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1. Thymectomy in young rabbits decreased the ATP content and increased the inorganic phosphate content of skeletal muscle. The serum calcium content was decreased, whereas the inorganic phosphate content was increased. 2. The administration of a lipid fraction (TL) or protein fractions (CIF and TP) of thymus extracts to thymectomized rabbits in short-term experiments increased the ATP content of muscle and decreased the inorganic phosphate contents of muscle and serum. Serum calcium content was increased. 3. The action of the thymus extract TP was specific only on the phosphate compounds, since the increase in serum calcium concentration was also caused by the control extract from muscle. The action of the extract TL is not specific, being paralleled by the action of a control extract from muscle.  相似文献   

The effects of gonadal steroids on gonadosomatic index (GSI; gonad wt/total body wt x 100), pituitary gonadotropin (GTH) content, and serum GTH response to [D-Ala6,Pro9-Net]-luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH-A) were investigated throughout the seasonal reproductive cycle of the goldfish. Gonad-intact female fish were implanted i.p. for 5 days with silastic pellets containing no steroid (blank), testosterone (T; 100 micrograms/g), or estradiol (E2; 100 micrograms/g). The serum GTH response at 6 h following i.p. injection of saline or 0.1 microgram/g LHRH-A was assessed. In blank-implanted, saline-injected animals, seasonal variations in GSI, pituitary GTH content, and serum GTH levels were evident; maximal and minimal levels were noted in the spring and summer months, respectively. In blank-implanted fish, LHRH-A effectively stimulated GTH release in females undergoing gonadal recrudescence (late autumn and winter) and in sexually mature (spring) females, but not in sexually regressed (summer and early autumn) females. Implantation of T or E2 raised serum steroid levels to those found during ovulation in goldfish. Steroid treatments did not affect unstimulated serum GTH levels at any time of the year. Testosterone effectively potentiated the serum GTH response to LHRH-A during the entire reproductive cycle, whereas the positive effects of E2 were evident in sexually regressed and post-spawning females only. Both T and E2 potentiated the GTH response to LHRH-A in male fish. To examine the involvement of T aromatization in mediating its actions on induced GTH secretion, male and female fish were implanted with T or the nonaromatizable androgens 5 alpha-dihydroxytestosterone (DHT; 100 micrograms/g) and 11-keto-testosterone (11-KT; 250 micrograms/animal). Testosterone potentiated the GTH response to LHRH-A in both males and females whereas DHT and 11-KT were without effect. Furthermore, the positive action of T on induced GTH secretion was blocked by 2-day pretreatment with the aromatase inhibitor 1,4,6-androstatrien-3,17-dione (100 or 300 micrograms/g). Multiple i.p. injections of hCG (0.2 microgram/g every 3 days for 39 days), probably through stimulation of endogenous T secretion, resulted in potentiation of the GTH response to LHRH-A in mature male goldfish. These results clearly demonstrate that T, through aromatization to E2, can increase pituitary responsiveness to exogenous LHRH-A in gonad-intact male and female goldfish.  相似文献   

Bean, corn, and tomato plants were grown in a nutrient solution labeled with 32P, 45Ca, or 35S and varying concentrations of AgNO3. Following a 6-hour treatment period, plants were harvested and analyzed. A low Ag+ concentration (50 nanomolar) inhibited the shoot uptake of the ions investigated. In the roots, Ca uptake increased whereas P and S uptake decreased.  相似文献   

Summary Measurements of electric potential and of sodium and chloride effluxes were carried out on a freshwater fish, the goldfishCarassius auratus. The potential was affected by a number of inorganic ion species but that with the most significant influence on transepithelial potential was calcium. The potential was about 10 mV negative in the absence of calcium and about 10 mV positive in the presence of 10 mM/l calcium. Sodium and chloride efflux rates were greatly reduced upon the addition of calcium to the medium. The origin of the transepithelial potential is discussed in terms of the relative permeability of the branchial membranes to sodium and chloride and the factors influencing these permeabilities.  相似文献   

