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石竹科繁缕属(Stellaria L.)和孩儿参属(Pseudostellaria Pax)的关系一直备受关注。为了弄清它们之间的关系及属下分类等问题,选择繁缕属22种和孩儿参属8种,共30种植物51个形态特征,利用NTSYS-pc 2.10e软件中的UPGMA聚类分析方法和主坐标分析方法,对这2个属进行数值分类学研究。结果表明,繁缕属与孩儿参属是2个自然类群,除繁缕属的繁缕(S.media(L.)Cyr.)和鸡肠繁缕(S.neglecta Weihe ex Bluff et Fingerh)在聚类中不能分开外,其它物种都能很好地分开。两属有较近的关系,其中巫山繁缕(S.wushanensis Williams)是过渡种。此外,数量分类结果建议将细叶孩儿参(P.sylvatica(Maxim.)Pax)作为一个独立组处理。对性状的主坐标排序分析显示,根的形状、叶缘质地、花的形态(是否具花瓣、花瓣长度、花瓣裂数、深裂还是浅裂)和种子表面纹饰(是否具齿轮状、疣状突起)等在繁缕属与孩儿参属的分类中具有重要作用。  相似文献   

宣州太子参优质高效栽培技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
太子参为石竹科植物孩儿参Pseudostellaria het-erophylla(Miq.)Pax ex Pax et Hoffm的干燥块根.具有益气健脾、生津润肺的功效.  相似文献   

1 大老岭孩儿参新种图 1Pseudostellaria dalaolingensis Z.E.Zhao et J.Q.Wu,sp.nov.Differt a P.maximowicziana (Franch.et Sav.) Pax foliis inferiora linearo-oblanceolatis,4~ 8mm longis;foliis mediana et superiora spathulatis,5~ 8mm longis.Herba perennis 4~ 8cm alata.Tubera ovoidea 2~ 9vel singularia,5~ 9mm longa,3~ 5mm diam.Caulis erectus,4 -angularis,inferus glaber,superus pilosus albus bifarius.Folia inferiora 1 -juga linearo-oblanceolata,4~ 8mm longa,glabra;folia mediana etsuperiora…  相似文献   

峨眉山槭属一新种   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
峨眉槭 新种 图1 Acer emeiense T.Z.Hsu,sp.nov. Acer tienchuanense Fang et Soong in Acta Phytotax.Sin.11(2):187—188(1966)quoad specimen K.H.Yang 54576. (Sect.Trifoliata Pax Ser.Mandshurica Pojark.) Species flores 6-numero,in Acer L.adbuc minus cognita.  相似文献   

本文继续报道了薯蓣属(Dioscorea L.)块茎类5个组(sect. Combilium Pr.et Burk.,Sect. Lasiophyton Pr. et Burk., Sect. Opsophyton Uline, Sect. Shannicorea Pr. et Burk., Sect. Enantiophyllum Uline)23个种和变种的染色体数,并对一些分类群进行了讨论。它们都是基数为10的多倍体,是本属进化的类型。 根据染色体数的演化和二倍体种类的地理分布,我们推论我国横断山脉地区可能是薯蓣属的起源中心。  相似文献   

报道了四川杜鹃花属(Rhododendron)2新分布种和1新分布变种,它们分别是乳黄杜鹃(Rhododendron lacteum Franch.)、迷人杜鹃(R.agastum Balf.f.et W.W.Smith)、毛柱红棕杜鹃(R.rubiginosum Franch.var.ptilo-stylum R.C.Fang).  相似文献   

