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G蛋白偶联受体(G protein-coupled receptors,GPCRs)是具有7个跨膜螺旋的蛋白质受体,是人体内最大的蛋白质超家族.GPCRs能调控细胞周期,参与多种植物信号通路以及影响一系列的代谢和分化活动.简要介绍了GPCR和G蛋白介导的信号转导机制,GPCRs的结构和植物GPCR及其在植物跨膜信号转导中的作用,并对GPCR的信号转导机制及植物抗病反应分子机制的研究提出展望.  相似文献   

Dopamine receptors are a subclass of the super family of G protein-coupled receptors, that transduce their effects by coupling to specific G proteins. Within the dopamine receptor family, the adenylyl cyclase stimulatory receptors include the D1 and D5 subtypes. The D1 and D5 dopamine receptors are genetically distinct, sharing >80% sequence homology within the highly conserved seven transmembrane spanning domains, but displaying only 50% overall homology at the amino acid level. When expressed in transfected GH4C1 rat pituitary cells, both D1 and D5 receptors stimulate adenylyl cyclase and have identical affinities toward dopaminergic agonists and antagonists. In order to analyze specific signaling pathways mediated by activation of either D1 or D5 receptors, we have identified the G proteins that are coupled to these receptors. Through functional analyses and competition binding studies, and from immunoprecipitation techniques, using antisera against the various α subunits of G proteins, we have established that both D1 and D5 receptors couple to Gsα. In addition, D1 receptors are also coupled to Goα. Since Goα has been implicated in the regulation of Ca2+, K+, and Na+ channels, this finding would suggest that D1 receptors can mediate the functional activity of these ion channels. There is also evidence to indicate that D5 receptors couple to Gzα, a novel G protein abundantly expressed in neurons. Thus, despite similar pharmacological properties, such differential coupling of D1 and D5 receptors to G proteins other than Gsα, indicates that dopamine can transduce varied signaling responses upon the simultaneous stimulation of both these receptors.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. It is evident from studies of cellular recognition resulting in phagocytosis by Chaos carolinensis that cilia from certain protozoa serving as prey, e.g. Tetrahymena pyriformis , influence phagocytic action. Glutaraldehyde-fixed C. carolinensis to which cilia, isolated from Tetrahymena , are attached by the benzidine reaction, are engulfed by living Chaos but not digested. Fixed Chaos without attached cilia are not engulfed. Adding increased numbers of cilia from Tetrahymena progressively inhibits the rate at which Chaos phagocytizes Paramecium caudatum , suggesting blockage by the cilia of contact sites normally available to initiate phagocytosis of Paramecium.  相似文献   

Phagocytosis and macropinocytosis are actin-dependent clathrin-independent processes primarily performed by cells like neutrophils and macrophages that result in the internalization of particles or the formation of fluid-filled macropinosomes, respectively. Phagocytosis consists of a number of stages, including attachment of particles to cell surface receptors, engulfment of the particle dependent on actin polymerization and membrane exocytosis, and formation of phago-lysosomes. In contrast, the molecular steps regulating macropinocytosis are only just now being deciphered. Much remains to be learned concerning the signaling pathways that regulate these processes. Dictyostelium is a genetically and biochemically tractable professional phagocyte that has proven to be a powerful system with which to determine the nature of the molecular steps involved in regulating these internalization processes. This review summarizes what is currently understood concerning the molecular mechanisms governing phagocytosis and macropinocytosis in Dictyostelium and describes recent data concerning the common and distinct pathways that regulate these processes.  相似文献   

The ability of cells to generate a highly polarized intracellular signal through G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) is essential for their migration toward chemoattractants. The Gβγ subunits of heterotrimeric G proteins play a critical role in transmitting chemotactic signals from GPCRs via the activation of diverse effectors, including PLCβ and PI3K, primarily at the leading edge of cells. Although Gβγ can directly activate many of these effectors through protein-protein interactions in vitro, it remains unclear how Gβγ spatially and temporally orchestrates the activation of these effectors in vivo. A yeast two-hybrid screen for Gβ interacting proteins identified two WD40-repeat domain containing proteins, RACK1 and WDR26, which are predicted to serve as scaffolding/adaptor proteins. Previous data indicates that RACK1 negatively regulates Gβγ-mediated leukocyte migration by inhibiting Gβγ-stimulated PLCβ and PI3K activities. In contrast, recently published work by Sun et al. indicates that WDR26 promotes leukocyte migration by enhancing Gβγ-mediated signal transduction. These findings reveal a novel mechanism regulating Gβγ signaling during chemotaxis, namely through the positive and negative regulation of WDR26 and RACK1 on Gβγ to promote and fine tune Gβγ-mediated effector activation, ultimately governing the ability of cells to polarize and migrate toward a chemoattractant gradient.  相似文献   

