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Research in plant biotechnology is playing a crucial role in the production and conservation of plant-based resources globally. Being a country with rich and diverse floral resources, South Africa has a genuine opportunity to develop efficient and competitive plant biotechnology sectors. South Africa has a policy framework, in the form of a National Biotechnology Strategy that supports biotechnology research. The presence of competitive research infrastructure coupled with the government's willingness to commit significant resources will certainly help realise this. South Africa's plant biotechnology research has potential to make more significant contributions to the national economy. In this review, whilst highlighting the success, the research endeavours, prospects and challenges hindering the practical application of micropropagation research outputs are discussed.  相似文献   

The field of plant-made therapeutics in South Africa is well established in the form of exploitation of the country's considerable natural plant diversity, both in the use of native plants in traditional herbal medicines over many centuries, and in the more modern extraction of pharmacologically-active compounds from plants, including those known to traditional healers. In recent years, this has been added to by the use of plants for the stable or transient expression of pharmaceutically-important compounds, largely protein-based biologics and vaccines. South Africa has a well-developed plant biotechnology community, as well as a comprehensive legislative framework for the regulation of the exploitation of local botanic resources, and of genetically-modified organisms. The review explores the investigation of both conventional and recombinant plants for pharmaceutical use in South Africa, as well as describing the relevant legislative and regulatory frameworks. Potential opportunities for national projects, as well as factors limiting biopharming in South Africa are discussed.  相似文献   

非洲是世界上生物科技最不发达的地区,现代生物科技在许多非洲国家还是新鲜事物。但近年来,非洲国家对生物科技的发展充分重视,不断加强生物人才培养,积极开展国际合作,高度重视生物安全,参与各种UNEP/GEF生物安全计划,并在非盟组织以及国际机构的引导和支持下,成立了生物科技高水平专家组(ABP),撰写了“非洲生物技术发展报告”提出非洲生物技术发展构想。了解和研究非洲生物科技发展现状及动态对我国生物科技的发展以及开展中非合作有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

转基因作物在南非的应用及对我国的启示*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2019年是南非转基因作物商业化种植的第22年,3种主要转基因作物:棉花、玉米和大豆共种植了268万公顷,在全球所有转基因作物生产国中排名第八位,在非洲大陆排名第一位。这样一个具有超高转基因作物应用率的国家,有关其转基因商业化进程及现状鲜有系统介绍。综合1996~2019年的国际农业生物技术应用服务组织(International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications,ISAAA)的报告及其他数据资料,对南非转基因作物批准和种植情况、自主研发情况、安全管理制度、进出口情况及公众接受度做了概述,并以此为基础对我国转基因产业提出建议。  相似文献   

This review is based on a study commissioned by the European Commission on the evaluation of scientific, technical and institutional challenges, priorities and bottlenecks for biotechnologies and regional harmonisation of biosafety in Africa. Biotechnology was considered within four domains: agricultural biotechnologies (‘Green’), industrial biotechnologies and biotechnologies for environmental remediation (‘White’), biotechnologies in aquaculture (‘Blue’) and biotechnologies for healthcare (‘Red’). An important consideration was the decline in partnerships between the EU and developing countries because of the original public antipathy to some green biotechnologies, particularly genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and food from GM crops in Europe. The study focus reported here was West Africa (Ghana, Senegal, Mali and Burkina Faso).The overall conclusion was that whereas high-quality research was proceeding in the countries visited, funding is not sustained and there is little evidence of practical application of biotechnology and benefit to farmers and the wider community. Research and development that was being carried out on genetically modified crop varieties was concentrating on improving food security and therefore unlikely to have significant impact on EU markets and consumers. However, there is much non-controversial green biotechnology such as molecular diagnostics for plant and animal disease and marker-assisted selection for breeding that has great potential application. Regarding white biotechnology, it is currently occupying only a very small industrial niche in West Africa, basically in the sole sector of the production of liquid biofuels (i.e., bio-ethanol) from indigenous and locally planted biomass (very often non-food crops). The presence of diffused small-scale fish production is the basis to develop and apply new (Blue) aquaculture technologies and, where the research conditions and the production sector can permit, to increase this type of production and the economy of this depressed areas. However, the problems bound to environmental protection must not be forgotten; priority should be given to monitor the risks of introduction of foreign species. Red biotechnologies potentially bring a vast domain of powerful tools and processes to achieve better human health, most notably improved diagnostics by molecular techniques, better targeting of pathogens and a better knowledge of their sensitivities to drugs to permit better treatment.Biosafety regulatory frameworks had been initiated in several countries, starting with primary biosafety law. However, disparate attitudes to the purpose of biosafety regulation (e.g., fostering informed decision-making versus ‘giving the green-light for a flood of GMOs’) currently prevent a needed consensus for sub-regional harmonisation. To date, most R&D funding has come from North America with some commercial interests from Asia, but African biotechnology workers expressed strong desire for (re-)engagement with interested parties from the European Union. Although in some of the visited countries there are very well qualified personnel in molecular biology and biosafety/regulation, the main message received is that human resources and capacity building in-house are still needed. This could be achieved through home-based courses and capacity-building including funds for post-degree research to motivate and retain trained staff.  相似文献   


