidence of meiotic non-disjunction in these species. The incidence of non-disjunction is only given for normal meiosis. Studies involving chromosomal aberrations, e.g. of translocation carriers, have not been included.  相似文献   

Purkinje cells were retrogradely labelled from large injections of wheatgerm-coupled horseradish peroxidase in the vestibular nuclei, including Deiters' nucleus. The labelled Purkinje cells were located in two parallel strips in the anterior vermis; the medial strip is located within the A-zone, the lateral strip corresponds to the B-zone. In the ventral part of the anterior lobe the two strips fuse into a single band, in the dorsal part of the anterior lobe they are separated by a wedge-shaped area, corresponding to the X-zone. The B-zone proceeds in the simple lobule, where it deviates laterally and where it terminates at the centre of the ansoparamedian lobule. Identical zonal patterns were observed in cat, rabbit, rat and monkey. The demarcation of the anterior vermis by the lateral border of the B-zone, and the differences in the projection of the A and B-zone are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

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