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Over the past century, studies of human pigmentary disorders along with mouse and zebrafish models have shed light on the many cellular functions associated with visible pigment phenotypes. This has led to numerous genes annotated with the ontology term “pigmentation” in independent human, mouse, and zebrafish databases. Comparisons among these datasets revealed that each is individually incomplete in documenting all genes involved in integument‐based pigmentation phenotypes. Additionally, each database contained inherent species‐specific biases in data annotation, and the term “pigmentation” did not solely reflect integument pigmentation phenotypes. This review presents a comprehensive, cross‐species list of 650 genes involved in pigmentation phenotypes that was compiled with extensive manual curation of genes annotated in OMIM, MGI, ZFIN, and GO. The resulting cross‐species list of genes both intrinsic and extrinsic to integument pigment cells provides a valuable tool that can be used to expand our knowledge of complex, pigmentation‐associated pathways.  相似文献   

The evolution of skin pigmentation has been shaped by numerous biological and cultural shifts throughout human history. Vitamin D is considered a driver of depigmentation evolution in humans, given the deleterious health effects associated with vitamin D deficiency, which is often shaped by cultural factors. New advancements in genomics and epigenomics have opened the door to a deeper exploration of skin pigmentation evolution in both contemporary and ancient populations. Data from ancient Europeans has offered great context to the spread of depigmentation alleles via the evaluation of migration events and cultural shifts that occurred during the Neolithic. However, novel insights can further be gained via the inclusion of diverse ancient and contemporary populations. Here we present on how potential biases and limitations in skin pigmentation research can be overcome with the integration of interdisciplinary data that includes both cultural and biological elements, which have shaped the evolutionary history of skin pigmentation in humans.  相似文献   

Two missense polymorphisms (E272K and L374F) of the AIM1 locus,encoding a melanocyte differentiation antigen, were shown tohave a clear association with human ethnicities. These two nonpathogenicsingle nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) may be associated withhuman pigmentation variation. In this study, we investigatedsequence variation in the coding region and exon-flanking sequenceand found low genetic variation only in subjects of Europeandescent. All four statistical tests applied to the 7.55-kb regionsurrounding the L374F polymorphism detected statistically significantdeviations from selective neutrality in Europeans. In addition,haplotype analysis revealed that one haplotype carrying 374Fwas overrepresented in this population, and the low rate ofvariation, with some features of selective sweeps, was shownto be statistically significant. These results suggest thatpositive selection recently has been acting or has acted onat least this region of the melanogenic gene and that an advantageoushaplotype spread rapidly in Europe.  相似文献   

Host specialization is a key process in ecological divergence and speciation of plant‐associated fungi. The underlying determinants of host specialization are generally poorly understood, especially in endophytes, which constitute one of the most abundant components of the plant microbiome. We addressed the genetic basis of host specialization in two sympatric subspecies of grass‐endophytic fungi from the Epichloë typhina complex: subsp. typhina and clarkii. The life cycle of these fungi entails unrestricted dispersal of gametes and sexual reproduction before infection of a new host, implying that the host imposes a selective barrier on viability of the progeny. We aimed to detect genes under divergent selection between subspecies, experiencing restricted gene flow due to adaptation to different hosts. Using pooled whole‐genome sequencing data, we combined FST and DXY population statistics in genome scans and detected 57 outlier genes showing strong differentiation between the two subspecies. Genomewide analyses of nucleotide diversity (π), Tajima's D and dN/dS ratios indicated that these genes have evolved under positive selection. Genes encoding secreted proteins were enriched among the genes showing evidence of positive selection, suggesting that molecular plant–fungus interactions are strong drivers of endophyte divergence. We focused on five genes encoding secreted proteins, which were further sequenced in 28 additional isolates collected across Europe to assess genetic variation in a larger sample size. Signature of positive selection in these isolates and putative identification of pathogenic function supports our findings that these genes represent strong candidates for host specialization determinants in Epichloë endophytes. Our results highlight the role of secreted proteins as key determinants of host specialization.  相似文献   