Modern biotechnology has been characterized by being surrounded by scientific and public debate and by interest conflicts. An early Danish debate and regulation has been criticized for inhibiting or retarding development and thus growth. Though much regulation and debate have been transferred to the European arena, their role and extension are still an issue. In this paper, the often anticipated innovation-inhibiting effects of regulation are questioned by giving an account of regulations and debates in Denmark. An account which includes the shifting positions of industry, the research community, environmental groups, regulators and other interest groups. The paper indicates that the regulatory measures, introduced as a response to public and interest group critique, have generally reduced industrial uncertainty and promoted industrial Danish biotechnology development. It is further found that regulation and debate changed the rate and direction of new biotechnology development, contributing to technology acceptance, without however ensuring it. The paper thus questions the caricatured assumptions in economics and industrial policy that regulation restrict techno-economic growth. The paper further states regulation and controversies to have contributed actively to the specific technology development, but also states the difficulties in setting radically different technology development agendas.  相似文献   

“一带一路”贯穿亚欧非大陆,联结活跃的东亚经济圈和发达的欧洲经济圈,以及中间经济发展潜力巨大的广大腹地国家与地区,“一带一路”战略将对中国未来国内外的政治、经济、文化、科技发展产生重大深远影响。本报告分析了“一带一路”沿线国家的科技发展基础条件,研究了“一带一路”沿线国家在生物技术领域取得的基础研究进展和专利技术研发进展的总体情况,综述了“一带一路”沿线国家生物技术产业发展现状和国际专利布局情况,并针对中国与“一带一路”沿线国家在生物技术领域进一步深化合作互利共赢提出了发展建议。  相似文献   

While humans have taken limited advantage of natural populations of microalgae for centuries (Nostoc in Asia and Spirulina in Africa and North America for sustenance), it is only recently that we have come to realize the potential of microalgal biotechnology. Microalgal biotechnology has the potential to produce a vast array of products including foodstuffs, industrial chemicals, compounds with therapeutic applications and bioremediation solutions from a virtually untapped source. From an industrial (i.e. commercial) perspective, the goal of microalgal biotechnology is to make money by developing marketable products. For such a business to succeed the following steps must be taken: identify a desirable metabolite and a microalga that produces and accumulates the desired metabolite, establish a large-scale production process for the desired metabolite, and market the desired metabolite. So far, the commercial achievements of microalgal biotechnology have been modest. Microalgae that produce dozens of desirable metabolites have been identified. Aided by high throughput screening technology even more leads will become available. However, the successes in large-scale production and product marketing have been few. We will discuss those achievements and difficulties from the industrial point of view by considering examples from industry, specially our own experience at Mera Pharmaceuticals.  相似文献   

The EEC is an economic community which must endeavour to unify the regulation of trade and environment among its member states. The establishment of international regulatory standards in biotechnology will be relatively less hindered by entrenched national legislation and practices than in other industrial sectors. Rapid progress towards a common biotechnology market will benefit both manufacturers and research in Europe, and provide common standards of health and environmental protection.  相似文献   

In the wake of the Chernobyl nuclear accident and a decline in the public trust of science, the founders of modern biotechnology recognized the strategic importance of risk assessment and regulatory affairs. In an effort to avoid the demonization that was attached to the nuclear industry, the pioneers of modern biotechnology delegated authority for regulatory negotiation and risk management to senior positions in the firm. At the same time, the Biotechnology Industry Organization was handed great latitude and trust with making public pronouncements on issues of bioethics and public policy. The way in which founders and leaders embed norms for negotiating regulation and responding to public perceptions has proved important in the maturation and acceptance of a biotechnology sector.  相似文献   