为了解中国特有孑遗植物银杉( Cathaya argyrophylla Chun et Kuang)的生存现状,对位于湖南八面山脚盆辽的银杉+南方铁杉﹝Tsuga chinensis var. tchekiangensis ( Flous) Cheng et L. K. Fu﹞+甜槠﹝Castanopsis eyrei ( Champ.) Tutch.﹞-猴头杜鹃( Rhododendron simiarum Hance)群落进行调查,分析其群落特征及种群年龄结构,比较分布在不同区域的6个银杉群落中种子植物属的分布区类型及其相似性系数;在此基础上,讨论了银杉群落的残遗性特征。结果显示:脚盆辽银杉群落共有维管植物66种,包括蕨类植物4种和种子植物62种(裸子植物4种、被子植物58种);该群落乔木层的主要优势种为甜槠、猴头杜鹃、银杉和南方铁杉,重要值分别为13.12%、9.28%、8.86%和7.49%;该群落的Simpson和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数分别为0.94和3.20, Pielou均匀度指数Jsw和Jsi分别为0.81和0.92,说明该群落物种多样性偏低但物种分布均匀,与中亚热带山地的暖性针阔叶混交林特征一致。从生活型谱看,该群落中各频度百分比由高至低依次为A级、B级、C级、D级、E级,与Raunkiaer标准频度图谱基本一致,表明该群落整体上处于较为稳定的亚顶极状态。从银杉种群年龄结构看,种群中幼龄个体占一定比例,但80~180 a的中龄个体比例偏低;从该群落优势种的径级结构看,甜槠、猴头杜鹃和鹿角杜鹃( Rhododendron latoucheae Franch.)种群为增长型种群,而银杉、南方铁杉和福建柏﹝Fokienia hodginsii ( Dunn) Henry et Thomas﹞种群为衰退型种群。从脚盆辽银杉群落种子植物属的分布区类型看,温带分布型属占51.06%,略高于热带分布型属(占48.94%),说明该区域属于热带亚热带过渡区;除纬度外,海拔也能够在一定程度上影响其分布区类型组成。在处于粤北、粤桂山地和贵州高原3个植物区系亚地区的6个银杉群落中,种子植物属分布区类型的相似性系数为0.35~0.67,群落建群种所在属如铁杉属﹝Tsuga ( Endlicher) Carrière﹞、润楠属( Machilus Nees)、水青冈属( Fagus Linn.)和福建柏属( Fokienia Henry et Thomas)等在各群落间有相似性和共通性,且多为古老成分和孑遗成分,表明现存的银杉群落具有相近的变迁历史,分布地域具有明显的亚热带山地避难所特征,体现出其演替过程的残遗性和保守性。研究结果表明:在银杉群落中适度疏通林窗,降低林下郁闭度,有利于银杉幼树的生长,使银杉种群得到可持续更新和演替。  相似文献   

太子参的化学成分   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
谭宁华  陈昌祥 《云南植物研究》1991,13(4):440-440,431
太子参是一味常用中药,系石竹科(Caryophyllaceae)假繁缕属植物孩儿参(Pseudostellaria heterophylla (Miq.) Pax ex Pax et Hoffm.)的块根。用于脾虚体倦、食欲不振、病后虚弱、心悸口干。因其化学研究甚少,我们进行了比较深入的研究,从中得到10个化合物,其中棕榈酸(palmitic acid, 1)、山箭酸(behenic acid, 2)、2-吡咯甲酸(2-minaline, 3)、β—谷甾酸(β-sitosterol, 4)和蔗糖(sucrose, 5)为已知化合物,山箭酸、2—吡咯甲酸和β—谷甾醇系首次从该植物中得到,本文仅报道这5个已知化合物。  相似文献   

悬钩子属部分类群的分类订正   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李维林  贺善安 《植物研究》2001,21(3):346-349
根据野外调查和查阅标本的结果, 对悬钩子属部分类群做了修订。将红毛悬钩子(R.pinfaensis Lévl.et Vant.)并入椭圆悬钩子(R.ellipticus Smith), 栽秧泡(R.ellipticus Smithvar.obcordatus (Franch.)Focke)提升为种(R.obcordatus (Franch.)Focke);棱枝细瘦悬钩子(R.macilentus Camb.var.angulatus Delav.)并入细瘦悬钩子(R.macilentus Camb.);毛叶插田泡(R.coreanus Miq.var.tomentosus Card.)并入插田泡(R.coreanus Miq.);狭叶绢毛悬钩子(R.lineatus Reinw.var.angustifolius Hook.)并入绢毛悬钩子(R.lineatus Reinw.)。对针刺悬钩子(R.pungens Camb.)及其各变种做了订正。  相似文献   