R. Li  C. Li  H. Chen  R. Li  Q. Chong  H. Xiao  S. Chen 《Animal genetics》2020,51(2):292-299
Dehong humped cattle (DHH) is an indigenous zebu breed from southwestern China that possesses characteristics of heat tolerance and strong disease resistance and adapts well to the local tropical and subtropical climatic conditions. However, information on selection signatures of DHH is scarce. Herein, we compared the genomes of DHH and each of Diqing and Zhaotong cattle breeds using the population differentiation index (FST), cross-population extended haplotype homozygosity (XP-EHH) and cross-population composite likelihood ratio (XP-CLR) methods to explore the genomic signatures of heat tolerance and disease resistance in DHH. Several pathways and genes carried selection signatures, including thermal sweating (calcium signaling pathway), heat shock (HSF1) and oxidative stress response (PLCB1, PLCB4), coat color (RAB31), feed intake (ATP8A1, SHC3) and reproduction (TP63, MAP3K13, PTPN4, PPP3CC, ADAMTSL1, SS18L1, OSBPL2, TOX, RREB1, GRK2). These identified pathways and genes may contribute to heat tolerance in DHH. Simultaneously, we also identified LIPH, TP63 and CBFA2T3 genes under positive selection that were associated with immunity.  相似文献   



Animal domestication involved drastic phenotypic changes driven by strong artificial selection and also resulted in new populations of breeds, established by humans. This study aims to identify genes that show evidence of recent artificial selection during pig domestication.


Whole-genome resequencing of 30 individual pigs from domesticated breeds, Landrace and Yorkshire, and 10 Asian wild boars at ~16-fold coverage was performed resulting in over 4.3 million SNPs for 19,990 genes. We constructed a comprehensive genome map of directional selection by detecting selective sweeps using an FST-based approach that detects directional selection in lineages leading to the domesticated breeds and using a haplotype-based test that detects ongoing selective sweeps within the breeds. We show that candidate genes under selection are significantly enriched for loci implicated in quantitative traits important to pig reproduction and production. The candidate gene with the strongest signals of directional selection belongs to group III of the metabolomics glutamate receptors, known to affect brain functions associated with eating behavior, suggesting that loci under strong selection include loci involved in behaviorial traits in domesticated pigs including tameness.


We show that a significant proportion of selection signatures coincide with loci that were previously inferred to affect phenotypic variation in pigs. We further identify functional enrichment related to behavior, such as signal transduction and neuronal activities, for those targets of selection during domestication in pigs.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1330-x) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Autologous engineered skin substitutes (ESS) containing melanocytes (hM) may restore pigmentation and photoprotection after grafting to full‐thickness skin wounds. In this study, normal hM were isolated from discard skin, propagated with or without tyrosinase inhibitors, cryopreserved, recovered into culture, and added to ESS (ESS‐P) before transplantation. ESS‐P were incubated in either UCMC160/161 or UCDM1 medium, scored for hM densities, and grafted to mice. The results showed that sufficient hM can be propagated to expand donor tissue by 100‐fold; incubation of hM in tyrosinase inhibitors reduced pigment levels but did not change hM recovery after cryopreservation; hM densities in ESS‐P were greater after incubation in UCDM1 than UCMC160 medium; hM were localized to the dermal–epidermal junction of ESS‐P; and UCDM1 medium promoted earlier pigment distribution and density. These results indicate that hM can be incorporated into ESS‐P efficiently to restore cutaneous pigmentation and UV photoprotection after full‐thickness skin loss conditions.  相似文献   

The pursuits of white features and white fleeces free of pigmented fibre have been important selection objectives for many sheep breeds. The cause and inheritance of non‐white colour patterns in sheep has been studied since the early 19th century. Discovery of genetic causes, especially those which predispose pigmentation in white sheep, may lead to more accurate selection tools for improved apparel wool. This article describes an extended QTL study for 13 skin and fibre pigmentation traits in sheep. A total of 19 highly significant, 10 significant and seven suggestive QTL were identified in a QTL mapping experiment using an Awassi × Merino × Merino backcross sheep population. All QTL on chromosome 2 exceeded a LOD score of greater than 4 (range 4.4–30.1), giving very strong support for a major gene for pigmentation on this chromosome. Evidence of epistatic interactions was found for QTL for four traits on chromosomes 2 and 19. The ovine TYRP1 gene on OAR 2 was sequenced as a strong positional candidate gene. A highly significant association (< 0.01) of grandparental haplotypes across nine segregating SNP/microsatellite markers including one non‐synonymous SNP with pigmentation traits could be shown. Up to 47% of the observed variation in pigmentation was accounted for by models using TYRP1 haplotypes and 83% for models with interactions between two QTL probabilities, offering scope for marker‐assisted selection for these traits.  相似文献   

