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We have addressed two issues regarding the spatial distribution of three phytochromes in 3-d-old oat (Avena sativa L.) seedlings. Three monoclonal antibodies, GO-4, GO-7 and Oat-22, were used as probes. Each antibody detects only one of the phytochromes. The first issue is whether any of the phytochromes might be membrane-bound. To address this issue the abundance of each phytochrome in extracts prepared with either a detergent-free or a detergent-containing buffer was compared by immunoblot assay. The detergent-free buffer was formulated to extract only soluble protein, while the detergent-containing buffer was intended to extract both soluble and membrane proteins. None of the data indicate that any of these three phytochromes is membrane-bound in either a dark- or a light-grown seedling. The second issue is whether these three phytochromes are distributed differentially in 3-d-old dark- and light-grown seedlings. When seedlings were dissected into shoots, scutellums, and roots, all three phytochromes were detected in all three fractions from both dark- and light-grown seedlings. Each of the three phytochromes was most abundant in the shoot and least abundant in the root, except that in light-grown seedlings type I, etiolated-tissue phytochrome was more abundant in the root than in either the shoot or the scutellum. When the equivalent fractions dissected from different seedlings were compared, those dissected from dark-grown seedlings contained a higher quantity of each of the three phytochromes than did those dissected from light-grown seedlings, except that green-tissue, type II phytochromes did not differ significantly in the roots. At this level of resolution, no evidence was obtained to indicate a substantive difference among the three phytochromes in their spatial distribution. We thank Drs. Elizabeth Williams and Tammy Sage (Botany Department, University of Georgia, USA) for generously permitting us to use their image-analysis system. This research was supported by USDA NRICGP grant 91-37100-6490.  相似文献   

光是调节植物生长发育最重要的环境信号因子之一。植物通过光受体感受自然环境中光的强度、方向以及光周期等信号的变化,从而调控其生长发育过程。光敏色素A (phytochrome A, PHYA)是植物中唯一的远红光受体蛋白,具有在黑暗下在细胞质中合成,而在照光后快速入核和降解的特性,并通过多种途径精确调节了植物光响应基因的转录网络。同时,蛋白质翻译后修饰在调节PHYA稳定性和活性的过程中发挥了重要的作用。该文论述了PHYA调节光响应基因表达以及PHYA翻译后修饰方向的研究进展,并展望了PHYA在农作物分子设计育种中的应用前景。  相似文献   

Photoreceptors of higher plants   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Alfred Batschauer 《Planta》1998,206(4):479-492

Phytochrome photoreceptors enable plants to perceive divergent light signals leading to adaptive changes in response to differing environmental conditions. However, the mechanism of light signal transduction is not fully understood. Here we report the identification of a new signaling intermediate from Arabidopsis thaliana, Scarecrow-like (SCL)13, which serves as a positive regulator of continuous red light signals downstream of phytochrome B (phyB). SCL13 antisense lines exhibit reduced sensitivity towards red light, but only a distinct subset of phyB-mediated responses is affected, indicating that SCL13 executes its major role in hypocotyl elongation during de-etiolation. Genetic evidence suggests that SCL13 is also needed to modulate phytochrome A (phyA) signal transduction in a phyB-independent way. The SCL13 protein is localized in the cytoplasm, but can also be detected in the nucleus. Overexpression of both a nuclear and cytoplasmic localized SCL13 protein leads to a hypersensitive phenotype under red light indicating that SCL13 is biologically active in both compartments. SCL13 is a member of the plant-specific GRAS protein family, which is involved in various different developmental and signaling pathways. A previously identified phytochrome A signaling intermediate, PAT1, belongs to the same subbranch of GRAS proteins as SCL13. Although both proteins are involved in phytochrome signaling, each is specific for a different light condition and regulates a different subset of responses.  相似文献   

Cytokinin signal transduction in plant cells   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

