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We have determined the sequences of 5S rRNA and spliced leader (SL) RNA genes, and adjacent intergenic regions for representatives of all known trypanosomatid genera parasitizing insects. The genetic loci have been analyzed separately as well as by a combined approach. Several isolates, assigned by morphology to different genera (Leptomonas spp., Blastocrithidia spp.), seem to belong to a single species with an unexpectedly wide host and geographical range. An unnamed trypanosomatid isolated from rats in Egypt was found to belong to the genus Herpetomonas, so far associated with insect hosts only. It is closely related to Herpetomonas ztiplika, a parasite of a blood-sucking biting midge. Apparently several different trypanosomatid species can infect one insect species, as exemplified by Leptomonas sp. PL and Wallaceina sp. Wsd, which were isolated from different specimens of Salda littoralis on the same locality and day. However, since the same species of Leptomonas was obtained from insect hosts belonging to different genera, some insect trypanosomatids may have low host specificity. Our data revealed additional discrepancies between molecular phylogenetic data and cell morphology, rendering current trypanosomatid taxonomy unreliable.  相似文献   

We determined small subunit ribosomal DNA sequences from three parabasalid species, Trichomitus batrachorum strain R105, Tetratrichomonas gallinarum, and Pentatrichomonas hominis belonging to the Trichomonadinae subfamily. Unrooted molecular phylogenetic trees inferred by distance, parsimony, and likelihood methods reveal four discrete clades among the parabasalids. The Trichomonadinae form a robust monophyletic group. Within this subfamily T. gallinarum is closely related to Trichomonas species as supported by morphological data, with P. hominis and Pseudotrypanosoma giganteum occupying basal positions. Our analysis does not place T. batrachorum within the Trichomonadinae. Trichomitus batrachorum (strains R105 and BUB) and Hypotrichomonas acosta form a well-separated cluster, suggesting the genus Trichomitus is polyphyletic. The emergence of T. batrachorum precedes the Trichomonadinae-Tritrichomonadinae dichotomy, emphasizing its pivotal evolutionary position among the Trichomonadidae. A third cluster unites the Devescovinidae and the Calonymphidae. The fourth clade contains the three hypermastigid sequences from the genus Trichonympha, which exhibit the earliest emergence among the parabasalids. The addition of these three new parabasalid species did not however resolve ambiguities regarding the relative branching order of the parabasalid clades. The phylogenetic positions of Tritrichomonas faetus, Monocercomonas sp., Dientamoeba fragilis, and the unidentified Reticulitermes flavipes gut symbiont 1 remain unclear.  相似文献   

Diversity and phylogeny of rhizobia   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:21  

The existing taxonomy of Euryalida, one of the two orders of the Ophiuroidea (Echinodermata), is uncertain and characterized by controversial delimitation of taxonomic ranks from genus to family-level. Their phylogeny was not studied in detail until now. We investigated a dataset of sequence from a mitochondrial gene (16S rRNA) and two nucleic genes (18S rRNA and 28S rRNA) for 49 euryalid ophiuroids and four outgroup species from the order Ophiurida.The monophyly of the order Euryalida was supported as was the monophyly of Asteronychidae, Gorgonocephalidae and an Asteroschematidae + Euryalidae clade. However, the group currently known as the Asteroschematidae was paraphyletic with respect to the Euryalidae. The Asteroschematidae + Euryalidae clade, which we recognise as an enlarged Euryalidae, contains three natural groups: the Asteroschematinae (Asteroschema and Ophiocreas), a new subfamily Astrocharinae (Astrocharis) and the Euryalinae with remaining genera. These subfamilies can be distinguished by internal ossicle morphology.  相似文献   

