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The lower and lowermost Middle Ordovician strata of the Volkhov Stage exposed in the vicinity of St. Petersburg, Russia, yield a graptolite fauna at several stratigraphic levels, being more often confined to the mud-mound clays than to the normally stratified, Condensed carbonates. Overall taxonomic diversity of the Volkhov graptolites is relatively low and associations include no more than seven species in ail localities. TheTetragraptus, Didymograptus andXiphograptus species found are pandemic and have quite extensive stratigraphie ranges within the mid-Arenig Series. Based on the graptolite zonation, the Volkhov Stage can be correlated to thePseudophyllograptus angustifolius elongatus andDidymograptus (Expansograptus) hirundo graptolite biozones of Baltoscandia and to the upperDidymograptus simulans toDidymograptus (Expansograptus) hirundo biozones of the British graptolite succession. TheIsograptus victoriae lunatus lower zonal boundary probably falls within the graptolite-bearing interval of the lower Volkhov Stage. As the result of indirect biostratigraphic and interpretative lithological correlations, the first appearance ofUndulograptus austrodentatus at the base of the Darriwilian Stage is deemed to be close to the boundary of theMegistaspis simon andM. limbata trilobite biozones and the lowerBaltionodus norrlandicus conodont Biozone of the upper Volkhov Stage. Seven dichograptid species belonging to four genera are described, one of them,Azygograptus volkhovensis n. sp., new.   相似文献   

The upper Daguanshan Formation (middle Expansograptus hirundo graptolite biozone, Dapingian, early Middle Ordovician) of the Shuanghe area, Changning County, southern Sichuan Province, contains three new genera and species of strophomenoids: Ochyromena plana, Shuangheella elongata, and Primotimena globula, which are attributed to the Strophomenidae, Rafinesquinidae and Glyptomenidae respectively. These are the earliest known strophomenoids from the South China palaeoplate, and also the oldest rafinesquinid and glyptomenid brachiopods worldwide. Global review of the superfamily Strophomenoidea of Middle Ordovician age suggests that the first diversity peak at the species level occurred in late Darriwilian (Llanvirn) time, mainly as a result of the rapid diversification of the family Strophomenidae. The first appearance datum (FAD) of strophomenoids and their possible westward dispersal were from North China (latest Floian) and/or South China (early Dapingian), through the Chu‐Ili terrane of Kazakhstan, Iran, and Baltica (early Darriwilian), to Avalonia and Laurentia (late Darriwilian). This points to the existence of early diversification hotspots of the strophomenoid superfamily in the North and South China palaeoplates during the early Middle Ordovician in generally shallow water (corresponding to BA2) environments. The high degree of similarity in the external morphology and ventral interior of the three new genera indicates that the early diversification of strophomenoids began with differentiation of the cardinalia, especially in the configuration of the bilobed cardinal process, a key evolutionary novelty for the strophomenoids.  相似文献   

A Darriwilian (late Middle Ordovician) brachiopod fauna from the Lower Formation of the Chiatsun Group at Jiacun, northern Nyalam, southern Tibet, consists of ten brachiopod species, forming a distinct AporthophylaParalenorthis Association. Its taxonomic composition is typical of the Aporthophyla Fauna that occupied lower BA2 to upper BA3 benthic environments on sandy lime mud substrates. The occurrence of Paralenorthis in southern Tibet is confirmed for the first time, represented by Pcostata sp. nov. Numerical analyses (PCA and CA) of 18 Darriwilian brachiopod faunas from ten palaeoplates or terranes indicate that: (1) the Aporthophyla Fauna was confined to a specific latitudinal belt although it had a wide lateral distribution from the large palaeocontinents of Gondwana to Laurentia; (2) the Saucrorthis Fauna, a typical late Middle Ordovician regional fauna, is limited to a much smaller area, marginal to the Gondwana supercontinent; (3) the strong provincialism persistent in the late Middle Ordovician contributed to increased gamma biodiversity during the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event.  相似文献   

The oldest Foliomena fauna was, until now, known from the middle–upper Miaopo Formation (Nemagraptus gracilis Biozone, lower Sandbian, basal Upper Ordovician) of South China. In this study, the oldest record of the fauna is set back to the latest Darriwilian (upper Hustedograptus teretiusculus Biozone), represented by Foliomena jielingensis and some typical constituents of the Foliomena fauna from the basal Miaopo Formation at Jieling, northern Yichang, western Hubei Province, central China. The Miaopo Formation is characterized by its organic‐rich dark‐grey shale facies, unique in its localized distribution on the Yangtze Platform, and distinguished by its rich and diverse benthic and graptolitic faunas. This suggests an origin of the Foliomena fauna in periodically oxygen‐starved local depressions on the Yangtze Platform during the Middle–Late Ordovician transition.  相似文献   