Whether development is defined by the long-standing economic parameter of per capita gross national product (GNP) or by the newly introduced Human Development Index (HDI), which is not based exclusively on per capita GNP, the countries of sub-Saharan Africa rank at or near the bottom of the developing world. Agriculture and agro-based processing are the mainstays of the economies of the majority of these countries. Because of this, and also because many of the diseases endemic in these countries are communicable, the application of modern biotechnology (including genetic engineering, tissue culture and monoclonal antibody technology) and related biotechnologies could play an important part in creating sustainable development in the region. There is, therefore, an urgent need to train more of the region's indigenous citizens, and to equip more laboratories, in modern biotechnology. It is suggested that, in order to accelerate the harnessing of the fruits of biotechnology, more countries in the region should affiliate with the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB). It is further suggested that a regional equivalent of the ICGEB be built and the services of non-governmental biotechnology organizations used.The author is with Nnamdi Azikiwe University, P. M. B. 5025, Awka, Nigeria. Address correspondence to P. M. B. 1457, Enugu, Nigeria  相似文献   

Knowledge and technology transfer to African institutes is an important objective to help achieve the United Nations Millennium Development Goals. Plant biotechnology in particular enables innovative advances in agriculture and industry, offering new prospects to promote the integration and dissemination of improved crops and their derivatives from developing countries into local markets and the global economy. There is also the need to broaden our knowledge and understanding of cassava as a staple food crop. Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is a vital source of calories for approximately 500 million people living in developing countries. Unfortunately, it is subject to numerous biotic and abiotic stresses that impact on production, consumption, marketability and also local and country economics. To date, improvements to cassava have been led via conventional plant breeding programmes, but with advances in molecular-assisted breeding and plant biotechnology new tools are being developed to hasten the generation of improved farmer-preferred cultivars. In this review, we report on the current constraints to cassava production and knowledge acquisition in Africa, including a case study discussing the opportunities and challenges of a technology transfer programme established between the Mikocheni Agricultural Research Institute in Tanzania and Europe-based researchers. The establishment of cassava biotechnology platform(s) should promote research capabilities in African institutions and allow scientists autonomy to adapt cassava to suit local agro-ecosystems, ultimately serving to develop a sustainable biotechnology infrastructure in African countries.  相似文献   

在分析微生物发酵生产二元酸的代谢机理和相关酶系的基础上 ,对基因工程、代谢调控等现代生物技术在长链二元酸发酵菌种改良中应用的最新进展进行了全面的综述 ,对如何将传统的微生物发酵与现代生物技术有机结合作了简要讨论。  相似文献   

This paper compares the regulation of biotechnology in Britain, Germany and the United States and shows that systematic differences have developed around four issues: abortion, assisted reproduction, stem cells, and genetically modified crops and foods. Policy choices with respect to these issues reflect the capacity of each nation's regulatory institutions to deal with the scientific, social and ethical uncertainties around biotechnology. National regulatory frameworks constitute an apparatus of collective sense-making through which governments and publics interpret biotechnology's risks and promises. Specifically, regulatory choices position the novel ontologies created by biotechnology either on the side of the familiar and manageable or on the side of the unknown and insupportably risky. The comparison shows that public responses to biotechnology are embedded within robust and coherent political cultures and are not ad hoc expressions of concern that very unpredictably from issue to issue.  相似文献   

Africa is a continent with abundant, diverse and un-exploited renewable energy resources that are yet to be used for improving the livelihood of the vast majority of the population. The production of biogas via anaerobic digestion of large quantities of agricultural residues, municipal wastes and industrial waste(water) would benefit African society by providing a clean fuel in the form of biogas from renewable feedstocks and help end energy poverty. Biogas technology can serve as a means to overcome energy poverty, which poses a constant barrier to economic development in Africa. Anaerobic digestion of the large quantities of municipal, industrial and agricultural solid waste in developing countries present environmental conditions that make use of anaerobic biotechnology extremely favourable under perspective of sustainable development. However, the use of biogas is not widespread in Africa. There are many reasons of economic, technical and non-technical nature for the marginal use of biogas in Africa. The key issue for biogas technology in Africa is to understand why large scale-up has not occurred despite demonstration by several programmes of the viability and effectiveness of biogas plants. This article provides knowledge-based review of biogas technology status, constraints and prospects in Africa. In addition, recommendations to overcome the technological and non-technological challenges to commercialise biogas are discussed. Recommendations for large scale adoption for biogas technology include establishing national institutional framework, increasing research and development, education and training and providing loans and subsidies and major policy shift in the energy sector. The conclusion is that biogas technology must be encouraged, promoted, invested, researched, demonstrated and implemented in Africa.  相似文献   