Molecular phylogeny of Drosophila based on ribosomal RNA sequences   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Nucleotide sequences of 72 species of Drosophilidae were determined for divergent D1 and D2 domains (representing 200 and 341 nucleotides respectively in D. melanogaster) of large ribosomal RNA, using the rRNA direct sequencing method. Molecular phylogenetic trees were reconstructed using both distance and parsimony methods and the robustness of the nodes was evaluated by the bootstrap procedure. The trees obtained by these methods revealed four main lineages or clades which do not correspond to the taxonomical hierarchy. In our results, the genus Chymomyza is associated with the subgenus Scaptodrosophila of the genus Drosophila and their cluster constitutes the most ancient clade. The two other clades are constituted of groups belonging to the subgenus Sophophora of the genus Drosophila: the so-called Neotropical clade including the willistoni and saltans groups and the obscura-melanogaster clade itself split into three lineages: (1) obscura group + ananassae subgroup, (2) montium subgroup, and (3) melanogaster + Oriental subgroups. The fourth clade, the Drosophila one, contains three lineages. D. polychaeta, D. iri, and D. fraburu are branched together and constitute the most ancient lineage; the second lineage includes the annulimana, bromeliae, dreyfusi, melanica, mesophragmatica, repleta, robusta, and virilis groups. The third lineage is composed of the immigrans and the cardini, funebris, guaramunu, guarani, histrio, pallidipennis, quinaria, and tripunctata groups. The genera Samoaia, Scaptomyza, and Zaprionus are branched within the Drosophila clade. Although these four clades appear regularly in almost all tree calculations, additional sequencing will be necessary to determine their precise relationships.Correspondence to: M. Pelandakis  相似文献   

Summary In order to study the organization of the ribosomal RNA genes of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae the rRNA genes were cloned in phage vectors EMBL3 and EMBL4. By subcloning the restriction fragments into various plasmids and analysing the resulting clones by Southern and Northern blot hybridization, a restriction map of the rRNA genes was generated and the organization of the rRNA genes was determined. The results show that the genes for the 16S and 23S rRNAs are closely spaced and occur only once in the genome, whereas the 5S rRNA gene is separated from the other two genes by more than 4 kb.  相似文献   

In this study, we surveyed six species of cockroaches, two synanthropic (i.e. ecologically associated with humans) and four wild, for intestinal trypanosomatid infections. Only the wild cockroach species were found to be infected, with flagellates of the genus Herpetomonas. Two distinct genotypes were documented, one of which was described as a new species, Herpetomonas tarakana sp. n. We also propose a revision of the genus Herpetomonas and creation of a new subfamily, Phytomonadinae, to include Herpetomonas, Phytomonas, and a newly described genus Lafontella n. gen. (type species Lafontella mariadeanei comb. n.), which can be distinguished from others by morphological and molecular traits.  相似文献   

A comprehensive molecular analysis of the phylogenetic relationships within the Heterotrichea including all described families is still lacking. For this reason, the complete nuclear small subunit (SSU) rDNA was sequenced from further representatives of the Blepharismidae and the Stentoridae. In addition, the SSU rDNA of a new, undescribed species of the genus Condylostomides (Condylostomatidae) was sequenced. The detailed phylogenetic analyses revealed a consistent branching pattern: while the terminal branches are generally well resolved, the basal relationships remain unsolved. Moreover, the data allow some conclusions about the macronuclear evolution within the genera Blepharisma, Stentor, and Spirostomum suggesting that a single, compact macronucleus represents the ancestral state.  相似文献   

中国沙塘鳢属鱼类线粒体12S rRNA基因序列分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
沙塘鳢属鱼类为东亚特有的小型淡水经济鱼类,中国产沙塘鳢属鱼类分类问题长期存在争议。本文测定了中国产沙塘鳢属鱼类全部种类的线粒体12S rRNA基因部分序列,结合GenBank中下载的2种日本沙塘鳢属鱼类和塘鳢科鱼类同源序列,探讨中国产4种沙塘鳢属鱼类的物种有效性,分析沙塘鳢属鱼类的系统发育关系。作者所使用的同源序列长度为690bp,其中变异位点258个,简约信息位点201个,包括插入/缺失位点34个,转换/颠换平均值为3.0,表明12S rRNA基因是研究沙塘鳢属鱼类系统发育关系的合适分子标记。基于p-distance模型的6种沙塘鳢属鱼类种内遗传距离为0.000—0.024,种间遗传距离为0.058—0.064,支持暗色沙塘鳢和中华沙塘鳢为不同种,中国产沙塘鳢属鱼类包括中华沙塘鳢、河川沙塘鳢、海丰沙塘鳢、鸭绿江沙塘鳢4个种的观点;至于中国还有没有新的沙塘鳢属鱼类,尚有待进一步研究。系统发育分析表明海丰海塘鳢是河川沙塘鳢的姐妹群,暗色沙塘鳢与O.hikimius的亲缘关系最为密切,而同属其余类群之间的系统发育关系则由于自展数据支持率较低而尚不明确。中国产沙塘鳢和日本产沙塘鳢并未单独分群,推测沙塘鳢属鱼类的共同原始祖先可能广泛分布于中国、朝鲜和日本等东亚地区,约在4.9—6.5百万年前的上新世开始分化,系统发育过程比较适合离散假说。  相似文献   

