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Summary The intersegmental muscles in the metamorphosing silkmothAntheraea polyphemus were examined by two electron cytochemical procedures for demonstration of calcium compartmentation during the two-day period of degeneration after emergence. Muscle fibres were treated with either oxalate—pyroantimonate, or phosphate—pyroantimonate procedures. The elemental composition of the reaction product arising from the oxalate procedure was determined with electron probe X-ray microanalysis of unstained thin sections by energy dispersive spectrometry and wavelength dispersive spectrometry. The wavelength dispersive data revealed high peaks of calcium and antimony in the electron-dense precipitates. No reaction was obtained in muscles after treatment with the phosphate—pyroantimonate method.Shortly after the emergence of the moth, very few calcium deposits were found in the mitochondria, which also contained amorphous matrix densities. During the rapid lytic phase (17 and 30 h after ecdysis), the mitochondria, autophagic vacuoles sequestering mitochondria, and lysosomal dense bodies issuing from the latter were highly reactive in each muscle fibre.These results demonstrate that the collapse of tracheae (hypoxic conditions) is correlated with the calcium overload of mitochondria when the cell calcium homeostasis is apparently lost. Such calcium overload of the mitochondria appears to cause irreversible damage to these organelles which are then sequestered in autophagic vacuoles. This mitochondrial autophagic process leads to calcium translocation into a lysosomal compartment. We suggest that the calcium lysosomal stores may have a transient function of cell detoxification and stimulation of calcium-dependent degradative processes prior to the final muscle collapse.  相似文献   

Calcium was detected in CaCl (10 m M )-pretreated roots of Zea mays L. (cv. LG 11) by means of electron probe X-ray microanalysis with energy-dispersive spectrometry (EDS) using embedded samples, fixed by the antimonate staining procedure. A high level of calcium was found where large amounts of antimonate precipitates were observed by light or transmission electron microscopy. In the elongation zone, after 20 h in humid air following a 2 h CaCl2 pretreatment, the level of calcium was higher in trichoblasts than in atrichoblasts. In these cells it was detected mainly in the walls and nucleus, and antimonate staining was observed in the walls. Abundant precipitates containing calcium were associated with the nucleus, vacuoles, mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum of non-differentiated cells, whereas they were confined to the walls of these cells just after the CaCl2 pretreatment. The involvement of calcium in the formation of root hairs is discussed.  相似文献   

Discophrya collini is a free-living suctorian with tentacles which can be induced to contract by means of a range of experimental stimuli, including the application of CaCl2 and MgCl2 but not BaCl2. X-ray microanalysis of glutaraldehydeonly fixed cells shows Ca to be present in the cytoplasmic ground substance and elongate dense bodies (EDB). In 10?1 M CaCl2-treated cells, calcium levels remain unchanged except for a three-fold increase in the EDB. Treatment of cells with 10?1 M MgCl2 and 10?1 M BaCl2 does not result in their detection in the cell. It is suggested that EDB may act as reservoirs controlling levels of calcium.  相似文献   

Individual spontaneously degenerating fibers of moths have been examined successively by electrophysiological and ultrastructural techniques. The correlations observed by this method have revealed two phases of lysis. The first lytic phase begins at or before the ecdysis of the moth. It is characterized by a probable but occult respiratory lesion, normal movement of the ions across the plasma membrane, and limited degradation of myofilaments and autophagy of mitochondria. There are nevertheless early degenerative changes in the Z-band and a slight swelling of the T system. The second lytic phase is introduced, at approximately 15 hr after ecdysis, by collapse of the tracheal airways. The collapse of the tracheae is followed within 2 or 3 hr by a drastic reduction of input resistance, depolarization of the fiber, and loss of contractility. The rate of proteolysis increases, and the remaining myofilaments lose all structural identity by the twentieth hour. During this period of rapid change, the electron density of the reticular portion of the dyads decreases before a compactive process increases their opacity. Neural elements degenerate secondarily. The early lytic phases are apparently non-lysosomal for the myofilaments, although organelles such as mitochondria, ribosomes, and glycogen are destroyed in autophagic vacuoles. Elimination of oxygen and collapse of the resting potential, with the presumed equilibration of intracellular ionic content, provokes a rapid dissolution of the myofilament, with continued autophagic elimination of the organelles.  相似文献   