Human skin pigmentation shows a strong positive correlation with ultraviolet radiation intensity, suggesting that variation in skin color is, at least partially, due to adaptation via natural selection. We investigated the evolution of pigmentation variation by testing for the presence of positive directional selection in 6 pigmentation genes using an empirical F(ST) approach, through an examination of global diversity patterns of these genes in the Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain (CEPH)-Diversity Panel, and by exploring signatures of selection in data from the International HapMap project. Additionally, we demonstrated a role for MATP in determining normal skin pigmentation variation using admixture mapping methods. Taken together (with the results of previous admixture mapping studies), these results point to the importance of several genes in shaping the pigmentation phenotype and a complex evolutionary history involving strong selection. Polymorphisms in 2 genes, ASIP and OCA2, may play a shared role in shaping light and dark pigmentation across the globe, whereas SLC24A5, MATP, and TYR have a predominant role in the evolution of light skin in Europeans but not in East Asians. These findings support a case for the recent convergent evolution of a lighter pigmentation phenotype in Europeans and East Asians.  相似文献   

The data from the newly available 50 K SNP chip was used for tagging the genome‐wide footprints of positive selection in Holstein–Friesian cattle. For this purpose, we employed the recently described Extended Haplotype Homozygosity test, which detects selection by measuring the characteristics of haplotypes within a single population. To assess formally the significance of these results, we compared the combination of frequency and the Relative Extended Haplotype Homozygosity value of each core haplotype with equally frequent haplotypes across the genome. A subset of the putative regions showing the highest significance in the genome‐wide EHH tests was mapped. We annotated genes to identify possible influence they have in beneficial traits by using the Gene Ontology database. A panel of genes, including FABP3, CLPN3, SPERT, HTR2A5, ABCE1, BMP4 and PTGER2, was detected, which overlapped with the most extreme P‐values. This panel comprises some interesting candidate genes and QTL, representing a broad range of economically important traits such as milk yield and composition, as well as reproductive and behavioural traits. We also report high values of linkage disequilibrium and a slower decay of haplotype homozygosity for some candidate regions harbouring major genes related to dairy quality. The results of this study provide a genome‐wide map of selection footprints in the Holstein genome, and can be used to better understand the mechanisms of selection in dairy cattle breeding.  相似文献   

In Pleurodeles waltl, progeny resulting from a cross between 2 individuals of the Z/W sexual genotype include 25% of W/W individuals, while those issued from crossing a Z/W neomale with a W/W thelygenous female include 50% of W/W individuals. W/W individuals can be identified through the peptidase-1 zymogram since, in P. waltl, this enzyme is controlled by codominant alleles which are linked to the sex chromosomes. In such progeny, we discovered 2 mutant phenotypes affecting larval and postmetamorphic skin pigmentation in W/W individuals. These phenotypes are described herein. The study of their inheritance in several offspring provides evidence that they are controlled by 2 distinct genes, the recessive mutant alleles of which are linked to the W sex chromosome; moreover, in thelygenous W/W females, the differential segment does not prevent the occurrence of meiotic recombinations between W sex chromosomes. Mutant skin pigmentary phenotypes are easily identified and constitute a tool for rapid, efficient selection of individuals of the W/W sexual genotype.  相似文献   