Verapamil was administered 30 days to adult male rats in a dose of 2 mg/rat per day and the calcium ionophore A 23187 to another group in a dose of 10 micrograms/rat per day. After verapamil, the bone calcium and phosphorus concentration rose significantly compared with the control group, whereas after ionophore A 23187 the bone calcium concentration fell statistically significantly.  相似文献   

A total of 600 Ross 308-day-old male broiler chicks were used in a 28 day digestibility study to investigate the interaction between dietary calcium (Ca) and non-phytate phosphorus (nPP) on the digestibility of minerals and amino acids. Diets were formulated to be nutritionally adequate except for Ca and nPP. Fifteen mash diets based on corn and soya bean meal with varying concentrations of Ca (6.4 to 12.0 g/kg) and nPP (2.4 to 7.0 g/kg) were used. Diets were clustered around total densities of Ca and nPP of 12, 13.5 or 15.0 (g/kg) and within each density, a range of five Ca : nPP ratios (1.14 : 1, 1.5 : 1, 2.0 : 1, 2.75 : 1 and 4.0 : 1) were fed. Birds had free access to feed and water throughout the study. At day 28, birds were euthanised for the determination of apparent ileal mineral and amino acid digestibility. Data were modelled in R version 2.15 using a linear mixed-effects model and interrogation of the data was performed by fitting a low order polynomial function. At high Ca concentrations, increasing nPP led to an increase in the apparent digestibility of minerals. Apparent ileal digestibility of phosphorus (P) was enhanced with increasing dietary nPP up to 5.5 g/kg beyond which no improvements were found. Maximal Ca digestibility was found in diets with >8.0 g/kg Ca with concomitant low concentrations of nPP. Diets with a broader Ca : nPP ratio improved the digestibility of Ca but were deleterious to the digestibility of P. In this study, apparent digestibility of amino acids was broadly unaffected by dietary Ca and nPP concentrations. However, interactions between Ca and nPP were observed for the digestibility of glutamine, tyrosine and methionine (all P<0.001). Nitrogen digestibility showed discrete optima around 10.0 and 5.0 g/kg nPP and Na digestibility was maximised around 8 to 9.0 g/kg Ca and 4.5 to 5.4 g/kg nPP. These data show that the ratio of Ca : nPP is more influential to mineral digestibility than the absolute dietary concentration of each macro mineral.  相似文献   

Optimizing phosphorus (P) utilization in pigs requires improving our capacity to predict the amount of P absorbed and retained, with the main modulating factors taken into account, as well as precisely determining the P requirements of the animals. Given the large amount of published data on P utilization in pigs, a meta-analysis was performed to quantify the impact of the different dietary P forms, calcium (Ca) and exogenous phytases on the digestive and metabolic utilization criteria for dietary P in growing pigs. Accordingly, the amount of phytate P (PP) leading to digestible P (g/kg) was estimated to be 21%, compared with 73% for non-phytate P (NPP) from plant ingredients and 80% for NPP from mineral and animal ingredients (P < 0.001). The increase in total digestible dietary P following the addition of microbial phytase (PhytM) from Aspergillus niger (P < 0.001) was curvilinear and about two times higher than the increase following the addition of plant phytase, which leads to a linear response (P < 0.001). The response of digestible P to PhytM also depends on the amount of substrate, PP (PhytM2 × PP, P < 0.001). The digestibility of dietary P decreased with dietary Ca concentration (P < 0.01) independently of phytase but increased with body weight (BW, P < 0.05). Although total digestible dietary P increased linearly with total NPP concentration (P < 0.001), retained P (g/kg), average daily gain (ADG, g/day) and average daily feed intake (ADFI, g/day) increased curvilinearly (P < 0.001). Interestingly, whereas dietary Ca negatively affected P digestibility, the effect of dietary Ca on retained P, ADG and ADFI depended on total dietary NPP (NPP × Ca, P < 0.01, P < 0.05 and P < 0.01, respectively). Increasing dietary Ca reduced retained P, ADG and ADFI at low NPP levels, but at higher NPP concentrations it had no effect on ADG and ADFI despite a positive effect on retained P. Although the curvilinear effect of PhytM on digestible P increased with PP (P < 0.001), this effect was lessened by total NPP for ADG and ADFI (PhytM × NPP and PhytM2 × NPP, P < 0.05) and depended on both total NPP and Ca for retained P (PhytM2 × NPP × Ca, P < 0.01). This meta-analysis improves our understanding of P utilization, with major modulating factors taken into account. The information generated will be useful for the development of robust models to formulate environmentally friendly diets for growing pigs.  相似文献   