In Rhodnius prolixus, after the imaginal molt, the intersegmental muscles completely lose their contractile material, and are transformed into thin strands containing nuclei. It is possible that these muscular strands are finally pinched off as mononucleated myoblasts. These residual muscles apparently maintain a normal innervation--which persists to the end of the imago's life. Moreover, they appear to show some aspects of synthetic activity after the adult has been fed: in this case, there is a growth of the 'rough endoplasmic reticulum' and elaboration of specialized fibrous inclusions.  相似文献   

Summary Calcium localization was demonstrated in bovine longissimus muscle using the antimonate precipitation technique in combination with electron probe X-ray microanalysis. Samples were taken each hour during the first 24 h post-mortem, and then after a storage period of 8 and 15 days. For all sampling times analysed, heavy precipitates were seen in dense parts of nuclei and on N-lines of myofibrils. Up to 18–20 h post-mortem, deposits were observed in sarcoplasmic reticulum at the level of triads. In comparison with the earlier post-mortem samples, myoplasmic precipitates were strongly increased at 4 h post-mortem, and just before rigor onset, at 19 h where intermyofibrillar spaces were completely blackened and triads were no more visible. These localizations of precipitates were still observed up to 15 days post-mortem. At these storage times, myofibril disruptions were seen at the level of N-lines. Wavelength-dispersive and energy-dispersive spectrometric analyses indicated that significant amounts of calcium occurred in the dense precipitates observed.  相似文献   

Programmed cell death: alive and well in the new millennium   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
Research performed over the past decade has transformed apoptosis from a distinctive form of cell death known only by its characteristic morphology and genomic destruction to an increasingly well understood cellular disassembly pathway remarkable for its complex and multifaceted regulation. Here, we summarize current understanding of apoptotic events, note recent advances in this field and identify questions that might help guide research in the coming years.  相似文献   

Different cell death pathways were investigated during bleaching in the sea anemone Aiptasia sp. in response to hyperthermic treatment. Using a suite of techniques, (haematoxylin and eosin staining of paraffin wax-embedded tissue sections, in-situ end labelling (ISEL) of fragmented DNA, agarose gel electrophoresis electron microscopy) both necrotic and programmed cell death (PCD) activity were indicated. After a treatment period of 4 days, the host endoderm tissues underwent necrotic cell death. This was indicated by widespread cellular degradation, dilation of cell cytoplasm and organelles, cell swelling and rupture, irregular pyknotic condensation of nuclear chromatin, and abundant cell debris. Host cell necrosis was associated with the release of zooxanthellae with a normal, healthy appearance into the coelenteron. Longer periods of hyperthermic treatment (7 days) were correlated with further animal cell degradation and the in-situ degradation of zooxanthellae remaining within the degraded endoderm. Within the same degraded endoderm tissue, the degradation of zooxanthellae resulted from two forms of cell death occurring simultaneously, which were identified as programmed cell death and cell necrosis. Programmed cell death of zooxanthellae was characterised by condensation of the cytoplasm and organelles, cell shrinkage, formation of accumulation bodies at the periphery of the cell wall, and DNA fragmentation. Cell necrosis of zooxanthellae was characterised by dilation of the cytoplasm and organelles, cell swelling and lysis, dispersion of cell component debris, and DNA fragmentation. The existence of a programmed cell death pathway within zooxanthellae is important to the understanding of coral bleaching events, raising interesting questions regarding the evolution of this process and the activation of the cellular trigger mechanisms involved.  相似文献   