肌动蛋白是盘基网柄菌(Dictyostelium discoideum)细胞吞噬过程中的关键组分,通过其细胞内的定位和多聚化形式在确定的时间和地点连接特定的分子,使吞噬过程得以完成。profilin是肌动蛋白多聚化的重要调节分子,在磷脂酰肌醇信号转导与细胞骨架相交处起关键作用。许多小分子G蛋白参与细胞骨架调节,CAP蛋白是两者间重要连接分子。所以,吞噬作用是细胞内诸分子协同作用的结果。  相似文献   

G蛋白偶联受体二聚化研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高灿  池志强 《生命科学》2001,13(5):193-197
G蛋白偶联受体是细胞膜受体最大的家族,参与调节多种生理过程,在信号识别及转导中具有重要作用,传统观点认为G蛋白偶联受体作为单体起作用,近年来,越来越多的证据表明,G蛋白偶联受体不仅能以二聚体形式存在,而且在细胞信号转导中起重要作用,尤其是对阿片受体异源二聚体的研究,推动了这一领域的研究。本文综述了G蛋白偶联受体二聚化研究进展,以及同源和异源二聚体的结构与功能。  相似文献   

Cannabinoids are a class of compound found in marijuana which have been known for their therapeutic and psychoactive properties for at least 4000 years. Isolation of the active principle in marijuana, 9-THC, provided the lead structure in the development of highly potent congeners which were used to probe for the mechanism of marijuana action. Cannabinoids were shown to bind to selective binding sites in brain tissue thereby regulating second messenger formation. Such studies led to the cloning of three cannabinoid receptor subtypes, CB1, CB2, and CB1A all of which belong to the superfamily of G protein-coupled plasma membrane receptors. Analogous to the discovery of endogenous opiates, isolation of cannabinoid receptors provided the appropriate tool to isolate an endogenous cannabimimetic eicosanoid, anandamide, from porcine brain. Recent studies indicate that anandamide is a member of a family of fatty acid ethanolamides that may represent a novel class of lipid neurotransmitters. This review discusses recent progress in cannabinoid research with a focus on the receptors for 9-THC, their coupling to second messenger responses, and the endogenous lipid cannabimimetic, anandamide.  相似文献   

Synaptic junctions (SJ) were prepared from synaptic plasma membranes (SPM) by extraction with Triton X-100 and density gradient centrifugation. These SJs were enriched in certain Concanavalin A (Con A) binding glycoproteins, the 52,000 Mr postsynaptic density (PSD) protein, and receptor sites for L-glutamate, L-aspartate, kainic acid (KA) but not quinuclidinyl benzilate (QNB). Various other membrane fractions were extracted by means of the same procedure. Those fractions prepared from light SPMs and crude myelin contained identifiable synaptic junctions and were also highly enriched in the synaptic components. The SJ-like fraction from mitochondria did not contain any of the characteristic synaptic macromolecules. However, this fraction from microsomes contained levels of the 52,000 Mr PSD protein and binding sites for L-glutamate (L-Glu) and L-aspartate (L-Asp) similar to true synaptic junctions, although the Con A binding glycoproteins and KA binding sites were nearly absent. On the basis of electron microscopy, the SJ-like fraction from microsomes did not contain structures recognizable as SJs. Thus, the Con A binding glycoproteins and KA binding sites appear to be excellent markers for the SJ.  相似文献   

Hormone-sensitive adenylyl cyclase is a model system for the study of receptor-mediated signal transduction. It is comprised of three types of components: 1) receptors for hormones that regulate cyclic AMP (cAMP) synthesis, 2) regulatory GTP binding proteins (G proteins), and 3) the family of enzymes, the adenylyl cyclases. Concentrations of cAMP are altered by at least 35 different stimulatory or inhibitory hormones and neurotransmitters. Other signalling pathways may also influence cAMP production through regulation of particular adenylyl cyclase subtypes. The second messenger, cAMP propagates the hormone signal through the effects of cAMP-dependent protein kinase.While structural information on the adenylyl cyclases is limited, a cDNA clone for a calmodulin-sensitive form of bovine brain adenylyl cyclase has been isolated. The amino acid sequence encoded by the Type I cDNA is approximately 40% identical to those specified by three other adenylyl cyclase cDNAs that have been cloned subsequently. This degree of structural variation implies that there must be functional differences between the adenylyl cyclases.  相似文献   

