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A murine stage-specific embryonic antigen (SSEA3) is defined by reactivity with a monoclonal antibody prepared by immunization of a rat with 4- to 8-cell-stage mouse embryos. This antigenic determinant, present on oocytes, becomes restricted first to the inner cell mass at the blastocyst stage, and later to the primitive endoderm. Murine teratocarcinoma stem cells do not react with this antibody, whereas human teratocarcinoma stem cells are SSEA3-positive. This antigenic determinant is not expressed on a variety of other human and murine cell lines, but is found on the surface of human erythrocytes. It is a carbohydrate and is present on both cell-surface glycolipids and glycopeptides. These results demonstrate the feasibility of identifying stage-specific antigenic determinants with monoclonal antibody prepared against embryos. The need for thorough screening on a variety of cell types to establish developmentally important cross-reactivities is also emphasized.  相似文献   

Abstract. Mouse teratocarcinoma cells and primary human fibroblasts were fluorescently labelled with fluorescein isothiocyanate (F1TC)- and trimethylrhodamine isothiocyanate (TR1TC)-stearylamine respectively. After fusion populations highly enriched for red-green heterokaryons (around 80%) were isolated from the fusion mixture using a FACS II cell sorter.
To study gene expression in the early hybrids [35S] methionine-labelled proteins synthesized by the sorted cells at two and three days after fusion were analysed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Three spots were denser in gels of the fused cells than in those of 1:1 mixtures of parental cells. For one of these proteins it could be demonstrated that this reflects the enhanced synthesis of a mouse-specific protein present only in small amounts in teratocarcinoma cells. All three proteins were synthesized in relatively large amounts by differentiated mouse cells.
Collagen (type I) synthesis by the sorted hybrid cells was studied by analysing the [3H] proline-labelled material secreted into the medium. Analysis by sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS)-gel electrophoresis and two-dimensional non-equilibrium pH gradient electrophoresis showed that the material secreted by the fused cells five days after fusion was the same as that secreted by the human fibroblasts. No evidence was obtained for synthesis of mouse α2(I) collagen. The amount of collagen produced by the sorted cells five days after fusion was about half the amount produced by the human fibroblasts. Immunofluorescence studies also showed that collagen synthesis was not suppressed after fusion both in heterokaryons and synkaryons.
In conclusion, we did not find evidence for activation of a previously completely silent mouse gene in the fused cells. The results show, however, that the fused cells do resemble the differentiated fibroblasts rather than the undifferentiated teratocarcinoma cells.  相似文献   

Human embryonic stem (hES) cells have the capacities to propagate for extended periods and to differentiate into cell types from all three germ layers both in vitro and in vivo. These characteristics of self‐renewal and pluripotency enable hES cells having the potential to provide an unlimited supply of different cell types for tissue replacement, drug screening, and functional genomics studies. The hES‐T3 cells with normal female karyotype cultured on either mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEF) in hES medium (containing 4 ng/ml bFGF) (T3MF) or feeder‐free Matrigel in MEF‐conditioned medium (supplemented with additional 4 ng/ml bFGF) (T3CM) were found to express very similar profiles of mRNAs and microRNAs, indicating that the unlimited self‐renewal and pluripotency of hES cells can be maintained by continuing culture on these two conditions. However, the expression profiles, especially microRNAs, of the hES‐T3 cells cultured on Matrigel in hES medium supplemented with 4 ng/ml bFGF and 5 ng/ml activin A (T3BA) were found to be different from those of T3MF and T3CM cells. In T3BA cells, four hES cell‐specific microRNAs miR‐372, miR‐302d, miR‐367, and miR‐200c, as well as three other microRNAs miR‐199a, miR‐19a, and miR‐217, were found to be up‐regulated, whereas five miRNAs miR‐19b, miR‐221, miR‐222, let‐7b, and let‐7c were down‐regulated by activin A. Thirteen abundantly differentially expressed mRNAs, including NR4A2, ERBB4, CXCR4, PCDH9, TMEFF2, CD24, and COX6A1 genes, targeted by seven over‐expressed miRNAs were identified by inverse expression levels of these seven microRNAs to their target mRNAs in T3BA and T3CM cells. The NR4A2, ERBB4, and CXCR4 target genes were further found to be regulated by EGF and/or TNF. The 50 abundantly differentially expressed genes targeted by five under‐expressed miRNAs were also identified. The abundantly expressed mRNAs in T3BA and T3CM cells were also analyzed for the network and signaling pathways, and roles of activin A in cell proliferation and differentiation were found. These findings will help elucidate the complex signaling network which maintains the self‐renewal and pluripotency of hES cells. J. Cell. Biochem. 109: 93–102, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The molecular nature of the Ca2+-dependent cell-cell adhesion system in mouse teratocarcinoma (t-CDS) was studied using a monoclonal antibody recognizing t-CDS. We isolated a hybridoma clone producing a monoclonal antibody (ECCD-1) able to disrupt cell-cell adhesion when added to monolayer cultures of teratocarcinoma cells. This antibody bound to the cells with intact t-CDS, resulting in an inhibition of their aggregation, but did not bind to cells from which t-CDS was removed by trypsin treatment in the absence of Ca2+. The binding of ECCD-1 to cell surfaces required Ca2+ but not other ions. Western blot analysis showed that ECCD-1 recognizes multiple cell surface proteins, the major one of which is a component with a molecular weight of 124,000. The binding of ECCD-1 to these antigens was Ca2+-dependent even in cell-free systems, suggesting that the molecules involved in t-CDS undergo conformational changes by binding with Ca2+, leading to conversion of their molecular structure into an active form. ECCD-1 also reacted with 8-cell stage mouse embryos and with certain types of epithelial cells (excluding fibroblastic cells) in various differentiated tissues collected from mouse fetuses, again affecting their cell-cell adhesion. We also showed that a monoclonal antibody (DE1) raised against gp84 (F. Hyafil et al., 1981, Cell 26, 447-454) recognizes the same antigens as ECCD-1.  相似文献   