Programmed cell death (PCD) by apoptosis is a physiological mechanism by which cells are eliminated during embryonic and post-embryonic stages of animal life cycle. During asexual reproduction, the zooids of colonial ascidians originate from an assorted cell population instead of a single zygote, so that we assume that regulation of the equilibrium among proliferation, differentiation and cell death may follow different pathways in comparison to the embryonic development. Here we investigate the presence of apoptotic events throughout the blastogenetic life cycle of the colonial ascidian Botryllus schlosseri, by means of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP Nick End Labeling (TUNEL) coupled with histochemical and electron microscopy techniques. The occurrence of low levels of morphogenetic cell death suggests that, in contrast to what happens during sexual development (embryogenesis and metamorphosis), apoptosis does not play a pivotal role during asexual propagation in botryllid ascidian. Nevertheless, PCD emerges as a key force to regulate homeostasis in adult zooids and to shape and modulate the growth of the whole colony.  相似文献   

The concept that activation of cellular pathways of programmed cell death (PCD) may lead to the death of neurons has been an important hypothesis for adult neurodegenerative diseases. For Parkinson's disease (PD), up until now, the evidence for this hypothesis has largely been of two types: clear evidence of a role for PCD in neurotoxin models of the disease, and somewhat controversial evidence from human postmortem studies. With the rapid pace of discoveries in recent years of the genetic basis of PD, a new form of evidence has emerged. The prevailing concept of the role for PCD in PD has been that its mediators are 'downstream' effectors of more proximate and specific causes related to genetic or environmental factors. However, recent studies of three genes which cause autosomal recessive forms of parkinsonism, parkin, PTEN-induced kinase, and DJ-1, suggest that they may have more intimate relationships with the mediators of PCD and that loss-of-function mutations may result in an increased propensity for neurons to die. Intriguingly, independent studies of the function of these genes have suggested that they may share roles in regulating survival signaling pathways, such as those mediated by the survival signaling kinase Akt. Further elucidation of these relationships will have implications for the pathogenesis and neuroprotective treatment of PD.  相似文献   

Electrophysiological properties of the hypotrichous ciliate Stylonychia mytilus were studied at two stages of its cell cycle: within 30 min after cell division and several hours thereafter. The action potential wave form, and the relative amount of two voltage-dependent calcium inward currents are significantly different in 'young' daughter cells as compared with 'adult' cells. The ratio between total inward and outward current is also larger in 'young' cells. The results provide evidence that during its cell cycle Stylonychia undergoes qualitative developmental changes with respect to its ionic channels in the membrane. These changes may explain the different cell behaviour observed up to 1 h after cell division.  相似文献   

The apical ganglion (AG) of larval caenogastropods, such as Ilyanassa obsoleta, houses a sensory organ, contains five serotonergic neurons, innervates the muscular and ciliary components of the velum, and sends neurites into a neuropil that lies atop the cerebral commissure. During metamorphosis, the AG is lost. This loss had been postulated to occur through some form of programmed cell death (PCD), but it is possible for cells within the AG to be respecified or to migrate into adjacent ganglia. Evidence from histological sections is supported by results from a terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) assay, which indicate that cells of the AG degenerate by PCD. PCD occurs after metamorphic induction by serotonin or by inhibition of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) activity. Cellular degeneration and nuclear condensation and loss were observed within 12 h of metamorphic induction by NOS inhibition and occur before loss of the velar lobes, the ciliated tissue used for larval swimming and feeding. Velar disintegration happens more rapidly after metamorphic induction by serotonin than by 7-nitroindazole, a NOS inhibitor. Loss of the AG was complete by 72 h after induction. Spontaneous loss of the AG in older competent larvae may arise from a natural decrease in endogenous NOS activity, giving rise to the tendency of aging larvae to display spontaneous metamorphosis in culture.  相似文献   

Summary We demonstrated that alkaline phosphatase was localized on the cell membrane ofDictyostelium discoideum amebae and on isolated plasma membranes. The enzyme activity was specifically inhibited by 0.01 M KCN or cysteine. The same method could also be applied to baker's yeast and MDCK cells (dog kidney cells in vitro).  相似文献   

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