Adenosine A(1) receptors (A(1)Rs) have been characterized in primary cultures of neurons from cerebral cortex. The specific adenosine A(1) antagonist 8-cyclopentyl-1,3-[(3)H]dipropylxanthine bound to both membranes and intact cells. When saturation experiments were performed in membranes, a K(D) value of 0.76 nM and a B(max) of 57 fmol/mg of protein were obtained. Competition assays revealed a pharmacological profile characteristic of A(1)Rs. The presence of this receptor was further confirmed by RT-PCR analysis. The expression of the receptor showed no significant changes during the period of culture studied, up to 12 days in vitro. A(1)R agonist inhibited forskolin-stimulated adenylyl cyclase, showing the functional coupling of these receptors with the effector. alphaG(i1, 2) protein level, detected by immunoblot, presented an increase during the period of culture. This increase correlated with an increase in the mRNA level of alphaG(i1) but not alphaG(i2). By immunochemical assays, it is shown that these receptors are expressed in both the neuronal cell body and the proximal dendrites. Colocalization of A(1)Rs with microtubule-associated protein 2 and cell surface adenosine deaminase was shown by confocal microscopy. The high degree of colocalization observed between A(1)Rs and ectoadenosine deaminase in neurons could suggest an important role of the enzyme in adenosine-mediated neuromodulation.  相似文献   

Abstract: We have characterized the new potent and selective nonxanthine adenosine A2A receptor antagonist SCH 58261 as a new radioligand for receptor autoradiography. In autoradiographic studies using agonist radioligands for A2A receptors ([3H]CGS 21680) or A1 receptors ( N 6-[3H]cyclohexyladenosine), it was found that SCH 58261 is close to 800-fold selective for rat brain A2A versus A1 receptors ( K i values of 1.2 n M versus 0.8 µ M ). Moreover, receptor autoradiography showed that [3H]SCH 58261, in concentrations below 2 n M , binds only to the dopamine-rich regions of the rat brain, with a K D value of 1.4 (0.8–1.8) n M . The maximal number of binding sites was 310 fmol/mg of protein in the striatum. Below concentrations of 3 n M , the nonspecific binding was <15%. Three adenosine analogues displaced all specific binding of [3H]SCH 58261 with the following estimated K i values (n M ): 2-hex-1-ynyl-5'- N -ethylcarboxamidoadenosine, 3.9 (1.8–8.4); CGS 21680, 130 (42–405); N 6-cyclohexyladenosine, 9,985 (3,169–31,462). The binding of low concentrations of SCH 58261 was not influenced by either GTP (100 µ M ) or Mg2+ (10 m M ). The present results show that in its tritium-labeled form, SCH 58261 appears to be a good radioligand for autoradiographic studies, because it does not suffer from some of the problems encountered with the currently used agonist radioligand [3H]CGS 21680.  相似文献   

Sphingosine-1-phosphate (SPP), a bioactive lipid, acts both intracellularly and extracellularly to cause pleiotropic biological responses. Recently, we identified SPP as a ligand for the G protein–coupled receptor Edg-1 (Lee, M.-J., J.R. Van Brocklyn, S. Thangada, C.H. Liu, A.R. Hand, R. Menzeleev, S. Spiegel, and T. Hla. 1998. Science. 279:1552–1555). Edg-1 binds SPP with remarkable specificity as only sphinganine-1-phosphate displaced radiolabeled SPP, while other sphingolipids did not. Binding of SPP to Edg-1 resulted in inhibition of forskolin-stimulated cAMP accumulation, in a pertussis toxin–sensitive manner. In contrast, two well-characterized biological responses of SPP, mitogenesis and prevention of apoptosis, were clearly unrelated to binding to Edg-1 and correlated with intracellular uptake. SPP also stimulated signal transduction pathways, including calcium mobilization, activation of phospholipase D, and tyrosine phosphorylation of p125FAK, independently of edg-1 expression. Moreover, DNA synthesis in Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts was significantly and specifically increased by microinjection of SPP. Finally, SPP suppresses apoptosis of HL-60 and pheochromocytoma PC12 cells, which do not have specific SPP binding or expression of Edg-1 mRNA. Conversely, sphinganine-1-phosphate, which binds to and signals via Edg-1, does not have any significant cytoprotective effect. Thus, SPP is a prototype for a novel class of lipid mediators that act both extracellularly as ligands for cell surface receptors and intracellularly as second messengers.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, many lines of investigation have shown that receptor-mediated signaling exhibits greater diversity than previously appreciated. Signal diversity arises from numerous factors, which include the formation of receptor dimers and interplay between different receptors. Using adenosine A1 receptors as a paradigm of G protein-coupled receptors, this review focuses on how receptor-receptor interactions may contribute to regulation of the synaptic transmission within the central nervous system. The interactions with metabotropic dopamine, adenosine A2A, A3, neuropeptide Y, and purinergic P2Y1 receptors will be described in the first part. The second part deals with interactions between A1Rs and ionotropic receptors, especially GABAA, NMDA, and P2X receptors as well as ATP-sensitive K+ channels. Finally, the review will discuss new approaches towards treating neurological disorders.  相似文献   