为了摸清云南省菜食花植物资源种类、自然分布与食用地区、食用方法等土著知识,对云南省16个地州102个县(市)农贸市场、地方菜餐馆、民间食花者进行了访问调查,对菜食花植物进行了植物学实地鉴定。调查到云南省菜食花植物140种,隶属52科108属,其中木本植物82种,草本植物58种;人工栽培76种,人工驯化栽培14种,野生资源50种。首次报道苦绳(Dregea sinensis Hemsl.)、云南山楂(Crataegus scabrifolia(Franch.)Rehder)、滇海水仙花(Primula pseudodenticulata Pax)、长毛黄葵(Abelmoschus crinitus Wall.)、尖叶美容杜鹃(Rhododendron caloplytum var.openshawianum(Rehd.et Wils.)Chamb.)、大纽子花(Vallaris indecora(Baill.)Tsiang et P.T.Li)、大花虫豆(Cajanus grandiflorus(Benth.ex Baker)Maesen Vaniot der Maesen)、须弥葛(Pueraria wallichii DC.)、白花灯笼(Clerodendrum fortunatum L.)等9种植物的花可以做菜食用。菜食花植物自然分布区与食用地区并非完全重叠,食用地区一般分布有该植物,而分布有该植物的地区不一定食用;食用种类具有从南向北逐渐减少的特点,与食花植物丰富度和少数民族有一定的关系;食花习俗具有一定的民族性,主要体现食花的种类和烹饪口味上。不同菜食花食用的部位不同,烹饪方式也呈多样化。本文针对食用花传统文化的消失与野生菜食花资源的开发利用提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

李海宁  田先华  任毅 《西北植物学报》2006,26(12):2580-2582
报道了《秦岭植物志》遗漏的5种、2变种植物,它们分属于6科、7属,分别为:菊科的同花母菊、石竹科的须弥孩儿参和无毛漆姑草、禾本科的蒙古穗三毛(变种)、十字花科的毛葶苈、蓼科的狭叶圆穗蓼(变种)和败酱科的小花缬草。  相似文献   

龙胆属Gentiana (Tourn) L.是Tourneferot (1700)为纪念传说中的Illyria国王Gentius而建立的,对它作了描述,绘有墨线图。林奈在"植物属志"(1737),"植物种志"(1753)承认了该属,并重新进行了描述,记载23种。  相似文献   

Ligusticum is a highly specialized genus in the tribe Ammineae Koch of the subfamily Apioideae. It is transitional between the tribe Ammineae Koch and the tribe Peucedaneae DC., and shows a very close affinity to the genus Selinum. In the present paper, the taxonomic history is reviewed; the external morphology, pollen morphology and geographic distribution are analysed, and its evolutionary tendencies are discussed. In addition, a key to the 34 species is provided, and economic uses reported in the literature are summarized. Ligusticum consists of over 60 species widely distributed in Eurasia and North America; the genus is typically temperate. There are two principal distribution centers, one in the Himalayas, including the Hengduan Mountains of western China, and the other in North America. Thirty-four species occur in China, most of which are distributed in the alpine belt of south-western China, with only a few species occurring in northern China. They usually grow in alpine thicket meadows or in alpine meadows. Among them are 28 species endemic to China, 4 of which are described as new in the present paper, i. e. L.yuayuanense, L.litanense, L.filifolium, and L.yunnanense. L.elatum (Edgew.) C. B. Clarke, a species of India, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, and L. thomsonii C.B.Clarke var. evolutior C. B. Clarke, of India, Pakistan and Kashmir, are reported from China for the first time. Some species are important in traditional Chinese medicine, for example, L. sinense Oliv., L. sinense Oliv. cv. Chuanxiong, L. sinense Oliv. cv. Fuxiong, L. delavayi Franch., L. jeholense (Nakai et Kitagawa) Nakai et Kitagawa, L. tachiroei (Franch. et Sav.) Hiroe et Constance, etc. The genus Tilingia was established by Regel in 1858, based on Tilingia ajanensis. The chief characters of the genus are distinct calyx teeth and carpels bearing a solitary vitta in each furrow. However, these characters do not differentiate Tilingia from Ligusticum, so that Tilingia was transferred to Ligusticum by Kozo-Poljansky in 1916. Tilingia tachiroei (Franch. et Sav.) Kitagawa was transferred to Ligusticum by Hiroe et Constance in 1958. Shan et Sheh in “F1. Reip. Pop. Sin.” Tom. 55 supported the treatment by Kozo-Poljansky and Hiroe and Constance The genus Ligusticopsis was separated from Ligusticum by Leute in 1969, based on the prominent calyx teeth of the former. Ligusticopsis included 14 species, all confined to China. But this genus has not been accepted by any other botanists since its establishment. The subdivision of Ligusticum in this paper is based mainly on the characters of involucel bracteoles and mericarps, combined with the shape and aperture types of pollen grains. The genus is divided into the following two sections. Sect.1 Ligusticum, Bracteoles linear or lanceolate, entire; mericarps slightly lateral-compressed to slightly dorsal-compressed; vittae solitary to numerous in each furrow; leaf-segments ovate, lanceolate, or linear; pollen grains mainly rhomboidal or ellipsoidal; apertures gonitreme. Sect. 2 Pinnatibracteola Pu. Bracteoles 1-3-pinnatisect or 2-3-lobed at apex; mericarps dorsal-compressed; vittae usually numerous in each furrow; leaf-segments usually linear, rarely ovate or lanceolate; pollen grains rectangular, elongate-rhomboidal, or equatorially constricted; apertures mainly peritreme, rarely gonitreme or intermediate.  相似文献   