TRF2 is a component of shelterin, the protein complex that protects the ends of mammalian chromosomes. TRF2 is essential for telomere capping owing to its roles in suppressing an ATM-dependent DNA damage response (DDR) at chromosome ends and inhibiting end-to-end chromosome fusions. Mice deficient for TRF2 are early embryonic lethal. However, the role of TRF2 in later stages of development and in the adult organism remains largely unaddressed, with the exception of liver, where TRF2 was found to be dispensable for maintaining tissue function. Here, we study the impact of TRF2 conditional deletion in stratified epithelia by generating the TRF2∆/∆-K5-Cre mouse model, which targets TRF2 deletion to the skin from embryonic day E11.5. In marked contrast to TRF2 deletion in the liver, TRF2∆/∆-K5-Cre mice show lethality in utero reaching 100% lethality perinataly. At the molecular and cellular level, TRF2 deletion provokes induction of an acute DDR at telomeres, leading to activation of p53 signaling pathways and to programed cell death since the time of Cre expression at E11.5. Unexpectedly, neither inhibition of the NHEJ pathway by abrogation of 53BP1 nor inhibition of DDR by p53 deficiency rescued these severe phenotypes. Instead, TRF2 deletion provokes an extensive epidermal cell death accompanied by severe inflammation already at E16.5 embryos, which are independent of p53. These results are in contrast with conditional deletion of TRF1 and TPP1 in the skin, where p53 deficiency rescued the associated skin phenotypes, highlighting the comparatively more essential role of TRF2 in skin homeostasis.  相似文献   

Russian sheep breeds represent an important economic asset by providing meat and wool, whilst being adapted to extreme climates. By resequencing two Russian breeds from Siberia: Tuva (n = 20) and Baikal (n = 20); and comparing them with a European (UK) sheep outgroup (n = 14), 41 million variants were called, and signatures of selection were identified. High‐frequency missense mutations on top of selection peaks were found in genes related to immunity (LOC101109746) in the Baikal breed and wool traits (IDUA), cell differentiation (GLIS1) and fat deposition (AADACL3) in the Tuva breed. In addition, genes found under selection owing to haplotype frequency changes were related to wool traits (DSC2), parasite resistance (CLCA1), insulin receptor pathway (SOCS6) and DNA repair (DDB2) in the Baikal breed, and vision (GPR179) in the Tuva breed. Our results present candidate genes and SNPs for future selection programmes, which are necessary to maintain and increase socioeconomic gain from Siberian breeds.  相似文献   

Detection of natural selection operating at the amino acid sequencelevel is important in the study of molecular evolution. Single-siteanalysis and one-dimensional window analysis can be used todetect selection when the biological functions of amino acidsites are unknown. Single-site analysis is useful when selectionoperates more or less constantly over evolutionary time, butless so when selection operates temporarily. One-dimensionalwindow analysis is more sensitive than single-site analysiswhen the functions of amino acid sites in close proximity inthe linear sequence are similar, although this is not alwaysthe case. Here I present a three-dimensional window analysismethod for detecting selection given the three-dimensional structureof the protein of interest. In the three-dimensional structure,the window is defined as the sphere centered on the -carbonof an amino acid site. The window size is the radius of thesphere. The sites whose -carbons are included in the windoware grouped for the neutrality test. The window is moved withinthe three-dimensional structure by sequentially moving the centralsite along the primary amino acid sequence. To detect positiveselection, it may also be useful to group the surface-exposedsites in the window separately. Three-dimensional window analysisappears not only to be more sensitive than single-site analysisand one-dimensional window analysis but also to provide similarspecificity for inferring positive selection in the analysesof the hemagglutinin and neuraminidase genes of human influenzaA viruses. This method, however, may fail to detect selectionwhen it operates only on a particular site, in which case single-siteanalysis may be preferred, although a large number of sequencesis required.  相似文献   



Detection of genes evolving under positive Darwinian evolution in genome-scale data is nowadays a prevailing strategy in comparative genomics studies to identify genes potentially involved in adaptation processes. Despite the large number of studies aiming to detect and contextualize such gene sets, there is virtually no software available to perform this task in a general, automatic, large-scale and reliable manner. This certainly occurs due to the computational challenges involved in this task, such as the appropriate modeling of data under analysis, the computation time to perform several of the required steps when dealing with genome-scale data and the highly error-prone nature of the sequence and alignment data structures needed for genome-wide positive selection detection.


We present POTION, an open source, modular and end-to-end software for genome-scale detection of positive Darwinian selection in groups of homologous coding sequences. Our software represents a key step towards genome-scale, automated detection of positive selection, from predicted coding sequences and their homology relationships to high-quality groups of positively selected genes. POTION reduces false positives through several sophisticated sequence and group filters based on numeric, phylogenetic, quality and conservation criteria to remove spurious data and through multiple hypothesis corrections, and considerably reduces computation time thanks to a parallelized design. Our software achieved a high classification performance when used to evaluate a curated dataset of Trypanosoma brucei paralogs previously surveyed for positive selection. When used to analyze predicted groups of homologous genes of 19 strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis as a case study we demonstrated the filters implemented in POTION to remove sources of errors that commonly inflate errors in positive selection detection. A thorough literature review found no other software similar to POTION in terms of customization, scale and automation.