We analyse new paleoecological data from South American graptolite records to understand the patterns that influence the space-tempo distribution of the group. A cluster analysis including taxa from the Baltograptus cf. B. deflexus and Didymograptellus bifidus Zones is carried out to evaluate the paleogeographic relationships between north-western Argentina and the other regions in the world. Three different biofacies were recognised in the Acoite Formation. The first biofacies takes place in the lower part of the unit, corresponding to pelitic levels (Tetragraptus phyllograptoides and Tetragraptus akzharensis Zones), and it is represented by pandemic forms. The other two biofacies belong to the endemic or neritic shallow water environments, and develop in deposits corresponding to the middle part of the Acoite Formation (bottom of the Baltograptus cf. B. deflexus Zone) in the Sierra de Aguilar, and in the upper half of the unit exposed in the Los Colorados area (D. bifidus Zone), respectively. The statistical analysis highlight the paleobiogeographic relationship between north-western Argentina and south-western China during the middle-upper Floian (Baltograptus cf. B. deflexus and D. bifidus Zones), and it supports the hypothesis that during the Early Ordovician north-western Argentina was located in the middle to high latitudes, included in the cold water faunal realm.  相似文献   

Ordovician conodonts have been extensively documented in the Argentine Precordillera, providing a robust database for a diverse set of palaeontological studies. Despite the numerous studies, the published taxonomy and stratigraphical ranges, data remain contradictory for particular time intervals. Data from a new conodont collection from the Gualcamayo Formation exposed at the Cerro La Chilca section, and new information on the occurrence and ranges of species from the Las Chacritas and Las Aguaditas sections are presented herein. We used a computer‐assisted numerical sequencing program (CONOP9) to construct a composite stratigraphical range chart from data of 57 conodont species in four sections from the Argentine Precordillera. The identified zones of Lenodus variabilis, Yangtzeplacognathus crassus, Eoplacognathus pseudoplanus and Eoplacognathus suecicus allowed us to verify and adjust the biostratigraphical scheme for the Darriwilian of the Central Precordillera. Additionally, species of the genera Histiodella, namely Histiodella sinuosa, Histiodella holodentata, Histiodella kristinae and Histiodella bellburnenisis, enable a reasonable correlation between the Histiodella‐based zonation and the Baltoscandian zonation. Conodont diversity is evaluated using conventional measures (total diversity and normalized diversity) and an interval‐free approach with CONOP9 software. Our data show a positive pattern in conodont diversification, increasing rapidly through the L. variabilis to the Y. crassus zones and reaching a peak in the E. pseudoplanus Zone. When analysing diversity fluctuations with respect to the environmental changes within the depositional basin, migrations in and out of the basin related to local sea level fluctuations appear to be an important process driving the conodont diversity pattern in the Precordillera.  相似文献   

Middle and Late Ordovician strata in the nearshore area of the western Yangtze Platform are investigated. In total, 241 δ13Ccarb samples and 108 conodont samples from the Songliang and Tuanjie sections in the northeastern Yunnan Province were collected for chemostratigraphic and biostratigraphic studies. Altogether, 21 species belonging to 16 conodont genera were recovered from the two sections, among which Ansella jemtlandica, Drepanoistodus basiovalis, Hamarodus brevirameus, and Microzarkodina hagetiana are important age indicators within the Dapingian to early Katian interval. Four carbon isotope shifts are recognized in the studied sections: a negative shift in the early Darriwilian, the middle Darriwilian carbon isotope excursion (MDICE), the early Katian Guttenberg carbon isotope excursion (GICE), and a further positive carbon isotope shift later in the early Katian which is a new record of this event in South China. Integrated carbon chemostratigraphy and conodont biostratigraphy indicate early Darriwilian and early Katian ages for the base and top, respectively, of the Huadan Formation at the Songliang section, and a Darriwilian to early Katian age for the Shihtzupu Formation at the Tuanjie section.  相似文献   

Tao Deng 《Geobios》2003,36(2):141-150
New rhinocerotid teeth from Laogou in Hezheng (Gansu, China) are described and identified as Hispanotherium matritense. Comparing the other Chinese Middle Miocene elasmotheres with material of H. matritense from Iberian localities and Laogou, we confirm the synonymy proposed previously for the species Hispanotherium lintungensis, Tesselodon fangxianensis, Caementodon tongxinensis and Huaqingtherium qiui. The larger size of Hispanotherium tungurense proves that it is a different species from H. matritense. The age of Laogou fauna corresponds to MN6. Paleoenvironments of H. matritense in China include rivers and lakes, which are somewhat different from the arid environment in the Iberian Peninsula. The origin of the Hispanotherium lineage may be in southwestern Europe. After that, it dispersed eastward to Asia.  相似文献   