In this work examined were pollen grains of 6 species of Nomocharis and 4 species of Lilium, all under LM and SEM, but Nomocharis saluenensis Balf. f. under TEM. The pollen grains are monocolpate (distal) in Nomocharis, monocolpate or 2-3-porate in the species of Lilium examined. Two types of pollen grains in Nomocharis are recognized based upon the exine stratification and sculpture. The pollen characters and gross morphology, and their evolutionary trends in both Nomocharis and Lilium are discussed. Our conclusions are as follows: 1. Lilium henrici Franch. 、L. souliei (Franch.) Sealy 、L. lophophorum (Bur. et Franch.) Franch. and L. nanum Klotz. et Garcke differ from Nomocharis in the aperture and sculpturing elements. Their pollen morphology supports their being placed in Lilium. 2. The pollen grains of both Lilium lophophorum (Bur. et Franch.) Franch. and L. nanum aggregate are monocolpate or 2-3-porate, which shows an evolutionary trend of aperture from monocolpate to porate, as suggested by Walker and others [Walker et al., (1975), and Chanda (1979)]. 3. In Balfour’s (1918) classification system of Nomocharis, N. pardanthina Franch. and N. meleagrina Franch. belong to Sect. Nomocharis, while N. forrestii and N. biluoensis are placed in Sect. Ecristata, but their pollen grains are all reticulate. They refer to type I (see Table 2). Thus, it does not seem reasonable placing in a single section, Sect. Ecristata, N. forrestii and N. biluoensis with the reticulate exine and N. saluenensis and N. aperta with the two-row-ritipilate exine. 4. Nomocharis saluenensis Balf. f. differs from Lilium in the exine sculpture, which seems to support placing it in Nomocharis. 5. Muri of N. forrestii Balf f. and N. biluoensis s.y. Liang show a tendency of connecting each other by heads of pili, and these two species are intergraded with the other species of the type I with respect to gross morphorlogical characters. It is thus considered that the reticulate pollen grains in Nomocharis is derived from ritipilate ones. This opinion is also held by Nair (1965). 6. Nomocharis differs from Lilium in the exine ornamentation, but some species of Nomocharis are very similar to Lilium in the gross morphology. It shows the close affinity between Nomocharis and Lilium.  相似文献   

中国葡萄属(Vitis L.)的系统研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对中国葡萄属(Vitis L.)的系统学进行处理。中国葡萄属共分42种1亚种12变种,归属于1亚属5组4系。文中命名了3新组(小叶葡萄组、秋葡萄组和武汉葡萄组)、2新等级及组合组(毛葡萄组和河岸葡萄组)、3新系(密柔毛系、复叶系、刺状毛系)、1新变种(伏牛山葡萄)和1新组合变种(小叶葛Lai)。  相似文献   