To the best of our knowledge, POTION is the first tool to allow users to construct and check hypotheses regarding the occurrence of site-based evidence of positive selection in non-curated, genome-scale data within a feasible time frame and with no human intervention after initial configuration. POTION is available at http://www.lmb.cnptia.embrapa.br/share/POTION/.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1765-0) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) and the growth factors (GDFs) play an important role in ovarian folliculogenesis and essential regulator of processes of numerous granulosa cells. BMP15 gene variations linked to various ovarian phenotypic consequences subject to the species, from infertility to improved prolificacy in sheep, primary ovarian insufficiency in women or associated with minor subfertility in mouse. To study the evolving role of BMP15 and GDF9, a phylogenetic analysis was performed. To find out the candidate gene associated with prolificacy in mammals, the nucleotide sequence of BMP15 and GDF9 genes was recognized under positive selection in various mammalian species. Maximum‐likelihood approaches used on BMP15 and GDF9 genes exhibited a robust divergence and a prompted evolution as compared to other TGFβ family members. Furthermore, among 32 mammalian species, we identified positive selection signals in the hominidae clade resulting to 132D, 147E, 163Y, 191W, and 236P codon sites of BMP15 and 162F, 188K, 206R, 240A, 244L, 246H, 248S, 251D, 253L, 254F and other codon sites of GDF9. The positively selected amino acid sites such as Alanine, Lucien, Arginine, and lysine are important for signaling. In conclusion, this study evidences that GDF9 and BMP15 genes have rapid evolution than other TGFß family members and was subjected to positive selection in the mammalian clade. Selected sites under the positive selection are of remarkable significance for the particular functioning of the protein and consequently for female fertility.  相似文献   

The last 50,000-150,000 years of human history have been characterized by rapid demographic expansions and the colonization of novel environments outside of sub-Saharan Africa. Mass migrations outside the ancestral species range likely entailed many new selection pressures, suggesting that genetic adaptation to local environmental conditions may have been more prevalent in colonizing populations outside of sub-Saharan Africa. Here we report a test of this hypothesis using genome-wide patterns of DNA polymorphism. We conducted a multilocus scan of microsatellite variability to identify regions of the human genome that may have been subject to continent-specific hitchhiking events. Using published polymorphism data for a total of 624 autosomal loci in multiple populations of humans, we used coalescent simulations to identify candidate loci for geographically restricted selective sweeps. We identified a total of 13 loci that appeared as outliers in replicated population comparisons involving different reference samples for Africa. A disproportionate number of these loci exhibited reduced levels of relative variability in non-African populations alone, suggesting that recent episodes of positive selection have been more prevalent outside of sub-Saharan Africa.  相似文献   

《Ecology and evolution》2017,7(14):5170-5180
Detecting signatures of selection can provide a new insight into the mechanism of contemporary breeding and artificial selection and further reveal the causal genes associated to the phenotypic variation. However, the signatures of selection on genes entailing for profitable traits between Chinese commercial and indigenous goats have been poorly interpreted. We noticed footprints of positive selection at MC 1R gene containing SNP s genotyped in five Chinese native goat breeds. An experimental distribution of F ST was built based on approximations of F ST for each SNP across five breeds. We identified selection using the high F ST outlier method and found that MC 1R candidate gene show evidence of positive selection. Furthermore, adaptive selection pressure on specific codons was determined using different codon based on maximum‐likelihood methods; signature of positive selection in mammalian MC 1R was explored in individual codons. Evolutionary analyses were inferred under maximum likelihood models, the HyPhy package implemented in the DATAMONKEY Web Server. The results of codon selection displayed positive diversifying selection at the sites were mainly involved in development of genetic variations in coat color in various mammalian species. Positive diversifying selection inferred with recent evolutionary changes in domesticated goat MC 1R provides new insights that the gene evolution may have been modulated by domestication events in goats.  相似文献   

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