H2O2致WB-F344细胞内活性氧的产生及机理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以双氢罗丹明123(DHR123)作为荧光探针,采用激光共聚焦扫描显微镜研究小剂量(800nmol/L)H2O2诱导大鼠肝卵细胞株WB-F344细胞内活性氧产生的动态变化过程及其机理。结果发现:(1)小剂量H2O2的一次作用可以引起胞内活性氧的产生;(2)胞内活性氧清除剂N-乙酰-L-半胱氨酸(NAC)处理2h时后,再加入小剂量H2O2,发现胞内活性氧的产生明显减少;(3)用广谱的蛋白激酶抑制剂2-氨基嘌呤(2-AP)、Ca^2 依赖性蛋白激酶(PKC)抑制剂Bisindolylmaleimide Ⅰ、酷氨酸蛋白激酶(TPK)抑制剂Tyrphostin25分别预处理15min后,H2O2诱导的胞内活性氧的产生现象均消失;(4)细胞在无外钙环境下,小剂量H2O2诱导的胞内活性氧的产生明显减少;(5)细胞在无外钙环境下用NAC预处理后,H2O2诱导的胞内活性氧的产生现象消失。结果表明,H2O2可以通过胞内信号转导系统诱使WB细胞胞内活性氧产生,这可能与小剂量H2O2调控细胞生物学功能(如增殖、转化)相关。  相似文献   

The light-dependent germination response of turions (resting fronds) is mediated by phytochrome and requires the presence of Ca2+ in the medium (K.-J. Appenroth and H. Augsten, 1990, Photochem. Photobiol. 52: 61–65). The Ca2+ requirement of germination is apparent only in the presence of exogenous Mg2+. A competitive ion antagonism was demonstrated between Ca2+ and Mg2+ in this physiological response; Mg2+ could also be replaced by Ba2+ or Sr2+. Without exog-enous Mg2+, a Ca2+ concentration as low as 0.9 μM fulfilled the Ca2+ requirement. This type of ion antagonism resembled the competitive Ca/Mg interaction reported previously for calcium-binding proteins. The physiological response was blocked by inhibitors of Ca2+ uptake (verapamil, La3+). It was concluded that uptake of Ca2+ from the external medium is an essential step in the phytochrome-mediated germination of turions. The results are in agreement with the assumption that the uptake of Ca2+ is blocked at the side of entry by other alkaline earth ions. Treatment of turions with Mg2+ (1 mM) for 24 h at varying times after the red light pulse in otherwise virtually Ca2+-free KNO3 solution resulted in a response similar to a Ca2+ step-down treatment. This is in agreement with the assumption that the Ca2+- and the Mg2+-sensitive periods coincide. The ion interaction described here represents the first photophysiological example in plants of an antagonistic effect between Ca2+ and Mg2+ similar to that which occurs in vitro with calmodulin. Received: 12 June 1998 / Accepted: 28 December 1998  相似文献   

Strauss HM  Schmieder P  Hughes J 《FEBS letters》2005,579(18):3970-3974
Phytochromes, photoreceptors controlling important physiological processes in plants and many prokaryotes, are photochromic biliproteins. The red-absorbing Pr ground state is converted by light into the farred-absorbing Pfr which can be photoconverted back to Pr. In plants at least Pfr is the physiologically active signalling state. Here, we show that the N-terminal photochromic module of Cph1 homodimerises reversibly and independently in Pr and Pfr, Pfr-dimers being significantly more stable. Implications for the mechanism of signal transduction are discussed.  相似文献   

萌发是种子植物进入农业生态系统的重要发育阶段。对于需光类种子,光是调控其萌发最重要的环境信号因子之一,红光促进而远红光抑制种子萌发。光敏色素是调控种子萌发的主要光受体。活化的光敏色素诱导萌发主效抑制因子PIF1发生蛋白降解,调节赤霉素和脱落酸代谢和信号途径相关基因的表达,从而促进种子的萌发。同时,一系列的表观遗传因子通过改变染色质结构,动态调节萌发相关基因的表达从而影响种子的萌发进程。该论文重点论述了光调控种子萌发的转录及表观遗传机制研究进展,并对其在农业生产中的应用进行了展望。  相似文献   