The C4 grass Zea mays (maize or corn) is the third most important food crop globally after wheat and rice in terms of production and the second most widespread genetically modified (GM) crop, after soybean. Its demand is predicted to increase by 45% by the year 2020. In sub-Saharan Africa, tropical maize has traditionally been the main staple of the diet, 95% of the maize grown is consumed directly as human food and as an important source of income for the resource—poor rural population. However, its growth, development and production are greatly affected by environmental stresses such as drought and salinization. In this respect, food security in tropical sub-Saharan Africa is increasingly dependent on continuous improvement of tropical maize through conventional breeding involving improved germplasm, greater input of fertilizers, irrigation, and production of two or more crops per year on the same piece of land. Integration of advances in biotechnology, genomic research, and molecular marker applications with conventional plant breeding practices opens tremendous avenues for genetic modifications and fundamental research in tropical maize. The ability to transfer genes into this agronomically important crop might enable improvement of the species with respect to enhanced characteristics, such as enriched nutritional quality, high yield, resistance to herbicides, diseases, viruses, and insects, and tolerance to drought, salt, and flooding. These improvements in tropical maize will ultimately enhance global food production and human health. Molecular approaches to modulate drought stress tolerance are discussed for sub-Saharan Africa, but widely applicable to other tropical genotypes in Central and Latin America. This review highlights abiotic constraints that affect growth, development and production of tropical maize and subsequently focuses on the mechanisms that regulate drought stress tolerance in maize. Biotechnological approaches to manage abiotic stress tolerance in maize will be discussed. The current status of tropical maize transformation using Agrobacterium as a vehicle for DNA transfer is emphasized. This review also addresses the present status of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) regulation in sub-Saharan Africa.  相似文献   

Mathematical models of cell cycle regulation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The cell division cycle is a fundamental process of cell biology and a detailed understanding of its function, regulation and other underlying mechanisms is critical to many applications in biotechnology and medicine. Since a comprehensive analysis of the molecular mechanisms involved is too complex to be performed intuitively, mathematical and computational modelling techniques are essential. This paper is a review and analysis of recent approaches attempting to model cell cycle regulation by means of protein-protein interaction networks.  相似文献   

The VIRCA (Virus Resistant Cassava for Africa) project is a collaborative program between the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, USA the National Crops Resources Research Institute, Uganda and the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute, Kenya. VIRCA is structured to include all aspects of the intellectual property, technology, regulatory, biosafety, quality control, communication and distribution components required for a GM crop development and delivery process. VIRCA's goal is to improve cassava for resistance to the viral diseases cassava brown streak disease (CBSD) and cassava mosaic disease (CMD) using pathogen-derived RNAi technology, and to field test, obtain regulatory approval for and deliver these products to small landholder farmers. During Phase I of the project, proof of concept was achieved by production and testing of virus resistant plants under greenhouse and confined field trials in East Africa. In VIRCA Phase II, two farmer-preferred varieties will be modified for resistance to CBSD and CMD, and lead events identified after molecular and field screening. In addition to delivery of royalty-free improved planting materials for farmers, VIRCA capacity building activities are enhancing indigenous capability for crop biotechnology in East Africa.  相似文献   

基因编辑技术自问世以来就一直作为生物技术领域的研究热点。基因编辑工具成簇的规律间隔短回文重复序列及其相关系统(CRISPR/Cas系统)具有特异性、简便性和灵活性等优点,为研究人员提供了丰富的遗传操作工具,也让CRISPR/Cas系统的应用在多种生物中得到了飞速发展。特别是将转录激活因子与失活的Cas蛋白结合,可在RNA转录水平实现基因表达特异性调控,为生物技术在医学研究及农业领域的发展做出了重要的贡献。外源基因的过表达是验证基因功能和基因调控的常用方法,然而由于载体容量的限制难以实现多基因过表达。基于CRISPR/Cas9激活系统可在不同向导RNA的引导下对多个基因进行调控,实现调控水平验证基因功能。本文通过对CRISPR/Cas9激活系统组成及不同激活策略进行总结,整理针对过度激活的解决方案,为CRISPR/Cas9激活系统应用于棉花遗传改良及除草剂抗性研究提供更多参考。  相似文献   

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