Each of four kinds of teratocarcinoma cells, OTT6050P, PCC4, PSA1 and LT, derived from 129 or LT mouse strain, was fused with B16-CAPr melanoma cells derived from C57BL/6J by using Sendai virus. The resultant hybrids were morphologically melanotic melanoma cells which were larger and more heavily pigmented than the parental B16-CAPr melanoma cells. The chromosome analysis and GPI electrophoresis demonstrated that all hybrids were products of fusion between a single teratocarcinoma cell and a single melanoma cell. The pigmentation in the hybrids between a 129 teratocarcinoma cell and a melanoma cell was much stronger than that in hybrids between an LT teratocarcinoma cell and a melanoma cell. This phenomenon was consistent with the difference of coat color between 129 and LT mouse strain. From these results, it was suggested that the genes of teratocarcinoma cells involved in the pigmentation are activated in the hybrids with B16-CAPr melanoma cells.  相似文献   

Human embryonic stem (ES) cells and embryonic germ (EG) cells are pluripotent and are invaluable material for in vitro studies of human embryogenesis and cell therapy. So far, only two groups have reported the establishment of human EG cell lines, whereas at least five human ES cell lines have been established. To see if human EG cell lines can be reproducibly established, we isolated primordial germ cells (PGCs) from gonadal ridges and mesenteries (9 weeks post-fertilization) and cultured them on mouse STO cells. As with mouse ES colonies, the PGC-derived cells have given rise to multilayered colonies without any differentiation over a year of continuous culture. They are karyotypically normal and express high levels of alkaline phosphatase, Oct-4, and several cell-surface markers. Histological and immunocytochemical analysis of embryoid bodies (EBs) formed from floating cultures of the PGC-derived cell colonies revealed ectodermal, endodermal, and mesodermal tissues. When the EBs were cultured in the presence of insulin, transferrin, sodium selenite, and fibronectin for 1 week, markers of primitive neuroectoderm were expressed in cells within the EBs as well as in cells growing out from the EBs. These observations indicate that our PGC-derived cells satisfy the criteria for pluripotent stem cells and hence may be EG cells.  相似文献   

Stathmin is a ubiquitous cytoplasmic protein, phosphorylated in response to agents regulating the proliferation, the differentiation and the specialized functions of cells, in a way possibly integrating the actions of diverse concomitant regulatory signals. Its expression is also regulated in relation with cell proliferation and differentiation and reaches a peak at the neonatal stage. To assess the possible role of stathmin at earlier stages of development, we examined its expression and regulation in embryonal carcinoma (EC) and derived cell lines as well as in the early mouse embryo. Interestingly, stathmin is highly abundant in the undifferentiated, multipotential cells of the F9, 1003 and 1009 EC cell lines. Its high expression markedly decreased, both at the protein and mRNA levels, when F9 cells were induced to differentiate into endodermal-like cells with retinoic acid and dibutyryl-cAMP. Stathmin was also much less abundant in differentiated cell lines such as the trophectodermal line TDM-1, as well as in several F9- and 1003-derived cell lines committed to differentiate towards the mesodermal and neuroectodermal lineages but still proliferating. Therefore, the observed decrease of stathmin expression is not related to the reduced proliferation rate but rather to the differentiation of the multipotential EC cells. The immunocytochemical pattern of stathmin expression during early mouse development indicated that stathmin is also highly abundant in the multipotential cells of the inner cell mass of the blastula, whereas it is much lower in the differentiated trophectodermal cells. These results confirm the physiological relevance of the observations with EC cells, and suggest that stathmin, in addition to its high expression at later stages of development and in the adult nervous system, may be considered as a new marker of the multipotential cells of the early mouse embryo.  相似文献   