Well preserved parts of Telephina bicuspis described from dark limestone concretions of Llanvirn age, in the Oslo Region, Norway, exhibit many features associated with a pelagic life style for this trilobite. The free cheek has a huge holochroal eye with perfectly square lenses and a long genal spine which is unique in being directed vertically upwards rather than ventrally. Additional spines include an occipital spine, the macro spine on the rachis of the 6th thoracic segment and paired spines from each of the two rachial rings of the pygidium. These spines may have had a hydrodynamic and stabilizing function. The genal spine could have had a sensory function or been a dimorphic feature. The hypostoma is figured for the first time and a reconstruction is given for the complete exoskeleton.  相似文献   

JÖRG MALETZ 《Palaeontology》2011,54(4):851-865
Abstract: The biostratigraphically important Middle Ordovician (Darriwilian) biserial graptolite Fucoides dentatus Brongniart, 1828 is redescribed and illustrated from its type material and from additional specimens collected at the type locality – Lévis, Quebec, Canada. It is referred to Levisograptus gen. nov., which includes also the austrodentatus group of early axonophoran graptolites. The species has previously been confused with a younger, mid‐Darriwilian species, now referred to as Eoglyptograptus gerhardi sp. nov., and recognized as the type species of the genus Eoglyptograptus Mitchell. Both species can be differentiated easily by their respective proximal development types and show nonoverlapping biostratigraphical ranges. Levisograptus dentatus (Brongniart) is an important biostratigraphical index species in the early Darriwilian. Eoglyptograptus species are found in the higher Darriwilian and are biogeographically restricted to the Atlantic Faunal Realm.  相似文献   

Vertebrate microremains were collected from the Middle Jurassic freshwater deposits of the Lower Member of the Xietan Formation in the Three Gorges area, Hubei Province, People's Republic of China. They include remains of hybodont sharks (Hybodus aff. “H.” parvidens, Hybodus sp., cf. Parvodus sp., Polyacrodus sp. and Hubeiodus ziguiensis gen. et sp. nov.), an actinopterygian fish, and a crocodyliform. The diversity of hybodont sharks in the Xietan Formation and the appearance of a peculiar pattern of tooth morphology in Hubeiodus ziguiensis suggest the adaptive radiation of these sharks in freshwater systems in China during the Middle Jurassic. This diversification led to the rich endemic hybodont faunas of the Lower Cretaceous in Asia.  相似文献   

The stratigraphical interval of the late Early Ordovician Didymograptus deflexus and the early Middle Ordovician Azygograptus suecicus graptolite Biozones was investigated from seven sections from the upper Yangtze Platform, southern China. These are located on different parts of the platform, between the nearshore environments of the Kunming area, Yunnan Province, and the offshore carbonate shelf of the Yichang area, Hubei Province. The assemblages recovered from the different parts of the platform vary both in terms of diversity and composition. The nearshore environments show low diversity assemblages with about 10 acritarch species, whereas the offshore shelf environments reflect higher diversities with about 40 species. The composition of the assemblages also changes from simple morphologies (micrhystrids, leiosphaerids, fusiform acritarchs) in nearshore environments to specimens with longer and more complexly branched processes on the shelf. The polygonomorph acritarchs are common over all the upper Yantze Platform, while the acanthomorph genera Baltisphaeridium and Peteinosphaeridium are the most abundant taxa on the offshore carbonate shelf area. Phylogenetic or sea-level changes are probably not responsible for the compositional and diversity changes that occurred during the investigated interval. This study confirms previous interpretations that poorly diversified Palaeozoic acritarch assemblages occur in neritic environments and more complex, highly diversified assemblages are found on the shelf.  相似文献   

Core samples from the QASIM-801 (QSIM-801) water well in the Qasim Region of central Saudi Arabia were investigated palynologically. The interval studied contains the transgressive succession from the Sajir Member of the Saq Formation to the Hanadir Member of the Qasim Formation, and yields well-preserved and abundant cryptospores, microphytoplankton (acritarchs and chlorophycean algae), and chitinozoans, indicative of a Darriwilian (Llanvirn) age. The lowermost portion of the cored interval from the upper Sajir Member consists of fine-grained sandstones deposited in tidal flat, and shallow-marine settings. It is characterized by abundant and diverse cryptospores (permanent tetrads, dyads, monads), cuticle-like phytoclasts, and a low diversity assemblage of marine palynomorphs. The upper part of the cored interval from the Hanadir Member is composed of hemipelagic to pelagic, organic-rich, graptolitic shales, and micaceous shales, of middle- to outer-shelf depositional settings, which yield abundant marine palynomorphs (acritarchs and chitinozoans). Cryptospore-bearing horizons are interspersed in the succession. Changes in the composition of palynomorph assemblages reflect higher frequency environmental changes within an overall transgressive succession. Four new acritarch species are described in open nomenclature, Tyrannus sp. A, Clypeolus sp. A,?Pulvinosphaeridium sp. A, and?Tinacula sp. A.  相似文献   