Two experiments in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement were conducted to evaluate the effect of crude protein (CP) (130 vs. 200 g/kg) and phosphorus (P) (4.0 vs. 6.0 g total P/kg) level in a phytase supplemented diet (500 FTU [phytase units]/kg) in grower-finisher pigs. Owing to the design of the experiment, as dietary P level increased, there was also an increase in dietary calcium (Ca) level in order to maintain a dietary Ca to P ratio of 1.6:1. In Experiment 1, four diets were fed to 56 pigs (n = 14, initial body weight [BW] 36.7 +/- 4.2 kg) to investigate the interaction between CP and P on growth performance, bone mineralisation and digesta pH. Experiment 2 consisted of 16 entire male pigs (n = 4; offered identical diets to that offered in Experiment 1) for the determination of total tract apparent digestibility and nitrogen (N), P and Ca utilisation. There was an interaction between CP and P level on bone ash, bone P and bone Ca concentrations (p < 0.05). Pigs offered low CP-low P diets had a higher bone ash, P and Ca concentrations than pigs offered high CP-low P diets. However, there was no effect of CP level at high P levels on bone ash, P and Ca concentrations. Pigs offered low P diets had a lower ileal pH compared with pigs offered high P diets (p < 0.05). In conclusion, offering pigs a high CP-low P, phytase-supplemented diet resulted in a decrease in bone mineralisation.  相似文献   

Two experiments in a 2?×?2 factorial arrangement were conducted to evaluate the effect of crude protein (CP) (130 vs. 200 g/kg) and phosphorus (P) (4.0 vs. 6.0 g total P/kg) level in a phytase supplemented diet (500 FTU [phytase units]/kg) in grower-finisher pigs. Owing to the design of the experiment, as dietary P level increased, there was also an increase in dietary calcium (Ca) level in order to maintain a dietary Ca to P ratio of 1.6:1. In Experiment 1, four diets were fed to 56 pigs (n?=?14, initial body weight [BW] 36.7?±?4.2 kg) to investigate the interaction between CP and P on growth performance, bone mineralisation and digesta pH. Experiment 2 consisted of 16 entire male pigs (n?=?4; offered identical diets to that offered in Experiment 1) for the determination of total tract apparent digestibility and nitrogen (N), P and Ca utilisation. There was an interaction between CP and P level on bone ash, bone P and bone Ca concentrations (p?<?0.05). Pigs offered low CP–low P diets had a higher bone ash, P and Ca concentrations than pigs offered high CP–low P diets. However, there was no effect of CP level at high P levels on bone ash, P and Ca concentrations. Pigs offered low P diets had a lower ileal pH compared with pigs offered high P diets (p?<?0.05). In conclusion, offering pigs a high CP–low P, phytase-supplemented diet resulted in a decrease in bone mineralisation.  相似文献   

目的了解中老年奶粉对中老年人肠道菌群、血清免疫球蛋白及钙的影响。方法用培养方法检测肠道菌群,速率散射浊度法测血清免疫球蛋白,化学法测血清钙。结果服用中老年奶粉后,中老年人肠道内双歧杆菌明显增加(P〈0.01),血清IgG,IgA、IgM含量及血清钙水平也显著提高(分别为P〈0.001,P〈0.001,P〈0.01和P〈0.001)。结论中老年奶粉对调整中老年人肠道菌群、增加免疫力、预防脱钙等具有一定的作用。  相似文献   

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