Teratocarcinoma differentiation has been studied using sera specific for each of the five intermediate filament (IF) classes. These antibodies distinguish cells of epithelial, muscle, neural, astrocytic, and mesenchymal origin. In embryoid bodies, derived from embryo transplants and obtained in the ascitic fluid by transplantation of teratocarcinoma, the cells of the inner cellular mass did not express any of these intermediate filament types while the outer cells expressed cytokeratin. Intermediate filament expression in the embryoid body thus appears analogous to that in the blastocyst and differs from that in embryonal carcinoma (EC) lines. Twelve EC lines have now been shown to express vimentin although in some EC lines not all cells express vimentin. Other established permanent differentiated cell lines, derived from EC lines in vitro or from tumors in vivo, have been characterized with respect to the type of IF they contain. The distribution of different IF types has been examined in EC cells induced to differentiate by addition of retinoic acid. The proportion of cells expressing each type of intermediate filament appears to depend on the EC cell line used, on the inducing agent, and on the length of treatment. Thus, for instance, F9 cells express cytokeratin, PCC3 derivatives express vimentin, many 1009 derivatives express either glial fibrillar acidic protein (GFA) or neurofilament proteins. Overall the results obtained are in excellent agreement with emerging principles of intermediate filament expression during embryonic differentiation, thus emphasizing the potential use of the various EC lines to study differentiation in culture.  相似文献   

Differences between human and mouse embryonic stem cells   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
We compared gene expression profiles of mouse and human ES cells by immunocytochemistry, RT-PCR, and membrane-based focused cDNA array analysis. Several markers that in concert could distinguish undifferentiated ES cells from their differentiated progeny were identified. These included known markers such as SSEA antigens, OCT3/4, SOX-2, REX-1 and TERT, as well as additional markers such as UTF-1, TRF1, TRF2, connexin43, and connexin45, FGFR-4, ABCG-2, and Glut-1. A set of negative markers that confirm the absence of differentiation was also developed. These include genes characteristic of trophoectoderm, markers of germ layers, and of more specialized progenitor cells. While the expression of many of the markers was similar in mouse and human cells, significant differences were found in the expression of vimentin, beta-III tubulin, alpha-fetoprotein, eomesodermin, HEB, ARNT, and FoxD3 as well as in the expression of the LIF receptor complex LIFR/IL6ST (gp130). Profound differences in cell cycle regulation, control of apoptosis, and cytokine expression were uncovered using focused microarrays. The profile of gene expression observed in H1 cells was similar to that of two other human ES cell lines tested (line I-6 and clonal line-H9.2) and to feeder-free subclones of H1, H7, and H9, indicating that the observed differences between human and mouse ES cells were species-specific rather than arising from differences in culture conditions.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem cell studies have generated great interest, due to their ability to form a wide variety of matured cells. However, there remains a poor understanding of mechanisms regulating the cell state of embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and of the genes they express during early differentiation. Gene expression analysis may be a valuable tool to elucidate either the molecular pathways involved in self-renewal and pluripotency, or early differentiation and to identify potential molecular therapy targets. The aim of this study was to characterize at the molecular level the undifferentiated mouse ESC state and the early development towards embryoid bodies. To attempt this issue, we performed CodeLink Mouse Uniset I 20K bioarrays in a well-characterized mouse ESC line, MES3, 3- and 7 day-old embryoid bodies and we compared our findings with those in adult tissue cells. Gene expression results were subsequently validated in a commercial stem cell line, CGR8 (ATCC). Significance Analysis of Microarrays (SAM) was used to identify statistically significant changes in microarray data. We identified 3664 genes expressed at significantly greater levels in MES3 stem cells than in adult tissue cells, which included 611 with 3-fold higher gene expression levels versus the adult cells. We also investigated the gene expression profile during early embryoid body formation, identifying 2040 and 2243 genes that were up-regulated in 3- and 7- day-old embryoid bodies, respectively. Our gene expression results in MES3 cells were partially confirmed in CGR8 cells, showing numerous genes that are expressed in both mouse stem cells. In conclusion, our results suggest that commonly expressed genes may be strong candidates for involvement in the maintenance of a pluripotent and undifferentiated phenotype and in early development.  相似文献   

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