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新疆甘草属的种间杂交   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
试验以居群为单位的新疆甘草属7个种进行种间人工杂交。通过对种间杂交结实量(RS)和亲本种平均结实量(RSm和RSf)的分析比较,测出相应的杂交结实指数(IS)、初步了解种间杂交亲和性的大小,为甘草属植物系统与演化的研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Darwin proposed that the function of the stamen-style polymorphism in heterostylous plants is to increase the probability of legitimate (compatible) pollinations among the floral morphs. Conspicuous pollen trimorphism in tristylous Pontederia cordata enables a test of the hypothesis. Comparison of the composition of pollen loads in naturally pollinated stigmas of intact and emasculated flowers were made at a population in Paugh Lake, Ontario, which was visited primarily by bumblebees. The magnitude of legitimate pollination was analyzed by ANOVA. In intact flowers, significant legitimate pollination was detected in the long-styled morph only. Following emasculation legitimate pollination was evident in the long- and short-styled morphs, with the mid-styled morph just short of displaying significant legitimate pollination. Similar results were obtained by chi-square analysis. It has been suggested that heterostyly may reduce mutual interference between maternal and paternal reproductive function. Two aspects of pollen-stigma interference were investigated in P. cordata. The potential importance of stigmatic or stylar clogging by incompatible pollen was examined by controlled field pollinations and measurements of seed set. The results indicate that prior application of large amounts of incompatible pollen has no significant effect on the seed set of open-pollinated inflorescences. Comparison of legitimate pollen capture in intact and emasculated flowers provided no evidence that the presence of stamens within flowers of the floral morphs interferes with the receipt of legitimate pollen. Pollen-stigma interference remains to be demonstrated in heterostylous plants.  相似文献   

1. Fungal sclerotia are able to survive adverse conditions for long periods and they are formed by many important plant pathogens. An understanding of the factors involved in their initiation and development may lead to a method of repressing their formation in nature, thereby reducing the chances of survival of fungi that depend on them as persistent resting stages in their life-cycles. Also, data on sclerotial morphogenesis may be applicable to other multihyphal fungal structures. 2. There are three types of sclerotial development. The most primitive and least common is the loose type, which is illustrated by Rhizoctonia solani. The sclerotium forms by irregular branching of the mycelium followed by intercalary septation and hyphal swelling. When mature, it consists of loosely interwoven hyphae that are rich in food reserves and darkly pigmented. The main types of development are terminal and lateral. The former develops from the coalescence of initials that are produced by a well-defined pattern of branching at the tip of a hypha or tips of closely associated hyphae, e.g. Botrytis cinerea. Lateral sclerotia are formed by the interweaving of side branches of one or several main hyphae. When only one main hypha is involved the sclerotium is of the lateral, simple type, e.g. Sclerotinia gladioli. If several main hyphae give rise to a sclerotium, the term strand type has been used. Sclerotium rolfsii is the classical example. 3. There is a considerable literature on the effects of environmental conditions on the initiation, development and maturation of sclerotia but few attempts have been made to interpret the data. Phenolics and/or polyphenol oxidases have been found to be connected with morphogenesis of the protoperithecium of Neurospora crassa, the perithecium of Podospora anserina and of Hypomyces sp. and the basidiocarp of Schixophyllum commune. A close correlation has been shown between melanin synthesis and microsclerotial development by Verticillium but there appears to be no literature on the role of phenolics and polyphenol oxidases in the morphogenesis of sclerotia. Possibly these substances may inhibit growth of the apices of main hyphae by changing the permeability of the membrane, by inducing a thickening of the cell wall at the tip or by reducing the plasticity of the wall. Such a check in growth could trigger-off the formation of initials close to the margin of the colony or elsewhere in the culture. Sulphydryl groups and disulphide bonds are of great significance in morphogenesis of organisms and are probably involved in sclerotial initiation. The formation of a large number of hyphal branches is a prerequisite for sclerotial initiation and mycelial branching is possible only if there is plasticity of hyphal walls. The ability of the wall to be moulded is possibly related to changes in the sulphur linkages of the protein of the protein-carbohydrate complexes of the cell wall and could be influenced by sulphur availability or the activity of specific enzymes. 4. After a sclerotial primordium has been initiated, further increase in size will depend on the continued, active translocation of nutrients to the site of development. Movement of nutrients to sclerotia is through a few translocatory hyphae. Presumably, nutrients will continue to move into the young sclerotium as long as a concentration or pressure gradient is maintained. Energy and substances for the formation of new branches are supplied in this way and as the requirements for hyphal branches are reduced, excess nutrients become available for conversion to inactive or insoluble reserves and for exudation. The exudates are often complex, consisting of proteins, including enzymes, lipids and carbohydrates. Many sclerotia have a mucilaginous matrix in which the medullary hyphae are embedded. Sclerotium-forming, fungal species that are not regarded as having such a matrix appear to secrete a layer of mucilage over the surface of sclerotial hyphae. This mucilage could have a morphogenetic function and serve as an adhesive which loosely binds hyphae together. More permanent unions are by hyphal fusions or anastomoses. 5. The sclerotium matures within a few days of attaining its maximum size. The rind effectively seals off the medullary hyphae from the surroundings and the translocatory hyphae cease to function. Thus the sclerotium is isolated both physiologically and nutritionally. The endogenous reserves enable the structure to exist in the absence of exogenous nutrients and then, when conditions become suitable, to germinate. 6. The sclerotium appears to provide an example of convergent evolution whereby analogous structures, which have become adapted to resist adverse conditions, have evolved. Data are available mainly for Typhula spp. and ScZerotinia spp. Sclerotia may be degenerate sexual reproductive structures, hyphal aggregates that have developed from closely interwoven conidiophores and undifferentiated conidia or they may be modified vegetative structures.  相似文献   