The genomes of Trypanosoma brucei, Trypanosoma cruzi and Leishmania major have been sequenced, but the phylogenetic relationships of these three protozoa remain uncertain. We have constructed trypanosomatid phylogenies based on genes for glycosomal glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase (gGAPDH) and small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA). Trees based on gGAPDH nucleotide and amino acid sequences (51 taxa) robustly support monophyly of genus Trypanosoma, which is revealed to be a relatively late-evolving lineage of the family Trypanosomatidae. Other trypanosomatids, including genus Leishmania, branch paraphyletically at the base of the trypanosome clade. On the other hand, analysis of the SSU rRNA gene data produced equivocal results, as trees either robustly support or reject monophyly depending on the range of taxa included in the alignment. We conclude that the SSU rRNA gene is not a reliable marker for inferring deep level trypanosome phylogeny. The gGAPDH results support the hypothesis that trypanosomes evolved from an ancestral insect parasite, which adapted to a vertebrate/insect transmission cycle. This implies that the switch from terrestrial insect to aquatic leech vectors for fish and some amphibian trypanosomes was secondary. We conclude that the three sequenced pathogens, T. brucei, T. cruzi and L. major, are only distantly related and have distinct evolutionary histories.  相似文献   

The first comprehensive cladistic analysis of Reduviidae, the assassin bugs, based on molecular data is presented and discussed in the context of a recently-published morphological analysis. Assassin bugs are essential components of ecosystems, but also important in agriculture and medicine. Sampling included 94 taxa (89 Reduviidae, 5 outgroups) in 15 subfamilies and 24 tribes of Reduviidae and is based on 3300 base pairs of mitochondrial (16S) and nuclear (18S, 28SD2, 28SD3-5) ribosomal DNA. Partitions of the dataset were aligned using different algorithms implemented in MAFFT and the combined dataset was analyzed using parsimony, partitioned maximum likelihood and partitioned Bayesian criteria. Clades recovered in all analyses, independent of alignment and analytical method, comprise: Cimicomorpha and Reduviidae; Hammacerinae; Harpactorinae; Apiomerini; Peiratinae; Phymatinae; Salyavatinae; Triatominae; Phymatinae + Holoptilinae; the higher Reduviidae (Reduviidae excluding Hammacerinae and the Phymatine Complex); Ectrichodiinae + Tribelocephalinae; (Triatominae + Zelurus) + Stenopodainae. Hammacerinae are rejected as sister group to all remaining Reduviidae in all analyses, as is the monophyly of Reduviinae, Emesinae and Harpactorini. High support values for Triatominae imply that blood-feeding has evolved only once within Reduviidae. Stenopodainae and part of Reduviinae are discussed as close relatives to Triatominae.  相似文献   

The Myxogastria are common soil microorganisms with a life cycle comprised of a plasmodial trophic stage and large fruiting bodies generally visible with the unaided eye. Until now, their classification has been based exclusively on a combination of morphological, ultrastructural, and developmental characters. Our study is the first attempt to examine phylogenetic relationships among these taxa using molecular data. Partial small-subunit ribosomal RNA and/or elongation factor 1-alpha gene sequences were obtained from eleven, mostly field-collected species representing the five orders of Myxogastria. Nineteen sequences were obtained and subjected to phylogenetic analysis together with 10 sequences available from GenBank. Separate and combined analyses of the two data sets support the division of Myxogastria into three distinct groups. The most basal clade consists of the Echinosteliales, an order considered to have affinities with Protostelia. The three species examined possess unpigmented or slightly pigmented spores. The second group consists of Liceales and Trichiales, taxa characterized by the presence of clear, but pigmented, spores. The third group consists of the two remaining orders, Physarales and Stemonitales, both possessing dark spores. This suggests that spore pigmentation is an evolutionarily conservative character in myxogastrians, and that the simple morphology of echinostelids is not a derived feature.  相似文献   