The geographical distribution of Liliaceae (s. str. ) is analysed on the basis of the floristic regions proposed by Takhtajan. Some conclusions may be proposed as follows: 1.Liliaceae (s. str. ) consists of nine genera and about 513 species, distributed primarily in the north temperate zone. Statistics shows clearly that the Irano-Turanian Region is most abundant in number of species, The Eastern Asian Region with total nine genera of the family is the diversity centre of Liliaceae (s. str. ). 2. The distribution patterns of the genera may be divided into: 1 ) North temperate distribution pattern: Lloydia, Erythronium, Fritillaria and Lilium; 2) Old world temperate distribution pattern: Gagea and Tulipa; 3) West Asia to Himalayas and Southwest China distribution pattern: Notholirion; 4) East Asia distribution pattern: Cardiocrinum and Nomocharis. 3. The Sino-Himalayas is one of the key regions in studying the evolution of Liliaceae (s. str. ) All nine genera occur in the Eastern Asian Region with most species distributed in Southwest and Northwest China. Chorologically, five genera (Fritillaria, Lilium, Cardiocrinum, Nomocharis and Notholirion) of the Lilieae are overlapped each other in the Sino-Himalayas, showing its diversity centre in this region. The Lilieae is a main stock in the Liliaceae (s. str. ), The genus Nomocharis in this tribe may have been newly differentiated from Lilium in the course of the uplift of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, a view also supported by Xie Xiao-yang et al.. The place of its origin was considered to be in the southern part of the Hengduan Mountains. 4. The distributions of some species in Liliaceae (s. str. ) seem to be significant for dividing some floristic regions: 1 ) Some species of Fritillaria (F. unibracteata Hsiao et K. C. Hsia, F. przewalski Maxim. ex Batal. , F. crassicaulis S. C. Chen, F. cirrhosa D. Don. , F. delavayi Franch. , F. dajinensis S. C. Chen, F. davidii Franch. , F. sinica S. C. Chen and F. sichuanica S. C.Chen) are only distributed in Sino-Himalayan forest subkingdom, while others (F. taiparensis P. Y. Li, F. yuzhongensis S. C. Chen, F. monantha Migo, F. anhuiensis S. C. Chen et S. F. Yin, F. thunbergii Miq. , F. maximowizii Freyn and F. ussuriensis Maxim. ) are restricted to Sino-Japan forest subkingdom. They show a clearly demarcation line between the two subkingdoms, which is identical with what proposed by Wu Cheng-yih. 2) The Eastern Asian Region can be divided into two subkingdoms on the basis of the distribution pattern of the genus Cardiocrinum; C. giganteum (Wall.) Makino and C. gigateum var. yunnanense Leichtlin ex Elwes are restricted to Sino-Himalayan forest subkingdom. C. cathayanum (Wilson) Stearn and C. cordatum (Thunb.) Makino are only found in Sino-Japan forest subkingdom. 3) The distributions of Gagea pauciflora Turcz. , G. triflora(Ledeb.) Roem. et Schult. G. hiensis Pasch, Lloydia tibetica Baker ex Oliver, L. oxycarpa Franch. and L. flavonutans Hara are indicative of a demarcation line between Irano-Turanica Region and Eastern Asian Region. 5. The genus Notholirion occurs in the Eastern Asian Region and Irano-Turanian Region, showing the relationships between the two regions and also between the Chinese flora and Ancient Mediterraneam flora.  相似文献   

椴树属的地理分布   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
椴树属Tilia是椴树科一个形态特殊且唯一的北温带分布属,分布于亚洲、欧洲和北美,构成典型的北温带分布格局,三个分离的分布区之间缺乏共有种。本文对各分布区的种类进行重新评价,确认全属25种。其中东亚17种,占68%,包含了现存种类各个演化阶段的类群,是现代分布中心;欧洲-西西伯利亚6种,属于木果组及壳果组;北美2种,均为木果组成员。化石分布与现代地理分布格局基本相似,但分布纬度较现代分布偏北,达到北纬80°附近,且还出现于现今无椴树分布的亚洲大陆腹地,北美西部椴树至第三纪末完全绝迹,而东部到第四纪才有化石记录。根据现代地理分布,结合化石证据、地质历史、气候变迁及形态演化推测,椴树属可能在白垩纪晚期起源于中国东部亚热带山地,至少到始新世之前已散布至欧洲和北美西部。渐新世之后的全球降温和更新世大冰期对椴树属现代地理分布格局的形成起着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

建立太子参的 HPLC指纹图谱分析条件,为太子参药材内在质量评价积累数据.方法:应用RP-HPLC法;Cosmosil C18分析柱;乙腈-水二元梯度洗脱;流速为1.0 mL/in;检测波长203 nm;分析时间60 min.结果:建立太子参药材指纹图谱,特征共有峰有15个.结论:该方法准确可靠,重复性好,可用于太子参的HPLC的指纹图谱分析.  相似文献   

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