We consider models of Ran-driven nuclear transport of molecules such as proteins in living cells. The mathematical model presented is the first to take into account for the active transport of molecules along the cytoplasmic microtubules. All parameters entering the models are thoroughly discussed. The model is tested by numerical simulations based on discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods. The numerical experiments are compared to the behavior observed experimentally.  相似文献   

磷酸化病毒蛋白的生物学功能及形成机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
磷酸化是病毒蛋白常见的一种翻译后修饰,在调控病毒与宿主的代谢中起重要作用。生物体内的代谢活动与细胞内的信号转导密切相关,通过磷酸化和去磷酸化修饰可改变蛋白生物活性,从而调控胞内生物信号的传递。磷酸化修饰的病毒蛋白参与调控病毒复制、病毒增殖和病毒粒子装配等一系列病毒的代谢活动,同时也影响宿主细胞内的信号转导,抑制宿主基因组复制和表达。本文就病毒蛋白的磷酸化修饰位点、其生物学功能及磷酸化修饰的分子机制进行综述,为病毒感染性疾病的防控治疗及药物开发提供参考。  相似文献   

Nowadays, biologists can explore the cell at the nanometre level. They discover an unsuspected world, amazingly overcrowded, complex and heterogeneous, in which water, also, is complex and heterogeneous. In the cell, statistical phenomena, such as diffusion, long considered as the main transport for water soluble substances, must be henceforth considered as inoperative to orchestrate cell activity. Results at this level are not yet numerous enough to give an exact representation of the cell machinery; however, they are sufficient to cease reasoning in terms of statistics (diffusion, law of mass action, pH, etc.) and encourage cytologists and biochemists to prospect thoroughly the huge panoply of the biophysical properties of macromolecule-water associations at the nanometre level. Our main purpose, here, is to discuss some of the more common misinterpretations due to the ignorance of these properties, and expose briefly the bases for a better approach of the cell machinery. Giorgio Careri, who demonstrated the correlation between proton currents at the surface of lysozyme and activity of this enzyme was one of the pioneers of this approach.  相似文献   

磷脂酶D(PLDEC 3 .1 .4.4)水解磷脂 (PL) ,磷脂构成生物膜的骨架 ,磷脂酶的激活不仅对细胞的结构和稳定性有很重要的作用 ,而且调控许多重要的细胞生理功能 ,例如PLD在信号转导、小泡运输、有丝分裂、激素作用的发挥、细胞骨架组装、防御反应以及种子萌发和衰老过程中都起重要作用。近年来它在跨膜信号转导中的重要作用 ,越来越引起人们的重视 ,成为新的研究热点。介绍了磷脂酶基因的结构特点、亚细胞定位、表达的激活抑制以及其表达产物作为胞内信号分子在植物信号转导中的重要作用。  相似文献   

An oat (Avena sativa L.) plant contains at least three phytochromes, which have monomeric masses of 125, 124, and 123 kilodaltons (kDa) (Wang et al., 1991, Planta 184, 96–104). The 124-kDa phytochrome is most abundant in dark-grown seedlings, while the other two phytochromes predominate in light-grown seedlings. Using three monoclonal antibodies, each specific to one of the three phytochromes, we have monitored by immunoblot assay the expression of these three phytochromes in the 5 d following onset of imbibition of seeds. On a per-organism basis, each of these three phytochromes increased in abundance for the first 3 d in the light, or for the first 4 d in darkness, after which they each began to decrease in quantity. When 3-d-old dark-grown seedlings were transferred to the light, the abundance of each of these three phytochromes decreased both in absolute amount and relative to the phytochrome levels in control seedlings kept in darkness. In contrast, when 3-d-old light-grown seedlings were transferred to darkness, the abundance of the 124-kDa and 125-kDa phytochromes increased while that of 123-kDa phytochrome remained unchanged. In each case, the level of phytochrome was greater than that of control seedlings maintained in the light. Thus, in addition to temporal regulation, all three phytochromes exhibit photoregulated expression at the protein level, although the magnitude of this photoregulation varies substantially. We thank Drs. Elizabeth Williams and Tammy Sage (Botany Department, University of Georgia, USA) for generously permitting us to use their image-analysis system. This research was supported by USDA NRICGP grant 91-37100-6490.  相似文献   