纤溶酶原(PLG)经激活为纤溶酶(PLM)后,除了发挥纤溶和栓溶作用,还广泛参与胚胎发育、组织重构、伤口愈合等生理过程.近年来研究显示:PLM还与炎症、自身免疫、肿瘤和神经变性等存在紧密联系,而且已在细胞表面发现十几种PLG受体(PLGR)、结合蛋白.我们综述了这些受体和结合蛋白的结构、信号通路和致病机制方面的研究进展,从而为进一步理解纤溶系统的功能、发展新的诊疗方法提供思路.  相似文献   

游离脂肪酸(free fatty acid,FFA)是动物一种重要能量来源,同时它还是一种重要的信号分子,其生理功能和作用机制长期以来倍受关注. 最近研究表明,细胞膜存在FFA的特定孤儿型G蛋白偶联膜受体家族.中长链游离脂肪酸是GPR40和GPR120的配基,而短链游离脂肪酸则是GPR41和GPR43的配基. 该受体家族可以介导游离脂肪酸,通过ERK、PI3K-Akt和MAPK信号通路,在维持机体内的葡萄糖稳态、脂肪形成、白细胞功能和细胞增殖等生理过程中发挥重要作用. 本文就游离脂肪酸G蛋白偶联受体的结构、分布、配体选择性、下游信号通路,及其介导FFA生理功能的最新研究进展进行简要综述.  相似文献   

Heterotrimeric G proteins act as signal transducers that couple cell-surface receptors to cytoplasmic effector proteins. In fungi, G proteins play essential roles during sexual and pathogenic development. They are part of the pheromone signaling cascade in both ascomycetes and basidiomycetes, which is crucial for the recognition and fusion of cells of opposite mating type. In addition, G proteins affect a number of developmental and morphogenetic processes which determine the virulence of plant and human fungal pathogens. Cloning and targeted disruption of genes encoding α subunits of G proteins allowed the attribution of specific functions to these signal transducing molecules. Several lines of evidence indicate that many of the known fungal G proteins influence the intracellular level of cAMP by either stimulating or inhibiting adenylyl cyclase.  相似文献   

Signal transduction in neutrophil chemotaxis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This review discusses current knowledge on signal transduction pathways controlling chemotaxis of neutrophils and similar cells. Most neutrophil chemoattractants bind to seven-transmembrane-helix receptors. These receptors activate trimeric G proteins of the Gi class in neutrophils to initiate chemotaxis. Phospholipases Cbeta, phosphoinositide 3-kinase gamma, and PH domain-containing proteins play various roles in signaling further downstream. The actin cytoskeleton is crucial for cell motility, and is controlled by Rho family GTP-binding proteins. PIP 5-kinase, LIM kinase, myosin light chain kinase and phosphatase, or WASP-like proteins may be important links between Rho GTPases and actin during chemotaxis. Newly emerging ideas on the regulation of the "compass" of chemotaxing cells, which may involve Cdc42 and certain PH domain-containing proteins, are also presented.  相似文献   

As the inner lining of the vessel wall, vascular endothelial cells are poised to act as a signal transduction interface between haemodynamic forces and the underlying vascular smooth-muscle cells. Detailed analyses of fluid mechanics in atherosclerosis-susceptible regions of the vasculature reveal a strong correlation between endothelial cell dysfunction and areas of low mean shear stress and oscillatory flow with flow recirculation. Conversely, steady shear stress stimulates cellular responses that are essential for endothelial cell function and are atheroprotective. The molecular basis of shear-induced mechanochemical signal transduction and the endothelium's ability to discriminate between flow profiles remains largely unclear. Given that fluid shear stress does not involve a traditional receptor/ligand interaction, identification of the molecule(s) responsible for sensing fluid flow and mechanical force discrimination has been difficult. This review will provide an overview of the haemodynamic forces experienced by the vascular endothelium and its role in localizing atherosclerotic lesions within specific regions of the vasculature. Also reviewed are several recent lines of evidence suggesting that both changes in membrane microviscosity linked to heterotrimeric G proteins, and the transmission of tension across the cell membrane to the cell-cell junction where known shear-sensitive proteins are localized, may serve as the primary force-sensing elements of the cell.  相似文献   

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