Abstract Three phyletic groups of Borrelia associated with Lyme disease, B. burgdorferi, B. garinii and group VS461 can be distinguished from each other and other species of Borrelia by Bfa I restriction site polymorphisms in PCR amplified 16S rRNA genes. One strain isolated from an Ixodes pacificus tick in California that was previously unclassifiable was distinguishable from B. burgdorferi by an Mnl I restriction site polymorphism.  相似文献   

Small subunit rRNA gene sequences were identified without cultivation from parabasalid symbionts of termites belonging to the hypermastigid orders Trichonymphida (the genera Hoplonympha, Staurojoenina, Teranympha, and Eucomonympha) and Spirotrichonymphida (Spirotrichonymphella), and from four yet-unidentified parabasalid symbionts of the termite Incisitermes minor. All these new sequences were analyzed by Bayesian, likelihood, and parsimony methods in a broad phylogeny including all identified parabasalid sequences available in databases and some as yet unidentified sequences probably derived from hypermastigids. A salient point of our study focused on hypermastigids was the polyphyly of this class. We also noted a clear dichotomy between Trichonymphida and the other parabasalid taxa. However, this hypermastigid order was apparently polyphyletic, probably reflecting its morphological diversity. Among Trichonymphida, Teranympha (Teranymphidae) grouped together with the members of the family Eucomonymphidae, suggesting that its family status is ambiguous. The monophyletic lineage composed by Spirotrichonymphida exhibited a narrower branching pattern than Trichonymphida. The root of parabasalids was examined but could not be discerned accurately.  相似文献   

A fragment of the ammonia monooxygenase gene (amoA) from 31 strains of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) was sequenced and analysed phylogenetically. The results were compared with the phylogeny of 16S rDNA from AOB. For most groups of AOB we found a high consistency between the phylogenetic trees based on the 16S rDNA and amoA sequences. Although it is not a phylogenetic marker, using the amoA as a probe when studying microbial diversity will probably reduce the amount of non-AOB detected, compared to using rDNA based probes. The data presented in this paper extend and improve the basis for application of amoA in studies of AOB in the environment.  相似文献   

There is no current comprehensive assessment of the molecular phylogeny of the coccidia, as all recently published papers either deal with subsets of the taxa or sequence data, or provide non-robust analyses. Here, we present a comprehensive and consistent phylogenetic analysis of the available data for the small-subunit ribosomal RNA gene sequence, including a number of taxa not previously studied, based on a Bayesian tree-building analysis and the covariotide model of evolution. The assumptions of the analysis have been rigorously tested, and the benefits and limitations highlighted. Our results provide support for a number of prior conclusions, including the monophyly of the families Sarcocystidae (cyst-forming coccidia) and Eimeriidae (oocyst-forming coccidia), but with bird-host Isospora species in the Eimeriidae and mammal-host species in the Sarcocystidae. However, it is clear that a number of previously reported relationships are dependent on the evolutionary model chosen, such as the placements of Goussia janae, Lankesterella minimia and Caryospora bigenetica. Our results also confirm the monophyly of the subfamilies Toxoplasmatinae and Sarcocystinae, but only some of the previously reported groups within these subfamilies are supported by our analysis. Similarly, only some of the previously reported groups within the Eimeriidae are supported by our analysis, and the genus Eimeria is clearly paraphyletic. There are unambiguous patterns of host-parasite relationship within the coccidia, as most of the well-supported groups have a consistent and restricted range of hosts, with the exception of the Toxoplasmatinae. Furthermore, the previously reported groups for which we found no support all have a diverse range of unrelated hosts, confirming that these are unlikely to be natural groups. The most interesting unaddressed questions may relate to Isospora, which has the fewest available sequences and host-parasite relationships apparently not as straightforward as elsewhere within the suborder.  相似文献   

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