In caulonemal filaments of the mossPhyscomitrella patens (Hedw.), red light triggers a phytochrome-mediated transient depolarisation of the plasma membrane and the formation of side branch initials. Three-electrode voltage clamp and ion flux measurements were employed to elucidate the ionic mechanism and physiological relevance of the red-light-induced changes in ion transport. Current-voltage analyses indicated that ion channels permeable to K+ and Ca2+ are activated at the peak of the depolarisation. Calcium influx evoked by red light coincided with the depolarisation in various conditions, suggesting the involvement of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels. Respective K+ fluxes showed a small initial influx followed by a dramatic transient efflux. A role of anion channels in the depolarising current is suggested by the finding that Cl efflux was also increased after red light irradiation. In the presence of tetraethylammonium (10 mM) or niflumic acid (1 M), which block the red-light-induced membrane depolarisation and ion fluxes, the red-light-promoted formation of side branch initials was also abolished. Lanthanum (100 M), which inhibits K+ fluxes and part of the initial Ca2+ influx activated by red light, reduced the development of side branch initials in red light by 50%. The results suggest a causal link between the red-light-induced ion fluxes and the physiological response. The sequence of events underlying the red-light-triggered membrane potential transient and the role of ion transport in stimulus-response coupling are discussed in terms of a new model for ion-channel interaction at the plasma membrane during signalling.Abbreviations [Ca2+]c cytosolic free Ca2+ - I-V current-voltage - E equilibrium potential - Pr red-light-absorbing phytochrome form - Pr far-red-light-absorbing phytochrome form - SPQ 6-methoxy-l-(3-sulphonatopropyl)quinolinium - TEA tetraethylammonium  相似文献   

As a first step towards understanding the process of blue light perception, and the signal transduction mechanisms involved, in Neurospora crassa we have used a pharmacological approach to screen a wide range of second messengers and chemical compounds known to interfere with the activity of well-known signal transducing molecules in vivo. We tested the influence of these compounds on the induction of the al-3 gene, a key step in light-induced carotenoid biosynthesis. This approach has implicated protein kinase C (PKC) as a component of the light transduction machinery. The conclusion is based on the effects of specific inhibitors (calphostin C and chelerythrine chloride) and activators of PKC (1,2-dihexanoyl-sn-glycerol). During vegetative growth PKC may be responsible for desensitization to light because inhibitors of the enzyme cause an increase in the total amount of mRNA transcribed after illumination. PKC is therefore proposed here to be an important regulator of transduction of the blue light signal, and may act through modification of the protein White Collar-1, which we show to be a substrate for PKC in N. crassa. Received: 4 December 1998 / Accepted: 21 May 1999  相似文献   

Within the B-cell antigen receptor (BCR), heterodimers of Igalpha/Igbeta couple the receptor to intracellular signaling pathways. In the resting state, Igalpha associates with Src-family tyrosine kinases (SFTKs) which contain some basal activity. Upon engagement of the receptor, the SFTKs phosphorylate tyrosine residues in the BCR that recruit and activate the tyrosine kinase Syk, initiating signaling pathways. To test the hypothesis that disrupting the association between the resting receptor and the SFTKs would attenuate both basal and induced receptor activities, we expressed non-phosphorylatable membrane-targeted analogs of Igalpha (Igalpha/M) or Igbeta (Igbeta/M) in B lymphocytes. Both Igalpha/M and Igbeta/M inhibited BCR-induced calcium mobilization, but only Igalpha/M was able to diminish tyrosine phosphorylation. In an immature B-cell line, Igalpha/M attenuated both receptor-induced and basal apoptosis. Taken together, these data demonstrate the importance of the resting receptor complex and suggest therapeutic strategies for regulating receptor-mediated functions.  相似文献   

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