Camp, Wendell H., and Mary M. Hubbard. (U. Connecticut, Storrs.) On the origins of the ovule and cupule in Lyginopterid pteridosperms. Amer. Jour. Bot. 50(3): 235–243. Illus. 1963.—The recently described Eurystoma angulare of the Lower Carboniferous with its naked, dichotomously branched, ovule-bearing branch truss may be taken conceptually as a starting point in a series of evolutionary reductions and modifications involving other known forms which ultimately led to the cupule surrounding the solitary ovule of later lyginopterids. It is postulated that the integuments of these ovules also were derived from dichotomously branched lateral trusses which immediately subtended the primitive megasporangia, but of less complexity than that which produced the cupule. Eurystoma indicates that ovules evolved independently of leaves; therefore, ovules cannot be thought of as having been derived from leaf tissues. Evidence is presented indicating that, although these pteridosperms produced ovules of considerable complexity, they did not bear seeds but dropped the pollinated ovules before fertilization. The already specialized organization of the ovules of the Lower Carboníferous pteridosperms indicates that the group must have originated in the Devonian. The structure of the Lyginopterid ovule is reinterpreted, indicating a basic similarity to that of the angiospermous ovule.  相似文献   

Abstract.— A centric fragment was generated during the introgression of a chromosome region from Nasonia giraulti into N. vitripennis. This neo B chromosome carries the N. giraulti or 123+ gene for wild‐type eye color. Using this phenotypic effect, the transmission of this chromosome was analyzed. The supernumerary chromosome showed less than Mendelian segregation rate in meiosis and some mitotic instability manifested as mosaic phenotype for eye color. However, transmission rate and mitotic stability increased over successive generations. The transmission rate through male gametogenesis was nearly 100%. These results support the interspecific hybridization model for B chromosome origin and reveal that problems in chromosome stability can persist for several generations after “foreign chromosomes” are introduced into a different species. We suggest that hybrid zones should be investigated as possible sites for neo‐B chromosome generation.  相似文献   

Alexander F.  Skutch 《Ibis》1967,109(4):579-599
Some biologists have held that the rate of reproduction in birds tends to be adjusted to the average annual mortality; others, that it is limited only by the parents' ability to raise sturdy young. The latter theory, that of maximum reproduction, is likely to be true only if three related propositions are true:(1) that an increase of clutch size is more likely to occur than some other mutation affecting the rate of reproduction; (2) that a genotype with a wastefully high rate of reproduction can supplant a genotype with a more conservative but adequate rate; and (3) that an excessive rate of reproduction is not harmful to the species. None of these assumptions has been proved. In a population not obliged to employ its full reproductive potential to maintain itself at a favourable level, mutations which limit this potential may arise and persist. They may effect this limitation by means of:(i) reduction in clutch size; (ii) reduction in the number of broods; (iii) failure of the male to attend the nest, often followed by failure to form pairs; (iv) deferment of reproductive maturity; (v) developments in territorialism that limit the number of nesting birds or the number of progeny they can rear; (vi) restriction of nesting to traditional sites; and (vii) the time-consuming construction of elaborate nests. These limitations of the rate of reproduction must be regarded as adaptive because, like other adaptations, they adjust the birds more perfectly to the conditions in which they live and reduce the stress to which they are subjected. In both tropical and temperate regions, species in which only the female feeds the nestlings have broods as large as species in which both parents feed them. It follows that the two parents are not rearing as many young as they could nourish. The view that hole-nesting birds can rear larger broods than open-nesters because their young develop more slowly, and require less food per capita per day, is untenable. Nestlings raised in holes and burrows gain weight about as rapidly as those in more exposed nests, but for safety they remain longer in their protected abodes. The larger broods of hole-nesters evidently compensate for the difficulty of obtaining nest sites, which delays the breeding of some pairs and prevents that of others. Clutch size is by no means closely adjusted to the number of young the parents can raise. If given additional nestlings, some birds attend them adequately. In other species, young are rarely fledged from all the eggs. In many cases, asynchronous hatching is not, as has been claimed, an arrangement which permits the parents to adjust to a varying food supply the number of young that they rear. In many raptors, fratricide and cannibalism reduce the size of the brood, sometimes to a single nestling, regardless of the abundance of food. The more stable the environment, the more closely the reproductive rate tends to be adjusted to the mortality; the more a population is subject to catastrophic reductions, the more the rate will approach the maximum. Primarily, the reproductive rate is controlled by heritable characters, which can adjust the rate to a stable environment but rarely respond to short-term fluctuations in external conditions or population density. The last fine adjustment of a population to its habitat is effected by processes that are density-dependent:either density-dependent regulation of the reproductive effort, or density-dependent mortality of adults or young, or a combination of the two. The general evolutionary trend in the Metazoa is toward producing fewer offspring and taking better care of them. This would hardly be possible if the more prolific genotype always prevails over those which raise smaller families and in consequence can attend their young somewhat better. The regulation of the rate of reproduction is a unique evolutionary problem, because a mutation conferring greater fertility, although often detrimental to the species, tends to diffuse through it as no other harmful mutation can. Yet it is counteracted by many factors, chiefly ecological, which operate subtly and are more difficult to appreciate than the force of numbers.  相似文献   

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