Two tridactyl footprints from the Chuanjie Formation (Middle Jurassic) of Yunnan Province, China are morphological characteristics of thyreophoran tracks. They show some similarities to Shenmuichnus, known from the Early Jurassic strata of both Shaanxi and Yunnan provinces, but are somewhat larger, thereby resembling the ichnogenus Stegopodus. Based on their general morphology and size being congruent with this ichnogenus, they are tentatively assigned here to cf. Stegopodus. This is the fourth report of large ornithischian (probably thyreophoran) tracks from the Lower-Middle Jurassic of China that indicates relatively large trackmakers that were likely to be taxonomically distinct from much smaller and gracile Anomoepus trackmakers, also of ornithischian affinity. The larger tracks indicate a hitherto unreported abundance, size range and diversity of track types attributed to this group. The parallel orientation of the two best preserved trackways may indicate gregariousness.  相似文献   

Abstract: A diverse brachiopod fauna from a relatively deep water carbonate facies of the Upper Ordovician Beiguoshan Formation (uppermost Caradoc – lower Ashgill, middle Katian) is characterized by small shells and contains the oldest known Dicoelosia and Epitomyonia, two diagnostic taxa of deep water brachiopod palaeocommunities during the Late Ordovician and Silurian. Three new species are recognized: Dicoelosia cordiformis sp. nov., Dicoelosia perbrevis sp. nov. and Epitomyonia fui sp. nov. These pioneer forms of the family Dicoelosiidae show a relatively high degree of morphological plasticity. The shells of Dicoelosia from the Beiguoshan Formation range from the typical slender‐lobed form with a concavoconvex profile to the strongly equibiconvex, fat‐lobed morphotype that was not known previously until the late Silurian. The Beiguoshan dicoelosiids point to an important attribute of the deep water brachiopods: small generalists with high morphological plasticity, which make them ideal candidates as progenitors for the evolution of shallow water brachiopod faunas in shelf and platform depositional environments.  相似文献   

The Hungshihyen Formation represents the Lower to Middle Ordovician near-shore siliciclastic deposits on the western margin of the Yangtze Platform, South China. However, its age is still debated, largely because of insufficient studies. Here we documented the Bursachitina maotaiensisB. qianbeiensis chitinozoan assemblage from the lower part of the Hungshihyen Formation at Songliang, Qiaojia County, eastern Yunnan Province. This assemblage is remarkably similar to an assemblage that roughly correlates to the middle part of the Corymobograptus deflexus graptolite Biozone in northern Guizhou Province, indicating that the Hungshihyen Formation at Songliang is probably of late Floian age and may extend into the early Dapingian. Additionally, a revision on the chitinozoans previously documented from the strata assigned to the same formation in the Wuding area was made according to the latest classification. The revision allows the recognition of the Euconochitina symmetricaEremochitina brevis assemblage, and therefore suggests a late Tremadocian age for this interval based on regional and global chitinozoan biostratigraphic correlations. Considering also its lithologic succession, we argue that the chitinozoan-bearing strata in the Wuding area previously assigned to the Hungshihyen Formation correspond most likely to the uppermost part of the underlying Tangchi Formation or the lowermost part of the Hungshihyen Formation. The base of the Hungshihyen Formation appears therefore to be diachronous in eastern Yunnan Province.  相似文献   

The bryozoan fauna from the Xiazhen Formation (Katian, Upper Ordovician) of northeast Jiangxi Province, southeast China is reported here. Seventeen species of bryozoans belonging to fifteen genera and four orders are identified: Homotrypa yushanensis, Homotrypa sp., Prasopora yushanensis, Trematopora sp., Monotrypella sp., Rhombotrypa sp., Orbignyella sp., Constellaria jiangxiensis, Constellaria sp., Stictopora nicholsoni, Trigonodictya parvula, Ptilodictya ensiformis, Stictoporella sp., Pseudopachydictya sp., Nematopora sp., Arthrostylidae sp. indet., and Chasmatoporidae sp. indet. Four of these genera have been reported previously but nine genera (Trematopora, Monotrypella, Rhombotrypa, Orbignyella, Trigonodictya, Ptilodictya, Stictoporella, Pseudopachydictya, and Nematopora), one rhabdomesine and one fenestrate are found for the first time in the Late Ordovician strata of South China. Our palaeogeographical analysis suggests that the bryozoan association is typical for the Katian, which is mostly widespread in Laurentia, Siberia, Baltica and Mediterranean, and displays palaeobiogeographical relationships to the Laurentia–Siberia Province.  相似文献   

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